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Republic of the Philippines

Holy Cross College

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Equal Employment and Workplace Diversity: Its Impacts Towards the Productivity
of Employees

A Business Research

Presented to the Faculty of the College of Business Studies at the

Holy Cross College

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management


Agusto, Philip Josh B.

Bucad, Hilwin M.

Galang, Lorence C.

Gueco, Liam G.

Mangune, Hanna Shane M.

Pangilinan, Frances C.
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga


This business research proposal titled “EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND

PRODUCTIVITY OF EMPLOYEE” prepared and submitted by Mr. Philip
Josh B. Agusto, Mr.Hilwin M. Bucad, Mr. Lorence C. Galang, Mr. Liam G.
Gueco, Ms. Hanna Shane M. Mangune and Ms. Frances C. Pangilinan in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Business Administration
major in Marketing Management has been submitted and hereby recommended
for acceptance and approval for Oral Examination.


Adviser ResearchInstructor


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of PASSED on


Member Member


Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration


Program Chair
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga


Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………

Review of Related Literature …………………………………………………..

Significance of the Study .…………………………………………………….

Research Framework ………………………………………………………….

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………..

Hypothesis of the Study ………………………..……………………………..

Definition of the Study ………………………………………………………..

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………….

Scope and Delimitation of the Study ………………………...………………..

Chapter 2: Methodology of the Study

Methods and Technique of the Study ………………………………………

Respondents of the Study …………………….……………………………...

Instruments of the Study …………...………….……………………………...

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Data Collection Procedure …………………………………………………...

Data Analysis and Statistical Treatment ……………………………………...

Ethical Consideration …………………………………………………………


Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga



Productivity refers to the knowledge, skills, abilities, and capabilities of a

person. It is integral in any field of endeavor that productivity must be evident in

every employee or worker. On the idea that productivity is vital and imperative, once

a certain individual is engaged in any work or job, that certain worker must be

productive, must show enthusiasm, willingness, determination, eagerness, and


A productive working environment must be conducive, appropriate, healthy,

and diverse. A productive working environment must show all the components

mentioned above for every employee to work freely and happily, for the employees to

have a healthy and safe working environment that is beneficial not only for the

employees but for the customers, business, and company. Furthermore, a company

must be diverse and must accept all walks of life such as age, gender, religion,

practices, academic background, and all other demographics that must be considered.

On the other hand, there should also be an equal employment towards all

employees. Such as salary increase, bonuses, incentives, promotion, service credit and

leave, and other benefits that are stipulated in the Labor Code. Furthermore, there

must also be an equal employment in terms of treating the employees in a respectful

and appropriate manner. Employees are entitled to equal employment because the
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

employees are protected by the law and are entitled also to equal treatment,

opportunities, and perks of a worker or employee. Furthermore, equal employment

refers also to the rights given to all applicants of a certain job. All recruiters,

employers, businesses, and other similar individuals, should not be bias in accepting

and checking applicants. There must be an equal employment. As mentioned above

--- age, gender, religion, color, academic background --- should not be an issue

whether to accept or not a certain job seeker or applicant.

There are lots of employers in this modern day that are very critical when it

comes to the application process. Some are even having a background check of the

applicant such as criminal records, academic background, employment history --- if

there is any --- and are having communication with the contact reference of the

applicants. This idea is very skeptical on the knowledge and understanding of the

applicants. Because employers focus merely on what lies behind a specific applicant

and not on the things that an applicant can offer in the company.

Workplace diversity and equal employment are beneficial to both the employers

and employees/applicants. But in this day and age, it is detrimental. Because of the

norm in the society, because of the stereotyping that connotates the idea of many, the

understanding, the beliefs of many, it sets a barrier and criteria which is very

impossible to achieve considering the fact that not all people are of the same level in

terms of academic achievement, socio-economic status, and other societal factors.

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Cultural differences are experienced as essential, natural, and gratified enabling

the association to enjoy diversity. Diversity in population and factory is necessary fact

and no director can go to ignore it in the organizational life. Organization always

strives to attain and maintain swish mortal gift. individualities enter in the association

with unique characteristics and they perceived the world through these different

attributes. These demographic changes present a new set of challenges for the

operation particularly in public sector associations. In case association ignores the

operation of factory diversity, it will count trust, collaborative understanding, co-

operation and respect amongst workers which negatively affect workers’


Workplace diversity and equal employment affects the productivity of a certain

employee. If an employee is treated well and properly, if the employees are enjoying

the perks that a certain employee should enjoy or should have, then, the employees

will be productive because working in a safe and conducive environment, an

environment that is diverse, that shows equity and equality, then, employees will be

more productive and progressive.

On the other hand, if employees are not given equal employment privileges, are

not provided with a diverse working environment, are not treated properly, are very

suffocated with the workplace that the employees are currently in, are being deprived

with the things that the employees should have such as perks and benefits, then,

employees will not work productively, will not exert extra miles of effort, and will not
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

waste time in spending hours working for a company which shows no diversity, and

will not spend even a single drop of sweat for a company which is very unfair in

terms of treating employees.

Strikes and go slows have been witnessed in most of the counties since their

inception. Alande (2015) has pointed out the case of increasing client complaints

being experienced in almost all counties mainly because of poor service delivery. In

Laikipia County, there has been a hue and cry over the quality of services ranging

from poor garbage and solid waste management, pollution, water shortages and poor

roads among others. The main reason cited is poor service delivery by the employees.

His is nothing other than poor performance meaning that the employee productivity is

very low. This has challenged the researcher to examine the factors that influences the

employee performance in Laikipia County. Understanding such factors could enable

the county raise the employee’s performance so as to provide satisfactory services and

in a better way

An organization's success mostly depends on the employees. The level of

employee performance determines the level of organizational success in any industry.

Chebet, (2015) argues that exploring and understanding those factors that affect the

employee performance and hence productivity is of major concern in every Economy

worldwide. A study by Coole in 2019 found that productivity level in 2019 in sub-

Saharan Africa economies have been reported as having the lowest level of

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

These factors, these ideas, and others that are vital and imperative in the study

will be checked and considered by the researchers. Furthermore, the researchers will

also check both the positive and negative impacts of equal employment and

workplace diversity towards the productivity of employees. It is very important to

check both the positive and negative impacts of a certain variable to another variable

to check the validity and reliability of a research study and to provide information to

the readers regarding the focal point of the study.

The objective of the study is to know the impacts --- positive and negative --- of

workplace diversity and equal employment towards the productivity of employees

specially the workers in Sta. Ana, Pampanga.

Additionally, the goal of this study is not only to provide knowledge to the

readers but to give information to both employees and employers regarding the things

and factors which affect the productivity of the employees and the factors which

might affect the employer and the business itself if workplace diversity and equal

employment is not evident and is not existing.

Furthermore, this study will also be an avenue for the employees to know the

things that are beneficial on the productivity that the employees are showing or

portraying towards a certain company. It will also show on how impactful workplace

diversity and equal employment is. It is very important to check these variables to

make sure that all ideas and information are well presented.
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga


Workplace Diversity

Subhash C. Kundu, Jahanvi Bansal, ArchanaMor, MukeshPruthic(2019), in this

study the investigate the differences between employees across gender and categories

towards workforce satisfaction in Indian public sector organization (i.e., Bharat

Sanchar Nigam Limited).At the end of the study the investigator find out the efforts of

employees to promote diversity to create opportunities to employees were more by

female employees and valued least by general category employees in compared with

males and other categories respectively.

Sreelatha R. Rao, Dr. M. M. Bagali (2019), this paper examines the acceptance

of gender diversity among employees and how the impact of diversity management

programs and practices Research Article Volume 9 Issue No.4 International Journal

of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2019 21238 has taken

by different IT companies, and also investigates influence of obstacles present in IT

industry. The population for the study consists of employees from Information

Technology firms situated at Bangalore. With the help of focus group interview and

discussions with HR managers of reputed companies, questionnaire was developed by

the researcher. The study was conducted by the responses of 100 employees. The
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

developed tool was found to be reliable by getting Cranach’s alpha values for the

variables structured in questionnaire.

Namita Rajput, Preeti Marwah, RituBalli , and Monika Gupta (2019), the

objective of this exploratory study is to examine the comparison of work values for

gaining of knowledge for management of the multi-Generation workforce for

increasing intergenerational perceptive, morale and improve efficiency. The word

multi generation workforce includes individuals born around the same time who share

distinctive social or historical life events during critical developmental periods.

Priscilla Dike (2019), the subject matter of this paper is geographic point

diversity. The study is conducted to explore however corporations manage personnel

diversity and its consequences to the company’s existence further as examine

however companies traumatize challenges that comes with employees from diverse

cultural backgrounds. The analysis thus answers the question `Has geographic point

diversity contributed to structure success`. Because diversity covers a wide range of

human attributes and qualities, the research is limited to the required tools for

managing workplace diversity, advantages and disadvantages of managing a diverse

workforce. Five corporations in Finland and African country are studied so as to

accumulate answers to the question that's being centered on. In the conclusion, the

findings of the thesis were indicated, that states that geographic point diversity has

contributed to a lot of productivity however some factors like differential treatment

may hinder its successful implementation and hence company success. Big
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

corporations a lot of dependent on diversifying their personnel and see its

implementation as a norm and unceasingly attempt to boost diversity management,

whereas little corporations see it as a selection and avertable once they feel it a burden

or cannot effectively manage it.

Sona George, Anju K J (2019), job satisfaction is one in all the necessary factors

that have drawn attention of managers within the organization in addition as

academicians. Various studies are conducted to search out the factors that verify job

satisfaction and therefore the manner it influences productivity within the

organization. Though there is no conclusive evidence that job satisfaction affects

productivity directly since productivity depends on so many variables, it is still a

prime concern for managers. Job satisfaction is that the mental feeling of

advantageousness that a private has regarding his job. It is usually same that “A happy

worker could be a productive worker.” Job satisfaction is extremely necessary as a

result of most of the individuals pay a serious portion of their life at their working

place. Moreover, job satisfaction has its impact on the final lifetime of the staff

additionally, because a satisfied employee is a contented and happy human being. An

extremely happy employee has higher physical and mental well-being. The study tries

to judge however human resource factors have an effect on the satisfaction level of

staff in BPCL – Kochi plant restricted. It assesses however so much welfare and

money factors encourage the staff within the company. The study additionally makes
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

an attempt to research the opinion of staff towards the operating life within the


Mrs. Shweta Rajput, Mr. Mayank Shinghal, Mr. Shivkant Tiwari (2019), job

satisfaction and worker loyalty represents one in every of the foremost key challenges

faces by the managers these days once it involves managing their workers. Employees

are the most valuable resources for all organizations; the longer an employee works

for a company the more valuable it becomes. Many researchers are conducted in

numerous sectors to demonstrate the impact of job satisfaction on worker loyalty.

Employee loyalty is all regarding workers being committed for the success of the

organization with a robust belief that operating thereupon explicit organization is their

beat possibility. The aim of the study was to search out the impact of job satisfaction

on worker loyalty just in case of academicians. This study also finds out various

factors underlying job satisfaction and employee loyalty. To achieve the aim of the

study form survey was used. The result shows that there is no impact of job

satisfaction on employee’s loyalty in case of academicians.

SashikantaKhuntia, Subhodip Adhikary (2019), teachers are introspective,

cooperative, directive and expressive. Education is flourishing once there's presence

of a good teacher. An effective syllabus and best curriculum became ineffective if

there is absent of an effective teacher. The quality of teaching depends not only on the

knowledge of the teacher but also how he/she is comfortable with the profession.

There are various external factors which are responsible for the comfortless. At
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

present being the storyteller of social and economic development academics don't

seem to be glad. As a result of which the profession is running with lack of talent

pool. In this research study it is emphasized on the different dimensions of job

satisfaction, impact of different dimensions over the level of job satisfaction of

management college teachers and their level of performance.

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Dr. Mini Jain (2019), happy staff are productive staff

and productive staff are doubtless to be happy. Employee job satisfaction is incredibly

necessary to face the dynamic and ever-increasing challenges of maintaining

productivity of the organization by keeping their men perpetually engaged and

actuated. Many studies have incontestable an extraordinarily massive impact on the

work satisfaction on the motivation of staff, whereas the extent of motivation has an

impression on productivity, and hence also on performance of business organizations.

Dr. LalitaMishra (2019), employee satisfaction is a factor in motivation,

retention and goal achievement in the place of work and commitment is a factor that

includes no excess work load, treating employee with respect, offer recognition &

rewards, fringe benefits and positive management. The purpose of the analysis paper

is to review the worker satisfaction and structure commitment and to look at the

satisfaction level of teaching and non-teaching workers and its impact on


Benuwa, B., Odompley, J., Ghansah, B. (2019), with the world that is changing

or revolving constantly, diversity management has become a popular term used in

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

modern society and management practice. Many organizations around the world have

developed policies that aim to promote and manage diversity. Diversity management

refers to the voluntary organizational actions that are designed to create greater

inclusion of employees from various backgrounds into the formal and informal

organizational structures through deliberate policies and programs.

Ahmad, S., & Rahman, F. (2019), cultural differences are experienced as

essential, natural, and joyful enabling the organization to enjoy diversity. Diversity in

population and workplace is unavoidable fact and no manager can afford to ignore it

in the organizational life. Organization always strives to attain and maintain best

human talent. Individuals enter in the organization with unique characteristics and

they perceived the world through these diverse attributes. Demographic composition

of the Pakistan’s population is dramatically changed in last two decades. Rural

population migrated to urban sites in search of job. They belong to different socio-

cultural back ground. These demographic changes present a new set of challenges for

the management particularly in public sector organizations. In case organization

ignores the management of workplace diversity, it will eliminate trust, mutual

understanding, co-operation and respect amongst employees which adversely affect

employees’ performance.

Farnsworth, D., et. al (2020), the world's increasing globalization requires more

interaction among people from diverse backgrounds. People no longer live and work

in an insular environment; they are now part of a worldwide economy competing

Republic of the Philippines
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

within a global framework. For this reason, profit and nonprofit organizations need to

become more diversified to remain competitive. Maximizing and capitalizing on

workplace diversity is an important issue for management.

Supervisors and managers need to recognize the ways in which the workplace is

changing and evolving. Managing diversity is a significant organizational challenge,

so managerial skills must adapt to accommodate a multicultural work environment.

Local Related Literatures

Martines, y., et. al (2021), the success of any organization depends on the

employees or workforce of an organization because they carry out the operations

of the organization. The word ‘diversity ‘means the range of human differences

including, but are not limited to age, race, gender, abilities, education, disabilities,

culture, and religion. Over the last few years, it was getting clearer that organizations

proceeded to pursue workforce diversity as a competitive necessity and recognized

and utilized it as one of the most important factors. Any business that intends to be

successful must have a great view and commitment to ensure that workforce diversity

is part of their day-to-day business operations. Workforce diversity can present

major challenges as well as opportunities to the organization. If

organizations could manage these differences of employees, they would be much

more effective.
Republic of the Philippines
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Magsanoc, M. (2022), in a world driven apart by politics, religion, gender, and

education, there is a growing importance for recognizing and implementing diversity

and inclusion in the workplace. Diversity is no longer assessed just by age, gender, or

race, but its scope has expanded to include different religions, sexual orientations,

disabilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Cabrera, A. (2019), the Philippines is a country of great diversity. It’s a country

known to have over a hundred dialects and many ethnic groups. Not only those, but

the culture is also very varied because of its archipelagic nature and rich history. So,

while the Philippine office scene may not seem too diverse, it actually is. To help you,

here are some things you ought to know about diversity in Philippines. It’s normal to

have strong bonds between colleagues in the Filipino workplace culture. Still, you

can’t dismiss the fact that despite getting along, these employees are still unique from

each other. Here are the different types of diversity you may encounter (and strive for)

in Philippines.

Ramos, A. (2021), all employees must feel safe and included within their

company. Your workplace should respect all employees’ sexual orientation, age,

beliefs, gender, skills, race, career experience, and cultural background. A company

that fosters an inclusive culture in the workplace can boost the business’s chances of

success through improved employee engagement and productivity.

To promote workplace diversity and create a more welcoming environment,

employees and employers should understand the laws that protect the staff from
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

workplace discrimination. This infographic will be your guide on workplace

discrimination, discrimination laws in the Philippines, and how you can protect


Asio, J. (2021), For operating an organization, several mechanisms play at hand.

These mechanisms contribute to reaching the organization's end goal for itself and its

constituents. This study aims to analyze the working environment, teamwork, and

diversity of employees and its relationship to organizational satisfaction from a local

higher education institution in Central Luzon, Philippines.

Impact of Workforce Diversity on Employee Performance

Diversity has become a fact of life in every modern business and company. It

refers to the differences amongst people inside an organization in terms of educational

background, talents, and job views. It also refers to variations in the demographic,

cultural, and personal aspects of employees at work. Workforce diversity occurs when

members of a group or organization differ in terms of demographic variables

such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, immigration, and education. As a result of

these reasons, the new workforce is far more varied than it was historically.

Furthermore, a variety of reasons, including globalization, an aging population, the

entry of women and minorities into new professions, knowledge-based workers,

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

work-teams, virtual workers, and part-time or contingent employees, have resulted in

a far more diverse workforce (Agrawal, 2016; Adhikari & Shrestha, 2019).

Workforce diversity is an important aspect that influences employee

effectiveness (Khan, 2019). Many businesses, including banks, are now

focusing on workforce diversity management in order to improve employee

performance and raise organizational efficiency. The banking business is expanding at

a fast pace (Shrestha, 2018, 2019). Many problems have arisen as a result of the

banking sector's fast development, such as staff diversity. This is a natural occurrence

that has an impact on organizational productivity both favorably and

adversely, depending on how effectively it is managed. Human resources that are

effective have long been considered as operational excellence is the foundation of a

commercial enterprise since it is not only sparked by a productive human resource,

but it is also a cornerstone of the continuation of the optimal degree of business


Equal Employment

Sadikhov, R. (2021), as markets become ever more globalized and consequently

more diversified, organizations are forced to match the increased requirements of the

global customers. Diversity management concepts propose that diversified workforce

makes the organization more productive, creative, profitable and flexible to rapid

changes in the environment than a homogenous workforce. Concept of diversity in the

organizations may be viewed as differences between individuals on attributes of

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

demographics, informational and functional characteristics, personality aspects,

personal values and beliefs, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, mental and physical

health or abilities. Both academic literature and business practices discuss much the

benefits of diversity for organizational performance, whereas gender diversity is

probably among the most frequently studied topic in this field (about 3.4 mil. results

on Google Scholar as per April 2021). Numerous studies have been conducted to

show that female participation in the higher managerial positions is positively

correlated to the firm’s performance. (Garcia-Sanchez, 2020)

Some gender diversity initiatives have negative perceptions propagating a not

merit based system or basis for negative treatment of a dominant groups. These ideas

are justified to be the natural diversity instilled by the types of occupational roles

between women and men (Fine, 2019).

As of late, the world has seen an unparalleled improvement in workforce

compositions due to the increased involvement of Black, Asian, and Minority

Ethnics (BAME+) individuals in the labor force. Although the proportion of

BAME+ staff may vary significantly amongst different institutions, their confinement

to lower-level positions is almost certain (Roberts and Mayo, 2019).

The general perception would be that employees’ talent and determination play

a huge role in the opportunities received to climb the corporate ladder. However, there

is no denying the impact that leaders have on the decision-making processes

regarding the selection of talented employees that are deem fit to develop and
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

progress in their careers (Bean, 2017). Thus, the objective of this paper is to evaluate

and discuss the possibilities of culture and climate being the causes that act as

hindrance to the career progression of staff in a firm and provide recommendations on

ways companies can create equal opportunities for the development and progression

of their staff.

Ali, A., Yosuf, S., & Ali, K. (2019), Based on the changes that have taken place

in the world in the past and present, and which led to the increase of competition

among organizations in all their forms, sizes and orientations. These organizations

were forced to work to find the appropriate mechanisms to improve the level

of performance among employees by focusing on the human element as corner

stone for transforming assets from recession to vitality and competition, Equal

opportunities within the mechanisms used to improve the performance of employees

to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization. In this context, organizations in

developing countries need to work to provide the appropriate environment for

providing opportunities for all employees in the workplace and trying to avoid and

reducing obstacles and discrimination in terms of origin, sex, etc., Moreover,

improving the capabilities and skills of their employees to improve the level of

service that provided by the organization.

Gargelwar, R. (2020), based on the changes that have occurred in the world in

the past and present, which have resulted in an increase in competition among

organizations of all shapes, sizes, and orientations. These organizations were forced to
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

work to find the appropriate mechanisms to improve employee performance by

focusing on the human element as the cornerstone for transforming assets from

recession to vitality and competition, Equal opportunities within the mechanisms used

to improve employee performance to achieve the organization's strategic objectives.

In this context, organizations in developing countries must work to create an

appropriate environment for providing opportunities for all employees in the

workplace, as well as to avoid and reduce obstacles and discrimination based on

origin, gender, and so on. They must also work to improve the capabilities and skills

of their employees in order to improve the level of service provided by the


Durga (2017) defined “performance as the act of executing a task or an

accomplishment or achievement. He adds that employee performance is how well an

employee is effectively fulfilling his/ her job requirement or discharging his/ her

duties so as to achieve good results.”

As a matter of fact, equality of opportunity assumes that it is unfair if factors

beyond the control of an individual significantly shape a person’s chances in life.

Formal equality of opportunity can be justified as an enhancement of individual life

chances as well as a means for maximizing the well-being of society. Proponents of

equality of opportunity associate it with a meritocratic system in which the most

talented and ambitious are the most rewarded regardless of socioeconomic

background moreover, those qualified and talented person the only persons who have
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

ability to make positive change in their society and their workplace alike. (Ferreira,

Molinas Barros, 2018)

While most female employees in Azerbaijan experience an effect of glass

ceilings during their career development, gender stereotypes are deeply rooted in their

life also beyond professional scene. Gender bias in the whole society imply that

women do not seek stereotypically male careers and hence pursue career paths, which

do not require leadership skills (Galvankova, 2017).

According to Accenture 2018 white paper on accessibility, companies that have

succeeded incorporating disabled candidates have seen 28% higher revenue. Other

positive aspects were reduced turnover and lower recruiting costs. Disabled people

offer unique talent and skill sets, that should be taken into account when searching

talented employees. (Stadler 2019.)

The Guardian article suggests that women, who accept the offer to mainly work

from home, may damage their future careers. Working mothers might be missing out

those spontaneous in-office conversations about career and career development, that

may lead to promotions. Men often work full time in the office, so for them the risks

to damage their careers are smaller. (Partridge 2021.)

As mentioned by National Equal Opportunities Network (2021):Equal

employment opportunities (EEO) have two components: a positive duty to

promote diversity at work; and preventing discrimination. Despite some major

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

success stories, inequalities remain and appear to be entrenched. In particular,

vulnerable groups such as women, Pacific peoples, other ethnic minorities and

persons with disabilities have not yet achieved equality in the workforce. Both young

people and older people experience discrimination and lack of opportunities in the

workplace. The resolution of individual discrimination cases can only play a small

part in addressing systemic inequalities. Promoting equal pay. This includes

improving the effectiveness of equal pay legislation and legislating in favor of equal

pay for work of equal value (pay equity). Most developed nations, including the UK,

Australia and some provinces of Canada, now have pay equity legislation. Fairness,

special treatment and positive action. Not all equal treatment is fair, and not all

unequal treatment is unfair. Fair treatment can include special measures to overcome

a disadvantage. In New Zealand special measures (positive action) are permissible

under the Human Rights Act if persons or groups need assistance or advancement in

order to achieve an equal place with other members of the community. Under the

current UK legislation, all employers may choose to preferentially appoint or promote

target group members who are equally qualified if this increases diversity at work.

Special treatment of disabled people and pregnant women to help them improve their

work performance is not ruled to be discriminatory. Equality at work for target

groups and for all. Whilst still protecting the target groups from discrimination, there

is also a move in the UK towards ‘equality for all’. For example, men are explicitly

entitled to equal opportunities at work and equal rights in negotiating flexible

working. Similar moves have been strongly recommended for Australia.

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Transparency about pay and opportunities. Lack of transparency about pay and

criteria for progression makes equality and anti-discrimination difficult. There are

now international moves towards greater transparency about pay and prospects.

Changes in the organization of work. The labor force has changed considerably in

the past 40 years. Increasingly, employees want flexible work. Some unpaid carers

can now request flexibility in their paid job. However, other groups of workers

including fathers, younger employees and older workers may wish to work flexibly.

The extension to all employees of the right to request flexible work is being

considered in New Zealand. Under new UK legislation, flexible work can be

requested by all employees. There are recommendations in Australia that eligibility to

request flexible work be extended.

As mentioned by Ali, A., et. al (2019), Based on the changes that have taken

place in the world in the past and present, and which led to the increase of

competition among organizations in all their forms, sizes and orientations. These

organizations were forced to work to find the appropriate mechanisms to improve the

level of performance among employees by focusing on the human element as corner

stone for transforming assets from recession to vitality and competition, Equal

opportunities within the mechanisms used to improve the performance of employees

to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization. In this context, organizations in

developing countries need to work to provide the appropriate environment for

providing opportunities for all employees in the workplace and trying to avoid and
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

reducing obstacles and discrimination in terms of origin, sex, etc., Moreover,

improving the capabilities and skills of their employees to improve the level of

service that provided by the organization.

Holding family members in the family business itself need dedication and

honesty, as there will be other variables that are often less professional when it comes

to doing business (Mahto, Vora, McDowell, & Khanin, 2020). For some cases, some

family companies elect the company’s leaders, not the family but the company’s non-

family to settle disputes within the company itself, which they need as a different

viewpoint and it may also the cost of paying the chief, and not just because their

family’s reputation is not significantly damaged in terms of publicity.

Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is often defined as the shared values, viewpoints and

beliefs among employees in an organization. Further add that the culture which

exists in a workplace is considered strong if majority of the employees adhere to the

same beliefs in the organization by choice. In short, a culture which aligns

organizational goals to each individual employee’s goal is a strong and successful

culture that will most probably be able to attract better employees (Maseko, 2017).

On the other hand, a weak culture is one whereby majority of the employees in an

organization do not share the same beliefs and values (Odor, 2018). Organizational

culture, as mentioned by Schein (Odor, 2018), can be demonstrated via three layers,
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which are, Observable Artefacts, Espoused Values & Beliefs and Basic Underlying

Assumptions (Kumar and Lim, 2019).

Leadership Climate

Leadership climate refers to the shared processes, perceptions and procedures

regarding policies by means of which leadership is enacted. Since meaning is said to

be attached to the leader-related perceptions with regards to climate, it is safe to

assume that individual members of an organization are subject to the same

leadership environment. As noted by Ostroff, Kinicki and Rabiah (2018), climate

influences the perception of an employee towards its organization due to the

company’s practices which will then affect the employee as well as firm’s

performances (Nansi et al., 2019).

Relationship Between Equal Opportunities and Employee’s Performance

In the last period, there is a great ongoing concern about the increasing effects

of unfairness on workplace among employees and its adverse effects on work

outcomes. Several studies have mentioned the side effect of unfair treatment among

employees in term of training, performance appraisal, selection, and compensation.

The equal opportunities in term of training is highly demanded to acquire new skills

to increase the performance of employees in order achieve organizational (Noe,

Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2017).

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Greatica, A., et. al (2020), equal opportunity and work safety are important

factors in employee motivation that determine a company’s success. However, not all

companies are aware of the importance of the two factors, especially family

businesses. Family businesses worldwide are known to tend to segregate treatment

between family and non-family members.

In Indonesia, equal employment opportunity has also been an issue waiting to

be solved (Susanti & Aan, 2018). According to the Global Gender Gap Report (2020),

the percentage of women being a member of boards of directors in Indonesia

companies is only 3.3%. This represented the rest of the figure throughout the

country, gender composition in Legislative Parliament, in Presidential Ministry, and

many more. However, equal opportunity has not always been about gender

segregation. Racial background, religion, or sometimes political view also become the

reason for some companies or organizations in mapping their existing and/or future

human capital planning.

Taking equal employment opportunities to further extent, it is interesting to see

whether family companies and non-family companies in Indonesia are different in this

sense. In the absence of fairness and justice principles, family companies are often

faced with the tradeoff between emotion and economic performance as stated by

Samara and Arenas (2017). In several cases, family businesses that promote fairness

in their workplace are proven to improve economic performance along with the

satisfaction and commitment from family and non-family members inside the
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company (Pimentel, Pires, & Almeida, 2020). According to Samara and Arenas

(2017), family businesses can significantly benefit from promoting the practice of

fairness in the workplace. However, according to several articles, it has become a

rather common practice for a family business to conduct unfair practices by offering

distinctive treatment to employees that are family members (Samara and Arenas,



After analyzing and understanding all the related literatures and studies anchored

in the study’s objective, the researchers have found out that, workplace diversity and

equal employment is playing a vital role in the lives and productiveness of every

employee. If every employee is treated well and balanced, if every employee is given the

opportunity to grow as a person and as a laborer, then, every employee will be productive

and will grow fonder in the workplace.

Furthermore, the mentioned literatures and studies above shows a deep

connection and relationship towards the study which makes it more valid and reliable.

Also, the literatures and studies provide additional information and ideas to further

elaborate and to further understand the study.


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The significance of the study is a section in the introduction of the thesis or paper. Its

purpose is to make clear why the study was needed and the specific contribution of

the research made to furthering academic knowledge in the field.

The significance of this study is to provide information and knowledge towards

the employees and employers regarding the positive and negative impacts of

workplace diversity and equal employment towards the productivity of the employees

as well as the things that the employers can do or imply which will further improve

and enhance the way on how employers handle and deal with employees.

Furthermore, the following individuals will benefit most from this study:

Employees. This study will provide knowledge to the employees as this will be an

eye-opener to the employees regarding the importance and impact --- positive and

negative --- of workplace diversity and equal employment.

Employer. This study will give an insight and an enlightenment to the employers on

how vital it is to imply and imbued workplace diversity and equal employment

especially on how important it is on the productivity of employees, how helpful and

beneficial it is.

Department of Labor and Employment. This study will be beneficial to the

mentioned government agency for this study will provide them knowledge and ideas

on how to make sure that all employees are treated, if all employees are receiving the

perks and benefits that are allotted for them. Furthermore, this study will give an
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insight to the mentioned agency on how imperative workplace diversity and equal

employment is towards the productivity of the employees.

Future Researchers. This study will give the future researchers further knowledge

and ideas on how to expand such variable --- workplace diversity and equal

employment --- and to further expand and elaborate this study and to not only focus in

the productivity of the employees but on other variables or factors as well.


A theoretical framework is a foundational review of existing theories that serves

as a roadmap for developing the arguments you will use in your own work. Theories

are developed by researchers to explain phenomena, draw connections, and make


This study is anchored to the theory Institutional Theory of Diversity

Management, and Resource Based Theory of Diversity Management by Bairoh. This

theory states that \, there are three different approaches such as practitioner/consultant

approach, the mainstream approach, and critical approach. These three are vital in

managing diversity in any field of endeavor for it will be of great help to make sure

that there is no stereotyping and differences within the members of the team or of any

organization. It also discusses or explains on how each approach is important on the

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incorporation of diversity which can help organizations develop effective strategies to

reach organizational goals and objectives.

On the theory presented by Peragine, V. & Biagi, F. (2019), both proposed the

EOp Theory which states that, A preliminary clarification is needed: the concepts of

equality, equity, justice and fairness are closely related, but they are not all

synonymous. While equity, fairness, and justice implicitly require a definition of what

is equitable, just and fair, and hence rely upon normative criteria defined elsewhere,

the concept of equality refers to the quality of being identical in status, value or

quantity, which does not strictly require any normative criteria. As a consequence,

equity/fairness/justice does not necessarily imply equality. In fact, vertical equity

requires individuals that differ in some relevant characteristic to be treated

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Paradigm of the Study


 The demographic  Construction of  The objective of

profile of the the survey the study is to

respondents be questionnaire know the impacts

described in  Securing a --- positive and

terms of: permission negative --- of

1.1 age; letter workplace

1.2 gender;  Floating of diversity and

1.3 field of job; and survey equal

1.4 months/year of questionnaire employment

working.  Gathering and towards the

collection of productivity of

data employees

 Analysis and specially the

interpretation of workers in Sta.

data thru Ana, Pampanga.


treatment of

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The conceptual framework or paradigm of the study mentioned above shows the

process of the study itself. From understanding which will be the input, to knowing the

process of collecting data, and analyzing the output of the study. The input of the study

will be the statement of the problem. After which, the researchers will then proceed in

gathering all data needed by means of administering survey to the respondents. Lastly,

the researchers will focus on the output of the study which is also its objective.


This study aims to determine the impacts of workplace diversity and equal

employment towards the productivity of employees in Sta. Ana, Pampanga.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following statement:

1. The demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 educational attainment;

1.4 field of job; and

1.5 months/year of working.

2. Workplace diversity of the respondents can be described in terms of:

2.1 religion;

2.2 sexual orientation;

2.3 skin complexion/color;

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2.4 physical abilities; and

2.5 ideologies.

3. Equal employment of the respondents can be described in terms of:

3.1 hiring and recruitment;

3.2 benefits, bonus, and incentives;

3.3 compensation and pay scale;

3.4 promotions and transfers; and

3.5 conditions of employment.

4. The productivity of the respondents can be described in terms of:

4.1 work environment;

4.2 training and career development opportunities;

4.3 employees’ wellness;

4.4 process; and

4.5 pay structure.

5. Is there a significant relationship between workplace diversity and equal

employment towards the productivity of the employees?


The first few paragraphs of a journal article serve to introduce the topic, to

provide the author's hypothesis or thesis, and to indicate why the research was done.

A thesis or hypothesis is not always clearly labeled; you may need to read through the

introductory paragraphs to determine what the authors are proposing.

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H 0 :There is no significant relationship between workplace diversity and equal

employment towards the productivity of the employees.

H 1 : There is a significant relationship between workplace diversity and equal

employment towards the productivity of the employees.


The study's scope and delimitations are the sections where the researchers will

define the broader parameters and boundaries of the research. The scope details are

what the study will explore, such as the target population, extent, or study duration.

Delimitations are factors and variables not included in the study.

Employees who are employed in a company such as fastfood chains,

supermarkets, shopping stores, clothing business, and department stores will serve as

the respondents of the study. The age, gender, field of job, educational attainment,

and months or years of working will be the demographics that will be checked by the

researchers. Furthermore, the impacts of workplace diversity and equal employment

to the productivity of the respondents will be checked and observed. Other variables

aside from productivity are not included in the study nor will be the focus of the

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Equal employment – it means equal opportunities given prior employment, during,

and after employment to every employee

Productivity – it means being productive, resourceful, and enthusiastic within the

workplace. Giving the best while working, providing quality service, and satisfying

not only the customers but also the employers.

Workplace diversity – it means providing a safe and secured working environment

despite the differences in the workplace

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This chapter presents the research methodology that was used in the data

gathering, analysis and presentation of the study. Specifically included in this chapter

are the methods and techniques, population and sample, construction and validation of

instruments and the data processing and statistical treatment applied.


This study is quantitative research which means, all data that will be presented

on this study are stated in numbers, and mathematical figures. Quantitative research is

a type of research wherein, all data are interpreted numerically through the use of a

specific statistical tool.

The researchers will imply the use of Correlation study. The researchers will

show the relationship of the variable on the study which are workplace diversity and

equal employment and employees’ productivity. The relationship between two factors

and if workplace diversity and equal employment really has an impact of productivity

among the employees in Sta. Ana, Pampanga.

As mentioned by Bhandari, P. (2021), A correlational research design

investigates relationships between variables without the researcher controlling or

manipulating any of them. A correlation reflects the strength and/or direction of the
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relationship between two (or more) variables. The direction of a correlation can be

either positive or negative.


The population or so-called respondents of the study are important because the

respondents are responsible for providing answers and information to the researchers

which is vital in the analysis of the results of this study.

The respondents of this study are the employees in Sta. Ana, Pampanga.

Specifically, those who are working in McDonalds, Jollibee, RCS, 3F Family Store,


The researchers chose the employees of the above-mentioned stores,

establishments, and businesses because there are plenty of respondents from the

mentioned stores. And, the respondents on the stores mentioned all underwent an

application and hiring process.

There will be one hundred (100) respondents who will take part in this study.

There will be twenty (20) from each store which will be chosen thru Quota Sampling.

Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling method that relies on the non-

random selection of a predetermined number or proportion of units. This is called a

quota. You first divide the population into mutually exclusive subgroups (called

strata) and then recruit sample units until you reach your quota.
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A research instrument plays a vital role in the data collection procedure.

Without the research instrument, researchers will not be able to collect or gather any

data which the researchers will use to interpret and analyze the results of the study.

The researchers will utilize the use of a survey questionnaire. The researchers

will adopt or use any existing survey questionnaire. Furthermore, the

researchers will imply the use of 5-point Likert Scale in crafting the survey


As stated by McLeod, S. (2018), A questionnaire is a research instrument

consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from

respondents. Questionnaires can be thought of as a kind of written interview. They

can be carried out face to face, by telephone, computer or post. Questionnaires

provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large amounts of

information from a large sample of people.


Data collection procedure is a process where researchers should state the

processes that the researchers have done in collecting or gathering data which the

researchers will be needing in analyzing and interpreting the results of the study.
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First, the researchers will adop a questionnaire that is anchored on the study’s

statement of the problem --- general and specific problems or questions.

After which, the researchers will have the questionnaire validated by a

statistician, and grammarian and have it checked by the research adviser.

Next, the researchers should secure a permission letter to conduct survey among

the respondents.

Lastly, the researchers need to gather all answered questionnaire, collect and

organize all data, interpret, and present all data.

The mention ed step-by-step process above shall be taken by the researchers in

an orderly and organized manner.


This part of the research discusses the data processing technique used by the

researchers in analyzing and interpreting data. While the statistical treatment of

statistical tool is used to compute and solve all the data gathered from the data

collection procedure conducted by the researchers.

The researchers will utilize the use of Pearson-Product Correlation r as the

statistical tool in analyzing and interpreting all the data. The Pearson correlation

coefficient (r) is the most common way of measuring a linear correlation. It is a

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number between –1 and 1 that measures the strength and direction of the relationship

between two variables.

Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation, r

The Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient of Correlation r is an index of

relationship between two variables.

n ∑ xy −∑ x ∑ y
√¿ ¿ ¿


r = the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation

n = sample size

∑ xy =the ∑ of the product of x∧ y

∑ x ∑ y=the product of the ∑ of ∑ x∧the ∑ of ∑ y

∑ x 2=∑ of squares of x

∑ y 2=∑ of squares of y

To convert the value of r into descriptive rating the following interpretation were used:

0.00 to ±0.20 – slight correlation, almost zero relationship

±0.21 to ±0.40 – low correlation, definite but small relationship

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±0.41 to ±0.60 – moderate correlation, substantial relationship

±0.61 to ±0.80 – high correlation, marked relationship

±0.81 to ±1.00 – very high correlation, very dependable relationship


1.00 to 1.79 Strongly Disagree

1.80 to 2.59 Disagree

2.60 to 3.39 Neither Agree nor Disagree

3.40 to 4.19 Agree

4.20 to 5.00 Strongly Agree


Each respondent participating the survey was given informed consent in order to

ensure an ethical and proper study. In the agreement form, the overall nature of the

investigation was disclosed to the respondents. The confidentiality of the data

gathered was assured to the participants. The respondents are well-informed of the

purpose of the study and their rights to withdraw, and they all agreed to participate in

the study. participants were fully informed regarding the objectives of the study,
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while they were assured that their answers were treated as confidential and used

only for academic purposes and only for the purposes of the particular research
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Chapter III

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter discusses all the results gathered from the survey conducted by the

researchers. Furthermore, this chapter also shows the interpretation of all the results

organized by the researchers.

I. Demographic Profile

1. Age

Table 1: Age of the respondents

18 to 25 years old 71 71.00%
26 to 35 years old 25 25.00%
36 to 45 years old 1 1.00%
46 years old and above 3 3.00%
TOTAL 100 100.00%

As shown on the table above, most of the respondents are 18 to 25 years old

which is 71% of the total number of samples. This indicates that, there were no

businesses within Sta. Ana who accepts employees that are minor. There were 25 out of

100 respondents who are on the age group 26 to 35 years old. Only 1 respondent is in the

age group 36 to 45 years old. And, 3 respondents are from 46 years old and above.
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2. Sex

Table 2: Sex of the respondents

MALE 50 50.00%
E 50 50.00%
TOTAL 100 100.00%

As shown on Table 2, there is a balanced and equal distribution when it comes to

the sex of the respondents. Exactly half or 50% of the total sample are male and 50 out of

100 respondents are female. Since sex is the biological identity of a certain individual and

not to be biased nor politically incorrect, the researchers decided to use the work sex

rather than using the term gender.

3. Educational Attainment

Table 3: Educational Attainment of the respondents


High School graduate 30 30.00%
College Undergraduate 31 31.00%
2-year course graduate 12 12.00%
College graduate 11 11.00%
TESDA graduate 16 16.00%
TOTAL 100 100.00%
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As stated above, there were 30 respondents who graduated in high school and did

not pursue any college degree or vocational course because they chose to work right

away. There were 31 who are college undergraduate. Meaning, they were able to attend

college programs but later on, decided to stop because of some issues. 16 respondents are

certificate holders of Technical Education and Systems Development Authority (TESDA)

or graduates of vocational courses --- 3 to 6 months short-term course. 11 are college

graduates. And the 11 respondents are associate courses graduates or 2-year courses.

4. Field of job

Table 4: Field of job of the respondents


Supermarket 40 40.00%
Department store 20 20.00%
Fast Food 40 40.00%
TOTAL 100 100.00%

As mentioned on the table above, most of the respondents are working in a

supermarket within Sta. Ana, Pampanga such as RCS and SaveMore. There were 40 who

works in fast food chains such as Jollibee and McDonalds. And 40 out of 100

respondents are working in department stores such as 3F Family Store, 588 Shopping

Mall, and Fiesta Mall.

5. Months/Years of Working

Table 5: Months/years of working of the respondents

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Less than 6 months 35 35.00%
6 months to 1 year 51 51.00%
1 year to 2 years 14 14.00%
TOTAL 100 100.00%

As shown above, more than half or 51 out of 100 respondents are working for 6

months to 1 year already. Since the so-called end-of-contract is still existing, there are

lots of businesses who only offers 6 months to 1 year of employment or contract. There

were 35 who are working with less than 6 months. There were 14 who are already

working for 1 year to 2 years already. There were no respondents who are working for 2

to 3 years, 3 to 4 years, and above 4 years.

II. Workplace Diversity

Table 6: Averages and Verbal Descriptors about Workplace Diversity

My religion or sect does not affect my work and it
is being respected by my co-employees and
employers/managers. 4.49 STRONGLY AGREE
I can express my religious beliefs freely. 4.32 STRONGLY AGREE
My opinions and expression regarding my religion
is being accepted and tolerated. 4.47 STRONGLY AGREE
There is a diverse religious understanding within
my workplace. 4.53 STRONGLY AGREE
My religious practices are tolerated and I am
given the chance to practice them, if needed. 5 STRONGLY AGREE
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As shown above, all of the respondents strongly agreed on the statements

pertaining to religion. The computed grand mean is 4.56 which has a verbal descriptor of

strongly agree. This indicates that, the respondents strongly agreed that their religious

beliefs are being respected and tolerated by their respective companies.

As mentioned by Bal, Y., & Kokalan, O. (2021), many religious people form the

basis of their moral code based on the teachings in major religions, which express divine

rules and behaviors that followers must adhere to. Both theoretical and empirical studies

have been carried out on the reflections of religious beliefs and behaviors on the

individual, and how they affect the behavior of people in the workplace. Numerous other

studies have shown that religion can change one’s perspective on one’s job as a felt social

identity in the workplace.

I feel no discrimination. 4.37 STRONGLY AGREE
I can express my sexual orientation freely with no
judgment. 4.5 STRONGLY AGREE
I am given the chance to be out and proud with my
sexual orientation. 4.48 STRONGLY AGREE
There is equal treatment regardless of sexual
orientation in my workplace. 4.45 STRONGLY AGREE
I am given the opportunity to express myself, dress
based on my sexuality, and fully consider myself the
gender that I chose to be. 4 AGREE

As presented above, respondents strongly agreed that, they feel no discrimination

within the workplace, they can express their sexual orientation freely, they were given the
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chance to be out and proud, and there is also an equal treatment regardless of sexual

orientation. The respondents agreed that, they were given opportunities to express

themselves. Generally, the computed grand mean is 4.36 with a verbal descriptor of

strongly agree. This means that, the respondents strongly agreed that, their sexual

orientation is respected within the workplace and they were given equal opportunities to

express themselves freely without judgment.

A growing body of research has found that the adoption of human resource

management policies and practices aimed at acquiring and managing talented employees

enhances the performance of individuals and organizations (Combs, Liu, Hall, &

Ketchen, 2018; Subramony, 2019). One mechanism by which these performance-

enhancing effects occur is via the impact of policies and practices on employee attitudes

and behaviors.

There were no issues with my skin color. 4.19 AGREE
There is equal treatment and opportunities regardless
of your skin complexion in my workplace. 4.72 STRONGLY AGREE
My co-workers and employers do not judge me based
on my skin complexion/color. 4.76 STRONGLY AGREE
There is equal distribution of tasks despite of your skin
complexion/color. 4.03 AGREE
White or dark, there is diversity and equal treatment as
well as opportunities. No one is left behind. 4 AGREE

As presented above, the respondents strongly agreed that, there is equal treatment

among employees regardless of skin complexion, other workers do not judge their co-
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employees based on their skin. The respondents agreed that, there were no issues with

their skin color, there is equal distribution of tasks regardless of complexion, and there is

diversity within the workplace. On a general manner, respondents strongly agreed that,

skin complexion is not an issue nor a problem in the workplace. The computed grand

mean is 4.34 with a verbal descriptor of agree.

As mentioned by Tulshyan, R. (2023), Colorism, or skin tone bias, is an insidious

form of bias that impacts women with darker skin tones across ethnicities and races —

and it’s an issue that isn’t on many leaders’ radars. An inclusive leader managing a

diverse team must become aware of how colorism manifests not only among employees

of different identities, but even among people from the same community who have

different skin tones. Disrupting these biases in action could boost inclusion profoundly.

Our physical abilities such as strength and flexibility
are being checked and considered prior to giving or
distributing a task. 4.51 STRONGLY AGREE
There is coordination among the workers in our
company while working and doing a task. 4.27 STRONGLY AGREE
If a worker feels not so good, they will not give
him/her a task which can trigger or make his feelings
severe such as cough, colds, or flu. 4.54 STRONGLY AGREE
We are all given the opportunity to express our
physical abilities. 4.62 STRONGLY AGREE
Our endurance and stamin are being improved and
keeps on developing within the workplace as we were
given tasks which can help us improve. 5 STRONGLY AGREE
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As presented above, the computed averages or mean for all the five (5) statements

shows that respondents strongly agreed that, physical ability is one of the major

components being checked and evaluated by the employers before giving tasks to the

employee. The computed grand mean is 4.59 which means that, respondents strongly

agreed that, their strength, their physical abilities and capabilities are being considered

before distributing tasks.

As mentioned by Sun, Y. (2022), Ample workplace intervention studies presented

small effect sizes to improve Physical Activity (PA) and health, and no robust

conclusions were produced from previous studies. This may be attributable to difficulties

in identifying effective components of interventions, as a great heterogeneity of

intervention design was observed, including intervention types and content, delivery

modes, durations, PA measurements, quality of study design, etc. For example, a review

included varied types of interventions to promote PA in employees and those with low-

quality design, objectively measured PA, and delivered via the internet revealed better

effectiveness. In addition, another contributory factor may be that there was a lack of

high-quality theory-based studies, which used valid theories and effective behavior

change methods based on systematic frameworks to design, implement, and assess the

interventions. Therefore, more well-designed studies are urgently needed to ameliorate

existing research on determining the effectiveness of interventions in this population.

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Our explanations are heard and we are given the
platform to explain our side fully if we commit a
mistake or sin. 4.49 STRONGLY AGREE
We were given the opportunity life and work
especially among those working students. 4.38 STRONGLY AGREE
Our cultures and practices are respected and tolerated
and there is a multi-culturalism within the workplace. 4.29 STRONGLY AGREE
We are given a platform to express ourselves
especially if it concerns our work and productivity. 4.37 STRONGLY AGREE
Our suggestions and comments are taken
constructively and positively by the company. 4.48 STRONGLY AGREE

As presented above, the respondents strongly agreed on all the statements

pertaining to the ideologies within the workplace. Suggestions, opinions, expressions, and

feelings of the employees are being heard and respected. The computed grand mean is

4.40 which means that, the respondents strongly agreed that, all of the factors and

components about their ideologies is one way of promoting workplace diversity.

As explained by Heiserman, N., & Simpson, B. (2022), Employers use

ideologically-tinged rhetoric to justify workplace discrimination. We argue that workers

will be less likely to label biased treatment against them as discriminatory when they

subscribe to those ideologies as well. We tested this prediction and the consequences of

labeling for work attitudes and performance using an experiment that assigned parents to

a low-status position in a work group, varying whether the decision invoked biased,

ideological assumptions about parenthood. As expected, ideology drove mothers' (but not

fathers') labeling. Mothers were less likely to label biased treatment against them as
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discriminatory when they were conservative and when they subscribed to separate

spheres and ideal worker ideologies. Mothers who labeled their treatment as

discriminatory had more negative work attitudes than those who did not, but also tended

to appeal the decision. Ideology thus shapes whether people label discrimination when it

occurs as well as their subsequent work attitudes and justice-seeking behaviors.

III. Equal Employment

During hiring and recruitment process, we were given
the chance to express ourselves fully and provide STRONGLY
information about ourself. 4.7 AGREE
Prior to being hired, I haven’t experienced any unequal STRONGLY
employment opportunity. 4.62 AGREE
I didn’t feel discriminated upon employment. 4.64 AGREE
No employee is above no one especially if it’s about STRONGLY
employments’ progress. 4.51 AGREE
I was provided with different perspective and options STRONGLY
upon employment. 5 AGREE

As presented above, all of the respondents agreed that, every employee is treated

equally during hiring and recruitment. They were given equal chances, they don’t feel

discriminated, and were provided with different perspective and options upon

employment. The computed grand mean is 4.69 with a verbal descriptor of strongly
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

agree. This means that, the respondents strongly agreed that during hiring and

recruitment, equal opportunity is given and provided.

The concept plays a particularly important role in the following policies of the

organization: the process of selection and employment, equal pay for work of equal value

and management performance. Additionally, due to a greater promotion of this concept,

many governments have introduced affirmative actions which encourage employers to

employ people who come from a marginalized or discriminated group. This kind of

positive discrimination provides the necessary structural conditions in order for radical,

transformative change towards equality to take place (Noon 2019).


As for the benefits, there is a balanced and right
explanation of the benefits such as the premiums which
includes the SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-Ibig. 4.3 STRONGLY AGREE
Every employee is given a well-distributed bonus
especially during Christmas. 4.32 STRONGLY AGREE
If there are incentives, the employer makes it sure that
every employee is given enough and just incentive. 4.28 STRONGLY AGREE
I am receiving a reasonable bonus and incentives
especially during holidays. 4.37 STRONGLY AGREE
During sickness, the employer/manager provides
benefits and enough incentive which the employee can
use during recovery after being sick. 5 STRONGLY AGREE

As shown above, the respondents strongly agreed that, benefits, bonuses, and

incentives are given to them and explained to them. There were no issues concerning

such. All of the computed averages for every statement have a corresponding verbal
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

descriptor of strongly agree. Generally, the computed grand mean is 4.45 with a

corresponding verbal descriptor of strongly agree. This indicates that, respondents

strongly agreed that, all benefits which includes government premiums, incentives, and

bonuses, were given properly, discussed properly, and distributed properly.

As explained by Ogbonnay, C., Daniels, K., & Nielsen, K. (2018), Most managers

would agree that motivated, productive employees are crucial for organizational success,

regardless of company size, industry, or corporate strategy. The question is how to

motivate them. Offering employees performance-based incentive pay is one common

approach, and it usually takes one of two forms: bonuses are offered to individuals based

on assessments of their performance, or bonuses are offered as organization-wide

incentives, such as profit-related pay or share ownership.


I haven’t experienced any issue with my salary
especially during payout. 4.72 STRONGLY AGREE
If there are issues with our compensation and pay
scale, we are given the chance to explain our side and
take it for consideration. 4.74 STRONGLY AGREE
We are receiving enough and just compensation. 4 AGREE
If there are disputes with our compensation which
includes overtime pay, undertime, absences, incentives,
bonuses, we are given the opportunity to ask for
clarification regarding the dispute. 4 AGREE
Overtime pays, incentives, and bonuses are added right
away on the compensation on top of the basic pay. 5 STRONGLY AGREE
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

As shown above, respondents strongly agreed that, they haven’t experienced any

issue with their salary, if issues and problems were raised regarding the salary, employers

explain it clearly and concisely, and overtime pays, incentives, and bonuses are added

right away on the compensation on top of the basic pay. On the other hand, respondents

agreed that, they are receiving enough and just compensation and if there are issues or

concerns regarding their salary, bonuses, incentives, and benefits, employers provide

answers and clarifications. Generally, the respondents strongly agreed that, the

compensation and pay scale is also an equal opportunity that should be given to every

employee because this is anchored to the computed grand mean which is 4.49.

Direct monetary stipend could be a reward / punishment is named the incomes or

wages square measure paid regularly by the due date fastened. In line with the

understanding that, wages or pay rates taken also as an installment inside the sort of cash

in money or in a comparable way gotten by specialists of the usage work. (Baker, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga


If a certain employee excels and shows so much
improvement, he/she will be promoted, if needed. 4.55 STRONGLY AGREE
A certain employee will be transferred to another
position if he/she qualifies for it. 4 AGREE
There is equal opportunity in promotion especially if a
worker is willing and determined to learn and shows
enthusiasm in the workplace. 4.66 STRONGLY AGREE
If we will be transferred from one branch to another,
we were given options and chances as well as to
express our sentiments. 4.9 STRONGLY AGREE
If we will be transferred from one position to another,
we will not be receiving the same pay grade level but
there will be an increase or difference from the
previous one. 4.52 STRONGLY AGREE

As presented above, in terms of promotions and transfers, the respondents

strongly agreed that, if a certain employee excels, he will be promoted, there is equal

opportunity in promotion, employees will be given options if will be transferred, and if

promoted, employees will get higher salary which is of the salary grade of the position

promoted to. The respondents agreed that, a certain employee will be transferred if he

qualifies for it. Generally, the respondents strongly agreed that, promotions and transfers

are some parts of equal opportunities given to employees. Respondents strongly agreed to

this basically because the computed grand mean is 4.53.

Workers range unit interminably on the post for promotions on what they depict

as higher occupations. These laborers range unit able to take off their occupations for

distinctive employments. Others utilize their blessing employments to create the required

abilities and information, a request for numerous employments. Managers conjointly put
Republic of the Philippines
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

in numerous locks in conditions of benefit and check out to make solid work

environments in an endeavor to realize the commitment of specialists. It is relating degree

undeniable reality that efficiency of a company depends upon the fulfillment level of its

work drive and indeed a part of, on the stipend of laborers (McCollum, 2018).

I feel no discrimination regarding hiring, firing,
training, compensation, benefits, and other terms. 4.06 AGREE
Rules and regulations are explained prior to the start of
the work or employment. 4.48 STRONGLY AGREE
We feel protected and safe upon reading the contract of
employment. 4.31 STRONGLY AGREE
There are right and fair labor practices. 4.47 STRONGLY AGREE
Duties, opportunities, and working hours are explained
clearly which includes leave, undertime, overtime, and
the like. 4.55 STRONGLY AGREE

As aforementioned, the respondents agreed that, they feel no discrimination

regarding hiring, firing, training, compensation, benefits, and other terms. The

respondents strongly agreed that, rules and regulations are explained properly, they feel

protected and safe, there is a practice of labor, and duties, opportunities, and working

hours are explained clearly which includes leave, undertime, overtime, and the like. The

computed grand mean is 4.37 with a verbal descriptor of strongly agree. This means that,

the respondents strongly agreed that, conditions of employment are explained well,

practiced fairly.
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Improving the quality of employment has the potential to raise employment levels

(European Foundation 2004). The changing composition of the labor force (e.g., ageing

population and increasing participation of women) and family structures (e.g., more

single parent families) has implications for work organization and the conditions of

employment. Research suggests that men and women value different things in

employment (e.g., men attach greater importance to pay, while women attach greater

importance to work-life balance and the social aspects of jobs), and older workers value

different things to younger people (e.g., younger workers value promotion, while older

workers value job security and the social aspects of jobs) (Ropali, J., 2018).

IV. Productivity

I have a safe and secured working environment. 4.81 STRONGLY AGREE
The working environment I am in right now is
conducive. 4.19 AGREE
I can work freely and wholeheartedly with the
working environment I am currently in. 4.72 STRONGLY AGREE
My working environment is diverse. 4.76 STRONGLY AGREE
There is an equal opportunity on my working
environment. 4.03 AGREE

As shown above, the respondents agreed that, the working environment they have

right now is conducive, and there is an equal opportunity in the working environment

where they are currently in. on the other hand, the respondents strongly agreed that they
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

have a safe working environment, they can work freely, and the working environment

they are currently working in is diverse. In general, the computed grand mean is 4.50

with a verbal descriptor of strongly agree. This means that, the respondents strongly

agreed that they have a safe and sound working environment.

Kohun (2019), defines working environment as an entirely which comprises the

totality of forces, actions and other influential factors that are currently and, or potentially

contending with the employee’s activities and performance. Working environment is the

sum of the interrelationship that exists within the employees and the environment in

which the employees work.


There are trainings which can help us, employees, to
be more productive 4.65 STRONGLY AGREE
Seminars and workshops are held for us to develop 4.72 STRONGLY AGREE
Every employee is given the chance to attend
trainings after promotion 4.74 STRONGLY AGREE
For us to work productively, there is a consistent
conduct of career development and activities provided
to everyone 4 AGREE
Work ethics is also considered one of our trainings for
us to be productive in the workplace 4 AGREE

As explained above, the respondents agreed that, for employees to be able to work

productively, there should be a consistent career development, and work ethics should

also be considered. The respondents strongly agreed that there are trainings provided by

their employers to help them become more productive, seminars and workshops are also
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provided, and every employee is given the chance to attend trainings and seminars.

Generally, the computed grand mean is 4.42 with a corresponding verbal descriptor of

strongly agree. Meaning, the respondents strongly agreed that, trainings and career

development plays a vital role in the development and production of every employee.

Several training practices can be used in order to enhance employee job

performance, which results in improving the performance of the organization as a whole.

Thus, training practices can be the main factor for the success of a firm, which justifies

their evaluation through research. Influence of human resource management and training

practices on organizational performance has been an important topic of research recently

(Manning, 2018; Jayakumar & Sulthan, 2018; Treven et al, 2018)

Our well-being is the top priority for us to work
productively 4.03 AGREE
If an employee doesn’t feel good, he/she will be given
the chance to take a rest and not to sacrifice his/her
productivity 4.72 STRONGLY AGREE
We are not given overload of tasks which will greatly
affect our productivity 4.05 AGREE
If someone is not feeling well, he/she will just be
given simple tasks 4.68 STRONGLY AGREE
We are managed properly for us to stay well and for
us to be productive 4.55 STRONGLY AGREE

As shown above, the computed means every statement corresponds to a specific

verbal descriptor. The respondents agreed on statements 1 and 3 which states that, their

well being is the top priority of their employer for them to work productively, and they
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

are not given overload of tasks. On the other hand, the respondents strongly agreed on

statements 2, 4, and 5 which states that, if an employee does not feel good, they will not

be bombarded with heavy tasks, and they are managed properly for them to be able to

work productively. The computed grand mean is 4.41 with a verbal descriptor of strongly

agree. This means that, employees wellness is one of the priorities of the employers in

providing tasks and making sure that every employee is productive.

As mentioned by Richemond, D., & Needham, C. (2020), Organizations that

create efficacious wellness programs anticipate that for example, a wellness program can

increase employee satisfaction and performance. Employers’ goals are to design a work

environment that cultivates a psychosocial climate in the organization characterized by

the opportunity for career growth. Considering that employers adopt wellness programs

in order to improve work relationships and to encourage employees to live a healthy

lifestyle, more research on the topic of employee wellness is necessary.

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Balanced recruitment to onboarding 4.81 STRONGLY AGREE
We are compensated well 4 AGREE
Our performance is managed and observed for
everyone’s development 4.73 STRONGLY AGREE
Tasks are delegated properly 4.76 STRONGLY AGREE
Opinions such as providing of tasks if someone
doesn’t know how to do it is respected 4.03 AGREE

As presented above, the respondents agreed that, they are compensated well, and

opinions such as in providing tasks if someone does not know how to do it is respected.

On the other hand, the respondents strongly agreed that, there is a balanced recruitment to

onboarding, their performance is observed for the development of every employee, and

tasks are delegated properly. Overall, the computed grand mean is 4.47 with a verbal

descriptor of strongly agree. This indicates that the respondents strongly agreed that the

processes within the workplace are explained well, and delegated properly.

The study of the regulation processes in relation to decisions has been addressed

in the organizational domain because it has been recognized to be at the root of many

problems of underachievement at work (Lord et al., 2020).

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Transparent salary and compensation 4.63 STRONGLY AGREE
Our compensation is explained clearly as well as the
benefits that we are receiving 4.55 STRONGLY AGREE
An employee who excels on a certain field is given
incentives for others to be productive as well 4 AGREE
There is already a promotion and raise in salary if
someone works well 4.66 STRONGLY AGREE
Pay structure is used as a motivation for employees to
work productively 4.9 STRONGLY AGREE

As shown above, the respondents agreed that, if an employee excels on a certain

field, incentives will be given. The respondents strongly agreed that, there is transparency

in salary and compensation, it is explained well, there is a raise in salary if someone

works well, pay structure is used as a motivation. Generally, the computed overall mean

is 4.55 with a corresponding verbal descriptor of strongly agree. This means that, the

respondents strongly agreed that, pay structure is explained well and properly, and serves

as motivation for every employee.

Attractive Salaries or pays also a Valuable tool and play an important role to

increase employee’s performance and also increase the productivity of an organization

(Azar & Shafighi, 2020). Salaries and wages are one of the most important motivational

factors, as we had been told from the time immemorial that we shall eat from our sweat.

The main reason why workers get involved in paid jobs is to earn a living which is salary

or wage. Reasonable salaries must be paid on time, that is, it must be paid as at when due

and promptly, as well. The workers should be able determine the time such salaries will
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

be paid by the organization. Again, there must be a relative uniformity in the mode and

manner such salaries and wages will be paid to the workers.


Correlation of Religion and Hiring and Recruitment

VAR00001 VAR00002

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation 1 .855

Sig. (2-Tailed) .065

N 5 5

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation .855 1

Sig. (2-Tailed) .065

N 5 5

As shown above, the computed Pearson is .855 which means that there is a high

positive relationship between the two variables --- Religion and Hiring and Recruitment.

That religion greatly affects hiring and recruitment in a positive manner.

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Correlation of Sexual Orientation and Benefits, Bonuses, and Incentives

VAR00001 VAR00002

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation 1 .964

Sig. (2-Tailed) .008

N 5 5

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation .964 1

Sig. (2-Tailed) .008

N 5 5

As presented above, the computed value of the Pearson is .964 which indicates

that there is a very high and positive strong correlation between the two mentioned

variables above. Which indicates that, sexual orientation does not affect negatively the

benefits, bonuses, and incentives received by the employees.

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Correlation of Skin Complexion/Color and Compensation and Pay Scale

VAR00001 VAR00002

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation 1 .695

Sig. (2-Tailed) .024

N 5 5

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation .695 1

Sig. (2-Tailed) .024

N 5 5

As presented above, the computed value of the Pearson is .695. As stipulated in

the Pearson Correlation Index, it shows that there is a moderate positive correlation

between the skin complexion/color and compensation. Meaning, skin complexion does

not or may not affect the compensation of the employees.

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Correlation of Physical Abilities and Promotions and Transfers

VAR00001 VAR00002

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation 1 .782

Sig. (2-Tailed) .411

N 5 5

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation .782 1

Sig. (2-Tailed) .411

N 5 5

As aforementioned, physical abilities and promotions and transfers shows a

relationship towards one another. Based on the computed value of the Pearson which

is .782, it states that there is a high positive correlation between the two variables. That, if

a certain employee works physically productive, then, they will be promoted or

transferred to a position that fits their skills.

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Correlation of Ideologies and Conditions of Employment

VAR00001 VAR00002

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation 1 .766

Sig. (2-Tailed) .185

N 5 5

VAR00001 Pearson Correlation .766 1

Sig. (2-Tailed) .185

N 5 5

As presented above, the computed Pearson shows a high positive correlation

between the two. This is true because, the computed value is .766 which shows that, there

is a high positive correlation between ideologies and conditions of employment.

Meaning, the ideologies of the employees is connected to the conditions of employment

because employees were given a platform to explain themselves.

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Chapter IV

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter includes the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations,

and other significant parts of the research which were crafted by the researchers after

conducting the survey to the respondents and analyzing all data thru the use of a specific

statistical tool.

Summary of Findings

Based on the results of the study, the researchers came up with the following


First, based on the results, most of the respondents or 71% are from the age 18 to

25 years old. There is also equal number of respondents for both the male and female

having 50 males and 50 females as the respondents of the study. Respondents are either

high school graduate or college undergraduate having 30 and 31 respondents,

respectively. Most of the respondents are working in supermarkets and fast-food chains

having 40 employees in supermarkets and 40 in fast-food chains. And, most of the

respondents are working on their work for 6 months to 1 year or that is 51 respondents

out of 100.

Furthermore, based on the results, the respondents, most of them, strongly agreed

regarding workplace diversity. That, there is really a diverse workplace, every employee
Republic of the Philippines
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

is given equal opportunity, rights, and privileges especially if it talks about religion,

sexual orientation, skin complexion/color, physical abilities, and ideologies.

Also, based on the results, the computed values/averages and corresponding

verbal descriptors shows that, the respondents strongly agreed that, there is equal

opportunity towards the employment of the respondents/employees. Respondents

strongly agreed on the variables specifically, hiring and recruitment, benefits, bonus, and

incentives, compensation and pay scale, promotions and transfers, and conditions of


Furthermore, based on the results gathered by the researchers, with regard the

productivity, the respondents or employees strongly agreed on the work environment,

training and career development opportunities, employees’ wellness, processes, and pay

structure. Respondents strongly agreed on all the statements.

Lastly, the computed p-values about the relationship of workplace diversity and

productivity, and equal employment and workplace diversity are 0.49168, and 0.56074,

respectively. With this, there is strong evidence against the null hypothesis. Meaning,

there is a significant relationship between workplace diversity and productivity, and

significant relationship between equal employment and productivity.


Based on the results of the study and the statement of the problem, the following

are the conclusions crafted by the researchers.

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

First, the researchers have concluded that, most of the respondents chose to work

after finishing high school or decided to stop studying while in college because of some

personal or financial issues and just need to work to support their needs. Also, the

researchers have concluded that, since most of the respondents are working for just 6

months to 1 year by the time that the researchers have conducted the study is because of

the stipulations mentioned on their contract.

The researchers have concluded that, workplace diversity and equal employment

really has something to do with the productivity of the employees. The factors or

variables pertaining to workplace diversity and equal employment are connected to one

another and there is really a significant relationship between the two (2) variables and


Lastly, the researchers have concluded that, there is a strong relationship between

workplace diversity and equal employment and it really affect the productivity of the

employees. The way on how the employees work, the way on how every employee does

the job assigned to every worker or employee, and others.


Based on the results and conclusions crafted by the researchers, the following are

the recommendations suggested by the researchers.

First, the researchers would recommend to the employers to provide educational

assistance or any program for the employees who still want to study while working. With
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

this, those who decided to stop can still continue their studies and those who wants to

pursue a college degree will be given the opportunity and chance. And, end-of-contract

should be demolished or be removed for employees to be given enough time to work.

Also, the researchers would recommend to the employers to always protect the

employees at all cost, provide the needs and benefits of every employee, to provide a safe

and secured working environment, to always cater the needs of the employees, to provide

trainings and career development to every employee, and to always make sure that the

wellness and well-being of every employee will be the priority.

And, the researchers would recommend to employees to be vigilant and be keen

observer in the workplace. Always work productively and always know their rights and

privileges as laborers and workers.

Lastly, the researchers would recommend to the future researchers to focus also

on other variables aside from productivity. To further elaborate or expound this study by

investigating other factors which affects the employees.

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga


Ahmad, S., & Rahman, F. (2019). Effect of Workplace Diversity on Employees’ Performance

in Allama Icbal Open University

Ali, A., Yusof, S., & Ali, K. (2019). The Relationship Between Equal Opportunities and

Employee Performance: A Special Reference to with Specific Reference to BDF Hospital in

the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Asio, J. (2021). Effects and Relationships of Working Environment, Teamwork, and Diversity

to Organizational Satisfaction

Benuwa, B., Odompley, J., & Ghansah, B. (2019). Impact of Workplace Diversity on

Employee Performance: A Case of Some Selected Private Universities in Ghana

Cabrera, A. (2019). What you Ought to Know About Diversity in Philippine Human Resource

Fransworth, D., et. al. (2020). Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the

Required Managerial Tool

Gargelwar, R. (2020). Effect of Equal Opportunities in Employee’s Performance: An

Analytical Review

Khandelwal, A., et. al. (2017). Research Paper on the Study on Workforce Diversity and

Work Satisfaction in Retail

Lovete, P. (2021). The Impact of Workforce Diversity Management in Employee’s Job

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Magsanoc, M. (2022). Is My Team Diverse Enough? The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion in

the Workplace

McLeod, S. (2018). Questionnaire: Definition, Examples, Designs, and Types

Mojares, R., et. al. (2017). Awareness on the Implementation of Anti-Smoking Ordinance NO.

IS. 2012

Nurminen, W. (2022). The Impact of Equal Employment During Recruitment Process

Ramos, A. (2021). Workplace Equality and Diversity in the Philippines. 8 Laws to Protect


Sadikhov, R. (2021). A Research Study of How Equal Employment Opportunities are

Practiced in Azerbaijan: A Comparison Look at Local and International Companies

Thirusanku, J. (2021). Equal Opportunity Within the Workplace

Thomas, L. (2022). Simple Random Sampling. Definition, Steps, and Examples.

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga


February 27, 2022

Store Owners/Managers/Supervisors

Sta. Ana, Pampanga


Good day!

The undersigned are students of Holy Cross College under the College of Business,
Accountancy, and Hospitality (CBAH) who are tasked to conduct research entitled:
“Equal Employment and Workplace Diversity: Its Impacts Towards the
Productivity of the Employees.”

In this connection, we are seeking your utmost support for allowing us to conduct a
survey and ask some questions in gathering needed data for said research study. Rest
assured that the information’s obtained shall be used for academic purposes only and
shall be kept confidential.

We anticipate your kind consideration and approval for this request.

Attached is the survey questionnaire for the study.

Thank you so much and God Bless!


Agusto, Philip Josh B.

Bucad, Hilwin M.
Galang, Lorence C.
Gueco, Liam G.
Hanna Shane Mangune
Frances C. Pangilinan Allan Y. Cabaluna, Ph.D.
Adviser/College Instructor
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga


The undersigned is currently collecting data necessary to complete their research work
titled " Equal Employment and Workplace Diversity: Its Impacts Towards the
Productivity of the Employees." This is in relation to the requirement for the partial
fulfillment for the subject of Business Research.

In connection, the researcher would like to seek permission from your good presence to
conduct their study outside the school with employees of quick service restaurants as the
respondents using a printed copy of survey questionnaires.

Rest assured that the data will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Very truly yours,

Frances C. Pangilinan

Group Representative

Noted by:

Johann A. Muller, MBA

Research Adviser

Marvin O. Mallari, Ph.D.

Acting Dean – SBAH

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga


Equal Employment and Workplace Diversity: Its Impacts Towards the Productivity
of Employees

Name (optional): _______________________

I. Demographic Profile
Directions: Put a check on the answer that best corresponds to you

1. Age
 18 to 25 years old
 26 to 35 years old
 36 to 45 years old
 46 years old and above
2. Sex
 Male
 Female
3. Educational Attainment
 Elementary graduate
 High School graduate
 College Undergraduate
 2-year course graduate
 College graduate
 TESDA graduate
4. Field of Job
 Retail
 Clothing
 Supermarket
 Department store
 Grocery store
 Fast Food
 Others (please specify): __________________
5. Months/years of Working
 Less than 6 months
 6 months to 1 year
 1 year to 2 years
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

 2 years to 3 years
 3 years to 4 years
 Above 4 years
II. Workplace Diversity
Directions: Put a check on the answer that best corresponds to your answer. This
questionnaire will utilize the use of 5-point Likert Scale. Specifically:

1 – Strongly Disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 – Agree

5 – Strongly Agree

Statements Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree Agree



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


My religion or sect does not

affect my work and it is being
respected by my co-employees
and employers/managers.

I can express my religious

beliefs freely.

My opinions and expression

regarding my religion is being
accepted and tolerated.

There is a diverse religious

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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

understanding within my

My religious practices are

tolerated and I am given the
chance to practice them, if

I feel no discrimination.

I can express my sexual

orientation freely with no
I am given the chance to be out
and proud with my sexual

There is equal treatment

regardless of sexual orientation
in my workplace.

I am given the opportunity to

express myself, dress based on
my sexuality, and fully consider
myself the gender that I chose to

There were no issues with my

skin color.
There is equal treatment and
opportunities regardless of your
skin complexion in my
My co-workers and employers
do not judge me based on my
Republic of the Philippines
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Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

skin complexion/color.

There is equal distribution of

tasks despite of your skin

White or dark, there is diversity

and equal treatment as well as
opportunities. No one is left


Our physical abilities such as

strength and flexibility are being
checked and considered prior to
giving or distributing a task.

There is coordination among the

workers in our company while
working and doing a task.

If a worker feels not so good,

they will not give him/her a task
which can trigger or make his
feelings severe such as cough,
colds, or flu.

We are all given the opportunity

to express our physical abilities.

Our endurance and stamin are

being improved and keeps on
developing within the workplace
as we were given tasks which
can help us improve.


Our explanations are heard and

we are given the platform to
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explain our side fully if we

commit a mistake or sin.

We were given the opportunity

life and work especially among
those working students.

Our cultures and practices are

respected and tolerated and there
is a multi-culturalism within the

We are given a platform to

express ourselves especially if it
concerns our work and

Our suggestions and comments

are taken constructively and
positively by the company.

III. Equal Employment

Directions: Put a check on the answer that best corresponds to your answer. This
questionnaire will utilize the use of 5-point Likert Scale. Specifically:

1 – Strongly Disagree

2 – Disagree

3 – Neither Agree nor Disagree

4 – Agree

5 – Strongly Agree

Statements Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree Agree

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


During hiring and recruitment

process, we were given the
chance to express ourselves fully
and provide information about

Prior to being hired, I haven’t

experienced any unequal
employment opportunity.

I didn’t feel discriminated upon


No employee is above no one

especially if it’s about
employments’ progress.

I was provided with different

perspective and options upon

As for the benefits, there is a

balanced and right explanation
of the benefits such as the
premiums which includes the
SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-Ibig.
Every employee is given a well-
distributed bonus especially
during Christmas.
If there are incentives, the
employer makes it sure that
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

every employee is given enough

and just incentive.

I am receiving a reasonable
bonus and incentives especially
during holidays.

During sickness, the

employer/manager provides
benefits and enough incentive
which the employee can use
during recovery after being sick.


I haven’t experienced any issue

with my salary especially during
If there are issues with our
compensation and pay scale, we
are given the chance to explain
our side and take it for
We are receiving enough and
just compensation.

If there are disputes with our

compensation which includes
overtime pay, undertime,
absences, incentives, bonuses,
we are given the opportunity to
ask for clarification regarding
the dispute.

Overtime pay, incentives, and

bonuses are added right away on
the compensation on top of the
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

basic pay.


If a certain employee excels and

shows so much improvement,
he/she will be promoted, if

A certain employee will be

transferred to another position if
he/she qualifies for it.

There is equal opportunity in

promotion especially if a worker
is willing and determined to
learn and shows enthusiasm in
the workplace.

If we will be transferred from

one branch to another, we were
given options and chances as
well as to express our

If we will be transferred from

one position to another, we will
not be receiving the same pay
grade level but there will be an
increase or difference from the
previous one.


I feel no discrimination
regarding hiring, firing, training,
compensation, benefits, and
other terms.

Rules and regulations are

explained prior to the start of the
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

work or employment.

We feel protected and safe upon

reading the contract of

There are right and fair labor


Duties, opportunities, and

working hours are explained
clearly which includes leave,
undertime, overtime, and the

IV. Productivity
Statements Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree Agree



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


I have a safe and secured

working environment.

The working environment I am

in right now is conducive.

I can work freely and

wholeheartedly with the working
environment I am currently in.
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

My working environment is

There is an equal opportunity on

my working environment.

There are trainings which can

help us, employees, to be more
Seminars and workshops are
held for us to develop
Every employee is given the
chance to attend trainings after

For us to work productively,

there is a consistent conduct of
career development and
activities provided to everyone

Work ethics is also considered

one of our trainings for us to be
productive in the workplace

Our well-being is the top priority

for us to work productively
If an employee doesn’t feel
good, he/she will be given the
chance to take a rest and not to
sacrifice his/her productivity
We are not given overload of
tasks which will greatly affect
our productivity

If someone is not feeling well,

Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

he/she will just be given simple


We are managed properly for us

to stay well and for us to be


Balanced recruitment to

We are compensated well

Our performance is managed

and observed for everyone’s

Tasks are delegated properly

Opinions such as providing of

tasks if someone doesn’t know
how to do it is respected


Transparent salary and


Our compensation is explained

clearly as well as the benefits
that we are receiving

An employee who excels on a

certain field is given incentives
for others to be productive as

There is already a promotion and

raise in salary if someone works
Republic of the Philippines
Holy Cross College
Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Pay structure is used as a

motivation for employees to
work productively

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