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Your score on the Explorer scale is 18 out of

a possible 42, or 43%.

Your score on the Builder scale is 29 out of a

possible 42, or 69%.

Your score on the Director scale is 26 out of a

possible 42, or 62%.

Your score on the Negotiator scale is 32 out

of a possible 42, or 76%.

Your Primary personality Type is


NEGOTIATORS are philosophers. These

women (and men) express traits linked with
the estrogen system in the brain. These peo-
ple see the big picture. They are imaginative
and intuitive. They have superb language and
people skills. They are also emotionally ex-
pressive, as well as agreeable, trusting and
compassionate. Negotiators seek someone
with whom they can make an intensely inti-
mate, deeply meaningful, inspiring and spiritu-
al connection. But Negotiators, like Directors,
prefer to go out with one person at a time and
to explore the depths of this potential part-
nership. They dislike wasting time on irrele-
vant, trivial or boring socializing. When they
find “The One,” Negotiators are superb at gen-
erating and maintaining intimacy with this
partner. They avoid conflicts with a mate, and
make major personal adjustments to strength-
en this cherished bond. They give thoughtful
gifts, such as a treasured book or photograph.
They share their most personal feelings. And
they want their partner to share his or her
feelings too.

Negotiators are often attracted to their opposite,


Here are some famous Negotiators:

Bill Clinton

Contextual web thinking:

“I think it is important to have a synthesizing
Language skills / people skills
Emotionally expressive
Compassionate: “I feel your pain.”

Oprah Winfrey

Sees the big picture: “web thinking”

Verbal & people skills
Intuitive: “The only time I have made a bad de-
cision is when I didn’t follow my instinct.”
Compassionate: “Your company is dysfunc-
tional and your employees are entitled”
Emotionally expressive
Educator / reader

Your Secondary personality type is


BUILDERS are pillars of society. Most likely

highly expressive of the serotonin system in
the brain, they are traditional and convention-
al, as well as cautious, calm and often social.
These men and women like to build networks;
community and family are important to them.
They make good managers because they are
orderly, conscientious, thorough and loyal.
And they respect rules and like schedules.
Builders seek a stable and predictable team
player, someone who shares their fidelity to
family and tradition. They take courtship seri-
ously, too. Builders don’t choose a partner im-
pulsively. They believe in good manners, old-
fashioned courtesy, punctuality and well-
arranged schedules. Builders tend to think
concretely; they are literal; they like and trust
facts. So on a date, a Builder is likely to engage
in tangible conversations - about food, travel,
sports, the weather, TV programs and/or
movies. They are often good at “small talk,”
short conversations on concrete topics. They
can be very modest when discussing their
achievements. And they tend to take the opin-
ions of their friends and relatives seriously.

Here are some famous Builders:

Colin Powell

"Success is the result of perfection, hard work,

loyalty and persistence."

Queen Elizabeth

It's hard to find famous Builders among

women — perhaps because they tend to be
less daring, and more home-bodies. They don’t
like standing out. Queen Elizabeth likes her
hats and colorful coats to stand out, but oth-
erwise she doesn’t put herself forward and
likes her routines, protocols, keeping the royal
family together and playing with her grand-
children as she attends, supports and enjoys
community affairs.

You are not likely to express all of the traits associ-

ated with these two brain systems. But you express
more of these traits than those linked with the oth-
er two brain systems. Hence these are your primary
and secondary types.

In the next section, we discuss:

How your PRIMARY personality type meshes with

other types in a love relationship.
How your SECONDARY personality type meshes
with other types in a love relationship.
And some of the joys and possible issues that may
arise as you form a bond with someone of your
same or other styles of thinking and behaving.


Descriptions of all four basic types (or styles of
thinking and behaving) were first developed by He-
len Fisher, our co-founder. She has studied these
patterns of personality for years. And she has dis-
covered that each primary type tends to seek differ-
ent qualities in a mate, to court in different ways,
and to build different kinds of long-term

If you wish to see a more extensive analysis of who

you are, who you chose, and how you are likely to
build a long term partnership, read more about per-
sonality combinations by clicking the button above.

You might also consider asking your partner (or

friend, relative or colleague) to take the test

. Then read more about personality combinations

by clicking the button above to see how you he/she
are likely to get along.

See Helen’s book: Why

Him? Why Her? ! for
the fullest description
of these personality
styles and how to use
them at love and work.

To find out more about the brain scanning results,

see the technical-scientific paper we published

Still curious? Here's another technical paper about

the quiz.


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