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Are you struggling to find the perfect topic for your medical law and ethics thesis?

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Writing a thesis in the field of medical law and ethics can be a daunting task. It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of complex legal and ethical issues in the medical

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medical malpractice, the choices seem endless. Moreover, staying updated with the latest
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Finding a topic that is both relevant and engaging is crucial. It should allow you to delve deep into
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Civil Law: There are 2 kinds of civil law: torts (deliberate or unintended) and breach of agreement
(in between client and doctor). Three questions a) Would the couple be morally wrong to choose to
take the drug. It promotes reflection, improved communication with patients, and ethical behavior
throughout their careers. This is because the urge for technological advancement in the medical field
is unprecedented and has made majority of the patient to be under the doctor’s control after the
surgery, “patients do not, cannot, fully understand, or appreciate, the degree to which, after the
surgery, they will be under their doctor’s control” (Slater, 240). The court will toss it out if a medical
malpractice claim is not submitted within the time frame. Informed consent for neonates, children
and young people has been a subject of intense research in recent times (3, 4, 18, 19). It is evident
that both the mental implant for Mario and the bone marrow transplant for Molly represents
technologically advanced medical practices which brings poses questions on medical practice relative
to ethical attributes. Practitioners may be short of ethical expertise possibly disguised as moral
decisions in place of clinical judgments. A common justification is presented where information
should not be disclosed where such knowledge may introduce psychological harm. Although of
recent origin, IC is generally obtained for two reasons: firstly in the field of Medical practice and
secondly in Biomedical research. Where valid consent is not provided, treatments involving touching
such as physical examination, dressing a wound and surgery, may amount to a battery. In the 50s, a
medical professional would have been able to hold back info if they felt it was in the client’s finest
interests not to understand any more about the treatment’s dangers. Simply put, patient
confidentiality denotes that personal and medical data granted to a health care provider should not
be divulged to other people who do not have a need to know except if the patient has conferred
explicit authorization for such release. The AMA Professional Code of Ethics Preamble The medical
profession has long subscribed to a body of ethical statements developed primarily for the benefit of
the patient. Each of these disciplines has its forums and authority; however law may ultimately
“resolve” a clinical ethics dilemma with a court order. This belief in technology poses a great
challenge in the balance between advanced technology and ethical considerations, like the ethics
poses a question “Is it wrong to breed a child for spare parts?” (Belkin, 2). Gillick competent
children have had consent overruled on refusal of offer consent to threatening conditions. The
patient was also separately counseled by medical staff to ascertain whether she was freely and
voluntarily expressing her preferences or if she may have felt pressured by her family or church
members. The Good Samaritan law also does not change the scope of practice for those people who
are performing as, or have identified themselves as, a medical professional while rendering
emergency medical care. Case 2: choosing a deaf embryo A couple with a genetic condition which
causes deafness are seeking help with conceiving. In this context, important case law and statutes
have to be scrutinised. Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment, London:
Department of Health, 2001. Above all, what should be done in the event of the clinician’s ignorance
or lack of knowledge of IC guidelines? I would highly recommend New Era if you're looking for a
digital transformation partner. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Lasagna, MD. Figure 2.5 The modern version of the Hippocratic
Oath reflects changes in both societal values and technology. However, doctors may be deemed
culpable of negligence where common practice is seen as unreasonable in the court. This hospital,
being a member of the local NHS trust, National Service Framework (NSF) guidelines published on
15 Sept 2004, slated to be the first ever in the world (14), apply in the present context. When a client
is offered a drug that produces extreme allergic responses, the nurse or the medical professional or
both can be charged with carelessness. Most states have specific laws that delineate, in order of
priority, who can be a legally authorized surrogate decision-maker for another person.
Molly underwent a bone marrow transplant, which obliterates the flawed immune system and then
substituted with a donated one. While these laws may vary, they generally assume that legal relatives
are the most appropriate surrogate decision-makers. Medical treatment and malpractice laws are
specific to each state. 3. To some extent, patients may oversee situation where a medical decision
would require declaration where they feel short of capacity. Such determinations are case-specific,
and should be thoroughly discussed with surrogate decision-makers. The information must be
presented in a form that the patient can comprehend (i.e., in a language and at a level which the
patient can understand) and that the consent must be voluntary given. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. In Slater (239), Mario quotes that “I felt a strange sadness go all through
me.after a few taps, the sadness went away” This is an indication that there is hope with technology.
It helps them develop a strong ethical foundation to guide their decision-making as healthcare
professionals. The concept of autonomy means that a person has a certain amount of “self-rule.” A
patient has the right to refuse or choose treatment. Doctors can avoid legal implications on observing
their code of ethics and notifying local officers of outbreaks of communicable diseases for control
where patients have diseases such as TB or meningitis. The Beginnings: a) The Nuremburg Code,
1948 b) Life Magazine article on dialysis selection committees, November 1962. As such, this belief
may appear unacceptable and irrational to others, including health care providers. They provide
expert insight, listen to our needs, and develop just the right solution. Alder Hey Hospital Organ
scandal families accept ?5m. Explain how these historical perspectives are relevant to understanding
contemporary medical ethics. Refusal of consent can also be overruled requested by the children and
the parents which has been a case in several instances of families such as those of Jehovahs
Witnesses declining blood-saving transfusion termed life-saving. Despite a professional ethical
commitment to honest communication, providers cite a fear of litigation as a reason for non-
disclosure. We are committed to an inclusive environment where everyone has the chance to thrive
and to the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. Health care facilities and providers
use consent forms to document the communication process. One of the basic foundations of medical
ethics is the tradition of informed consent. Hippocratic Oath: Modern Version I swear to fulfill, to
the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of
those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who
are to follow. Free business ethics Essays and Papers - 123HelpMe com. The patient's ability to direct
her care is expressed in law as a liberty or privacy right and in clinical ethics as respect for patient
autonomy. This situation underscores the importance of communication with the surrogate the
throughout the resolution process. Hospital authorities definitely caught on the wrong foot again, as
a better, albeit costly, drug is available for the same STD condition and is recommended by the
National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE). A doctor will continue to study, use, and advance
clinical understanding, keep a dedication to medical education, make pertinent info offered to clients,
coworkers, and the general public, get assessment, and utilize the skills of other health experts when
suggested. The numbering system in public law, also known as the Key Number System is an
indexing system used to organize case law materials. Now, given the information that IC from the
patient who died was not obtained, whips up the debate on IC afresh. To explore it’s implications, I
will argue in favour of a couple having the right to use embryo selection to choose to have a deaf
A common justification is presented where information should not be disclosed where such
knowledge may introduce psychological harm. Thus they oftentimes successfully prevent negligence
instead of having to defend themselves from negligence accusations in the future. 3. Differentiate
between common law and statutory law. Therefore, to some extent, the physician may compel a
patient to take a certain medication not only because it is the right and objective medical step but
also because he feels, based on his values and preferences, it is the right thing. In the hospital setting,
this ethics consultation or review process dates back to at least 1992 with the formulation of
accreditation requirements that mandated that hospitals establish a “mechanism” to consider clinical
ethics issues. 1. The patient and her family are practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses. As such, judicial
activism has made inroads into the ethical issues surrounding the cases pertaining to euthanasia. The
simple one page treatment orders follow patients regardless of care setting. The duty of care generally
requires that the provider use reasonably expected knowledge and judgment in the treatment of the
patient, and typically would also require the adept use of the facilities at hand and options for
treatment. Cases of negligence actualize the importance of the Bolam test. In 1957 Vs. Friern Barnet
Management’s Committee, patients, encountered severe injuries resulting from Electro Convulsant
Therapy in the absence of a muscle relaxant. Missouri Supreme Court, 1988. 1) Treatment vs. Care
Special Status of Nutrition and Hydration: Treatment is treatment Nutrition and hydration is care.
The stature duty in healthcare facilities is to offer surrogate client advocate where one is missing to
provide a better serving end. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. This tells us that, the patients themselves are ready to undergo such risky experiments in
anticipation that, they will get well. Nominated persons can make decisions concerning health on
behalf of the patient in lieu of legal implications avoidance. One may consent to medical treatments
in place of adults lacking capacity. The standard of care would require the use of blood products, to
which the patient and her parents will not consent. If there is a need for informed consent for a new
treatment decision on behalf of the patient, the patient's previously expressed wishes may still be
relevant to her legally authorized surrogate decision-maker and her treatment plan. Most especially
must I tread with care in matters of life and death. The parents reported that the patient was one
month away from having her divorce finalized. There are essentially three distinct phases to the
litigation process: (1) initiation, (2) pre-trial, and (3) trial and post-trial. The GMC register may also
see them struck off which has been common in recent years. A more frequent incident is during
courses of clinical or wards around computers bearing former patient information becoming visible
for seeing to the next patient (Gorovitz 1976). Requests for production require the opposing side to
provide documents to the other side. A court may also rule that an expecting woman holds the final
decision to refuse where a treatment is bent to benefit the fetus. The patient's ability to direct her care
is expressed in law as a liberty or privacy right and in clinical ethics as respect for patient autonomy.
Prac- titioners are therefore required to use their own independent professional skill and judgment,
even while employed by others. Simply put, patient confidentiality denotes that personal and medical
data granted to a health care provider should not be divulged to other people who do not have a need
to know except if the patient has conferred explicit authorization for such release. As technological
advancements took place and as human civilizations marched to the 21st century, disease associated
pharmaceutical, medical interventions and the like came into picture. Execute your fillable
documents from any internet-connected device without leaving Chrome. Molly underwent a bone
marrow transplant, which obliterates the flawed immune system and then substituted with a donated
What are the behavioral expectations and guidelines for that profession. More often than not, the
forms hold crucial record sections on important aspects concerning a procedure followed to inform
the patient. This knowledge is essential for medical students, healthcare professionals, researchers,
and ethicists to ensure ethical practice in the field of medicine. Therefore, medical practitioners
should maintain adequate communication with other medical professionals2. Undue influence must
never be ignored in the medical practices. In addition, the report will then assess whether being a
Christian influences one understands of human dignity. Discuss the significance of common law for
the healthcare professional. Given the information that a novel technique involving a medical device
(Laser equipment) was utilized in the present situation, and taking into account that the hospital is a
member of the local NHS trust, an IC becomes mandatory, as per the guidelines of the 2000 NHS
plan, (14). In respect for a patient’s autonomy, a healthcare provider must obtain permission before
administering treatment. Civil Law: There are 2 kinds of civil law: torts (deliberate or unintended)
and breach of agreement (in between client and doctor). The paper 'Is human dignity Alone Enough
to Advocate for Universal Healthcare as a Human Right. All Rights Reserved. Figure 2.4 The
articles listed on the first page of the AMA’s Professional Code of Ethics. However, without the
consent of the patient, if the medical practitioner goes ahead to give the transfusion, he risks being
sued by the patient in the court of law for malpractice. Junior personnel being stressed to their
maximum limits owing to lack of proper supervision, resulting in errors, at emergencies is not new
and can be inferred from the present case as well. As the only source of composed info about exactly
what in fact took place in between the health care and the client company, the medical record holds
legal and ethical significance to all stakeholders in the arrangement of care specifically clients,
medical professionals and experts. For medical students, they risk potential expulsion from their
mother medical schools. Ian, (note that) your commitments to ethics as the grounds on which you
object Clare's resolution to procure an abortion are commendable. Ethics in the medical field must
also be observed while withholding medical information. The 17 year old patient is a minor under
state law. 26 A key question in this case is whether or not the patient should be treated as capable of
providing her own informed consent. The fundamental wrong is that the parents (and doctors) have
harmed the child through taking the drug. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Credentials (licensure and certification) often include
a code of eth- ics that you must follow. However, where patients decline consent to sharing the
clinical information sensitive to them such as HIV status, the responsible doctor must respect the
wish although encouraging the patient to inform a GP as he would not be subjected to the risks in
normal conditions. Although the information collected during discovery prepares the parties for trial,
it also can be used as a basis for settlement. This hospital, being a member of the local NHS trust,
National Service Framework (NSF) guidelines published on 15 Sept 2004, slated to be the first ever
in the world (14), apply in the present context. The next two sections (Surrogate decision-making;
Advance directives) discuss how this principle is respected from a legal perspective if a patient lacks
capacity, temporarily or permanently, to make medical decisions. Journal of Medical Ethics; Oct
2002; Vol. 28 Issue 3, p313. The hospital’s legal counsel initiated a legal process to allow the patient
and her family to request the local superior court for a court determination of emancipation so that
the patient would be deemed an adult for making her own treatment choices. I will prevent disease
whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. The defendant is required to file an answer
(written response) with the court, and to also provide the plaintiff with a copy within a specified
period of time.

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