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Hello everyone, during my first visit to Lok Adalat at the Patiala House

Court as part of the Legal Aid society of our prestigious college

Campus Law Center, I experienced a unique alternative dispute
resolution mechanism. Lok Adalat, meaning "People's Court," is
designed to provide a speedy and informal resolution to legal
disputes. Unlike traditional courts, Lok Adalats encourage parties to
settle their issues amicably through mediation and negotiation.

Upon arriving at the Patiala House Court, I observed a more relaxed

and collaborative atmosphere compared to a regular courtroom. The
proceedings were led by working as well as retired judges and legal
experts. The focus was on resolving disputes through consensus rather
than through adversarial litigation.

Cases brought before the Lok Adalat spanned various legal areas,
including civil (including arbitration), MACT, Plea-Bargaining, Pre-
litigative, Benches for NBT Traffic Challans and family matters. The
emphasis was on reaching a compromise that satisfied both parties,
with the goal of promoting harmony and reducing the backlog of
cases in the traditional court system.

Witnessing the Lok Adalat process highlighted the importance of

communication and cooperation in resolving disputes. The informal
setting and the involvement of neutral third parties allowed for a more
open dialogue between the disputing parties, fostering a sense of
community-driven justice.

Overall, my first visit to Lok Adalat at the Patiala House Court was an
eye-opening experience, showcasing an alternative approach to
dispute resolution that prioritizes collaboration, efficiency, and
community involvement.
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ming #learning #communication #network #creativity #civil #lawy
erlife #lawyer #lawstudent #lawseekho #lawyers #lawinternship
#successhabits #successmindset #lawschool #lawschool
#firstgeneration #firstgenerationlawyer

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