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Candidates Name: Elliston Vaccianna

Candidate Number:
Theme: substance abuse
Topic: what are the main causes of substance abuse
school: William knibb Memorial High school
Centre number:
Territory: Jamaica
Group topic: substance abuse
Table of Contents for plan of investigation

what are the main causes of substance abuse……………………………………1

plan of investigation……………………2

article 1………………………………..3

article 2………………………………..4

article 3…………………………………5


written report…………………………..7

plan of Oral Presentation…………….8

What are the main causes of substance abuse in Jamaica

Jamaica, a small third-world country in the Caribbean with a population of approximately 8

million people, is grappling with a pervasive issue of drug abuse. In 2011, Jamaica faced
significant challenges, ranking high in reports of drug-related incidents according to international
organizations. The country has witnessed a troubling surge in drug-related crimes, with local
media inundated with stories of substance abuse, drug trafficking, addiction-related robberies,
and associated violence. The root causes of this epidemic lie in socioeconomic factors,
including lack of employment opportunities and widespread poverty. With limited job prospects,
many Jamaican youths are drawn into the drug trade as a means of sustenance. Poverty
exacerbates the situation by depriving individuals of basic resources and opportunities, leading
to inadequate education, dysfunctional family dynamics, and a lack of support systems.
Between the years 2009-2021, Jamaica witnessed a staggering number of drug-related
incidents, with thousands of cases reported annually. The country's struggle with drug abuse
has garnered international attention, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive strategies
to address addiction, improve socioeconomic conditions, and mitigate the devastating impact of
narcotics on Jamaican society.
plan of investigation

I've recently become interested in researching substance abuse, especially within the context of
Jamaica. It's a prevalent issue in our society and one that requires urgent attention. I believe it's
a manageable topic to delve into, and its impact on our communities cannot be overstated. As a
student of English, I see this as an opportunity to not only broaden my understanding but also to
contribute to addressing a pressing societal concern. My plan is to gather information from
various local sources such as Jamaican newspapers, magazines, online platforms, and perhaps
even interviews with individuals affected by substance abuse. By immersing myself in these
resources, I aim to develop a comprehensive understanding of the issue and its implications for
our country. Through this research, I hope to not only improve my English language skills but
also contribute to finding solutions to this critical problem in Jamaica.
article 1

a poem about Substance abuse

Drugs like Marijuana, heroine and cocaine

Can destroy your brain
Because of the substances they contain
So refrain and abstain
It cause me so much pain
To see people who have been trained
By the country to maintain, retain and sustain
Our economy are dealing in cocaine
Can someone please explain?
This is not what Ghana bargained for
It grieves me more to see our leaders and
Businessmen who conspire
To Import drugs that have expired
At the detriment of other peoples life
For their own selfish desires
Who do they intend to inspire
To me, this is dire
We have to relocate and locate to a better location
We have to generate and regenerate our generation
We have dissociate and associate ourselves to a good association
Nobody has been able to trace
The source of this menace
Drug abuse is something we must not embrace
It is covering our space at a fast pace
And it is a disgrace
People take drugs for pleasure
Others take them to overcome the pressure
But for most young ones it is through curiosity and peer-pressure
All I want to tell you is that
Don’t become a problem for the community
Don’t become a burden on society
Keep your integrity and preserve your dignity
Don’t let the illicit use of drugs be your habit
Else you will become a drug addict
Please! Please! ! Please! ! ! QUIT

by rhyme sonny
article 2

a news report about substance abuse
article 3

a video about substance abuse about young Jamaica's struggling with substance abuse

Analyzing the poem has profoundly influenced my understanding of substance abuse and its
impact on individuals and communities. It has made me acutely aware of how substance abuse
can affect not only adults but also children, who are often overlooked in discussions about this
issue. I now recognize that substance abuse has permeated our society to such an extent that it
becomes a coping mechanism, even for young people, in the face of adversity. Many teens are
exposed to substance abuse in their families, neighborhoods, and even schools, shaping their
perceptions and choices. This reflection has prompted me to question why substance abuse is
so prevalent in Jamaica and how it perpetuates a cycle of harm and dysfunction. Additionally,
I've come to realize the significant economic consequences of substance abuse, as it can
deplete resources and hinder opportunities for personal and familial advancement. For instance,
imagine saving diligently for your child's education only to have those funds diverted due to
substance abuse-related issues. It's evident that as a society, we must unite to combat
substance abuse and create a safer, healthier environment for everyone.

The article's clarity and use of standard English made it easily comprehensible. Throughout the
piece, the author provided ample supporting information on the topic of substance abuse in
Jamaica. They extensively discussed the typical consequences of substance abuse on
individuals. The author's aim was to highlight how substance abuse affects children and
impedes their learning capabilities. The language used in this piece remained consistent in
Standard English, which effectively addressed the root causes of substance abuse in the
country and fostered an open dialogue on its societal impact.

Engaging in the School-Based Assessment (SBA) process has been instrumental in broadening
my vocabulary and refining my essay writing skills with the appropriate terminology. Through
this approach, I've been introduced to new words and concepts that were previously unfamiliar
to me. Furthermore, the SBA process has enhanced my ability to participate effectively in group
activities and maintain consistent work habits. It has also equipped me with valuable research
skills and taught me how to succinctly summarize information gathered. Overall, the SBA
process has contributed to my personal growth, making me more aware of the potential
repercussions of crime and violence on individuals and communities. It has underscored the
importance of addressing these issues proactively to prevent harm and promote societal

Our teacher initiated this SBA by outlining the various sections of the English SBA related to
substance abuse. Once we grasped the structure, we selected our group members, as well as
our theme and subtopics. With a clear understanding of the task at hand, we embarked on
individual research to gather evidence for our articles, relying solely on internet resources. The
articles I discovered proved to be intriguing and served as valuable tools for improving my
grammar and expanding my vocabulary. Analyzing the material was straightforward, as the
information was readily understandable. Throughout the process, both the teacher and my
peers emphasized the importance of grammar, writing skills, and reading comprehension, which
contributed to noticeable improvements. Additionally, delving into the topic of substance abuse
broadened my understanding and heightened my awareness of its implications, prompting me
to be more vigilant in my surroundings.
Plan of Oral Presentation
- Topic: Substance Abuse
- Subtopic: The Root Causes of Substance Abuse in Jamaica
- Genre: Expository Speech and Expository Poem
- Source: Relevant academic articles and government reports
- Language: Standard English

I've opted to deliver an Expository speech on my chosen topic of substance abuse because I
believe it's the most effective way to convey the message to my audience. By providing factual
information and analysis, I aim to shed light on the underlying causes of substance abuse in
Jamaica. Additionally, I'll complement the speech with an Expository poem to evoke emotions
and enhance understanding of the topic. My sources will primarily consist of reputable academic
articles and government reports to ensure accuracy and credibility. Using Standard English will
ensure clarity and accessibility for my audience.

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