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Activity 1: Let’s Begin

Eric, a high school student, is working on

a school project analyzing the
environmental impact of plastic waste.
She finds a powerful video online by a
famous activist group highlighting the
issue. Inspired, she edits the video,
adding her narration and footage from
her local beach cleanup, hoping to
further amplify the message. She then
presents the "remixed" video as her work
for a high grade.
Activity 1: Let’s Begin
1. Did Eric infringe on the activist group's
copyright by using their video without
2. Should Eric have credited the activist
group for their video?

3. Did Eric act ethically by presenting

the video as her work without
mentioning the original creators?
4. What could Eric have done differently
to ethically use the video in her project?
and its Ethical

Presentation by: Mr. Justine R. Escoviila

Learning Targets
I can define multimedia

I can identify the

different ethical issues of
multimedia in society.

I can discuss the

intellectual property
rights of an individual.
Activity 2: Guess the Picture

Patent Copyright Trademark

Activity 2: Guess the Picture

Registered Wikipedia Video,

Trademark Audio, &
Logo Graphics
is the combination of video,
audio, graphics and computer-
generated interactions.

The internet has drawn concern

on privacy and the need fore
online ethical issues.
Property Rights
are the rights of an individual over
his or her written works.
Protecting these works can
motivate the author to share his
or her work.
Intellectual property has four (4)
key rights: patent, copyright,
trademark, and trade secret.
is an exclusive right
granted for an invention.
This may be a product or
a process that provides a
new way of doing
is a legal term used to describe
the rights of an author. it cover
works like books, music,
paintings, sculptures, films,
computer programs, ads,
maps, and technical drawings.
is a sign that
distinguishes the
products or services of
one enterprise from
Trade secret
can be confidential business
information that provides a
competitive advantage edge. It
covers manufacturing or
industrial secrets and
commercial secrets.
Creative Commons
is a non-profit organization
devoted to expand the range
of creative works. It is made
available for other to build
upon legally and to share.
Creative Commons
Creative Commons is like a set of instructions for sharing your cake (or
any creative work, like photos, music, or videos). It lets you choose
how others can use your creation, with options like:
• Taking a slice and enjoying it: People can copy and share your
work, but they have to credit you as the baker.
• Sharing the recipe: People can remix and adapt your work, like
making cupcakes or a pie inspired by your cake.
• Selling slices in their own bakery: People can use your work for
commercial purposes, but they might need to pay you a fee.
• It has different attributions.
Multimedia Privacy

is all about protecting your personal

information and preferences when it
comes to things like photos, videos,
audio recordings, and other digital
media. It's basically your right to control
how information you share through
these mediums is used and accessed.
Online Deception

use of Information and

Communications technology to
deceive other online users
Censored works

intentioned desires to
protect us from unsuitable
content to control a nation’s
access to information.
Defamatory works

the act of communicating

false statements about a
person. These can be
slanderous or libelous
statements that could
damage the reputation of a
Activity 2: Discuss the Issue
The teacher will write all the intellectual property
rights and issues on a piece of paper and drop
all these papers in the fishbowl. The student will
get one piece of paper from the bowl. The
student will then discuss the issue with the class.
The teacher may use a wheel of names to
choose students to discuss.
Final Questions

How can someone protect their intellectual

property rights in multimedia?

Why is intellectual property important? How

do these things can help you as a student?
Thank You
For Your

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