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2nd Juniors Test July 6th

Exercise 1

What time is it?

8:00 It’s……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..







Now, choose the correct alternative

1.Every day Jack and Tom(play/plays) tennis

2.On Mondays Susy (study/studies) Geoegraphy

3.At the weekends Dad (cook/cooks) a barbecue

4.On Fridays we (do/does ) our homework at 12:30

5.At the weekends Mum (cook/cooks) fish

6.Tom(write/writes) stories on Fridays

7.I (go/goes) to school on foot

8.Jenny(play/plays) videogames at 5:30

9.I (watch/watches T.V.) in the afternoon

10.Jack (sleep/sleeps) at 5 o’clock

Write the following sentences in the Negative

1.Hack goes to the park on Saturdays

2.We play hockey on Mondays

3.Jenny loves coffee

4.Tom and Jack like ham and cheese sandwiches

5.Mum and Dad sleep at 11 p.m.

6.I do my homework in the morning

7.Jenny plays hockey on Saturdays


1.How do you go to school?

2.How does Mum go to the park?

3.How does Dad go to the club?

4.How do you go to the museum?

5.How does Mum go to the bank?

6.How do you go to the zoo?

7.How do you go to the Acquarium?

Write in the negative:

I love icecream

She Works in a bank

They play golf

I study English

Paul dances tango

Write about your every day Routines

Every day I

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