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Script for Facilitate Training (powerpoint) Trainer: Good morning everyone. My name is Ms.

Crus. I will be your trainer for BookkeepIng NC III Training. Before we begin, let me check the
attendance. Please sign your name in the attendance sheet. I have here a Data Gathering Sheet
which will give an idea of your learning styles and the training methodology that I will be using
for you. After filling this out, I will also be giving you a Self-assessment Check as a Recognition
of Prior Learning. This will give me an idea of your prior knowledge in Bookkeeping. Trainer:
Ms. Santos, in your Data Gathering Sheet, you have knowledge in Journalizing, am I right? Ms.
Santos: Yes, ma’am. I know how to journalize because I worked for XYZ Company. Trainer:
Ok. Since you have been employed in the company, please bring an employment certificate
tomorrow. Let us now proceed with the orientation. Welcome to One Cainta College. We have
here the institution’s vision and mission. We have 3 Trainers for Bookkeeping headed by Ms.
Juanillo. I will be giving you a student handbook for the rules and regulations of this institution.
Please read and try to understand them. One Cainta College uses competency based training for
Bookkeeping. Competency based training is a delivery (here define in your powerpoint. Show in
your ppt the ten principles of CBT. Explain each) (Show in your ppt the CBT Process Flow).
There are 4 parts in the Training Flow. TNA and Orientation, Learning Activities, Competency
Assessment and awarding of Certificates.

(Explaining the CBT Process Flow. You may use your own words.) The first thing you should do
is to register for the program. The your prior knowledge will be recognized using the Self
Assessment Check. You will be oriented about the House Rules; there will be introduction and
statements of the core competencies of your qualification which is Bookkeeping NC III. You
will also be oriented on how to learn the competencies. Learning activities will be mentioned in
the orientation, the requirements for competency and the Assessment Methods like
demonstration and oral questioning for you to explain.

Parts of the CBT Process Flow 1. Orientation The first part of the CBT Process Flow is the
Orientation. You will also be oriented on how to use the Competency based learning materials.
You will also have a tour of the learning resource area or work station. After this, you will be
given a pre-test to determine the various knowledge you have acquired in your qualification.
The, you will sign a learning contract to ensure your commitment on the training.

2. Learning Activities The second part of the CBT Process Flow is the learning activities. You
are going to learn knowledge, contents about using the CBLM , references you will use and other
materials. You are going to learn skills through demonstration, video presentation, task or job
sheet in the CBLM and others. After learning the knowledge and skills of the Learning
Outcomes (L.O.) you are now going to practice tasks of the learning outcome.

3. Evaluation After practicing tasks and skills, you are going to perform these tasks for
evaluation and trainer feedback based on the Performance Criteria Checklist. If you happen to
fail in the task evaluation, you will have to review your CBLM and the video presentation. If you
pass the task evaluation, you are going to learn the next learning module using the CBLM and
some more video presentations and demonstration. If you failed to understand the learning
outcomes and skills required for the competency you have to review the entire CBLM and videos
back to where you started and what you do not understand. However, if you were able to
understand all the learning outcomes, you may inform the trainer that you are now ready to take
the Institutional Competency Assessment.

4. Awarding of Certificate of Achievement If you pass the Institutional Assessment, and prove to
be “Competent”, you will be awarded with a Certificate of Achievement for the competency that
you acquired. This is the fourth part of the CBT Process Flow. However, if you are “Not Yet
Competent” (NYC), you are going to review using the CBLM and other materials and practice
your skills through demonstration, observation, video presentation and task or job sheet. After
the review of knowledge and skills you are now ready to take the Institutional Assessment again
for the second time. You will have a re-assessment for your Institutional Assessment. You will
be given 3 attempts to take the Institutional Assessment. If you fail the Institutional Assessment
on your 3rd attempt, you will be given a chance to have the 4 th attempt but you will have to
provide your own calculator, general journal and the necessary materials needed for the
Institutional Assessment. Once you passed the Institutional Assessment for the 4th time and
declared “Competent” you will now be awarded a Certificate of Achievement and a Training
Certificate. You will be given a program evaluation form. Your answer to the form will help me
improve my training skills and training methodology.

Now you will be ready to take the National Assessment and you are now ready to exit the

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