Essay On The Korean War

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“The main reason for the Korean War was the

Domino Theory'” How far do you agree with

statement. (16 marks)
Before you read, I forgot to take home my History book so I had to use the
knowledge I acquired from that lesson. The structure may not be correct so
sorry in advances!

 One argument in favour of this statement was the Domino theory.

The Domino Theory is the theory that one country’s political stance
can affect other countries political stance. This is significant and
evident when Russia and China formed a alliance and China’s CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) grew and eventually making the whole of
China communist which intern influenced North Korea’s political
ideology. The arms race is an example of this. This Arms race was
when Russia and the USA turned manufacturing artillery and weapons
into a competition, supplying goods to their allies. Russia provided
weapons to North Korea and China while the USA supplied poorer
European countries with money and resources (the Marshall plan).
Berlin Blockade is an example of this when West Berlin was blockaded
and invaded by the USSR and the USA provided support. Therefore, by
supplying goods to neighbouring and allied countries would influence
the political ideology of that country and would be influenced by the
supplier. This explains why the main reason for the Korean War was
the Domino Theory.

 An argument is disfavour of this statement would be the fear of

communism. During the 1930s-1940s a growing fear of communism
was growing as the USA watched the USSR invade and influence other
countries, and how rapid and quick the communist ideology was
spreading across the globe, leading the USA to publicly criticise
communism and its principles. President Truman created the Truman
Doctrine which pledged to contain communism and that Capitalists and
Communists couldn’t coincide peacefully and that communists were the darkness
of the world, while Capitalist were the light of the world. This intern, scared
people and gave them a negative outlook on Communism, angering Communists
thus causing growing tension to arise. One example of this was when newly
Communist China wasn’t allowed to join the UN making the USSR storm out and
offer full support of China’s new political stance. Because of the widespread
Communist ideology and the fear of Communism many counties turned against
the Communist countries like the USSR and allied themselves with the USA
which caused greater divide and tension which would lead to a War that would
divide a county into half and divide people on political ideology. Therefore, by
spreading hate about another country causes a War.

 In conclusion, the Domino Theory was the main reason for the Korean
War (25 Jun 1950 – 27 Jul 1953). If not for the growing tension and
fear of Communism thanks to the Arms race then the Korean War
wouldn’t of happened or wouldn’t of happened the way it did. This
consequently caused the deaths of soldiers and civilians and caused
great divide in the world because of these two very conflicting
political ideologies. However, the fear of communism could be argued
because of the Truman Doctrine and the exclusion of the newly
Communist China from the UN. However, this is just one event and
the Domino Theory has more reliability because of the Arms race and
Marshall plan.

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