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The writer found a small congregation of Hungarians beneath a 5 of Desplaines's tiver and it.was a revelation to the writer when. he underst PARAGRAPH ANSWERS oa Explain the narrator's experience in finding out what happiness is ? -Ans:The poem Happiness is written by Carl August Sandburg. It is a part of his collection of ‘Chicago Songs. He is a famous American poet and winner of three Pulitzer Prizes. He is his biography of Abraham Lincoln, : The poem ‘Happiness, by Carl Sandburg, conveys a beautiful message. It is extracted from | collection of poems, Chicago songs. The poem is an expression of the narrators search for wh happiness is and his ultimate realization. in vain. Even the top executives are consulted, but he gets no answer, One Sunday — , _ wanders along a river. He comes across a group of Hungarians along with their women and chi close to our near and dear in the lap of nature. Happiness is not wealth or success or fame, 2. Seeing helps one better in understanding than listening to justify the statement with reference fp the poem Happiness. Ans:The poem Happiness is written by Carl August Sandburg. This poem is extracted from his colle of poems, Chicago Songs. He is a famous American poet and winner of three Pulitzer Prizes. popular for his biography of Abraham Lincoln. Professors, who teach the essence of life. But unfortunately, he was disappointed by their reply turmed to the executives who exercise their power over thousands of employees, assuming that could provide the answer. He was not happy with their answers and they even seemed to suspect hi intentions. One day, as he was wandering by the Desplaines river, he saw a group of Hungarian with their wives and children, an accordion and a keg of beer. Finally he realised that could provide happiness where wealth, success, fame and power failed. He realizes how they happiness in their simple living. ‘ [se 1PE Study Material En terial Oli reste nd for our struggle. So, we sh ) Critical Comment : Success should be the ultimate ¢ ould . tinually even when things go against us, and work towards reversing all the failures 1 bui cont PARAGRAPH ANSWERS i ics - substantiate, 1. Keep going is a classic inspirational poem, claim many critics - sul iat ‘Ans:'Keep Going’ is an inspirational poem. The poet, Edgar Gues! rhymes. He wrote a poem everyday of his life for almost 30 years, volumes. He is regarded as a people's poet who wrote siniple easy to read poems, The poemi has an apt title. Guest, as a people’s poet, has packed in so many fine things to Conv the reader about the benefits of fighting a good fight and sustaining it till victory is achieyeg fe believes that the struggle should be continued in spite of exhaustion or even an emotional ser bec He wants a sincere effort, with an awareness that the hardest blow is followed by victory, It jg 2 lng struggle that has to be sustained with high levels of confidence anda — mind. You should i this way till you gain success, He wants us also to look at the struggle with an optimistic touch in our gaze. His perfect effort in painting such a picture for the readers makes it a highly i inspiration success. t composed his own °xpetiences which were published ag Op ss poem. 2. Life is queer with its twists and turns ...... List a few twists as mentioned in the poem. AnsKeep going’ is an inspirational poem. The poet Edgar Guest composed his own experiences 3s rhymes. He wrote a poem everyday of his life for almost 30 years, which were published as 20 pus volumes. He is regarded as a people's poet who wrote simple easy to read poems. The poem is packed with inspiration in every stanza for the reader. It envelops almost all clases of people since it deals with everyday affairs of life ~ things that generally affect any person. When - the road you've taken seems all uphill could mean you experience one difficulty after the other, Then, he talks of finances that affect all classes of people in various proportions. These things could leave you emotionally drained, so much so that you want to put on a brave front but a sigh escapes you even before you try to smile. Also, somebody who has been a known winner, could suddenly find himself facing failure. A determined man with a fighting spirit may suddenly find himself lacking in confidence. Or else, a known fighter could suddenly give up as he could feel that he has come to the tether’s end- emotionally drained and now even skeptical about things. And after all the skepticism has cleared he may realise that he has narrowly missed the golden crown. These are some of the twists and turns mentioned in the poem. 3. It may be near when it seems afar - what seems afar and why. Ans:'Keep going! is an inspirational poem. The poet Edgar Guest composed his own experiences ’s ‘thymes. He wrote a poem everyday of his life for almost 30 years, which were published as 20 plus volumes. He is regarded as a people's poet who wrote simple easy to read poems. English Ur. IPE Study Material The goal may be nearer when it seems afar. The view is that of the struggler- who at this point of the struggle seems to have grown weak, with the involvement in the task. He may have lost a lot of energy and much of his courage. He could be wavering and staggering in his effort - the physical strain showing on him. The doubts that arise within him now take the better of him as he is emotionally drained out. In such circumstances, than it actually is, his judgement falters and the goal seems much further away 4, An easy - to - read poem Keep - Going is rich both in its content and form. Explain the above statement with examples. ‘Ans:'Keep going’ is an inspirational poem. The poet Edgar Guest composed his own experiences a8 thymes. He wrote a poem everyday of his life for almost 30 years, which ‘were published as 20 plus volumes. He is regarded as a people's poet who wrote simple easy to read poems. The poem, though simple in form is packed with force and meaning. The imagery of life’s everyday experiences simply make you fall in line with the poet's way of thinking, The fighting spirit required to combat troubles and the deep seated despair of a sagging spirit are well brought out throughout the poem. They are also a forewaming to fight a good fight and stay away from being over powerd by doubt, low emotional levels and a failing enthusiasm. This state of mind is aptly coined ‘as the night slipped down’. He wants us to steer clear of diffidence, depression and other such negative emotions. He also makes us understand the magical effect of inspiring, motivational talk to a sagging spirit combating troubles. He also weaves into the message the popular proverb ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’. His highly appreciable comparison drives home the point effectively. The dark clouds are those of doubt and the reversal of the doubts into trust and self confidence leave the silver trail. He also has given a.rhyming effect by utilising the scheme aa, bb, cc in every stanza of the poem. Thus we see that the poem is rich in both content and form. tk TPE Study Material PARAGRAPH ANSWERS “Answer the following questions in about 100 words each. 1. wat does the ay hk of i andparents in ete 7 ‘Ans: ‘Father, Dear Father’ is an excellent satirical essay yee 4 written by a student named Rahul to his father, and was e i syeral pertinent questions about our education §) . ; " anon a grandfather's outlook appealing and agreeable because yee. to is grandfather, studies are secondary and living and experiencing the major subject. His grandfathe: had a care free and beautiful childhood. Days were spent plucking mangoes and guavas from thei, orchards, picnics on the banks of the river where the men cooked anguih warenne food; and Plat marbles and gilli danda. He asked his father very innocently whether his grandfather was lying og the world had tumed topsy-turvy in just about seventy years. Rahul's grandmother is semictitera, But Rahul says that she found happiness in cooking, gardening and reading the scriptures. Rahu) remarks that though they were not educated, they had a Raj Kinger. It unsen le ed in the newspaper ‘The Hin ee beautiful childhood. 2, Write a paragraph on the present day education system as described in Rahul's leter. ‘Ans: ‘Father, Dear Father’ is an excellent satirical essay written by Raj Kinger. It is an unsent letter writen by a student named Rahul to his father, and was published in the newspaper ‘The: Hinda’, i raises several pertinent questions about our education system. ‘ Rahul explains to his father that whatever he learns in the school has no practical application, Pythagoras theorem or Newton's law of gravity is not used in day to day life. He criticizes the present education system which curbs independent thinking and encourages blind adherence to what the teacher says. He admits that his first rank slipped to the second, His father’s advice to think before studying and before answering the questions makes him think. The word think makes him reflect.on several issues including many drawbacks in our education system. Further, Rahul says that the essence of life is not taught to him. He likes to live happily, wishes to understand about many things in nature and feels that education should be practically useful in day- to-day life. 3. What is the attitude of teachers towards learners as illustrated in Father, Dear Father ? Ans: ‘Father, Dear Father" is an excellent satirical essay written by Raj Kinger. It is an’ unsent letter written by a student named Rahul to his father, and was published in the newspaper ‘The Hindu’. It raises several pertinent questions about our education system. Rahul explains to his father that whatever he learns in school has no practical application He narrates the incident in which his Biology teacher was unable to help him with a practical science- related problem. The teacher didn't think that Rahul's question had any relevance in her class: She was angry and asked him to approach the gardener for advice. She,-as a teacher did not caré t0 satisfy the curiosity of a student. Rahul explains that he lost his first rank because of quarter markin t. raises several pertinent questions about-our education system.The letter is written by the son ii E -Tesponse to his father's disappointment regarding his low marks. The father is not friendly with his | son. Rahul longs for acarefree and beautiful life in contrast to a life full of stress and strain as lived: “by his parents. His father was not very happy with the boy's approach to life. He believes i in marks and tank and is not ready to compromise if his son did not live upto his expectations. Rahul tells” his father that overemphasis on studies has taken away all joy from his childhood: He wants his psi @ shott story Playing The Game! was tken from 'My Magazine” written by Arthur ‘English writer, journalist, and educator, He narrates a touching incident in a simple, racy style tha captivates the readers. He gives an account of the ex: iting experiences of Alan, a school boy. Alan was a cricket buff. His parents were thrilled when he was selected for the school cricket team and was about to play in a match. They felt immensely proud of their son. They always encouraged him and wished him to do his best. Alan's father was equally excited as Alan was over the match. He said that Ala was shaping well. Alan had practised bowling with his father for weeks — together. Alan's father helped him-a lot to perfect his skills. He loved his son so much that he promised to buy him a bicycle if his team won the match. The excitement of Alan and Parents are portrayed well in the story. 2. Narrate the feelings of Alan as he was not able to reach the ground in time after meeting the oldman on his way ? Ans:The short story ‘Playing The Game’ was taken from "My Magazine" written by Arthur Henry Mee, an English writer, journalist, and educator. He narrates a touching incident in a simple, racy style that captivates the readers. He gives an account of the exciting experiences of Alan, a school boy. While Alan was on his way to the playground, he saw an oldman leaning heavily on his stick. He wanted to help the poor man. He supported the oldman with his sturdy, litle arm, But the oldman stumbled over a loose stone. Alan was getting worried as he had to reach the ground on time to play the match. All his thoughts were preoccupied by the happenings in the cricket field. He tried to explain this to the oldman but he didn't seem to hear, The minutes seemed like hours for him, He stared up and down the road to see if any one was coming. He was getting nervous and restless, He was relieved when he saw a jolly looking policeman approaching him. When Alan finally reached the play ground he found Harold Bank playing as the substitute. The poor little boy returned home disappointed and heart broken. 3. Helping the old is as good as playing the game. Elucidate with reference to the story? Ans;The short story ‘Playing The Game! was taken from 'My Magazine” written by Arthur Henry Mee, an English writer, journalist, and educator. He narrates a touching incident in a simple, racy style that captivates the readers. He gives an account of the exciting experiences of Alan, a school boy. cricket buff. He was on cloud nine when he was selected for the school cri er made him. practise bowling and motivated him by promising him a bicycle if. hi e match. On his away to the cricket ground Alan saw an oldman walking with a lot of wanted to take care of the oldman as he fell down, despite his anxiety to reach the field Patiently waited till a jolly’ pe policeman came that way and handed over his rsd

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