Future Tense

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Future forms

Before you start

1 Read the conve rsatio n. l ook at the highlighted grammar examples.

SAllY Do you have any cheap flights to Malaga for Saturday, 14th June?
AGENT I'll look on the computer H' Yes, there's one that leaves at 7.30 in the morning.
"'ElRO That's no good. I'm taking the car to the garage first thing in the morning. Do you have
anything later in the day?
AGENT let me see .... OK, there's a flight at midday.
PlfTRO No, I won't have got back by then. Is there anything later?
AGENT Most of the evening flights are full, I'm afraid. What about leaving on Friday evening?
SAlJ.V I'm afraid that's no good for me. I'll be working on Friday afternoon, so I won't get home
until six. And Pietro has to take the car in on Saturday morning.
AGENT Wait, there's one flight at seven on Saturday evening, ...
SAllY That sounds OK.
AGfNt What about a hotel? We have some very good offers at the moment. I can get you five nights
at a four-star holel for 250 euros.
PlETRO Well, we were going to stay at the Hotel Luna,
but your hotel sounds like better value. Is It
near the beach?
AGENT Yes, it is. Shall I book it for you?
Pl£TRO Yes, please. Oh, do you have any day trips? We'd
like to do some exploring while we're there.
AGENt Sure. You can talk to our representative when
you arrive. She'U have ail the details.

2 Now read the sentences and choose the correct words in italics. The highlighted
grammar examples will help you.
I J Gln't see you tomorrow - I will spend / I'm spellding tile day wi th my grand parents. >- Unit 41
2 'Does the show start at seven?' ' I' m not sure. I dIEd / f 'll check in my diary.' ,.. Unit 41
3 W hy don't you talk to t he m anager? He's gO;/Ig to / He'll know what to do. >- Unit 41
4 Let's t ry t hat new Thai restaurant. Will / SI/all I make a reservat ion for to n ight ? >- Unit 41
5 Don't phone us between seven and n ine. We'll watch / be wa tchi ng the foo tball. >- Unit 42
6 They want the painting tomorrow, but I WOII' t ilave fill ished / I'm IIot fin ;sllillS
it by then . ,.. Unit 43
7 The tour bus is going to leave / tem'cs at eleven, so be here by ten forty-five! ,.. Unit 44
8 W ill the taxi be waiting when we get / '/I gel there? ,.. Unit 44
9 We were / (Ire going to visit our grandmother yesterday, but she was too sick
m_= ~ ~e

3 Check your answers below. Then go to the unit for more information and practice.

,uaM 6 la8 8 saAeal l Jhl4Sjuy aAt?4 1,UOM J 9

8u!4.)lCM <KI S llt?lIS t lI,aH £: :p a4:) 11 ,1 l 3u!pu-acis W, I

<.!> Go o!1 lme tor cl lu ll dldqnu,>llL 10'>! 121

41 going to, present continuous and will

1 be going to
We use am/is/are + goillg + to + t he inf init ive form of t he verb:
I am ('m) going to be late. He is ('s) going to come later.
"'O];!:;:;:;;;;I They are ('re) going to self it
NEGATIVE I am not ('m not) going to be la te. It is not (isn 't) going to arrive.
"";;;:,,,,~;::: . We are not (aren't) going to see them.
QUESTIONS Are you going to be late? (No, I'm not.)
Is she going to take the bus? (yes. she is.)
What are you going to do?

NATURAL ENGLISH In informal conversation and in songs we often pro nounce going to as
'go nna' /g;m ':JI.
Cl Pronunciation >- 1.20
Present continuous form ,.. Unit 28.1

Fut ure pl ans and arrangements
We use going to or the present conti nuous to talk about future plans and arrangements:

We intend to do something but we haven't made

an the arrangements yet: something:
We have already made arrangements to do

We're going to meet lee's mother next \NE'ek, David sent me a text message. He's meeting us
but we haven't arranged a rime yer. in front of the cinema at six o'clock.
I'm going to be a doctor one day, We're sitting in the front row. lyVe've already
bought the tickets,)
We plan to do something in the immediate To explain why we can 't do something in the
future: future:

I'm going to make a sandwich - would you 'Can you come to lunch on Saturday?'
like one? 'No, I'm afraid I can't. I'm working on Saturday.'
I'm tired. I'm no t going to stay any longer.
Wc usua lly use time ex pressions when we talk about plans with going to o r the present
I'm soinS to see Mallchester United on Saturday.
W lwl are YO" doing this evening?
A We don 't use will to talk about personal arrangements:
X Hie will sit in tile (rollt row. ./ We're sitting/go;'IS to sit in tile front row.
FORMALITY CHECI( In fo rmal English we usually use will, not going to, fo r arrangements:
Tllegovemmetlt will m eet to discuss the situation tomorrow.

3 will
We use will (not) + the infin itive form of a main verb:

I will ('11) be late. He will ('1/) come later. Th~ will ('11) bUY
I will not (won't) be late. It wit
at (won't) work. We "not (won't) take it.
Will you meet him? (No, I won't.) Will she see us? (Yes. she will.)
L.._"";'_..I , What will you do?
fORMALITY CHECK It is possible to use shaft instead of will, but normally only after I and we.
511all is morc formal than will. The contracted form is '11, the same as we use for wiff. The
negative form is sllal/ /Jot or shan 't.
Cl Pronunciation:'- 1.21

4 Predictions

We use goinS to or will to ta lk about things we expect to happen:

For predidlons based on something we can see For predictions based on our own personal
now, or that everybody knows: opinion or knowledge:

We're going to get soakedl The rain'fI stop in a minute.

(because it is raining now) (I know it never rains for long here.)
I'm going to be /ate for work. In the future, people will live on other planets.
(because my car has broken down) his is my opinion.
NATURAL fNGlISH We often use do YO" think to ask what people expect to happen:
'Do YO" think Ile'lf marry I,er? 1 tlri"k he will. ' Who do YO" think 's goinS to win the election?
To make a negative prediction with think we usually make think negative:
I don 't tMllk he'll marry I,er.

5 probably. certainlyldefinitely
We often use will to talk about events that are certain to happen:
TI,ere will be a filII mOOIl tomorrow. New Year's Day wifl ftlll on a1ilesd(1Y flext year.
We can make our predictions more or less certain by using the adverbs prol)(lbly, certainly
and definitely. Note the word order of the adverbs with a negative verb:
I'll definitely!cerlainly /1(155 the test. (I'm sure this will happen.)
We definitely won't go to Portllgal. (I'm sure th is will not happen.)
We're probably goinS to move to Spaillllexl year. (I think this will happen, but I'm not sure.)

6 Immediate decisions
We use will when wc decide to do something at the same time as speaking -
something that wc didn't plan:
'The mallager iSIl 't I,ere right flOW. Can J take a message?' 'No thauks. I'll call back later. '
'Do yoll W(/ltt something to drink?' 'No, I'm tired. I tllink I'll go 10 bed now.'

7 Offers, promises and warnings

We can use will to make offers, prom.ises and warnings:
Don ', worry abollt a taxi. We'll take YO" to the hospital. (offer)
I'll work harder IIe:d year, 1 promise. I will never do that again. (promise)
I will 'lOt allow bad bellQviour iIT my house. (warning)
Dot/ 't lift that - you'll hu rt yourself! (warning)
We ca n also use shall (but not will) for suggestions:
It's IlOt i1l here, Shall I open a wi/ldow? ~ Will' eperl a wimlew?
S /lall we get the earlier trai,,?
More on will ,.. Unit 53.1/3


1 Write the words and phrases in the correct o rde r.
o test Clare the isn't ta ke to going
1 won't this weekend rain probably it
2 a test tomorrow going have we to are ?
3 me meeting at the station she is ?
4 aren't to come to my party t hey going
S phone I for a tax i shall ?
6 in a hotel I' m this time staying not
7 be they're late do you thin k to going ?
8 never I']] agai n there go

2 M atch sentences 1 and 2 with A and B in each pair.

o 1 It 's going to be cold ton i ght.~ A It's always cold at n ight at this time of yea r.
2 It' ll be cold tonight. ~ B I can feel a cold b reeze coming fro m the north.
1 1 l-Ie'lI prohably win. A The race is almost over and hc's at th e fro nt.
2 He's goi ng to win . B He's won lots of races before.
2 I'm going to do a course at college. A I've been looking at tlleir websites.
2 I' m doing a course at college. B I e nrolled yesterday.
3 1 We'll borrow Sa lly's tent. A I' ll phone and ask he r if it's OK.
2 We're borrowing Sa lly's te nt. B She's agreed to lend it to us.
4 1 I'm ta king the childre n to the park. A So I' m afraid I can't stay fo r lunc h .
2 I' m going to take t he c h ildren to B Would you like to join me?
the pa rk.
S 1 I'm leavi ng at te n . A I'd like to have an ear ly night .
2 I'm going to leave at ten . B I've a rranged a laxi fo r t hat time.
6 1 He's going 10 be late. A I know him . He's always late.
2 He'll be latc. S There's a traffic ja m on t he motorway.

3 Complete the sentences w ith a fo rm of will or going to.

'I do n't t h ink we .'~.. 'Don' t sit so close to the 'Tha t ball ... ...... .... ..... .
..J~.i..~J~ . get a seat.' TV-you .................. . la nd in the water!'
get a headache. '
[j] ~

'Look at the cat. She ' I've used this machine 'I ................... call
can't get down .' before. Don't worry, the fo r an ambula nce.'
' Oh dear. I .................. . photos ... ...... ......... .
get a ladder.' come out in a minute.'

4 Read the notes a nd choose the correct words in italics in the
conversation. " l isten and check.
VANE~SA Feb 12tl-t Lo~6~ - 8<11t,1k4k.

1 hear you've booked your flights to Bangkok.
When (o(are you leaving)! will you leave?
Fljjht 31' .
P£TE R On Monday, We're (1) getting I going to getttle overnight Fob 13tk I l'itk b"kuI 2- >ti9htJ
A.r~ H6teJ. '
Fob 1~tk 12.30 - mutJ,lmfo,

(2) Are you staying I Will you stay long?
A couple of weeks. We (3) will fly I 're flying back on the
Feb 15 tk.J6 i 6 belfdtJ??
Fob Jktk b"kuI fl[9ht 6''131<4''- _

What about accommodalion?
We've booked a hotel lor the first two nights. (4) We're
U~611... Lurve S""'8k4k. 11,30 p.nt. I
staying I We'll stay at the Asia Hotel on Sukhumvit Road.
vANESSA That sounds nice. Bul I've heard Thailand can be terribly hot in February.
"ffiR No, I've been before, SO I know it (5) won't I isn't going to be too hot then.
VANtSSA What are your plans while you're in the city?
PffiR Do you remember John? (6) We're having I We'll have lunch with him on Ihe 14th.
VANmA GIVe him my best wishes when you see him. Whal about after that?
PElER I'm not sure. (7) We will I We're going to look around and see what's available. We'd like 10 go
to the beach.
VANBSA How are you gomg to get there?
P£TlII We'll (8 ) probably I certainly get the bus. I'm not sure really.
VANESSA (9) Shall I Will I look on the Internet? There might be a timetable or something.
PffiR That'5 a good idea.
VANESSA OK. (10) I'm getting I rlf get my computeL

5 Complete the conversations. Write one word (or a short form) in each gap.
CIII[J listen and check.
o A Ho w .~~ .... you getting to t he station to morrow?
B I don 't know. I'll .p.!"£~~.~.t.Y. .... o rde r a taxi. Actua lly, I 'Ll phon e the m now a nd see
if I ca n book o ne.
A This bag's too heavy. I'm ...... ..... ....... to hurt my back!
B ...... .. ....... .... I he lp you ca rr y it ?
A T hanks.
2 A Do you ........ , .......... Davi na will be here o n time?
B Yes, I' m sure she .. ... .... .. ...... ... She's never late.
3 A Have the tickets a rrived?
B Yes. Wc .. ................. Sitti ng in row E. That's q uite near t he front.
A Excellent. [ ......... ... .... ... eaU Peelro and tell him .
4 A I ................... going to do the shoppi ng late r. Is the re anyth in g you want?
B Yes. Quite a rew things . ............ ... .... I make a list?
5 A Have you asked Srian 10 the concert? I've got an extra ticket for him .
B Yes, but I ................... thi nk he'll com e. He hates classica l music,
A How annoying. Well, I ................ ... waste money o n an extra t icket again!

42 Future continuous

1 Form
We form the future continuous with will + be + the .;lIg form of t he verb:
I will ('/I) be working. He wi!!.f!1) be wailing. They w ill ('If) b e watching TV
to the party. It will not (won 't) be w orking.
I will not (won 't) be coming
We will not (won 't) be leaving then.
Will you be waiting for me? (No, I won 't.) Will she be arriving tomorrow?
1.___"", ' (Yes, she w ill.) Wha t will you be doing?
Spelling rules for -in9 forms )0. page 350

2 Actio ns happening at a futu re time

We use the future continuous to talk about an action that will be in progress at or around a
time in the futu re:
Come to the main door when YOIl arrive at the lIteatre - we'll b e waiting (or you ills ide.

you arrive at the theatre

we'lf be WiIID!)g Inside
Doll't phone me at the office tom orrow. I'll be working at hom e.
A We don't use going to with this meaning:
1 Bt'I IIi:s lime ne-N:I m(mtl, I'm going to U.oe ill "')'lIew PRO
.I By this time next month /'11 b e living ill my new {l(/t!

3 Fut ure actions w ith possible results

We can use the fut ure contin uous to talk about a future action
• which may have a resu lt :
/'11 b e m eeting my (riellds after work so / m (/y be home late,
• or which may make ano ther action possible or necessary:
/'1/ b e secitlg tile doctor tomorrow. Do YOII wallt me to a.~k her abOllt your prescriptioll?
We'II IJc turning off the water sllpply (or two IlOlIrs at six o'clock. Please do /l ot tllrn 011 YOllr
taps dllr;n8 this time.

4 Ask ing about plans

We use the future continuous to ask polite questions about personal plans and
arrangements. It is less direct than the present continuous or goillS to:
ExCl/se me. W ill we be s topping for a break during the jOllrney?
Compa re:
A re yOIl coming to the party? (present continuous: a direct q uestion, to a friend)
W ill YO" be comillg to the party? (future continuous: a less direct question, to your boss)
FORMALITY CHfCK We can also use the future continuous to say that we can't do somet hing
in a formal situation. Compa re:
Mr ' el/killS is bl/sy so I'm afraid he won 't b e m eeting m. (future continuo us: formal si tuation)
Sally's working so silt! iSII' t comillg to ti,e party tonight. (present conti n uous: informal)

1 Complete the captain's announcement
with the future continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
CIIID listen and check.
" Good afternoon, ladies and gen tl emen. This is your
captain speaking. Welcome on board today's flight to Las
Palmas. Our flight time today will be a round five hours and
we (0) w.i#..~~fi~.. .. .. .. (fly) at an altitude of 35,000 feet.
Weather conditions are good and we (1) .................... .
(arri ve) at Las PaJmas at six o'clock local time.
During today's flight we (2) .... ... .. .. ... ... ..... ......... (show) a
selectio n of film s. You can find details in th e in-flight
magazine in the pocket of the seat in front of you. Our cabin
crew (3) ... ...... (pass) through t he aircraft with
refreshments shortly after take-off. [ apologise for the fact that we (4) ......................... .
(not I serve) a hot meal o n today's flig ht. This is due to a strike at the cateri ng com pany.
However, we (5) . ........ ... ... ...... (offer) you sandwiches and the usua l choice of drin ks.
In a few momen ts th e cabin crew (6) ............................... (demonstrate) the safety
equipment. Please give them you r full atten tion , then si t back, relax and en joy the flig h t.
Thank you."

2 Choose the best ending for each sentence, A or B. CIIID listen and check.
o I'm afraid t he head of fin ance won't be able to meet you tomorrow as
A he'll attend a conference. @ he'll be attend ing a conference.
1 By t his time next week
A we' re going to lie on the beach. B we'll be lying o n the beach .
2 The au pair will be taki ng the chlldren to school
A if you' re too busy. B tomo rrow morning.
3 Don't disturb me tomorrow evening because
A I' ll watch t he match o n TV. B I'll be watching t he match on TV.
4 I'll be giving you a lift home
A so you don 't need to bring you r car. B if you like.
5 You can deliver tbe d ishwasher any t ime tomorrow beca use
A I' ll be working from home. B I' ll work from home.

3 Rewrite these statements and questions so they are more polite.

o Are you going to give us extra points for correct spelling?
.W.W..Y.~~.~~.J~~..~..~~!':":'.p~~fi.n:.~.~.!P.~U~?. ............ ...
Do we get a pay rise next year?

2 I' m afra id we a re n 't sending you t he documents until next week.

3 Are you going to stay the night?

4 Will you recommend me for a promotion when you see t he boss?

5 Unfortunately, we aren 't opening the day-care centre next summ er.

6 Are you going to bring some food for the pic nic?

perfect: simple and continuous

a good idea. We'll

been skiing all day so
'11 be ready for a meal!

1 Future perfect simple

We fo rm the future perfect simple with will + have + past participle:
~~E;;;: J will ('11) have worked. He will ('11) have worked. They will ('/1) have arrived.
NEGATIVE J wiff not (won't) have worked. It will not (won't) have finished.
I:::;o;;;;;:;;;;=:,We will not (won't) have stopped.
QUESTIONS Will you have worked? (No, I won't.) Will she have finished? (Yes, she will.)
L._~_ _ ' What will you have done?

2 Future perfect continuous

We form t he future perfect continuous with will + have + been + the -illS form of the verb:
POsmVE I'fI have been working. He'll have been waiting. They'lf have been watching TV
NEGATIVE J will not (won't) have been waiting. It will not (won't) have been working .
I:::;o;;~~~ : We will not (won't) have been skiing.
Q UESTIONS Will you have been swimming? (No, I won't.) Will she have been waiting?
(Yes, she will.) What will you have been doing?

3 Completed actions
We use the future perfect simple for actions which we ex pect to be completed by a
pa rt icular time in the future: get back to the hotel
We'll I/{I ve got back ami had a shower by seve/!.
(= We will get back before seven o'clock.) Now I
. ·'·. . '
... .) . . .
'\LJ .,.
We usually use time expressions with th e
future perfect:
He'lIlIave arrived by tllis evening.
Do yOIl thillk YOllr g/lests lViI/have left before we get there?

4 Actions in progress
We use the future perfect contin uous to tal k about an action which is happening lip to a
particular time in t he future. The actio n may stop at that time o r it may conti nue after it.
By next Friday /,11 have beeu waiting (or my exam res/llts (or over two /1/olltlls!
We can use this form, usually with so, to explain th e reason for a future situation:
We'lllwve beell skiing all day so we'll be ready (or a meal!
Tlley'lllUlve been working since eight o'clock so they'll be tired.
Compare the future perfect si mple and continuo us:
By tell o'clock I'lllwve finish ed my homework. (emphasis on a completed action)
By lIille o'clock I'll ha ve been working aI/lily essay (or {om hOllrs. (emphasis on 'how long')

Pract ice
1 Read the conve rsations and choose the correct word in italics.
A Shall we go out this evening? , ---,--:-_
B OK, but onl y after seven. I (0) Gvon't IlIiveJ won 't fini shed m y homework un ti l t hen .
A That's OK. I' m wo rking o n my project this evening but I'll (1) dOlle ( fmw clone most of
it by seven-th irty, so I ca n pho ne you then.
2 A Ca rol's lost a lo t of weight!
B Yes, she's been o n a very good d iet . By next week she' ll have been (2) go / going to a
weight loss c lass fo r ove r six weeks! If she carries o n like this she' ll (3) have / has lost
over five kilos by the cnd of the month.
3 A Will you (4) have / beell fin ished plastering this room by the weekend ?
BYes, 1 hope so.
A Great. So will we be able to paint the room o n Monday?
B No. Wait until Wednesday. The new plaster (5) did,, 't dry / \\Ion't Il/il'e dried until then.
4 A Excuse m e, nurse. I've been waiting here for ages.
B I' m sorry. Th e doctor's very busy. She' ll probably be able to see you after four.
A And by th en I'll (6) be / have beetl wa iting here fo r mo re than six hours!

2 Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the future perfect or, where
possible. the future perfect continuous form. c.m
listen and check.
o By the cnd of nex t month I JJ..~r.~. !?~ .F~... here in Spain for six years. (live)
1 I'll ask Jane to call yo u back at twelve. Her meeting ... ... ... ....................... .. by then.
2 When he retires next year, Adam .. ...... .. ......... ... ................... .... here fo r more than twen ty
years. (work)
3 I' ll have more free time aft er September because the child ren .... ....................................... .
to school by then . (go back)
4 My best friend is doing a ' round -the-world' trip. By this time next week she
................ ............................. for more th an six months. (travel)
5 Don't worry. By the time you get here, m y mother-in-law .................. ......................... .!
6 ....... ........ ....... .. .............. ..... .. the pro ject in time for the meeting? (the team, complete)
7 It's a reall y long tlight. We ................ ............... .. in the same seats for over fo urteen
hours so we' ll be exhausted when we get there. (sit)
8 You can't stay here next week. We ... .. ... .. ... ... . ... ... ..... .. ... ..... .. the decorating. ~ n ot fi nish)

3 Find five more mistakes in the letter and correct them .

cm&Ilisten and check.

Dear Mr Sanderson, .
I am writing about the repairs which your company has been~o the roof of our apartment building .
The work started in March and it stin isn't finished. By the end of this week the men will have woric.ing Ofl
the roof for over t.....-o months. This means we will suffered more than eight weeks of continuous noise
and disruption, and we will be living for al1 that time with permanent cold draughts and dirt.
As you know, my wife is pregnant and the baby is due next month. It looks as though lhe work will
haven't been completed by the time the baby is born. This is unacceptable.
t would like you to reassure us that work Ofl the part of the roof that covers our flat INlII have finishing by
the beginning of June at the latest. I think this is the least we can expect.
Yours sincerely,
Jeremy Brogan

44 Present simple with future meaning

1 Fixed future events

We often use t he present simple with a time or date to talk about futu re events on a
timetable or fixed programme:
Tile Dallas flight arrives at 9.45. Dllr next meeting is at 11.00 01/ Thursday.
Does tile tom bus s top ill ROl1da? Do we get back to the hotel by 6.oo?
Wc can use will in the same way: 'Whell do/will YOllr cI(lsses n"ish?' 'Tile fast olle will be/is
011 December 5th. '
We also use the present simple or will to talk about definite arrangements and things we
can't cha nge: 'What sort of party ;s it/will it be?' 'It's/It'll be a {(mcy dress party.'
New Year's Day fa lls/will fa ll 011 a TI/llrsday " ext year.
A When we are talking abou t personal arrangements we use the present continuous
or going to, not the present si mpl e:
X H~ lIJeet 811' {Rends at Ole dllemH #1;5 e.'ellittg .
./ We're meeting ollr friends at tile cinema this evellillS

2 after, when, as soon as, etc.

We use the present simple to ta lk about future even ts after when, as S(Km as, before, after,
ol/ce and until:
1 won't be able to /lse my pllOl1e unt il lhe plmle lands. Bulas soon as I get there, /'11 phone YOII.
I 'll semi YOII a text m essage once tile parcel arrives.
Wc can also use the present perfect after these expressions when we are talking about a
completed action:
I'll/ell YOII wlmt Ws like after I've seen it.
We'll come dowl1lo reception as soo" as we've lW/Jacked ollr sllitcases.
Don 't leave m,tU YOll've spoken to the mallager.
A We don't use will (or the present continuous for futu re meaning) after these expressions:
X t'lI see ~'6l1 ~~~Ilm rll aFF;.oe.
./ I'll see you w hen / arrive.
X As 59911 as l\I'iII get illM' ru th9Re ,.ell .
./ As SOO tl { IS / get there, I'll phol1e YO".
X I'll pJume r611 atlef [ 'Ill (,,"i.·illS .
./ /'/1 pllOlIe YOII after I arrive.
More on these linking w ords ~ Unit 82.1
Form and present tense uses of the present simple ~ Unit 27

1 Match the two parts of the sentences.
o I've ch ecked the ti metable; o ur next exam ~ A we'll sce the doctor.
1 The government has announced that the election B is lea ving tomo rrow.
2 The train to Edinburgh C is o n Tuesday.
3 My friend from university 0 we've secn the doctor.
4 We'll go the chemi st's aft er E leaves at 4.45.
5 Whcn we get to the hospi tal F will take place in May.

2 Read the email. Then choose the correct words in italics in the conversation.
c.m Listen and check.
5ub!«t I
Here are the details for Thursday's day trip to Paris .
.. 08.40 Departure from 5t Pancras International. (Train 9010)
.. , 2.15 Arrival at Paris GaTe du Nord International station .
.. 20.05 Departure from Paris Gard du Nord International (Train 9059)
.. 21.54 Arrival at London 51 Pancras International.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. And don't be late for the train! I

CARRIF. I' m so excitro about Thursday's tri p. I've just had eremy's emai l with the details.
WDY O h, I h aven 't, but I' m so pleased we (0) sit 're sittj" together on the train . Shall we
meet up and have a coffee before the train (I) leaves / is leavillg?
CARRlE No, we can get coffee o n the train . But why don 't you come to m y house? We can
get a taxi to the statio n together. The train (2) '11 leave / leaves al 8.40 so perhaps you
shou ld come h ere al about 8.00.
WDY OK. Wh at time (3) does it flrrive / is it arriving in Paris?
CARRIF. At quarter past twelve.
W ilY Perfect. Just in time for lunch! Do you know where we (4) eat / 're eating?
CARRIF. Not exactly, but I know Jerem y's o rganised everythin g. We (5) have / 're ' ,oving lu nch
at a place he knows nea r th e Louvre. Apparently it's very nice but no t too expensive.
WDY That sounds great. I'd like to go to th e museum after we (6) Iw Y(! / 'Ill/ave lu nch.
CARIUF. Good idea. But don 't fo rget Jeremy (7) 'll take / 's takins us to the Ei ffel Tower at 5.00.
WD Y I'm sure there'JI be time. When do we have to be back at the sta tio n?
C ARRm The train back to Lo ndon (8) will /(~(I ve / letlves at five past eight.
W I) Y How lo ng (9) is / will be the trip back?
CARRIF. The train ( 10) gets / 's getting back to Lo ndo n just before 10.00, so less than two hours.

3 Complete the sentences with the present simple. present continuous or will form of the
verbs in brackets. SIll Listen a nd check.
o I Jtf./:tM..~ ................. (check) with you before I buy the tickets.
1 We ............................... (meet) Soph ie at 7.00. Would you like to joi n us?
2 l' U p ho ne you as soon as I ............................... (h ear) any news.
3 Becaus< of uneKpected dema nd, thm .............................. (be) an extra sho w on Fr;day.
4 Once we ............................... (know) the survey results we'll be able to p lan o ur campaign.
5 Next year, Th anksgiving Day .............................. (be) o n Thursday, 26th November.
6 I can' t come tomo rrow. I .................. . .. ... (spen d) the day with my cousin s.
7 After I ............................... (pass) my d riving test I' m going to buy a car.
8 I've checked the it inerary. The bus ....... ............. ........... (get back) at 4.45.

45 Other ways to talk about the future
Well, we were going t o nave a skiing
holiday this winter, but Judy broke her
leg, so we're staying at home instead.

1 was/were going to
We use was/were going to to talk about something that was expected or planned for the
futu re but It did n't happen. We sometimes call this form 'the future in the past':
In 2005 they were going 10 b"ild a supermarket here. (= There was a plan to build iL)
WI,ell I was yOllnger I W(lS go;" S to be a ballet dancer. (= I expected to do tl1is in the fu ture.)
J w{un 'l goinS to work today, bllt the boss called m e ill, (::: I d id n 't expect to work today.)
Wc often use th is form
• 10 talk about something we expected to happen but in fact didn't happen:
I Wfl S goi"S to s lmly medicine bill my grades weren't good enollgh for m ediad sclwol.
• to make excuses about something we failed to do:
I was goi"g to fi nis h my homework bllt J did,, 't /JUI'e time.
We were going to b uy some more milk but we left Ollr mOlley at home. Sorry.
Past continuous for plans that did not happen ,.. Unit 31.4

2 Expressions with a future meaning

We use am/is/are to + infinitive in formal situations to talk about future events:
The president is la talk to tile nation tomorrow.
Till' bridse is to be ( 1)Cl Jed by tile mayor 0 /1 Jllly 20t/1.
We often use this fo rm in news reports and in instructions or orders:
Tile po/ice lIrc to stllrt //OlIse-to-hollse enquiries a,is week.
The driver of llle sto fl'll car is to appellr ill court tomorrow.
T I,ese pills {Ire to be lllke" three times a day.
YOII a re to report for duty at 9.00 a.lII.
Wc use am/is/a re abollt to + in finitive to talk about an action that will happcn in t he
immediate future:
Hurry tip! TIle frai/l 's abou t to leave.
I Cl/n't talk llOW - my pllOfle battery is a bollt to rim out.
Some verbs a nd other expressions also have a future meaning:
be due to The new computer is due to arrive tomorrow.
be 5urelcertain to The rest isn't diffICult. I'm sure to pass it.
be likely to I don't think we're likely to get a refund as we don't have a receipr.
expect The company expects to announce its annuo/ results next month.
hope I hope to see you on Friday
want They want to visit us next summer.

1 Match the sentences 1-5 with A or B.
o She's certain to be promoted.
A I'm talking about the prcsenl. @ 1' 111 talking about the fu ture.
We were going to go to thei r party.
A We went to their party. B We didn 't go to their party.
2 I can't talk now, I' m about to go out.
A I' m going out in a few mi n utes. B I'm going out later this evening.
3 I wasn't going to wear that red dress.
A I didn't wear the red dress. B My friend persuaded me to wear the red dress.
4 Fou r heads of state arc to attend the opening ceremony.
A I rcad this In a newspaper. B A friend said this.
S The government was going 10 reduce taxes last year.
A They reduced taxes last year. B They d idn 't reduce taxes last year.

2 Complete the the recorded phone messages with the words and phrases
from the box.CIIIID Listen and check.

about to due to ~ hope to likely to be sure to want was going to were.goin g to

A Hi Carla, it's jane here. [ (0) ..~.~p.~........... you get thi s message! Sorry I didn't call you
earlier. I ( I) ................... phone, but it's been a really busy day. AnY'""ay, I just wantL'<i to
tell you that I might be a bil late fo r the aerobics dass this evening. I' m (2) ................. ..
fini sh a rcally important report for my boss for tomorrow and I need to spend a couple
more hours on it to get it ready. But I'm (3) ................... finis h it by 7.00 so I'll see you
around 7.30.
B Hello. Mr Ca rllon? This is An thea from the electrical shop. You (4) ................... collect
your repa ired toaster this morning but you didn't come in to the shop. Do you
(5) ................... us to send it to you o r do you still want to collect it you rself! The thing
is, we' re (6) ................... close fo r our annual holidays so if you don 't co llect it before the
weekend it'll be too late.
C Thi s is Karen from customer services with a message for Stephen Brook. I'm afraid we've
had some problems with o ur suppliers and there's (7) .................. a few weeks' dclay in
the delivery. of your spa re parts. I'm sorry about th at. I (8) ................... get a defi nite da te
from them In the next few days. I' ll phone aga in when I've got a finn date for you.

3 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. using the word in
brackets. Use two to five words in your answer. CIIm Listen and check.
o They will definitely ask us about our holiday plans. (sure)
They . ~~.~.:t:~~~. !.~..'.f:t:!s.f!.!. ... about o ur holiday plans.
I planned to phone you but I didn't have time. (was)
I ............................... but I didn't have time.
2 The new hospital will open next September. (dul')
The new hospital ..... .......................... next September.
3 I thi nk we're probably going to be there around 6.00. (l ikely)
We ........ ... .................... there around 6.00.
4 ·1l1e Prime Minister wil l make an announcement this evening. (is)
The Prime Minister .................. ......... .... an announcement th is evening.

Review MODULE 8
1 UNITS 41 AND 42 Complete the conversation with suitable forms 'of the verbs in brackets.
CfJJA Hi, Celia. Nice to see you. (0) ~.~~J3~ .. ........... (I get) you a coffee?
JAKf. No, thanks, I've just had one.
CEllA I can 't believe this weathe r. Tt's awful!
JAK E I know. And by the look of those clouds it (1) . ...................... ... (get) worse.
CEllA O h well, this time n ext week I (2) ..... ....... ...... ............. (sit) o n a beach in the su n !
JAKE So you've booked your holiday t hen?
CEllA Yes. We (3) ............................... (leave) o n Sunday.
JAKE Lucky you! I (4) ............................... (no t think) we're going to go away this year.
Sylvia's boss has given her a big project. She (5) .............................. (work) on it
all summer.
CEl.lA That's a pity.
JA KE Yes. But her boss has promised that he (6) ...................... (give) her three weeks
off in the autumn ... Anyway, we should all get together befo re you leave. How
about Friday?
I' m not sure. I (7) ............................... (look) in my diary ... Well, I
(8) .............................. (not do) anything on Friday but Mado (9) ............................. .
(go) to footba ll training. So it (10) ............................... (j ust be) me. Is that OK?
Fine. We (ll ) ............................. (see) you on Friday. ( 12) .............................. (we
'''' meet) at seven ?
CEllA Great. See you then.

2 UNITS 41, 42 AND 43 Read the email and choose the correct words in italics.

Hi Dad
I've 'ust arrived in Johannesburg so this is my first chance to send an email. (0) I'll have sent /
1'1/ be send;n one to Grandma and Uncle Joe later on today.
By the start of next month I'll have (1) travelled I been travelling for more than three
monthsl I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. It's been an amazing experience.
After I get home (2) 1'1/ be boring /1 am boring you for weeks with all my stories!
Everything's fine here but I'm getting a bit short of money now. By the end of the week
(3) 1'1/ have used up I 1'1/ use up most of it. Is there any chance you could send me some
more? I'll (4) be arriving I have arrived in Cape Town next Monday. I (5) stay I'm staying in
a hotel in the Clifton district, SO could you send some money to the Western Union office
there? I'm really excited because I've arranged to meet one of myoid school frien ds in
Cape Town . I'll (6) be seeing I have seen him on Tuesday and he (7) '/I have been showing I
's going to show me around the town. We won't (8) have seen I be seeing each other for
fou r or five years so I hope I recognise him! Did I tell you I've grown a beard? Don 't worry,
I'm sure I'll have (9) shaved I been shaving it off by the time I get homel
Anyway, I'll (10) have written I write again soon.

3 UNITS 44 A.ND 4S Complete the sentences with words and phrases from A-K. There a re two
extra words or phrases.
o Katie is an excel len t d river. She .... ~.... pass th e test.
1 My sister .......... become a scientist but sh e became a teacher instead.
2 New recruits .......... report to the staff sergeant at 07.30 precisely.
3 The n ex t train .......... al ten forty·fi ve.
4 'Today's main news: the government .......... lower t he tax on fuel. '
5 10e final classes of the term .......... at six o'clock on Thursday.
6 As oil run s out, elect ric vehicles .......... become more and more popular.
7 We .......... try bungee jumping but o ur friends persuaded us to do it !
8 The bridge .......... o pen early in the New Yea r.
A are B are to C is Stife to D were going to
E is due to F weren't going to G leaves H is about to
I was going to J is 10 K are likely to

4 ALL UNITS Match the two parts of the sentences in each group.
1 0 I can' t see you o n Sat urday, ~ A I' ll have fi nished work by then.
1 I' ll come and see yOll after B I fi nish work.
2 We can meet al five becallse C I' ll be working.
2 1 We're not sure of o ur exact plans bu t A we're going to go som ewhere hot.
2 There's no s hade here, so B we' re going to Mexico.
3 I've just got the tickets; C we're going to get hot.
3 1 By t he time he gets here, Harry will be tired; A he's going to work all day.
2 I'm afraid Bill won 't have time to see you; B he'll be working all d ay.
3 Dave's determined 10 finish that essay; C he' ll h ave been working all day.
4 The sales di recto r's instructions arc as A we're meeting her at t he cafe ...
fo llows -
2 Everyth ing's arranged, 8 we are to meet her at the cafe.
3 we can go to the concert together after C we meet her at the cafe.
S 1 We were going to take the plane but we A ' 11 mj ss our connecti on .
2 We can't go on t he later plane because we B 're goi ng to miss o ur connection .
3 Look at the time! We C missed our connection .

5 A.LLUNITS Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word
in brackets. Use two to five words in your answer.
() The President will speak to th e natio n ton igh t. (is)
Til e President . ~ .t.~.!P.~~J~ ................... the nation ton ight.
I' m cert aI n ho use prices will go down thi s year. (su re)
House prices .......... ............................... this year.
2 James will leave before we get there. (left)
James ......................................... by the time we get t here.
3 We' ll arrive at the resort and then we'll decide where to stay. (after)
We'll decide where to stay ......................................... at the resort.
4 Next Satu rday is Ha rry and JuJia 's h ventieth weddin g anniversary. (been )
By nex t Saturday Harry and Ju lia ......................................... married for twenty yea rs.
5 Davld planned to become an airline pilot but he failed the fi tness test. (gOing)
David ......................................... an airline pilot but he fail ed the fi tness test.
6 I I) ccd to use my laptop tomorrow so I can 't lend it to you. (be)
I can't let you borrow my laptop lomorrow beca use I ......................... ............ myself.

Future forms

Choose the correct answer, A, 8 or C.

I can't sce you tomorrow afternoon. I ......... a check-up at th e dentist's.
A '11 have B ' m having C have ,.. Un it 41
2 The train's very late. I .......... my appointment.
A 'm going to miss B am missi ng C miss ,.. Unit 41
3 Don 't worry, the copier always makes that noise. It .......... in a minute.
A 's going to stop B stops C '11 stop "' Unit41
4 I .......... t hat job - t he pay isn't good enough.
A don' t think I'll take B don 't think I'm taking C think I' m not taking "' Unit41
5 'fancy a snack. I think ... ...... . myself a sandwich .
A I'm making B I' ll make C I make ,.. Un it 41
6 It 's rather cold in here... .... .... turn on the heating?
A Will I B Am I going to C Sha ll I "' Unit4 1
7 Come to the back door at 7.35 exactly.......... for you.
A I'm waiting n I wait C I'll be waiting ,.. Unit 42
8 I'm afraid we ca n 't tell you anyt hing yet. The board of d irectors ......... .
an official announcement tomorrow.
A is make B will be making C makes ,.. Unit 42
9 Excuse m e, Prime Minister. .......... a statem ent about the crisis this even ing?
A Are you making B Do you make C Will you be making ,.. Un it 42
10 By the end of August .......... o n the new bridge for over ('ighteen mo nths.
A they' ll have been worked B lhey' lI been working
C they' ll have been working ,.. Unit 43
11 You ca n come round at six . .......... by t hen .
A I will have been finishing work B 1'1\ have finished work
C I' m finishing work ,.. Unit 43
12 You won't have to wait for long. They ..... ..... it within the next few minutes.
A ' 11 have repaired B have repaired C repair ,.. Unit 43
13 Accordi ng to the website there are three flights tomorrow. The earlies t .....
at 7.30 a.m.
A is going to leave B leaves C will h ave left ,.. Unit 44
14 Jack sent me an cmail. "m afraid he ... .... .. . on Saturday.
A isn't com ing B won't come C doesn 't come ,.. Unit 44
15 I ... ....... you as soon as J hear any n ews.
A phone B '11 p hone C ' I( have phoned ,.. Unit 44
16 Don 't open your presents until we ..... ..... t here.
A ' 11 get B 're getting C get ,.. Unit 44
17 They .......... going to build flats here but the builder went out o f business.
A have been B will be C were ,.. Unit 4S
18 As a conditio n of this cont ract you .... .. . report a lost or stolen card with in
twenty-fo ur hours.
A are to B will to C be to ,.. Unit 45
19 Hurry up! They ....... ... the doors.
A ' re about close B ' re about to close C about of closing ,.. Unit 45
20 I .......... the accounts to be ready by Friday at the latest.
A have expected B 'm going to expect C expect ,.. Unit 45


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