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Subject: CE 211- Differential Calculus

1. Title of the Module

2. Introduction
CHAPTER THREE deals on the second method of solving ordinary first-ordered
differential equations. Here, two related substitution methods are shown on how to work on a
special type of equation: the homogeneous differential equation. The reader will note the
importance of the use of a third variable in the solution of this equation which eventually
reduces to one where the variables are separable.

3. Learning Outcome
To solve the homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients.
4. Learning Content
It contains readings, selection and discussion questions and sets of activities
that students can work on individually or by group.
Topics for module 3
Topic 1 Homogenous Function
Topic 2 Homogenous Differential Equation
Topic 3 Solution of Homogenous Differential Equation

5. Teaching and Learning Activities

In this segment topics 1-2 are discussed under Module 3.

Topic 1 Homogenous Function

The function f(x, y) is said to be homogenous og degree n if there exists a constant n
such that for every quantity r(whether a constant or a variable)
f ( rx , ry ) =r n f ( x , y ) .
1. f ( x , y )=3 x 3−2 xy 2−4 y 3 is homogenous of degree 3 since
3 3 3 2 3 3
f ( rx , ry ) =3 r x −2 r xy −4 r y
3 3 2 3
f ( rx , ry ) =r (3 x −2 xy −4 y )
and f ( rx , ry ) =r f ( x , y ) .
2. f ( x , y )= is homogenous of degree zero (0) since
√ x 2− y 2
2 rx
f ( rx , ry ) =
√r 2
x2 −r 2 y 2
f ( rx , ry ) =r f ( x , y ) .

Topic 2 Homogenous Differential Equation

The first-ordered differential equation M ( x , y ) dx+ N ( x , y ) dy =0is said to be

homogeneous of degree n if M ( rx ,ry )=r n M ( x , y ) and N ( rx , ry )=r n N(x, y). For M dx + N dy
= 0 to be homogeneous, the functions M and N must be both homogeneous of the same
The differential equation

( x 2−2 xy ) dx +4 y 2 dy=0
is homogeneous of degree 2 since
2 2 2
M ( rx ,ry )=r x −2r xy
2 2
M ( rx ,ry )=r ( x −2 xy)
M ( rx ,ry )=r M (x , y)
2 2
and N ( rx , ry )=4 r y
2 2
N ( rx , ry )=r (4 y )
N ( rx , ry )=r N ( x , y ) .
Topic 3 Solution of Homogenous Differential Equation
(a) A homogeneous first-ordered differential equation can be solved by using either of the
following substitutions:
y = vx EQ (3.1)
or x = uy
(b) The use of the third variable, v or u, in EQ (3.1) is to reduce the homogeneous equation
into one in which the variables are separable. The proof of this is given below:
Let y = vx
and dy = vdx + xdv.
Substitution of these to a given homogeneous equation, say one represented by EQ (2.1), gives
M(x, vx)dx +N(x, vx) (v dx +xdv) = 0
The application of the property of the homogeneous equation given by EQ (3.0) results into
n n
x M ( 1 , v ) dx+ x N ( 1, v )( v dx+ xdv )=0
Divide each term by x n, simplify and separate the terms in x and in v

dx N ( 1, v ) dv
+ =0 EQ (3.2)
x M ( 1 , v ) + v N (1 , v)

(c) Finally, the integration of EQ (3.2) gives the tentative solution having the form
v = f(x) or f(v, x) = 0
and the substitution of v = gives the complete solution in terms of the original variables x and
REMARK: Both substitutions, y = vx and x = uy, provide the same solution to a
homogeneous equation. However, in terms of mathematical works, one has a
decided advantage over the other. It is suggested that we use:
1. y = vx if N is simpler than M,
2. x = uy if M is simpler than N.
The reason for this can easily be verified by the reader as he proceeds on the
actual application of either substitution to a homogeneous equation.
Example 1.
Find the complete solution of
(3x + 2y) dx + 2xdy = 0
(a) The given D.E. is homogeneous of degree 1 and since N=2x is simpler than M = 3x + 2y, we
y = vx
and dy = v dx + x dv.
(b) Substitute these to the given equation
(3x + 2vx) dx +2x (v dx + x dv) = 0.
Divide each term by x and simplify
(3 + 4v) dx + 2x dv = 0
dx 2 dv
+ =0
x 3+ 4 v
(c) Integrate
ln x + ln (3 + 4v) = C
The substitute v= to give

ln x +ln 3+

Simplification leads to

x(3x + 4y) = C 1 (C ¿ ¿ 1=e ) . ¿


Example 2.
Find the general of the solution of

( 6 x 2−7 y 2 ) dx−14 xy dy =0
(a) This equation is homogeneous of degree 2 and N is simpler than M.
Let y = vx
dy = v dx + x dv
(b) Substitute to get

( 6 x 2−7 v 2 x 2 ) dx−14 x 2 v ( v dx + x dv ) =0
Divide by x 2, simplify and separate the variables.
dx 14 v dv
− =0.
x 6−21 v 2

(c) Integrate each term

ln x + ln ( 2−7 v )=C
and substitute v =

ln x 3 2−
7 y2

2 2
2 x −7 y
(C ¿ ¿ 1=e ) ¿
Or x 2
=C 1
Which finally reduces to

x ( 2 x 2−7 y 2 ) =C2
(C ¿¿ 2=c 1 )¿

Example 3.
Determine the particular solution of

xy 2 dy−( x 3 + y 3 ) dx=0 ; y =0 when x =1.

(a) This is a D.E. which is homogeneous of degree 3. Once more N is simpler than M, so we use
y = vx
dy = vdx + xdv
(b) Substitute to the given D.E.

v 2 x 3 ( vdx + xdv )−( x 3 +v 3 x 3 ) dx=0.

Divide each term by x 3 and simplify.

v xdv – dx = 0
2 dx
or v dv− =0
(c) Integrate to give
and substitute v=
−ln x=C .
(d) When y = 0, x = 1 and C = 0, and so the particular solution is
3 3
y =3 x ln x .

6. Recommended learning materials and resources for supplementary reading.

All related to Differential equation books are recommended for reading

7. Flexible Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) adopted

Online (synchronous)
//Edmodo, google classroom, moodle, schoology, Podcast etc..
Remote (asynchronous)
//module, case study, exercises, problems sets, etc…

8. Assessment for topics :

Find the complete or particular solution of the following differential equations:
1. y dx + ( 2 x +3 y ) dy=0
Answer: x y 2+ y 3 =C .
2. ( 2 xy + y 2 ) dx−2 x 2 dy=0 ; y=e , x=e
Answer: 2x + y ln x = 3y
3. y ( x 2+ xy −2 y 2) dx + x ( 3 y 2−xy−x 2 ) dy=0
2 y 2 2
Answer: 2 y ln 2
+ 2 xy + x =C y

4. ( x + y sin yx ) dx −x sin xy dy=0

Answer: ln x +cos =C
5. y 2 dy=x ( xdy − ydx ) e x/ y
y ln y x/ y
Answer: =( y−x )e

9. References
 Dela Fuente, Feliciano and Uy. Elementary Differential Equations
 Peterson Calculus
 Rainville Bedient Bedient Elementary Differential Equations. Eight Edition

Revision: 02
Effectivity: August 1, 2020

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