Atienza Pt3a

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Atienza, Ma. Rhodalyn Mae M.

20202107457 | PT3A
Midterm Quiz

The Impact of Operating System Upgrade on Student Learning

A high school recently upgraded its operating system in response to the growing need for students to have

access to technology to succeed in the digital age. The school administration was interested in evaluating

the effectiveness of this upgrade and its impact on student learning outcomes.

Question: What is the impact of the operating system upgrade on student learning outcomes?

Operating systems are very important when using computers since it is the one responsible for the

whole unit’s capability to function — from running various applications to simply allowing access of

different input and output devices to the main device. Nowadays, various operating systems are being

utilized by people from different fields and these include examples such as Windows, Linux, MacOS,

android, etc. Each of the aforementioned have their own advantages and disadvantages and it is up to the

consumer which one to use based on what they need.

Years ago, schools have recognized the importance and the potential computers have in the

education of young ones thus they have started to allot budget to building good computer rooms within the

campus and have invested in good softwares and hardwares. Operating systems are especially important

since sometimes, softwares and how smooth and fast they run depend on the aforementioend. Learning

can also be affected based on the operating system since for example, an art major who needs to use

softwares such as photoshop and adobe illustrator would require a good operating system. The latter

mentioned, if of good quality, would allow efficient and easier learning and practicing time for the student.

Moreover, a smooth running computer would encourage students to study longer using the device and wil

result to better learning outcomes.

Atienza, Ma. Rhodalyn Mae M.
20202107457 | PT3A
Midterm Quiz

Internet Access and Academic Performance

Background: A high school has recently provided internet access to all students to support online learning.

The school administration wants to assess the impact of internet access on student academic


Question: What is the relationship between internet access and academic performance?

The internet has been a good source and a good place to store information and knowledge since it

was created. Moreover, it has also been used to communicate data and has allowed people from different

countries access to various data from all over the world. This advantage and use of the internet is

essential for students since studying entails that they consume and look for information in order to learn.

Internet access would allow the students to explore various fields they do not usually have access to.

For example, they can search up videos showing real life footages of volcano eruption in order to have a

good visual of what really occurs in such phenomenon. Also, they can use the internet in order to have a

better understanding of concepts. Sometimes, students wont instantly understand what a teacher or

professor is teaching. There are different websites the students can use such as osmosis, physioPt, etc.

that students can use to acquire simpler and better explanation of their current topics at school which

would lead to better academic performance. To sum it up, internet access can positively affect a student’s

academic performance and their relationship can even be deacribed as directly proportional if internet

access is sone correctly.

Atienza, Ma. Rhodalyn Mae M.
20202107457 | PT3A
Midterm Quiz

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

A middle school has recently introduced digital citizenship education to promote online safety among

students. The school administration wants to assess the impact of digital citizenship education on student

online safety knowledge and behavior.

Question: What is the impact of digital citizenship education on student online safety knowledge

and behavior?

Educating children before using the internet will allow them to know the dos and donts when

accessing various sites and applications which will increase their safety and likeliness of decent behavior

online. It will also educate them and make them aware regarding what posts and information to share and

believe and what sites not to access to prevent information and property theft through viruses, etc. Digital

citizenship education would also allow these young ones to become nicer and responsible when accessing

social media. For example, instead of leaving mean and bad comments on a post they did not like, they

can instead leave a constructive criticism or initiate a healthy conversation with the poster.

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