Quiz 4

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Quiz 4 1st Semester AY 2022-2023 Rating _______

Name Edelweiss M. Babagay Student No. 22-0673 Course/Yr/Blk: BSME 2-B Date 12/01/23
These assessment is to measure the level on how the learner attain the following Intended Learning Outcome/s:
a. Define the most common or general engineering design goals,
b. Differentiate between general and specific design goals, and
c. Differentiate between design goals and design specifications,
I. Fill the blanks. Instruction: Fill the blank with correct word(s).
1. After an engineering problem statement has been 11. The design solution should perform each and every time
formulated, it should next be decomposed into a set of it is used; at least, this is the ideal level of RELIABILITY
DESIGN GOALS that must be achieved by any viable sought by the engineer.
solution to the problem. 12. An engineering design should PERFORM well in the
2. Formulation of design goals is a form of ANALYSIS , in given environment and operating conditions.
that we are breaking the problem into its PRIMARY 13. In order to enhance PERFORMANCE, the engineering team
constituent components. should anticipate (a) the reactions of the design to its
3. The benefit of such a goals list is that it can be used as a sort ENVIRONMENT (temperature, humidity, intensity of loads or
of MAP, guiding us in our search for the best solution. applied forces, and so forth) and (b) its ability to operate
4. To formulate a set of appropriate design goals, the according SPECIFICATIONS (e.g., duration of operation,
engineer should gather as much detailed information as power requirements).
possible about the EXPECTED USERS, the ENVIRONMENT 14. The design should be easy to understand and EASY to
in which the solution is to operate, and other relevant operate.
FACTORS. 15. The DURABILITY of a system’s components may vary, but
5. This data collection might include further review of the design should include provisions for minimizing WEAR
existing PRODUCTS, technical LITERATURE and PATENTS. of certain key components, such as provision for
In addition, knowledgeable INDIVIDUALS in the area of lubricating moving parts or use of specific wear-resistant
application should be identified and contacted for further materials.
information. 16. Many standard or “OFF-THE-SHELF” parts are available in
6. The environment in which the design is to operate should the marketplace from manufacturers. These should be
be DESCRIBED. The physical factors that may affect the incorporated into a design whenever possible, since it
design must be DETERMINED. Also, it may be necessary usually less costly (in terms of MONEY, EFFORT, and
to place specific REQUIREMENTS upon the solution in TIME) to purchase this ready-made components than to
accordance with the specific abilities or needs of a fabricate them from raw materials.
particular user group. 17. FAMILIARITY with a wide variety of components and their
7. A design solution should not threaten the SAFETY of proper use facilitates the generation of CREATIVE yet
those who will produce, distribute, and/or operate it. feasible design solution since it broadens one’s technical
8. Design solutions to technical problems should never knowledge base.
harm our ENVIRONMENT – from their production 18. Our list of general engineering design goals also includes
through their operating lives to their final DISPOSAL. the need to minimize costs, whenever possible, for
9. In order to ascertain if EXPECTATIONS exist about a otherwise (a) a proposed design may be deemed
product, potential CUSTOMERS should be identified as economically infeasible and never PRODUCED , (b)
precisely as possible in terms of such factors as their unexpected costs may cause a design to become
mental and physical abilities, economic means, and – economically infeasible after production has begun,
most important – SPECIFIC NEEDS that are to be satisfied leading to its COMMERCIAL FAILURE , or (c) costs may be
by the design solution. reduced in an arbitrary fashion, leading to design or
10. Once expectations have been identified, they should be manufacturing FLAWS .
EVALUATED carefully to ascertain if they are truly are the 19. Two other general engineering goals, related to
best interest of the customer. durability, are to minimize necessary MAINTENANCE
work and to ensure that such work is as EAS TO PERFORM
as possible.

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING camarines norte state college


20. In addition to the general engineering goals, each design 24. If the goals that must be achieved by a design solution
must achieve SPECIFIC goals that pertains to the are not carefully defined, then the development of the
particular problem under consideration. so-called best solution will be very difficult or even
21. A specific goal that is often sought in an engineering IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. During the entire design
design is the simulation of some particular HUMAN process, these project goals should be continuously RE-
capability. EVALUATED .
22. Although “speed of operation” often appears as an 25. Initial goals may be divided into more SPECIFIC TASK.
important factor in many engineering problems, it is not Additional goals will likely be recognized as the engineer
so universal that it could be given the status of the becomes more FAMILIAR with the functions that a viable
general goal; rather it is a specific goal UNIQUE to a solution must perform. The list of design goals will
particular problem. remain in a state of FLUX until the final solution to the
23. Specific goals help us to define the particular problem problem has been developed, TESTED, and implemented.
that is to be solved and maintain our focus upon the
FUNCTIONS that are desired in a design solution.

II. Enumeration.
1. Name ten (10) general goals associated with engineering problem solving efforts.
__________________SAFETY_________ __EASE OF OPERATION____
__PERFORMANCE_________ ___MINIMUM COST______

III. Comprehension. (20 points)

Proposed problem statement: ________________________________________________________________
1. Name at least five (5) general goals for the solution of the problem statement your group is proposing and
briefly explain why.
Certainly! To generate goals for a problem statement in mechanical engineering related to creating a new device, let's assume the problem is about designing an
innovative device for sustainable energy generation. Here are five general goals for the solution:

**Problem Statement: Design an Innovative Mechanical Device for Sustainable Energy Generation**

1. **Optimized Energy Efficiency:**

- *Explanation:* The goal is to design a device that maximizes energy conversion efficiency, ensuring that a significant portion of the input energy is
transformed into usable output energy. This optimization contributes to the overall effectiveness of the device and supports sustainable energy practices.

2. **Robust and Reliable Performance:**

- *Explanation:* The device should exhibit robust and reliable performance under varying conditions and loads. Ensuring the mechanical components are
durable and capable of withstanding environmental factors enhances the device's longevity and reduces maintenance requirements.

3. **Cost-Effective Manufacturing:**
- *Explanation:* Striving for cost-effective manufacturing involves optimizing the design for efficient production processes and utilizing materials that balance
cost and performance. This goal ensures that the device is economically viable for widespread adoption.

4. **Scalability for Diverse Applications:**

- *Explanation:* Designing the device with scalability in mind allows for its adaptation to various scales and applications. Whether deployed in residential,
industrial, or commercial settings, scalability ensures the device can meet different energy demands without significant redesign.

5. **Environmentally Sustainable Design:**

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING camarines norte state college


- *Explanation:* Considering the environmental impact is crucial. The goal is to design the device with eco-friendly materials, minimal waste generation, and
adherence to sustainable manufacturing practices. This ensures that the device aligns with broader environmental goals.

2. Name at least three (3) specific goals for the solution of the problem statement your group is proposing and
briefly explain why.

Since the specific problem statement is not provided, I'll offer three generalized specific goals that can be adapted based on the context of your group's proposal:

1. **Implement Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis:**

- *Explanation:* If the problem involves a system or process, implementing real-time monitoring and analysis can be crucial. This goal ensures that your
solution provides continuous, up-to-date insights into relevant metrics. Real-time monitoring allows for quick detection of issues, prompt decision-making, and
the ability to adapt to changing conditions swiftly.

2. **Enhance Data Security and Privacy Measures:**

- *Explanation:* In an era where data breaches and privacy concerns are prevalent, enhancing data security and privacy measures is often a specific and critical
goal. This involves implementing robust encryption, access controls, and compliance with relevant regulations. Addressing these aspects not only protects
sensitive information but also builds trust among users and stakeholders.

3. **Optimize Resource Allocation and Utilization:**

- *Explanation:* Efficient resource management is a common goal for many problem-solving scenarios. Whether dealing with financial resources, human
capital, or physical assets, the aim is to optimize their allocation and utilization. This goal ensures that resources are used effectively, minimizing waste and
maximizing the overall efficiency of the solution.

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING camarines norte state college

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