Virology 2222222333

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Group 1.Amara Rizvi (1-3min) 1.The

Comparison,coupled with the use of infectious clones of the viruses, have given valuable information for
use in mutagenesis experiments to elucidate the functions of various gene products and non-coding

2.Non Coding Region.

The control the expression and replication of the genome.

Control sequence can also be found in the coding region.

Group 2 anam Arshad 1.the number of of gene in plant virus

range 1 for the satellite virus to 12 for closteroviruses and reovirus. 2.coding
regions for protein,genomic nucleic acid contain nucleotide sequence.

Group 3

Features of plant viruses which share with viruses of other kingdoms have efficient use of the
genomic nucleic acid

Group 4

Ghulam Fatima (11-12min)


If an RdRp is found as a functional part of the virus particle as in the Rhabdoviridae and Reoviridae it is
often called a Transcriptase.

2.Reverse Transcriptase.

The enzyme coded by members of the caulimoviridae which copies a full length viral RNA into genomic
DNA is called an RNA-depedent DNA polymerase or reverse transcriptase.

Group 5

Humaira Islam


1 – For many plant viruses , a specific virus coded protein has been identified as an essential
requirement for cell – to – cell movement and for systematic movement within the host plant .

2 – Other gene products have been identified as essential for successful transmission by invertebrate
vectors and viral gene products have been involved in transmission by funji .

Group 6

Maham Arshad (15-16min)

1. Non-coding regions.
The 5 and 3

Non coding regions control both translation and replication.These two regions interact in the initiation
of translation of,at least, the 5 open reading frames (ORFs). The 3 non coding regions is the site of
initiation of (-)-strand RNA synthesis and the 5 non-coding regions (The 3 end of (-)-strand RNA is the
site of initiation of (+)-strand synthesis.

Group 2.

Ayesha munir

1. There could be an open reading frame (ORF) in each of the three reading frames of both the positive
(+) and negative (-) sense strands, giving Six polypeptides

2. ORF is defined as a sequence commencing with an AUG initiation codon and capable of expressing a
protein of 10 kDa or more.

Group 4

Faiza Batool (9-10 minutes)

(2) In non- coding sequences of ssRNA 5’ and 3’ involved in more than one function. For example in
genomic RNA the 5’ of non coding sequence provide ribosome recognition site and at same time
complimentary sequence at 3’ provide replicase recognition site.

(2) Structural protein:

Structural protein is a core protein of small viruses and such viruses with a lipoprotein membrane.

Group 3

Features of plant viruses which share with viruses of other kingdoms have efficient use of the
genomic nucleic acid

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