Geology For Civil Engineers

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GEOLOGY FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS Continental drift is the movement of the earth’s continent

relative to each other over millions of years of over time.

Geology is the study of the earth, including the materials EARTH’S INTERNAL STRUCTURE
that it is made of, the physical and chemical changes that
take place on its surface and its interior, and the history of Crust is the outside layer of the earth and is made of solid
the planet and its life form. rock, mostly basalt and granite.
Types of Crust:
Geo means earth.  Oceanic crust is denser, thinner, and mainly
Logus means study/speech composed of basalt.
 Continental crust is less dense, thicker, and mainly
James Hutton is the father of modern geology. composed of granite.

SOME OF THE MAIN BRANCHES OF GEOLOGY: Mantle lies below the crust and is up to 2900 km thick. It
Physical geology focuses on the physical properties and consists of hot, dense, iron and magnesium-rich solid rock.
processes that shape the Earth's surface and interior. It
includes the study of plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, Core is the center of the earth.
and other geological phenomena. Parts of the Core:
Mineralogy focuses on the study of minerals, including Outer Core is made of nickel, iron and molten rock.
their chemical and physical properties, their occurrence and Temperatures here can reach up to 50,000 C.
distribution, and their uses. Inner Core is a hot, dense ball of (mostly) iron.Temperature
Paleontology is the study of fossils and the history of life here is about 5,200° Celsius (9,392° Fahrenheit) and has a
on Earth. pressure that is nearly 3.6 million atmospheres (atm).
Stratigraphy is the study of layers of rock and sediment However, unlike the outer core, the inner core is not liquid
and the ways in which they are formed and preserved. or even molten. Some geophysicists prefer to interpret the
Hydrogeology is the study of the Earth's water cycle and inner core not as a solid, but as a plasma behaving as a solid.
the movement and distribution of water on the surface and
underground. Alfred Wegener is a German Climatologist who first
Environmental geology focuses on the ways in which proposed the theory of continental drift in the early
geological processes and materials affect the environment 20th century.
and human activities. It includes the study of natural
hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, and flooding. Plate tectonics is the theory that explains the movement of
the Earth's crust and how it is related to the creation and
EARTH destruction of the Earth's surface.
MAIN PARTS OF THE EARTH: Types of Plate Boundary:
Atmosphere measures from the surface of the earth Divergent Boundaries is when two plates are moving away
upwards to 150 km. from each other and new crust is created as magma from the
Space is anything that is above 150 km from the earth’s mantle rises up to fill the gap.
surface. Convergent Boundaries is when two plates are moving
Division of Earth’s Atmosphere: towards each other and one plate is typically pushed under
 Troposphere (0 km - 13 km) the origin in a process called subduction.
 Ozone Layer (13 km - 25 km) Transform Boundaries is when two plates are sliding past
 Stratosphere (25 km - 50 km) each other horizontally, causing earthquakes.
 Mesosphere (50 km - 75 km)
 Thermosphere (75 km - 150 km) SOME OF THE EARTH’S PROCESSES
Erosion is the wearing away of rock and soil by the
Solid Earth measures from the surface of the earth movement of water, ice, wind, or gravity.
downwards to the core Deposition is the laying down of sediment, such as sand or
silt, by the movement of water, ice, or wind.
Parts of Solid Earth: Weathering is the breaking down or alteration of rock
Biosphere - solid and liquid - and includes all forms of life andsoil by the action of water, temperature changes, and
(e.g. plants and animals) and their products (e.g. skeletons) chemical reactions.
both on land and in the sea. Volcanism is the eruption of molten rock, or magma, from
Hydrosphere (fresh and salt water, snow and ice) - mainly the Earth's interior.
liquid, some solid - includes all forms of water Plate tectonics is the movement of the Earth's crustal
Internal structure of the Earth: plates, which can result in the creation or destruction of the
 Crust Earth's surface.
 Mantle Earthquake is the sudden release of energy in the Earth's
 Outer core crust, which can result in ground shaking and the creation of
 Inner core fault lines.
Mountain building is the creation of mountain ranges by
the collision and uplift of tectonic plates.
Glacial activity is the movement and shaping of the Earth's Any two-dimensional surface that when passed through the
surface by glaciers, which are large masses of ice. center of the crystal, divides it
into two symmetrical parts that are mirror images.
Earthquake is a weak to violent shaking of the ground
produced by the sudden movement of rock materials below
the earth’s surface. It originates in tectonic plate boundary.
Hypocenter is when focus is point inside the earth where AXIS OF SYMMETRY
the earthquake started. -An imaginary line through the center of the crystal around
Epicenter is when the point on the surface of the earth which the crystal maybe rotated
directly above the focus. so that after a definite angular revolution. The crystal form
appears the same as before
Ways to measure the strength of an earthquake: depending on the amount of degrees of rotation necessary.
Four types of axes of symmetry
Magnitude is proportional to the energy released by an are possible when you are considering crystallography.
earthquake at the focus. FOUR TYPES OF AXES OF SYMMETRY
 Arabic numbers are how the magnitude is 1.BINARY SYMMETRY
represented. (Bi means, consisting of two) When rotation repeats form
 Seismograph is the instrument used to determine every 180 degrees.
the magnitude of an earthquake. 2.TRIGONAL SYMMETRY
Intensity is the strength of an earthquake as perceived and (Tri means, consisting of three) When rotation repeats form
felt by people in a certain locality. every 120 degrees.
 Roman numerals are how the intensity is 3.TETRAGONAL SYMMETRY
represented. (Tetra means, consisting of four) When rotation repeats
PHIVOLCS Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS) is the form every 90 degrees.
instrument used to determine the magnitude of earthquake. 4.HEXAGONAL SYMMETRY
• (Hexa means, consisting of 6) When rotation repeats form
TYPES OF EARTHQUAKES: every 60 degrees.
Tectonic Earthquakes are produced by sudden movement
along faults and plate boundaries. CENTER OF SYMMETRY
Volcanic Earthquakes are earthquakes induced by rising Crystals often have a center of symmetry, which means that
lava or magma beneath active volcanoes. an imaginary line drawn through the center of the crystal
will intersect a similar point on a surface of the crystal face
IMPORTANCE OF GEOLOGY IN CIVIL that is equidistant from the center. This is true even if the
ENGINEERING: crystal does not have planes of symmetry or axes of
Provides knowledge about the following: symmetry. Triclinic crystals typically only have a center of
1. Materials used for construction. symmetry.
2. Construction of dams, river control, and shipping work.
3. Design of roads and highways. THE 7 PRIMITIVE CRYSTAL SYSTEMS
4. Foundation Fault.
MINERALOGY All three axes are equal in length,
Mineralogy is the branch of geology concerned with the and perpendicular to one another.
study of minerals. A mineral is naturally occurring,
homogeneous solid with a definite chemical composition 2.TETRAGONAL
and a highly ordered atomic structure. A mineral, by Two of the three axes are equal in length,
definition, cannot be a liquid or a gas. and all three axes are perpendicular to one another.


CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS • All three axes are unequal length,
-The locations where the symmetry operations occur such as and all are perpendicular to one another.
a rotation axis, a mirror plane, an inversion center, or a
translation vector are described as symmetry elements. 4.HEXAGONAL
-In crystallography symmetry is used to characterize Of four axes, three are equal length are separated
crystals, identify repeating parts of molecules, and simplify by equal angles, and lie at the same plane. The fourth
both data collection and nearly all calculations. Also, the axis is perpendicular to the plane of the other three
symmetry axes. Hexagonal cells have lattice points
of physical properties of a crystal such as thermal in each of the two six-sided faces.
conductivity and optical activity must include the symmetry
of the crystal. 5.TRICLINIC
All three axes are unequal length, and
PLANE OF SYMMETRY none is perpendicular to another.
All three axes are unequal in length and two axes are Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along certain
perpendicular to one another. planes to make smooth surfaces. A mineral may exhibit 100
cleavage surfaces parallel to each other. Cleavage surfaces
can be distinguished by how they consistently reflect light,
7.RHOMOBOHEDRAL (TRIGONAL) as if polished, smooth, and even.
All three axes are equal to length, and none of the axes
is perpendicular to one another, but the crystal faces  FRACTURE
all have the same size and shape. It is different from Fracture is a break in a mineral that is not along a cleavage
fracture where the surface is not smooth and flat. plane.


-It is the building blocks of rocks. Crystal form refers to the geometric shape of mineral
- Geological define as “a naturally occurring, inorganic, crystals. Crystal form is caused by the symmetrical, three-
solid, crystalline substance which has fixed structure and a dimensional arrangement of atoms inside the mineral. Not
chemical composition which is either fixed pr which may all minerals form perfect crystal shapes; some are too small
vary within certain define limits.” to be seen, while others are tightly packed masses that
cannot form faces but do not change shape.
 COLOR Any mineral that forms igneous, sedimentary, or
Minerals are colored because certain wavelengths of metamorphic rocks and that typically, or solely, forms as an
incident light are absorbed, and the color we perceive is intimate part of rock making processes. As miscellaneous a
produced by the remaining wavelengths that were not group as the gems, there are almost 5000 known mineral
absorbed. species.

Tenacity refers to a mineral’s resistance to breaking, It consists of one part silicon and two parts oxygen. It is the
bending, or otherwise being deformed. A mineral may be most abundant mineral found at the Earth's surface. Quartz
brittle, easily broken or crushed to powder, malleable, forms at all temperatures. It is abundant in igneous,
flexible, and elastic. Tenacity is particularly useful in telling metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. It is a clear or white
some of the metallic minerals apart. color. It also has vitreous luster.

A mineral's luster is the overall sheen of its surface – it may They are the most common mineral in the Earth's crust.
have the sheen of polished metal, the sheen of an unpolished They are reasonably hard. They are often white-cream-pink,
metal that is pitted by weathering, sheen of glass, look dull and may form crystals that look small blocks. Feldspar is a
or earthy, glassy, pearly, greasy, and silky. common raw material used in glassmaking, ceramics, and to
some extent as a filler and extender in paint, plastics, and
 DENSITY rubber.
The density of a mineral is the ratio of its mass to its
volume. It is a measure of how much “stuff” is squeezed AUGITE
into the amount of space the mineral occupies. It is an It is the most common pyroxene mineral (a silicate of
intrinsic physical property of minerals that relates to the calcium, magnesium, iron, titanium, and aluminum). It
composition of the mineral and to the pattern in which the occurs chiefly as thick, tabular crystals in basalts, gabbros,
mineral’s atoms are arranged. andesites, and various other dark-coloured igneous rocks.

Streak is simply the color of a mineral powder. Many Hornblendes exhibit typical amphibole structures; these are
minerals have a different color when powdered than they do based on double tetrahedral chains between which four
in crystal or massive forms. The color may be entirely metal sites are located. Tetrahedral substitution of aluminum
different, or it may be a different shade. for silicon is common and provides charge balance for
trivalent and univalent substitution in the metal sites.
Hardness is the resistance of a mineral to scratching. It is a BIOTITE
property by which minerals may be described relative to a Description:
standard scale of 10 minerals known as the Mohs scale of It is also called as black mica, a silicate mineral in the
hardness. The degree of hardness is determined by common mica group. It is abundant in metamorphic rocks
observing the comparative ease or difficulty with which one (both regional and contact), in pegmatites, and also in
mineral is scratched by another or by a steel tool. granites and other intrusive igneous rocks.
Use: Rock is produced when magma exits and cools above (or
Has a small number of commercial uses. It is used as a filler very near) the Earth's surface.
and extender in paints, as an additive to drilling muds, as an
inert filler and mold-release agent in rubber products, and as
a non-stick surface coating on asphalt shingles and rolled

Description: SEDIMENTARY
Is the most common mineral of the mica family. Sedimentary rocks are the most common on the
It is an important rock-forming mineral present in Earth's surface, but they make up only a minor portion
igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Like of the crust, which is dominated by igneous and
other micas it readily cleaves into thin transparent metamorphic rocks. Weathering of pre-existing rocks,
sheets. followed by transportation and deposition of the
Uses: weathering products, produces sedimentary rocks.
Used in the United States to manufacture a
variety of products. Joint compound, paint, drilling METAMORPHIC
mud, plastics, cosmetics, rubber, asphalt roofing. It is any of a class of rocks that result from the
alteration of pre-existing rocks in response to
CALCITE changing environmental conditions, such as variations
Description: in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and
Is a rock-forming mineral with a chemical the addition or subtraction of chemical components.
formula of CaCO3. It is extremely common and The pre-existing rocks may be igneous, sedimentary,
found throughout the world in sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks.
metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Some geologists
consider it to be a "ubiquitous mineral" - one that is Precipitation
found everywhere. It is the reverse process, in which ions in solution come
Uses: together to form solid minerals. It is dependent on the
The construction industry is the primary concentration of ions in solution and other factors such as
consumer of calcite in the form of limestone and temperature and pressure. There are two types of
marble. These rocks have been used as dimension precipitation in formation of minerals which are
stones and in mortar for thousands of years. precipitation from aqueous solution and precipitation from
Limestone blocks were the primary construction gaseous emanations. Precipitation from aqueous solution is
material used in many of the pyramids of Egypt and from hot water flowing underground, from evaporation of a
Latin America. lake or inland sea, or in some cases, directly from seawater
while, precipitation from gaseous emanation is in volcanic
GARNET regions.
brittle and more or less transparent usually red Metamorphism
silicate mineral that has a vitreous luster, occurs mainly It is a process that changes pre-existing rocks into new
in crystals but also in massive form and in grains, is forms because of increases in temperature, pressure, and
found commonly in gneiss and mica schist, and is used chemically active fluids. Metamorphism may affect igneous,
as a semiprecious stone and as an abrasive. sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks. The changes
Uses: brought about include the formation of new minerals,
Garnet is so hard and resistant to weathering, it increase in grain size, and modification of rock structure or
can be used as skid-resistant road aggregate, skid texture, all of which depend on the original rock’s
resistant paints, and for filler in concrete being used in composition and the intensity of the metamorphism.
harsh environments.
IGNEOUS It describes the breaking down or dissolving of rocks and
It is any of various crystalline or glassy rocks formed minerals on the surface of the Earth. Water, ice, acids, salts,
by the cooling and solidification of molten earth plants, animals, and changes in temperature are all agents of
material. Igneous rocks are formed from the weathering.
solidification of magma, which is a hot molten or
partially molten rock material ranges from 600 to Organic Formulation
1,300 °C, or 1,100 to 2,400 °F. It is the formation of minerals within shells (primarily
Igneous Rocks are divided into two groups: calcite) and teeth and bones (primarily apatite) by organisms
1. Intrusive Igneous Rock (these organically formed minerals are still called minerals
Rock forms when magma is trapped deep inside the Earth. because they can also form inorganically)
2. Extrusive Igneous rock
Coal and Petroleum and their Origin and Occurrence in

Commercial coal mining in India dates back nearly 220
years, beginning in 1774 with M/s Sumner and Heatly of the
East India Company in the Raniganj Coalfield on the
western bank of the Damodar River. For nearly a century,
the growth of Indian coal mining was sluggish due to a lack
of demand, but the introduction of steam locomotives in
1853 gave it a boost.

Petroleum has an organic origin and is found in sedimentary
basins, shallow depressions and in the seas. Oil and natural
gas originated from animal or vegetable matter contained in
shallow marine sediments. The decomposition\r of organic
matter in sedimentary rocks has led to the formation of oil.
Most of the oil reserves in India are associated with
sedimentary rock formations of tertiary period.

STREAK: Colorless(harder than the streak plate)


STREAK: Light green to colorless

STREAK: White, colorless

STREAK: White to gray, flakes often produced
MOH’S HARDNESS: 2.5 to 3

STREAK: White, often sheds tiny flakes
MOH’S HARDNESS: 2.5 to 3


STREAK: Colorless
MOH’S HARDNESS: 6.5 to 7.5

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