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Important Points:

 Body parts that are inside the body and cannot be seen from outside are called internal

organs some organs are vital for life.

 Brain is the control centre of the body.

 Lungs are air-filled bags that help us to breathe.

 Heart pumps blood to all the parts of the body.

 Arteries are thick walled tubes that carry the pure blood from the heart.

 Veins are thin walled tubes that carry the impure blood back to the heart.

 Stomach receives all the food we eat and then digest it.

 Small intestine provides all nutrients to blood stream through its walls.

 Liver removes all the harmful chemicals from the blood stream.

 Kidneys are bean shaped organs that remove waste material in the form of urine.

 Internal organs: Brain, kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, stomach, intestines, bladder.
Note: Do it in note book.

I. Define terms:

1. Skull: The brain is inside our head is protected by a hard cover of bones called skull.

2. Digestion: Breaking down of food into small and simpler parts that the body can use.

II. Match the following

Column A Column B

1. Brain 72 times in a minute (3)

2. Inhalation stores information (1)

3. Healthy human heart beat rate when we breathe in (2)

4. Exhalation largest internal organ (5)

5. Liver a pair of bean-shaped organ (6)

6. Kidneys when we breathe out (4)

III. Ans. in short

Q1. Which organ controls all the function of our body?

Ans. Brain

Q2. Which organ stores all the information in the form of memories?

Ans. Brain
Q3. Write the main function of lungs.

Ans. Breathe

Q4. Write the name of internal organs of the body.

Ans. Internal organs: Brain, kidneys, heart, liver, lungs, stomach, intestines, bladder.

Q5. Where our heart is located?

Ans. The heart is located in the chest between the lungs behind the sternum.

IV. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What is the role of stomach in digestion?

Ans. Stomach makes acid and powerful enzymes that break the food down and change it to a

liquid or paste. From there, food moves to small intestine.

Q2. Which part of the body filters the blood?

Ans. Kidneys filter the blood in our body.

Q3. What are veins and arteries?

Ans. Arteries are thick walled tubes that carry the pure blood from the heart.

Veins are thin walled tubes that carry the impure blood back to the heart.

Q4. What is the function of lungs?

Ans. Lungs are air filled bags that help us to breathe.

Q5. Draw a well-labelled diagram of heart.

Ans. from page number 8

Q6. Name any two disorders of heart.

Ans. 1. Heart failure

2. Coronary artery disease

Q7. What would happen if any one of the organs of the digestion was missing?

Ans. If any one of the organs of the digestion was missing then the digestion would be
incomplete. All the nutrients and sugar from food would not be absorbed into blood and we
would die.
Book Exercise Page No. 10 and 11

Note: Do it in book.
1. Tick the correct option:

a) Which of the following is an internal organ?


b) Heart pumps blood to all parts of our body.

c) Arteries and veins are the blood vessels that carry blood to all parts of our body.

d) Which of the following remove waste product from the body?


e) Maintaining healthy lifestyle can keep our vital organs healthy.

2. State True or False

a) Stomach receives digested food. False

b) The undigested food passes into large intestine True
c) The upper chamber of the heart is called ventricle. False
d) Liver is the largest organ in our body. True
e) There are two bean-shaped kidneys in the body. True
f) The lungs help out to breathe in and out. True

3. Recognise and write the name

Brain Heart Lungs

Kidneys Liver Pancreas

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