De Module 4

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Subject: CE 211- Differential Calculus

1. Title of the Module

2. Introduction
CHAPTER FOUR treats on the solution of another special equation: the exact
differential equation. Certain principles on partial differentiation is needed in the discussion of
this third method of solving ordinary first-ordered equation. “Partial integration”, a tool used in
multiple integrals, is also necessary in the solution of this special equation.

3. Learning Outcome
To determine the difference of exact or non- exact differential equation.
4. Learning Content
It contains readings, selection and discussion questions and sets of activities
that students can work on individually or by group.
Topics for module 1
Topic 1 Exact Differential Equation

5. Teaching and Learning Activities

In these segment topics is discussed under Module 4.

Topic 1 Exact Differential Equation

(a) If there exists a function F(x, y) such that its total differential dF is exactly equal to
the left side of the first-ordered differential equation represented by EQ (2.1) in SECTION 2.1
(CHAPTER 2),that is,

dF = M(x, y) dx + N(x, y) dy EQ (4.0)

then EQ (2.1) is said to be an exact differential equation.

(b) To determine the sufficient condition/s for the exactness of EQ (2.1) as defined by
EQ (4.0), we proceed as follows:
i. Note from elementary calculus that for the function of two variables F(x, y), the total
differential is given as
∂F ∂F
dF= dx + dy EQ (4.2)
∂x ∂y

Comparison of EQ (4.2) with EQ (4.0) shows that

=M (x , y )
EQ (4.3)
=N (x , y)

Although these equalities are necessary conditions to satisfy EQ (4.0), these are not the criteria
being sought since there is no valid reason, as yet, in setting up these equations arbitrarily
without first examining under what additional condition/s they are valid.

ii. Consider now the mixed derivatives of the equations in EQ (4.3): the second partial of the
first equation relative to y and the second partial of the second equation relative to x,
∂ F ∂M
∂ x∂ y ∂ y
∂ F ∂N EQ (4.3)
and =
∂ y∂ x ∂ x

iii. Recall that in calculus the mixed derivatives of F(x, y) have been shown to be invariant with
respect to the order of differentiation, or
2 2
∂ F ∂ F
= EQ (4.5)
∂ x∂ y ∂ y∂ x

And so, with the equations of EQ (4.4), we have

∂M ∂N
= EQ (4.6)
∂ y ∂x

Which is the sufficient condition of being sought for the exactness of EQ (2.1).

CONCLUSION: the differential equation M(x,y) dx + N(x,y)dy= 0

is said to be exact if
∂M ∂N
∂ y ∂x
∂M ∂N
Provided that M, N, ,
∂ y ∂x

Are continuous functions of x and y.

(c) Finally, with the knowledge of the condition for the exactness of EQ (2.1), the
remaining problem is the determination of its solution represented by EQ (4.1)

F(x, y) = C

Here, the function F(x, y) is obtained from either of the two equations of EQ (4.3),

F=∫ M ( x , y ) ∂ x + f ( y )
EQ (4.7)
or F=∫ N ( x , y ) ∂ x + g( x)



Test for exactness and find the complete solution of

( 2 xy−3 x 2 ) dx+ ( x 2+2 y ) dy=0.


2 ∂M
(a) M =2 xy−3 x ; =2 x

2 ∂N
N=x +2 y ; =2 x

Since the two partials are equal, the equation is exact.

(b) The solution is F(x, y) = C, where

1. F=∫ M ∂ x + f ( y )

F=( 2 xy−3 x 2 ) ∂ x + f ( y )

2 3
F=x y −x + f ( y )

Or 2. F=∫ N ∂ y+ g (x)
F=∫ ( x 2+ 2 y ) ∂ y + g ( x )

2 2
F=x y + y + g( x )

Comparison of (1) and (2) gives us

2 3
f ( x )= y ∧g ( x ) =−x

So the solution is

2 2 3
x y + y −x =C .


Test the exactness and find the general solution of:

( cos 2 y −3 x 2 y 2 ) dx+ ( cos 2 y−2 x sin 2 y−2 x 3 y ) dy =0.


(a) M =cos 2 y −3 x 2 y 2

∂M 2
=−2sin 2 y−6 x y

N=cos 2 y−2 x sin 2 y−2 x y

∂N 2
=−2 sin2 y−6 x y

The equation is exact

(b) The solution is F(x, y) = C, where

1. F=∫ M ∂ x + f ( y )

F=∫ ( cos 2 y−3 x 2 y 2 ) ∂ x + f ( y )

3 2
F=xcos 2 y−x y + f ( y )

Or 2. F=∫ N ∂ y+ g (x)
F=∫ ( cos 2 y−2 x sin 2 y −2 x 3 y ) ∂ y+ g ( x )

1 3 2
F= sin 2 y+ ¿ xcos 2 y−x y + g(x )¿

Comparison of (1) and (2) shows that

f(y) = sin 2 y and g(x) 0.

The solution is

3 2 1
xcos 2 y−x y + sin 2 y =C


Test for exactness and determine the particular solution of:

( y e xy −2 y 3 ) dx + ( x e xy−6 x y 2−2 y ) dy=0

x = 0 when y = 2.


(a) M = y e xy −2 y 3

∂M xy xy 2
=xy e + e −6 y

xy 2
N=x e −6 x y −2 y

∂N xy xy 2
=xy e + e −6 y

The given D.E. is exact.

(b) The solution is F(x, y) = C, where

1. F=∫ M ∂ x + f ( y )

F=∫ ( y e xy −2 y 3 ) ∂ x+ f ( y)
F=e xy −2 xy 3 + f ( y )

Or 2. F=∫ N ∂ y+ g (x)

F=∫ ( x e xy −6 x y 2−2 y ) ∂ y+ g ( x )

xy 3 2
F=e −2 x y − y + g(x )

Comparison of (1) and (2) gives us

f(y) =− y 2 and g(x) 0.

So the solution is

xy 3 2
F ( x , y )=e −2 xy − y =C

(c) When y = 2, x = 0 and C = -3.

xy 3 2
e −2 xy − y + 3=0

6. Recommended learning materials and resources for supplementary reading.

All related to Differential equation books are recommended for reading

7. Flexible Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted

Online (synchronous)
//Edmodo, google classroom, moodle, schoology, Podcast etc..
Remote (asynchronous)
//module, case study, exercises, problems sets, etc…

8. Assessment for topics 1:

In the following differential equations, test for exactness and determine the solution of each:

1. ( 6 x + y 2 ) dx + y ( 2 x−3 y ) dy=0
2. ¿
3. ¿ ¿

4. ( x + √ y 2 +1 ) dx−
{ y−
√ y 2+1 } dy=0

5. 3 y ( x 2−1 ) dx+ ( x 3+ 8 y−3 x ) dy=0 ;

y=1 when x=0

9. References
 Dela Fuente, Feliciano and Uy. Elementary Differential Equations
 Peterson Calculus
 Rainville Bedient Bedient Elementary Differential Equations. Eight Edition

Revision: 02
Effectivity: August 1, 2020

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