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PROGRAM: B.Eng (civil engineering)

1. Course Code CIVL4046

2. Course Title Fluid Mechanics
3. Credits 3
4. Pre-requisite Course(s) Basic Mechanics (CIVL3216) or Statics (CIVL3011)
5. Co-requisite Course(s) None
6. Equivalent Course(s) MEIE4141
7. Incompatible Course(s) None
8. Course Category University Requirement University Elective
College Requirement College Elective
Department Requirement Department Elective
Specialization Requirement Specialization Elective
Other (specify):
9. Course Owner College: Eng. Department: Civil
10. Course Type Lecture Lecture/Lab
Lecture/Seminar Lecture/Studio
Lecture/Tutorial Lecture/Lab/Tutorial or Seminar
Tutorial Laboratory (Practical)
Field or Work Placement Studio
Seminar Internship
Workshop Project
11. Language of Instruction English
12. Course Description
This basic course provides the student with a working knowledge of the fundamental principles governing fluid mechanics
and fluid flow. Lectures cover the properties of fluids, fluid statics, basic flow concepts, similitude, dimensional analysis,
ideal fluid flow and fluid measurements. These lectures are supplemented by laboratory studies.
13. Teaching/Learning Strategies
A) Lecture Notes: Extensive handout material, notes, articles, and other references will be given during this course.
b) Exercises based on sample problems
c) Assigned homework problems
d) Experiments and projects to cover practical aspects
14. Assessment Components and Weight [%]
Quizzes 10 Practical 15 Other (specify): 10 (Active learning
1 and 2)
Homework assignments Project
In-term examination(s) 25 Final examination 40
15. Grading Method
A-F Scale Pass/Not passed
16. Textbook(s) and Supplemental Material
Engineering Fluid Mechanics by Crowe, Elger, Williams and Roberson, 9th Ed., John Wiley, 2010.
Supplemental Materials:
1) Fluid Mechanics- Fundamentals and Applications by Cengel and Cimbala, 1st Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2006
2) Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Munson, Young and Okiishi, 2nd Ed., 1990.

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17. Matching Course Objectives with Program Outcomes and SQU Graduate Attributes
SQU Graduate Attributes
A. SQU graduates should be able to: B. SQU graduates possess C. SQU graduates should
1. apply the knowledge and skills 1. interpersonal communication skills and relish good citizenship
relevant to the specialization alignment with culture of international qualities, be conscious of
2. communicate effectively and use labour market to assist them in practical their national identity
information and communication life and in living successfully and be socially
technologies 2. skills and motivation for independent responsible, engage in
3. critically analyze complex learning and engagement in lifelong community affairs and
information and present it in simple learning and research be mindful of
clear manner 3. work ethics and positive values, and contemporary issues.
intellectual independence and autonomy
4. teamwork skills and display potential
leadership qualities

# Intended Student Learning Outcome Relevant Program Outcome(s) Applicable

/Course Learning Objective Attribute(s)
An ability to Estimate various fluid properties from An ability to identify, formulate, and solve A1
available equations and measure them in the complex engineering problems by applying
laboratory principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics. [ABET-1]
An ability to Calculate and measure of hydrostatic An ability to identify, formulate, and solve A1, A2, A3,
forces on plane and curved surfaces. complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics. [ABET-1, 2, 3, 6]
Ability to analyze the application of Reynolds An ability to identify, formulate, and solve A1
transport theorem to fluid flow phenomena complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics. [ABET-1]
Application of continuity equation to steady and An ability to identify, formulate, and solve A1
unsteady flow phenomena complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics. [ABET-1]
Analysis of steady pipe flow using Bernoulli's An ability to identify, formulate, and solve A1, A2, A3
equation complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics. [ABET-1, 2, 3, 6]]
Determination of forces acting in a flowing fluid An ability to identify, formulate, and solve A1, A2, A3
using momentum equation complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics. [ABET-1, 2, 3, 6]]
Calculation of the energy in a flowing fluid An ability to identify, formulate, and solve A1, A2, A3
complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics. [ABET-1, 2, 3, 6]]
Calculation of discharge carrying capacity and An ability to identify, formulate, and solve A1, A2, A3
friction loss in the conduits under laminar and complex engineering problems by applying
turbulent flow conditions. principles of engineering, science, and
mathematics. [ABET-1, 2, 3, 6]]

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16. Student Responsibilities

It is the student’s responsibility to know and comply with all University Academic Regulations relevant to participation in
this course. These regulations specifically include attendance requirement and students` academic code of conduct.
For attendance, it is the student’s responsibility to be punctual and to attend all classes.
Students are expected to perform their work with honesty and avoid any academic misconduct, which is defined as the use
of any dishonest or deceitful means to gain some academic advantage or benefit. This can take many forms, including but
not limited to, the following: copying, plagiarism, collusion and forging documents. For full details, please refer to the
Undergraduate Academic Regulations and to the Student Academic Misconduct Policy.
Additionally, this course requires that you:

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Course Code CIVL4046 Course Title Fluid Mechanics
Semester/ Year Spring/2024 Section(s) 10+20
Day, Time, and Place Monday, 12:00 - 13:50 Wednesday, 12:00-13:50 (section 10)
Monday, 16:15-18:05 Wednesday, 16:15-18:05 (section 20)
Course Coordinator Dr. Talal Etri
Office Location 2037 Office Hours Monday 11:00 to 12:00
Wednesday 11:00 to 12:00
Office Tel. Ext. 2543 Email

Tentative Schedule
Week Lecture # Topic/Material to be covered Assessment
1 Lecture 1 Introduction / Properties of Fluid
2 Lecture 2 Fluid Properties / Ideal gas law, Newton's law of Viscosity
3 Lecture 3 Fluid Properties / Surface tension, Vapor pressure
4 Lecture 3 Fluid statics / Pascal's law, Hydrostatic equation Experiment 1
5 Lecture 4 Fluid statics / Forces on plane and curve surfaces Active learning 1
6 Lecture 5 Fluid statics / Archimedes Principle, Stability of Immersed and Floating Quiz 1
7 Lecture 6 Flowing fluids and pressure variation / Acceleration, Euler’s equation Experiment 2
8 Lecture 7 Flowing fluids and pressure variation / Bernoulli equation Mid-term
9 Lecture 8 Control volume approach and continuity equation / Discharge, Reynolds
transport theorem,Continuity equation
10 Lecture 8 Momentum equation / Newton’s Second Law, Momentum equation Experiment 3
11 Lecture 9 Momentum equation / Newton’s Second Law, Momentum equation
12 Lecture Energy equation / Energy equation, Power equation Quiz 2
13 Lecture Energy equation / Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) and Energy Grade Line (EGL) Experiment 4
14 Lecture Flow in Conduits / Laminar and Turbulent Flows Active learning 2
15 Lecture Flow in Conduits / Pipe head loss, Moody diagram

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Day, Time, Location
Section Instructor Email Office Hours
and Place and

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1) The quizzes, and the midterm exams will be held on Wednesday for both sections 10+20. Schedule is subject to change.
2) Any changes will be announced during the semester.
3) The attendance will be taken at the beginning of each leacture.
4) A tentative grading key will be given as below. It will help you to guess your grade:
Grade From Grade weight
A Above 90 4
A- Above 86 3.7
B+ Above 82 3.3
B Above 78 3
B- Above 75 2.7
C+ Above 70 2.3
C Above 65 2
C- Above 60 1.7
D+ Above 55 1.3
D Above 50 1
F Below 50 0

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