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0 Student portfolio

Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Faculty oF Medicine Minia university

Prepared by

Dr. Mohamed Mamdouh Sedik Dr. Nadia Ismail Abdelhamee

Revised by

Medical Education Centre

Under supervision of
Medical Education Centre
Faculty of Medicine
Minia University

1 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Semester 2
Introduction to Patient Care
Medical Interviewing,
Introduction to Physical,
Examination 1
Clinical Experiences 1

Name of Student: …………………………………………………………………….

Name of block coordinator: .........................................................

Name of supervisor (academic advisor): ………………………………….

Overview 3
Log and evidence of achievement of ILOS of the Block 5

2 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

First week 5
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 5
Second week 6
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 6
Third week 7
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 7
Fourth week 8
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 8
Fifth week 9
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 9
Sixth week 10
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 10
Seventh week 11
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 11
Eighth week 12
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 12
Ninth week 13
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 13
Tenth week 14
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 14
Eleventh week 15
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 15
Twelfth 16
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 16
Thirteenth week 17
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 17
Fourteenth 18
-Requirements to be achieved - Log and evidence of achievements 18
Reflective evidence of the Block 19

3 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Assessment Summary of Portfolio 20

Declaration 20

Portfolio Appraisal: Documentation of
experiences & reflection Summary
This Portfolio will be used for appraisal and review of:

▪ Your progress on the course. ▪ Your attitudes and

▪ It facilitates self-evaluation and review of your
professional development which is necessary for a career
in medicine.
▪ It is part of the professional practice of all doctors to keep
a portfolio recording their experience and to engage in

Overall Goals
Your portfolio should help you:

▪ Monitor your progress in relation to course objectives.

▪ Reflects systematically on your progress and

▪ Set future personal development targets.

▪ Prepare you for the postgraduate appraisal process.

4 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Log and evidence of achievement of ILOs of the Block

For 1st week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment
Lecture 1 Solve 2
Personal history (lecture of MCQs of
Obtaining informative history this week) each lecture

Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
Personal history Practical 1 Obtain
(practical of personal
this week) history
from one

Log and evidence of achievements in 1st week

(Written by student)
For 1st week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

Obtaining informative history

Personal history

5 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Bedside training sessions

Personal history

6 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For 2nd

Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment
Attend and
Obtaining informative history Lecture 2 Solve 2 pass the
Complaint (lecture of MCQs of formative
this week) each lecture exam at
the end of
the week
Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
Practical 2
Complaint Obtain
(practical of
this week)
from one

Log and evidence of achievements in 2nd week

(Written by student)
For 2nd week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

Obtaining informative history


7 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For week
Requirements to be achieved:

Bedside training sessions


For 3rd

Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment
Lecture 3 Solve 2
Obtaining informative history (lecture of MCQs of each
History of present illness this week) lecture

Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
History of present illness Practical 3 Obtain
(practical of history of
this week) present
illness from
one patient

Log and evidence of achievements in 3rd week

(Written by student)
For 3rd week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

8 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Obtaining informative history

History of present illness

Bedside training sessions

History of present illness


Competencies Required Required Required Required Other

Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment
Attend and
Obtaining informative history Lecture 4 Solve 2 pass the
History of present illness (lecture of MCQs of each formative
this week) lecture exam at
the end of
the week
Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
History of present illness Practical 4 Obtain
(practical of history of
this week) present
illness from
one patient

Log and evidence of achievements in 4th week

(Written by student)
For 4th week
Requirements to be achieved:

9 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

Obtaining informative history

History of present illness

Bedside training sessions

History of present illness

10 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For week


Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment
Obtaining informative Lecture
history 7 Solve 2
Therapeutic history, past medical history and family (lecture MCQs of
history of this each lecture

Prepare an
Practical 7 history,
Bedside training sessions (practical past
Therapeutic history, past medical of this medical
history and family history week) history and
from one
Log and evidence of achievements in 5th week
(Written by student)
For 5th week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

Obtaining informative
Therapeutic history, past medical
history and family history

11 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For week
Requirements to be achieved:

Bedside training sessions

Therapeutic history, past medical
history and family history


Competencies Required Required Required Required Other

Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment
Solve 2 and pass
Performing fundamental 8
MCQs of the
physical examination skills (lecture
each formative
Performing appropriately of this
lecture exam at
general physical examination of week)
the end of
the week
Prepare an
(practical physical
Bedside training sessions
of this examination
Performing appropriately
week) of one
general physical examination of
patients patient
Log and evidence of achievements in 6th week
(Written by student)
For 6th week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

12 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For week
Requirements to be achieved:
Performing fundamental physical examination
skills Performing appropriately
general physical examination of patients

Bedside training sessions

Performing appropriately
general physical examination of


Competencies Required Required Required Required Other

Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment
Performing fundamental physical examination Lecture Solve 2
skills Performing appropriately 9 MCQs of
general physical examination of patients (lecture each
of this lecture

Prepare an
Practical 9 Perform
(practical general
Bedside training sessions of this physical
Performing appropriately week) examination
general physical examination of of one
patients patient

Log and evidence of achievements in 7th week

(Written by student)
For 7th week

13 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For week
Requirements to be achieved:
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment

Performing fundamental
physical examination skills
Performing appropriately
general physical examination of

Bedside training sessions

Performing appropriately
general physical examination of


Competencies Required Required Required Required Other

Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment
Attend and
Solve 2
Performing fundamental Lecture 10 pass the
MCQs of
physical examination skills (lecture of formative
Measuring body temperature this week) exam at
the end of
the week
Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
Measuring body temperature Practical 10 Measuring
(practical of body
this week) temperature
for one

14 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For week
Requirements to be achieved:
Log and evidence of achievements in 8th week
(Written by student)
For 8h week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment

Performing fundamental
physical examination skills
Measuring body temperature

Bedside training sessions

Measuring body temperature


Competencies Required Required Required Required Other

Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment
Attend and
Solve 2
Performing fundamental Lecture 11 pass the
MCQs of
physical examination skills (lecture of formative
Measuring radial pulse rate this week) exam at
the end of
the week

15 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For week
Requirements to be achieved:
Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
Practical 11
Measuring radial pulse rate Measuring
(practical of
radial pulse
this week) rate for one

Log and evidence of achievements in 9th week

(Written by student)
For 9th week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment

Performing fundamental
physical examination skills
Measuring radial pulse rate

Bedside training sessions

Measuring radial pulse rate

16 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For 10th week

Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment
Attend and
Solve 2
Performing fundamental Lecture 12 pass the
MCQs of
physical examination skills (lecture of formative
Measuring blood pressure this week) exam at
the end of
the week
Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
Practical 12
Measuring blood pressure Measuring
(practical of
this week) pressure for
one patient

Log and evidence of achievements in 10th week

(Written by student)
For 10th week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment

Performing fundamental
physical examination skills
Measuring blood pressure

Bedside training sessions

Measuring blood pressure

17 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

For 11th

Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment
Attend and
Solve 2
Performing fundamental Lecture 13 pass the
MCQs of
physical examination skills (lecture of formative
Measuring respiratory rate this week) exam at
the end of
the week
Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
Practical 13
Measuring respiratory rate Measuring
(practical of
this week) rate for one

Log and evidence of achievements in 11th week

(Written by student)
For 11th week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required self- Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments assessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

Performing fundamental
physical examination skills
Measuring respiratory rate

18 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Bedside training sessions

Measuring respiratory rate

For 12th

Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment
Lecture 5 Solve 2
Obtaining informative history (lecture of MCQs of
History of present illness this week) each lecture

Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
History of present illness Obtain
Practical 5
history of
(practical of
this week) illness
from one

Log and evidence of achievements in 12th week

(Written by student)
For 12th week
Requirements to be achieved:

19 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Competencies Required Required Required Required Other

Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

Obtaining informative history

History of present illness

Bedside training sessions

History of present illness

For 13th

Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment
Attend and
Obtaining informative history Lecture 6 Solve 2 pass the
History of present illness (lecture of MCQs of formative
this week) each lecture exam at
the end of
the week
Prepare an
Bedside training sessions assignment
History of present illness Obtain
Practical 6
history of
(practical of
this week) illness
from one

20 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Log and evidence of achievements in 13th week

(Written by student)
For 13th week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments selfassessment formative requirements
teaching assessment

Obtaining informative history

History of present illness

Bedside training sessions

History of present illness

For 14th

Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment
Lecture Solve 2 and pass
Performing fundamental
14 MCQs of the
physical examination skills
(lecture of each formative
Performing appropriately
this week) lecture exam at
general physical examination of
the end of
patients including vital signs
the week

21 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Prepare an
(practical physical
Bedside training sessions
of this examination
Performing appropriately
general physical examination of
week) of one
patients including vital signs patient

Log and evidence of achievements in 14th week

(Written by student)
For 14th week
Requirements to be achieved:
Competencies Required Required Required Required Other
Learning objectives formal assignments self- formative requirements
teaching assessment assessment

Performing fundamental
physical examination skills
Performing appropriately
general physical examination of
patients including vital signs

Bedside training sessions

Performing appropriately
general physical examination of
patients including vital signs

22 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

A. Reflective evidence of the Block

1- Choose one – three competencies and reflect how you achieved them.
2- Demonstrate from each formative assessment your strength and weak


























23 Student portfolio
Semester 2 Introduction to Patient Care

Assessment summary of the portfolio

# should have 75% of points
% %
% %
Achievement of Achievement Pass or
topic/week Achievement of Achievement of Mark
formative of not#
contact hours assignments assessments Credit points

Topic / All


Signature of Supervisor ……………………………………………………..

Signature of Block Coordinator ……………………………………………………..

24 Student portfolio

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