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November 1, 2011

Dear Parents/Guardians: Well, its November (already) and there is no snow on the ground so things are looking up! We have had a very busy October and November will be no different as we approach the end of our first term in sixth grade. Here is a look at what we have been up to ... In Language Arts, we wrapped up our novel study unit on Bridge to Terabithia. Students were treated to the Disney movie version of the novel and will be completing a final project of their choice. These final projects fall into the speaking, writing, or representing categories of the Language Arts curriculum, so there is something for everyone from which to choose. Our next unit of study, beginning next week, will be our Peace and Conflict unit. In Math, we have been learning about angles, multiples, and multiplication involving decimals. Students have partaken in Math Pods several times to help them better understand these concepts. We will soon be learning about factors, division involving decimals, and polygons. In Health, students completed their Decision Making unit with fantastic role plays that were performed for the class. We started our unit on Stress Management and will be finishing that up soon. Our next unit of study is going to be focusing on Healthy Relationships and will involve creating and implementing individual student action plans. In French, we have finished our unit on School Personnel and will now be shifting our focus to Questioning. In other news, this week will wrap up our time spent with the Arts Education pre-interns from the University of Regina. Miss Abrahamowicz and Miss McMillan taught in our classroom for one week during October. They are back again for the latter half of this week to teach during P. L. A. C. E. This three-day event offers students from Davison and Miller Schools a chance to work (in mixed grade family groups) with two pre-interns and an artist from our community. They will learn all about their selected art form, concluding with a final presentation piece to be showcased this Friday. Everyone is eager to see what group they will be placed in this year! Also, we have started blogging as a class. Each student in Room 600 now has his or her own blog. Students are welcome to post on their blog and comment on others blogs from school or from home. All content will be reviewed by me for appropriateness before being published online. Please check them out! They can be accessed via the link on our classroom blog (ask your child s/he will show you). Thats all for this month! See you all soon at interviews and dont forget to check out how your child is doing at Yours in Education, Brandy Lechner

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