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My personal value system A specific code of ethics Potential resolution

1.Honesty, fairness and custo- *Transparency, providing option *You could let the customer
-mer satisfaction. helping customer make know about the competitors
informed decisions. lower price, allowing them to
choose what best fit their needs
and budget.

2.Recognition of employee per- *merit based pay system and *while a promotion may not be
-formance and fairness. treating employees equitable. possible you could explore other
forms of recognition such as
bonuses, extra vacation days,
or professional development
opportunities to acknowledge
the employees exceptional work.

3.Equal opportunity and fair- *Non discrimination and hiring *If the candidate fully meets the
-ness. based on qualification. job requirements, you could
provide additional support such
as language training or assign-
-ing a mentor to help them
effectively communicate with
the customers.

4.Respect for religious beliefs *Inclusion, diversity, and foster- *Have an open and respectful,
and maintaining a productive -ing a supportive workplace conversation with the software
work environment. designer to understand their
concerns. explore potential
promises, such as finding alter-
-native ways for the designer to
-contribute to the teams success
without compromising their
beliefs or disrupting product

5.Honesty,fairness and *Transparency, treating employ- *It is important to follow your

empathy. -ees with respect and maintain- boss's instructions and not
-ing positive work environment. disclose the upcoming layoff
to your employee. However
you can use this opportunity
to have a conversation with
your boss about the employees
plans and discuss the potential
impact it may have on them.
This could lead to exploring
options for support or providing
resources to help the employee
navigate their financial situation.

6.Adhering to company *Maintaining business use of *Since the business policies

policies and fairness. company resources and at the time did not prevent
addressing potential misuse. personal use of company
facilities, it would be important
to review and clarify the
policies. you could discuss
with the IT support technician
the concerns raised and remind
them about the important of
using company resources
primarily for the business purposes.
7.Fairness, open communica- *Treating employees equatably *It can be disheartening to hear
-tion, and career growth. and fostering a supportive that a colleague is being given
work environment. an opportunity you were
hoping for. in this situation,
you could have an open and
honest conversation with your
boss to express your interest
in the opportunity and ask for
clarification on the decision,
this can provide an opportunity
for your boss to explain the
reasoning behind their choice
and potentially explore other
growth opportunities within
the company.

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