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RETAKE Exam- Data analytics for marketing in action

Professor James DAVIES


Question 1: /25

Question 2: /15

Question 3: /20

Question 4: /50


Authorized Material:

Documents (Class notes and Past Exercises)



(M2 MIDAS Excel Partiel.xlsx)

Question 1 (25 pts)

Create a Pivot Table in this workbook, using the data below, and in a new worksheet
called CountryProductDiscount

59 rue Nationale Établissement d’enseignement supérieur technique privé reconnu par l’état.
75013 Paris Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
+33 (0)1 53 36 44 00 AS ESGCV — SAS AU CAPITAL DE 13 267 469 € SIREN 752 535 476 — SIRET 752 535 476 00200

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2 Use Country as a first level, Product as a second level, and Discount Band as a third level

3 For each line, show the Total Profit, Average Profit, and Minimum Profit

Format the Total Profit, Average Profit, and Minimum Profit in Money showing Euros,
and 0 decimal places

5 Order Country by descending Total Profit

6 Order Product by ascending Total Profit

7 Which Country has the highest Total Profit ?

8 For this Country, which Product has the lowest Total Profit ?

Create a Pivot Table in this workbook, using the data below, and in a new worksheet
called ProductSales

10 Use Product as a first level and show the Sales for each line

11 Format the Sales in Money showing Euros, and 0 decimal places

12 Order by descending Sales

13 Create a chart to show this data

14 Which Product has the highest Sales ?

59 rue Nationale Établissement d’enseignement supérieur technique privé reconnu par l’état.
75013 Paris Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
+33 (0)1 53 36 44 00 AS ESGCV — SAS AU CAPITAL DE 13 267 469 € SIREN 752 535 476 — SIRET 752 535 476 00200

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Question 2 (15 pts)

1 Age ( N3 ) is a random number, between 12 and 88

2 Pieces ( N4 ) is a random number, between 3 and 185

In cell N5, add a drop down list containing the Member Level values from the Member Level

4 In cell N6, add a drop down list containing the Children values from the Children table

Total Price ( N7 ) is basically Unit Price ( get from Unit Price Table ) * Pieces ( N4 ) but with
the following rules:

5 If Age ( N3 ) is less than 18 or greater than 70, Total Price ( N7 ) is "Unauthorised"

If Children ( N6 ) is "<2" or ">5", use Child Group Unit Price
Else Member value ( N5 ) determines whether to use € / Unit Premier / Elite Price or
€ / Unit Classic Price
Game Title ( N8 ) is to be generated randomly from the lists of Name and Company in
UpperCase and shown in brackets with a random UpperCase letter at the end
eg. "Lion ( PORSCHE ) K" or "Lion ( GUCCI ) Z" or
"Lion ( DIOR ) C" or "Jaws ( PORSCHE ) P"

59 rue Nationale Établissement d’enseignement supérieur technique privé reconnu par l’état.
75013 Paris Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
+33 (0)1 53 36 44 00 AS ESGCV — SAS AU CAPITAL DE 13 267 469 € SIREN 752 535 476 — SIRET 752 535 476 00200

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Question 3 (20 pts)

Fill in the first 5 empty columns in the table with random values:

FirstName : random values from column FirstName in NAMES Table

1 Surname : random values from column Surname in NAMES Table
Test1 : random integer value between 25 and 69
Test2 : random integer value between 35 and 79
Test3 : random integer value between 45 and 89
Fill in the column Test Total showing the Total of Test1, Test2 and Test3

3 If Test2 > Test1, display "Good" as a Comment

4 If Test2 > Test1 AND Test3 > Test2, "Excellent" as a Comment

5 If 3) and 4) are both false, display "Bad" as a Comment

59 rue Nationale Établissement d’enseignement supérieur technique privé reconnu par l’état.
75013 Paris Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
+33 (0)1 53 36 44 00 AS ESGCV — SAS AU CAPITAL DE 13 267 469 € SIREN 752 535 476 — SIRET 752 535 476 00200

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Question 4 (50 pts)

Set values of Job Priority column : they must be values from JOB PRIORITIES table ( use random
values, and INDEX )

2 Set format of Request Date and Start Date columns ( use Short Date )

Set values of Pro Bono Labour column : they must be "YES" or blank ( 1 out of 10 times it is
"YES", and 9 out of 10 times it is blank )
Set values of Pro Bono Parts column : they must be "YES" or "NO" ( 17 out of 18 times it is "NO",
and 1 out of 18 times it is "YES" )

5 Set format of Price of Parts column ( use Money, and 0 decimals )

Set values of Days Waited column : they must be Start Date - Request Date or blank ( if the Start
Date is non blank, then use Start Date - Request Date, else set to blank )
Set values of Labour Rate column : they must be values from LABOUR RATES table, formatted as
7 Money, and 0 decimals ( use value of column Number of People to get Labour Rate, and a
LOOKUP function )
Set values of Labour Cost column : they must be 0 or Labour Hours * Labour Rate, formatted as
8 Money, and 0 decimals ( if the value of Pro Bono Labour column is "YES" then 0, else use Labour
Hours * Labour Rate )
Set values of Parts Cost column : they must be 0 or Parts value, formatted as Money, and 0
decimals ( if the value of Pro Bono Parts column is "YES" then 0, else use Price of Parts )
Set values of Total Cost column : if must be ( Labour Cost + Parts Cost ) increased by the Tax Rate
10 %, formatted as Money, and 0 decimals ( use value of column Tax Code to get Tax Rate from TAX
RATES table, and INDEX / MATCH )
For orders A00100 A01098 compare Total Cost in column V, to Total Cost of next order.
11 In column C show a green up arrow if higher, a red down arrow if lower, and an orange right
arrow for anything else ( show only the arrow, nothing else )
12 Show the 288 highest Total Cost values in column V in Red

13 Show the 315 lowest Total Cost values in column V in Green

14 Add databars in column W to show the Total Cost values ( show only the databars, not values )

In cell O26 display a drop-down list the containing unique, ordered from A-Z, Service values from
column G

16 In cell O27 display the number of all orders corresponding to the Service value in cell O26

In cell O28 display the total labour cost of all orders corresponding to the Service value in cell

59 rue Nationale Établissement d’enseignement supérieur technique privé reconnu par l’état.
75013 Paris Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
+33 (0)1 53 36 44 00 AS ESGCV — SAS AU CAPITAL DE 13 267 469 € SIREN 752 535 476 — SIRET 752 535 476 00200

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18 Display all service values in column G corresponding to the Service value in cell O26 in yellow

19 Display all work order ID values in column D corresponding to the Service value in O26 in yellow

In column B show a red circle if Total Cost is within 30 of the value in T26, else leave blank
20 Hint : Test if value of ( T26 - 30 ) < value of Total Cost and value of ( T26 + 30 ) > value of Total
Cost, and try with values 100, 200, 300 … in cell T26

59 rue Nationale Établissement d’enseignement supérieur technique privé reconnu par l’état.
75013 Paris Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles.
+33 (0)1 53 36 44 00 AS ESGCV — SAS AU CAPITAL DE 13 267 469 € SIREN 752 535 476 — SIRET 752 535 476 00200

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