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Subject questions are questions that we ask to find out about the subject.

When what, which,

who or whose refers to the subject, the question word comes before the verb without the use of
the auxiliary verb.
For example:
If the answer is "The train to London was late", the question would be "Which train was late?"
If the answer is "Samantha won the race", the question would be "Who won the race?"

Object questions ask about the object of a sentence. The word order of the question is changed
and the question requires the use of the auxiliary verb.
For example:
If the answer is "I caught the train to London", the question would be "Which train did you catch?"
If the answer is "I saw a film yesterday", the question would be "What did you do yesterday?"

More examples:
What happened today?

What did you do today?

Which film is best?

Which film do you like best?

Who phoned me?

Who did I phone?

1. Make questions to the underlined words.

Example: John broke that window.
John broke that window.

Who broke that window?

What did John break?

I visited my grandfather on Saturday. _____________________________________

They went to Dublin last summer. ________________________________________

Hes buying a new house next month. _____________________________________

Martha is going to have a baby in April. ____________________________________

We're writing a report about friendship. ____________________________________

My friend did his homework yesterday. ____________________________________

2. Translate the following questions and say if you are asking for the subject or
the object in each sentence.
Example: Quin vino ayer?

Who came yesterday?


- A quin viste el domingo? _____________________________________


- Qu ests haciendo? _________________________________________


- Quin sabe la respuesta? ______________________________________


- Qu compr tu padre? ________________________________________


- A quin le diste el regalo? ______________________________________


- Qu va a ocurrir el prximo mes? ________________________________


- Qu pelcula viste anoche? _____________________________________


- Qu actriz gan el Oscar? ______________________________________


- Cunta gente est estudiando ingls? _____________________________


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