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" Young men and maidens, old men and children, praise the Name of the Lord."


This work has been published in response to a want long

felt, for a Hymnal that is adapted to the various requirements

of the American branch of the Church, and with the convic-

tion that it^ supplies this want to a greater degree than any

other collection.

To those familiar with the book, no commendation is neces-

sary ; to those who are not so, a sufficient guarantee of its value

will be found in the enormous circulation which it has reached

in England, during five years, and in the subjoined names,

(from a number too large for insertion,) which the publisher is

permitted to print, in testimony of its character.


The publisher begs to thank the many eminent clerics, whose

countenance and warmly-expressed approbation has been given

to this effort to reform the Music and llynmody of the Church

in the United States.

Pms( Of S. Matthias, 1866.

The Right Reverend John Williams, D.D., Rishop of Connecticut.

" " " Tuos. Atki.nx.n, D.D., L.L.D., Rishop of N.Can.lina.
" " « Horatio Potter, D.D., L.L.D., D.C.L., Rishop of N V ,

11 ll " Chas. Todd Qi imakd. M.D.. Bishop of Tenne-

The Reverend Morgan Dix, S.T 1).. Rector of Trinity Parish, New York.
" Francis Vinton, S.T.I)., Trinity Pariah, "
M Frederick Ogilby, D.D., « u " "
« J. Freeman Young, D.D., " " M
" Henry "A. Nkkly, " "
Wm. Croswell Doane, R.D., Rector of S. John's Pariah,
Hartford, Conn.
James A. B0LLX8, D.D., Rector of Church of the Advent,
Roston, Mass.
M Milo Mahan, D.D., Rector of S. Paul's, Baltimore, Md.
" Geo. MoaGAM Hills, Rector of S. Paul's. tyiaovae, W. S. V.
" A. 1>. CoLB, D.D., President of Naahotah Minion, Nashotah,
" .James De Koven, D.D., Rector of Racine College, Racine,
J. Hk.nry Holkins, Jr., Editor of the Chunh Journal^ N V.

The Compilers of Hymns Ancient and Modern, for use in the Services

of the Church, desire to take the opportunity, afforded by the publication of

this edition with accompanying Tunes, of expressing their deep thankful-

ness for the very large amount of kind and valuable assistance which they
have received in the compilation both of the words and music. Original
contributions, translations, careful criticisms, and thoughtful suggestions,
as well as permission to make extracts from their published works, have
been freely given by many who, they well know, will neither expect nor
desire to receive more than this general but most hearty assurance of their
gratitude. But to a few (especially those whose names cannot but be
linked to their tunes) their thanks must be given separately; to the re-

vered author of the Christian Year, for leave to make extracts from it,

and for Hymns 52, 119, and 212, (originally printed in the Salisbury
Hymn-book) as well as for the use of unpublished translations, and for
much careful criticism; to Miss Catherine "VVinkworth, for her kind per-
mission to print Hymns 112, 171, 191,208, 233, and 238, from the Lyra
Germanica ; to the Very Rev. the Dean of Canterbury, for the use of
Hymn 223 * ; to Mr. Novello, for his generous permission to make extracts
from the Hymnal Noted ; to the Rev. Thomas Helmore, not only for his
past labours, of which they have reaped so much fruit, but also for his
friendly co-operation in this work ; to the Rev. J. B. Dykes, Precentor of
Durham Cathedral, for several new tunes, especially that to the " Dies irse,"

and for much valuable assistance; to the Rev. Sir Frederick A. Gore
Ouseley, Bart., Professor of Music in the University of Oxford, and Pre-
centor of Hereford Cathedral, for several new tunes, and for his kind
revision and approval of the larger portion of the book (the unbarred
* The Compilers feel it due to the Dean to state that considerable alterations were made by them in this Hymn,
without his sanction ; and that he wishes not to be considered responsible for it in its present form.

melodies of course being!) ; to the Rev. II. L Jenner, Vicar of

Preston-next- Wingbam, and Hon. Mob. See. to the Ecclesiolog S

for the new tones to Hymns 1**4 and 226, and for permission to print that
to Hymn 142, second part ; to Dr. Gauntlett, f<»r the use of several tu
to Dr. <i. J. Elvey, for the use of the tune to Hymns 110 and 229
Mr. Turle, Organist of Westminster Abbey, for the use of the tune to
Hymn 149 ; to Mr. Reinagle, of Oxford, for the use of the tune so 11

12, L86, and 260; to Mr. [rone, Organist of Southwell Collegiate Church
to Mr. Arthur Brown, Organist of Brentwood, to Mr. Hampton, Choir
master of St. Michael's College, Tenbury, to Mr. John B. Wilkes, latch
< Organist at Monkland, Herefordshire, for contributions of new tunes ; to the

Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, for permission to print the
to the third part of Hymn L42; to the Rev. <i. Mather, for the osc
of Mr. Monk's tune to the Easter Hymn ; to the Rev. W. II. Havi
for the use of his valuable collection of Old Church Psalmody; to Mr.
Metzler, for his free permission to use tune No. 66 in the collection of
Redhead's tunes published by him ; and lastly, though by no meai
the last degree, to their talented coadjutor, Mr. W. II. Monk, to whose
extensive musical knowledge, g . and industry, they are so deeply
They ought also to mention the kind permission they have red
tomake use of the tune and chants bearing the beloved name of Arthui
II. D. Troyte; in justice to whose memory it is but right to add, that had

published during his life-time he would no doubt have drsclai

at least one of the latter the merit of originality; that to Hymn
: evidently adapted from a chant by L>r. W. I la;

With regard to the Hymns they have only to say, further, that in the
spirit, a^ they hope and believe, of the English frayer-book,
have thered alike from the treasures of antiquity and from modern

result of united prayer as well as unit
With regard to the Tunes it may be as well to add a few general
First y as to the unbarred melodies, such as those to Hymns 3, 05,

84, 94, &c. These are exclusively from ancient sources; and are, unlike

modern tunes and also many ancient (such as those to Hymns 22, 31, &c),
incapable of being expressed in an ordinary symmetrical form. For the
sake of those persons who find a difficulty in their execution, or who prefer
the more regular rhythm of modern music, a second tune is added or
referred to ; unless, as e.g. in Hymn 84, the tune on the opposite page is

itself suitable to both Hymns.

Secondly, as to the speed at which each tune should be sung. It has
been thought best on the whole to leave this to tho individual judgment of
Directors of Choirs. The size of the congregation, the strength of the
choir, &c., may often make a quicker or slower pace desirable. But as a
rule it may be said that ordinary congregational singing is too slow, and it

would be perhaps better to err on the side of quickness than slowness ; re-

membering, of course, that hymns or tunes in themselves penitential or

solemn must never be sung too Such tunes e.g. as those to llymns

78 and 82 would be utterly spoilt by being sung fast whereas on the othei ;

hand those to Hymns 108 and 146 would lose all their life and vigour it
they were not sung quickly.
Thirdly, as to the pitch of the tunes. This, like the speed, may de
pend on circumstances. What answers well in one church may not in
another. A pitch suitable for harmonized singing may not be so convenient
fo£ voices in unison. There is no reason, therefore, why any tune should
not be transposed when required although the pitch here given is, when

practicable, the best. The ancient melodies should generally be sung in

Fourthly, as to the dotted semibreve often found ax the end of a phrase.
There are many ways in which even so simple a composition as a Hymn-
>i. PREFaCS.

tunc rim v be written on paper. In that which is here adopted, for i

graphical reasons, the dotted Bemibreve is necessary ; but in performance
it most not be so fully sustained as to impede the Bow of the me.
On the other hand, a closing minim may be somewhat lengthened.
Fifthly j as to the number and arrangement of the tunes. The various
wants and Capabilities of choirs and congregations have been carefully cou-
riered in this matter. Some well-known tunes will be found for «.

:i, BS well BS those which are new, or gathered for the first time from
the rich stores of German music Each Hymn has been arranged to that
tune which seemed to be the most appropriate for it ; and when the I

tune is used for more than one Hymn, it will be found that there is some
Correspondence in the character of the words or seasons. A Lenten tune,
lor example, is never given for Eastertide, but may be suitably used on a
Friday (Nos. 29 and 79). The Hymn which announces the first Advent
of Christ (No. 35), and that which tells of Ilis entry into Jerusalem on
Palm Sunday (No. 87), have as really, though less obviously, somewhat in
common, and are therefore fitly arranged to the same tune. The "j<
Harvest'' and that of Easter are not so unconnected as to make
tune inappropriate both to Hymn 110 and Hymn 203. And so of many
other hymns. To this, as to all other parts of their work, there has been
. lerable thought given ; and they venture to hope that, notwithstanding
many imperfections, the result of their united efforts will be acceptable to
their brethren in Christ, and promote, in some degree, the g

of God.

Lent, ImH

Hymn. Hycn.
Morning . ,
l—ti Holy Matrimony . 212, 213
Third Hour, fc* .
7—9 Ember Days . , 214—216
Evening . 10—19 Missions . 217—220
Sunday 20—24 Burial of the Deed 221
Monday, ."vc. 25—30 For those at Sea . 222
Advent 31—41 Harvest . 223—227
Christmas 42—49 School Festivals . 228—230
S. Day
Stephen's . 50 Almsgiving 231
S. John's Day 51, 52 Friendly Societies • 232
Innocents' Day 53, 54 Times of Trouble . 233—236
Circumcision 55—57 Thanksgiving 237—238
Epiphany 58—66 New Year's Day . 239—240
The Week before Septua Laying the Foundation Stone
gesima . 67 of a Church 24^
Septuagesima, &c. 68—72 Feast of the Dedication of a
Lent 73—78 Church . . . 242—244
On the Passion 88—105 Conversion of St. Paul 245, 246
Easter 106—118 Purification of B. V. Mary 247
Mogadon Days 119, 120 Annunciation, &c, of B.
Ascensiontide 121 — 125 V. Mary 248, 249
Whitsun Even 126 Nativity of St. John the
Whitsuntide 127—131 Baptist . 250, 25
Trinity Sunday 132—135 St. Michael and All Angels 252—254
General Use 136—202 All Saints' Day . 255, 256
Holy Communion. 203—207 Apostles 257—259
Baptism . 208—210 Evangelists 360, 261
Confirmation 211 Mar tyre fee. 262—273
| )


The tunes marked (*) were composed jor this work, or art now printed for ilie jirst ttrtf.

First Line. Measure. Name uf Tune. Hymn.

a hymn *
for martyrs meetly >\ug ... D.L.M. •St. Beds 53
( •Eventide ... ...
Abide with mo ; fast tails the eventide 10,10,10,10 14
lTroyte(No. 1) ... )
Above the Starry ppherei ML St. Michael ... 1 89
Again the Lords own day i.s here ... L.M. St. Ambntse 89
A living stream as crystal clear ... CM. •Stockton ... 156
Alleluia, song of sweetness 87,87,87 Benediction ...

All glory, laud, and honour 7 6,76,76,76 ... St. Theodulph

All hail, adoied Trinity ... L.M. Trinity 138
All people that on earth do d Arell ... L.M. Old Hundredth
All ye who seek for sure relief cm. old Mart) re...
An exile for the faith S.M. Naienza
Angels lament, behold your God ... CM. Northampton LOS
\> now tin- mm*i declining raya ... CM. St. Peter 12
As with gladness men of old 7s (6 lines) Dix C4
At the Cross her station keeping ... 88 7 (Trochaic) ... Mater, Nos,
> 1&2
At the Lamb's high feist we sing ... 7s ( 8 lines) Sal/burg 113
Awake my sonl and witli the sun ... L.M. Redhead, No. 4 1

Before the ending of the day L.M. Te lucis IS

Heboid the Lamb <>t Qod 66 6 1, 8S4 St. John 166
Heboid the messengers of Christ ... CM. St. Petal
(Oriel )
>. nod city, heavenly Salem 8 7, 8 7, 8 7 (Trochaic) 848
{ Drhfl Heat a ... j
Blest s/e the pare in heart S.M. Franeonia ... 141
Blest Creator <>f the light 7s Vienna J4
Blest Trinity, from mortal sight ... L.M. Bisenaeh 188
of heaven on Thee we teed ...
i 7s<6 lines) Ratisbon 80S
Brief life is here our portion 76.76 ... !|>hege ... 142
By precepts taught ox ages oast L.M. Saxony :\
i- .it' the saintly band 7^ Redhead. No. 48
m heaven enthroned 8 7, S 7, 7 7 (Trochaic) Michaelmsa ...
-t i> gone up, yet ere lie panned CM. Dundee 214
Christ is made the sure foundation - r,8 7,8 7 (Trochaic Beats ... 844 the Lord i- risen again 7> Wirteinbuig 118
the Lord i> risen to-day
->t 7» (8 lines) S;.George ... no
-;, Whose glory fills the sky ... ... Ratisbon 5
Christ will gather in His own 7s Hemlein 191
<niristiani awake, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10. 10 Yorkshire ... 47
Come gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove L.M. Cologne 173
Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest ... L.M. l Melciuih** ... 211

First Line. Measure. Name of Tuue. Hynm.

Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire L.M. Veni Creator 127
Come Holy Ghost Who ever one ... L.M. Trinity ...

i Festal
Come let us praise the Name of God O.M Bristol -o
Come pure hearts 8 8 7,887 Evangelists ... 261
Come, see the place where Jesus lay 88 6,88 6 Magdalen College 116
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come 77 7,7 77 Veni Sancte Spiritus 128
Come, ye thankful people, come ... 7s (8 lines) St. George ... 223
Conquering kings their titles take ... 7s Innocents 146
Creator of the starry height L.M. Conditor alrne 31
Creator of the world, to Thee L.M. St. Gregory ... 68
Day of wrath, day of mourning ... 88 8 (Trochaic) Dies lr« 221
( Hermann ...
Disposer supreme 5 5,55,65,65 Hanover
| ...

Earth has many a noble city 8 7,87 ... Stutgard 59

Eternal Father strong to save 8 8,88.88 *Melita 222
Far from my heavenly home S.M. *Lyte 176
Father of heaven Whose love profound L.M. Notker 138
Father of mercies, God of love O.M. St. James 225
First of martyrs, thou whose name 7s Lubeck 50
For man the Saviour shed S.M. Aberystwith 265
For thee, O dear, dear country (part 2) 7 6,7 6(D.) Jenner 142
For thy dear saint, O Lord S.M. St. Helena ... 273
For Thy mercy and Thy grace 7s Culbach 239
Forth in Thy Name, O Loid, 1 go ... L.M. Angela 6
Forty days and forty nights 7s Hernlein 78
Fountain of good, to own Thy love CM. St. Ann 231
From Greenland's icy mountains ... 7 6.7 6(DJ Criiger 217
From highest heaven th' Eternal Son 88 8,8 88 Old 113th .. 1 j3

'Gainst what foeman art thou rushing 8 7,87,47 Martini 246

Glory be to Jesus 6 5,65 ... Caswall 92
Glory to Thee, my God, this night L.M. Tallis 10
Glory to Thee, O Lord ... S.M. St. Helena ... 54
Glory to Thee Who safe hast kept ")

L.M. Redhead, No. 4 1

(Part 3) J

Go to dark Gethsemano ... 7s (6 liu«rs) |

*Gethsemane 103
God eternal, mighty King 7s I
Innocents 229
God from on high hath heard S.M. I St.George ... 48
God moves in a mysterious way ... CM. i
London New 192
God of grace, O let Thy light 7 7, 7 5 ... j
Churton 219
God of mercy, God of grace 7s (6 lines) I
Sherborne ... 63
God of our life, to Thee we call L.M. I Notker 234
God the Father from Thy throne ... Irregular... Rogation Litany 120
God Who madest earth and heaven 8 4,84,888,4 I •Nutricld ...
Great God, what do I see and hear 87,87,887 I Lutiier 3;
) !


Pint Line. Measure. Name of Tune. Hyiuu

tGod,Wbo hid from mortalsigbt l.m. Eisenach 23

of .ill 886,886 Chapel Royal 72
Hail the daj thai neea Him rise ... 7* Ascension 121
Hail t<> the Lord'i Anointed 7 6, 7 6(D.) Crttger 6G
Hark, h thrilling voice is sounding... 87,87 ... aferton 33
ll.t; k, the glad sound, CM. Bristol 40
( Meiidtd**oh.n ... )
Hark, the herald angels bing 7s 43
\ liateh. lor ... [
Have mercy, Lord, on mo S.M. Bt Bride ... 81
Have mercy on ua, God moat high CM. Redhead, No. 29 164
He Who once in righteom vengeance 87,87.77 Coblenta ... in)

Hoaanna to the living Lord 88,88,7 Holyrood 172

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty 11,12,12,11 *Nicasa 135
How bleat the matron who endued ... L.M. St. (iall 26y
How bleat were they who walked \ L.M. St. Blanius ... 70
in love ... ... •••

Hon bright those glorious spirits shine CM. NoMnanton ... 262
How sweet the Name of J eeus sounds cm. Bt. Peter lb5
How welcome was the call ... S.M. Bt. 1foorge ... 213
In grief and tear to Thee, <) Lord ... CM. St. Mary 236
In the Lord's atoning grief 7> Bedhead, No. 47 96
Jerusalem, my nappy home CM. 'Southwell ... 180
Jerusalem the golden (put 3) 7 6,7 6(D.) Ewing 142
Jesu, grant me thi>, I pray 7s Gibbons 177
Jesu, Lover of my soul 7s (D.) *HoUingaidc 17S
Jesu, meek and g»-mle ... 65,66 ... St. ( Sonetantine 1 89
.!<--u, meek and lowly 66,66 ... Bt, Martin ... 1 68

Jesu, my Lord, my God, my all ... . 8 8 •St. Ifatthiaa 178

Je«u, our Hope, our heart's desire ... CM. Redhead Met/1, < 186
f Jean dulcis memoria )
Jem, the very thought ia sweet L.M.
( •St Bernard ...
(Redhead (Met/
Jean, the very thought of Thee O.M. \ No. 66
\ 157
( Winchester < dd ...
the world's redeeming Lord
. ... L.M. Beecles 118
Jeta, Thy mercies are uuiold O.M. Bt Fulherl ... 147

Crown, do Thou
f Jt->u dulcis memoria )
Jem, the virgins' L.M.
{ •Bt Bernard ...
i Center Hymn,
I Monk |
'hii-t i> risen to-day 7s * Banter Hymn (Wor- > 1U7
( ga") J
Jems Uveal no longer now 7 8,78 ... St. Albums ... 117
Jecua ahall reign where'ei theaun .. L.M. St. Aid.ui 1%
Let every heart exulting heat L.M. Jain lucis 194
Let saints >>n earth In concert aing CM. Dundee 169
Light's glittering morn bedecks the ) ( Aurora hi ... )
L.M. 109
i l*Trieteeerant ...)

First Line. Measure. Name of Tune. Hymn.

Lo, from the desert homes G 6 G 6, 4 4 4 4 Croft's L48th 251

Lo, lie comes in clouds descending 8 7,8 7, 8 7 St. Thoina- ... 3D
Lo, DOW is our accepted day L.M. Bamberg 7G
Lord, as to Thy dear cross we rice... CM. Windsor 183
Lord, in this Thy mercy's da) 7 7 7 St. Philip ... 82
Lord, in Thy Name Thy Berva its)
CM. Lincoln 119
Lord Jesus, God and Man S.M. St.Helena ... 228
Lord of the harvest, once again 8 8, 8 8, 8 8 Preston . .. 226
Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on higl L.M. Saxony 215
Lord, Thy word abideth ... 6 ft 6 6 ... Havenshaw ... 20
Lord, when we bend before Thy tliroue CM. Windsor 79
.Mom of morns, and day of days 7s innocents 2o
My God, and is Thy table spread ... L.M. Kockingham 204
iVly God, how wonderful Thou art... CM. Westminster 149
My God I love Thee not because.
; CM. .. Cheshire 88
My God, my Father, while I stray... 8 8 8,4 ... Troyte, No. 1 170
Nearer, my God, to Thee G4, G4.G64 •Horbury 200
New every morning is the love L..V. Melcombe ... 2
New wonders of Thy mighty hand CM. Duudee 27
Not by the martyr's death alone ... L.M. Eisenach 2G7
Pange lingua
Now, my soul, thy voice upraising 87,87,87 94
*St. Denys ::}
Now my tongue the mystery telling 8 7,87,87 Pange lingua 203
Now thank we all our God 6 7.67,6 6,4 6 Nun dankct alle tt... 23S
Now that the daylight fills the sky L.M Jam lucis ... 4
O blessed day when first was poured L.M. Jesu Kedemptor ... 56
O Christ, the heavens' eternal King L.M. Redhead, No. 4 115
Christ, Who art the Light and Day L.M. St. Gregory ... 83
O Christ, Who dost prepare a place L.M. St. Blasius ... ... 159
O Christ, Redeemer of our race L.M. Jesu Kedemptor 45
O come, all ye faithful ... 66, 10,56,77,10 Adeste tideles 42
O come and mourn with me awhile L.M. •St. Cross ... 100
O come, O come. Emmanuel 8 8,88.88 Vcni Emmanuel 36
Father, Thou Who hast created all 10,6, 10. G. 88,4 Winkwonh ... 208
O God of all the strength and power L.M. Trinity :::! 9
Festal ...)
()God of hosts, the mighty Lord ... CM. St.Stephen ... 161
God of life, Whose power benign 888 Lindficld ... 134
O God of love, O King of peace ... L.M. War 235
U God of truth, O Lord of might ... Trinity ... ::: 8
Festal* ...
U (iod, Thy
soldiers' great reward l.m. "Bavaria 264
L> God, our help in ages past ... ;
o.m. St. Ann ,



Fir«l Line. -uie. Name ot i 1

innen, vet |fW near CM. liedh-

Tan of the Church divine L.M. Ferial
heavenly Jomsall m ... . phage ...

O heavenly Word, 1. L.M. . . iU

help at, Lord, oaoh hour of need CM. d
() Holy Lord, Blent tO dwell L.M. •St. Cecilia ...

Holy Spirit. Loid of SJ ... O.M. Tallis' * >idina!

Bedhead (Meb
o Jean, King most ironderfol CM. . .
( 1

Thou the Ileau: CM.

(Win ...
Jean, Lord of light hikI grace ... L.M. Laud*
' let him w ... "... ...

bow happy ihoQld •

... Biidehead ...

i » Lord, in perfect hli^s above L.M. :.t

1 >
Lord gfory rill* ... L.M. <
o Lord moat high, eternal King ... L.M. St. AniTwose
Lord, turn not Thy faee away ... CM. Bt M iry
O Lord, how joyful 'tis to >ce ... Melcomhe ...

love divine, how sweet thoa art ... ... 'Purieigh ...

o lore how deep, how broad, how high t-.M ...

. Who formedst dm to i B8, 8£ lireiii-

l> mercifhl Creator, h<ar ... L.M. Audi benignc Cunditor

praise our God to-day ... ... 1 ...

d Bead, aniToanded ... :ale

or* of the world forlorn L.M. .-•s

IT, Who man ha*t

for trod... L.M. Bishop
B "|kmi wide Thy gates ... ...

O ainner, lit't the eve <•: "

B 8 7 Inm
>:ul danghl aing ... O rilii et fii

Phonfrom Whom all goi CM. Windsur

on, N\"ti'»-«.* all redeeming might .. Leipefc
o Til u, v. rd -• Bridehead ...

< ) Trinity, moat 1 kl ... O lux

Irons type, » ) vision fair L.M. ...

St. Helena ... 1

I \ v d of G ...

ship the K 5 C5 old 104th ...

>h. it 9.M. . . k hael ...

Imed in d«-j>th- of woe ... ...

Of the l-'utt, gotten .

~ 7 7 ...

Oft in ... ...

On Jordan's hank the Bs L.M. Wincll

( No this day. the tir-t oi ... k
1 •

Our IT itH ii,- breathed 1 ..

nay soul, the Kii ..



First Line. Measure. Name of Tune. Hymn.

Ptaise, O praise our God and King .. 7s Monkland ... ... i-u
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore )
87,87 (D.) Alia Trinita beata 174
lli.n ... ...
Praise to God Who reigns above ... 7s Lubeck 253
Praise we the Lord this day S.M. St. George ... 248
Rejoice to-day with one aeeord $7,87,66 6 6, 7 ... Kin' feste Burg L'37
Resting from His worn to-day 7s [6 lines) Redhead, No 76 105
Kide on, ride on, in maj L.M. Winchester New 87
Bock of ages, cleft for me 7s (6 lines} Redhead, No. 76 160
Ruler of the hosts ot Light 7s Gibbons . . 126
Saviour, when in dust to Thee 7s (8 lines) Miserere 104
See the destined day arise 7s Redhead, No. 47 99
Sign's daughter weep no more 7s (6 lines) Gassel 89
Six days of labour now are past CM. Chichester ... So
S ddiers of Christ arise ... s.M. St. Ethelwald 181
Son o( the Highest, deign to c;\< ... CM. St. Mary Magdalene 271
Songs of praise the angels sang 7s Culhaeh , , 160
Spirit of mercy, troth, and love L.M. M'Tconibe ... 131
Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear L.M. Hursley 11
J*Chiistehurch. ..
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go ... 8s (6 lines) 17
{ *St. Matthias
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing S7.87 Batty I 96
Take up Thy cross, the Saviour said L.M. Breslau MS
That day of wrath, that dreadful day L.M. Abbotsiord ... 38
The Apostles' hearts (part 2) L.M. f Aurora lucis •
That Eastertide with joy (part 3) ... L.M. ( *Tiistes erant ••/
The ancient law departs ... S.M. St. Michael ... 55
The advent of our King ... S.M. Franconia ... .. • 31
The earth, O Lord, is one wide field CM. Old Martyrs 218
The eternal gifrs of Christ the King L.M. iErerna Christi munera 267
The fish in wave and bird on wing CM. Bedhead, No. 29 28
The God Whom earth and sea and sky L.M. St. Ambrose 249
The great forerunner of the morn ... L.M. Beccles -

The heavenly Child in stature grows CM. Tallis' Ordinal 62

The Lamb's high banquet called to L.M.

Ad ccenam Agni 111

The which God's Incarnate Word

lite CM Durham 51
The people that in darkness sat CM. Dundee 61
The roseate hues of early dawn D.CM. Old 44th ... 167
The toyal banners forward go L.M. Vexilla Regis 84
The strain upraise of joy and praise Irregular... Trovte. No. 2 ... 145
The strife is o'er, the battle won ... 8,8.^8 ... Victorv . . 114
The sun Is sinking fast ... 6 4.66 ... *St. Columba 15
The Shepherd now to
smitten ... 7 6.76 ... Vulpius 245
Tiie S m of Go 1 goes forth to war ... D.CM. Old SI st 263
The Word with God the Father One L.M. Angels ... 57

Ptmt Line •
at 'I u:,e H)tr.»

The j mt Is bom beyond recall

'I'm.- toioe thai breathed o'er Eden
Thee we a<l«>re, () bidden Bavioui 010 Adoio Te
'":} dV
There is a blessed Home ... \nnue Chi
There is a book who nut may reed • M Redhead, N 71
They oome, Qod'i messengers of love L.M. 'Woolmerlt...
Tii. »u art gone op on high I'.-.M. Old 26th 1_'4

Thou spak'st the srord, end Into one C M. ;

Thou art the Way, by Thee alone... O.M. ,
St. James
Thoa Whose Almighty Word 8 86\4 •
Sr.Austin ...

ugh the changing leeoeeoflife CM.

all Bedford
Tn i>ugh ill'* dey Thy love baa
8 7,87,77 I

oi I
in ( »ne ami One in Three : : : 5 town
done; thai new and heeveolybirth I. M. \\ mcliester Nee
the Prince of Peace
Insist, S.M. ...

To-day, Lord, holier work<) CM. Windsor

To the Name of onr Salvation ,87 ...

Wake and lilt Up thyself, (put 2) ... L.M. Bedhead, No 4

We l<>ve the place. God < > Ss *Quam dileeta 164
We sing the praise of Him Who died L.M ilae M
What our Father does is well It 1. nesj I assi 1

What stai i> this with beams so bright L.M. Kedh'

When God of old came down from
O.M. Winchester Old
When survey the wondrous Cross
1 L.M Rockingham
When in the hour of utmost need... I. M Rambi ra
When onr heads are bowed with woe Redhead, No. 47 163
When shades of night around ns close L.M. I .11 41
high the heavenly temple
L.M Commandments 151

shepherds watched *
CM. Wiuchestei I 44
Bocks by night
Who are these like stars appearing - ;. 87 . 7 7 All ti nte ...

Why doth thai impious Herod fear... L.M. ... t ologne

With hrist we ( share a mystic grave Martyrdom ...

Word Supreme before creation - .

87 - 7 B ediction ...

irs of new Jet usalem C M

- irvants of onr glorious King ... I .M Winchestei N- v*

rants of the Lord ... S M. /a im

m htesf art% for \

Not. 4, 29, 47, if m rvass, hna been purtkoaed

laeess l^n l&Wsji rseisai by Mr. Redhmi /
>» the I'rrfnct.

1 N DEX OK 1 D M E h.
Thjt time* rnarked (•) were composed for this work, or are now printed for the first time. Many of
thijst taken from " German" sources are also now printed for ihe first time in England.

Name of Tune. Composer, or source whence taken. Harmonized or Arranged by Hymn.

Abbotsford German ~, W. H. Monk 38

Ad coenam Agni Ancient Melody W.H.Monk ... 111

interna Christi niunera Ancient Proper Melody W. H. Monk 257

Angels ... Orlando Gibbons W. H. Monk 6, 57
Audi benigne Conditor Ancient Melody Rev. S. S. Greatheed ... 75

Aurora lucis Ancient Mel<dy W. H. Monk 1U9

Bamberg Ancient German ... Chiefly from original, a.d. Ifi28 76,235
Bavaria German Rev. W. H. Havergal ... 2fi4

Becclea Old Melody Chiefly Bach ... 49, 118, 250

Bishop ("Winton Coll.) John Bishop, Ob. 1737 \V. H. Monk 123

Breslau Old German ... Mendelssohn ... 32

Another Harmony ... W. H. Monk ... 85, 165

Cologne Dr. Gauntlett Dr. Gauntlett 60, 173

Commandments Old Melody ... 151,241

Com'itor alme Ancient Advent Melody 31

Eisenach German Sebastian Bach 23. 133, 267

Ferial Ancient Melody Chiefly Rev. T. Helmore 7, 8.9, 216

Festal Ancient Melody ... Chiefly Rev. T. Helmore 7, 8,9, 202
Hursley German W. H. Monk 11

Jam lucis Ancient Melody W. H.Monk 4. 194

Jesu dulcis memoria Ancient Melody W. H. Monk 65, 268

Jesu Redemptor ... W. H. Monk 4 5, 56

Lauds .. Ancient Melody Rev. T. Helmore 3

Leipsic Another form of " Eisenach. ### W. H. Monk I4:<. 266

(2, 131. 188
Melcombe S Webbe W. H. Monk ...
\ 211
/Adapted from "Cantarium S.\
Notker Galli"
W. H. Monk ... 138,234
I /
Old 100th ... ... ... 136

Lux heafa Ancient Melody W. H. Monk 19

Redhead, No. 4 R. Redhead ... R. Redhead ... 1,58, 115

Rockingham ~. Hullah 103, 204

St. Aidan German ^. W. H. Monk 19fi

fk. Ambrose Ancient Melody W.H. Monk », 122. 249

•St. Bernard _ W. H. Monk ... W.H.Monk 65, 268

St Blasius „. Dr. Gauntlett Dr. Gauntlett ... ... '

70, 158

•St. Cecilia J. Hampton ... J. Hampton ... 230

St. Cross Rev. J. B. Dykes Rev. J. B. Dykes 100
/Adapted from "Cantarium S.\
st. Gall
\ GalU" ... -. .../
W. H. Monk ... ... _ 41, I6»

I W * f v hence Ujkn. Harmumtzed or Arrangea If Hymn

..ory German ... ^, W.H Monk ... 68, 83

t German W H. Monk ...

... Did OotBsM ... ' 1 1, t'.\ B 74. 215 •
Tallii _ 10

Te lucis it Melody Iter. T. H 13

... Ancient Mi-: I Chiefly Helmore 7. 8. 9, 152

•Tristes erai.t W. H M< nk ... W. li Monk ... 109

... Ancient Proper Melody I

Rev. T. Helm- re 127

Veiilla Ragb Ancient 1'roper Melody I ReT. T. Helmore M

War German '

W. H. Monk ... 285

(35, 87,209.
Winchester Ne Crasselius, a.n. 1G50 ... ... W . H. Monk «.

•Woi>lme:'s Ml Fred. AG.Ouseley. Bart. | Re*. Sir Fred. A. G. OuseU> 254


•St. Bede W. H.M-nk... ... ... |
W. H. Monk ...

Bedford W. Wheale, c. 172'J ... ... W.H. Monk... _ lit, 187

Ravenscroft's Psalter, lf.21 ... j

25, 40. M?
Cheshire Ravenscroft's Psalter ... W. H. Monk 88

Chichester Ravensi-roft's Psalter 30

Durham Ravenscroft's Psalter 51

/27, 61.169.
Dundee Scotch Psalter, 1621 ...
•Hertford Rev. Sir Fred. A. G. Ousexy, Bart. Rev. Sir Fred. A. G. Ous«ley, Bart. 73

Lincoln rod's Psalter 26, 119

London Ne. Scotch Psalter, 163S ... 192

Man yrd out Hagt Wilson W.H. Monk 210

Redhead, No. 6fi,

R. Redhead 125, 157
R. Redhead ... ...

Normanton German German 262

Northampton Dr. Croft Rev. R. F. Smith 102

:yn Scotch P6ilter — W. H. Monk ... ... _ IM, 218

128,71. 154
Redhead, No. 29 ... R. Redhead ... R. Bedhead ...
Si. Ann Dr. Croft, c. 1712 W. H. Monk ... 197,231

:t Dr. Gauntlett Dr. Gauntlett 106, 147

<i R. Courtvi le. 1680 W. H. Monk . 162. 223

Play ford's Psalter, 1671 M .


-y Magdalene German W. II. M. nk 271

hen Rev. W. Jon*>s. of Na\ bid

•i A. R Reinagle A. R. Reinag'.e — 12, 185, 26C

nil H. S. irons ... H. V Irons ... ... _ 180

•!) Thomas Wri Biv. J. B. Dykes ... _ MM

Tmllis' Ordinal T. Tallis. c. 156% Tallis r.2. 14-. 240

Westminster Tnrle _ Turle ~. ~. 14"

Winrherter. DM _ ItM ... ~. — W. H. Monk ... -. 44. 1?0, 157

_ tt h Mens .. - -.

Same of Tune. Composer, or source whence taken. Harmonized or Arranged by J.'ymn


Old 44th Day's Psalter, 1563 ... ... i Rev. W. H. Havergal ... ~. 1C7

Old 8l8t ... mm Day's Psalter, 1563 ... ... 1 Chiefly Havergal ~ 268

•Aberystwith «. Rev. Sir Fred. A. G. Ouseley, Bart. Rev. Sir Fred. A. G. Ouseley, Bart. 26.)

Dedication ... ... ... ... 242

Franconia German, c. 1720 ... 34, 141

•Lyte J. B.Wilkes, A.R.A J. B. Wilkes ... 176

Narenza Ancient German Rev. W. H. Havergal ... ... 184, 270

St. Bride Dr. Howard, c. 1770 ... ... 81, 91

•St. Ethelwald W. H. Monk ... W. H. Monk ... 181

'48, 195,
St. George ... Dr. Gauntlett Dr. Gauntlett ...
[ 213, 24#
f54, 242,
St. Helena ... M W. H. Monk ... ~ L 228, 27.'

r55, 129
St. Michael Day's Psalter, 1568 ... W. H. Monk ...
H4, 2\


Old 25th Day's Psalter, 1563 | W. H. Monk ... 124

SEVENS (Three Lines).

•St. Philip _ W. H. Monk |W. H. Monk ... ...

SEVENS (Four Lines).

Culbach Teopler's Ant. Cho. Mel. Havergal n. 160, 239

Gibbons Orlando Gibbons W. H. Monk ... ... 126, 177

Hernlein German W. H. Monk ... •M 78, 191

Innocents ... W. H. Monk ... ... 20, 146, 229

Lubeck Ancient German ... Havergal and Monk ... ... 21,50,253
•Monkland ~. J. B. Wilkes mm 224

Redbead, No. 47 ... R. Redhead ... _ R. Redhead ... ... 96, 99, 163

„ 48 _ Dr. Gauntlett _ Dr. Gauntlett 175, 253

Vienna ... Havergal ^. ^. ... 24

Wirtemberg German W. H. Monk ... ... 119

SEVENS (with Alleluias).

Easter Hymn, No. 1. W. H. Monk ... W. H. Monk
j ... 107

„ 2. Worgan w ... ... jW. H. Monk... „. ~. 107

Ascension ... W. H. Monk _ ... ... |W. H. Monk... -. 121

SEVENS ( Six Lines).

CaSSel m, mm German ... W. H. Monk M 89, 227

Dix ... _ ~ German W. H. Monk ... 64

•Oethsemane W. H. Monk (from Tye) W.H.Monk ... ~ 103

Ratisbor. ... M Werner ... „. ~. Havergal and Monk M. ~ 5, 205

Redhead, No. 7fl R. Redhead ... R. Redhead ... 105, 150

W. II. M :.:-: ... W. H. Monk ...

cte Si 8. Webbf . ... ... ' \v H. Monk ...

" l
1 V.H

S-'Xf -I Tu—- Composer, or source whence taken. Harmontfd or Arranced by Hymn.

SEVENS (Eight Lines).

Batchelor C. Batchelor ... C. Batchelor ... 43 (Tune 2)
•Holllngside Rev. J. B. Dykes Rev. J. B. Dykes 170
Mendelssohn Mendelssohn ... Mendelssohn ... 43 (Tune I)

•Misrrere W. H. Monk ... W. H. Monk ... 104

St. George _ Dr.G. Elvey ... Dr. G. Elvey ... 110, 223

Saliburg Sebastian Bach I Sebastian Bach 113

8 8, 8 8, 8 8.
Bremen G. Neuinark ... Sebastian Bach ... _ 171

•Chriitchurch Rev. Sir Fred. A. G. Ouseley, Bart Rev. Sir Fred. A. G. Ouseley, Bart. 17 (Tune 1)

Melita Rev. J. B. Dykes Rev. J. B. Dykes 221

•Preston Rev. H. L. Jenner Rev. Hi L. Jenner ... » 220
•St. Matthias W. H. Monk W. H. Monk _ 17, 178

Venl Emmanuel M From French Missal, at Lisbon W. H. Moik ... _ _ 36

8 8 8, 8 8 8 (Double).
Old 113th Genevan Psalter, 1562 ... W. H. Monk | M 193

8 7, 8 7, 7 7.
All Saints .„ German ^. ... ... |
W. H. Monk ... 256
Coblenti ... German ... ... ... W. Monk
H. ... DC
Drettel ^ ~. German ... ... ... W. H. Monk ... M
Michaelmas ... From La Feillee ... ... W. H. Monk ... 232

8 8 6, 8 8 6.
Bridehead A. H. D. Troyte ... ... A. H. D. Troyte 77, 18<J

Chapel Royal Dr. Boyce ... ... ... Havergal 72

Magdalen College ... Dr. Hayes — ... ... Chiefly Havergal 114

Purleigh A. Brown .« ... ... A. Brown 99

8 8 7, 8 8 7.

^tabat Mater, No. 1 Melody from the Gradual W. H. Monk ... 98

• N Modern Melody W. H. Monk ... 98

Erangelista German ... Chiefly from Bach 261

8 7, 8 7, 8 7.
Benediction, or Alle-'l M. Haydn W. H. Monk
... ... 52,67, 195
luia dulce carmen J

Martini From Martini's Ecole D'Orgue W. H. Monk 216

Oriel W H. Monk 168, 24?

Pange lingua Ancient Melody M W. H. Monk ...
\ 203

•St. Denys ... W. H. Monk -. _ W. H. Monk ... 94 (Tune 2'

St. Thomas ~. Chiefly from V. land 19

l/>hsb«ata _ Ancient Melody W. H. Monk _ 243, IU

8 7, 8 7, 8 8 7.
W. H. Monk
Corde Natus
V'tolle paulum

Ancleut Melody of 13th century

_ -~ —
W. H. Mor



Stmit oj Tune. Composer, or source whence taken. Harmonized or Arranged by Hymn.

8 8 8 (Iambic).
•Lindfield W. H. Monk ... W. H. Monk ... I?4
O Filii et FiU« From La Feillee W. H. Monk ... 108
Yictory From Palestrina W. H. Monk ... 114

8 8 8 (Trochaic).
•Dies Ira? ... — Rev. J. B. Dykes _ ../ | Rev. J. B. Dykes 22j

8 8, 8 8 7.
Holy rood ... I
W. H. Monk ... 172

8 7, 8 7, 6 6, 6 6 7.
Ein' feste B--rg ~. German ... ... | Chiefly from Bach 287

8 6, 8 4.
*St. Cuthbert Rev. J. B. Dykes ... | Rev. J. B. Dykes 189

8 4, 8 4, 8 8 4.
•Nutfleld _ W. H. Monk „ | W. H.Monk „
8 7, 8 7.
AllaTrinitabeala ... From "Laudi Spiritual! W. H.Monk ... 174

Batty German M W. H. Monk ... 95

Merton W. H. Monk ... -. W. H. Monk ... 33

Stutgard ... German ... Dr. Gauntlett ... 59

7 7, 7 5.
Capetown 137

Churton German ... ... W. H. Monk .« 219

7 6, 7 6.
St. Alphege ... ~ Dr. Gauntlett
\ 212,25
Vulpius ... ~. Melchior Vulpius W. H. Monk .. 245

7 6, 7 6, 7 6, 7 6.
Criigei _ German W. H.Monk .. 66, 217

Ewing Alexander Ewing 142 (Pt. iuV

Jenner Rev. H. L. Jenner Rev. H. L. Jenner 142 (Pt. ii.)

Passior. Chorale German ^. Chiefly ftom Sebastian Bach 97

St. Theodulph German M W. H. Monk ... bo

7 8, 7 8.
St. Albinus ... Dr. Gauntlett ... | Dr. Gauntlett 117

6 6 6 6 (Iambic).
•Quam dilecta Rev. H. L. Jenner M | Rev. H. L. Jenner 164

6 6 6 6 (Trochaic).
Ravensnasv ... German ». IW.H. Monk _ tOl

St. Martin ... -. I _ <W. H. Monk . IS*


Sam* of Tun*. Compotw, or tomrc* whence taken. \ Harmonittd or Arranged Vjr /;. •>.

6 6, 6 6, 6 6, 6 6.
Annue Christe From La Pelllee — | ReT. S.8. Greatheed ... in

G, 6 6, 4 4, 4 4.
Crofts 143th Dr. Croft ^ ... I

6 7, 6 7, 6 6, 6 6.
Nan danket allc Gott German mt ... | W. H. Monk ... 2il

6 4 66.
•St. Columba H. S. Ironi _ ... | H. S. Irons ~ „ 15

6 5, 6 5.
Caiwall German H W. H Monk _ » 92
•St. Constantine W. H. Monk ~ W. H. Monk ... _ 189
Clewer German W. U. Monk ... 1&0

6 6 4, 6 6, 6 J.

St. Austin Rer. Sir Fred. A. G. Ouseley, Bart. |

Rev. Sir Fred A. G. Ouaeley, Bart, £!0

6 4, 6 4. 6 6 4.
•Horbury ReT. J. B. Dykes | Rev. J. B. Dyket too

6 6 6 4, 8 8 4.

St. John _ Old Melody adapted «. ... | 166

5 5, 5 5, 6 5, 6 5.
Hanover „. ...
Dr. Croft _ 2.s*(Tunet»
Hermann mt
Hermann Contractus ... 258 (Tone I)

Old l<Mtb ... „ Ravenscroft M Chiefly Harergal 156

10 6, 10 6, 8 8 4.
Winkworth ...
German — _ | W. H. Monk ...

10 10 10 10.
•Erentide _ _ W. H. Monk ... ... |
\Y H. Monk ... 14 (Tune I)

Adoro Te deTote ...

Old Melody ... ... I W. H. Monk ... 206

10 10, 10 10, 10 10.

Yorkahlre Dr. Wain wright ... W. H. Monk | ... «. 4'

11, 12, 12, 10.

•Kic«a ... _ ReT. J. B. Dykes _ | ReT. J. B. Dykes _ 135

6 6, 10 5 6, 7 7, 10.
Adeste fl deles Proper Tune ... I
W. H. Monk ... «. 4!

Rotation Litany German - ... I W. H. M-nk ... m
Troyte. No. I. A. H. D. / 14 (Tune 2}

... I. A. H. D
Hymn 1.

J- J. ^J-^i.jJ-
d J.-J-^JJ. J.. J,
^^T^74^h^ #
m- 33 Sf

u*m i*d4 CittC22


rJ rJ gc:

YrrtrnrT'hH-v i
n '"1 i
" I myself will awake right early."

AWAKE, my soul, and with the sun

Thy daily stage of duty run ;
Shake off dull sloth, and early rise
To pay thy morning sacrifice.

Redeem thy mis-spent time that's past,

And live this day as if thy last
Improve thy talent with due care,
For the great day thyself prepare.
Let allthy converse be sincere,
Thy conscience as the noon-day clear ;

Think how all-seeing God thy ways

And all thy secret thoughts surveys.
By influence of the Light divine
Let thy own light in good works shine ;

Reflect all heaven's propitious rays

Tn ardent love and cheerful praise.
; ;

jjAjj^.jj . ^j.a^j.j.j.

and lift up thyself, my heart, I would not wake, nor rise again,
with the angela bear thy part, E'en heaven itself I would disdain.
Who all night long unwearied sing Wert Thou not there to be enjoy
Glory to the Eternal King. And I in hymns to be employed.
I wake, I wake, ye heavenly choir, Heaven is, dear Loud, where'er Thou

May yonr devotion me inspire, O never then from me depart [art. ;

That I like my age may spend.

you For to my soul 'tis hell to be
Like you may on my God attend. But for one moment without Thee.
May you in God delight,
I like Lord, my vows to Thee renew,
Have all day long my God in sight, my sins as morning dew
Perform like you my Maker's will, Guard my first springs of thought ana
may I never more do ill. And with Thyself my spirit fill. [will.
Had I your wings to heaven I'd Direct, control, suggest this day
But God shall that defect supply, All I design, or do, or My :

And my soul, winged with warm desire, That all my powers with all their
Shall all day long to heaven aspire. In Thy sole glory may unite.
Doxology end of each Pari
to be sting at the
Part III. (flow;
GLORY to Thee Who Praise
safe hast kept God, from Whoni all blessings
Ami me
while I slept
hast refreshed Praise : Him, all creatures here bei
Grant, Lord, when 1 from death shall Praise Him above, angelic host
1 may of endless light partake, [wake, Praise Father, Son, and Holy (.
Hymn 2.

'tl r^ l^ +T LT

I C-S C-\

^ *^=z

gj ^B^FT

^M ^ r*r
His compassions fail not :
they are new every morning

NEW every morning

Our wakening and
is the love
uprising prove ;
The trivial round, the common
Will furnish all we need to ask.

Through sleep and darkness safely Room to deny ourselves, a road

brought, To bring us daily nearer God.
Restored to life, and power, and thought.
Only, Lord, in Thy dear love
New mercies, each returning day, Fit us for perfect rest above
Hover around us while we pray : And help us, this and every day,
New perils past, new sins forgiven, To live more nearly as we pray.
New thoughts of God, new hopes of

Ifon our daily course our mind

Be set to hallow all we find,
PHe A-meii.
treasures still, of countless price,
will provide for sacrifice. gg^^
; ; :

Hymn 3.

* t*
wm -*£*
R o -—^ oTo
^T^ , ^

^ Z^L

^^P S
^ #^e* f^^f

that followeth Me

shall not walk in darkness, but shall haw the light of life."

OJESU, Lord of light and grace, May

deep rooted in the soul,
Thon brightness of the Father's Subdue our flesh, our minds control
Thou fountain of eternal light, [Face, May guile depart, and discord cease,
Whose beams disperse the shades of And all within be joy and peace.
night hallowed thus be every day ;

Let meekness be our morning rtflr,

Come, Holy Sun of heavenly love,
Come in Thy radiance from above, Our faith like noontide splendour glow.
And to our inward hearts convey Our souls the twilight never know.
The Holy Spirit's cloudless ray. All praise to God the Father be
All praise, Eternal Sox, to Thee
the Father's help will claim,
with the Spirit we adore
And sing the Father's glorious Name,
For ever and for evermore.
And His Almighty grace implore,
That we may
He our
stand, to

loose the bonds of wickedness

From bidden falls our feet

actions deign to bless,

no more.

> WW
/L - - men.

And guide us safely to the end.

Hymn 4.

i pfr
22 +=&-
BF^ 3 -#-<g

PE ja

s s§ gr Z2 -&-

^ ^T^T

^s ^ 3 23


Early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up.'

that the daylight
lift our hearts t6

God on
the sky
So we, when
this day% w6rk is

shades of night return once more,


That He, in all we d6 or say, Our path of trial safely trod,

Would keep us free from harm to-day. Shall give the glory to our God.

May He restrain our t6ngues from strife, All praise to God the Father be
And shield from angeYs din our life, All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee
And guard with watchful care our eyes Whom with the Spirit we" adore
From earth's absorbing vanities. For ever and for Evermore.

may our inmost hearts be pure,

From thoughts of foll^ kept secure,
And pride of sinful fl6sh subdued
Through sparing use of daily food.

Hymn 5
fc —
TT^ ^1 •^-^=l-<o>

^d ^^"TTT^^- i

w -rj r. fea



fet 23:
3- 1 :c ^

J J J ^ J ^ ,

Unto you that fear My Name shall tlie Sun of Righteousness arise."

CHRIST. Whose glory fills tlie skies Visit then this soul of mine ;

Christ, the true, the only Light, gloom of sin and

Pierce the grief
Sun of Righteousness, arise, Fill me, Radiancy Divine ;

Triumph o'er the shades of night ;

iter all my unbelief;
Dtyspring from on high be near, More and more Thyself display.
Daystar in my heart appear. Shining to the perfect day.
Dark and cheerless is the morn
Unaccompanied by Thee;
Joyless is the day's return
Till Thy mercy's hoami I i
Till they inward light impart,
Glad my eye* and warm in\ heart.
; ;

Hymn 6.


« tefe S5 ^:

" I have set God always before me ; for He is on my right hand, therefore 1 shall not fall.

FORTH in Thy name, Lord, I go, Give me to bear Thy easy yoke,
daily labour to pursue ;
And every moment watch and pray ;

Thee, only Thee, resolved to know And still to things eternal look,
In all I think, or speak, or do. And hasten to Thy glorious day.

Fain would I still for Thee employ

The task Thy wisdom hath assigned
Whate'er Thy bounteous grace hath
O let me cheerfully fulfil
In all my works Thy presence find, ;

And prove Thy good and perfect will.

And run my course with even joy,
And closely walk with Thee to Heaven.
Thee may I set at my right hand, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Whose eyes my inmost substance see The God Whom heaven and earth adore,
And labour on at Thy command, From men and from the angel -host
And offer all my works to Thee. Be praise and glory evermore. Amen.
Hymn 7, 8, 9.— (Fkwi 'i\ n )
(Third Tune


fe # Efe
rgyr^" 1
^ r^T^^^ H^
riijj j^j

J. J. «f
m _^
1 =5=^3 iss: :s=£ -*=v

^^%r^#P 3^ 3
A -
J «2H


hfinrr ijiitM S5 SS

£he Strth &our,

" It is but the third hour of trie day." " At noonday will I pray."

COME, Holy Ghost, Who ever One

OGOD of Lord of might,
Art with the Father and the Son ; Who orderest time and change aright,
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls possess Brightening the mora with golden gleams.
With Thy full flood of holiness. Kindling the noon-day's fiery beams
In word and deed, by heart and tongue, Quench Thou in us the flames of strife,
With all our powers, Thy praise be sung From passion's heat preserve our life,
May love enwrap our mortal frame, Our bodies keep from perils free,
And others catch the living flame. And give our souls true peace in Thee.
Almighty Father hear our cry Almighty Father, hear our cry
Through Jesus Christ our Lord most High, Through Jesus Christ our Lord most Higii,
Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee, Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee.
Doth live and reigi eternally. Amen. Doth live and reign eternally. Amen.
Wxt £mth Sour,
" The hour of prayer being the ninth hour.'

(\ GOD, of all the Strength and Power,

\J Who dost, unmoved, each passing hour
Through all its changes guide the day,
From early morn to evening's ray;
Brighten life's eventide with light
That ne'er shall set in gloom of night j
Till we a holy death attain
And everlasting glory gain.
Almighty Father, hear our cry
Through Jesus Christ our Lord most High,
Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,
Doth live and reign eternally. Amen.
; ;

Hymn 10.

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A - men.

He ^iall defend thee under Hi- wings.

&L< »11Y to Thee, my God, this night may my soul on Thee repose,
F<>r all the blessings of the light And may sweet sleepmine eyelids close,
Keep in", keep me, Sing of kings, Sleep that shall me more vigorous make
Under Thine own Almighty wings. To serve my God when I awake.

When in the night I sleepless lie,

Forgive me, Lord, for Thy
dear Son,
My soul with heavenly thoughts supply ;

The ill that I this day have done. Let no ill dreams disturb my rest.
That with the world, myself, and Thee, No powers of darkness me molest
I. ore I 6leep, at peace may he.
Praise God from Whom all blessings
Teach me to live, that 1 may dread flow ;

Tli.' grave as little as my bed Praise Him all creatures here bel

i me t<» die, that so I may Praise Him above, angelic host

gforiovi at the awful Day. Praise Father, Son, and Holt Ghost.
; ;


Hymn 11.

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Abide with us.

QUN of my soul, Thou Saviour dear, If some poor wandering child of Thine
i5 It is not night if Thou be near Have spurned to-day the voice divine,
O may no earth-born cloud arise Now, Lord, the gracious work begin ;

To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes. Let him no more lie down in sin.
Watch by the sick enrich the poor
When the soft dews of kindly sleep
With blessings from Thy boundless
My wearied eyelids gently steep,
Be my last thought, how sweet to rest ;

Be every mourner's sleep to-night,

For ever on my Saviour's breast.
Like infant's slumbers, pure and light.

Abide with me from morn till eve, Come near and blesa us when we wake..
For without Thee I cannot live ; Ere through the world our way we take
Abide with me when night is nigh, Till in the ocean of Thy love
For without Thee I dare not die. We lose ourselves in Heaven above.

Hymn 12.



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O look Thou upon me, And be merciful unto me.

All glory to the Father be.

AS now the declining rays
At eventide descend
All glory to the Son,
So life's day is sinking down
brief All glory, "Holy Ghost, to Thee,
To ita appointed end. While endless ages run.

Lord, on the Cross Thine Arms were

To draw Thy people nigh ;

O grant us then that Cross to love,

And in those Arms to die.
Hymn 13.

j AAAA. J..AJ. J. J^dJ- J.J

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M Thou shalt not be afraid for any terror by night."

BEFORE the ending of the day,

Creator of the world, we pray
That Thou with wonted love would'st keep
Thy watch around us while we sleep.
let no evil dreams be near,
Nor phantoms of the night appear \

Our ghostly enemy restrain,

Lest aught of sin our bodies stain.

Almighty Father hear our cry,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord most High
Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,
Doth live and reign eternally. Amen.

Hymn 14.

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Or this Chant.

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Abide with us ; for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent."

ABIDE with me ; fast falls the even-tide ;

The darkness deepens ; Lord, with me abide ;

When other helpers fail, and comforts flee,

Help of the helpless, abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ;

Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away ;

Change and decay in all around I see ;

Thou Who
changest not, abide with me.

1 needThy presence every passing hour

What Thy grace can foil the tempter's pow er?
but T

Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be ?

Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.

I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless

Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness ;

Where is death's sting, where, grave, thy victory ?

I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy Cross before my cl6sing eyes

Shine through the gloom, and point me t6 the skies
Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee
fa life, in death, O Lord, aWde with me. Amen.

Hymn 15.

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tlie lifting up of my hands be an evening
sacrifice •."'

sinking fast, Save that His Will be done,

THE sun is

The daylight dies ;

Whate'er betide ;

Let love awake, and pay Dead to herself, and dead

Her evening sacrifice. In Him to all beside.

As Christ upon the Cross Thus would I live ;

yet now
His Head inclined, Not I, but He
In all His power and love
And to His Fathkk's hands
His parting soul resigned Henceforth alive in me.

One Seared Trinity

So now herself my soul

One Lord Divine !

Would wholly give

May I be ever 1
Into His sacred charge,
And lie for ever mine.
In Whom all spirits live ,

So now beneath His eye

Would calmly rest,

Without a wish or thought

Abiding in the breast

Hymn 16.


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A - men.

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1 will lay me down in peace and take my rest.'*

npiIKOUGH the day Thy love has Pilgrims here on earth, and strangers
X_ spared us, Dwelling in the midst of foes,
Now we lay us down to rest Us and ours preserve from dangers,
Through the silent watches guard us In Thine Arms may we repose,
Let no foe our peace molest And, when life's sad day La pa.-!,
Jesd, Thou our Guardian be ; Rest with Thee in heaven ;it la>t.
Sweet it is to trust in Thee. Amen.
Hymn 17. (JPnm T\ tmA

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" The Lord is my Light."

SWEET Saviour, bless us ere we go ;

Thy word into our minds instil

And make our lukewarm hearts to glow
With lowly love and fervent will.
Through life's long day and death's dark night;

gentle Jesus, be our Light.

The day is gone, its hours have run,

And Thou hast taken count of all,
The scanty triumphs grace hath won,
The broken vow, the frequent fall.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,

gentle Jesus, be our Light.

Grantus, dear Lord, from evil ways

True absolution and release :

And bless us, more than in past days,

With purity and inward peace.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
gentle Jesus, be our Light.

Do more than pardon give us joy


Sweet and sober liberty,

And simple hearts without alloy
That only long to be like Thee.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
gentle Jesus, be our Light.

Labour is sweet, for Thou hast toiled ;

And care is light, for Thou hast cared

Ah never let our works be soiled

With strife, or by deceit ensnared.

Through life's long day and death's dark night,
O gentle Jesus, be our Light.

For all we love, the poor, the sad,

The sinful, unto Thee we call

let Thy mercy make us glad :

Thou art our Jesus, and our All.

Through life's long day and death's dark night,

gentle Jesus, be our Light. Amen.

Hymn 17. (foooro Tune.)

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" The Lord is my Light."

SWEET Saviour, bless us ere we go

Thy word
into our minds instil
And make our lukewarm hearts to glow
With lowly love and fervent will.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
gentle Jesus, be our Light.

The day is gone, itt hours have run,

And Thou hast taken count of all,
The scanty triumphs grace hath won,
The broken vow, the frequent fall.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,

O gentle Jesus, be our Light.

Grant us, dear Lord, from evil ways

True absolution and release ;

And bless us, more than in past days,

With purity and inward peace.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
gentle Jesus, be our Light.

Do more than pardon give us joy, ;

Sweet and sober liberty,

And simple hearts without alloy
That only ong to be like Thee.
Through life' long day and death's dark night,
gentle Jesus, be our Light.

Labour is sweet, for Thou hast toiled ;

And care Thou hast cared

is light, for ;

Ah ! never let our works be soiled

With strife, or by deceit ensnared.
Through life's long day and death's dark night,
gentle Jesus, be our Light.

For all we love, the poor, the sad,

The unto Thee we call
letThy mercy make us glad :

Thou art our Jesus, and our All.

Through life's long day and death's dark night,
gentle Jesus, be our Light.
Hymn 18.

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" H .-hall give His Mlgdl charge over thee

Who niadest earth and heaven. Ootid us waking, guard us sleeping;
GOD,Darkness and light ;
And. when we die,
Who the day for toil hast given, May we in Thy mightj keeping
Pof reel the night All poaootnl lie :

May Thine angel-guards defend us, Winn the la.-t dread call shall wake us,

Slumher sweet Thy in-rey send us, Do not Thou our God fbrmki
Holy dreams ami hopes attend us, Bat to reign in glory take us
This Livelong night. With Thee on high. Amen.
_ i;

Hymn 19.

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M Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the Only Wise God, be honour and
glory for ever and ever. Amen."

TRINITY, most Blessed Light, To Thee our morning song of praise,

Unity of Princely Might, To Thee our evening prayer we raise
As now the fiery sun departs Thee may our heart and voice adore
Shed Thou Thy beams within our hearts. For ever and for evermore. Amen.
Hymn 20.

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" In Thy Light shall we see light

>RN of morns, and day of days ! Unto hearts in slumber weak
M( Beauteous were thy new-born rays
Brighter yet from death's dark prison
Let the heavenly trumpet s]
And a newer walk express
Christ, the Light of lights, is risen. Their new life to righteousness.

He commanded, and His word Hear us, Loud, and with us be,

Death and the dread chaos heard ;

O Thou Fount of charity,
O shall we, more deaf than they, Thou Who dost the Spirit gi\e.
In the chains of darkness stay ? Bidding the dead letter live.

Glorv to theFather, Son,

Nature yet in shadow lies,
Let the sons of light arise
And 'to Thee, Holy Onf.
And prevent the morning rays By Whose quickening Breath d;\
With sweet canticles of praise.
Our dull spirits burn and shine.

While the dead world sleeps around,

Let the sacred temples sound
Law, and prophet, and blest psalra
Lit with holy light so calm.
mm A - men.
; ; ; ;

Hymn 2L

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And God
^^ 4

Let there be light :

3 :

and there was light.

^ And
^ : 3=*
the evening and the morning
were the first day."
the of days, Holy Jesus, may I be
ONGod theday,Father's
this first
Name we praise Dead and buried here with Thee
Who, creation's Fount and Spring, And, by love inflamed, arise
Did the world from darkness bring. Unto Thee a sacrifice.
On this day th' Eternal Son Thou Who
dost all gifts impart,
Over death His triumph won; Shine, Sweet Spirit, in my heart
On this day the Spirit came Best of gifts Thyself bestow
With His gifts of living flame. Make me burn Thy love to know.
Oh ! that fervent love to-day
God, the Blessed Three in One,
May in every heart have sway,
Dwell within my heart alone
Teaching us to praise aright Thou dost give Thyself to me,
God the Source of life and light. May I give myself to Thee.
Father, Who didst fashion me
Image of Thyself to be,
Fill me with Thy love divine, A - men.
Let my every thought be Thine.
Hymn 22.

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M This is the day which the Lord hath made.

AGAIN the Lord's own day is here, Eternal glory, rest on high,
The day to Christian people dear, A Ueeteo immortality.
As, week by week, it bids them tell True peace and gladness, and a thrum-
How Jesus rose from death and helL Are all His gifts, and all our own.

For by His flock, their Lord declared. And therefore unto Thee we nag,
His resurrection should be shared; O Lord of Peace, Kternal King;
And they who trust in Him to save Thy love we praise, Thy Name adore
In Him are risen from the grave. Both on this day and evermore.

We, one and all, of II im poaMSt

Are with exceeding treasures blest;
r ill He did, and all He bare,
Ue gives us as our own to share.

Hymn 23.

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M There shall be no night there.*

C\ REAT God, Who, bid from mortal Too long, alas ! it still delays ;

VJ sight It lingers yet, that day of days ;

Dost dwell in unapproach£d light, Our mortal strife and toil must cease
Before Whose presence angels bow Before we win its heavenly peace.
With faces veiled, in homage low
Then from its fleshly bonds set free,
Awhile in darkness we remain,
The soul shall fly, God, to Thee
And round us yet are sin and pain ;

Cut soon the everlasting day

To see Thee, love Thee, and adore,
Shall chase our shades of night away.
Her blissful task for evermore.

For Thou hast promised, gracious Lord Great Trinity, our hearts prepare,
A day of gladness and reward ;
The fulness of Thy joy to share :

A day but faintly imaged here Life's transient light may we improve,
By brightest sun at noontide clear. And gain eternal light above. Amen-
Hymn 24.

The day i<» Thine, the night also is Thine.


BLEST Creator of the Light, Rather may we heavenward rise

Making day with radiance bright, Where eternal treasure lies ;

Thou didst o'er the forming earth Purified by grace within,

Give the golden light its birth. Hating every deed of sin.

Shtd6 of eve with morning ray Holt Father, hear our cry [High ;

Took from Thee the name of Day : Tbrough Thy Son, our Lord i

N H again the shades are nigh, Whom our thankful hearts adore
Li-ten to our humble cry. With the Spirit evermore.

May we ne'er by guilt depn

be way to endleM r« -t .
^ CJ

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Bind our souls
idle thotlgbtl and vain
to earth again.
^ -


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And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament
from the waters which were above the firmament. And the evening and the morning
were the second day."

COME, let us praise the Name of God And when the faithful soul drinks in
Who on the second day- Those showers with blessings rife,
Spread out the firmament above, A well of water springeth up
His glory to display. To everlasting life.

Slow floating on the blue expanse happy saints, on whom are poured
The watery clouds we view, Such treasures from above ;

Whence fruitful showers at His command Lord, may they ne'er forgetful be,
The thirsty soil bedew. But render love for love.

How fair an image of the Grace To God, Who freely loved us first,
His mercy doth impart, All might, all glory, be ;

Like morning dew or gentle rain, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
To gladden every heart. Through all eternity. Amen.
Hymn 26.

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And God said, Let the waters be gathered together into one place and let the dry land
tr: and itwas MK • • , And the evening and the morning were the third day."
>U spak'st the word, and into one Lo, earth itself from day to day
The floods together flowed Their burthen scarce sustains.

The dry land, freed from watery veil, And yearns, in travail, to be free
Its verdant pastures showed. From dark corruption's chains.

Father, Who this earth assigned Yea, we too groan within ourselves
Our place of toil to be, And that adoption wait
bind all within its one wide bound For which the Holy Bpibxt*! seal

In one true charity. Did us predestinate.

Eternal glory be ascribed
A brotherhood of exiles here
T One in Three,
k>D, the
Weseek a Home above,

Where Thou wilt gather in Thine Own By Whom is poured into our hearts
Who live in holy love.
The grace of charity.

Unloving eonls, with deeds of ill

And words of angry itrife,
Shall never, LoBD, Thy glory see
N»»r win the heavenly life.

Hymn 27.

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" And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven : . and it was so.
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day

EW wonders of Thy mighty Hand, Still in an everchanging round

±\ Lord, we to-day admire.
Lord. The daylight comes and goes ;

Writ on the firmament above But Thou art evermore the same.
In glittering orbs of fire. No change Thy mercy knows
The sun is ruler of the day, Why waver then our troubled hearts
The silver moon of night, Thine is a Father's care
The starry hosts adorn the sky And they, eternal life who seek,
In ordered ranks of light. Eternal life shall share.

But e'en that glorious sun must set, All praise, glory be ascribed
And knows his going down ;
To God, the One in Thr?e,
That silver moon must wax and wane ;
Who bids us cast our care on Him,
The stars their courses own. To Him for comfort flee. Amen

Hymn 28

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And God
I o.I II

Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hatb life,
and fowl that may tly above the earth. And the evening and the morning were the
. .

fifth day."
E fish in wave and bird on wing By faith the saints of oM were strong
TI God1

made the waters bear The lion's wrath to tame ;

Both for our mortal body's food By faith they spurned the tyrant's
His mercy doth prepare. threats
And scorned the raging flame.
But other food, of richer cost,
Lord, grant that we the path may tread
The immortal spirit needs ;

By faith it lives on every Word

Whereon its light doth shine ;

That from His Mouth proceeds.

And gather, as we onward go,
The fruits of love divine.

Faith springing from the Blood of Father

praise the praise the

Hai flowed o'er every land ; [Christ From Whose moat precious Blood
And sinners through the vanquished Spring! allour faith ; and praise to Hi*
Bow down to its command, [world Who with Them Both is God.

lit the joy of heaven reveals

To heart* made pure within ;

And bid- by worthy deeds

Eternal crowni to wiu.

Hymn 29.

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And God paid, Let us make manin Our Image. . . And the evening and the morning
were the sixth day.'*

TO-DAY, Lord, a holier work Alas his wilful heart rebels


Thy secret counsels frame, Against Thy gentle sway ;

A ruler for Thy new-made world, Proud dust of earth would fain be like
A herald of Thy Name. The God whom all obey.
Thou formest man Thy Spirit breathes
: griefs, O
sorrows numberless,
Life into dust of earth : Which hence the world o'erspread ;

Man, Thine own true image made,

in Jesd Thy mercy succoured us,

Receives from Thee his birth. Or every hope had fled.

And henceforth he dominion has praise theFather, and the Son
O'er all in earth and sea ;
Who saved us by His death ;

Vet mindful whence his being came And Holy Ghost Who quickens us
Must humbly walk with Thee. With His life-giving breath. Amen


Hymn 30.

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I . I L^i . . I I A-men.

9Ba 1 1
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made.

'lays of labour now are past Come, Loud, create his heart anew
SIXThou restart, Holy God; His heart of stone rem

And with approving Eye hast seen Then hymns of praise again shall ri-e.
That all ii vtry good. The fruits of holy love.

Blest II the seventh morn of light, Oh for the songs that Thou wilt

Hallowed Tor rest divine ;

Where heart and voice agr.
Yet. LoBD, a new creation needs Oh! for the prayers that plead aright
Thai mighty power of Thine. With Thy dread Majesty.
Ten thousand voices praise Thy Name All praise to God, the Three in >n<\(

[n earth Slid pea and sky ;

Who high in glory reigns [ina.h

But fallen man l>y sin has marred Who by Bil Word hath all things
The blissful harmony. And by His Word sustains. Am^n


Hymn 31.

3 3a

^~ ^T^
Which cometh forth as a
Bridegroom out of His chamber."

CREATOR of the starry height, At Thy great Name, exalted now,

Thy people's everlasting Light, All knees in lowly homage bow, Redeemer of ub all All things in heaven and earth adore,
Hear Thou Thy servants when they call. And own Thee King for evermore.
Thou, sorrowing at the helpless cry To Thee, Holy One, we pray,
Of allcreation doomed to die, Our Judge in that tremendous day,
Didst save our lost and guilty race Ward off, while yet we dwell below,
By healing gifts of heavenly grace. The w eapons
of our crafty foe.

When its evening hour, To God the Father, God the Son,
earth was near
Thou redeeming power, And God the Spirit, Three in One,
didst, in love's
Like bridegroom from his chamber, come Praise, honour, might, and glory be,
Forth from a Virgin-mother's womb. From age to age eternally. Amen.


Hymn 32.

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" His Name i> called the Word of God.''

HEAVENLY WORD, Renal let us not, for evil past,

Light, Be driven from Thy Face at last ;

Begotten of the Fathek's Might, But with the bleated ereraot*

Who, in these latter days, art hern Behold and h»ve Thee and ad«re.
For succour to a world forlorn ;
To God the Father, God the B
Our hearts enlighten from above, And God the Si-irit, Three in One,
Ami kin>lle with Thine own true love; Praise, honour, might, and glor\
That we, who hear Thy call to-day, From age to age eternally.
May east earth's vanities aw

And when as Judge Thou drawee

secrets of all heart* to try ;

When rinnetl meet their awful doom,

And saints attain their heavenly I
Hymn 33.

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" Now it is high time to awake out of sleep.

! a thrilling voice
is nigh," it
is sounding
seems to say
That when next
And the world
He comes
is wrapped
with glon
in fear,

" Cast away the dreams of darkness, With His mercy He may shield us,
ye children of the day !" And with words of love draw neaT

Wakened by the solemn warning, Honour, glory, might, and blessing

Let the earth-bound soul arise ;
To the Father and the Son,
Christ, her Sun, all ill dispelling, With the Everlasting Spirit,

Shines upon the morning skies. While eternal acres run.

Lo the Lamb, so long expected,


Comes with pardon down from heaven

Let us haste, with tears of sorrow.
P A - men.

One and all to be forgiven : &-B :J



Hymn 34.

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" Tell ye thi daughter of Siuii, Bch<-ld thy King cometh unto thee.

THE Advent of oar King As Judge, on clouds of light

Our prayers must now employ, He soon will come again,
And we must hymns of welcome sing And His true members all unite
In strains of holy joy. With Him in heaven to reign
The Everlasting Son l'.efore the dawning
Incarnate deigns to be ;
Let sin's dark deeds l>e gone
Himself a servant's form pute on, The old man all be put awa\
To 6et His servants free. The new man all put on

Daughter of Sion, rise All glory to the S

To meet thy lowly Kin-r :
Who coil to set us h
Nor let thy faithless heart deepiai With Parana, Bnnir, ever On*.
The peace He comes to br 'I'h rough all oternity. A]
; ;;
; .

Hymn 35.


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The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Loan, make His
paths nstraight.

Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry To heal the sick stretch out Thine
ON Announces the Lord
that nigh
is And bid the fallen sinner stand [Hand, ;

Awake, and hearken, for He brings Shine forth, and let Thy light restore
Glad tidings of the King of kings. Earth's own true loveliness once more.

Then cleansed be every breast from sin All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee
Make straight the way for God within Whose Advent doth Thy people tree
Prepare we in our hearts a home, Whom with the Father we adore,
Where snch a mighty Guest may come. And Holt Ghost for evermore.
For Thou art our Salvation, Lobd,
Our Refuge, and our great Reward
Without Thy graoe we waste away,
Like flowers that wither and decay.
Hymn 36

^^4 ^^44^'^P'


" The Redeemer shall come to Zion.*'

OCOME, come, Emmanuel,

And ransom captive Israel;
That mourns in lonely exile here,
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, Israel

come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free

Thine own from Satan's tyranny
From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory o'er the grave.
Rejoice Rejoice Emmanuel
! !

Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou Day -Spring, come and cheer

Our by Thine Advent here
spirits ;

Disperse the gloomy clouds of night.

And death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, Israel

O come, Thou Key of David, come

And open wide our heavenly home ;

Make safe the way that leads on high,

And close the path to misery.
Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, Israel

O come, come, Thou Lord of Might

Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height,
In ancient times didst give the law,
In cloud, and majesty, and awe.
Rejoice Rejoice Emmanuel
! !

Shall come to thee, Israel

A - men.

Hymn 37.

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The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,
and with the trump of God."

GREAT GOD, what do I see and hear ?

The end of things created :

The Judge of all men doth appear

On clouds of glory seated :

The trumpet sounds, the graves restore

The dead which they contained before
Prepare, my soul, to meet Him.

The dead in Christ are first to rise

At that last trumpet's sounding ;

Caught up meet Him in the skies,

With joy their Lord surrounding ;

No gloomy fears their souls dismay ;

His presence sheds eternal day

On those prepared to meet Him.

The ungodly, filled with guilty fears,

Behold His wrath prevailing ;

In woe they rise, but all their tears

And sighs are unavailing.
The day of grace is past and gone ;

Trembling they stand before His Throne,

All unprepared to meet Him.

Great Judge, to Thee our prayers we pour,

In deep abasement bending ;

shield us through that last dread hour,

Thy wondrous love extending:
May we, in this our trial day,
With faithful hearts Thy word obey,
And thus prepare to meet Thee. Amen

Hymn 38.

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The day
of the Lord
T=i ^
will come
5 =FT
as a thief in the night."

THAT day of wrath, that dreadful

When heaven and earth past shall

away ;

What power stay?

shall be the sinner's
llow shall he meet that dreadful day ?

When shrivelling, like a parched scroll,

Tin* flaming heavens tOgeUMf roll ;

When louder yet. and yet more dreed,

Swells the high trump that wakes the dead ;

Oh ! on that day, that wrathful day,

When man to judgment wakes fr<»m clay,
He Thou, 'uiti-T, the sinner's stay
» (

Though heaven and earth shall pass away. Amen


Hymn 39.

" Behold He cometh with clouds; and eveiy eye shall see Him, and they also which
pierced Him"
comes in clouds descending Those dear tokens of His Passion
LO Once
! lie
favoured sinners slain
for ;
Still His dazzling Body bears ;

Thousand thousand saints attending Cause of endless exultation

Swell the triumph of his train : To His ransomed worshippers
Alleluia I With what rapture
Christ appears on earth again. Gaze we on those glorious scars.
Every eye shall now behold Him Yea, Amen, let all adore Thee,
Robed in dreadful majesty ;
High on Thine eternal throne
They who set at nought and sold Him, Saviour, take the power and glory ;

Pierced and nailed Him to the tree, Claim the kingdoms for Thine own
Deeply wailing, come quickly !

Shall the true Messiah see. Alleluia! Amen.




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" II© hath sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives."

HARK the glad sound!

the Saviour He comes, the broken hearts to bind
Thebleeding souls to cure,
The Saviour promised long : And with the treasures of His gnuy
Let every heart prepare a throne, To bless the humble poor.
And every voice a song.
Our glad hosannas, Trince of Peace.
He comes, the prisoners to release, Thine Advent shall proclaim ;

In Satan's bondage held ; And heaven's eternal arches ring

The gties of brass before Him burst. With Thv beloved Name. Amen.
The iron fetters yield.

Hymn 41.

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I sleep, but


heart waketh."


WHEN shades of night around us

O come. Redeemer, come and free
Thine own from guilt and misery ;

And weary limhs in sleep repose, The gates of heaven again unfold,
The faithful soul awake may be, Which Adam's sin had closed of old.
And louging sigh, Lord, to Thee.
All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee
Thou true Desire of nations hear ;
Whose Advent doth Tiiy people free
Thou Word of God, Thou Saviour dear Whom with the Father we adore
In pity heed our humble criee, And Holy Ghost for rvermore.
And bid at length the fallen rise Amen.
— —

Hymn 42.

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Let us now go even unto Bethlehi m."

0OME, nil ye faithful,

Joyful and triumphant ;

O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem

Come and behold Him
Born, the King of Angels ;

come, let us adore Him,

come, let as adore Him,
come, let us adore Him, Christ the Loud.

God of God,
Light of Light,
Lo He abhors
! not the Virgin's womb ;

Very God,
Begotten, not created ;

come, let us adore Him. Ac.

Sing, choirs of angels.

Sing in exultation,
Sing, ye citizens of heaven above,

Glory to God
In the highest
come, let us adore Him, &c.

Yea, Lord, we greet Thee,

Born this happy morning ;

Jesu, to Thee be glory given ;

Word of the Father,

Now in flesh appearing ;

come, let us adore Him,

come, let us adore Him,
come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. Amen.
Hymn 43. (Fit*t Two
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Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men."

H ARK the herald angels sing


Glory to the new-born Kino,

Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.
Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
Join the triumph of the skies ;

With the angelic host proclaim

Christ is born in Bethlehem.
Hark ! the herald -angels sing
Glory to the new-born King.
Christ, by highest heaven adored,
Christ, the Everlasting Lord,
Late in time behold Him come,
Offspring of a Virgin's womb.
Veiled in Flesh the Godhead see,
Hail, the Incarnate Deity
Pleased as Man with man to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark the herald-angels sing

Glory to the new-born King.

Hail, the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail, the Sun of Righteousness
Light and Life to all He brings,
Risen with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Bom to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark the herald -angels sing

Glory to the new-born Kino. Amen.


Hymn 43. (8» T re.)

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Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men."
AUK the herald-angels sing
H !

Glory to the new-born Kino,

Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.
Joyful, ye nations, rise,

Join the triumph of the skies ;

With the angelic host proclaim

Christ is born in Bethlehem.
Hark! the herald-angels sing
Glory to the new-born King.
Ciirist, by highest heaven adored,
Christ, the Everlasting Lord,
Late in time behold Him come,
Offspring of a Virgin's womb.
Veiled in Flesh the Godhead see,
Hail, the Incarnate Deity
Pleased as Man with man to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark the herald-angels sing

Glory to the new-born King.

Hail, the heaven-bom Prince of Peace!
Hail, the Sun of Righteousness
Light and Life to all He brings,
Risen with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth, A - men.
Born to give them second birth.
Hark ! the herald-angels sing
Glory to the new-born King.
Hymn 44.

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Unto yoa is bom this day in the city of David a Saviocb which is Christ the Lord."

WHILE shepherds watched their "The heawnlv

Babe vou there shall
Boeki bj night,
All seated on the ground, To human view displayed,
The angel of the Lord came down, All meanly Wrapped in swathing baadl
And glory shone around. And in a manger laid."

" Fear not," said he; for mighty dread Thus Hpake the seraph ;
and forthwith
Had seized their troubled mind ;
Appeared shining throng
" Glad tidings of great joy I bring Of angels praising God, who thus
To you and all mankind. Addreiied their joyful song:
" To you in David's town this day "All glory be to Qoo on high,
Isborn of David's line, And in the earth i [men
A Sa\ K»i p., Who is Ohmst the Lord ;
QoodVwfl] henceforth ROffl Heaven to

And tilts shall be the sign : Begin and never cease." Amen.

Hymn 45.

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was made
CHRIST, Redeemer of our race, Thou from the Father's throne didst
Thou Brightness of the Father's come
Face, To His banished children home;
Of Him and with Him ever 0m\ And heaven, and earth, and sea, and
Ere times and seasons had begun ;
His love Who sent Thee here adore.
Thou that art very Light of Light,
Unfailing Hope in sin's dark night,
And gladsome too are we to-day [away ;

Hear Thou the prayers Thy people pray.

Whose guilt Thy Blood has washed
The wide world Redeemed, the new-made song we sing
o'er, this bieas&j day.
It is the birthday of our King.
Remember, Lord of life and grace, Lord, the Virgin-born, to Thee
How once, to save a ruined race, Eternal praise and glory be ;

Thou didst our very flesh assume Whom with the Father w e adore

In Mary's undefined womb. And Holy Ghost for evermore.

To-day, as year by year its light
Sheds o'er the world a radiance bright.
One precious truth is echoed on,
& A - men.
Tis Thou hast saved us, Thou alone."
m m
Hymn 46

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God WU manifest in the flesh.

Father's Love begotten This is He Whom seers in old time

OF tne
Ere the worlds began to be, Chanted of with one accord ;

He is Alpha and Omega, Whom the voices of the Prophets

He the source, the ending He, Promised in their faithful word
Of the things that are, that have been, Nov He shines, the long-expected
And that future years shall see, Let creation praise its Lord :

Evermore and evermore ! Evermore and evermore

* At His word the worlds were framed ye heights of heaven adore Him !

He commanded it was done; : Angel-hosts His praises sing !

Heaven and earth and depths of ocean All dominions bow before Him,
In their threefold order one ;
And extol our God and King ;

All that grows beneath the shining Let no tongue on earth be silent,
Of the moon and burning sun, Every voice in concert ring,
Evennore and evermore! Evermore and evermore !

* He is found in human fashion, *Righteous Judge of souls departed !

Death and sorrow here to know, Righteous King of them that live !

That the race of Adam's children, On the Father's throne exalted

Doomed by Law to endless woe, None in might with Thee may strive
May not henceforth die and perish Who at last in vengeance coming
In the dreadful gulf below, Sinners from Thy Face shalt drive,
Evermore and evermore Evermore and evennore !

O that Birth for ever blessed, Thee let old men, Thee let young men,
When the Virgin, full of grace, Thee let boys in chorus sing
By the Holy Ghost conceiving, Matrons, virgins, little maidens
Bare the Saviour of our race ;
With glad voices answering ;

And the Babe, the world's Redeemer, Let their guileless songs re-echo,
First revealed His sacred Face, And the heart its praises bring,
Evermore and evermore Evermore and evermore !

Christ ! to Thee, with God the Father,

And, Holy Ghost, to Thee
Hymn, and chant, and bigh thanksgiving,
And unwearied praises be,
Honour, glory, and dominion,
And eternal victory,
Evermore and evermore ! Amen.
These verses may be omitted, if the Hymn be thought too long.

Hymn 47.

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Behold 1 bring you glad tiding* <>t" great Joy.

CHRISTIANS, awake, salute the happy morn,

the Saviour of mankind was born ;

Kise to adore the mystery of love,

Which hosts of angels chanted from above ;

With them the joyful tidings first began

Of (Jon 1n« aknati: and the Virgin's Son.
Then to the watchful shepherds it was told.
Who heard the angelic herald's voice " Behold, :

I bring good tidings of a Saviour's birth

To you and all the nations upon earth :

This day hath God fulfilled His promised word,

This day is bom a Saviour, Christ the Lord."

He spake ; and straightway the celestial choir

Inhymns of joy, unknown before, conspire :

The praises of redeeming love they sang,

And heaven's whole orb witli alleluias rang :

God's highest glory was their anthem still.

Peace upon earth, and unto men good-will.

To Bethlehem straight th' enlightened shepherds ran,

To see the wonders God had wrought for man :

Then to their flocks, still praising God, return,

And their glad hearts with holy rapture bum :

To all the joyful tidings they proclaim,

The first apostles of the Saviour's Name.
Oh !may we keep and ponder in our mind
God's wondrous love in saving lost mankind
Trace we the Babe, Who hath retrieved our loss,
From the poor manger to the bitter cross
Tread in His steps, assisted by His grace,
Till man's first heavenly state again takes place.

Then may we hope, the angelic hosts among,

To join, redeemed, a glad triumphant throng :

He that w as born upon this joyful day

fjfo 5 r II

Around us all His gl<»ry shall display; A- men.

Bayed by His love, incessant we shall sing A, ft g !

Eternal praise to heaven's Almighty King.


Hymn 48.

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ile il our Peace."

GOD from on high hath heard,

Let sighs and sorrows cease
Art Thou the Christ? the Son?
The Father's Image bright?

Lo from the opening heaven descends

! And see we Mini Whose arm upholds
To man the promised Peace. Earth and the starry height?
Hark through the silent right Yea. can pierce the cloud
.-•'lie voices swell ;
Which Thy glory now
veils ;

Their joyful songs proclaim that M

God We hail Thee C^od, before W!i
Is born on earth to dwell." The angels prostrate bow. (Tin one
how the shepherd-hand A silent Teacher, Lord,
Speed on with eager feet; Thou bid'st us not refuse
Coin.' to the hallowed cave with them Te hear what fleth would have Of shun,
The holy Dabe to greet. To than what flesh would ehooi
Bllt oh whet right appears
! Our swelling pride to cure
Within that lowly door; With that pore love of Thine.
A manner, stall, and swaddling clothes, be Thou horn within our b<
A Ihlld and Mother pool.
I Most holv Child Divine. Amen
Hymn 49.

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" The Lord is our defence : the Holy One of Israel is our King."

SAVIOUR of the world forlorn, To Thee, Who makest souls anew,
This day to save us Thou wast born ;
Our hearts in prayer would humbly sue,
Protect us through the coming night, That pure and free from inward itain
Ano ever save us by Thy might. We from our beds may rise again.
Now, Lord, be Thou in All praise to God the Father be,
mercy nigh,
And spare Thy servants All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee,
when they cry
Our sins blot out, our prayers receive,

horn with the Spirit we adore
Thy light throughout our darkness give. For ever and for evermore.

let not sleep the soul oppress.

Nor secret foe the heart possess ;

Our rleshkeep chaste, that it may be

A hoi} temple unto Thee.
m. ^trplmrg Qay.
Hymn 50.

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Be thou faithful unto death, ami
(The tcord " Stephen

give thee a crown of
a erotm »

FIRST of Martyrs, thou whose n:\me Oh how blessed first to be


Doth thy golden crown proclaim, Slain for Him Who bled for thee
Not of flowers that fade away First like Him in dyfasg hour
Weave we this thy crown to -day. Witness to Almighty power;

Bright the stones, which bruise thee First to follow where He trod
gloom, Through the deep Rod Sea of blood ;

Sprinkled witli thy life-blood'sstream; First; but in thy footsteps press

Stars around thy sainted head Saints and martyrs numberless.
Never could such radiance shed.
Glory to the Father be;
Kvery wound upon thy brow Glory, ViKoiN-Hous. to Thoo;
Sparkles with unearthly glow; Glory to the Hoi.v I

Like an angel's is thy face Praised by men and heavenly host.

Beaming with celestial grace. Am*u.

£t. 3Wjn ti)t <£uangeltSt'f$ Qaj>.

Hymn 51.

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" That which

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we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the


Word of Life,
declare we unto vou."

which God's Incarnate Word

THE life
Lived here below with men,
There too with that angelic love
Did he his bosom fill,
Three blest Evangelists record, Which, once enkindled from above,
With heaven-inspired pen : Breathes in his pages still.

John soars on high, beyond the three, Jesu, the Virgin's Holy Son,
To God the Father's throne We praise Thee and adore,
And shews in what deep mystery Who art with God the Father One
The Word with God is One. And Spirit evermore.

Upon the Saviour's loving breast

Invited to recline,
Twiis thence he drew, in moments blest,
Rich stores of truth divine.
At. 3>oljn tljr ebanartidt's Day.

Hymn 52.

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The disciple whom Jesus loved.

before creation
Much he asked in loving wonder,
On Thy bosom leaning, Lord ;

Who didst will for our salvation In that secret place of thunder
To be bom on earth, and die ;
Answer kind didst Thou accord.
Well Thy saints have kept their station. Wisdom forThy Church to pomhr
Watching till Thine hour drew nigh. Till the day of dread award.

Now, 'tis come, and faith espies Thee ;

Lo ! heaven's doors lift up, revealing
Like an eaglet in the mom, I low Thy judgments earthward move,
One in steadfast worship eves Thee, Scrolls unfolded, trumpets pealing,
Thy beloved, Thy latest horn : Wine cups from the wrath above ;

In Thy glory he descries Thee Yet o'er all a soft voice stealing
" Little children, trust and love "
Reigning from the tree of scorn. !

He upon Thy bosom lying Thee, the Almighty King eternal.

Thy true tokens learned by heart Father of th' eternal Word,
And Thy dearest pledge in dying, Thee, the Father's Word supernal,
Lord, Thou didst to him impart Thee, of Both, the Breath adored,
ShcwMst him how. all grace supplying, Heaven and earth, and realms infernal
Blood and water from Thee start. Own, One glorious God and Lohd.

He first, hoping and believing,

Did beside the grave adore;

Latest he. the warfare leaving,
p feS=
Landed on th' eternal shore
And his witness we receiving
Own Thee Lord for evermore.
Ebt innorfMS' Qag.
Hymn 53


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These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.

HYMN for Martyrs sweetly sing;

For Innocents your praises bring
in tears was eartli bereaved!

Whom heaven with songs of joy received;

Whose angels see the Father's Face
World without end, and hymn His grace,
And, while they praise their glorious King
A hymn for Martyrs sweetly sing.
A voice from Ramah was there sent,
A voice of weeping and lament,
While Rachel mourned her children sore
Whom for the tyrant's sword she bore.
Triumphal is their glory now
Whom earthly sufferings could not bow ;

For whom, by cruel torments rent,

A voice from Ramah was there sent.
Fear not, little flock and blest,
The lion that your life oppressed
To heavenly pastures ever new
The heavenly Shepherd leadeth you,
Who dwelling now on Sion's hill
The Lamb's own footsteps follow still,
By tyrant there no more distressed :

Fear not, little flock and blest.

And every tear is wiped away

By your dear Father's hands for aye :

Death hath no power to hurt you more ;

Your own is life's eternal shore.

And all who, good seed bearing, weep,

In everlasting joy shall reap ;

What time they shine in heavenly day.

And every tear is wiped away.
iTljf innocents' Day.

Hymn 54.


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.re without tault before the throne of Got-

GLORY tO T: . UD, Oh, that our heart* within,

Who, from I 1 of sin, Like th« bright
Bjf cruel Eler id*i rathlen sword Oh. t: ein :

a in. Wt shrank t from Thy h i,

Bopdiod In their own blood, Load, 1k-1}> qi every hour

intriod perili <>'?r. Thy cloBIIsil claim ;

Ttey poesed oncoi I e Bood, In life t<> Lr l»ri;\ T

A: re. In death to pi uno.

Q] r> I
• Ti. •• for all

Who sin.-" tint li.-ur have heanl Thy



flymn 55.



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And when ight days were loooniplished for the circumcising of the Child, EG* Name
was called Jesus."

THE ancient law departs,

And terrors cea
all its
To-day the Name is Thine,
At which we hend the knee :

For Jesus makes with faithful hearts They call Thee Jesus, Child Divine f

A covenant of peace. Our Jesus deign to be.

The Light of Light divine, All praise, Eternal Son,
True Brightness undefiled, For Thy redeeming love,
He hears for us the shame of sin, With Father, Spirit, ever One,
A Holy Spotless Child. In glorious might above.

His Infant Body now

Begins our pain to feel
mw- ^s i
Those precious drops of Blood that Mow
For death the victim seal. ^gigy
* ;

Hymn 66.

^j- -ga-^i

k^^d T2ZZ

MM forth 11:- S.»N.


el" .

t a

woman niM<lf under
umler the law."

The wound He through

Uw, to redreiu th«-m that

the Law
V / poured endures
Ths Blood of our Redeeming Lord! Our freedom from that Law
Blessed Day. frben first I'- Henceforth a holier law prevails,
ll - sufferings borne for sinful man] The law of love which never fails.
entered on tliie life of
Lono, circumcise our hearts. prt |

Hii Infant Blood begini to flow

And take what is not Thine aw:.

A foretaste of His death He \'ef\< Write Thine own Name v..


An earnest of His love reveals.
Thy law nj>on our inmost }':r

Prom besTeo descending to fulfil O Lord, the Virgin-born, to Thee

The bidding of His Fathki.*- ill. vn
Eternal praise and glory be ;

A victim even now He lies Whom with the FatHBI we sdon

Before the day <>f sterifioe. And Hoi y (iuosT for evermore.
For h»ve of us lli-> iroei begin;
The Sinlem inffen for our sin;
The Lsw'i great linker for our ai.i

Obedient to the Law is made.

Hymn 57.


4 4.-A.1
— ^M-e^—r-s !

Let this mind bo in von which was also in Christ Jelsls."

'PI IE Word, with God the Father humble

dress, a mean abode,
L One, A
obscure His glory hide
life :

Before the heavens and earth were made, Proud man, behold thy lowly God,
Is now the Virgin's new-born Son, And let the sight destroy thy pride.
Upon her lowly bosom laid.
Jesu, Who earnest from on high
Already o'er His sinless Head To be the Lamb for sinners slain.
The streams of wrath begin to flow Leave not Thy ransomed flock to die,

Already on His infant bed Xor let Thy toil be spent in vain.
The taste of grief lie deigns to know.
lowliest poverty
we may
He bears
be with wealth supplied
£ m

He weeps: O precious grief and tears!

Through Him the world is purified.

See aho the thimnsfor New Year's Day.

Hymn 58.

kd^ J * ^J

S ^ ^ S3 o ^f^f*^


We have seen His star in the

WHAT bright,
star is this, with beams so ITrue love can brook no dull delay
Nor toil not dangeri sto P their way
lion beauteous than the noonday light ? Home, kindred, father-land, and all
It shines to herald forth the Kino, They leave at their Creator's call
Ami Gentiles to His cradle bring.
( Jmu while the star of grace
) !

See now fulfilled what God decreed, Allures us now to seek Thy face.
"From Jacob shall a star proceed;" Let not our slothful hearts refuse
And eastern Ha,'. '8 with amaz-- The guidance of that light U)
B the wondrous virion gam.
All glory, Jmu, be to Thee
The guiding but *bor€ \t bright,
this Thy glad Kj.iphany .

Within them ihine* • clearer light, Whom Fathkk we adore

with the
Which lead- them m with powti And Holy Ghost for evermore.
I -nij-i
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" And thou, Bcthk-hem, in the land of Juda, are not the lea.-t among the prin s •< i t

for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule My people Isat-l."

EARTH has many a noble city

Bethlehem, thou dost excel all
Sacred gifts of mystic,- meaning
Incense doth their God disclose.

Out of thee the Lord from heaven Gold the King of kings proclainieth,
Came to rule His Israel. Myrrh His sepulchr-* foreshows,
Fairer than the sun at morning Jesu, Whom the Gentiles worship] e<1

Was the star that told His birth, At Thy glad Epiphany,
To the world its God announcing, Unto Thee, with God the Father,
Seen in fleshly form on earth. And the Spiiut, glory be.

Eastern sages at His cradle

Make oblations rich and rare ;
See them give, in deep devotion,
Gold, and frankincense, and myrrh

Hymn 60.

^t^4ft^f^fWff j-jj f j-J-gj-gi-J -J-J-. j j-gtJJ-gt


The Life was manifested and we have •

doth that impious Herod
told that CHRIST the Kin-
fi er And
oh! what miracle divine,
water reddened into wine:
is near ? He spake the word, ami forth it flowed
He tak- snot earthly renlms away, In streams that nature ne'. r I

Who gives the realms that ne'er decay.

All dory. Jnau, be to Thee
'l'h<'Eastern - from far For this Thy -lad :

And followed <>n His guiding star Whom, with the Father, we ad
I>v light tht-ir way to Light they trod. And Holy QhOST for everm
And by their gifts confessed their
Within the Jordan'! sacred flood
Tho heavenly Larnh in meekness stood,

That He, to Whom ii" sin was known,

Might cleanse His people from tin ir own
Hymn 61.

The people which sat in darkness saw great light."

THEA people that in darkness sat

glorious Light have seen
His Name shall be the Prince of
The Everlasting Lokd,

The Light has sinned on them who long The Wonderful, the Counsellor,
In shades of death have been. The God by all adored.
To hail Thee, Sun of Righteousness, His righteous government and power
The gathering nations come ; Shall over all extend ;

They joy as when the reapers bear On judgment and on justice based,
Their harvest treasures home. His reign shall have no end.
For Thou their burden dost remove, LordJesus, reign in us, we pray,
And break the tyrant's rod, And make us Thine alone ;

As in the day when Midian fell Who with the Father ever art
Before the sword of G«>d. And Holy Spirit One.
For unto us a Child is born.
To us a Son is given,
And on His Shoulder ever resis
A - men.
-£3 «—
All power in earth and heaven.
^- :

Hymn 62.

^> ^> a

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And He went tarn with them, and came to Nazareth, and oral mtyeel unto them."

Til E Heavenly Child in -future gTOWB, He Whom the ehoii |

r line,

And growing learni to die ;

Bearing eacb dread d<
And still Hi* early training sbowi His earthly parent! now
His ooming agony. In deep humility.

The Son of Gk>D Hi.- u Wy hides

r For this Thy lowlii J id,

With parents mean and poof ;

Jaeu, we Thee adore ;

And He Who made the heavens ahides And praiae to God the Farad yield
In dwelling-place obeenre. And Spirit evermore.

B mightj Hands that rule tl

No earthly t"il refuse ;

The Maker of the stars on bigb

An bumble trade pursues.
Hymn 63.

" God bo merciful unto us and bleea 01 ;

and shew us the light of His countenance.'

GOD of mercy,
Show the brightness
God of grace,
of Thy Face
Let the people Thee, Lord
Eartli shall then her fruits afford :

Shine upon Saviour, shine,

us, God to man His blessing give,
Fill Thy Church with light divine ;
Man to God devoted live :

And Thy saving health extend All below, and all above,
Unto earth's remotest end. One in joy, and light, and love.
Let the people praise Thee, Loud;
Let Thy Love on all be poured
Let the nations shout and sing
Glory to their Saviour King;
m^m A-lllrll.

At Thv Feet their tribute pay,

And Thy holy Will obey.
h —


Hymn 64.

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u iN'lien they saw tlie star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

A S with gladness men of old

J~\_ Did the guiding star behold;
As with joy they hailed its light,
Leading onward, beaming bright ;

So, most gracious Lord, may we

Evermore be led to Thee.

As with joyful steps they sped

To that lowly manger-bed ;

There to bend the knee before

Him Whom heaven and earth adore
So may we with willing feet
Ever seek the mercy-seat.

As they offered gifts most rare

At that manger rude and bare
So may we with holy joy,
Pure and free from sin's alloy,
All our costliest treasures bring.
Christ to Thee our heavenly King.

Holy Jesus, every day

Keep us in the narrow way
And, when earthly things are past.
Bring our ransomed souls at last
Where they need no star to guide,
Where no clouds Thy glory hide.

In the heavenly country bright

Need they no created light
Thou, Light, its Joy, its Crown.
Thou its Sun which goes not down ;

There for ever may we sing

Alleluias to our King.

A - men.
Hymn 65. U ' I '

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^=^ IS
M Uuto you which believe He is precious."

JESU the very thought is sweet

! No tongue of mortal can express,
In that dear Name all heart-joys No pen can write the blessedness,
meet He only who hath proved it knows
But oh than honey sweeter far
! What bliss from love of Jesus Hows
The glimpses of His presence are.
Jesu, King of wondrous might
No word is sung more sweet than this, Victor, glorious from the fight
No sound is heard more full of bliss, Sweetness that may not be expressed,
No thought brings sweeter comfort nigh. And altogether loveliest
Than Jesus, Son of God most High.
Abide with us, Lord, to-day,
Jesd, the hope of souls forlorn, Fulfil us with thy grace, we pray ;

Bow good to them for sin that mourn ! And with Thine own true sweetness
To them that seek Thee, oh how kind feed
But what art Thou to them that find ? Our souls from sin and darkness freed

Hymn 66.

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All the HUfth shall be filled with His Majesty.

HAIL to the Lord's Anointed,

Great David's greater Son!
Hail, in the time appointed,
Ilia reign on earth begun !

J e comes to break oppression,


To set the captive free ;

To take away transgression,

And rule in equity.
He shall come down like showers
the fruitful earth,
And joy and hope, like flowers,
Spring in His path to birth :
Before Him on the mountains
Shall Peace, the herald, go ;
From hill to vale the fountains
Of Righteousness o'erflow.
Kings shall bow down before Him,
gold and incense bring
All nations shall adore Him,
His praise all people sing
To Him shall prayer unceasing,
And daily vows ascend
His kingdom still increasing,
A kingdom without end.

O'er every foe victorious,

He on His throne shall rest
From age to age more glorious,
All -blessing and all- blessed :

The tide of time shall never

His covenant remove
His Name shall stand for ever,
His changeless Name of Love.

A - men.
JToi tljc ZUnk Movt ^fptuaflfUima.

Hymn 67.

,iJ rU,\
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And again they said, Alleluia."

ALLELUIA, song of sweetness,

Voice of joy that cannot die,
Alleluia is the anthem
Ever dear to choirs on high ;

In the house of God abiding,

Thus they sing eternally.

Alleluia thou resoundest,

True Jerusalem and free ;

Alleluia, joyful Mother,

All thy children sing with thee
But by Babylon's sad waters
Mourning exiles now are we.

Alleluia cannot always

Be our song while here below ;

Alleluia our transgressions

Make us for a while forego
For the solemn time is coming
When our tears for sin must flow.

Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee,

Grant us, Blessed Trinity,
At the last to keep Thine Easter
In our Home beyond the sky :

There to Thee for ever singing

Alleluia joyfully.

im^ ft*


Hymn 68.

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^^ " How shall we
- :S
6ing the Lord's soug in a strange land ?'

CREATOR of the world, to Thee But weeping, grant us faith to rest

endless rest of joy belongs ; In hope upon thy loving care
And heavenly choirs are ever free* Till Thou imIoh us, with the blert.
To sing on high their festal songs. Their songs of praise in heaven to sh.-ire

But we are fallen creatures here, To Father, Son. and Holy GbosT,
Where pain and sorrow daily come ;
The God Whom heaven and earth adore,
And how can we in exile drear From men and from the angel-h
Sing out, as they, sweet songs of Home Be praise and glory evermore.

Fatiikr Who
I I ! dost promise
That they who mourn shall blessed b6
Grant Dl to weep for deeds of ill

; w A - nicn

That banish us so long from Thai

Hymn 69.

jddd j. A^dJ. rJri J
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Ffr^NF i

Behold, I

create new heavens and a



OLORD, in perfect bliss above For Thou didst will that Christ should
Thou couldst not need created love ;
A new creation by His Name ; [frame
And yet Thou didst Thy power display. Its seed, the living word of grace
And earth's foundations firmly lay. lie scatters wide in every place;

Things that were not, at Thy command, Its home, when time fihall be no more,
In perfect form before Thee stand ;
In heaven with Thee for evermore;
And all to their Creator raise Accepted in Thy boundless love
A wondrous harmony of praise. To share His throne and joy above.

But even while the world came forth Fathek,

bless, for they are Thine,
In all the beauty of its birth, Son, direct in love divine,
In Thy deep thought Thou didst behold O Hoi.y Ghost, with grace endue
Another world of nobler mould. The old creation and the new. A men.
Hymn 70.

died in faith, not having received the promises, but having teen theui afar off. and
d them, and confessed that they were t-trangera and
pilgrims on the earth."

HOW l. lV e
blatt were thev who walked in The soul that truly cleaves to GuD
long! to gain that blest abode:
With Christ, while yet He dwell above; Christ, forbid our eonll to roam,
A righteone bend, raeteined bj -rrace; And fix them on our own true Home
The fathers of the faithful n All praise to God the Father be;
O who can tell M should be told All praise. Kternal B ;

The preiene of those men

of old; Whom, with the, we adore
Their pedeai faith, their longing sighs Por ever and for everui

Of bope uplifted to tbe skie-

Strangers and pflgrimi here below
They deemed the world an empty ihow :

To purer joyi their heart given <

l?he better land they sought was 1


Hymn 7L

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The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly 6een, being
understood by the things that are made."

THERE is a book, who runs may read, The moon above, the church below,
Which heavenly truth imparts, A wondrous race they run ;

And all the lore its scholars need, But all their radiance, all their glow,
Pure eyes and Christian hearts. Each borrows of its Sun.

The works of God, above, below, The Saviour lends the light and heat
Within us and around, That crown His holy hill
A re pages in that book to show The saints, like stars, around His seat
How God Himself is found. Perform their courses still.

The glorious sky, embracing all, Thou, Who hast given me eyes to see
Is like theMaker's love, [small And love this sight so fair,
Wherewith encompassed, great and Give me a heart to find out Thee,
In peace and order move. And read Thee everywhere. Amen.
— 1 1

Hymn 72.

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hope, eh

n °i

hot the greatest of these is


<c? • 1

GREAT M v. r of all hearts. \Y IOW 'mid perils lure Mid tears;

Hand There the glad hand the harvest hears.
Doth ill the leeref nnnand Which here in grief hath sown :

Of hninan thought and will. ; Thkkk in i >.\K.the increase

the world was mode, These gifti of grace, by which we i.

Thy saints with fruits of bolineta, [bless With heavenly glory eroWB.
Their order ;«> falfiL

Faith, hope, and love, hero weave one

But love alone shall tlwn remain [chain; ite^i
When this abort day A - im-n.
Loto, <> Truth, Light,
Wbea .-hall

'h bright m-.

With all our la i»c \

7 // ""'* for Sunday and >.tf>. r days nf thr tr'fk isau fitly he used at Ikis


Hymn 73,

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S5 51
ttand your heart and not your garments, and turn unto the Lobd your God.

ONCE more the solemn season calls In sorrow true then let us pray
A holy keep
fast to To onr offended God,
And now within the temple walls From us to turn His wrath away
Both priest and people weep. And stay the uplifted rod.

Bnt vain all outward sign of grief, O God, our Judge and Father, deign
And vain the form of prayer, To spare the bruised reed :

Unless the heart implore relief, We pray for time to turn again,
And penitence be there. For grace to turn indeed.

We smite the breast, we weep in vain, BlestThree in One. to Thee we L/Ow;

In vain in ashes mourn, Vouchsafe us in Thy love,
Unless with penitential pain To gather from these fasts below
The smitten soul be torn. Immortal fruit above. Amen
Hymn 74.

.v, nitb the Loan, turn ye even to Hi with all your heart, aDd with fasting, and
with weeping, and with mourning."
Thy grace have we
BYNn\v i
reoepts tough! of ages past,
Let M keep again the fast By nae,
offended sore
Gk>p, which we deplore
Which, year by \ear, in Older meet Poor down uj>on us from above
ide oomplete. The riches of Thy pardoning love.
The law ami seers that w. re of old member, Loan, though frail we be.

In .liver- way.- thifl Lent foretold, That yet Thine handiwork are we:
Which ObeIIT Himself, the Loud and N'T let the honour Name
reiy season, sanctified. [Gnide another put to shame.

More sparing therefore let us make \e the sin that we have wrought.
The word* we speak, the food we take, the good that we have Bought.
mirth and ilet p. That we at length. <",ir wanderings o'er

In etrieter watch our smnes keep. May please Thee here and evermore.
!n pr her lei m fall. is TmtKic
And cry for mercy, one and all; Almighty GrOD, \\- pray to Thee, [bless
And '. .1 idge, and say, That Thoo wouldst now vouchsafe to
Oh, turn from us Thv wrath away. Our fast with fmits of righteousness.

Hymn 75

"nV 1 " r J^W-^^r

i I


?F^ 3 -^** g :d: ^S

" O deliver us, and bo merciful un to our sins, for Thy Name's sake."

MERCIFUL Creator, hear; Grant us to mortify each sense

To ue in pity bow Thine ear By means of outward abstinence,
Accept the tearful prayer we raise That bo from every stain of sin
In this our fast of forty days. The soul may keep her fast within.
Blest Three in One and One in Threb,
Each heart is manifest to Thee ;
Almighty God, we pray to Thee,
Thou knowest our infirmity :

That Thou wouldst now vouchsafe to

Repentant now we seek Thy Face ;
Impart to us Thy pardoning grace.
Our with fruits of righteousness.
Our sins are manifold and 6ore,
But spare Thou them who sin deplore ;
And for Thine own Name's sake make
The fainting and the weary soul, [whole A - men.
T= »
W£ i

Hymn 76.

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" ll.-h.ilJ, now is the accepteJ time ; beholJ, now is the day of sanation."

I ! now
our accepted day,
is That He may all our sins efface.

L< The purging sins away,

time for Adorn ub with the gifts of grace.
The sins of thought, ami deed, and \v- >rd. And join us to the angel hand
That we have done glint tin- Lord. For ever in the Heavenly Land.

He the Merciful and True

Blest THRFEinOsK, and Use in Turks
Almighty God, we pray to Thee.
Hath spared His people hitherto ;
That Thou wouldst now voueh«»afe to
Not willing the soul should die
Though great its past iniquity.
Our fast with frnits of righteousness.
Then let us all
And c.»ntrite
And worki of mercy and
with earnest
fast, and tear, and prayer,

Entreat for pardon from above

of love,
A - men
- --^1

Hymn 77.

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" In due season we 6hall reap, if we faint not."

OTHOU Who dost to man accord 'TisThou hast blessed this solemn fuel
His highest prize, his best reward ;
So may its days by us be passed
Thou Hope of all our race ; In self-control severe,
J F,su, to Thee we now draw near, That when our Easter morn we hail,
Our earnest supplications hear, Its mystic feast we may not fail
Who humbly seek Thy Face. To keep with conscience clear.
With self-accusing voice within, O Blessed Trinity, bestow
Our conscience tells of many a sin Thy pardoning grace on us below,
In thought and word and deed : And shield us evermore ;

O cleanse that conscience from all stain,

Until, within Thy courts above,
The penitent restore again. We see Thy Face, and sing Thy love.
From every burthea freed. And with Thy saints adore.
IfThou reject us, who shall give
Our fainting spirits strength to live?
Tla Thine alone to spare ;

With cleansed hearts to pray aright

And find acceptance in Thy sight,
L>e this our lowly prayer

Hymn 78.

^^ 5^TTTTn>
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^ <~j


^^ ^^
O cj fr^ cic) ^

And Jesus wa»

s^ ^F^ ^>
" led l.y the Bran Into the wild.Mi M, being t'-rty days u :.
•l'-vii. And In thoie d iyi Eh * i i
- i tat nothing.

>UTY days and forty nights And if Satan, vexing sore,

F< Thou hating in the wild
w.i.-t ;
Flesh or spirit should a.-

Forty days and forty nights Thou, bis Vanquisher before,

Tempted, and yet undefiled. Grant we may not faint or fail.
Sunheams scorching all the day ;
So shall we have peace divine ;

Chilly dew-drops nightly shed ;

Holier {rjidnim ours shall 1

Prowling beasts about Thy way : Round us, too. ihtl] angels sliine,
Stones Thy pillow earth Thy bed.
; Booh as ministered to Thee.
Shall not we Thy sorrow share, Keep, keep us, Savioih dear,
Ami from earthly joys abstain, l!ver constant Thy side by ;

ting with nnoeniing prayer, That with Thee we may appea*

'Jlad with Thee to suffer pain ? At th' eternal Eastertide. A
Hymn 79.

A broken and contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.

LORD, when we bend before Thy May faith each weak petition fill,
throne. And waft it to the skies,
And our confessions pour, And teach our hearts 'tis goodness still,
Teach us to feel the sins we own, That grants it or denies.
And hate what we deplore.
All glory to the Father be,
Our broken spirit pitying see ;
All glory to the Son,
True penitence impart All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee,
Then let a kindling glance from Thee While endless ages run.
Beam hope upon the heart.

When we disclose our wants in prayer,

May we our wills resign A-men.

And not a thought our bosoms

Which is not wholly Thine
Hymn 80.

Pm^j^#ttfp^ j ZB21

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Kilter rx-t into judgment with Thy servant, O Ixtn; far in Thy sight shall no wan living
bo justified."

OLORD, turn not Thy Face from me. UercT, Good Lord, mercy I ask .

Who lie in woofal .-tato, This is my htimlde prayer ;

Lamenting all my sinful lite Pot mercy. LoBD, is all my suit,

Before Thy mercy-gate ; U let Thy in e rev spare.

A pate that opens wide to those To Katheu. S«.n, and HoLl I

That do lament their sin : The God Whom we ad

fcfhut not that gate again.-t I'..- glory, as it was, is now,
But let me enter in. Ami shall be evenn-rc.

Ami call me not to strict account.

Bow I have sojourned h* r

Fur then my i;uilt\ 108 knows

liow vile 1 shall appear.

Hymn 8L

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id z^:

^ •^

" llave mercy upon me, God. after Thy great goodness: according to the multitude
of Thy mercies do away mine offences."

HAVE mercy, Lord, on me,

As Thou wert ever kind
The joy Thy
favour gives
again obtain
Let me, opprest with loads of guilt, And Thy free Spirit's firm support
Thy wonted mercy find. My fainting soul sustain.

Wash off my foul offence, To God the Father, Son,

And cleanse me from my sin ;
And Spirit, glory be ;

For I confess my crime, and see As 'twas, and is, and shall be s«

How great my guilt has been. To all eternity. Amen.

Hymn 82.

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A- men.


" My ml flct-th unto the LoBDwa

LORD, in this Thy mercy's day By Thy ni

En pan for a\
it •

By Thy lapplicating cry.

I >n our knees we fall ami pray. By Thy willi: .. lie,

Holy Jem\ grant Q| t.-ur-*. By Thy tears of hitter woe

Kill us with heirt-aean King feara Pot •'• raealem below,
Bra that awful doom ap] Let of do! Thy V vc for

Loan, on us Thy Spirit |

< i rant us 'neath Thy VTlBgl a place.
Kneeling lowly at the «i Leal tins day of srace
lire it close f I re. Id Thy face.

Hymn 83

A i$d a. AA^
m2h -<&-


I !


u I am the Light of the w.mM."

Evening. Lord, our 6trong defence, be nigh

CHRIST, Who art the Light &nd Bid all the powers of darkness fly ;

Day, [away;. Preserve and watch o'er us for good,

Thy beams chase night's dark shades Whom Thou hast purchased with Thy
The very Light of Light Thou art Blood.
Who dost that blessed Light impart. Remember us, dear Lord, we
All-Holy Lord, to Thee we bend, Whilst burthened in the flesh we stay ;

Thy servants through this night defend Thou only canst the soul defend,
And grant us calm repose in Thee, Be with us, Saviour, to the end.
A quiet night from perils free. Blest Three in One, and One in Three.
Let not dull sleep the soul oppress, Almighty God, we pray to Thee, [bless
Nor secret foe the heart possess, That Thou wouldst now vouchsafe to
Nor Satan's wiles the flesh allure, Our fast with fruits of righteousness.
And make us in Thy sight impure.

Light slumber let our eyelids take, I | I

The heart to Thee be still awake A-nf?n.

— »
And Thy Right Hand protection be
To those who love and trust in Thee.
Many of the fft/runs on the Passion may ahr, l>e used during this season.
iTijf JJUtlj ^unUap m ILrnt,
Utulkwihs called i \V.

Hymn 84.


A —<&
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, , J '
— ' ' A - men.

m J JV-

D faMd
that I should glory
<S ———

in thcCross<>:
# S*

-^ -*>- »«

THE Royal Banners forward go,

The Cross shines forth in in
tree of glory, tn -ir, t

H< lv Limbs to hear,


glow; How bright in purple rohe it stood.

Where H«'in fleah, our hV.-h Who made, The paip]
Our sentence bora, oar ransom paid.
man, like balance true,
Than whilst He bang, BDi sacred Bide lie weighed the r sinners due
pened wide, rice which none bet He could pay
To eleaaas as in the praeaoni flood And spoiled the spoiler of 1.

Of Water mingled with His Bio

Fulfill*-*! is now what David told
To Thee, Eternal Tnana in I

Let homage meet by all be done:

In true prophetic song of old.
How ton the heathen's King should be;

So rule and guide us evermore. Amen.

For God is reigning from the tree.
Q " -

jfiftt) dtontiMfi to i,rnt.

Hymn 85.

-~F Q ^ ^1

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' f ^ A-men.

L_3T^Tii Ff l [I i i
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" God forbid that 1 should glory save in the Cross of our Loud Jesus Christ."

WE sing the praise of Him Who died. It makes the coward spirit bravo,
Of Him Who

died upon the Cross;' And nerves the feeble arm for fight;
The sinner's hope let men deride, It takes its terror from the grave,

For this we count the world but loss. And gilds the bed of deatli with light.
Inscribed upon the Cross we see The balm of life, the cure ci woe,
In shining letters, " God is Love ;
The measure and the pledge of love,
He bears our sins upon the tree, The sinner's refuge here below.
He brings us mercy from above. The angels' theme in heaven above.
The Cross it takes our guilt away
! ; To Christ, "Who won for sinners grace
It holds the fainting spirit up ;
By and anguish sore,
bitter grief
It cheers with hope the gloomy day Be praise from all the ransomed race
A.nd sweetens every bitter cur. For ever and for evermore. Amen.
Cljr dftntiHg nnt before <Z?aotn\




All glu - ry, IM

=5=^ 33

Thou art the King, . , *f*
« ^P 5

2 ^ ?-
T^ nzS O-^

" Out of the mouth of bale's and sucklings Thou ha>t perfecl 1 praia

ALLToglory, laud, and honour

Thee, Redeemer, King !

To Whom the lips of children

Made BWeeJ Il« mannas ring.
All glory, &C,

Thou art the King of Israel,

Thou David's Royal Son,
Who in the Lord's Name comest,
The King and Blessed One.
All glory, &c.

The company of Angels

Are praising Thee on high,
And mortal men, and all things
Created make reply.
All glory, &c.

The people of the Hebrews

With palms before Thee went,
Our praise and prayer and anthems
Before Thee we present.
All glory, &c.

To Thee before Thy Passion

They sang their hymns of praise ;

To Thee now high exalted

Our melody we raise.
All glory, &c.

Thou didst accept their praises

Accept the prayers we bring,
Who in all good delightest,

0sm% A-inen.
Thou good and gracious King.
All glory, &c.
Cfjf JNttllUfi nrjrt before tfagtft

Hymn 87.

i - &> V? -7^


Ami lha mult initio that WMt before, and that followed, cried saving, Ho—mil t<> I

of David."

RIDE on!
ride on id majeety!
allthe tribal Hosanna cry
liide on ! ride on in maj'
The lent and fiercest strife is ni-jh :
; j

Satioui meek, panne Thy Nad,
I The Fatiikk on His sapphire Throne
With ptlmi ami Mattered garmenti A waits His own anoint-
trowed. Uide on ! majesty
ride on in !

Hide on! ride on in majesty ! In lowly pomp, on to die

ri^le :

In lowly pomp, ride on to die: BOH Thy meek Bead to mortal j

mrr, Thy triumphs now begii Then take, O God, Thy Power, and
O'er captive deatli and conquered sin. reign.

ivide on ride on in
! 111:1}

h= a
rhe angel armiei of tbf afcy
Look down wit li nd and wondering
To see the approaching Sacrifice,
&gmu4 on tije IJa&rton/
Hymn 88.

-j li -rr~r

33 <s> zz^zZ

^WW^F^ t*Lll

We love Him because He first loved us."

~jlTY (iOD, I love Thee; not because Then why, O blessed Jesu Christ,
j}± I hope lor heaven thereby, Should Thee well ?
I not love
Nor yet because who love Thee not Not for the hope of winning heaven,
Must bum eternally. Nor of escaping hell :

Thou, my
Jesus, Thou didst me Not hope of gaining aught
with the
Upon the Cross embrace ;
Not seeking a reward ;

For me didst hear the nails, and spear, But as Thyself hast loved me,
And manifold disgrace. O ever-loving Lord.
And griefs and torments numberless, So would I love Thee, dearest Lord
And sweat of agony ;
And in Thy praise will sing;
Yea, death itself; and all for me Solely because Thou art my God,
Who was Thine enemv. And my Eternal Kino. Amen.
• Many of ttiese hymns mav t*.- sung trom Septuagesuna tn Easter, and some of them througliou i tit- \< U.
JDymnsf on tljr \2i\ifiw\i
flymn 89.

and being in an agony, iyed more earnestly."

Daughter, weep no more There for us He intercedes;

Though he
thy troubled heart sure There with (iou the Pathii piWii
He of Whom 1 1Pealmit! rang,
» «* Willing there for us to drain
He Who woke the Propheta tongue, To the dregi the cup of pain,
Chbist, the Mediator Meat, That in everlasting Day
Bringi thee everiaeting rest. He may wipe our tears away.
In i garden man became Therefore to His Name be given
Heir of tin, end death, and than Qlory both in earth and
tin;i garden wini To the Fathkk, and the E

Life, and pardon for our .'-ins And the Si-hut, Thkf.k One,in
Throngfa Hii hour of agony Honour, and glory be,
Praying In Qethaemane Now and through eternity.
! ; ;

'iwmiiS on lljc |)aS3ton.

Hymn 90.

b^#^4#fei ^
a^ ^^^^


J o A^LA-^- A A -^ ^g^
i sZj 331
Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy Bl«x>d."

E Who once When

H Whelmed
in righteous vengeance
the world beneath the
Once again in mercy cleansed it [flood,

before the Judge we tremble,
Conscious of His broken laws,
May the Blood of His atonement
With His own most precious Blood; Cry aloud, and plead our cause,
Coming from His throne on high Bid our guilty terrors cease,
On the painful Cross to die. Be our pardon and our peace.
the wisdom of th' Eternal Prince and Author of salvation
the depth of love divine ! Lord of majesty supreme,
the sweetness of that mercy Jesd, praise to Thee be given
Which in Jesus Christ did shine! By the world Thou didst redeem
We were sinners doomed to die Glory to the Father be
Je-us paid the penalty. And the Spirit One with Thee. Amen.
Ujynmd on ttjr JJasaioii.
Hymn 91.

unto J i

O'ERWHELMED in depths of woe, The sun withdraws his light j

Upon the tree of scorn The mid -day h< .

Hangs the Redeemer of mankind, Tlie moon, the stars, the uni
With racking anguish torn. Their Maker's death bewail.
See how the nails those Hands Shall man alone l>e mute ?
And Peat so tender rend ; [ Breast Have we no griefs, or fears? [kind,
See down His Puce, and Xeck, and old and young, come, all

His sacred Blood descend. And bathe those Feet in tears.

Oh, hear that awful cry Come, fall before Bis (

Which pierced His mother's heart, Who shed for us His Blood :

As into GOD the Fatiiku's Hands Who died, the Victim of pure lu
He bade His soul depart. To make us sons of (i

Baits hears, and trembling qnal Jesu. all praiss to Th

Around that tree of pain [burst
Our joy and endlesi rest; [here,
The rocks are rent; the graves are Be Thou our guide while pilgrims
The veil is rent in twain. Our crown amid the bleat Am
! ;
: ;

$t>mn0 on tijf ItaMum.

Hymn 92.

^F¥^T0W^ —J.^1^ ^—o-


^ ^
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— -i

" The
z^r: 3 ^^
precious Blood of Christ.

GLORY be to Jesus, I
Oft as it is sprinkled
Who, in bitter pains Onour guilty hearts,
Poured for me the life-blood Satan in confusion
From His sacred veins ! Terror-struck departs
Grace and life eternal Oft as earth exulting
In that Blood I find ;
Wafts its praise on high,
Blest be His compassion Angel-hosts rejoicing
Infinitely kind Make their glad reply.

Blt-st through endless ages Lift ye then your voices

He the precious stream, Swell the mighty flood
Which from endless torments Louder still and louder
Did the world redeem! Praise the precious Blood.
Abel's blood for vengeance
Pleaded to the skies ;

But the Blood of Jesus

For our pardon cries. m
li)pnmd on Hjr ttaSSion.
Hymn 93.

111 ^HfftO^ i- 3=

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T " Behold the Man."

SINNER, lift the eye of faith,

To tin.' repentance turning ;

Bethink thee of the cone of sin,

Its awful guilt discerning ;

Upon tin- Crucified < Ine look,

And thoo shall read, as in a 1 k,
What well is worth thy Learning.
Look Hia Head, that bleeding Head,

With crown of thorns raironnded;

Look on His sacred Hands and Feet
Which piercing nails have wounded :

See every Limb with

scourges rent :

On Him, the Just, the Innocent,

What malice hath abounded !

Tis not alone those Limbs are racked,

But friends too are forsaking :

And more than all. lor thankless man

That tender Heart is aching :

Oh, fearful was the pain and scorn

l'.y Jesus. Son of Mary, borne,

Their peace for sinners making.

None ever knew such pain before,
Bnch infinite afHiction ;

None ever felt a grief like His

In that dread crucifixion :

For us He bare those bitter throes,

For us those agonizing woes
In oft-renewed infliction.
sinner, mark, and ponder well
Sin's awful condemnation
Think what a sacrifice it cost
To purchase thy salvation ;

Had Jesus never bled and died,

Then what could thee and all betide
But uttermost damnation ?
Ix)rd, give us grace to flee from sin.
And Satan's wiles ensnaring,
And from those everlasting flames
For evil ones preparing.
Jnu, we thank Thee, and entreat
To rest for ever at Thy Feet.
Thy heavenly glory sharing.
J&enms on tfjf |3a<tt(oiu

Hymn 94. (tan Ti

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" He was wounded for our transgressions."

NOW, my thy voice upraising,

Tell sweet and mournful
in strain,
How the Crucified, enduring
Grief, and wounds, and dying pain,
Freely of His love was offered,
Sinless was for sinners slain.

Scourged with unrelenting fury

For the sins which we deplore,
By His livid Stripes He heals us,
Raising us to fall no more :

All our bruises gently soothing,

Binding up the bleeding sore.

See His Hands and Feet are fastened


So He makes His people free :

Not a wound whence Blood is flowing

But a Fount of Grace shall be ;

Yea the very nails which nail Him

Nail us also to the Tree.

Through His Heart the spear is piercing,

Though His foes have seen Him die
Blood and Water thence are streaming
In a tide of mystery,
Water from our guilt to cleanse us,
Blood to win us crowns on high.

Jesu, may those precious*Fountains

Drink to thirsting souls afford :

Let them be our Cup and Healing,

And at length our full Reward ;

So a ransomed world shall ever

Praise Thee its Redeeming Lord.

A - men.

Bernini on tijr ItaMfon,

Hymn 94. (8w»»d I'isk.)


<o <o»
^ ^

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" He was wounded for our tnuMjgrenioiis.'1

NOW, my thy voice upraising,

Tell sweet and mournful
in strain,
lew the Crucified, enduring

Grief, and wounds, and dying pain,

Freely <>t* His love was offered,
^Sinless was for sinners slain.

Scourged with unrelenting fury

For the sins which we deplore,
By His livid Stripes He heals us,
Raising us to fall no more ;

All our bruises gently soothing,

Binding up the bleeding sore

See His Hands and Feet are fastened


So He makes his people free :

Not a wound whence Blood is flowing

But a Fount of Grace shall be ;

Yea the very nails which nail Him

Xail us also to the Tree.

Through His Heart the spear is piercing,

Though His foes have seen Him die
Blood and Water thence are streaming
In a tide of mystery,
Water from our guilt to cleanse us,
Blood to win us crowns on high.

Jesu,may those precious Fountains

Drink to thirsting souls afford :

Let them be our Cup and Healing,

And at length our full Reward ;

So a ransomed world shall ever

Praise Thee its Redeeming Loud.
Veiling on tfjc ftasttton.

Hymn 95.

3 8 ^-
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t^^-T^'^m 53 55

" Unto you therefore which DtlltM He \* precious/

SWEET the moments, rieh in Messing, Truly bletsM is the station,

Which the Cross
before I ipend, Low before Hii cross to He,
Life, ami health, and pesos posse Whilst I lee divine compassion
Prom the sinner's dying Friend. lining in His languid V.

I reel, for ever viewing Lono, in ceaseless contemplation

hferey ponied in kreemi of Blood; Rl my thankful heart on Thee,
Preeiom drops, my ion] bedewing, Till I taste Thy full salvation
I'lead ind claim my petOS with God, And Thine unveiled glory see.
$smtu! on tljc iga&ton.
Hymn 96.

i '^f^,
^^ T ^TT

W^g^i44^ y g
^ =U J J J rJ
zz J 22:
The love of Christ constraineth us.'

the Lord's atoning grief Crucified we Thee adore,

INBe our rest and sweet relief; !

Thee with all our hearts implore,

Store we deep in heart's recess Us with saintly bands unite
All the shame and bitterness. In the realms of heavenly light.

Thorns, and cross, and nails, and lance, Christ, by coward hands betrayed,
Wounds, our treasure that enhance, Christ, for us a captive made,
Vinegar, and gall, and reed, Christ, upon the bitter tree
And the pang His soul that freed, Slain for man, be praise to Thee.

theseall our spirits sate,
with love inebriate; fc^3
A men.
In our souls plant virtue's root,


And mature its glorious fruit. ge

ft£tiuul on (Ijf IJasdion.


c crt:
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" Who loved me and gave BimMli for mo

BACKED Head, surrounded

By crown
of piercing thorn i

bleeding Head, so wounded

Reviled, and put to scorn !

Death's pallid hue comes o'er Thee,

The glow of life decays,
Yet angel-hosts adore Thee,
And tremble u they gaze.

1 seeThy strength and vigour

All fading in the strife,
And death with cruel rigour
Bereaving Thee of life ;

agony and dying !

love to sinners free !

J int. all grace supplying,

turn Thy Face on me.

In this Thy bitter passion,

Good Shepherd, think of me,
With Thy most sweet compassion,
Unworthy though I be :

Beneath Thy Cross abiding,

For ever would I rest
In Thy dear love confiding,
And with Thy presence blest.

pA - men.

= — '

&l>mn$ on ttjr iJassiou.

Hymn 98. I
Pimt Tune.)

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§1= c

Now there stood by the Cross of Jesus His Mother.'

the Cross her station keeping,
the mournful Mother weeping,
Where He hung, the dying Lord ;

For her soul of joy bereaved

Bowed with anguish, deeply grieved,
Felt the sharp and piercing sword.

Oh, how sad and sore distressed

Now was she, that Mother blessed
Of the Sole-begotten One ;

Deep the woe of her affliction

"When she saw the Crucifixion
Of her ever-glorious Son.

Who on Christ's dear Mother gazing,

Pierced by anguish so amazing,
Born of woman, would not weep?
Who on Christ's dear Mother thinking,
Such a cup of sorrow drinking,
Would not shase her sorrows deep ?

For His people's sins chastised

She beheld her Son despised,
Scourged and crowned with thorns entwined ;

Saw Him then from judgment taken,

And in death by all forsaken,
Till His Spirit He resigned.

Jesu, may such deep devotion

Stir in me the same emotion,
Fount of love, Redeemer kind,
That my heart, fresh ardour gaining
And a purer love attaining,
May with Thee acceptance find.

Bemns on tfjr Itagdion.

Hymu 98. Ti n.)

A ^ ^-^
^ v^

"^r ^F ^rr
j j j

Xo\t then itood by the Cnws

of Jesus UN Mather.

AT ~~
the Cross her lUtioo keeping,
od the
For His people'l sins chasti.»ed
mournful mother weeping, She behehl her Bon dee]
Where 1 1 •* hung, the dying Lord; 3 urged, ami crowned with thorns
For her ion] of joy bereaved entwined
I with enguiah, deeply grieved, Saw Mini then from judgment taken.

the nliarj> end piercing iword. And in death by all forsaken,
Till His Spirit He r
Oh, how ted and tore diel
N ihe, tint mother Jtau, may inch deep devotion
Of ti.

- tten (

>ne ;
Stir in me the - t i> -n.

Deep the woe of her affliction Fount of love, Redeemer kind.

Whc cifucion That my heart, freali ardour gaining
of her i Son. And purer love attain
"ii moth <lc;ir
May with Thee acceptance fin«i.

Pierced by anguish 10 amai

B »rn oi women, would n«>t weep? i
Who on OnaiST'i deer mother thinking,
8och cnp ofeorrow drinkii Q,
i >rrowi deep '?
Itemiuf on tljc Saftton.
Hymn 99.

\tA A A J. J.J -J-^ U a

" Is it
^^ tt ^^^
nothing to you, all
J ,j

ye that pass by ? Behold, and see if


there be any sorrow like

unto My sorrow."

SEE the destined day arise

See, a willing Sacrifice,
Thence the cleansing Water flowed,
Mingled from Thy Side with Blood;
Jesus, to redeem our loss, Sign to all attesting eyes
Hangs upon the shameful Cross. Of the finished Sacrifice.

Jesu, who but Thou had borne, Holy Jesu, grant us grace
Lifted on that tree of scorn, In that Sacrifice to place
Every pang and hitter throe, All our trust for life renewed,
Finishing Thy life of woe? Pardoned sin, and promised go •<].

Who but Thou had dared to drain,

Steeped in gall, the cup of pain
And with tender body bear
Thorns, and nails, and piercing spear ? <& " ;j ii
; 1 ;

ftgmng on tJje i)a$diou.

Hymn 100.

£ *9
2 :> :=:



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i^;. ? g
They crucified Him.

D times He spake, seven words of

OCOM B and mourn with me aw
O come ye the Saviour's side; to
( I oome, t-ur 'tl)er let us mourn ;
And all three hours His silence cri-d
D, is crueified. Ir me rev OB the souls of men :

Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

I we no tears to shed for Him.

Come, let us stand beneath the Cross;
While soldiers scoff and Jews deride? So may the Blood from out 1

All look h<>w patiently He hangs

Fall gently on us drop by drop
! ;

our Lord, is crucified.

Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.

How fast His Hands and Feet are nailed A broken heart, a fount of tears
1 1Thn-at with parching thirst is dried
Ask, and they will not be denied ;

Ilis failing Kyes are dimmed with blood ;

Lord Jesus, may we love and weep,
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. Since Thou for us art crucified. Amen.
HMjintuf on rtjr ItaftSton.

Hymn 101.

£ zss:
m ^r

i^J. J

What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Chbot.'

HEN I survey the wondrous Cross, Were the whole realm of nature mine
VV ()n which the Prince of Glory died That were an offering far too fern-ail ;

My richest gain I count hut loss, Love so amazing, so divine,

And pour contempt on all my pride. Demands my life, my soul, my all.

Forbid it, Loud, that I should boast,

To Christ. Who won for sinners grace

Save in the Cross of Christ mv God

By bitter grief and anguish sore.

All the vain things that charm me most, £

e P raise fr0 ™ a11 the ransomed race

I sacrifice them to His Blood. For ever and for evermore.

See, from
His Head, His Hands

Sorrow and love flow mingling down

^^=^1 A - men
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorn 8 compose so rich a crown ? s m

2)pnm<* on tljr IJasfaion.

Hyiuu 102.

Tu * J 1

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" Chilli a!« r us, leaving us an example that ye sliouKl follow His step*.'

\ NGELS, lament ; behold, your God The Both may ihrink, but we submit
XJ YVhate*ef out (
•> be,
Behold, upon the iOCaned tree So Thoo by grace enable u
Mmu'eetns the Batioui bears. To bear "it after Thee.
Ciiki-t, witli wondering minds we see Thj ntripee have honied us, and Thy
\\ i Thine: _Onr gnflty etnjne eflheed ;
Did G r thus, Then may Thy Name by pin of ourt

And, oh, ihell dm i repine ? Be never more disgraced.

-winrrt, no! the power of death

Th> me,
To sa« kithly woe
:> 'in th' eternal d
jBgrnnd on tije |}<i&>ion.
Hymn 103.

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Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall.

GO dark Gethsemane,
Ye that feel the Tempter's power,
Calvary's mournful mountain climb*
There, adoring at His Feet,
Your Redeemer's conflict see, Mark that miraclo of time,
Watch with Him one bitter hour God's own sacrifice complete;
Turn not from His griefs away, " It is finished ;" hear Him cry,
Learn of Jescs Christ to pray. Learn of Jesus Christ to die.

Follow to the judgment-hall,

View the Lord of life arraigned ;
Oh, the wormwood and the gall
Oh, the pangs His soul sustained!
P A - men.
Shun not suffering, shame, or loss
Lewn oi II im to bear the crosa.
fDymnS on tljc ftastoion.
Hymn 104.

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Jesus, Master, have mercy upon us.'

SAVIOUR, when in dust to Thee By the sacred grief that wept

Low we bow the adoring knee O'er the grave where Lazarus .slept ;

Wlien, repentant, to the skies By the gracious tears the! Bowed

Scarce we lift our weeping eyes, Over Salem's loved abode ;

Oh, by all Thy pains and woe By the mournful word that told
Suffered once for man below, Treachery lurked within Thy fold ;
Bending from Thy Throne on high, Jksu, look with pitying eye ;
Hear our solemn litany. Hear our solemn litany.
By Thy birth and early years; By Thine hour of whelming fear
By Thy life of want and tears; By Thine agony, and prayer ;

By Thy fasting and distress By the purple robe of scorn ;

In the lonely wilderness; By Thy wounds, Thy crown of thorn

By the dread mysterious hour By Thy cross, Thy pangs, and cries
Of the subtle tempter's power; By Thy perfect sacrifice :

Jnu, look with pitying eye ;

Jesu, look with pitying eye ;

Hear our solemn litany. Hear our solemn litany.

By Thy deep expiring groan ;

By the sealed sepulchral stone ;

By Thy triumph o'er the grave

By Thy power from death to save ;

Blighty God, ascended Lord,

To Thy Throne in Heaven restored.
Prince and Saviour, hear our cry
Hear our solemn litany. Amen.
r r

SjijmnS on tljc $3astefion.

Hymn 105.

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And when Joseph had Uken tin- Body, he wrapped It In a clean linen cloth, and laid It
in hi* own MW UMBO, which ht h;id hewn .'tit of the r-n-k And there was
Mary Magdalene and the Other, .-itiing 0YOI again-! llie M-pulchre."

KB8TING from TliB work to-day So with Tliee, till life shall end,
In the tomb the EUtkhji lay I would solemn figi] spend :

Still He -h'j)t, from Head to Feet Let me hew Thee, Loud, a .-hrine
Shrouded in t he winding-sheet. In tliis rocky heart of mine,
Lying In the rook alone, Where in pure embalmed Dell
Hidden by the leolod itoiM None but Thou may ev« r dwell.
even tliere ffM
it Myrrh and spices will I bring,
Watching long the Magdalene; True affection's offering ;

Larly, ere the break of day, the door from light and sound
Sorrowful the took her way Of the busy world around ;

To the holy garden glade, And in patient wateh remain

Where her buried LoBO was laid Till my Loud appeal Igain. Amen
Hymn 106.


m^m^^dmm^^ i

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Al-le-lu-ia. A-men.

slg^i ^ ^*h^H

death, where is

thy sting? grave, crhere is

thy victory?'

YE Your
choirs of new Jerusalem,
sweetest notes employ,
Triumphant in His glory now
To Him all power is given ;

The Paschal victory to hymn To Him in one communion bow

In strains of holy joy. All saints in earth and heaven

For Judah's Lion bursts His chains,

While we, His soldiers, praise our King,
His mercy we implore,
Crushing the serpent's head ;
Within His palace bright to bring
And cries Aloud through death's domains
To wake the imprisoned dead.
And keep us evermore.
All glory te the Father be ;

Devouring depths of hell their prey All glory to the Son;

At His command restore; All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee,
His ransomed hosts pursue their way While endless ages run.
Where Jesus goes before. Alleluia, Amen.
h '



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The Lord ii risen Indeed."

JESUS CHRIST is risen to-. lav,

Our triumphant holy day,
Alleluia :

Who did once, upon the Cross,

Suffer to redeem our loss.

Hymns of praise then let us sing

Alleluia .

Unto Christ, our heavenly King,

Alleluia '.

Who endured the Cross and Grave,

Sinners to redeem and save.

But the pain which He endured

Our salvation hath procured
Now above the sky He's King,
"W here the angels ever sing.

A - men.
Hymn 107. (8«nwn I '•

Al - lu

- le - - ia.


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" The Loiu» U rlMB Indood."

JESUS ('I I HIST is risen to-day,

AllJluia !

Our triumphant holy day,

"Who did once, upon the Cross,
Suffer to redeem our loss.
Alleluia !

Hymns of praise then let us sim*

Unto Christ, our hcavenlv King,
NYho endured the Cross and Grave,
Sinners to redeem and save.

But the pain which He endured

Alleluia !

Our salvation hath procured ;

Alleluia !

Now above the sky He's King,

Where the angels ever sing.
, Alleluia

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A- men.
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Hymn 108.
mU in Ckorxu.

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Thil ia the day whuh the LoH) hath made ; wt "ill rejofaM and be glad in it.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Ali.ei.i ia !

OSONS and daughters, let us sing !

The King of heaven, the glorious King,

O'er death to-day rose triumphing.
Alleluia :

That Sunday morn, at break of day,

The faithful women went their way
To seek the tomb where Jesus lay.
Alleluia !

An Angel clad in white they see,

Who sat and spake unto the three,
" Your Lord doth go to Galilee."
Alleluia !

That night the Apostles met in fear ;

Amidst them came their Lord most dear,

And said, " My peace be on all here."
"When Didymus the tidings heard,
He doubted if it were the Lord,
Until He came and spake this word :

" My pierced Side, Thomas, see ;

My Hands, My Feet, I show to thee ;

Nor faithless, but believing be."

Alleluia !

No longer Thomas then denied

He saw the Feet, the Hands, the Side ;

" Thou art my Lord and God," he cried.

Alleluia :

How blest are they who have not seen,

And yet whose faith hath constant been ;

For they eternal life shall win.


On this most holy day of days,

To God your hearts and voices raise
In laud, and jubilee, and praise.
Hymn 109. (F»«« Ti n |

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" The Lord is Kino, ami hath pal on glorious tppsnL*'

TI(.IIT'S glittering morn bedecks the Th' Eleven, when they hear, with ipeed
J sky, To Galilee forthwith proceed,
Heaven thunders forth its victor-cry, That there once mon- they may behold
The glad earth shouts lier triumph hi The Lord's dear Face, as He foretold.
And groaning hell makes wild reply

While lie, the King, the mighty King, Part III.

Despoiling death of all its sting,
And trampling down the powers of night, That Easter-lide with joy was bright,
Brings forth His ransomed saints to light. The sun shone out with fairer light,
When, to their longing eye* restored,
His tomb of late the threefold guard The Apostles saw their risen Lord.
Of watch and stone and seal had barred
Bat now, in pomp and triumph high, He bade them see His Hands. His Side,
He comes from death to victory. Where yet the glorious wounds abide ;

tokens true, which made it plain

The pains of hell are loosed at last
Their Lord indeed was risen again.
The days of mourning now are past
An Angel robed in lighthath said,
Jbu, the King of Gentleness,
" The Lord is risen from the dead."
Do Thou, Thyself our hearts possess,
That we may give Thee all our days
Part II. The tribute of our grateful praise.
The Apostles' hearts were full of pain
For their dear Lord so lately slain,
By rebel servants doomed to die The following may be sung at the end of each
A death of cruel agony. Part.

With gentle voice the Angel gave Lord of all, with us abide
The women tidings at the grave ;
In this our joyful Easter-tide ;

" Fear not, your Master shall ye see, From every weapon death can wield
He goes before to Galilee." Thine own redeemed for ever shield.

Then hastening on their eager way All praise be Thine, risen Lord,
The joyful tidings to convey. From death to endless life restored ;

Their Lord they met, their living Lord, All praise to God the Father 1".
And falling at His Feet adored. And HOLY GHOST, eternally. Amen.

Hymn 110.

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Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength,
•and honour, and glory, and blessing."

CHRIST the Lord is risen to-day

Christians, haste your. vows to pay ;

Offer ye your praises meet

At the Paschal Victim's feet.
For the sheep the Lamb hath bled,
Sinless in the sinner's stead
" Christ is risen," to-day we cry ;

Now He lives no more to die.

Christ, the Victim undenled,

Man to God hath reconciled ;

Whilst in strange and awful strife

Met together Death and Life.
Christians, on this happy day
Haste with joy your vows to pay
" Christ is risen," to-day we cry

Now He lives no more to die.

Christ, Who once for sinners bled,

Now the first-born from the dead,
Throned in endless might and power,
Lives and reigns for evermore.
Hail, eternal Hope on high !

Hail, Thou King of victory

Hail, Thou Prince of life adored
Help and save us, gracious Lord !

A - men.
Hymn 111.

JjJ^J^J AA4Aa AsiA.
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Cost our Passover \b Hflril let up ket-[« the

Til E Lamb'i high banquet called to all-sufficient Sacrifice !

aha: Beneath Thee hell defeated lies :

Arrayed in garment! white ind fair. Thy eapthni people are set free,
Our Red Sea p«*t, we fain would ring And crowoj of life reetored by Thee.
To Jnsui our triumphant King. We hymn Thee rising from the grave.
Upon the of the (': From death return -ave ;

His Body hatli redeemed our l«»sa; Thine own Right Band the :

Ami. tatting of HU crimson Blood, And Paradise for man regains, [el
Our life is hid with Him in God. All praise be Thine, O risen Loa
Protected the Paschal Dtght,
in Fr-m death to endless life restor
Prom the destroy might, All pn i» the Fatheh be,
In triumph went ned free
I And Hoi.y (J Host, eternally.
From Pharaoh'i cruel tyrani '
*— ,
N«>w Cnnisr "Mr Paaaorerii .-lain,

The Lamb of God with n ;

Hii Pleah, t!ie true an) Brand,


Hymn 112.

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"Alleluia for the Loud God omnipotent reigneth."
CHRIST the Lord is risen again ;
He Who slumbered in the grave
Christ hath broken every chain ;
now to save
Is exalted ;

Hark, angelic voices cry, Now through Christendom it rings

Singing evermore on high, That the Lamb is King of kings.

Alleluia Alleluia !

He Who gave for us His life, Now He bids us tell abroad

Who for us endured the strife, How the lost may be restored,
Is our Paschal Lamb to-day ;
How the penitent forgiven,
We too sing for joy, and say How we too may enter heaven.
Alleluia Alleluia !

He Who bore all pain and loss Thou, our Paschal Lamb indeed,
Comfortless upon the Cross, Christ, Thy ransomed people feed :

Lives in glory now on high, Take our sins and guilt away,
Pleads for us and hears our cry ,
Let us sing by night and day
Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen,


Hymn 113.

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Sing ye to the Loud: for He hath triumphed gloriously."

we sing
AT the Lamb's high feast
Praise to our victorious King,
Who hath washed us in the tide
Flowing from Ilia pierced Side;
Praise we Him, Whose love divine
Gives His Sacred Blood for wine,
Gives His Body for the feast,
Christ the Victim, Christ the Priest.

Where the Paschal blood is poured,

Death's dark angel sheathes his sword
Israel's hosts triumphant go
Through the wave that drowns the foe.
Praise we Christ, Whose Blood was shed,
Paschal Victim, Paschal Bread ;

With sincerity and love

Eat we Manna from above.

Mighty Victim from the sky,

powers beneath Thee lie
Hell's fierce
Thou hast conquered in the fight,
Thou hast brought us life and light
Now no more can death appal,
Now no more the grave enthral

Thou hast opened paradise,

And in Thee Thy saints shall rise.

Easter triumph, Easter joy,

Sin alone can this destroy
From sin's power do Thou set free
Souls new-born, Lord, in Thee.
Hymns of glory and of praise,
Risen Lord, to Thee we raise ;

Holy Father, praise to Thee,

With the SriRiT, ever be.

3 I
A -men.

Hymn 114.

"O sing unto the Loud a new son- : for He hath done marvellous t

Allkluu Alleluia! Allki dm

I I He closed the yawning pates of hell ;

TilH strife is o'ei, the battle done ;

The bars from heaven'* high portals fell;
1 he triumph of the Loud is won ;
Let 6ougs of jov His triumphs tell.
let the song of praise be sung. Alleluia!
Alleluia !
Lord, by the stripes which wounded
The powers of death have done their Thee. [free
Prom death's dread sting Thy servants
And Jim
bath Hit foes d:sj>< rted ;
That we mav live, and sing to Thee,
Let bhouts of praise and JOJ outburst. Alleluia S

& ?mm
Alleluia !
On that third morn He rose a
1 rioui majesty to reign ; A-men.
O let us swell the joyful strain.
Alleluia !
_ — *

Hymn 115.

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Buried with ELim in l-apti^m, wherein also ye are risen with Him through the faith ot
the operation of God, Who hath raised Him from the dead."'
OCHRIST,the heavens' Eternal Kiiu Eternal Shepherd, Thou art wont
Creator, unto Thee we sing ;
To cleanse Thy sheep within the font;
With God the Father ever One, That mystic bath, that grave of sin,
Co-equal, co-eternal Son ; Where ransomed souls new life begin*
Thy Hand, when first the world began Divine Redeemer, Thou didst deigi
Made in Thine own pure Image man ;
To bear for us the Cross of pain ;

And linked to fleshly form of earth And freely pay the precious pric* 1

A living soul of heavenly birth. Of all Thy Blood in sacrifice:

And when the envious, crafty foe Jesu, do Thou to every heart
Had marred Thy noblest work below, Unceasing Paschal joy impart
Thou didst our ruined state repair From death of sin and guilty strife
By deigning flesh Thyself to wear. Set free the new-born sons of life.

Once of a Virgin born to save, [grave, All praise be Thine, O risen Lord,
And now new-born from death's dark From death to endless life restored ;

O Christ, Thou bid'st us rise with Thee All praise to God the Father be,
From death to immortality. And Holy Ghost, eternally. Amen.
Hymn 116.

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The Pint-begotten of the tad."

>M E M6 the place wliere Jesus lay. The First-begotten of the dead.
C( And hear angelic watchers For us He rose, our glorious Head,
" He Who once was slain
lives. : Immortal life to bring [die

Why seek the living 'mi. 1st the (lend? What though the saints like Him shall
Remember how the Saviour mid They share their Leader's victory,
That He would rise again." Anil triumph with their King.
() joyful sound ! glorious hour, No more they tremble at the grave,
When by His own Almighty power For Jnsui will their spirits save.
He rose, and left the grave '.

And raise their slumbering <\w-

Now let our BOttgl Mis triumph tell. risen LoftD, in Thee we live,
Who hurst the hands of death and hell, To Thee our ransomed Boull we L'ive,
And ever lives to save. To Thee our bodies trust Amen
! ; ! ;

Hymn 117.

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Al-le -In

"1 am Ho that liveth, and was dead; and heboid, I am alive for evermore, Amen
have the keve of heh and of death."

JESUS lives ! no longer now Jesus lives ! our hearts know weh
Can thy terrors, Death, appal us Nought from us His love shall sever
Jesus lives by this we know
! powers of hell
Life, nor death, nor
Thou, O Grave, canst not enthral us. Tear us from His keeping ever.
Alleluia Alleluia

Jesus lives henceforth is death

! Jesus lives ! to Him the Throne
But the gate of Life immortal ;
Over all the world is given:
This shall calm our trembling breath, May we go where He is gone,
When we pass its gloomy portal. liest and reign with Him in Heaven.
Alleluia !
Alleluia !

Jksus lives! for us He died

Then, alone to Jesus living,

Pure in heart may we abide, A - men.
Glory to our Saviour giving.
Hymn 118.


du J.AAA -4J1

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" When thou Uest down, thou slialt n.-t be afraid j

yea, thou .-hall lie down, and thy
shall be MR
JESU, the world's redeeming Loud, We pray Thee, while we dwell 1 i

The Father's co-eternal Word, Preserve us from our gheetly fa

Of Light Invisible true Light, Nor let his wiles victorious be
Thine Israel's kee] 61 day and night ;
O'er them that are redeemed by Thee,

Cur ^reat Creator and our Guide, O Lord of all, with us abide
Who times and seasons dust divide, In this our joyful Kaster-tide ;

ill at nighl with quiet n m IV m every weapon death can wi

Our limits by daily tofl oppre Thine own redeemed for ever shield.

That while in weary house of elay All praise be Thine, risen Lord,
A Littlelongei here we stay, Prom death to endless life reel
Our flesh in Thee may iweetly deep, All praise to ion the Fai hi:..

Our souls with Thee tluir vigils keep, And Hoi.y Ghost, eternally. An
Rogation Qny$.
Hymn 119.

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A - men.

p^ FWT^ <Z£

M The eyes of all wait upon Thee, Lord; and Thou givest them their meat in due season.'

LORD, in Thy name Thy servants Thine too by right, and ours by grace,
plead, The wondrous growth unseen,
And Thou hast sworn to hear ; The hopes that soothe, the fears that
Thine is Thine the seed,
the harvest, The love that shines serene, [brace.
The fresh and fading year.
So grant the precious things brought
Our hope, when autumn winds blew By sun and moon below, [forth.
We trusted, Lord, with Thee [wild, That Thee in Thy new heaven and

And still, now spring has on us smiled, We never may forego. [earth
We wait on Thy decree.

The former and the latter rain, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The summer sun and air, The God Whom we adore,
The „ roen ear, and the golden grain,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
All Thine, are ours by prayer And shall be evermore. Amen.
. H

Rogation Days.
Hymn 120.
. 1 it -hill I

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hom Thy throne, Hear us, we be - see

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TBBESio Ohe, by all a - dored, Hear us, \. •

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Ji - bu! Jl - 8U ! By Thy wondrous In-car-na-tion,

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HU - f| tion, Ciiorus.

By Thy liirth for our sal - va tion, We be •

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Thy grace and mer - cy send A - men.

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Jesd! Jesu !
Jesu ! Jesu!
By Thy Fasting and Temptation, By Thy glorious Resurrection,
By Thy nights of supplication, Earnest of our own perfection.
We beseech Thee, we beseech Thee, We beseech Thee, we beseech Thee,
From every defend us,
ill From every ill defend us,
Thy grace and mercy send us. Thy grace and mercy send us.
Jesu Jesd!! Jesu ! Jesu.
By Thy works of sweet compassion, To the Father's throne ascended,
By Thy Cross and bitter Passion, All Thy pain and sorrows ended.
We beseech Thee, we beseech Thee, We beseech -Thee, we beseecli The:
From every ill defend us, From every ill defend us,
Thy grace and mercy send us. Thy grace and mercy send us.

Jesu Jesu
! ! Jesu Jesu ! !

By Thy Blood for sinners flowing, Advocate for sinners pleading,

By Thy Death true life bestowing, With the Father interceding,
We beseech Thee, we beseech Thee, We beseech Thee, we beseech Thee,
From every ill defend us, From every ill defend us,
Thy grace and mercy send us. Thy grace and mercy send us. Amen
TliU Litany may also be used in any time of special supplication.
Hymn 121.

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Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and tli<- King
of glory shall come in."

the day that sees Him

To His throne above the skies
rise Alleluia


Christ, the Lamb for sinners given, Alleluia !

Enters now the highest heaven. Alleluia !

There for Him high triumph waits Alleluia ; !

Liftyour heads, eternal gates Alleluia ; !

He hath conquered death and sin, Alleluia !

Take the King of Glory in. Alleluia !

Lo, the heaven its Lord receives. Alleluia !

Yet He loves the earth He leaves; Alleluia !

Though returning to His throne, Alleluia !

Still He calls mankind His own. Alleluia !

See, He His hands above

lifts Alleluia ;

See, He
shows the prints of love Alleluia ;

Hark, His gracious lips bestow Alleluia !

Blessings on His Church below. Alleluia

Still for us He intercedes, Alleluia !

His prevailing death He pleads, Alleluia !

Near Himself prepares our place, Alleluia !

He the first-fruits of our race. Alleluia !

Lord, though parted from our sight Alleluia !

Far above the starry height, Alleluia !

Grant our hearts may thither rise, Alleluia !

Seeking Thee above the skies. Alleluia Amen. !

r 1


Hymn 122.

^r-v. 4
I^Hi 1

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1 ^^H-h^^B

" All power is given unto Me in heaven and earth

LORD most Hurh. Eternal King, and wonder angela see

\) By Thee redeemed Thy Drain in How changed is man's estate by Thee,
sir How Fleefa makes pure as flesh did stain,
The bondl of death are burst by i And Thou, True God, in Flesh, dost
And Greet lias won the victory. reign.

nding to the Patbib'i throne, B«Thou our .Joy, O mighty Loud,

Thou claim*.-t tli«' kingdom M Thine own ; Aj Thou wilt be our gr I
•! ;

Thy dayi of mortal vreakneei o'er, Let all our glory be in Thee
All power is Thine foi evermore. Both now and through eternity.

bet thfl whole creation now All praise from every heart and tongue
Shall, io its threefold order bow, T Thee, aeaonded Lokd, be sung;
Of thingi on earth, and things on hh All praise to Goo the Father be,
Aud things that nndemeath us lie. And Holy Guost eternally. Amen.

Hymn 123.


" By His own Blood He entered in once into the holy place.
SAVIOUR, Who for man hast trod And thence the Church, Thy chosen
The winepress of the wrath of God, Bride,
Ascend, and claim again on high With countless gifts of grace supplied,
Thy glory left for us to die. Through all her members draws from
A radiant cloud is now Thy seat, [feet;
Her hidden life of sanctity. [Thee
And earth lies stretched beneath Thy Christ, our Lord, of Thy dear care
Ten thousand thousands round Thee sing, Thy lowly members heaven-ward bear;
And share the triumph of their King. Be our's with Thee to suffer pain,
The angel-host With Thee for evermore to reign.
enraptured waits:
Lift up your heads, eternal gates!" All praise from every heart and tongue
O GoD-and-MAN .'
the Father's To Thee, ascended Lor©, be sung
Is now for evermore Thine own. God the Father
All praise to be,
And Hdly Ghost, eternally.
Our great High Priest and Shepherd
Within the veil art entered now, [Thou
To offer there Thy precious Blood
Once poured on earth a cleansing flood.
Hymn 124.

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* W ho is £one in^c heaveu.

1MIOU art gone up on high,

To realms beyond the skies ;

A i,d round Thy throne unceasingly

The songs of praise arise :

But we are lingering here,

With sin and care oppressed ;

Lord, send Thy promised Comforter,

And lead us to our rest.

Thou art gone up on high ;

But Thou didst first come down,

Through earth's most bitter misery
To pass unto Thy crown ;

And girt with griefs and fears

Our onward course must be ;

But only let this path of tears

Lead us at last to Thee.

Thou art gone up on high ;

But Thou shalt come again,

With all the bright ones of the sky

Attendant in Thy train.

Loud, by Thy saving power,
So make us live and die,
That we may stand in that dread hour
At Thy right hand on high.


Hymn 125.


^ —
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Who being the hrightness of His glory, and the express Ima^«- of Hfcl person, and
upholding all things by th<- word of Eui power, whoa Do by II ;

down "i» the right hand of the Majesty on high."

TBSU, our hope, our heart*! desire, O may Thy mighty love prevail
Redemption*! oaly spring, Our sinful souls to span- !

LTOe of the world art Thou, O may we stand around Thy th:
Savioi-u ami its KlM* Ami see Thy glory there!
How vast the mercy ami tlie love, oar only Joy be Thou,
Which laid our HOI 08 thee, As Thou our Prise wilt he;
And led Thee to a cruel d.-ath, In Thee be all our glory now
To 6et Thy people free! Ami through eternity.

lintDOW the bondl of death are burst, All praise to Thee who dost ascend
Ths reason has been paid Triumphantly to heaven ;

And Tliou art on Thy Pi in Kit's Throes All praise to Goo the Father's Name
In glorious robes arrayed. And Hoi.y Ghost be given. Amen

Hymn 126.

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If I go not away the Comforter will not oome unto you ; but if I depart ! rHl send Him
nnto you."

RULER of the hosts of light, Now in glory Then dost reign,

Death hath yielded to Thy might Won by all Thy toil and pain ;

Ami Thy Blood hath marked a road Thence the promised Spirit send,
Which will lead us back to God. While our prayers to Thee ascend.

From Thy dwelling place above, Jksu, praise to Thee be given,

From Thy Father's th:one of love, With the Father high in heav. -n ,

With Thy look of mercy bless Holy Si-hut, praise to Theo

Those without Thee comfortless. Now and through eternity.

— »> *»
Bitterwere Thy throes on earth,
Giving to the Church her birth
\ - men.
From the spear-wound opening wide
In Thine own life-givim? Side.
i i



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"The Comforter, which ia the Holy Ohoot."

COME, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire,

And lighten with celestial fire
Thou the anointing Spirit art,
Who dost Thy seven-fold gifts imparl
Thy blessed Unction from above
Is comfort,life, and fire of love

Enable with perpetual light

The dulness of our blinded sigh*.
Anoint and cheer our soiled face
With the abundance of Thy grace :

Keep far our give peace at home

foes, ;

Where Thou art guide, no ill can come.

Teach us to know the Father, Son,
And Thee, of Both, to be but One ;

That, through the ages all along,

This may be our endless song

Praise .

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Hymn 128.

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* When Thou lettest thy Breath go forth tliev shall be made, and Thou shult renew the face
of the earth."'

COME, Thou Holy Spirit, come ;

And from Thine eternal home

Shed the ray of light divine ;

Come, Thou Father of the poor,

Come, Thou source of all our store,
Come, within our bosoms shine.
Thou of Comforters the best,
Thou the soul's most welcome Guest,
Sweet Refreshment here below
In our labour rest most sweet,
Grateful shadow from the heat,
Solace in the midst of woe !

most Blessed Light Divine,

Shine within these hearts of Thine,
And our inmost being fill
If Thou take Thy grace away,
Nothing pure in man will stay,
All our good is turned to ill.

Heal our wounds ; our strength renew ;

On our dryness pour Thy dew

Wash the stains of guilt away
Bend the stubborn heart and will,
Melt the frozen, warm the chill,
Guide the steps that go astray.

On the faithful, who adore

And confess Thee, evermore
In Thy sevenfold gifts descend ;

Give them virtue's sure reward,

Give them Thy salvation, Lord,
Give them joys that never end.

A- men.


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33 ^=^ ss:

I when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.'

ABOVE the starry spheres, While strangers of all climes

To where He was before, Flock round from and near.
Onmisf had gone up, the Father's gift And their own tongue, wherever born,
l*p .in the Church to pour. All with amazement hear.
At length had come, fully But Judah, faithless still,
On mystic circle borne Denies the Hand Divine;
ven times seven revolving days, And mocking jeers the saints of OhKUT
The Pentecostal morn full of new-made wine.

When as the Apostles knelt Till Peter, in the midst,

At the third hour in prayer, By Joel's ancient word
A idea rushing sound proclaimed
Rebukes their unbelief, and n (Jon Himself was there. Three thousand to the L<
Forthwith a tongue of fire
The Father and the B
Is seen on every brow ;
And BpOUT we adore ;

Etoh ho:irt receives the Father's light.

may the Sri it's gifts be poured
The Word's enkindling glow :
On us for evermore.
The Holy host on all

[a mightily outpoured,
ght in divers tongues dc
The wonders L
of the
d S2
; ;

Hymn 130.

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" And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind.'

w HEN God
In power and wrath
of old came down from

He came

when the Spirit of our God
Came down His flock to find,
voice from heaven was heard abroad,
Before His feet the clouds were riven, A rushing, mighty wind.
Half darkness and half flame :
It fills the Church of God ; It fills
But when He came
the second time, The sinful world around ;

He came in power and love Only in stubborn hearts and wills

Softer than gale at morning prime No place for It is found.
Hovered His holy dove.
Come Lord, come Wisdom, Love, ai d
The fires, that rushed on Sinai down Open our [Power,
ears to hear ; '

In sudden torrents dread, Let us not miss th'accepted hour ;

Xow gently light, a glorious crown. Save, Lord, by love or fear.

On every sainted head.
And as on Israel's awe -struck ear
The voice exceeding loud,
The trump, that angels quake to hear,
Thrill'd from the deep, dark cloud ;

Hymn 13L

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And the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

SPIRIT of mercy, truth, and love, Unfailing Comfort, Heavenly Gnide,

( )raed Thine influence from above Still o'er Thy holy Church pi

And still from age to age envey Still let mankind Thy blessil
The wonders of this sacred day. SriuiT of mercy, truth, and love.

In every clime, by every tOB O Holy Fathkk, Holy Son,

Be <..'i>'> rarpoeeing glory rang: And Holy BnrniT, Teiu im Ojii
Let all the lietening earth be taught Thy grace devoutly we imj '.

The wonderi by our Batioci wrought. Thy Name be praised I

A mm

Crfnttg ^untiaB.
Hymn 132.

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And one

cried unto another, and said, Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts.**

Adored Trinity
hail, Eternal ;
Three Persons praise we evermore,
One only God our hearts adore ;

God the Father, God the Son, In Thy sure mercy ever kind
And God the Spirit, ever One. May we our true protection find.

Behold to Thee, this festal day, Trinity ! Unity !

We meekly pour our thankful lay ;

Be present as we worship Thee ;
O let our work accepted be, And with the songs that Angels sing
That sweetest work of praising Thee. Unite the hymns of praise we bring.

Ciinttj) 4HndUB.
Hymn 133.

^y ^y ^ s^ ^ i '
" From everlasting to everlasting Thou art God."

BLEST TRINITY, from mortal Such afl the Father, eueh i

sight And such the Siii.n. in I

Veiled Thine own eternal Light,

in "die Three one perfect Verity,
We Thee confess, in Thee believe, The Three one perfect Charity.
To Thee with loving hearts we cleave.
Eternal Fathkk, Thee we pr
Fathkk, Thou most Holy One! To ddiee, Son, OUT hymns we :.

d of i ton, Eternal - ()Bolt «

() I
[OLT (HOI P, Thou Lov« divine
I One mighty God for evermore.
To join them Both is ever Thine.

iir.K is in
1\\ i
\0L the Son,
with the Pi BBI He U >ne
1 I

PHH A - nun.

In Both the Spirit doth abi

And with them Both is glorified
, 1 ; u

Crinttg ^untiae.

Hymn 134.

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praise God in His holiness/

h-* 1

of life, Whose power benign
Holy Ghost, Whose guardian care
world in mercy shine, Doth us for heavenly joys prepare,
o'er the
Accept onr praise, for we are Thine. May we in Thy communion share.

O Father, all-creating Lord, Holy Blessed Trinity,

Be Thou by every tongue implored, Wiih faith we sinners bow to Thee
Be Thou by every heart adored. In heaven and earth exalted be.

O Sox of God, for sinners slain,

We bless Thee, Lord, Whose dying pain
For us did endless life regain.
Cunitg #unHae.
Hymn 135.

1^1 Tvr i
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a=s 's dss -I L

"They ret>t not day and night, aaying, II ly, Holy, Iloly, Lord God Almighty, which
wa«, and is, and is to come."

HOLY, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning our long shall rise to The.' :

Holy, Holy, Holy! merciful and mighty;

God in Three Praam, Bleated Tuurrl
Holy, Holy, Holy I all the saints adore Tliee.
.ting down their golden crowns around th
Cherubim and Seraphim falling down before Thee.
Which wert, and art, and evermore shal:
Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory mav not
Jnly Thou art Holy: There is none beside Tnee
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

Holy, Holy, Holy! Loud Qod : y!

All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and -

Holy, Holy, Holy! merciful and mighty;

d in Three Persons, Blessed Trini : I A mm
; : : ;

6rneral 2)Bmns.

Hymn 136.

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2Z 22:
23 22 22
" O be joyful in trie Lord, all ye lands.'

people that on earth do dwell,
to the Lord with cheerful
For why ? the Lord our God io good.
His mercy is for ever sure
voice [tell, His Truth at all times firmly stood.
Him serve with fear, His praise forth And shall from age to age endure.
Come ye before Him and rejoice.
To Father, Son, and Holy GnosT,
The Lord, ye know, God indeed
is The God Whom heaven and earth adore,
Without our aid He did us make From men and from the angel-host
We are His flock, He doth us feed,
And for His sheep He doth us take.
enter then His gates with praise,
Approach with joy His courts unto
Praise, laud, and bless His Name always,
For it is seemly so to do,
Be praise

and glory evermore.

-&i i
6fiteral ftgnms.

Hymn 137.

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Sing unto the Lord, and praise lib Name.


THRKE in Onk, and Onk in 'J'. Light of lights! when falls the even,
Ruler of the e;irth nib! Let it eloae on rin forgiven;
Hoar uh. while we lift to Thai Fold Ql in the peace of heaven
Holy chant and psalm. Shed a holy calm.

Light of lighti with morning, shine:

! Three in One and One in Three.
Lift 0D 01 Thy Light divine ;
Dimly here we worship Tin
And let charity benign With the eainti hereafter we
Breathe on ulu-r halm. Hope to bear the palm. Amen.
General $gmns.

Hymn 138.

m ^^^TT^ ^=mmk

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Let us therefore come boldly unto the throue of grace, that we may obtain

mercy ;

and find
grace to help in time of need."

FATHER of heaven, Whose love Eternal Spirit, by "Whose breath

profound The soul is raised from sin and death ;

A ransom for our souls hath found, Before Thy Throne we sinners bend,
Before Thy Throne we sinners bend, To us Thy quickening power extend.
To us Thy pardoning love extend.
Thrice Holy Father, Spirit, Son
! ;

Almighty Son, Incarnate "Word, Mysterious Godhead, Three in One,

Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord Before Thy Throne we sinners bend,
Before Thy Throne we sinners bend, Gra-e, pardon, life, to all extend.
To us Thy saving grace extend. Amen
Crucial ftgnuisi.
Hymn 139.

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" If I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you ; but if I uVpait 1 will n-nd Wm
unto you."

OUR blest Redeemer, ere He breathed And every virtue w •

His tender farewell,last And every conquest w..n.

A Guide, a Comforter, bequeathed Ami every thought of holiness,
With m to dwell Are His alone.

He came sweet influence to impart, SPOUT of purity ami grace,

gracious willing Gue.-t, Our weakness, pitying, Ml
While He can find one humble heart, O make our hearts Thy dwell]
Wherein to rest And worthier Thee.

And His that gentle voice we hear, praise the Father; praise the
Soft as the breath of even, Blest Bpout, praise to Thai
That checks each thought, that calms All praiss to (ioo, the Tiii.kk u I

And sjnjaks of heavea. [each fear, The Use is Tiikeb. Amen.

; : :

(Dencral lifynms.

Hymn 140.

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Lord, remember me.

OTHOU, from Whom all goodness Ifworn with pain, disease, and grid,
I lift my soul to Thee ;
[flows, This feeble frame should be,
In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, Grant patience, rest, and kind relief:
Good Lord, remember me. Good Lord, remember me.
If on my aching burdened heart And oh, when in the hour of death
My sins lie heavily, I bow to Thy decree,
Thy pardon grant, Thy peace impart Jesu, receive my parting breath
Good Lor.D, remember me. Good Lord, remember me.
obstruct my way,
If trials sore
ifc' * ->- £
And ills I cannot flee, so-
Then let my strength be as my day A men.
Good Lord, remember me.
Central Itomtuf.
Hymn 141.

U^ -Z3


c>> .



" Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see G >l>."

RLtSST are the pure in heart, Lord, we Thy presence seek ;

Pot they shall see our God ; May ours this bleeeil g be;
The Meret of the Loud is theirs, Give us a pure and lowly DC
Tlieir aoul is Christ's abode. A temple meet for T:

The Lord, Who left the heavens All glory, Lou, to Thee,
Our life and peace to bring, Whom \\

To dwell in lowliness with men, T" Paths*, Son, and Holt G

Their Pattern and their King; One God for evermore.
lie to the lowly soul
Dotfa Himself impart
still :

And for His dwelling and His throne

•-•tli the pure in heart.

enteral ftgning
Hymn 142. (P*»« I.)

I ,

— O— -*S»—
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" Here have we no eontinu: ng city, but we seek one to eonie"

BRIEF life is here our portion ;

But He Whom now we trust in
Brief sorrow, short-lived care Shall then be seen and known ;

The life that knows no ending, And they that know and see Him
The tearless life, is there. Shall have Him for their own.

happy retribution !
The morning shall awaken,
Short toil, eternal rest The shadows shall decay,
For mortals and for sinners And each true-hearted servant
A mansion with the blest. Shall shine as doth the day •

And now we fight the battle, There God, our Kino and Pootios,
But then shall wear the crown In fulness of 1 1 is grace,
Of full and everlasting Shall we behold for ever,
And passionless renown ,
And worship face to face.
And now we watch and struggle,
And now we live in hope, 3§=I=^I
A - men.
And Sion in her anguish
With Babylon must cope ;
@E flE
Central 2?Lmui£$.
Hymn (I'aktb II. am. III.)


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Here have we no continuing city, imt we seek one to come.

Taut II. Part III.

FOR thee, dear, dear Country JERUSALEM the golden !

Mine eyes their vigils keep; With milk and honey blest
For very love, beholding Beneath Thy contemplation
Thy happy name, they weep. Sink heart and voice opprest.

The mention of thy glory

I know not, oh ! I know not
Is unction to the breast,
What joys await us there ;

And medicine in sickness,

What radiancy of glory,
And love, and life, and rest.
What bliss beyond compare.
They stand, those halls of Sion,
one, only Mansion !
All jubilant with song,
Paradise of Joy !
And bright with many an angel,
Where tears are ever banished, And all the martyr throng :

And smiles have no alloy ;

The Prince is ever in them,
The Lamb is all thy splendour ; The daylight is serene
The Crucified thy praise ; The pastures of the blessed
His laud and benediction Are decked in glorious sheen.
Thy ransomed people raise.
There is the throne of David ;

With jasper glow thy bulwarks, And there, from care released,
Thy streets with emeralds blaze ;
The shout of them that triumph,
The sardius and the topaz The song of them that feast
Unite in thee their rays ;
And they, who with their Leader
Thine ageless walls are bonded Have conquered in the fight,
With amethyst unpriced For ever and for ever
The saints build up its fabric, Are clad in robes of white.
And the comer-stone is Christ.
The following may be sung at the end of each Fart.
Thou hast no shore, fair ocean !
sweet and blessed country,
Thou hast no time, bright day !
The Home of God's elect
Dear fountain of refreshment sweet and blessed country,
To pilgrims far away !
That eager hearts expect
Upon the Rock of Ages Jesu, in mercy bring us
They raise thy holy tower ; To that dear land of rest
Thine is the victor's laurel, Who art, with God the Father,
And thine the golden dower. And SriRiT, ever blest. Amen.
(Prnrrai J&BinnS.



AAaAA *t.J.A
(Pautb II.

am. iii.i



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Here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come."

Part II. Part III.

FOR thee, dear, dear Country, JERUSALEM the golden !

Mine eyes their vigils keep ;

With milk and honey blest
For very love, beholding Beneath Thy contemplation
Thy happy name, they weep. Sink heart and voice opprest.

The mention of thy glory

I know not, oh I know not

Is unction to the breast.

What joys await us there ;

And medicine in sickness,

What radiancy of glory,
And love, and life, and rest.
What bliss beyond compare.
They stand, those halls of Sion,
O one, only Mansion !
All jubilant with song,
Paradise of Joy
And bright with many an angel,
Where tears are ever banished, And all the martyr throng :
And smiles have no alloy ;

The Prince is ever in them,

The Lamb is all thy splendour The daylight is serene ;

The Crucified thy praise The pastures of the blessed

His laud and benediction Are decked in glorious sheen.
Thy ransomed people raise.
There the throne of David

With jasper glow thy bulwarks, And from care released.

Thy streets with emeralds blaze ;
The shout of them that triumph.
The sardius and the topaz The song of them that feast
Unite in thee their rays ;
And they, who with their Leader
Thine ageless walls are bonded * Have conquered in the fight,
With amethyst unpriced For ever and for ever
The saints build up its fabric, Are clad in robes of white.
And the corner-stone is Christ.
The following may be sung at the end of each Part.
Thou hast no shore, fair ocean !
sweet and blessed country,
Thou hast no time, bright day The Home of God's elect
Dear fountain of refreshment O sweet and blessed country,
To pilgrims far away That eager hearts expect

Upon the Pock of Ages Jesu, in mercy bring us

They raise thy holy tower; To that dear land of rest ;

Thine is the victor's laurel. Who art, with God the Father,
And thine the golden dower. And Spirit, ever blest Amen.
<0rnn*al &gtnn0.
Hymn 143.

Mg^ ^ !
m-ffll— M- ''

H^ I , i ^l

The love of Ciirlst which pAiweth knowledi;

OLOVB, bow deep 1 how broad] bow For us He prayed, for ua He taught.
high For ua His daily works He wrought,
It fills the heart with ecstasy, By words, ami signs, and actions, thu3
That God, the Son of (Jod, should tajie Still seeking not Himself, bat us.
Our in<»rtal form tor mortals' sake. For us to wicked men betrayed.
:it DO Mlgel to our race, Scourged, mocked, in purple rob.>
Of higher or of lower pi arrayed,
Bat wore the robe of human frame He bore the shameful Cross and death ;

Himself, ami to this lost world came. For us at length gave up His breath.
Nor willed He only to appear; For us He rose from death again,
pleasure Wii to tarry here
11 i> For us He went on high to reign,

And M.D-and-Man with man would be For us He sent His SriuiT here

The space of thirty years and three. To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer.
For as lie wee baptised, and bora To Him Whose boundless love ha-
1 holy last, and hungered i
[if Salvation for us through II
For us temptation sharj> He knew ;
To God the l'Vnim:, glory be,
For Ql the tempter overthrew. I -Doth now and through eternity. Amen.

(Enteral $£imt&
Hymn 144.

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1 reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with tiie

glory which shall be revealed in r;s."

we Lokd, may that grace be ours,

Oil, what if are Christ's
Is earthly shame or loss ? Like them in faith to bear
Bright shall the crown of glory be All that of sorrow, grief, or pair
When we have borne the cross. May be our portion here :

Keen was the trial once, Enough if Thou at last

Bitter the cup of woe, [blood The word of blessing '/we,
When martyred saints, baptized in And let us rest beneath Thy feet.
Christ's sufferings shared below. Where saints and angels live.
Bright is their glory now, All glory, Loud, to Thee,
Boundless their joy above, Whom heaven and earth adore;
Wliore on the bosom of their God To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
They rest in perfect love. One God for evermore. Amen.
(Pnuval ffiijmna.
Hymn 145.
« All Thy worki prai*- Thw.O Lord."

G^ Of

The strain upraise of joy I

and praise, Alle- 1 -In - - U. To the glory of their King

Shall the ransomed peo - pie sing,
And the choirs that . . dwell on high Shall re-echo . through the sky,
They in the rest of . . I'aradise whodwell The blessed ones, with joy
the cho - rus swell,
The planets beaming on
their heaven - ly way, The shining constellations join, and say
Ye clouds that onward
weepy Ye winds on pin - ions light, Ye thunders, echoing loud
and deep, Ye lightnings, wild - ly bright,
Ye floods and ocean bil-
lows, Ye storms and win - ter snow, Ye daysof cloudless beauty,
Hoar frost and sum - mer glow,

Hit! let the birds, with

painted plum - age gay, Exalt their great Creator's praiee, and say
Then let the beasts of
earth, with vary - ing strain, Join in creation's hymn, and cry a - gain
Here let the mountains
thunder forth so- -nor - - ous Alle :

-lu - - ia.

Thon jubilant abyss of o - cean, cry Alle- - -lu - - ia.

To Goo, Who all cre- -a - tion made, The frequent hymn be du - ly paid :

TIih is tlie strain, the e-

n-rnal strain, the Lord
Al- -migh - ty loves : Alle- - -lu - - la.

Wfcfl -ri-fore we sing, both

lu art and voice a- wak Alle- . - '
-lu - - y;i.

run a! men . . be out-pound Alleluia . to the I

i be done tu t' e . Three in Um, Alle- - - -lu - - ia.

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Alle- Alle- -lu - ia.

Alle- Alle- -lu - ia.

Alle- Alle- -lu - ia.

Alle- Alle- -lu - ia.

In sweet con- -sent u - nite your Alle- -lu - ia.

Ye groves that wave in spring

And glorious fo - rests sing Alle- -lu - ia

Alle -lu - - ia. Alle- -lu - ia

Alle -lu - ia. Alle- -lu - ia

There let the valleys sing in

gentler cho - rus Alle- -lu . ia
Ye tracts of earth and conti- -nents, re -ply Alle- -lu - ia
Alle -lu - - ia. Alle- -lu . ia

This is the song, theheavenly

song, that Chpist the King ap- proves: Alle-

And children's voices echo,

answer male - ing, Alle- -lu - ia.
Alle- ....
Alleluia . e -

The Son aDd Spirit


(Enteral ^ymnss
Hymn 146.

a o ss IS
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" Thoa ^halt oall Ilia nume Jesus, for He shall save His people from their ama."

CONQUERLNGkingt their titles take Rather gladly for that Name

From the foes they captive make; Bear the cross, endure the shame
l, by a nobler deed, Joyfully for Him to die
Fr >m the thousands He hath freed. Is not death, but victory.

Yes; none other name is glYen JesU, who dost condescend

Unto mortals under heaven, To be called th< sinner's Friei.; 1.,
Whieh Can make the dead arise, Hear us as to Thee we pray,
And exalt them to the skies. Glorying in Thy Name to-day.

That which Christ so hardly wrought, Glory to the PaTHKB be,

That whieh He so dearly bought, ( J lory. Holt Bom, to Thee,
Thai salvation, mortals, say, to the Holy Gikm,
Will ye madly ca*t away? Fr in the saints and angel-host Amen

tfetural $gmit&

Hymn 147.

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SE ss:
I have loved Thee with an everlasting love ; tneretore with lovingkindness have
I drawn thee."

JESU, Thy mercies are untold |

'Tis Thou hast loved us from the womb,
Through each returning day ; Pure source of all our bliss,
Thy love exceeds a thousandfold Our only hope of life to come,
Whatever we can say : Our happiness in this.

That love which in Thy Passion drained Lord, grant us while on earth we stay
For us Thy precious Blood : Thy love to feel and know ;

That love whereby the 6aints have gained And when from hence we pass away
The vision of their God. To us thy glory show. Amen
©nirial ftgmns.

Hymn 148.

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"The com muni "n of the Holv Gboot.

OHOLY SPIRIT. Lord oi All u'lory to the Father be,

All giorj to the S
Eternal fount of I
Inflame, wt pray, oui inmost ueerti All glory to the Holt (ino>T,
With tire from heaven above. While endless ages run.
As Thou in bond of
Th« Fatiiki: and
love doe!
the &
P A - men.
So till us all \n ith mutual l..\ •

Ami knit our hearte in one.

General Benin*.
Hymn 149.

Thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, Whose name is Holy I dwell

in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit."

MY Thy
GOD, how wonderful Thou
majesty how bright,
art, Yet I may love Thee too, O Lord,
Almighty as Thou art,
How beautiful Thy mercy -seat, For Thou hast stooped to ask of me
In depths of burning light. The love of my poor heart.

How dread are Thine eternal years, No earthly father loves like Thee,
O everlasting Lord ;
No mother, e'er so mild,
By prostrate spirits day and night Bears and forbears as Thou hast done
Incessantly adored. With me Thy sinful child.

How wonderful, how beautiful, Father of Jesus, love's reward,

The sight of Thee must be, What rapture will it be,
Thine endless wisdom, boundless power, Prostrate before Thy throne to lis,
And awful purity. And ever gaze on Thee I
how I fear Thee, Living God,
With deepest, tenderest fears,
And worship 'I hee with trembling A - men.
And penitential tears.
6rarral iptui.
Hymn 150.

2 8 o.
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*± rLJ.

" That rck a BUT.

ROOK Im t myself in Thee;

mi' bide
I For me, While
I draw this Booting breath.
mine eyelids close in *:

1.| the Water Mid the Blood, When I ri.-e to \v<>rl<U unknown,

From Thy vronnded Side which fl

I'hee on Thy judgment ti.
Be of sin the double OOVO, Rock <>t* a^es. cdeft for m-.
Save from wrath aiu .mike me pure.

Lot me hide myself in Thee.

Nothing in my hand bring, I

Simply to Thy Oreei ding: I

Could my tears fof ever flow,

my ion] no Inngoor know.

All >r MB OOllld DOl atone.


Fhoa most save and Thou ai


enteral &smn&
Hymn 151.

A -men.
i j
" He ever liveth to make intercession for ub.'

WHERE high the heavenly temple

In every pang that rends the heart
The Man of sorrows had a part
The house of God not made with hands, Touched with the feeling of our grief
A great High Priest our nature wears, He to the sufferer sends relief.
The Guardian of mankind appears.
With boldness, therefore, at the Thront
He, Who for men
their surety stood, Let us make all our sorrows known,
And poured on earth His precious Blood, And ask the aid of heavenly power
Pursues in heaven His mighty plan, To help us in the evil hour.
The Saviour and the Friend of man.
All praise to God the Father be,
Jesus, Who suffered here below, All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee,
Feels sympathy with human woe, Whom, with the Spirit, we adore
And still remembers, in the skies, For ever and fur evermore. Amen
His tears, His prayers, His agonies.
0ntrral &emtt£
Hymn 152,

" I, if 1 be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me."

meek and lowly, By Thy red wounds streaming,

JE8U, With Thy life-blood
Saviouk, pare and holy, gleaming,
ha Thy love relying, Blood for sinners Bowing
Hear nie humbly crying. Pardon free bestowing;

Prince of life and power, P.y thatfount of blessing

My salvation's To'' Thy dear love ex preying,
On the Cross I riew Thee All my aching sadness
Calling sinners to Thee. Turn Thou into gladness.

There behold me .razing Lord in mercy guide me,

At the light aniaz il Be Thou e'er be-ide me ;

ling low before Thee, In Thy ways direct n.e,

lest I ndore Thee. :h
.: Thy w ingl protect me. Amen.

General fcgmnsL
Hymn 153.

i^mmm *3t^k
^rfr 1 ~^3~

'I will ahvay give thanks unto the Lord: His praise shall ever be in my mmth.*

rpHROUGH all the changing scenes O make but trial of His love,
± In trouble and in joy, [of life, Experience will decide,
The praises of my God shall still How blessed are they, and only they,
My heart and tongue employ. Who in His truth confide.
O magnify the Lord with me, Fear Him, ye saints, and ye will them
"Withme exalt His name Have nothing else to fear ;

When in distress to Him I called, Make you His service your delight,
He to my rescue came. Your wants shall be His care.

The hosts of God encamp around To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,.
The dwellings of the just The God Whom we adore,
Deliverance He affords to all Be glory, as itwas, is now,
Who on His succour trust And shall be evermore. Amen.
Enteral tygmntf.


¥ tt??r S

"From everLsting to everlasting Thou ait Goi-.

mercy on
us, God most
hearts to Thee;
high, How wonderful creation
The work that Thou

didst bless ;

mercy on us worms of
llav.- earth, And oh, what then must Thou be like.
Moet Holy Trinity. Eternal Loveliness

Most ancient of all mysteries ! Most ancient of all mysteries !

Before thy Throne we lie ;

Low at Thy Throne we lie ;

Have mercy now, moat merciful, Have mercy now, most merciful,
Most Holy Trinity. Most Holy Trinity.

When heaven and earth were yet un-

When time was vet unknown, [made,
Thou, in Thy bliss <»f majesty,
Didst live and love alone.
^^m A - men.

©mrral Senilis,
Hymn 155.

^ ^p^
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T^T sj=t ^
And He shewed me a pure river of water of Life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the
throne of God and of the Lamb."

LIVING stream, as crystal clear, But by His Spirit He to us

A Welling from out the Throne
Of God and of the Lamb on high,
The secret doth reveal
Faith sees and hears : but O for wings
The Lord to man hath shewn. To touch, and taste, and feel.

This stream doth water paradise, Wings like a dove, to waft us on

It makes the angels sing ;
High o'er the flood of sin !

One precious drop within the heart Lord of the Ark, put forth Thine hand.
Is of all joy the spring : And take Thy wanderers in.

Joy past all speech, of glory full, praise the Father, praise the Son.
But stored where none may know, The Lamb for sinners given,
As manna hid in dewy heaven, And Holy Ghost, through Whom alone
As pearls in ocean low. Our hearts are raised to heaven.

Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard,

Nor to man's heart hath come
A - men.
What for those loving Thee in truth
Thou hast in love's own home.
r —

0eiural &j>mns.

Hymn 156.


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u Praise the Lord, O my soul O Lord my Gop, Thou art

: become exceeding glorious ; Thou
art clothed with majesty and honour."

WORSHIP the King

All glorious above
O gratefully sing
His power and His love ;

Our Shield and Defender,

The Ancient of days,
Pavilioned in splendour,
And girded with praise.
of His might,
sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light,
Whose canopy space
His chariots of wrath
The thunder clouds form,
And dark is His path
On the wings of the storm.
Frail children of dust,
And feeble as frail,

In Thee do we trust,
Nor find Thee to fail.

Thy mercies how

How firm to the end
Our Maker, Defender,
Redeemer and Friend.
O measnreless Might,
Ineffable Love
While angels delight
To hymn Thee above,
Thy ransomed creation,
Though feeble their lays,
With true adoration
Shall sing to Thy praise.
) &

Grnrral &gnms.
Hymn 157. (Fkwt Ten.)
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Thy Name is as ointment poured forth."

JESU, the very thought of Thee Jbbu,may all confess Thy Name,
With sweetnessfills the breast; Thy wondrous love adore;
But sweeter far Thy lace to see, And. seeking Thee, themselves Inflame
And in Thy presence rest. To seek Thee more and more.
No voice can sing, no heart can frame,
Nor can the memory find
Thee. Jesu, may our voices bl

A sweeter sound than' s Name,

Thee may we love alone ;

The Saviour of mankind. And ever in our lives exi

The image of Thine Own.
O hope of every contrite heart,
O Joy of all the meek,
To those who fall how kind Thou art,
Part III.
How good to those who seek
But what to those who find ? Ah this
Jesu, Thou the Beauty art

Nor tongue nor pen can show ;

Of angel-worlds above
The love of Jesus, what it is
Thy Name is music to the heart,
None but His loved ones know. Inflaming it with love.
Jesu, our only Joy be Thou,
As Thou our Prize wilt be ; Celestial sweetness unalloyed !

In Thee be all our glory now, Who eat Thee, hunger still
And through eternity. Who drink of Thee still feel a void,
Which nought but Thou can fill.

Part II.
most sweet Jesu, hear the sighs
Which unto Thee we send
Jesu, King most wonderful, ;

Thou conqueror renowned, To Thee our inmost spirit cries,

Thou Sweetness most ineffable, To Thee our prayers ascend.
In 'Whom all joys are found !

Abide with us, and let Thy Light

When once Thou visitest the heart
Shine, Lord, on every heart
Then truth begins to shine, Dispel the darkness of our night.
Then earthly vanities depart, And joy to all impart.
Then kindles love divine.
Jesu, Light of all below, Jesu, our Love and Joy, to Thee
Thou Fount of living fire, The virgin'sHoly Son
Surpassing all the joys we know, All might and praise and glory be
And all we can desire While endless ages run. Amen.
Crucial B£mn4.
Hymn 158.

H^f^l%T^r*n cL-A -o> rz,

s c<

Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you re*U"

who seek
ALLInyetrouble for sure relief Jesus, Joy of saints on high.
and distress, Thou Hope of sinners here ;

Whatever sorrow vex the mind, Attracted by those loving words,

Or gnilt the soul oppress To Thee I lift my prayer.
Wash Thou mv wounds in that dear
Jbsus, Whopave Himself for you,
Upon the Cross to die,
Which forth from Thee doth fl
Opens to you His sacred Heart:
New grace, new hope inspire; a new
Oh, to that heart draw nigh.
And better heart b estow.
Ye hear bow kindly He invites ;

Ye hear His words so blast :

" All ye that labour, come to Me,

And I will give yon rest."

(general 2?gnms.

Hymn 159.


" 1 go to prepare a place for you.'

CHRIST, who dost prepare a place Thy never-failing grace to prove,

For us around Thy throne of grace, A surety of Thine endless love,
We pray Thee lift our hearts above, £end down Thy Holy Ghost, to be
And draw them with the cords of love. The raiser of our souls to Thee.
Source of all good, Thou, gracious Lord, future Judge, Eternal Lord,
Art our exceeding great reward ;
Thy name be hallowed and adored;
How transient is our present pain Whom with the Father we adore
How boundless our eternal gain ! And Holy Ghost for evermore.
With open face and joyful heart
We then shall see Thee as Thou art;
Our love shall never cease to glow,
Our praise shall never cease to flow.

©cncral BmratA
Hymn 160.


* When I
laid the foundations of the earth
and all the sons of
Uod shouted

^ S
the morning stars sang together,
for joy."

SONGS of praise the angel* sang, And will man alone be dumb
Heaven with Alleluias rang, Till that glorious kingdom come?
When creation was begun, No, the Church delights to r .

When I Ion spake and it was done. Paafani Bud hymns and songs of prai.-e.

Bongs awoke the mora

of praise Saints below, with heart and voice,
When the Prince of Peace was born; Still in songs of praise rejoice;
Bongs of praise arose when He Learning here, by faith and l»ve,
I Saptive led captivity. Songs of praise to sing above.

Heaven and* earth must pass away. Hymns of glory, songs of praise,
of praise shall crown that day;
- Father, unto Thee we r

GOD will make new heaven and earth, . glory unto Thee,
i of praise shall hail their birth. With the Smut ever be. Amen.

General $gnm&
Hymn 161.

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O how amiable are Thy dwellings: Thou Lord of Host*."

OGOD of Hosts, the mighty Loud,

How lovely the is place,
Lord of Hosts,
How highly blest are they,
my King and God,

Where Thou, enthroned in glory, shew'st Who in Thy temple always dwell,
The brightness of Thy face. And there Thy praise display !

My longing soul faints with desire To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
To view Thy blest abode The God Whom we adore,
My panting heart and flesh cry out Be glory, as it was, is now,
For Thee the living God. And shall be evermore.

For in Thy Courts one single day

'Tis better to attend,
Than, Lord, in any place besides
pgj pa A-m-n
A thousand days to spend.
(Bnirrnl $gmiul.

Hymn 162.

[ M^ \=,



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Jesus saith unto him, 1 am the Way, the Troth, and the Life.'

11H0D art the Way by Thee alone

; Thon art the Life; the rending tomb
From sin ami death are flee ;
Proclaims Thy conquering arm ;

And lie who WOllld the K.vrni k And those whopot their trust in Thee
Must seek Him, Lono, by Thee. Not death nor hell shall harm.

Thou art the Truth; Thy word alone Thou art the Way. the Truth, the Life,
True wisdom can impart ;
Grant us that Way to know,
Thou only canst inform the mind, That Truth to keep, that Life to win,
\ud purify the heart. Whose joys eternal flow. Amen.
General $gmn&
Hymn 163.


" Surely He bnth borne our griefs and carried our sorrows."

WHEN" our heads are bowed with Thou hast bowed the dying head,
woe, Thou the blood of life hast shed
When our hitter tears o'erflow, Thou hast filled a mortal bier
When we mourn the lost, the dear, Jesu, Son of Mary, hear.
Jesu, Son of Mary, hear.

Thou our throbbing flesh hast worn,

When the heart is sad within
With the thought of all its sin
Thou our mortal griefs hast borne, ;

Thou hast shed the human tear;

When the spirit shrinks with fear.
Jesu, Son of Mary, hear.
Jbsu, Son of Mary, hear.

When the solemn death-bell tolls Thou the shame, the grief, hast known ;

For our own departing souls; Though the sins were not Thine own,
When our final doom is near, Thou hast deigned their load to bear:
Jnac. So\ of Mary, bear Je*i:, Son of Mary, hear. Ami n
ffracral ftgmti*.
Hymn 164.

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^3- 33^
nave loved the habitation of

Thv house

; and the pUce


when Thine


WE love the place, God,

Wherein Thine honour d welh
TTe Word
iove the Word of Liie,
that tells of |

The joy of Thine ahode Oi comfort in the strife.

All earthly joy excels. And joys that never ce..

It is the House of pray r.

We love to sin_r !»elo\v

Wherein Thy servants meet For mercies freely given ;

And Thou, 6 Lord, art there But oh we long to know


Thy chosen flock to gr The triumph-song of heaven.

Lori> Jul -. give us grace
VTe I've the norad Pont
i>n earth to love Thee more.
Pot there the Holy DOT!
In heaven to see Thy Face,
To pour is ever wont
And with Thv saints adore.
His Messing from ibove.

We lore Thine Altar. Lo«D .

Oh what on earth M
dotl ! lilt II.

For there, in Faith adored.

Wt find Thy 1 icnr. &

Enteral $£imuf.
Hymn 165.


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If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.

TAKE up thy cross, the Saviour said Take up thy cross then in His strength.
If thou would'st my disciple be ;
And calmly every danger brave ;

Deny world forsake,

thyself, the 'Twill guide thee to a better home,
And humbly follow after Me. And lead to victory o'er the grave.

Take up thy cross let not its weight

; Take up thy cross, and follow Christ.
Fill thy weak spirit with alarm ;
Nor think till death to lay it down ;

His strength thy spirit up,

shall bear For only he who bears the cross
And brace thy heart, and nerve thine arm/ May hope to wear the glorious crown

Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame ;

To Thee, great Lord, the One in Three
Nor let thy foolish pride rebel All praise for evermore ascend ;

Thy Lord for thee the Cross endured, O grant us in our home to see
To save thy soul from death and hell. The heavenly life that knows no end.
Btnmft $gnm&
Hymn 166.

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•* Behold the Lamb of God, which taketli away the sins of the world.

BEHOLD the Lamb of God!

Thou for sinners slain,
Let it not be in vain
That Thou hast died :

Thee for my Saviour let me take,

My only refuge let me make
Thy pierced Side.

Behold the Lamb of God !

Into the sacred flood

Of Thy most precious Blood
My soul I cast
Wash me and make me clean within.
And keep me pure from every sin,
Till life be past.

Behold the Lamb of God !

All hail, Incarnate Word,

Thou everlasting Lord,
Saviour most blest
Fill uswith love that never faints,
Grant us with all Thy blessed Saints
Eternal rest.

Behold the Lamb of God !

Worthy is He alone,
That sitteth on the throne
Of God above ;

One with the Ancient of all days,

One with the Comforter in praise,
All Light and Love.

tf Q
A -
enteral AgontA
Hymn 167.

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seen arc temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

PIIIi roseate lines of early dawn,
The brightness of the day,
The crimson of the sunset sky,
How fast they fade away !

Oh, for the pearly gates of heaven,

Oh, for the golden floor,
Oh, for the Sun of Righteousness,
That setteth nevermore

The highest hopes we cherish here,

How fast they tire and faint
How many a spot defiles the robe
That wraps an earthly saint
Oh, for a heart that never sins,
Oh. for a soul washed white,
Oh, for a voice to praise our King,
Nor weary day nor night

Here and heavenly hope

faith is ours,
grace to lead us higher
But there are perfectness, and peace
Beyond our best desire.
Oh, by Thy love, and anguish, Lord,
And by Thy life laid down,
Grant that we fallnot from Thy grace,
Xor cast away our crown.

i i
W =*F=

Cfcncral &gmns.

Hymn 168.

CjJjj^ E^EEJe^^I
Will I
^^ i
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f^R^jq ^ >^
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There is none other Name under heav n given among men, whereby we must be saved

^O the Name of our Salvation

'i Laud and honour let us pay
Which for many a generation
Hid in God's foreknowledge lay,
But with holy exultation
We may sing aloud to-day.

Jesusis the Name we treasure

Name beyond what words can tell

Name of gladness, Name of pleasure,
Ear and heart delighting well
Name of sweetness, passing measure,
Saving us from sin and hell.

Name for adoration,

'Tis the
Name for songs of victory,
Name for holy meditation
In this vale of misery,
Name for joyful veneration
By the citizens on high.
'Tis the Name that whoso preacheth
Speaks like music to the ear
Who in prayer this Name beseecheth
Sweetest comfort findeth near
Who its perfect wisdom rcacheth
Heavenly joy possesseth here.

Jesus is the Name exalted

Over every other name ;

In this Name whene'er assaulted,

We can put our foes to shame
Strength to them who else had halted,
Eyes to blind, and feet to lame.

Therefore we in love adoring

This most blessed Name revere ;

Holy Jesu, Thee imploring A - men.

So to write it in us here,
That hereafter heavenward soaring
We may sing with angels there.
Btntvnl ftsmtufi
Hymn 169.

Of Wh ..iii the whole family in h* irta and earth is nam L


saints on earth in concert ling E'en now to their eternal home

LETWith whoM work done is : There pass some spirits hi. -t :

For ants ol OUT King

all thfl .-en While others to the margin »
In heaven and eartji are Otto Waiting their call to I

One family, we dwell in Him., heThou our constant Guide-

One Church, above, benea th; Then, when the w<»rd is gH
Though now divided by the itream, Bui Jordan's narrow itream divide.
The narrow stream of death. And hring us safe to heaven.

One army of the Living God,

To His command we bow;
Part of the boat have croneed the rlood,
And part are eroaning now.

ffnural ftemn*.


w fi

-& :g:
A men.

m ^t-


D" —
will be done."
T^ irT^r

MY GOD, mymy
Far from
Father, while
home, in life's
I stray
IfThou should'st call me t6 resign
What most I prize, it n6'er was mine ;

< ) teach me from my h6art to say, [way I only yield Thee what is Thine ;

" Thy will be done." " Thy will be done."

Though dark my path, and sad my lot, Let but my fainting h6art be blest
Let me be still and murmur not, With Thy sweet Spirit f6r its guest,
Or breathe the prayer divinely taught, My God, to Thee I 16ave the rest
" Thy will be done." " Thy will be done."

What though in lonely grief I sigh Renew my will from day to day,
For friends beloved no I6nger nigh, Blend it with Thine, and take away
Submissive would I still reply, All that now makes it hard to say,
" Thy will be done."
u Thy will be done." Aniea.
6nural Itomiuf.

Hymn 171.

*- -l
i 1 1
r ^r
** i i

Ma I

pitti 55


J 3 Sglil 1 1 [|
?. i ^
J UJ-J J A A <i. iJ j ij j
Gob i> love."

LOVES, Who formedst me to wear

The image of Thy Godhead here ;

Who Bonghtest me with tender care

Through all my wanderings wild and drear;
O Love, give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thine to be.

Love, Who e'er life's earliest dawn

On me Thy choice hast gently laid ,

Love, Who here as Man wast born,

And wholly like to ns wast made ;

Love, I give myself to Thee,

Thine ever, only Thine to be.

Love, Who once in time wast slain,

Pierced through and through with bitter woe ;

Love, Who wrestling thus didst gain

That we eternal joy might know ;

Love, I give myself to Thee,

Thine ever, only Thine to be.

Love, Who lovest me for aye,

Who for my soul dost ever plead ;

Love, Who didst my ransom pay,

Whose power sufficeth in my stead ;

Love, I give myself to Thee,

Thine ever, only Thine to be.

Love, Who once shalt bid me rise

From out this dying life of ours ;

O Love, Who once o'er yonder skies

Shalt set me in the fadeless bowers :

O Love, I give myself to Thee,

Thine ever, only Thine to be.

— I 1 !

©nuiai nemo*.
Hymn 172.

F^~i J J cJ
— J

a <p . rj «
A - men.

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n i >, 1
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Hownna in th«^ high

to the living
to tlu> Tn<
AKNAn: Wbu) I
chiefest, in our deoneed hreast
Bid thine eternal BnniT rest :

tanier, Obbatob, Bayioub, King, Ai.'l make our secret soul t

Lot earth, let heaven bOMUIlia sinur - A temple pore, ami worthy Thee.
II -anna in the highest! Hosanna in the big

SaTIOUB, '.vith )»r< »t*»rt in_r T GOO the Fathkp.. Goo the S
Abid€ Thy boQM tit prayer,
in thifl I fan the Si'iKir. in I

When we Thy }-art :ilt promise claim fflOOr, praise, ami glory piven,
Assembled in Thy :no. By all on earth ami all in hea

Hosanna in the highest Hoaanna in the highest !Amen.

Enteral 9£mtt&

Hymn 173.

PP -S» jjlJ- JAJ. J.^


As many as arc led by the Spirit of God, they are the son9 of God."

COME, gracious Spirit, heavenly Lead us to Christ, the living Way.

Dove, Nor let us from His precepts stray ;

With light and comfort from above Lead us to holiness, the road

Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide, That we must take to dwell with G©D
O'er every thought and step preside.
Lead us to heaven, that we may share
The light of truth to us display, Fulness of joy for ever there :

And make us know and choose Thy way ; Lead us to God, our final rest,
Plant holy fear in every heart To be with Him for ever blest. Amen
That we from Thee may ne'er depart.

enteral IDgmns.
Hymn 174.

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55 ss: 1^51

O praise the Lord of heaven ;

praise Him in the height."

PRAISE the Lord ye heavens,

! Praise the Lord ! for He is glorious ;
adore Him, Never His promise fail
Praise Hirn, angels, in the height God hath made His saints victorious,
Sun and moon, rejoice before Him, Sin and death shall not prevail.
Praise Him, all ye stars and light Praise theGod of our salvation ;

Praise the Lord ! for He hath spoken, Hosts on high, His power proclaim ;

Worlds His mighty voice obeyed ; Heaven, and earth, and all creation,
La-ys, which never shall be broken, Laud and magnify His Name !

For their guidance He hath made A met*

- ;

Bmttal &t>nuus.
Hymn 175.

i S^s^sfcil^ B-C2
J- j 4J ^ULs. ^ *gU^

SI v> ^

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^z^ ±l ^ 1

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Fight the good fig' lt of faith, lay hold on eternal life.'

Onward then to glory move

OPT danger, oft in woe,
Onward, Christians, onward go More than conquerors ye shall prove
; ;

Bent the toll, maintain the strife. Though opposed DJ many a :

Strengthened with the Broad of Life. Christian soldiers, onward go!

Lai not sorrow dim yon? eye, Hymns of Lr lory and of praise
i shall every tear be dry F.\Tlirk. QntO Tin e We 1..

Let not fear your course impede, Holy Jesui, praise to Thee
( your strength, if great yOXUf Deed. With the SPIRIT ever be.

Let yonr drooping hearta be -lad ;

March in heavenly BrmoWT did ;

A - nu-ii.
Fight, nor think the battle I
Soon shall victory wake VOXkT BOnflf.
fc il:

enteral &smit&
Hymn 176.

& :q: ^>
ira gg^ ^Q_
:cz: T^Z" ^S>-
^^a n
gg i & C3

i i

^ -<s>-

My soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh also longeth after Thee; in a barren and dry land
where uo water is."

FAR from my heavenly home, God of my life, be near,

Far from my Father's breast, On Thee my hopes I cast,
Fainting I cry, blest Spirit, come, guide me through the desert her
And speed me to my rest. And bring me home at last.
My spirit homeward turns,
And tain would thither flee
My heart, Sion, droops and yearn6, 1^
When remember thee.
I A -men.

thee, to thee, I press,
dark and toilsome road;
shall I pass the wilderness,
And roach the saints abode?

Ortural Beam*


^' JJ J l
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^=^ ^
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A - men.

^_J^.J Qll rJrUUy rj

ThOQ ait a place* to hi l« DM in.'

JESU, grant DM this I pray, If the flesh, more dangerous still,

Ever in Thy 1. -art 1 to Tempt my soul deedi of ill,

Let me evermore abide it I fear when I abide
Bidden in Thy wonnd< In Thy Heart ami wounded Side.

If the evil one |>r-

Death will come one day to me
Or the world, a temptii Jaau, eaal me n it from
I am eefe when I i :ill abide
In Tliv Heart end wound d Si In Thy Heart and wounded 9
1 ;

©rnrial 2?i>nms,
Hymn 178.

s ssa
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TTTrrTpfnh ^r^-^ °.

"Whom have I in heav.-n but Thee: and there is none upon earth that I desire in oottt-
Dai i»un ot Thee."

Jesu, what didst Thou find in me,

JESU, my Lord, my God, my all, That thou hast dealt so lovingly ?
Hear me, blest Saviour, when I call How great the joy that Thou hast
Hear me, and f'r<»m Thy dwelling place brought,
Pour down the riches of Thy grace ;
So far exceeding hope or thought!
Jesu, my Lord, I Thee adore, Jesu, my Lord, 1 Thee adore,
make me love Thee more and more make me love Thee more and more.
Jesu, too late I Thee have sought, Jesu, of Thee my song,
shall be
How can I love Thee as I ought ? To Thee my heart and soul belong
And how extol Thy matchless fame, All that I have or am is Thine, [mine.
The glorious beauty of Thy Name ? And Thou, blest Saviour, Thou art
Jesu, my Lord, I Thee adore, Jesu, my Lord, I Thee adore,
make me love Thee more and more. O make me love Thee more and more.

enteral ©emus.
Hymn 179.

rj Aa_

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A Man shall be as an hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest.

JESU, Lover of my soul,

Let me to Thy Bosom fly.

While the gathering waters roll,

"While the tempest still is high :

Hide me, U my Saviour, hide,

Till the storm of life be past
Safe into the haven guide,
receive my soul at last.

Other refuge have I none;

Hangs my helpless soul on Thee ;

Leave, ah! leave me not alone,

Still support and comfort me.
All my trust on Thee is stayed,
All my help from Thee I bring
Cover my defenceless head
With the shadow of Thy wing.

Plenteous grace with Thee is found,

Grace to cleanse from every sin ;

Let the healing streams abound,

Make and keep me pure within :

Thou of Life the Fountain art,

Freely let me take of Thee ;

Spring Thou up within my heart.

Rise to all eternity.

A - men.
General BcmnA
Hymn 180.

" When shall 1 come to appear before the pwWPM of '

JERUSALEM, my happy home, Jerusalem, my heppy home,

ever dear to me, When shall I oome to thee?
When shall my labours have an end ? Wh.n shall my labours have an end?
Thy joys when shall I see ? Thy joys when shall I see?
When shell these eyes Thy lieareu-buill Christ, do Thmi my soul prepare
And pearly galea behold? [walls Pet that bright boms of 1

Ti. bulwarks, with sal i

That may MS Thee and adore,

I streets of ihtmng gold ?

With all Thy saints above.



-. Martyrs, Prophets, the
Around my datum
love in ?UKIST
I ( 1
M A -iii.ii.

Will j«.iu the glorious hand.

tfencral &emn&
Hymn 181.

m j± JJ=J z^:

^r T^ -o-
k^hf §1

nag ss
3e5 ^>
Tut on the whole armour of God.'

SOLDIERS of Christ, arise, From strength to strength go on,

And put your armour on, Wrestle, and fight, and pray ;

Strong in the strength which God Tread all the powers of darkness down.
Through His eternal Son. [supplies And win the well-fought day.

Strong in the Lord of Hosts, That having all things done,

And in His mighty power ;
And all your conflicts past,
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Ye may obtain, through Christ alone,
Is more than conqueror. A crown of joy at last,

Stand then in His great might, Jesu, Eternal Son,

With all His strength endued; We praise Thee and adore,
And take, to arm you for ths fight, Who art with God the Father One
The panoply of God. And Spirit evermore. Amen
©nurai Betratft
Hymn 182.

ISl lzr^t ^E$

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is* a: *o 23:



g I ±ZL
; ;

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people ofGoB."

'THERE is a blessed Home

1 Beyond woe,
this land of
Where never come,
Nor tears of sorrow flow ;

Where faith is lost in sight,

And patient hope is crowned,
And everlasting light
Its glory throws around.

There is a land of peace,

Good angels know it well

Glad songs that never cease
Within its portals swell
Around its glorious Throne,
Ten thousand saints adore
Christ, with the Father One
And Spirit, evermore.
O joy all joys beyond,
To see the Lamb Who died.
And count each sacred Wound
In Hands, and Feet, and Side ;

To give to Him the praise

Of every triumph won,
And sing through endless days
The great things He hath done.

Look up ye saints of God,

Nor fear to tread below
The path your Saviour trod
Of daily toil and woe ;

Wait but a little while

In uncomplaining love,
His own most gracious smile
{Shall welcome you above.

A uum.
<a¥ " II
(General ftsmnA
Hymn 183.

iy° 2 5
fm i
^> ^ a <>o o"

^prit-t- <o -*-


L»-t thi^ mind be
^ in
\ou. which was alio in Cmkim .Jess*.**

IORD, m to Thy daw Croon we fl e, If joy shall at Thy Lidding fly,

j plead to be forgiven, And griefs dark day come on,
B let Thy Life onr pattern he, We in our turn would meekly cry,
A: .

li for heaven. lVrii !-.;:. Thy will 1

Help us, through good report end ill. Kept peaceful in the midst of strife,

( >i:r daily cf U ;
Forgiving and forgiven ;

Like Thee, to do oor Fathek's will. may we lead the pilgrim's life,

Our brethren*! griefs to rhare. And follow Thee to heaven.

Let grace our eelfiahnaei expel

our earthlineei
Ami kind •

ind true as Thine.


enteral &gnmg.
Hymn 184.

-4 aj2a
1^ =s=^

ZZ 32
^ ^gl

Bles-ed are those servants whom the Lobd when He coraeth "hall find watching."

YEEach servants of the Lord,

in His office, wait,
happy servant he,
In such a posture found
Observant of His heavenly word, He shall his Lord with rapture see,
And watchful at His gate. And be with honour crowned.

Let allyour lamps be bright, Christ shall the banquet spread

And trim the golden flame ; With His own royal hand,
GUd up your loins as in Hi* sight, And raise that faithful servant's head
For awful is His Name. Amid His angel-band.
Watch 'tis your Lord's command,
! All glory, Lord, to Thee,
And while we speak He's near ; Whom heaven and earth adore ;

Mark the first signal of His hand, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, •

And ready all appear. One God for evermore. Amen.


General $?ymit£>.
Hymn 185.
h l-r ^J-J— I
J 1 ^rrj=
# "^ ^T <ui
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OMCV "-O S ILs ^c^

^ a:

i£^ A men.
"C7 -

^J 1 1

I'tito you which believe, He is precious.'

HOW sweet the Name of Jescs sounds Jesus

In a believer's ear!
my Shepherd, Husband, Friend.

My Prophet, Priest, and King,

It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, My Lord, my Life, my Way, mine Knd.
And drives away his fear. Accept the praise I bring.

It makes the wounded spirit whole, Weak is the effort of my heart,

And culms the troubled breast And cold my warmest thought;

Til manna to thehungry soul, But when I see Thee as Thou art,

And to the weary rest. I'll praise Thee as I ought.

Dear Name the rock on which I
build, Till then I would Thy love proclaim
My shield and hiding-place, With every fleeting breath :

My never-failing treasury tilled And may the musio of Thy Name

With boundless stores of grace. Refresh my soul in death. A met
; ; ;

Enteral jBgrnttft
Hymn 186.

^^^.j. j. .j^ J
gzz r^'rf^^lPyf^^ ^
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3^ f Z2I
z± <H>
^ ^ ^
Casting all your care upon Him : for He careth for you."

OLORD, how happy should we be 'We cannot trust Him as we should ;

If we could cast our care on Thee, So chafes weak nature's restless mood
If we from self could rest To cast its peace away ;

And feel at heart that One above But birds and flowerets round us preach,
In perfect wisdom, perfect love, All, all the present evil teach
Is working for the beat. Sufficient for the day.

How far from this our daily life, LoRD,make these faithlessheartsof ours
How oft disturbed bv anxious strife, Such lessons learn from birds and
By sudden wild alarms flowers
Oh, could we but relinquish all Make them from self to cease,

Our earthly props, and simply fall Leave things to a Father's will

On Thine Almighty arms! And taste, before Him lying still,

E'en in affliction peace.
Could we but kneel and cast our load,
E'en while we pray, upon our God,
Then rise with lightened cheer ;

Sure that the F'atiier, Who is nigh

To still the famished raven's cry,
Will hear in that we fear.

General Senilis.

Hymn 187.

gfe,j |
i rJJ |
,| : lUI ^U^ O-S-


'I' t^' li i

^^^n^n-^^ ^^fl

Lord, hrlp dm.

1 ii-, Lord
1" T each hour of need
" help DJ through the prayer of faith
01 > ;
< I

heavenly moooiur give; More firmly to believe
Help us in thought, and erord, and deed, For still the in. ire the servant liatli

h h"ur on earth we live. The more shall he receive.

help oa when <-ur spirits bleed Ip oa, Jneu, from on high :

With oontrite eugnieb -

We know no help hut Thee;
And irhen on? hearta are oold end dead ( I help HI so to live tad die
C) help us. IjOvd, the n r . .\ - Thine in heaven to be. .V

General &gmn&
Hymn 188.


Behold, how good and joyful a thing it Is: brethren, to dwell together in unity

OLORD, how joyful 'tis to see The world without may rage, but we
The brethren join in love to Thee ; Will only cling more close to Thee,
On Thee alone their heart relies, With hearts to Thee more wholly given,
Their only strength Thy grace supplies More weaned from earth, more fixed on
How sweet within Thy holy place
Lord, shower upon lis from above
With one accord to sing Thy grace,
The sacred gift of mutual love
Uesieging Thine attentive ear
Each other's wants may we suppl\,
With all the force of fervent'prayer.
And reign together in the sky.
may we love the House of God,
Of peace and joy the blest abode ;
O may no angry strife destroy
That sacred peace, that holy joy.
^ A-men.
(Senna I ftgnuitf.
Hynm 189.


PitT* <*U Tl <ZJ


J. a*

^^ c?

s i ^Ti ag
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Loiuj. -

51 ".meek and gentl\ 01 OB our '

J Bom of iou most high.

< B€ Thyself the Way,
Pitying, Loving s.v\ i Through terrestrial dark
Hear Thy children's cry To eeleatial d

1'nrdon our off-

iiaiua ugh,
. don D ev.ry idol Pity in Satboub
Which our soul detail!

Giv s us h-»ly freedom,

Kill our hearti with lo\e ,

Draw ne, H
To 'he realm! *>\<
Btntvul l%atti&
Hymn 190.

" Our light affliction, which is butfor a moment, worketh for m I far more exceeding and
etem al weight of glory."

him, whose sorrow
can relief find,
in grief we
will dry the tear,

Trust in God, and borrow Who His children's anguish

Ease for heart and mind. Soothes with succour near

"Where the mourner weeping All our woe and sadness,

ShedB the secret tear, In this world below,
God His watch is keeping Balance not the gladness
Though none else is near We in heaven shall know.

Je8U, Holy Saviour,

God will never leave thee,
In the realms above
All thy wants He knows.
Feels the pains that grieve thee,
Crown us with Thy favour
Fill us with Thy love.
Sees thy cares and woes.
Raise thine eyes to heaven
When thy spirits quail,
A - men.
When, by tempests driven,
Heart and courage fail.

0citrral 3&i>nuu*.
Hymn 19L

si g g'-n-
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ill 1H»

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Wheie 1 am there shall also

ST will gather id His own doth nor.


irhere 1 i this,
ra lie, We heye nought to ilo but still

life is hid on high. v ill.

iith :ero
Ah ! was all t


This dear soul it euinni- Thou wilt be our All in all.

II 1. 1 B '11 we know ^1
fining te in should \
L> .:i. let him .-tay."

6otfral $gmtt&
Hymn 192.

z± =yqi=iW 3
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Zfyhhhznhi -^>-

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1- °!




do thou knowest not now


but thou shalt



GODHismoves a mysterious way
wonders to perform
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace :

He plants His footsteps in the sea, Behind a frowning providence

And rides upon the etorm. He hides a smiling face.

Deep in unfathomable mines Blind unbelief is sure to err,

Of never-failing skill, And scan His work in vain ;

He treasures up His bright designs, God is His own interpreter.

And works His sovereign will. And He will make it plain.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take

The clouds ye so much dread
A -HI. -II.
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
(Drnrial &L>mn&
Hymn 193.

iii iiTir^i n i'ii

=p^ ^Sp /CS


o" ->^

^ --

j i

J 1
,"! »1 m "^-TTft-
Worthy is* the Lamp, tint was data to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and
strength, and honour, and glory, and Messing."

I71ROM highest heaven th' Eternal Son,

. With God the Father ever One,
Came clown to suffer, and to die
For love of sinful man lie bore
( Mir human and troubles sore,
Our load of guilt and misery.

Sing out, ye saints of God, and praise

The Lamb Who died, His flock to raise
From sin and everlasting woe;
With angels round the throne above,
tell the wonders of His love,
The joys that from His mercy flow.

In darkest shades of night we lay,

Without a beam to guide our way,
Or hope of aught beyond the grave ;

ButHe hath brought us life and light,

And opened heaven to our sight,
And lives for ever strong to save.

Rejoice, ye saints of God, rejoice ;

Sing out, and praise with cheerful voice

The Lamb Whom heaven and earth adore :

To Him Who gave His only Son,

To God the SrmiT, with Them One,
Be praise and glory evermore. Amen.

Otnrral &giitii&
Hymn 194.

I -L
:c:- iS o

— V

^ ^ m I


•^ —
" Sing unto the Loiu» aii-l ]•' .mi--."

LETT erery beart exulting beat ,

the sinner's Friend, abide
With joy at .Tier's Name of bliss With and hearken to our prayer:
With tvery pure delight replete Thy and erring wandei

And passing sweet its music is. In mercy our trail .-pare. -

JlSUt the comfortless consoles, All might, all glory be* to Thee
Jssufl each sinful fever quells, R cfulgent with this Name Divine*
tlit* power of bell control.-, All honour, worship, map sty,
JlSl 1 each deadly foe repels. for evermore be Thine.

speak His glorious Name abroad !

let every tongue


rery heart and voice accord

The Healer of our souls to bless.

•aural $gmn&
Hymn 195.

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The everlasting Father, the Prince of peace.'

rpO CHRIST the Prince of peace Fount of endless life,

X And Son of God most high, Spring of water clear

The Father of the world to come, flame celestial, cleansing all
We lift our joyful cry. Who unto Thee draw near !

Deep in His heart for us Hide me in Thy dear Heart,

The wound of love He bore, For thither do I fly ; [death
That love which still He kindles in There seek Thy grace through life, in
The hearts that Him adore. Thine immortality.

Jesu, Victim blest,

What else but love divine cr
A - men.
Could Thee constrain to open thus
That sacred Heart of Thine ? <£:

(ftrnrral ftgmii0.

Hymn 196.

m 53^ Q
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ffte kingdoms of this world aro become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Cuairi ;

and He sh.dl reign tor ever and e

JBSUS shall reign where'er the Blessings abound where'er He r<

Doth his successive juiirneys 'Die prisoner laps to Loose His chains;
run ;

Hi? kingdom .stretch from shore to shore, The weary find eternal re?t.
Till moons shall wax ami wane no more. And all the sons of want are 1

People and realms of every tongue Let every creature ri.-e and bring
Dwell on His love with sweetest song, Peculiar honours to our King;
Ami riant voices shall proclaim
i Angels descend with _ iin.

Thai! early blessings on II is Name. And earth repeat the loud Amen.—
; ; ;

<£rimal $gmtt&

m^: -<e> ^^P^PP


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"Loud, Thou hast been our Refuge from one generation to another.'

OGOD, out help in ages past, A thousand ages in Thy sight

Our hope for years to come, Arelike an evening gone
Our shelter from the stormy blast, Short as the watch that ends the night
And our eternal home ! Before the rising sun.

Beneath the shadow of Thy Throne Time, like an ever-rolling stream,

Thy saints have dwelt secure Bears all its sons away
Sufficient is Thine arm alone, They fly forgotten, as a dream
And our defence is sure. Dies at the opening day.

Before the hills in order stood, God, our help in ages past,
Or earth received her frame, Our hope for years to come.
From everlasting Thou art God, Be Thou our guard while troubles last,
To endless vears the same. And our eternal home. Amen.
! 1 ^

enteral Beams'
Hymn 198.


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" I': ".;>. O mj P"til : and all that is within m

PRAI8E, my too], the K Father-like, 1

1 I- .iv.n ; Well our feeble fram

To Hi- feet thy tribute bring, In Hit hande Ho gently beers nt,
Ransomed, heeled, 1.'-
icuefl Ql fr<'in all <

Evermore Hi- prai Alleluia I Alleluia !

Alleluia I Alleluia Widely y- 1 I y (lows

the everlasting King.
Angela in the height edore Hun
Praiee Him for Hie grace end favour xe behold Him I

To OQT fathers in distress; Beintfl triomphenl bow before Him I

P Him still the san. thered In from erery
Slow to chide, and swift to Mess; Alleluia: AllelnU!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise with 01 t!
(ilorious in His faithfulness. Amen.
! ! ! :

(general 2?i>mn3.
Hymn 199.

Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

OLOVE divine, how sweet thou art God

only knows the love of Gul> ;

When shall I fiud my willing heart that it now were shed abroad
All taken up by thee? In this poor stony heart
I thirst, I faint, I die to prove For love I sigh, for love I pine
The greatness of redeeming love, This only portion, Lord, be mine,
The love of Christ to me Be mine this better part.

Stronger His love than death or hell; For ever would I take my seat
Its riches are unsearchable ;
With Mary at the Master's feet ;
The first-born sons of light Be this my happy choice ;
Desire in vain its depths to see; My only care, delight, and bliss.
They cannot reach tne mystery, My joy, my heaven on earth, be this,
The length and breadth and height. To hear the Bridegroom's voice
<&fim*cil Senilis.

Hymn 200.

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Whom have I in hoaven but Thee, and then is none upon earth that 1 desire Ul

comparison of Thee."

NEARER, my God, to Thee,

Nearer to Thee ;

E'en though it be a cross

That raiseth me,
Still all my song shall be,
Nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee

Though, wanderer,
like a
The sun gone down.
Darkness comes over me,
My rest a stone ;

Yet my dreams I'd be

Nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee

<***"' There let my way appear

Steps unto heaven ;

All that Thou sendest me

In mercy given ;

Angels beckon me
Nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee !

Then, with my waking thoughts

Bright with Thy praise,
Out of my stony griefs
Bethel I'll raise ;

So by my woes to be
Nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee
Crucial Ktoimt&

Hymn 20L

-& «

© ~ri
Tliy Wcid i.- a lantern unto my feet, and a light unto j*atliB.'

LORD, Thy word abideth, Who can tell the pleasure,

And our footsteps guideth ;
Wh recount the treasure,

Who its truth believeth By Thy Word imported

Light and joy receiveth. To the umple^henrto
When our foea are near us, Word of mercy, gii
Then Thy Word doth cheer OS, Suceuur to the living;
Word of oonjolntioB, Word of life, supplying
Message of salvation. rt to the dyi:

When the storms are o'er us, Oh, that we dll

And dark clouds before us, tOOt DOly lean.

Then its light directeth Loud, may loi r Thee,
And our way i»rutceteth. if T Amet
Enteral &gtrat0.
Hymn 202.

I -& G*
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A - men.
. . I I I

J, I

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3 s Po ^ 5=f
SEpsj ^5.

.Jesus was transfigured before them.*'

WONDROUS type, O vision lair With shining Face and bright array,
Of glory that the Church shall share, Christ deigns to manifest to-day
Which Christ upon the mountain sliows, What glory shall be theirs above,
Where brighter than the sun He glows Who
joy in God with perfect love.

From age to age the tale declare, And faithful hearts are raised on high
How with the three disciples there, By this great vision's mystery,
Where Moses and Eli^s meet, For w hich in joyful strains we raise

The Lord holds converse high and sweet. The voice of prayer, the hymn of praise
The Law and Prophets there have place, Father, with the Eternal Son
Two chosen witnesses of grace ;
And Holy Stirit ever One,
The Father's voice from out the olond Vouchsafe to bring us by Thy grtre
Proclaims His Only Son alond. i To see Thy glory face to face. Amen
2>oIl> (Communion.

Hymn 203.

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The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the oonnnunion of the Blood of Ciikist v
The bread which we break, is it not the communion of tin; Body of CBRISl '!"

"VfOW, my tongue, the mystery telling

\\ Of the glorious Body sing,
And the Blood, all price excelling.
Which the Gentiles' Lord and King,
In a Virgin's womb once dwelling,
Shed for this world's ransoming.
Given for us, and condescending
To be born for us below,
lie with men in converse blending
Dwelt the seed of truth to sow,
Till He closed with wondrous ending
His most patient life of woe.

That last night at supper lying

'Mid the Twelve, His chosen band,
.Jesus, with the law complying,
Keeps the feast its rites demand ;

Then, more precious Food supplying,

Gives Himself with His own Hand.

WoRD-made-Flesh true bread He maketh

By His word His Flesh to be ;

Wine, His Blood which whoso taketli


Must from carnal thoughts be free ;

Faith alone, though sight forsaketh,

Shows true hearts the mystery.
Therefore we, before Him bending,
This great Sacrament revere ;

Types and shadows have their ending,

For the newer rite is here :

Faith, our outward sense befriending,

Makes our inward vision clear.
Glory us give, and blessing,
To Father and the Son,
Honour, might, and praise addressing,
While eternal ages run ;

Ever too, His love confessing, (g Eg^gfggg

Who from Both with Both is One.
The tunes to Hymns 39, or 52, or 168, may also be used.
IDoly Communion.
Hymn 204.

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( Some, fin all things an- now

1TV is Thy ta
tiOD, and O let hy

j\l Ami Thy cup with

doth And famished well with joyful gu<
Thither be all Thy children led, [flow ? And may each soul salTatiOD
And let them all Thy tweets -"

Hiil, sacred Feaet, which T<» Pi tnd Holt b : i' - 1 1

i:i h His Plesh and Blood

ind earth adore,

Thrice happy he who here Prom men ami from the


That sacred stream, that y food. Be praise and

Why art' m all in vain

re unwilling I
; r them the Victim slain?
id the children's br
r —

ii?olju Communion.
Hymn 205.


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" This do in remembrance of Me.'

BREAD of heaven, on Thee we feed, Vine of heaven, Thy Blood supplie

For Thy Flesh is meat indeed; This blest cup of sacrifice;
Ever may our souls be fed Lord, Thy Wounds our healing give,
With this true and living Bread ;
To Thy Cross we look and live :

Dnv by day with strength supplied, Jesus, may we ever be

Through the life of Him Who died. Grafted, rooted, built in Thee. Aiueu

H?olj2 (Communion.
Hymn 206.

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A - men.

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Jesus said unto them, 1 am the Bread of Life.

Fountain ff Goodness, Jesu, Lord andGoa.

JMl BE we idore, O hidden S moi a,
1 Who Thy Sacrament dust deign to be
Cleanae us, unclean, with Thy most cleans-
ing Blood
liotli flesh and spirit at Thy preaence bull

Increase our faith and love, that we may

Yet here Thy preaence we devoutly hail.
know [sence flow.
The hone and peace which from Thy pre-
() blest Memorial cf our dyrac Loud,
() Christ, Whom now beneath a veil we see,
Who living Bread to men doth here- eflbrd !

May what we thirst for soon our portion be,

y our MNlll for ever feed I D 1'hee,
1'hee, and see with unveiled face
And Thou, O Ciirivt, for eva precious he.
The vi>ion of Thy glory and Thy grace.

HJoIb Communion.
Hymn 207.

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Flesh is meat :
!.<i-"-ii, and

Blood is
drink indeed.
Thus may we all Thy words obey,
OGOD, unseen yet ever near.
Thy presence may we feel F<>r we, O God, are Thine;
And, thus inspired with holy fear, And go rejoicing on our way.
Before Thine altar kneel. Renewed with strength divine.

Here may Thy faithful people know To Father, Sox, and Holy Ghost,
The blessings of Th) love, The God Whom we adore,
The streams that through the desertflow Be glory, as it was, is now,
The manna from above. And shall be evermore.
come, obedient to Thy word,
feast on heavenly Food
Our meat, the Body of the Lord,
Our drink, Ilia precious Blood.

Hymn 208.

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Ask, aiul it shall be given you ; nek ami ye shall fm<l : knock and it shall l>c opened
unto you."

FATHER, Thou Who nasi created all

In wisest love, we pray,

Look on this babe, who at Thy gracious call
Is entering on life's way.
Bend o'er it now, with blessing fraught,
And make Thou something out of naught.
Father, hear

Son of God, Who diedst for us, behold

Webring our child to Thee,
Thou tender Shepherd take it to Thy fold,
Thine own for aye to be
Defend it through this earthly strife,
And lead it on the path of life.

Son of God !

Holy Ghost, Who broodedst o'er the wave,

Descend upon this child :

Give it undying life, its spirit lave

With waters undefiled
Grant it while yet a babe to be
A child of God, a home for Thee,
Holy Ghost!

Triune God, what Thou command'st is done,

Wespeak, but Thine the might
This child hath scarce yet seen our earthly sun,
Yet pour on it Thy light.
In faith and hope, in joy and love,
Thou Sun of all below, above.
Triune God ! Amen.
Hymn 209.

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Th« washing of 1

r piS done; that new and heavenly I Teach it to know Fa ritm'a !•-.

1 birth ;
And seek for i sppinei
^\ liioli re-create* the .-uns of earth, -ii.i-i it.- bear! and treasure give,
And cleanses from the guilt of tin Ami in tl. live.

The sonls whom Jesus died to win.

That bo before the judgment-
Tis dune; the OlOSS upon the brow
' joy and triumph ye may m<

.irked for weal or ^>rr>\v BOW; The battl \ the struggle o'er,
To shine with heavenly lustre bright, Tbe kin nr*i for evermore.
Or burn in everlasting night
from Whom all bl«
who brought that babe to-d Praise Him, croatur
all low ;

Within a SaVIOUB'i arn. Praise Him above, angelie 1

Watch well and guard with careful eye Praise Fathes d Holy G
llie heir of immortality. A

Hymn 210.

&& i


Buried with Hira in Baptism.

WITH Christ we share a mystic

Thrice blest, if through this world of
And lust, and selfish care, [sin,
With Christ we buried lie ;
Our resurrection-mantle white
But 'tisnot in the darksome cave
And undented we wear.
By mournful Calvary.
Thrice blest, if, through the gate of
The pure and bright baptismal flood
Glorious at last and free, [death,
Entombs our nature's stain ;
We to our joyful rising pass,
New creatures from the cleansing wave
O Risen Lord, with Thee. Amen.
With Christ we rise again.

Hymn 211.

mfbrter which it the II

>MK HolyGtt r Mart, I Drive far away onr ghoatly fue,

C< V fe within ooraoala to rest And peace for evermore beat
< Some with Thy grace and heavenly aid. If Thou be our preventing Quid
Ami fill the heart-- which Thou hast No evil can our steps betide.
Hoi 1 1 ruonr, ton ngb Th
I » I kmfoiter, to Thee we cry ;
We know the Fathkk and tl
Thou Heavenly gift of Goo most lie this <nir never-t :.
Thou Fount of life, and Fire of lot That 1 it from them
Ami iweet Anointing .0.
Praise we the Fatuku ami tl

Finger of the Haul divii And HOLI SfIUT with them l>r
The leTenfold ire Thine ;
And may the Son on 01
The promise ofthe Father Th »u. The giftathat from the Brian tlow.
Whodoal the tongne N\ith power
Thy light to every eeaec impart.
Ami ihadThy lore in every ln-.-.rt;
The weaki Baah mpply r

With ttrengta and courage from on high.

(77/e Ifi/mns X •. I
./ 112, may also b<

$olj) iHatrtmoHg.
Hymn 212.


^ J_J-J-J *±^ JZL£± ^L


^ 3!

A threefold cord is not quickly broken."

voice that breathed
wedding day,
Eden, o'er Be present, Son of Mary,
To join their loving hands,
The primal marriage blessing, As Thou didst bind two natures
It hath not passed away : In Thine eternal bands

pure espousal
Still in the Be present, Holiest Spirit,
Of Christian man and maid To bless them as they kneel,
The Holy Three are with us, As Thou for Christ, the Bridegroom.
The threefold grace is said. The heavenly spouse dost seal.
For dower of blessed children, O spread Thy pure wing o'er them.
For love and faith's sweet sake. Let no ill power find place,
For high mysterious union When onward to Thine Altar
Which nought on earth may break. The hallowed path they trace.

Be present, awful Father To cast their crowns before Thee,

To give away this bride, In perfect sacrifice,
As Eve Thou gavest to Adam Till to the home of gladness
Out of his own pierced side ;
With Christ's own Bride they ris<\

$oli> iilntrimoiip.

Hymn 213.

S^H3 d:
^ I 1


4d szr^i
d¥^ ^m
" Botli Jesus wa* called, and Hi- dint]

eras the call,
the festal lay,
O Lonn of life a:

WheD Jest i*i hall And bring a blessing from si

To bless the marriage day. Thai

And happy ITM the Bl ( >h. bless, m erst of old,

And glad the Bridegroom's heart, The :
md the Bride
trried at their side I with the holier stream that fl
i"f and ill depart. Side.

His gracious |
Hm Before Ti. -throne
The This mercy we implore ;

And plenteous WM the mystic wine A-Ti. d them, Loan, in one,
The wondering ecrvants dn Amen.

tfinbri' OayS.

Hymn 214

^ i-F^-ct-^H

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As My Father hath sent Me, even so send 1 you."

CHRIST is gone up; yet ere lit So age by age, and year by year.
passed His grace was handed on ;

From heaven to reign,

earth, in And still the holy Church is here,
lie formed one holy Church to last Although her Lord is gone.
Till He should come again.
Let those find pardon, Lord, from Thee,
His twelve Apostles first He made Whose love to her is cold
His ministers of grace ;
Bring wanderers and let there be
And they their hands on others laid, One Shepherd and one fold. Amen
To fill iu turn their place.

<2?mlm- Qnr>3.



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" Let Thj lothed with right

LOUD, poor Thy Spiri r from on high, To iove, and pray, ami never faint,
And Thine ordained -
By day and eight I

Graces ami gifta t<> each supply, [new. pram the .-inner, form the Faint,
An 1 clothe Thyprieeta with right Tol I

Within Thy temple when they stand, hen their woi

leh the truth i
may in hope their
s.wi. itan in Thy right I
r Master thali ap]

Let all Thy Chore! They mav with crowns of gl

aeal, and lora impart,

Finnneaa and meekneaa fron
le in their heart,
And) ulawhom Thondoal

€mbn Days.

-& 4
3a ^^ 4 ^ ^

" Unto every one of us is given grace ; according to the measure of the gift of Christ."

GUARDIAN of the Church Divine Protect Thy Church from every foe,
The sevenfold gifts of grace are And peace, the fruit of love, bestow ;

Thine, Convert the world, make all confess

And kindled by Thy hidden fires The glories of Thy righteousness.
The soul to highest aims aspires.
All praise to God the Father be,
All praise, eternal Son, to Thee,
Thy Priests with wisdom, Lord, endue,
Their hearts with love and zeal renew ;
Whom with the Spirit we adore
For ever and for evermore.
Turn all their weakness into might,
Thou the source of

Spirit of truth, on us bestow

life and light.
The faith in all its power to know
That with the saints of ages gone,
And those to come, we may be one.

Hymn 217.

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Come over .'hkI help UK.

FROM Greenland's
From India's
icy mountain*,
coral strand,
Whore Africa sunny fountain!
Roll down their golden sand,
From many an ancient river,
From many a palmy plain,
They call ns to deliver
Their land from error's ch&in.

What though the spicy breezes

Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle,
Though every prospect pleases,
And only man is vile :

In vain with lavish kindness

The gifts of God are strown,
The heathen in his blindness
Bows down to wood and stone.

Can we whose souls are lighted

With wisdom from on high,
Can we to men benighted
The lamp of life deny?
Salvation !oh, Salvation !

The joyful sound proclaim,

Till each remotest nation
Has learnt Messiah's Name.

Waft, waft, ye winds, His story,

And you, ye waters, roll,
Till like a sea of glory
It spreads from pole to pole
Till o'er our ransomed nature
The Lamb for sinners slain,
Redeemer, King, Creator,
In bliss returns to reiprn.
Hymn 218.

" The harvest truly is plenteous, hut th»* labourers an* tar."

I IE earth, O
Lord, is one wide field Endue the Bishops of Thy Bock
J_ Of Thy
chosen seed
all With wisdom and with gll

The crop prepared its fruit to yield Against false d.ntrine, like a

The labourers few indeed. To set the heart and face.

Therefore we come before Thee now, To all Thy Priests Thy truth r-

With words of humb'e prayer, And make Thy judgments clear:

Beseeching of Thy love, that Th <u Make Thou Thy DoaOQlll full of teal,
Would'Ht send more labourer* there. And humble and sincere.
Not onr land alone we pray.
for (Jive to their flocks a lowly mind
Though that above the rest, To hear and to ol •

Che realms and islands far away, That each and all may mercy find
U let them all be t At Thine appearing day. Amen
(This Hymn mav also be used on Ember days.
Hymn 219.

" That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations."

GOD of grace, Thy light

let Praise to Thee, all-faithful Lord,
Bless our dim and blinded sight Let all tongues in glad accord
Like the day-spring on the night Speak the good thanksgiving word,
Bid Thy grace to shine. Heart-rejoicing praise.

To the nations led astray So the fruitful earth's increase,

Thine eternal love display; Bounty of the God of peace,
Let Thy Truth direct their way Never in its course shall cease,
Till the world be Thine. Through the length of day e

While His grace our life shall cheer

Praise to Thee, the faithful Lord ;
Furthest lands shall own His fear,
Let all tongues in glad accord
Brought to Him in worship near,
Learn the good thanksgiving word,
Taught His mercy's ways
Ever praising Thee.
Let them moved to gladness sing, If
P s:l
Owning Thee Judge and King;
Righteous Truth shall bloom and sprin;
Where Thy rule shall be.
Hynm 220.

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Ami Goi' nri 1. Let then be light; and there waa light.'

THOU, Whose almighty Word

Ohaoe and darkness heard,
And took their flight,
Hear us, we humbly pray,
And where the Gospel-day
Sheds not its glorious ray
Let there be light

Thou, Who didst come to bring

On Thy redeeming wing
Healing and light,
Health to the sick iu mind,
Sight to the inly blind,
Oh, now to all mankind
Let there be light !

Spirit of truth and love,

Life-giving, holy Dove,
Speed forth Thy flight
Move on the waters' face,
Spreading the beams of grace.
And in earth's darkest place
Let there be light

Blessed and Holy Three,

Glorious Trinity,
Grace, Love, and Might
Boundless as ocean's tide,
Rolling in fullest pride,
Through the world, far and wide,
Let there be light Amen. !

Burial of the Qrao.

Hymn 22L
Upon the ungodly He shall rain snares, fire and brimMone, storm and Timlin*
11. ouiueth. He OMMlfc tojudge the earth "

2L :\ |
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I'.iy of Wmih O ! day ot ni-u: ning '
S , tuinll.-l the piunheta" warning!

-*+4^^*4&k±dd J i -J -}A

fflH^^fe#>^iS M
^ ^-^^
Heaven and earth in a-h - burn - ing ! Oh. what fear man's bo - aoui reodeth

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W'h n the Juiige di-.

^ On bOM sentence Mh!

• i i.<i. :h. \\ all d<

A Md-^ Jd .
: <1<P r> :

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!; !; ;

Wondrous sound tlie tnimpct flingcth,

Through earth's sepulchres it ringeth,
All before the Throne it brmgeth,
Death ifl struck, and nature quaking,
All creation is awaking,
To its Judge an answer making.

IjO, the Book, exactly worded,

Wherein all hath been recorded
Thence shall judgment be awarded.
When the .JudgeHis seat attaineth.
And each hidden deed arraigneth,
Nothing unavenged remaineth.

What man, be pleading,

shall I, frail
Who me
be interceding,
When the just are mercy needing ?
King of Majesty tremendous,
Who dost free salvation send us,
Fount of pity, then befriend us

Think, good Jesd, my salvation

Caused Thy wondrous Incarnation ;

Leave me not to reprobation.

Faint and wear}- Thou hast sought me,
On the Cross of suffering bought me ;

Shall such grace be vainly brought me ?

Righteous Judge for sin's pollution


Grant Thy gift of absolution,

Ere that day of retribution.
Guilty, now I pour my moaning,
All my shame with anguish owning
Spare, God, Thy suppliant groaning.

Thou, the sinful woman savedst

Thou the dying thief forgavest
And to me a hope vouchsafest.
Worthless are my prayers and sighing,
Yet, good Lord, in grace complying,
Rescue me from fires undying

a CT,I.

With Thy fa- vot. •

me, Nor a*mnngthe goats a - base uicj

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While the viek-«d
^m are con -found -<*i f

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I of woo un-bounded, Call iik-. with Thv saints sur - ran

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i^7* I I

Low 1 kneel, with belli lb - mis-Moii: Baa, lfl BJ BOO •

"^rr^r"-]*-^-^ n ^ :£=£ I I I !
^ r '

Help mo in mv last con


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J ,

and mourning

J ^
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:=H— F
From the dust of earth re - turn - ing, Man for judg-ment must pre - pare him ;

£ ^ Org.
1 — f- *2( SIS1
f^ -~s> 1

— 1

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Spare, O God, in mer -cy, spare him ! Lord, all- pity -nig,

A. £2. £2. ^~ ^— <£*

E=3d ^^-^ -^ —s>-
BMnr 221 s; ^ «t 22:

eres. (Int. -0 PPr-

-* rj.

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w blest, Grant him T rhine e
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- men.

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Jfoi tfcogc at *ta.

Hymn 222.

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- E^g:

These men see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep "

ETERNAL Father, strong to save,

Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bid'st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep
hear us when we cry to Thee
For those in peril on the sea.

Christ, Whose voice the waters heard

And hushed their raging at Thy w ord, r

Who walkedst on the foaming deep,

And calm amidst its rage didst sleep ;

hear us when we cry to Thee

For those in peril on the sea.

Most Holy Spirit, Who didst brood

Upon the chaos dark and rude,
And bid its angry tumult cease,
And give, for wild confusion, peace ;

hear us when we cry to Thee

For those in peril on the sea.

Trinity of love and power,

Our brethren shield in danger's hour ;

From rock and tempest, fire and foe,

Protect them wheresoe'er they go ;

Thus evermore shall rise to Thee

Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.


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They joy before Thee, according to the joy ot harvest.

COME, ye thankful people, come,

Raise the song of Harvest-Home!
All is safely gathered in,
Ere the winter-storms begin ;

God, our Maker, doth provide

For our wants to be supplied
Come to God's own Temple, come
Raise the song of Harvest-Home !

What is earth but God's own field,

Fruit unto His praise to yield ?

Wheat and tares therein are sown,
Unto joy or sorrow grown ;

Ripening with a wondrous power,

Till the final Harvest-Hour :

Grant, Lord of Life, that we

Holy grain and pure may be.
For we know that Thou wilt come,
And wilt take Thy people home
From Thy purge away
field wilt
All that doth offend, that day ;

And Thine Angels charge at last

In the fire the tares to cast,
But the fruitful ears to store
In Thy Garner evermore.

Come then, Lord of mercy, come,

Bid us sing Thy Harvest -Home
Let Thy Saints be gathered in,
Free from sorrow, free from sin
All upon the golden floor
Praising Thee for evermore :

Come, with thousand Angels, come ;

Bid us sine: Thv Harvest-Home !

: ! ;

Hymn 224,
Semi- Chorus.

Who giveth food to all flefh ; fur His mercy endureth :

PRAISK. ( > praise our God and King And hath bid the fruitful field
Hymns of adoration sing : I of predom increase yield ;

For His mercies still endure For His m-rcies Ftill endure
Ever faithful, ever sure. liver faithful, ever sure.

Praise Him that He made the Sun Praise Him for our Harvest -store
Day day his course t<> run
l>y : He hath filled the (iarner-rloor
For His mercies still endure Por His mercies still endure
liver faithful, ever sure : K\cr faithful, ever sure :

And the silver Moon by night, And f»r richer Pood than this,

Shining with her gentle Light Pledge of everlasting Hiss;

For His mercies still endure For is mercies still endure
1 1

Kv-r faithful, ever sure. liver faithful, ever sure.

Praise Him lie gvn the rain ( » 1 <

-ry to our Bountooni B
To mature the swelling grain : ( llory Ie1 creation sing

Por His mercies still endure Glory to the r11 I

Kver faithful. evfT ra And l'.lest SPIRIT, Throe in I

The first and last verses to be sung in Chorus, the others as abov*.

Hymn 225.

CT^ :

i 23 zzr:
i in i
"i I

^^^^ Thou visitest the earth and blessest
it ;
Thou makest it
QSP: ii QQ

very plenteous.'"

FATHER of mercies, God of love, Thy gifts of mercy from above

Whose gifts all creatures share, Matured the swelling grain ;

The rolling seasons as they move And now the harvest crowns thy love,
Proclaim Thy constant care. And plenty fills the plain.
When in the bosom of the earth Oh, ne'er may our forgetful hearts
The sower hid the grain, O'erlook Thy bounteous care ;

Thy goodness marked its secret birth, But what our Father's Hand impart*
And sent the early rain. Still own in praise and proyer.

The spring's sweet influence, Lord, was To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
The seasons knew Thy call [Thine, The God Whom we adore,

Tho*i mad'at the summer sun to shine, Be glory, as it was, is now,

The summer dews to fall. And shall be evermore. Amen.

Hymn 226.

<S>- O ' " g> <S>- g^ Q| i ^ -4 S^

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3 s J JMJ J
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'pr m ^y
: ;

" The harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels.

LORD of the harvest, once again

We thank Thee for the ripened grain
For crops safe carried, sent to cheer
Thy servants through another year
For sweet holy thoughts supplied

By seed-time, and by harvest-tide.

The bare dead grain, in autumn sown,

Its robe of vernal green puts on ;

Glad from wintry grave it springs.

Fresh garnished by the King of Kings :

So, Lord, to those who sleep in Thee

Shall new and glorious bodies be.

Nor vainly of Thy Word we ask

A lesson from the reaper's task
So Thine angels issue forth
shall ;

The be burnt the just of earth,

tares ;

To wind and storm exposed no more,

Be gathered to their Father's store.

Daily, Lord, our prayers be said,

As Thou hast taught, for daily bread ;

But not alone our bodies feed,

Supply our fainting spirits' need :
O Bread of Life, from day to day,
Be Thou their Comfort, Food, and Stay !

w A - men
; ;

( To be utrd uhen there is a deficiency in (he crop*.)

Hymn 227
g i — i i -Ii ii
- -


imn n ,^

o --
r ¥? 133
Although ili-» Soldi shall yield no meat pel I will rejoice in the Lobd, I will joy
in the God of my salvation."

WHAT our Fathkb does is well

Bleated truth His children tell!
What our FaTHSB does
May the thought within
is well
us d
plenty, want, Though nor milk n dow
Though the harvest-store be scant, In our barren. Canaan now.
Yet we rest upon Hia love, God can save us in our need,
Seeking better tilings al God can Hess us, God can fa
What OUT PaTHBB doei is well; Therefore, unto Him we raise
Shall the wilful heart rebel 1 Hymns of glory, songs of praise;
If a blotting \\r withhold To the Father and
fn the field, or in the told, And the SPIBIT, Three in One,
]> not Bunnell to be
it Honour, might, and glory be
All our Store eternally? Now, and through eternity.
What our FaTJUB does is well;
Though lie mdien bill and dell,
Qpwnrd yet our praises rise
"h His Word supplies ;

1 [« has called us I h 'D,

Onn we murmur at His rod ?

^rijool fttittoute.
Hymn 228.

'* That signs and wonders may be done by the Name of Thy Holy Child Jesus.

LORD JESUS, God and Man, On friends around us here

For love of men a Child, let Thy blessing fall;
The Very God, yet born on earth We pray for grace to love thorn well,
Of Mary undefiled But Thee beyond them all.

Lord Jesus, God and Man, joy to live for Thee !

In this our festal day O joy in Thee to die

To Thee for precious gifts of grace O very joy of joys to see
Thy ransomed people pray. Thy Face eternally

We pray for childlike hearts, Lord Jesus, God and Man,

For gentle holy love, We
praise Thee and adore,
For strength to do Thy will below Who art with God the Father One,
As angels do above. And Spirit evermore.

We pray for simple faith,

For hope that never faints, HP:
For true communion evermore
With all Thy blessed Saints.
.#<djool jrnttibalg.

Hymn 229.

^x *4- ^Pe* "3±*
"<cr Mh^J A - mtn.

^ r~gYf~r =S v>
s [ .cz:
Out of the mouth of babes and HpokHngl Thou bait perfected praise."

&OD eternal, mighty King, With the Prophets' goodly line

Onto Thee our praiae we bring; \Yj myotic bond combine;
All the earth doth worship Thee, PorTh .'..•. to us reYeah-d

We amid the throng would be. Things that to the wiee were sealed.

Holy, Holy, Holy ! cry Martyrs, in I DOblfl host,

Angels ronndThy throne on high: Of the cross arc heard to boast;
Loan of til the heavenly poi Oh, that we our BTOM may I I

Be the same loud inthem ours. And crown of glory wear.

Glorified Apostles raise God eternal, mighty Kii

Night and day continual praise; Unto Thee our praise we bring;
Haat n<-t Thon a mieaioo too To the Fathi:i:, and the S
1 r Thy children here to do? And the Brian, Three in One. Amen.

^rfjool dTesitibate,

Hymn 230.

E^p^ ^ g


I i

Je3us increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man."

OHOLY Lord, content to dwell Gather Thy lambs within Thine arm,
In a poor home, a lowly Child, And gently in Thy bosom bear,
With meek obedience noting well Protect them still from hurt and harm,
Each bidding of Thy mother mild And bid them re3t for ever there.
Lead every child that bears Thy name So shall they, waiting here below,
To walk in Thy pure upright way, Like Thee, their Lord, a little span,
To shun the paths of sin and shame, In wisdom and in stature grow,
And humbly, like Thyself, obey. And favour both with God and man.
Let not this world's unhallowed glow
The fresh baptismal dew efface, W1 I
Nor blast of sin too roughly blow,
A - men.
And quench the trembling flame of

Hymn 231.

s ^ <0
J. Jj ~
3^ 5

^ i


a ct
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Inasmuch as ye have done it auto one of the least of these My brethren, ye ha

it unto Me."

FOUNTAIN' of good, to own Thy And in their accents of distress

Our thankful hearts incline [love ; Tip. [fed,
What can we render, Lord, to Thee, In tin b« clothed, and
"When all the WOrldl are Thine? And visited, and cheer

But Thou haat needy brethren fa Thy face with reverence and with love
Partakers of Tl.y -race, [fees We in Thypoor would see;
Whose names Thou wilt Thyself con- may we minister to t";

Before the Father's face. I in them, U ID, to Thee. Ainen

! !

dfrtentJly &>otitticsi, $c(.

Hymn 232.


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I^Ef^ -<s-
Bear ye one another's burthens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."

PRAISE our God to-day, Lord, may it be our choice

His constant mercy bless, This blessed rule to keep,
Whose love hath helped us on our way " Rejoice with them that do rejoice,
And granted us success. And weep with them that weep."
His Arm the strength imparts God of the widow, hear
Our daily toil to bear Our work of mercy bless ;

His grace alone inspires our hearts God of the fatherless, be near,
Each other's load to share. And grant us good success.

O happiest work below,

Earnest of joy above,
To sweeten many a cup of woe
By deeds of holy love
See also Hymn 188.

in timed of double.
Hymn 233.

Thou that hearwt the prayer j unto Thee t-hall all flesh come.

We know
in the hour of utmost need
not where to look for aid
thus we come, God, to-day,
all our woes before Ti.

Wh«D day 5 and nights of anxious thought For tried, afflicted, lo! we stand,
Nor help nor counsel yet have brought Perils and foes on every hand.

Then this our comfort is alone, Ah, hide not for our sins Thy face,

That we may meet before Thy throne, lve usthrough Thy boundless
And cry, U faithful GrOD, to Thee ith us in our anguish still, [grace,

For rescue from our misery :

Free us at last from every ill.
That so with all our hearts may we
To Thee may raise our hearts and ryes,
nx-re with joy give thanks to
iting sure, with bitter sighs,
And seek Thy pardon for our no,
And walk obedient to Thy word, [Thee,
And And now and ever praise the Lord.
respite from our griefs within.

For Thou hast promised graciously

To hear all those who cry to Thee.
Through Him Whose Name alone is
Our Saviour and our Advocate, [great,]

flu timti of Cioufelc.

Hymn 234.

^-^--cLJ- A A ^^ JAA
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5 s^±3=-p


1 =t3 'J^d

i 2^
God is our hope and strength, a very present help in trouble.

GOD of our life,

Afflicted at Thy
to Thee we
feet we
Did ever sinner plead with Thee,
And Thou reject his lowly plea ?
When the great water-floods prevail, Does not Thy word still pledged remain,
Leave not our trembling hearts to fail. That none shall seek Thy face in vain ?

Friend of the friendless and the faint, Then hear, Lord, our humble cry,
Where shall we pour our sad complaint ? And bend on us Thy pitying eye :

Where but with Thee, Whose open door ToThee their prayer Thy people make,
Invites the helpless and the poor ? Hear us, for our Redeemer's sake.
A mem

In timed of double.


gga t=I

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T ^^ - tr9 1
The Lobd shill give His people the blessing of peace.*

GK »D of love, King of peace. Whom shall we trust bnt Thee. Lord?
Make wars throughout the world to Whei on Thv faithful \\

cease; None ever called on Thee in vain.

The wrath of sinful man restrain, Give peace, O God, give peace again.
Give peace, O God, give peace
Where saints and angels dwell above,
Remember, Lokd, Thy work? of All h' knit in hoi? love
The wonders that our fathers told, () hind M in that heavenly chain,
Remember not our sin's dark stain, peace, O Goo, give peace a~ain.
Give peaofi. O Goo, give peace ayain. Amen
in times of double.

Hymn 236.

i i
= rzrr

s =PFJ f


A - men
J. ¥ ^U.J m _c^_ -<^-

" Thou
shalt not be afraid
for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the
sickness that destroyeth in the noon-day/'

grief and fear, to Thee, Lord, O look with pity on the scene
IN We now for succour fly, Of
sadness and of dread,
Thine awful judgments are abroad, And let Thine angel stand between
shield us lest we die. The living and the dead.
The fell disease on every side "With contrite hearts to Thee, our King,
Walks forth with tainted breath We turn who oft have strayed
And Pestilence, with rapid stride. j
Accept the sacrifice we bring
Bestrews the land with death. And let the plague be stayed.
In time of Famine, Hymn 227 may be used, as well as llymits 233 and 23*


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A -men.

^ M ^Eg »r
;; ;

" praise the Lord, laud ye the Name of the Lord ;

praise it O ye servants of
the Lord.

REJOICE to-day with one accord,

Sing out with exultation ;

Rejoice and praise our mighty Lord,

Whose Arm hath brought salvation ;

His works of love proclaim

The greatness of His Name ;

For He is God alone

Who hath His mercy shewn ;

Let all His saints adore Him !

When in distress to Him we cried,

He heard our sad complaining
Oh, trust in Him, whate'er betide,
His love is all-sustaining
Triumphant songs of praise
To Him our hearts shall raise ;

Now every voice shall say,

" ;"
praise our God alway
Let all His saints adore Him !

Rejoice to-day with one accord,

Sing out with exultation
Rejoice and praise our mighty Lord,
Whose Arm hath brought salvation ;

His works of love proclaim

The greatness of His Name ;

For He is God alone

Who hath His mercy shewn ;

Let all His saints adore Him Amen. !

Hymn 238.

-J^JrJrJ .J-U


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() clap your hands together all ye people ; O sing unto God with the voice of d

NOW thank we
With and
our God,all
hands, and voices,
Who wondrous things hath done,
In Whom His world rejoices ;

Who from our mother's arms

Hath blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love,
And still is ours to-day.

Oh may this bounteous God

Through all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer us;
And keep us in His grace,
And guide us when perplexed ;

And free us from all ills

In this world and the next.

All praise and thanks to God,

The Father, now be given,
The Son, and Him Who reigns
With Them in highest heaven,
The One eternal God,
Whom earth and heaven adore,
For thus itwas, is now,
And shall be evermore.

JSrz^?— ^IP
W A - men.
iltlD £>rar'd Oaj).

Hymn 239.

ZZ —
1 i-

sfc 5
oi'o x*
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^gH 1 '
k 1°l
So teach us to number our days, that we

^ H
apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Thy mercy and Thy grace Make us faithful, make us pure,

FORConstant through another year, Keep us evermore Thine own,
Hear our song of thankfulness; Help Thy servants to endure,
Jesc, our Redeemer, hear. Kit us for the promised crown.

In our weakness and distress, So within Thy palace sate

Hock of Strength, be Thou our stay ;
We shall praise, on golden strings,
In the pathless wilderness Thee the only Potentate,
Be <>ur true and living way. Lord of lords, and King of kings.

Who of us death's awful road

In the Doming vear tdiall tread,
With Thy rod and staff, O God,
rt Thou his dying bed.
; ; ^

£cto grar'0 Bay.

Hymn 240.

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And now, Lord, what is my hope : truly my hope is even in Thee.

year isgone beyond recall,
all its hopes and fears,
deeds that stain the past
desire to flee ;

With all its bright and gladdening And pray that future years may all
With all its mourners' tears ;
[smiles, Be spent, good Lord, for Thee.
Thy thankful people praise Thee, Lord, Father,let Thy watchful Eye

For countless gifts received, look on us in love,

And pray for grace to keep the Faith That we may praise Thee, year by year,
Which saints of old believed. As angels do above.
To Thee we come, O gracious Lord, All glory to the Father bo,
The new-born year to bless All glory to the Son,
Defend our land from pestilence, All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee,
Give peace and plenteousness While endless ages run.

Forgivethis nation's many sins,

The growth of vice restrain,
And help us all with sin to strive,
And crowns of life to gain.
1 -

lABfng tt)t jrounDation *tonc of a Cljurrt).

Hymn 241.

i M^ JJ ^^uu
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-rtr — ri

, i — C-«lU

The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree, and the b x
together, to beautify the place of My sanctuary."

OLORD of Hosts, Whose glory

The bounds of the eternal hills,
fills To Thee they
The treasures of the earth and m
all ;

And yet vouchsafes, in Christian hinds, And when wc bring t: hy 1

To dwell in temples made with hands ;

We but present Thee with Thine own
t thatwe, who here to-day
The heads that guide endue with skill.
Rejoicing this foundation lay.
The hands that work preserve from ill.
May be in very deed Thine own, That we, who these foundations lay.
Built on the precious Corner-stone.
May raise the topstone in Us day.
Endue the creatures with Thy gi Both now and ever. Lor.:
That adorn Thy dwelling-place
shall ; The temple of Thine own el
The beauty of the oak and pine. Be Thou in them, and they in The*
The gold and silver, make them Thine. <
evor-blessM Trinity
) \meu f
dfcast of rtjc Qcotratton of a Cfcurrf).
Hymn 242. (Fhut Tune.)




— 1

none other but the House of


God, and
— r-* <S> <S*-

this is the gate of heaven.*

of God above
fillest all in all,
God enthroned on high
also dwells to bless
Hallow this house with Thy sure love, Here trains adoring souls that sigh
And bless our festival. His mansions to possess.

Here from the Font is poured Against this holy home

Grace on each guilty child Rude tempests harmless beat,
The blest anointing of the Lord And Satan's angels fiercely come
Brightens the once defiled. But to endure defeat.

Here Christ to faithful hearts All might, all praise be Thine,

His Body gives for food Father, co-equal Son,
The Lamb of God Himself imparts And Spirit, bond of love divine,
The Chalice of His Blood. While endless acres run.

Here guilty
The Judge
souls that pine
health and pardon win
acquits, and grace divine
p A - men.

Restores the dead in sin.

dTrait of tftf Qctnratton of a Cftuvrt).
Hynin 242. (8noa» Ton.)


r> c^

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" This is

of God

none other hut the House of God, and

fillest all in all,
this is
the gate of

God enthroned on high

Here also dwells to blew
n> V>

Hallow house with Thy sure love,

this Here trains adoring souls that sigh
Ami bless our festival. His mansions to possess.

Here from the Font is poured Against this holy home

e on each guilty child ;
Rude temj>est8 harmless beat,
The blest anointing of the Loiu» And Satan's angels fiercely OMM
Brighton! the once defiled. But to endure defeat.

Here C'huist to faithful hearts All might, all praise be Thine

His Body gives for food Fathki:, co-equal 8

The Lamp, of Gob Himself imparts And Sri kit. bond of love divine,
The Chalice of His Blood. While endless ages run.

IK-ri- guilty souls that pine

May health and pardon win ;

The .Judge acquits, and grace divine

Kestores the dead in sin.
I ; — —

dftagt of tfje Beoication of a Cfturrt).

Hymns 243 & 244. (First Tone.)

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I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God, out of heaven, prepared as a
bride adorned for her husband."

BLESSED city, heavenly Salem, Bright thy gates of pearl are shining,
Vision dear of peace and love, They are open evermore ;

Who of living stones art builded And by virtue of His merits

In the height of heaven above, Thither faithful souls do soar,
And, with angel hosts encircled, Who for Christ's dear Name in this
As a bride to earth dost move Pain and tribulation bore. [world
From celestial realms descending, Many a blow and biting sculpture
Bridal glory round thee shed, Polished well those stones elect,
Meet for Him Whose love espoused thee, In their places now compacted
To thy Lord shalt thou be led By the heavenly Architect, ;

All thy streets and all thy bulwarks, therewith hath willed for ever Who
Of pure gold are fashioned. That His Palace should be decked
For the other verses see next page. The tune to Ffi/mn 52 may also he used.
jfrast of tljr Dedication of a Cljurct).
Hymns 243 &
^ ^^k^=gE^ 244. Twn.)

i S^Jfe^^31^ > a

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243. 244.
I saw the holy city. NVw Jerusalem, ooxning
Behold 1 lay In Sion a Chief Corner-stone,
down from Goo, out of heaven, prepared
elect, precious."
as a bride adorned for her husband.

BLESSED city, heavenly Salem, CHRIST is made the sure Foundation,

Vision dear of peace and love, Christ the Head and Corner stone,
Who of living stones art builded, Chosen of the Loud, and precious,
In the height of heaven above, Binding all the Church in One,
And, with angel hosts encircled, Holy Sion's help for ever,
As a bride to earth dost move And her confidence alone.

From celestial realms descending, All that dedicated City,

Bridal glory round thee shed, Dearly loved of God on high,
Meet for Him Whose love espoused thee In exultant jubilation
To thy Lord shalt thou be led Pours perpetual melody
All thy streets, and all thy bulwarks, God the One in Three adoring
Of pure gold are fashioned. In glad hymns eternally.

Bright thy gates of pearl are shining, j

To this Temple, where we call Thee,
They are open evermore; Come, Lord of Hosts, to-day;
And by virtue of His merits With Thy wonted loving-kindness,
Thither faithful souls do soar, Hear Thy servants, as they pray ;

Who for Christ's dear Name in this And Thy benediction

Pain and tribulation bore. [world Shed within its walls alway.

Many a blow and biting sculpture Here vouchsafeto all Thy servants
Polished well those stones elect, What they ask of Thee to gain,
In their places now compacted What they gain from Thee for ever
By the heavenly Architect, With the Blessed to retain,
Who therewith hath willed for ever And hereafter in Thy glory
That His Palace should be decked. Evermore with Thee to reign.

Praise and honour to the Father, Praise and honour to the Father,
Praise and honour to the Son, Praise and honour to the Son,
Praise and honour to the Spirit, Praise and honour to the Spirit,
Ever Three, and ever One, Ever Three, and ever One,
One in might and One in glory, One in might, and One in glory,
While eternal ages rim. Amen. While eternal ages run. Amen

iTIjf (ConUcrtfion of £»t. %3aul.

Hymn 245.

~, ^^ ^^ .jAj
i =i ^

_. o !

The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedar trees; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars ol
Li ban us."

Shepherd now was smitten;
wolf was ravening near,
-t's foe
The wolf
becomes His
destroys no

The scattered flock he threatened, A sheep within the sheepfold

But knew not Whose they were. Hi enters by the door.
In zealous fury seeking O voice of God Almighty,
To bind and crucify, What wonders hath it wrought
A sudden voice withheld him, It rends the lofty cedars,
A loud ami startling cry :
Itbends the haughty thought.
Saul ! Saul why blindly daring
Je-i-, our Shepherd, cease not
To persecute thy Lori»?
Thy flock from harm to tr
- Whom thou hateat, And when Thy sheep are wandering
Kebel not at My void." load them* back to Thee.
Fbea furth in prayer he stretcheth
iiuis pr.-pared to slay
To Father. Son. and Spirit,

" All glory, praise, and mi^ht.

What iroold'st Thou with Thy
int ?
Who called us out of darkness
My LoBD and Saviour, say."
To His own glorious light. Amen
Conbntiton of &>t. $anL
Hymn 246

^^ ^ d: -s»-
" Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?
) /GAINST what thou Christ, Thy power is man's salvation,
foemen art
VJ rushing, Hardest hearts Thou mak'st Thine
Saul, what madness drives thee on ? He who wrought such desolation, [own
Innocents in fury crushing, That Thy Name might be o'erthrown,
Children of the sinless One; Now converted, [known.
0, how shortly Through the world that Name make*
Shall He make His vengeance known
Praise the Father, God of heaven,
See the Lord, from heaven descending, Him Who reigns supreme on high
Smites him, blinds him, lays him low Praise the Son for sinners given
See the persecutor bending Both to suffer and to die
Humbly, meekly to the blow :
Praise the Spirit
See him rising, Guiding us most lovingly.
Friend to Christ, no longer foe.

Breathing slaughter, chains preparing

0, how fierce his anger burned ;
Trembling now, and lost his daring.
Meek obedience he has learned :

The destroyer
Now into a lamb is turned.
presentation of Christ in tJjr (Trnurir,

Cfjr purification of .*. iBarj> tljr Virgin.

Hymn 247.


idJ .^L

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" The Lord, Whom ye seek, shall suddenly :nple.'

OBION, open wide thy gates, The hoary Simeon sees at last
Lei figlU year, His Lord bo long
A I'riest and Victim l>oth in one, And hails, with Anna, Israel's II
Tlie Truth Himself, is here. With sudden rapture fired.

No more the simple flock shall bleed ; But silent knelt the Mother blest
Behold, the Father's Boi Of the yet silent WoftD,
Himself to His own altar cornea, And, pondering til things in her heart,
For sinners to atone. With speechless praise adored.

Conscious of hidden Deity, All glory to the Fathi ;.

The lowly Virgin brings [dovee, All tflory t.) tin- B

Her new-born Iiabe, with two young All glory, Holy Qffoer, to Thee,
Her tender offerings. While endless ages run. Amen.

annunciation of tije Bteggco Virgin iHaig.

Hymn 248.

3 rj
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Behold, Virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Sox, and they shall call Hi
Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

PRAISE we the Lord this day, Meekly she bowed her head
This day so long foretold, To hear the gracious word,
Whose promise shone with cheering ray Mary, the pure and lowly maid,
On waiting saints of old. The favoured of the Lord.
The Prophet gave the sign Blessed shall be her name
For faithful men to read In all the Church on earth, [came,
A Virgin, born of David's line, Through whom that wondrous mere)
Shall bear the promised Seed. The Incarnate Saviour's birth.
not how this should be,
Ask Jesd, the Virgin's Son.
But worship and adore ; We praise Thee and adore,
Like her, whom heaven's majesty Who art with God the Father One
Came down to shadow o'er. And Spirit evermore. Amen.
£Ijc annunciation.
Hymn 249.

^#s^w 1

Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord u with thee; bleaped art thou
among wounii."

THE GOD Whom earth, and sea, and Blest in the message Gabriel br<
Adore, and laud, and magnify, [
sky. Blest by the work I

Whose might they own, Whose praise From whom th- gr< | of earth
they swell, Took human flesh and bomao birth
In Mary's womb vouchsafed to dwell.
O Lord, the Virgin -born, to Thee
The LORD, Whom sun and BOOB obey, Eternal praise and glory be ;

Whom all thingl serve from day to day, Whom with the Fathf.k we adore
Was by the Hoi.y GrBOtT concei\ And Holy Ghost for evermore.
Of her who through His grace believed.

How blest that Mother, in whose shrine

The world's Creator, LoBD divine.
Whose hand contains the earth and 6ky.
Once deigned, as in His ark, to lie.

This Hymn may also bt usrd ou the I n, Sec

Hattuitg of *. 3>ofm Bapttet.
Hymn 250.

^e^t^ r^H^ r

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" Behold I will send My messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me.

THE great forerunner of the morn, But why should mortal accents raise
The herald of the Word, born is : The hymn of John the Baptist's praise?
And faithful hearts shall never fail Of whom, or ere his course was run,
With thanks and praise his light to hail. Thus spake the Father to the Son ;

With heavenly message Gabriel came, Behold My herald, who-shall go

That John should be that herald's name Before Thy Face Thy way to show,
And with prophetic utterance told And shine, as with the day-star's gleam
His actions great and manifold. Before Thine own eternal beam.

John, still unborn, yet gave aright All praise to God the Father be,
His witness to the coming Light; All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee,
And Christ, the Sun of all the earth, Whom with the Spirit we adore,
Fulfilled that witness at His Birth.

Of women-born
shall never be
greater prophet than was he,
Whose mighty deeds exalt his fame
To greater than a prophet's name.
For ever and for evermore.

A -men
8 r;
JlatfrftE of &t. 3olm Baptist,

Hymn 251.

i^4^-^+8- .

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— FiT^H I i i I I i I
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vi-i 8

Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven b at kuk

! from the desert homes,
Where he hath hid so lon<
]\Iay Thy dread voice around,
The new Elias comes, Thou harbinger of Light,
In sternest wisdom strong
On our dull ears still sound.
Lest here we sleep in night
The voice that cries
Till judgment come,
Of Christ from high,
And judgment nigh
And on our path
Shall burst the wrath,
From opening skies.
And deathless doom.

Your God e'en now doth stand

God, with love's sweet might,
At heaven's opening door,
Who dost anoint and arm
His fan is in Hand, Thy soldiers for the fight
And He will purge His floor
With grace that shields from harm
The wheat He claims
Thrice Blessed Three,
And with Him stows, Heaven's endless days
The chaff He throws Shall sing Thy praise
To quenchless flames. Eternally.

Ye haughty mountains, bow

Your sky-aspiring heads
Ye valleys, hiding low,
Lift up your gentle meads

P A - men.

Make His way plain

Your King before, £
For evermore
He comes to reign.
#afnt iHidjnrl art) all SlngtU«

Hymn 252.

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There ffU war in heaven; Michael ami hil aogeli fought againat the dragon ; and the
dragon fought and oil

CHRIST, in highest heaven enthroned,

Bqnal of the Pathkb's Might,
By pnre spirits, trembling, owned,
God of God, and Light <>t* Light,
Thee 'mid Angel hosts we sing,
Thee their Maker, and their King!
All who circling round adore Thee,
All who bow before Thy Throne,
lhirn with flaming zeal before Thee,
Thy behests to carry down ;

To and fro, 'twixt earth and heaven,

Speed they each on errands given.

First of all those legions glorious

Michael waves his sword of rlame,
Who of old in war victorious
Did the Dragon's fierceness tame ;

Who with might invincible

Thrust the rebel down to hell.

They and dying

to aid the sick
Called from heaven do swiftly fly,
Grace divine and strength supplying
In their mortal agony
Souls released from bondage here
They to Paradise do bear.
To the Father praise be given
Bythe unfallen angel-host,
Who in His great war have striven
With the legions of the lost
Bqnal praise in highest heaven
To the Son and Holy Ghost.

A - men.
; ,

£». MUM anU all angris.

Hymn 253.

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Loud all ye His hosts; yo servants of His that do His plan

RAISE to (.Jon Who reigns el Un the Throne our I.

1) Binding earth and heaven in love; In Manhood glorifi

All the anniee of the iky Where His people mint below
Worship His dread sovereignty. rant it joy to go.

( the depths of joy dn

Seraphim His praises ni »

Cherubim on fourfold wing, Thrilling khrongn len nine.

Thrones, Dominion*, Princes, Powers, Whan th. found agi
Might that n
Wfce* the banished come I

n faith, in hope, in h>

hosti His word fulfil,

We will join the ohoirt eboi

Ruling nature by Hii will Praising, with the heavenly host,
id His throne Aid rar

Path tnd Boi i

of praise for evermore

\ ( OD nian they joy to wait,
Ali that bright eefeetia] iteJ
Poi true Man their I
y see,
« :i;M, t. I

0, iHirbael anti all SIngelA

Hymn 254.

iH 3 :a:
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gipSB^ s:
Are tlicy not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of
salvation ?

rPHEY come, God's Messengers of Blest Jesu, Thou Whose groansand tears

L l° ve »
Have sanctified frail nature's fears,
They come from realms of peace above, To earth in bitter sorrow weighed
From homes of never-fading light, Thou didst not scorn Thine Angels* aid .

From blissful mansions ever bright.

An Angel guard to us supply,
They come to watch around us here, When on the bed of death we lie
To soothe our sorrow, calm our fear :
And by Thine own Almighty power
Ye heavenly guides, speed not away, O shield us in the last dread hour.
God willeth you with us to stay.
But chiefly at its journey's end To God the Father, God the Son,
'Tis yours the spirit to befriend, And God the Spirit, Three in One,
And 'whisper to the willing heart, From all above, and all below,
" O Christian soul, in peace depart." Let joyful praise unceasing How. Amen
ail ^Hints' Dag.

Hymn 255.

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^^T Tn^^^T^^l F
'*^^il 33^ m
What are those which arc inmyed in white robet? ami whence came they?

WHO are these like stars appearing,

These, before God's throne who Btand ?
Each a golden crown is wearing.
Who are glorious band ?
all this

Alleluia hark, they sing,


Praising loud their heavenly King.

Who are these in dazzling brightness,

Clothed in God's own righteousn
These, whose robes of purest whiteness
Shall their lustre still possess,
untouched by time's rude hand,
Whence conies all this glorious band ?

These are they who have contended

For their Saviour's honour long,
Wrestling on till life was ended,
Following not the sinful throng ;

These, who well the fight sustained,

Triumph by the Lamb have gained.
These are they whose hearts were riven,
Sore with woe and anguish tried,
Who in prayer full oft have striven
With the God they glorified ;

Now, their painful conflict o'er,

God has bid them weep no more
These, the Almighty contemplating,
Did as priests before Him stand,
Soul and body always waiting
Day and night at His command :

Now in God's most holy place

Blest they stand before His face.

ail jfrainW Dag,

Hymn 256.

I *:

"I mtT'-ttt

1 ) |

A -men.

^3^33 C5I

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to -.hiiie in it
it! God did lighten it, and the Lamb is tin

HEAVENLY Jerusalem, Naught to tin's seat aj»]>ruatheth

Of everlasting halls, Their l

Thrice ere the \ Tluv sing their God for ever.

Thou stores! in thy walls. Nor day nur night they rest.
Thou art the gold— inan.~i< Sure Hope doth thither lead ub ;

Where ssinti for ever ting: Our longing! thither tend ;

The scat of God'h own chosen, May ihort-Hved toil ne'er dam
The palace of the Kii t( I ..ot elul.

There ( o»d for ever sitteth, To Christ the Sun thai

Himself Of all the Crown ;
His ( Ihnrch sbove, below ;

The Lamb, the Light that Buineth, T ind to Simhit

Ami oevei •
•• All thing Awea.
iUo Hf/mtu

Hymn 257

And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in thflflB the names of the twelve
Apostles of the Lamb."
rpiIE eternal gifts of Christ the King,
The Apostles' glory, let us sing
And all, with hearts of gladness, raise
Tn them the Father's glory shone,
Due hymns of thankful love and praise.
In them the will of God the Son,
For they the Churches' princes are, In them exults the Holt Ghost,
Triumphant leaders in the war, Through them rejoice the heavenly boat
In heavenly courts a warrior baud,
True lights to lighten every land. To Thee, Redeemer, now we cry,
That Thou wouldst join to them on high
Theirs is the steadfast faith of saints,
Thy servants, who this grace implore,
And hope that never yields nor faints,
For ever and for evermore. Amen.
And love of Christ in perfect glow,
Thac lays the prince of this world low.

This Hymn may also be sung to ihe Second Tunc of Hymn 109,
or to the Tine of Hymn 194.
l r


Hymn 258. ('''• •-' Tom.1

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(Second Ton.)

it=t B
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AlIK Jl.

Tlieir sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

DISPOSER Supreme, Their sound goeth forth,

Ami Judge of the earth, "Christ Jesus the Lord :"

"Who choosest for Thine Then Satan doth fear,

The weak and the poor His citadels fall
To frail earthen vessels As when the dread trumpets
And things of no worth, Went forth at Thy word,
Entrusting Thy riches And one long blast shattered
Which aye shall endure ;
The Canaanite's wall.

Those vessels soon fail, loud be their trump.

Though full of Thy light, And stirring sound
And at Thy decree To rouse us, Lord,
Are broken and gone ;
From slumber of sin ;

Thence brightly appeareth The lights Thou hast kindled

Thy truth in its might, In darkness around,
As through the clouds riven Oh, may they illumine
The lightnings have shone. Our spirits within.

Like clouds are they borne All honour, and praise,

To do Thy great" will, Dominion, and might,
And swift as the winds To God Three in One
About the world go ;
Eternally be,
The Word with His wisdom Who round us hath shed
Their spirits doth fill, His own marvellous light,
They thunder, they lighten, And called us from darkness
The waters o'erflow. His glorv to see. Am- u.

Hymn 259.

W^V^ a ^ O l^^l :cs:

1 i^rn^ ET^ff = 5-UC


Ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribe* <•:

CAPTAINS Of the saintly hand. Earth, tliat long bl sin and i

Lights wh<> Lighten •very land, <

l-romaed in Satan'.- d- a ;!\ cl

Princes who with JraJI dwell, Now to serve its God is free

JoUgM Of His Israel ;

In the law of liberty.

On the nations Mink in night nit lands with one acclaim

Ye hare shed the Gospel light; Tell the honour of your name,
Sin and error flee away, Who, wherever man has tr
Tmth is binning on our way. Tench the mysteries of G

X"t by warrior*! spear tnd sword, Glory to the Three h One

Hd by art of human word, While eternal ogee run,
Pleaching but the Cross of shame Who from deepeel shades of nigh!
Rob*] hearts for OhBIST ye tame. Galled us to Hi Amen.

Hymn 260.

^=LdL ci
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Behold upon the mountains the feet of

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him that bringeth good tidingp, that publiphei


BEHOLD the messengers of Christ, Although in space and time apart,

Who sow every place
in One Spirit ruled them all
The unveiled mysteries of God, And in their sacred pages still
The Gospel of His grace. We hear that Spirit's call.

The things through mists and shadows To God, the blessed Three in One.
By holy prophets seen, [dim Be glory, praise, and might,
In the full light of day they saw Who called us from the shades of da
With not a cloud between. To His own glorious light.

What Christ, True Man, divinely

What God in Manhood bore, [wrought, P men.

They wrote as God inspired in words _o

That live for evermore.
Hymn 26L



-^j- ^ -^

a Rivei
went out
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una into f a

»M E pure hearts, in 0, thai we Thy truth COnfoan

C« nret ng,
.;. Thy loi
I d the boly I

.1 vat ion, with all Thy

On earth their Ever and for erermore.
Love from Goo to loot mankind.
S <• the Rivers four that gladden
With their stream- t!ie battel Kden
Planted by <>ur LORD mot! dear:
Ohrist tin- Fountain, thaaa the a

Drink, Sion'i loni and di

: k and find falvatioli liere.

lift Ifjmn So </ ft, may also le tued on the Festival* of Apo
tUr Day mmd Trimtg Smmdag
; :

4Hartgrd, &c.

s= d^
E5 t=E5

M These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and
made them white in the Blood of the Laub."

HOW bright those glorious spirits

shine I
The Lamb,
Shall o'er
Who reigns upon
them still
the throne
Whence all their white array ? Feed them with nourishment divine,
How came they to the blissful seats And all their footsteps guide.
Of everlasting day ? 'Mid pastures green He'll lead His
Lo, these are they from sufferings great flock,

Who came to realms of light Where living streams appear:

And in the Blood of Christ have washed And God the Lord from every eye
Those robes which shine so bright. Shall wipe off every tear.
To Father, Sox, and Holy Gii<
Now with triumphal palms they stand
The God Whom we adore,
Before the throne on high,
Be glory, as it was, is now,
And serve the God they love amidst And shall be evermore.
The glories of the sky.

Hunger and thirst are felt no more,

Nor sun with scorching ray
God is their Sun, whose cheering beams
Diffuse eternal day.
— — h i

JKntfirtf, &r.
Hymn 263.

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Fight the gool fight of faith."

1M IE Son of God goes forth to war,

Akingly crown to gain,
His blood -red banner streams afar,
Who follows in His train ?
Who best can drink his cup of woe,
Triumphant over pain,
Who patient bears His cross below,
He follows in His train.
The martyr first, whose eagle eye

Could pierce beyond the grave,

ho saw his Master in the sky,
And called on Him to save.
Like Him, with pardon on his tongue
In midst of mortal pain,
He prayed for them that did the wrong
Who follows in his train ?

A glorious band, the chosen few

On whom the SrmiT came,
Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew,
And mocked the cross and flame.
They met the tyrant's brandished steel,
The lion's gory mane,
They bowed their necks, the death to feel
Who follows in their train ?

A noble army, men and boys,

The matron and the maid,
Around the Saviour's throne rejoice,
In robes of white arrayed.
They climbed the steep ascent of heaven,
Through peril, toil, and pain ;

God, to us may grace be given

To follow in their train.
iHartgrg, &c.
Hymn 264.


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Bkatd is the man that endureth temptation, for when he i.-< tried he f>hall receive the
crown of life."

OQOD, Thy soldiers' great Reward,! We therefore pray Thee, Lord of Love,
Their Portion, Crown, and faitbful| rd us from Thy throne abov
Lord, On this Thy martyr's triumph-*:.
From all transgressions set us free, Wash every stain of sin away.
Who sing Thy martyr's victory.
All praise to God the Father be,
Dy wisdom taught he learned to know All praise, eternal Son, to Thee,
The vanity of all btlow, Wh"ui with the Siikit we adore
The fleeting joys of earth disdained, For ever and for evermore.
And everlasting glory gained.

Right manfully his cross he bore,

ran his race of torments sore;

For Thai he poured his life away,

Villi Thee he Uvea in endb?s day.
jHartgt*, #c.
Hymn 265.

^•^•^ B
^JdHNJ^ I ^_


Be thou
faithful unto death, and


will give thee a

crown of


FOR man the Saviour shed

His all-atoning Blood,
Alone he stood unmoved
Amid his cruel foes,
And oh, shall ransomed man refuse wondrous was the might that then
To suffer for his God ? Above his torturers rose !

Ashamed who now can be Lord, give us grace to bear

To own the Crucified ? Like him our cross of shame,
Nay, rather be our glory this, To do and suffer what Thou wilt,
To die for Him Who died. For love of Thy dear Name.

So felt Thy Martyr, Lord Jesu, the King of saints,

By Thy right hand sustained,

We praise Thee and adore,
He waged for Thee the battle's strife, Who art with God the Father O'je
And threatened death disdained. And Spirit evermore.

Upon the golden crown

Gazing with eager breath,
He fought as one who fain would die,
p A - men.
And, dying, conquer death.
Starter*, set.



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If a man desire th<? offefl of * Bfakop, he de«ireth a good work.

OTHOU Whose all-redeeming might grant that we, most gracious God,
Crown- hief in faith's true May follow in the steps he trod ;

On commemoration day
this fight, And freed from every
stain of sin.
Hoar ub, good Jmu, while we pray. A 8 he hath won, may also win.

Tn faithful strife for Thy deal Name To Thee, O Christ, our loving King,
Thy irned the saintly fa All glory, praise, and thanks we bring ;

Which pious hearts with prn Whom with the Father we adore.
In constant memory year by And Holy Ghost, for evermore.

Earth's fleeting joyt he counted nought.

For higher, truer, joys he sought.
Aud now with .
md Thy Throne,
Unfading are hit o

JBartBttf, #c.

Hymn 267.

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Whosoever shall confess Me before men, him will 1 confess also before My Father which
is in heaven."

NOT by the martyr's death alone

The crown
saint hisheaven has in
Lord, grant us
That we to die
so to
to turn.
may learn,
There is a triumph robe on high [won And when life's brief day is
thus, o'er,
For bloodless fields of victory. Eejoice with Thee for evermore.

What though he was not called to feel Fount of sanctity and love,
The cross, or flame, or torturing wheel, perfect Rest of saints above,
Yet daily to the world he died, All praise, all glory be to Thee,
His flesh, through grace, he crucified. Both now and through eternity.

What though nor chains, nor scourges

Nor cruel beasts his members tore, [sore,
1 =« ^ R=I
SMH A men.
Enough if perfect love arise
To Christ a grateful sacrifice.
Hymn 268. ('•'" -' Tan)
tot .

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d J^gUS


Thy Name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgin* love Thee

JESU, the virgins' Crown, do Thou

Accept us as in prayer we bow,
Born of that Virgin whom alone gracious Lord, we Thee implore
The Mother and the Maid we own. Thy grace on every sense to ponr ;

From all pollution keep us free,

Amongst the lilies Thou dost feed,
And make us pure in heart for Thee
And thither choirs of virgins lead
Adorning all Thy chosen brides
All praise to God the Father be,
With glorious gifts Thy love provides.
All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee,
And whither, Lord, Thy footsteps wend Whom with the Spirit we adore
The virgins still with praise attend For ever and for 'evermore Amen
For Thee they pour their sweetest song,
And after Thee rejoicing throng.
flbntBctf, Sec.

Hymn 269.

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Who can find a virtuous woman ? for her price is ahove rubim : the h*art of her huaband
doth safely trust in her.

blest the matron, who, endued
holy zeal and fortitude,
from Whom all virtue

Has won through grace a saintly fame, Who only doest wondrous things,
And owns a dear and honoured name. To Thee, the King of Saints, we pray,
Accept and bless thy flock to-d..
Such holy love inflamed her breast
She would not seek on earth her rest, All pn i) the Paths
But, strong in faith and ptAfantm trod All praise. Eternal Son, to Thee,
The narrow way that leads to God. Whom with the 9 we adore
For ever and for evermore.
She learned, through fasting, to control
The lb'sh that weigheth down the soul,
And then by prayer's sweet food sus-
To seek tno joys she now has gained.
: ;

JHartstf; &c
Hymn 270.

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I, John, who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and
patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle which is called Patmos, for the Word of God
and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."

ANOf exile for the Faith

his incarnate Lord,
Lord, give us grace, like him,
In Thee to live and die
Beyond the stars, beyond all space, To spurn the fleeting things of earth,
His soul in vision soared And seek for joys on high.
There saw in glory Him Jesu, our risen Lord,
Who and was dead
liveth, ;
We praise Thee and adore,
There Judah's Lion and the Lamb Who art with God the Father One
That for our ransom bled ;
And Spirit evermore.

There of the Kingdom learnt

The mysteries sublime ;

How, sown in martyr's blood, the Faith

Should spread from clime to clime.
fltertfirtf, #c.
Hymn 27L

J | I i J r jE feJ~dfl ^ ir cj~^~l>

JJ. ^L ^li^L.J.
<^t^E^fgl ^11 'h^Tt

B Magdalene, out of whem He

hm! omI wven devils.'

SON of the Highest, deign to cast

On us a pitying eye,
Absolve us by
Fulfil us
with Thy I
l Word,

Thou Who repentant Magdalene And guide Ql through the storms

Didst call to joys on high. To perfect rest a!

The long-lost coin is stored at length All praise, all glory be to Thee,
( »ne eve:
In treasure-house divine.
The precious gem from filth is cle.i Whoee mercy doth our souls forgive,
And doth the stars outshine. Whose bounty doth reward.
the balm of every wound,
The sinner's only
Grant us, like Magdalene, t i
-" fv
In this Thy mercy's day.
; ; ; :

iMaitgua, #c.
Hymn 272.





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Of whom the world was not worthy."

YETo servants of our glorious King,

Him your thankful praises
For ever broken is the chain
That sought to bind them, but in vain
bring let us strive like them to win
And tellthe deeds that grace has done, Our freedom from the bonds of sin.
The triumphs by His martyrs won.

Since they were faithful to the last,

O Saviour ! may our portion be
With those who gave themselves to
Their holy struggles now are past
Through all eternity to sing [Thee.
The bitterness of death is o'er,
All praise to Thee, the Martyrs' King
And theirs is bliss for evermore.
The flame did scorch, the knife lay bare All praise to God the Father be,
And cruel beasts their members tear All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee,
No powers of earth, no powers of hell Whom with the Spirit we adore
The souls that loved their Lord could For ever and for evermore. Amen.
flbgtfictf, &r.

Hymn 273.

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*' And they glorified

God in me.
IT Name we bless,
FOR Thy dear
Who strove
in Thee
to live, And humbly pray that
Who followed Thee, obeyed, adored, May follow them in holineM,
Our grateful hymn receive. Who lived and died for Thee.

For Thy dear saint, Lord, All might, all praise be Thine,
Who strove in Thee to die, Father, co-equal 6
And found in Thee a full reward, And Spirit, Bond of love divine,
Accept our thankful cry. While endless ages run.

Thine earthly members fit

To join Thy saints above,

In one communion ever knit,
One fellowship of love
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