Memorandum of Agreement With Additional Provision

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Memorandum of Agreement

Know All Men by These Presents:

This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into by and between:

The MAPUTI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, of DepEd District Naawan with postal address at Purok 2,
Maputi, Naawan Misamis Oriental herein represented by MS. MARIBETH B. MABALO, School Head
and hereinafter referred to as the “Maputi Senior High School”;

– and –

The MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY AT NAAWAN, an autonomous external campus and distinct unit
of the Mindanao State University duly recognized and existing under the laws of the Republic of the
Philippines, with office address at Pedro Pagalan Street, Poblacion, Naawan, Misamis Oriental herein
represented by DR. ELNOR C. ROA in her capacity as Chancellor, hereinafter referred to as the “MSU

Each of MSU Naawan and Maputi Senior High School may also be individually referred to as a
“Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.


WHEREAS, MSU Naawan is a distinct autonomous unit of the Mindanao State University System
under Memorandum Orders No. 3 and 45 and Board of Resolution No. 92, Series of 1988 aims to
advance the frontier of knowledge through internationalization of education and equitable access to
quality education and equitable access to quality instruction, research, extension, and production for
economic prosperity, moral integrity, social and cultural sensitivity, and environmental

WHEREAS, Maputi Senior High School, of the Department of Education is mandated through
Republic Act 9155, otherwise known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 establishing
among others the maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education
relevant to the goals of national development.

WHEREAS, MSU at Naawan will implement the extension activity entitled: Enhancing Action
Research Skills: Empowering Senior High School Teachers at Maputi National High School.
Specifically, the study will answer the following objectives:

1. Conduct the pre-assessment or benchmarking assessment on how to craft action research

among senior high school teachers guided by the following specific criteria: (a) How to make
an introduction, (b) Identification of Action Research Problem, (c) Strengthening Literature
Review, (d) Methodology Design, (e) Instrument Validation, (f) Introduction to Statistical
Methods, (g) Interpretation of statistical results;

2. Training on Action Research: Seminar-Workshop. This study seeks to train the participants
based by specific criteria stated in objective 1;

3. Action Research Writeshop: This writeshop, participants will apply the knowledge gained
from the training and execute their own action research projects and serve as a practical
guide, and enabling participants to navigate through the intricacies of the research process

4. Collection, Mentoring, and Critiquing of Action Researches output.


WHEREAS, Maputi Senior High School aims to reinforce its commitment to the implementation of
the three extension projects through the involvement of its School Head, Ms. Maribeth B. Mabalo,
as an extension activity collaborator;

WHEREAS, Maputi Senior High School and MSU Naawan are committed to improving the
competencies on Enhancing Action Research Skills of Senior High School Teachers at Maputi National
High School.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the PARTIES to this
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) do hereby agree to undertake jointly the implementation of the
Enhancing Action Research Skills: Empowering Senior High School Teachers at Maputi National High
School, referred to as the “Extension Activity”, under the following terms and conditions.

Section 1. Obligations and Responsibilities of the Parties

A. MSU at Naawan shall:

1. Implement the acquisition of action research skills to empower Senior High School Teachers.

2. Observe ethical principles and procedures thereof in the implementation of the project.

3. Provide logistic support in the delivery of assessment materials and survey questionnaires.

4. Supervise project implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

5. Conduct data validation together with the DepEd District of Naawan and the school.

B. The Maputi Senior High School shall:

1. Allow the conduct of the action research training of the senior high school teachers.

2. Allow the use of the school facilities and the conduct of extension activities.

3. Provide personal and academic information of the beneficiaries for classification in

consonance with the guidelines set by R.A. 10173, otherwise known as Data Privacy Act.

4. Assist in the follow-up activities during implementation and evaluation.

5. Provide safety and security for the project team during the conduct of the extension

Section 2. General Provisions

2.1 All rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines related to or connected with as being set forth and
promulgated or which maybe set forth and promulgated by Maputi Senior High School shall form an
integral part of this Agreement.

2.2 Duration of Agreement

This agreement shall take effect on [insert effective date] and shall continue until the satisfactory
fulfillment of all terms and conditions embodied herein, with an anticipated ending date of [insert
ending date]. Upon fulfillment, termination shall occur. Any proposed modifications or amendments
to this Agreement shall be mutually agreed upon in writing by all the parties hereto.

2.3 Communication Protocol


The Parties agree to maintain effective communication throughout the duration of this agreement.
Communication channels shall include but not be limited to email, phone calls, and face-to-face
meetings as necessary.

2.4 Points of Contact:

• For Maputi Senior High School:


• Position: School Head

• Contact Information: [Insert email address and phone number]

• For MSU Naawan:


• Position: Project leader, Prof VI

• Contact Information: [Insert email address and phone number]

2.5 Frequency of Updates or Meetings:

• Regular updates and meetings shall be conducted as deemed necessary by the Parties to ensure
the smooth implementation and progress tracking of the Extension Activity. The frequency of
updates and meetings shall be agreed upon mutually by the Parties based on project requirements
and milestones. This Communication Protocol shall be adhered to by both Parties to facilitate
efficient collaboration and information exchange throughout the implementation of the Extension

2.6 Conflict Resolution Mechanism

In the event of disputes or conflicts arising during the implementation of this agreement, the Parties
shall adhere to the following procedure for resolution:

1. Informal Resolution: The Parties shall first attempt to resolve any disputes or conflicts
through informal discussions and negotiations between the designated points of contact
mentioned in the Communication Protocol section. This stage encourages open
communication and collaboration to reach an amicable solution.

2. Mediation: If the disputes or conflicts persist despite attempts at informal resolution, the
Parties may opt for mediation. Mediation involves the appointment of a neutral third party
to facilitate discussions and assist the Parties in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution.
Both Parties agree to participate in good faith in the mediation process.

3. Escalation: In the event that mediation fails to resolve the disputes or conflicts satisfactorily,
either Party may escalate the matter to higher authorities within their respective
organizations. This escalation may involve the involvement of senior management or
relevant administrative bodies to review the dispute and provide guidance on resolution.

4. Arbitration or Legal Action: Should the disputes or conflicts remain unresolved after
exhausting the previous steps, the Parties may consider arbitration or legal action as a last
resort. This may involve referring the matter to an arbitrator or pursuing legal remedies as
provided for under applicable laws and regulations. Both Parties commit to engaging in good


faith efforts to resolve any disputes or conflicts in a timely and cooperative manner, with the
ultimate goal of preserving the collaborative spirit and objectives of this agreement.

2.7 Financial Arrangements

In cases where financial transactions are involved in the implementation of this agreement, the
Parties shall adhere to the following arrangements:

1. Funding Sources: Any funding required for the execution of the Extension Activity shall be
sourced from [Specify funding sources, e.g., institutional budgets, grants, donations, etc.].
The Parties shall ensure transparency regarding the allocation and utilization of funds in
accordance with applicable financial regulations and guidelines.

2. Budget Allocations: A detailed budget plan shall be developed jointly by the Parties,
outlining the specific expenditures required for the successful implementation of the
Extension Activity. The budget plan shall include provisions for expenses such as personnel
costs, logistics, materials, and any other relevant expenditures.

3. Reimbursement Procedures: If reimbursement procedures are necessary, the Parties shall

establish clear guidelines and procedures for the submission, review, and approval of
reimbursement requests. Reimbursements shall be processed promptly and in accordance
with the agreed-upon terms and conditions.

4. Financial Reporting: Both Parties shall maintain accurate records of financial transactions
related to the Extension Activity and provide periodic financial reports as mutually agreed
upon. These reports shall include details of expenditures incurred, funds disbursed, and any
remaining balances.

5. Auditing and Accountability: Periodic audits may be conducted to ensure compliance with
financial arrangements and to verify the accuracy and integrity of financial records. Both
Parties shall cooperate fully in any audit processes and take appropriate corrective actions if
discrepancies are identified. The Parties commit to upholding principles of transparency,
accountability, and responsible financial management throughout the duration of this
agreement to ensure the effective utilization of resources and the achievement of mutual

2.8 Intellectual Property Rights

In regard to any intellectual property developed or produced as a result of the project, the Parties
shall adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Ownership: Intellectual property rights arising from the Extension Activity, including but not
limited to research findings, publications, software, and other outputs, shall be owned by
the Party or Parties responsible for their creation in accordance with applicable intellectual
property laws and regulations.

2. Rights and Licenses: The Party or Parties owning the intellectual property rights may grant
appropriate licenses or permissions to the other Party or Parties involved in the project for
the use, dissemination, or commercialization of the intellectual property, subject to mutually
agreed-upon terms and conditions.

3. Jointly Developed Intellectual Property: In cases where intellectual property is jointly

developed by the Parties, ownership rights and responsibilities shall be determined through


mutual agreement and documented in writing. The Parties shall collaborate in good faith to
establish equitable arrangements for the management and exploitation of jointly developed
intellectual property.

4. Protection and Confidentiality: The Parties shall take necessary measures to protect any
intellectual property arising from the project against unauthorized use, disclosure, or
infringement. Confidential information exchanged between the Parties during the course of
the project shall be treated in accordance with confidentiality agreements or protocols
established between them.

5. Publication and Dissemination: The Parties agree to collaborate on the dissemination of

project outputs, including publications, presentations, and reports, while respecting any
intellectual property rights and confidentiality obligations. Any publications or presentations
resulting from the project shall acknowledge the contributions of all involved Parties

6. Resolution of Disputes: In the event of disputes or disagreements regarding intellectual

property rights, the Parties shall seek to resolve them amicably through negotiation and, if
necessary, mediation or arbitration, as outlined in the Conflict Resolution Mechanism
section of this agreement. The Parties commit to respecting and upholding each other's
intellectual property rights while fostering a collaborative environment conducive to the
advancement of knowledge and the achievement of project objectives.

2.9 Risk Management

To ensure the successful implementation of the project and mitigate potential risks or challenges,
the Parties shall identify and address the following:

1. Identification of Risks: The Parties shall conduct a thorough assessment to identify potential
risks or challenges that may arise during the course of the project. This includes but is not
limited to logistical, operational, financial, and regulatory risks.

2. Risk Analysis: Upon identification, the Parties shall analyze the likelihood and potential
impact of each risk on the project objectives, timeline, and deliverables. Risks shall be
categorized based on their severity and urgency for mitigation.

3. Mitigation Strategies: Based on the risk analysis, the Parties shall develop appropriate
mitigation strategies to address and minimize the impact of identified risks. These strategies
may include contingency planning, resource allocation, process improvements, and
stakeholder engagement.

4. Contingency Plans: Contingency plans shall be established for high-priority risks with
significant potential impact on the project. These plans outline specific actions to be taken in
the event that risks materialize, ensuring prompt response and effective resolution.

5. Monitoring and Review: The Parties shall continuously monitor the project environment for
emerging risks and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented mitigation strategies. Regular
reviews shall be conducted to assess the evolving risk landscape and adjust mitigation efforts

6. Communication and Collaboration: Open communication and collaboration between the

Parties are essential for effective risk management. Any identified risks, mitigation


strategies, and contingency plans shall be communicated transparently and shared promptly
to ensure alignment and proactive response.

7. Documentation: All risk management activities, including risk identification, analysis,

mitigation strategies, and contingency plans, shall be documented systematically. This
documentation provides a reference for future decision-making and facilitates lessons
learned for continuous improvement. By proactively identifying, analyzing, and addressing
potential risks, the Parties demonstrate their commitment to project success and resilience
in the face of challenges, ultimately ensuring the achievement of mutual objectives.

2.10 Performance Indicators

To assess the success and effectiveness of the project, the Parties shall define measurable indicators
or benchmarks as follows:

1. Outcome Indicators: Outcome indicators represent the desired changes or results that the
project aims to achieve. These may include improvements in the competencies of Senior
High School Teachers in action research skills, enhanced collaboration between Maputi
Senior High School and MSU Naawan, and increased capacity for research and innovation
within the school community.

2. Output Indicators: Output indicators measure the tangible deliverables or products

produced as a result of project activities. These may include the number of senior high
school teachers trained in action research skills, the completion of action research projects,
the development of educational materials or resources, and the dissemination of project
findings through publications or presentations.

3. Impact Assessment: Impact assessment indicators evaluate the broader, long-term effects
of the project on stakeholders and beneficiaries. This may include indicators related to
improvements in teaching quality, student learning outcomes, and institutional capacity-
building within Maputi Senior High School. Additionally, impact assessment may consider
factors such as sustainability, scalability, and replicability of project interventions.

4. Target Setting: The Parties shall establish specific targets or benchmarks for each
performance indicator, outlining the expected outcomes, outputs, and impacts to be
achieved within the project timeline. Targets should be realistic, measurable, and aligned
with the overall objectives of the project.

5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular monitoring and evaluation activities shall be conducted
to track progress against performance indicators, assess the effectiveness of project
interventions, and identify areas for improvement. Data collection methods, evaluation
tools, and reporting mechanisms shall be established to facilitate accurate measurement
and analysis of project outcomes.

6. Reporting and Documentation: The Parties shall document and report on project
performance regularly, providing updates on progress towards achieving performance
indicators, highlighting successes, challenges, and lessons learned. This documentation
ensures transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making throughout the project
lifecycle. By defining clear and measurable performance indicators, the Parties enhance
accountability, demonstrate project impact, and facilitate evidence-based decision-making
to drive continuous improvement and success.


2.11 Reporting Requirements

To maintain accountability and transparency in project monitoring and evaluation, the Parties shall
adhere to the following reporting requirements:

1. Format of Reports: Progress updates shall be provided in a standardized format agreed upon
by the Parties. The format may include written reports, presentation slides, or electronic
documents, as deemed appropriate for conveying project information effectively.

2. Frequency of Reporting: Regular progress updates shall be submitted according to a

predetermined schedule. The frequency of reporting may vary depending on project
milestones, activities, and the needs of the Parties but shall typically occur on a monthly or
quarterly basis.

3. Contents of Reports: Reports shall include comprehensive information on project activities,

achievements, challenges, and any deviations from the planned timeline or budget. They
shall also highlight progress towards achieving performance indicators and provide
recommendations for improvement, if applicable.

4. Recipients of Reports: Reports shall be distributed to designated stakeholders and project

team members, including but not limited to the School Head of Maputi Senior High School,
the Chancellor of MSU Naawan, project coordinators, and relevant administrative staff.
Additional recipients may include funding agencies, government authorities, or other project
partners as specified in the agreement.

5. Submission Deadlines: Clear deadlines shall be established for the submission of progress
reports to ensure timely communication and accountability. Reports shall be submitted in
advance of scheduled meetings or review sessions to allow for thorough review and

6. Review and Feedback: Upon receipt of progress reports, the designated recipients shall
review the contents and provide feedback or clarification as necessary. Feedback may
include requests for additional information, recommendations for corrective action, or
commendations for exemplary performance.

7. Documentation and Archiving: All progress reports and related documentation shall be
systematically archived and maintained for future reference and audit purposes. This
documentation provides a historical record of project activities and outcomes, facilitating
accountability and continuity across project phases. By specifying clear reporting
requirements, the Parties ensure that project progress is effectively communicated,
monitored, and evaluated, enabling informed decision-making and continuous improvement
throughout the project lifecycle.

2.12 Termination Clause

The Parties acknowledge that circumstances may arise that necessitate the termination of this
agreement. Therefore, the following provisions shall govern the termination process:

1. Conditions for Termination: Either Party may terminate this agreement under the following
conditions: a. Mutual Agreement: Both Parties mutually agree to terminate the agreement
in writing. b. Breach of Agreement: If either Party materially breaches any provision of this
agreement and fails to remedy such breach within a reasonable period after receiving
written notice from the other Party, the non-breaching Party may terminate the agreement.


c. Force Majeure: If the performance of this agreement is prevented or significantly hindered

by events beyond the control of either Party, including but not limited to acts of God, natural
disasters, government actions, or civil unrest, either Party may terminate the agreement
without liability.

2. Notice of Termination: The Party seeking termination shall provide written notice to the
other Party specifying the grounds for termination and the effective date of termination.
Notice shall be delivered in accordance with the Communication Protocol section of this

3. Consequences of Termination: Upon termination of this agreement, the Parties shall fulfill
any outstanding obligations or responsibilities in accordance with the terms of this
agreement. Any intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, or other provisions
that survive termination shall remain in effect following termination.

4. Settlement of Disputes: In the event of disputes or disagreements regarding the termination

of this agreement, the Parties shall seek to resolve them amicably through negotiation and,
if necessary, mediation or arbitration, as outlined in the Conflict Resolution Mechanism
section of this agreement.

5. Return of Property: Upon termination of this agreement, each Party shall return any
property, materials, or resources belonging to the other Party in its possession or control
promptly. This includes but is not limited to documents, equipment, funds, and intellectual

6. Final Accounting: The Parties shall conduct a final accounting of all financial transactions and
expenditures related to the project and settle any outstanding payments or obligations prior
to termination. Financial records shall be provided to the other Party upon request for
verification and review. By establishing clear procedures for termination, the Parties ensure
that any potential dissolution of the agreement is managed effectively and in accordance
with agreed-upon terms, thereby minimizing disruption and facilitating an orderly transition.

2.13 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of
the Philippines. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this agreement shall be subject to
the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of the Philippines.

2.14 Severability

If any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a court of

competent jurisdiction, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not
in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

2.15 Entire Agreement

This agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and
understandings, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Memorandum of Agreement to be executed by
their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.










School Head


___________________________________ ________________________________


Dean, College of Education and Social Sciences Barangay Chairman, Maputi




MUNICIPALITY ______________________) s.s.

PROVINCE OF ______________________)

BEFORE ME, this _______ day of ________ 2024 in the Municipality of Naawan Province of Misamis
Oriental, Philippines personally appeared the following:

Name Valid ID Issued on Issued at

1. ELNOR C. ROA, PhD P8877336B Feb. 08, 2022 DFA-CDO


Known to me to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument, and they
DR. ELNOR C. ROA to me the same is their free act and deed.

This instrument, consisting of _4_ pages, including the page on which this acknowledgment is
written, has been signed in the left margin of every page thereof by the herein parties and their
witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand on the day, year, and place above the written.

MS. MARIBETH B. MABALO my Hand and Seal on the date placed first above written.


Doc. No. ______

Page No. ______

Book No. ______

Series of ______



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