(C) Aircraft Basic Science, 7th Ed. (1993) Kroes, James (0028018141) - 29

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rl i \| SS FIGURE 1-19 Calculating the area of an equilateral cringe. a= teva = £X 6X 6x 1.732 = 15.6 in? Figure 1-20 illustrates the derivation of a formula for the area of a parallelogram. The parallelogram ABCD is di- vided with a diagonal from B to C. As with the rectangle in Figure I-18a; we have created two equal triangles. Each tri- angle has a base equal to the base dimension of the paralle|- fogram, and a height also equal to the height of the parallelogram. By visual inspection it can be seen that the area of parallelogram ABCD is equal to two times the area of triangle BCD. The formula for the area of the triangle is yh The area of a parallelogram can be found by mul- tiplying the base times the height. To demonstrate this for- mula, find the area of the parallelogram in Figure 1-20. A= bh = 16 10 = 160 in? Care should be taken that the height is measured with a line that is perpendicular to the base and not by the length of an end, Figure 1-21 illustrates @ method for caloulating the area of a trapezoid. Trapezoid ABCD has height h, base | equals line AB, and base 2 equals line CD. From point B extend line AB a length equal to line CD to point 8. From point D extend line CD length equal to line AB to point D’. Con- nect point 8” and point D’. Line AB’ = AB + CD. Line CD’ = CD + AB. Thus line AB’ = CD’. A parallelogram has been created, Further visual inspection of the figure will show that ABCD and BB'CC’ are equal in area. The area of ABCD would then be half of the area encompassed by AB'CD'. The formula for the area of a trapezoid is one- half ofthe sum of base | plus base 2 times the height. This can be expressed in a formula as A = 4 (b1-+52)h ‘To demonstrate this formula, find the area of the trape- zoid in Figure 1-21 bl=3 b2=2 h=135 A= {1 + bt EX GHIXIS 75 in? The area of anieregular polyyon can be found by dividing it nto shapes such as triangles or rectangles. Figure t=[0aon page 17 shows a pentagon divided into three triangles. Using trigonometry itis possible 10 calculate the te tiangle. The sum of the a pentagon, a of sas would be the area of the 20 Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Mathematics 2 ] Le fi | aay FIGURE 1-20 Calculating the area of parallelogram. Volume. Volume requires that an object have length, breadth, and depth. Volume is expressed in units of cubic inches (in') or cubic centimeters (cm?). The volume of a rectangular solid is equal to the product of the height, length, and width: V = hi (sce Figure 1-22), A solid cube has equal edge dimensions; thus the volume of a cube will equal the cube of one dimension, or V = 13 ‘The volume of a cylinder is equal to the product of its cross-sectional area and its height (V = Ak or V = rh), The volume of a cone or a pyramid is equal to one third the prod- Uuct of the area of the base and the altitude (V = arrr'/3). The correct way to measure altitude a is shown in Figure {23a ‘The volume of a sphere is equal to the product of one-third times 4 pi and the cube of the radius (V = 7/3) Surface Area. It is occasionally necessary to calculate the surface area of an object. For an item which has sucfaces ‘made up of circles or polygons itis a simple matter of find- ing the sum of the individual surfaces. The surtace area of a cylinder may be found by multiplying the circumference by the height. This would give the surface area of a cylinder that had no ends. Ifthe ends are to be included, they can be calcu lated as the area of a circle and added to the other answer. ‘The surface area of a cone, called the lateral area, is equal to one-half the product of its slant height and the cit- cumference of the base [A = (si X c/2)}, Figure 1-23 shows the correct way to measure slant height (sl). Lateral area FIGURE 1-21 Calculating the area of a trapezoid V > hu FIGURE 1-22 Volume of a rectangular sol.

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