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01: Which ethnic group in Meghalaya are responsible/engaged into this ethnic conflict?

In Meghalaya, the Khasi tribe is one of the main ethnic groups involved in the ethnic conflicts,
particularly in conflicts with non-tribal communities like the Bengali-speaking population.

01: Which ethnic group in chattishgarh are responsible/engaged into this ethnic conflict?

In Chhattisgarh, the ethnic conflicts primarily involve indigenous tribal groups, such as the Gond, Baiga,
and Oraon tribes, who are often in conflict with other communities.

02) which political parties are engaged/ responsible in the Meghalaya ethnic conflict?

Various political parties have been involved or associated with the ethnic conflicts in Meghalaya,
including regional parties like the United Democratic Party (UDP), the National People’s Party (NPP), and
the Indian National Congress (INC).

02) which political parties are engaged/ responsible in the chattishgarh ethnic conflict?

In Chhattisgarh, various political parties, these parties include the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Indian
National Congress (INC), and regional parties like the Janta Congress Chhattisgarh (JCC).

03) What are the major issue or reason behind the Meghalaya ethnic Conflict?

Indigenous tribes in Meghalaya seek political representation and decision-making power to protect their
interests and promote community-benefiting policies, often engaging in identity-based politics for rights
and governance

03) What are the major issue or reason behind the chattishgarh ethnic Conflict?
Ethnic conflicts in Chhattisgarh stem from identity-based issues, with indigenous tribal communities
demanding recognition of their cultural heritage and traditional governance systems. Political
marginalization and lack of representation fuel grievances related to socio-economic development and
rights protection.

01.Which ethnic groups in chin state are responsible for/ engaged into ethnic conflict?

In Chin State, Myanmar, several ethnic groups have been involved in conflicts, including the Chin, Kachin,
and Karen ethnic groups.

01.Which ethnic groups in sagaing region are responsible for/ engaged into ethnic conflict?

In Sagaing Region, Myanmar, the ethnic groups primarily engaged in ethnic conflicts include the Kachin,
Shan, and Ta’ang (also known as Palaung).

01. Which ethnic groups in Mon state are responsible for/ engaged into ethnic conflict?

In Mon State, Myanmar, the primary ethnic group engaged in ethnic conflict is the Mon ethnic group.

02.Which political parties are engaged in/ responsible for the chin state ethnic conflict?

In the context of the ethnic conflict in Chin State, Myanmar, it’s important to note that various political
parties and armed groups have been involved or have had influence. Some of these include:

1. Chin National Front (CNF)

2. Chin National League for Democracy (CNLD)

3. Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP)

02.Which political parties are engaged in/ responsible for the sangaing ethnic conflict?

In the Sagaing Region of Myanmar, multiple political parties and armed groups have been involved or
have influenced the ethnic conflict. Some of these include:

1. Kachin Independence Army (KIA)

2. Shan State Army (SSA)

3. Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)

02.Which political parties are engaged in/ responsible for the Mon state ethnic conflict?

In the context of the ethnic conflict in Mon State, Myanmar, the primary political party associated with
the Mon ethnic group is the Mon Unity Party (MUP).

03.What are the major identity issues or reasons behind the chin state conflict?

The quest for political representation and autonomy is a central aspect of the Chin State conflict. Many
Chins seek greater control over their political affairs and decision-making processes, as well as
recognition of their rights within the Myanmar state.

03.What are the major identity issues or reasons behind the sangaing conflict?

The ethnic conflict in Sagaing Region, Myanmar, is influenced by several key identity politics issues,
1. **Ethnic Identity**: Sagaing Region is home to diverse ethnic groups, including the Kachin, Shan,
and Ta’ang (Palaung). Identity issues related to language, culture, and heritage are significant
factors in the conflict, as different ethnic communities seek recognition and respect for their
distinct identities within the region.

2. **Autonomy and Self-Determination**: Many ethnic groups in Sagaing, particularly the Kachin
and Shan, aspire for greater autonomy and self-determination to govern their own affairs. This
includes control over resources, land rights, and decision-making processes within their
respective territories.

3. **Religious Identity**: Religion also intersects with identity politics in Sagaing, with Buddhist-
majority groups such as the Shan and Burman communities having distinct religious and cultural
practices. Issues related to religious freedom and the protection of Buddhist heritage can
influence the dynamics of the conflict.

4. **Resource Control**: Control over natural resources such as timber, minerals, and hydropower
plays a significant role in the conflict dynamics. Disputes over resource exploitation and revenue-
sharing arrangements often intersect with identity politics, exacerbating tensions between
different ethnic groups.

5. **Historical Grievances**: Historical injustices, including past conflicts, land confiscations, and
forced displacement, contribute to the sense of grievance among various ethnic communities in
Sagaing. These grievances are often rooted in identity-based discrimination and marginalization
by the central government.

03.What are the major identity issues or reasons behind the Mon state conflict?

The ethnic conflict in Mon State, Myanmar, is influenced by several key identity politics issues and
reasons, including:

1. **Mon Ethnic Identity**: The conflict is deeply rooted in the Mon ethnic identity, with the Mon
people seeking recognition and respect for their distinct language, culture, and heritage within
the broader fabric of Myanmar society.
2. **Desire for Autonomy**: Many Mon people aspire for greater autonomy and self-
determination, including control over their own governance, natural resources, and land rights.
This desire for autonomy is often driven by the perceived need to protect and promote Mon
identity and interests.

3. **Historical Grievances**: Historical injustices, including past conflicts, land confiscations, and
cultural assimilation efforts by the central government, contribute to the sense of grievance
among the Mon people. These historical grievances fuel demands for justice, restitution, and
recognition of Mon rights and identity.

4. **Religious Identity**: Buddhism plays a significant role in Mon culture and society, and issues
related to religious freedom and the protection of Buddhist practices are important to many
Mon people. Efforts to safeguard Buddhist heritage are intertwined with broader aspirations for
political representation and autonomy.

5. **Cultural Preservation**: The preservation of Mon cultural heritage, including language,

customs, and traditional practices, is a central concern for the Mon community. Efforts to protect
and promote Mon culture are often linked to demands for greater political recognition and

Overall, identity politics issues such as ethnic recognition, autonomy, historical grievances, and cultural
preservation are central to understanding the dynamics of the ethnic conflict in Mon State. These
identity-based factors shape the aspirations, grievances, and mobilization efforts of the Mon people as
they seek to assert their rights and secure their place within the framework of Myanmar society.

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