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Intervention of the offended

party in criminal action. — Where the civil
RULE 110- Prosecution of Offenses action for recovery of civil liability is
instituted in the criminal action pursuant to
Section 13. Duplicity of the offense. — A Rule 111, the offended party may
complaint or information must charge but intervene by counsel in the prosecution of
one offense, except when the law the offense. (16a)
prescribes a single punishment for various
offenses. (13a) RULE 111- Prosecution of Civil Action

Section 14. Amendment or substitution. Section 3. When civil action may

— A complaint or information may be proceeded independently. — In the cases
amended, in form or in substance, without provided for in Articles 32, 33, 34 and
leave of court, at any time before the 2176 of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
accused enters his plea. After the plea the independent civil action may be
and during the trial, a formal amendment brought by the offended party. It shall
may only be made with leave of court and proceed independently of the criminal
when it can be done without causing action and shall require only a
prejudice to the rights of the accused. preponderance of evidence. In no case,
however, may the offended party recover
However, any amendment before plea, damages twice for the same act or
which downgrades the nature of the omission charged in the criminal action.
offense charged in or excludes any (3a)
accused from the complaint or
information, can be made only upon Section 5. Judgment in civil action not a
motion by the prosecutor, with notice to bar. — A final judgment rendered in a civil
the offended party and with leave of court. action absolving the defendant from civil
The court shall state its reasons in liability is not a bar to a criminal action
resolving the motion and copies of its against the defendant for the same act or
order shall be furnished all parties, omission subject of the civil action. (4a)
especially the offended party. (n)
Section 6. Suspension by reason of
If it appears at any time before judgment prejudicial question. — A petition for
that a mistake has been made in charging suspension of the criminal action based
the proper offense, the court shall dismiss upon the pendency of a prejudicial
the original complaint or information upon question in a civil action may be filed in
the filing of a new one charging the proper the office of the prosecutor or the court
offense in accordance with section 19, conducting the preliminary investigation.
Rule 119, provided the accused shall not When the criminal action has been filed in
be placed in double jeopardy. The court court for trial, the petition to suspend shall
may require the witnesses to give bail for be filed in the same criminal action at any
their appearance at the trial. (14a) time before the prosecution rests. (6a)

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