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1. My house (rumahku)
Vocabulary (Kosa kata)
a. Living room = Ruang keluarga
b. Kitchen = Dapur
c. Bedroom = Kamar tidur
d. Bathroom = Kamar mandi
e. Garage = Garasi
f. Garden = Kebun
g. Sofa = Sofa
h. Television = Televisi
i. Lamp = Lampu
j. Curtain = Gorden
k. Bed = Kasur / tempat tidur
l. Pillow = Bantal
m. Carpet = Karpet
n. Stove = Kompor
o. Spoon = Sendok
p. Fork = Garpu
q. Knife = Pisau
r. Soap = Sabun

2. Imperative (Kalimat perintah)

Show me … = tunjukan padaku …
Go to … = pergi ke atau menuju …
Contoh kalimat
Show me the kitchen = Tunjukan padauk dapur
Go to the bedroom = pergi ke dapur / menuju dapur

Contoh percakapan “My house”

Made : “Where do you sleep?”
(Dimana kamu tidur?)
Kadek : “I sleep in the bedroom?”
(Aku tidur di kamar tidur)
Made : “Where do you take bath?”
(Dimana kamu mandi?)
Kadek : “I take bath in bathroom”
(Aku mandi di kamar mandi)
Made : “Where does your mother cook?”
(Dimana ibumu memasak?)
Kadek : My mother cooks in the kitchen
(Ibuku memasak di dapur)
3. Lagu my house
Nada lagu Naik Becak

Ini adalah rumahku

This is my house, this is my house
Kamar tidur itu bedroom
Kamar mandi itu bathroom
Ada dapur itu kitchen
Ruang keluarga itu living room
My house, my house
adalah rumahku


Answer the following questions with the correct answer!

1. I sleep in the …………...................................................................

2. My mother cooks in the …………......……...................................
3. T – l – e – e – v – i – o – s – i – n
The correct order is …………......……..........................................
4. Draw two rooms in the house!

a. b.
1. Bedroom
2. Kitchen
3. Television

a. b.

Living room Kitchen

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