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Momentum Design Worksheet

Section 1: Evaluate the information and head injury data of soccer players provided in the
lesson. Then identify three criteria and three constraints that will guide your helmet design
Criteria Constraints
Create helmet that has padding Must be able to protect from front, back,
and side . Protect against spinning of the
Create a helmet that effectively protects Protecting the traditions of game play
against head injuries
Protecting is better than no protection Weight must be lightweight for soccer
player necks

Section 2: Record your helmet design data below.

Design Number 6
Hours of Labor 4 hours
Weight of HDPE 1 lbs
Weight of padding- 0.7 lbs
Weight of padding- lateral 0.5 lbs
Weight of liner 1 lbs

Section 3: Record your helmet test data below.

Top of Helmet Side of Helmet Front of Helmet
100 g’s No penetration of No penetration of No penetration of
shell; no deformity of shell; no deformity of shell; no deformity of
liner or padding. liner or padding. liner or padding.
150 g’s No penetration of No penetration of No penetration of
shell; no deformity of shell; slight shell; no deformity of
liner or padding. deformity of GFM liner or padding.
padding; slight
deformity of IP liner.
200 g’s No penetration of Slight crack in shell; No penetration of
shell; slight gel bladders are open shell; slight
deformity of DSM at and leaking gel at deformity of DSM at
point of impact, point of impact, burst point of impact,
slight deformity of IP impact pods in liner slight deformity of IP
liner. at point of impact liner.
Section 4: Determine the costs of your design plus a $10-dollar profit and record it here.

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) 30 cents per pound 1 lbs

Memory Foam $3 per pound
Impact pods- $2 per pound 1 lbs

Gel-filled bladders $4 per pound 0.5 lbs

D3O Smart Material $5 per pound 0.7 lbs

Tools/Equipment $5 per helmet

Labor $25/hour 4 hours

0.30 + 2.00 + 2.00 + 3.50 + 100.00= $107.8 Since there is a $10 profit
we must subtract 10 from 107.8… 107.8 - 10.00 =$97.8
Section 5: Answer the following analysis questions about the benefits and limitations of your
helmet design.
1. 1. The cost of a high school football helmet ranges from $150 to $400. The average
cost of a high school lacrosse helmet is around $85. Do you think your soccer helmet is
priced too high or too low for high school players? ? Explain your reasoning. The cost of
my helmet seems to be relatively low in price compared to football helmets. While the
cost is not like a lacrosse helmet it is still in a relatively low budget at $107.8 while in
football it would range from $150-$400 and lacrosse at $85. My helmet would be
protecting more than what a lacrosse helmet would do because in la crosse you are
using a net compared to soccer players using their heads sometimes. A helmet's price
all depends on the activity level of the sport.

2. 2. Could the weight of your helmet lead to other safety issues during a soccer
game? What types of injuries could it prevent or possibly cause? In my design the
weight of the helmet came to 3.2 lbs. While designing it I made sure to keep in mind
the constraint of weight on the soccer players neck hence why I tried to keep the
helmet relatively light. The lightweight helmet could prevent players from having a
hard time with range of motion to see in the field and would allow them to have
protection from impacts on the head.

3. 3. Based on the helmet field results, what is the reliability of your helmet design
compared to the other possible helmet designs? What makes your helmet more effective
or less effective than the other helmet designs? Hint: Use the helmet field results found
under the Reliability section. Based on the helmet field results my design, number 6,
seems to be in the middle for about every symptom. With 9 threes and 13 twos I
would say that my design is pretty reliable based on those results. My design was
most effective in neck pain, sensitivity to noise, feeling slowed down, feeling like “in
a fog”, “I don’t feel right”, difficulty concentrating, difficulty remembering, and
irritability. While the design was less effective in the person's feelings such as low
energy, sensitive to light, blurred vision, and balance problems.

4. 4. After reading the article in the lesson, Head Injuries Among Soccer Players, do you
think your helmet design will enhance or detract from the game? Could it be distracting
to the players, coaches, referees, and fans based on its weight or the bulk at the sides or
midsection? After reading the article in the lesson, Head Injuries Among Soccer
Players, I do think that a helmet design will enhance soccer games. While a helmet
may be distracting to players if the weight is too heavy or too bulky on the
midsection, it would benefit the player because of the occurrence of injury in soccer.
Since my design was bulky on the side and not in the front, a player should be able to
see properly without an issue while being protected from having worsened
concussions. In my opinion, a helmet should not be distracting to couches, referees, or
fans because they are watching and not physically playing in the activity.

5. 5. Analyze the weight and reliability results of your helmet design. What about
your design could change the minds of those opposed to heavy or cumbersome helmets
in soccer? After analyzing the weight and reliability results of my helmet design my
ability to be lightweight and have consistent results would be able to change people's
minds. With the ability to properly protect a person from a concussion design number
six had results that were very mild. What I mean by that is that in the field studies my
design was able to stay in the 2s and 3s in the scale of 0-5 from least severe to most
severe. With a weight of 3.2 lbs overall, it also shows that it will protect the head
while being under the 3 ½ mark that would be unsafe for players.

6. 6. Use the Helmet Design and Engineering Virtual Laboratory to refine your
design. Your goal is to increase your helmet’s ability to minimize head injuries during
soccer play. Compare your new design’s shape and reliability to your previous design
and describe their similarities and differences. After using the helmet design and
engineering virtual lab again, I refined my design by instead using all D3O smart
material for the midsection, and lateral section. I had created design number 5

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