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ACG Clinical Guidelines: Management of Benign

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Anorectal Disorders
Arnold Wald, MD, MACG1, Adil E. Bharucha, MBBS, MD2, Berkeley Limketkai, MD, PhD, FACG3, Allison Malcolm, MBBS, FRACP4,
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Jose M. Remes-Troche, MD, MsC5, William E. Whitehead, PhD6 and Massarat Zutshi, MD7,8

Benign anorectal disorders of structure and function are common in clinical practice. These guidelines summarize the
preferred approach to the evaluation and management of defecation disorders, proctalgia syndromes, hemorrhoids,
anal fissures, and fecal incontinence in adults and represent the official practice recommendations of the American
College of Gastroenterology. The scientific evidence for these guidelines was assessed using the Grading of
Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation process. When the evidence was not appropriate for
Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation, we used expert consensus to develop key
concept statements. These guidelines should be considered as preferred but are not the only approaches to these

Am J Gastroenterol 2021;116:1987–2008.; published online

INTRODUCTION and Evaluation (GRADE) process (1). High-quality evidence

Similar to the previous ACG Clinical Guidelines, these updated indicates that further research is unlikely to change the authors
guidelines summarize the definitions, diagnostic criteria, evalua- confidence in the estimate of the effect; moderate-quality evi-
tion, and management of a group of benign disorders of anorectal dence is defined as moderate confidence in the estimate of effect,
function and/or structure. Disorders of defecation, proctalgia although future studies would be likely to impact our confidence
syndromes, and fecal incontinence (FI) are primarily regarded as of the estimate; low-quality evidence indicates that further study
disorders of function; some patients also have structural abnor- would likely have an important impact on the confidence in the
malities. The structural disorders include acute and chronic anal estimate of the effect and would likely change the estimate. Very-
fissures and hemorrhoids. The guidelines consist of individual low-quality evidence indicates very little confidence in the effect
sections that cover the definitions, epidemiology and/or patho- estimate and that the true effect is likely to be substantially dif-
physiology, diagnostic testing, and treatment recommendations. ferent than the estimate of effect.
These reflect a comprehensive search of relevant topics of pertinent Largely but not entirely based on the evidence, a strong
English language articles in PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and the recommendation is made when the authors agree that the
National Library of Medicine updated to June 2020 using appro- benefits clearly outweigh the negatives and/or the result of no
priate terms for each subject. As with the earlier guidelines, rec- action. A conditional recommendation indicates that some
ommendations for anal fissures, hemorrhoids and surgical uncertainty remains about the balance of benefits and po-
interventions for FI also rely on adaptation from the American tential harms. In these guidelines, many treatments have little
Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Practice parameters from the or no potential for harm and may result in a strong recom-
most recently published guidelines in 2018. We used systematic mendation with low quality of evidence. In contrast, treat-
reviews and meta-analyses when available. The National Library of ments associated with potential for harm may result in a
Medicine was searched for terms that were cross-referenced to the conditional recommendation with similar quality of evidence.
terms that have been used to describe dyssynergic defecation: Key concepts are statements that are not amenable to the
disordered defecation, pelvic floor dyssynergia, anismus, obstruc- GRADE process either because of the structure of the state-
ted defecation, and functional outlet obstruction. ment or because of the available evidence. In some instances,
Each section contains key concepts, recommendations, and key concepts are based on extrapolation of evidence and/or
summaries of the available evidence. Each recommendation expert opinion.
statement includes an assessment of the quality of evidence based Each of the key concepts and recommendations were assessed
on the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development by the 6 authors based on a five-point Likert scale:

Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, USA; 2Division of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA; 3Division of Digestive Diseases, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles,
California, USA; 4Neurogastroenterology Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital and University of Sydney, St Leonards, NSW, Australia; 5Medical Biologic Research
Institute, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico; 6Center for Functional GI and Motility Disorders, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, USA; 7Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; 8Department of Colorectal Surgery, Digestive and Surgical
Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Correspondence: Arnold Wald, MD, MACG. E-mail:
Received November 5, 2020; accepted August 9, 2021

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1988 Wald et al.

(1) Strongly disagree However, several important questions remain. Some asymp-
(2) Disagree tomatic people exhibit a dyssynergic pattern when tested, perhaps
(3) Neither agree nor disagree because it is a challenge to simulate defecation in the laboratory;
(4) Agree hence, the extent to which dyssynergia is responsible for impaired
(5) Strongly agree evacuation is uncertain (27–29). Among patients who also have
Consensus agreement was defined as a composite score of $ 25 structural abnormalities (e.g., a large rectocele), their relative
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(maximum of 30). contribution to the symptoms is unclear. Stool form may in-
fluence the expression of pelvic floor dysfunction; similar to
These guidelines are established to support clinical practice and
healthy people, patients with DD strain more to evacuate hard
suggest preferable approaches to a typical patient with a particular
than soft stools (30,31).
medical problem based on the currently-available published liter-
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Associated conditions. In case series, DDs often begin in child-

ature. When exercising clinical judgment, particularly when
hood; many patients have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anxi-
treatments pose significant risks, health-care providers should in-
ety, and/or depression (5,32–34). Other associated conditions
corporate this guideline in addition to patient-specific medical
and possible risk factors include surgery, hospitalization, eating
comorbidities, health status, and preferences to arrive at a patient-
disorders, trauma, and physical or sexual abuse (5,32,35,36). In
centered care approach.
contrast to FI, obstetric trauma is not associated with DD (37).
DEFECATION DISORDERS Secondary causes of DD include Parkinson disease and in-
A systematic review of diagnostic tests for constipation was re- flammatory bowel disease before or after ileal pouch–anal anas-
cently reported as part of a comprehensive guideline concerning tomosis (5,38–41).
the management of constipation (2). These guidelines focus on Clinical features. The symptoms of DD include infrequent def-
studies that examined the concordance of the most commonly used ecation, hard stools, excessive straining during defecation, sense
diagnostic tests to each other or to an external standard where one of anorectal blockage during defecation, use of manual maneu-
is available. The diagnostic tests assessed include symptoms, digital vers to facilitate evacuation, and a sense of incomplete evacuation
rectal examination, anorectal manometry (ARM) with or without after defecation (3,4,14,32,42,43). However, these symptoms,
electromyography (EMG) of the pelvic floor, the balloon expulsion including a sense of anal blockage during defecation or anal
test (BET), barium defecography, and MRI of the pelvic floor. digitation, do not discriminate between DD and other causes of
constipation (42,44–47).
Definition and epidemiology A digital rectal examination (DRE) can identify structural
Defecation disorders (DDs) are defined as difficulty in evacuating abnormalities (e.g., anal fissures, hemorrhoids, fecal impaction,
stool from the rectum in patients with chronic or recurring descending perineum syndrome, or anorectal cancer) and also
symptoms of constipation (2–4). The diagnosis requires both assess anal sphincter functions that are involved with defeca-
symptoms of constipation and anorectal tests suggestive of im- tion. A DRE includes perianal inspection followed by digital
paired rectal evacuation. With the increasing availability of ano- assessment to assess stool in the rectum, anal tone at rest, during
rectal tests, DDs are increasingly recognized in clinical practice. In voluntary contraction of the sphincter (squeeze) and simulated
the community, the incidence of diagnosis of DD is more common evacuation. During the latter, the anal sphincter should relax.
in women than in men and is 3-fold more common than Crohn’s Failure to relax with simulated defecation or contraction around
disease (5). In women, the incidence is greatest between the ages of the finger may suggest a DD or reflect the challenges of simu-
20 and 29 years and then declines with a second peak between the lating evacuation in healthy people. The examining finger is
ages of 80 and 89 years. In men, the incidence of DD increases with then inserted more deeply to palpate the puborectalis muscle;
age until the age of 80–89 years. the patient is again asked to simulate defecate and the normal
response is for the muscle to relax, thus widening the anorectal
Pathophysiology angle. Regrettably, many health care providers do not perform a
Maladaptive learning of sphincter contraction, possibly initiated DRE in patients with constipation (48). Assessments of anal
by avoidance of anorectal pain or trauma or neglecting the call to tone at rest, during squeeze and evacuation, and perineal de-
defecate, is thought to underlie the development of DD (6,7). In scent during evacuation with a meticulous DRE are significantly
one-third of children with constipation, severe symptoms persist correlated with objective assessments by experienced examiners
beyond puberty (8). Evacuation may be impaired because of in- (15,49,50). Compared with manometry, a DRE was 75% sensi-
adequate rectal propulsive forces and/or increased outlet re- tive and 87% specific for identifying dyssynergia in 1 study from
sistance, resulting from impaired relaxation or paradoxical a tertiary care center (50). Compared with a rectal BET, which is
contraction of the external anal sphincter and/or puborectalis arguably the most useful diagnostic test for DD, the sensitivity
muscle (3,4,9–14). Other abnormalities such as reduced rectal and specificity were 80% and 56%, respectively. Some persons
sensation and structural deformities (e.g., rectoceles and excessive with normal pelvic floor function may find it awkward to sim-
perineal descent) may coexist and be primary or secondary to ulate defecation during a DRE, which might explain the lower
constipation (15–20). Decreased rectal sensation may also reduce specificity of DRE compared with a BET. Although a normal
the desire to defecate and contribute to DD (16,17). Up to 50% of DRE is probably more useful than an abnormal result (50), all
patients with DD also have delayed colonic transit, which may patients with constipation with symptoms refractory to stan-
represent coexistent colonic motor dysfunction or arise second- dard therapy should be referred for anorectal testing to exclude
ary to pelvic floor dysfunction (10,21,22). Over time, excessive the presence of a DD.
straining can weaken the pelvic floor, leading to excessive perineal Diagnostic tests. Anorectal tests are necessary because symptoms
descent, rectal intussusception, solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, alone do not discriminate between DD and other causes of con-
and pudendal neuropathy (23–26). stipation. The diagnostic tests assess rectal sensation and

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 116 | OCTOBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders 1989

anorectal pressures (manometry), rectal balloon expulsion through maneuver (62,63). Measurements with conventional and
(BET), external anal sphincter and pelvic floor muscle activity HRM catheters are comparable (64). However, values are greater
(EMG), or rectal evacuation (barium or MRI defecography) with HRM or high-definition manometry than with conventional
(19,46,51,52). catheters. Therefore, pressures must be compared with reference
All diagnostic tests have strengths and limitations, and there is values measured with the same technique. Unfortunately,
no single gold standard. In the United States and several other reference values have been characterized in relatively few
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countries, ARM and a BET are performed in conjunction, fol- individuals, more so in women than in men; the largest cohort
lowed by defecography if there is a discrepancy between the comprises 96 women studied with the Medtronic high-resolution
clinical features and the initial tests, and/or a discrepancy between manometry device (28).
the manometry and BET, and/or in patients with clinically sus- Evacuation studies are summarized by rectal and anal pres-
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pected pelvic organ prolapse (e.g., cystocele, rectocele, and rectal sures, anal relaxation, and the rectoanal gradient. Intuitively, it
intussusception) (2). ARM and BET are more readily available, would seem that normal evacuation requires a positive rectoanal
less cumbersome, and avoid the radiation exposure associated gradient, that is, rectal pressure is greater than anal pressure.
with barium defecography. At some centers, defecography is However, many healthy people exhibit a negative rectoanal gra-
more readily available and used before a BET (53). The test results dient (27,28,65); indeed, in women younger than 50 years, the
should be interpreted together with the clinical features because 10th percentile reference value measured with the Manoscan high
false-positive and false-negative results are not uncommon (2). resolution manometry catheter (Medtronic TM) is 270 mm Hg
The Rome IV criteria also propose that a diagnosis of DD be (28)! Similar considerations apply to other features suggestive of
confirmed by at least 2 abnormal tests (4). DD such as decreased rectal pressures or paradoxical anal con-
Overall, the results of anorectal high-resolution anorectal traction or high anal pressure during evacuation or high anal
manometry (HRM), BET, and MRI defecography are concordant resting pressure (42). For example, 37% of asymptomatic women
with levels of agreement .70% (54), which substantiates the fail to relax or paradoxically contract their pelvic floor muscles
criterion validity of these tests (20). This is so despite the fact that during evacuation (56). Recent studies suggest that seated ma-
these tests are performed in different positions and with or nometry may be more useful than left lateral manometry for
without rectal filling. However, different tests may not agree in discriminating between healthy people and patients with DD
individual patients (19,20,51). (66). Further confirmatory studies are awaited, but if feasible,
performance of manometry might be considered in the seated
Rectal BET. The BET measures the time required to evacuate a position.
balloon filled with 50 mL of warm water in the seated position
(54–56). Using a party or commercial balloon (Mui Scientific, Barium and magnetic resonance defecography. Defecography is
Toronto, Canada), which are the most widely used and preferred performed by injecting barium contrast mixed with psyllium or
approaches, the upper limit of normal is 1 minute (55–57). When another thickening agent into the rectum (barium defecography)
using a Foley catheter inflated to 50 mL (which is above the or gel (magnetic resonance [MR] defecography) and taking lat-
manufacturer-recommended limit of 30 mL), the upper limit of eral images of the anorectum at rest, during pelvic floor con-
normal is 2 minutes (54). Even with the 2-minute cutoff, 25% of traction, and defecation (67). The angle between the axes of the
healthy people would be misclassified as abnormal using a Foley rectum and the anal canal provides an indirect measure of
catheter because they require more than 2 minutes to expel the whether the puborectalis muscle relaxes (normal response) or
balloon (57). For this reason, we discourage the use of Foley contracts (indicative of DD) during simulated defecation. Ab-
catheter balloons in favor of commercially available ones or normalities include inadequate (such as a spastic disorder) or
locally constructed ones based on those centers that have reported excessive (such as in descending perineum syndrome) widening
normative data. The techniques are described in detail by Mazor of the anorectal angle and/or perineal descent during defecation.
et al. (57). In a series of 106 patients with functional constipation Internal intussusception, solitary rectal ulcers, rectoceles, and
and 24 patients with DD, the BET identified those with DD, as rectal prolapse may also be identified (67). Enteroceles, bladder,
documented with defecography, with a sensitivity and specificity and uterovaginal prolapse can be visualized when the vagina and
of approximately 88%; positive and negative predictive values small intestine are opacified.
were 64% and 97%, respectively, for a diagnosis of DD (46). Older studies noted several limitations of barium defecog-
Normal values for defecography were based on historical data. raphy such as limited reproducibility of anorectal angle mea-
Patients with secondary (such as medication-induced) chronic surements (68), which can be overcome with standardized
constipation were excluded. Rather than a fixed volume, the rectal techniques (19,51,69). Although barium defecography is per-
balloon was inflated until patients experienced the desire to formed in the seated position, MR defecography is performed in
defecate, averaging 183 mL, which may compensate for reduced the supine position. In contrast to barium defecography, MRI
rectal sensation identified in some patients with DD (46). avoids radiation exposure, provides more precise assessments of
pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic floor motion (15,70–72), and is
Anorectal manometry. Manometry measures rectal sensation and especially useful for uncovering pelvic floor dysfunction in pa-
anorectal pressures at rest, during anal and pelvic floor contrac- tients who have clinical features of DD with a normal BET; this
tion (squeeze), evacuation, and a cough or Valsalva maneuver group includes more than 90% of patients with a large rectocele,
(58). Conventional catheters have water-perfused, air-charged, or enterocele, and/or peritoneocele (15,20). However, MR defe-
solid-state sensors (27,59–61). High-resolution manometry and cography is less widely available and more expensive.
high-definition manometry catheters have more closely spaced
sensors that straddle the entire anal canal, provide better spatial Anal EMG. Average anal EMG activity is recorded by electrodes
resolution, and allow pressures to be assessed without a pull- mounted on an acrylic anal plug or taped to the perianal skin. It

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1990 Wald et al.

Table 1. Biofeedback treatment of defecation disorders in adults: summary of clinical trials

Author Sample size Study type Comparison made Outcome

Pourmomeny et al. (82) 65 RCT Balloon defecation training vs BF BF superior
Hart et al. (83) 21 RCT EMG-based BF vs sham BF BF superior
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Chiarioni et al. (11) 99 RCT PEG vs BF BF superior

Heymen et al. (73) 84 RCT BF vs diazepam vs placebo BF superior to diazepam and placebo
Rao et al. (12) 77 RCT BF vs sham vs medical care BF superior to sham and medical care
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Rao et al. (13) 26 RCT BF vs usual medical care BF superior

Simon and Bueno (84) 30 RCT EMG-based BF vs control BF superior
Simon and Bueno (85) 20 RCT EMG-based BF vs control BF superior

BF, biofeedback; EMG, electromyography; PEG, polyethylene glycol; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

may be used to identify dyssynergia (68) and to provide bio- Treatment

feedback training for DD (11,73). Although a reduction of 20% or Conservative treatment. Anorectal biofeedback therapy is the
more in anal EMG activity during evacuation is considered to be cornerstone for managing DD. Other conservative measures are
normal, data are limited. Less than 20% reduction during evac- also helpful, especially because anorectal biofeedback therapy is
uation, however, has been correlated with dyssynergic defecation, not widely available or may not benefit all patients (81). Potential
as identified by manometry and abnormal BET (54). options include eliminating medications that cause or exacerbate
constipation, use of soluble fiber (e.g., psyllium and Sterculia) or
Colon transit. Colonic transit should only be evaluated in patients laxatives for patients with hard stools, insoluble fiber for patients
who do not respond after biofeedback therapy or who exhibit with loose stools, or regular toileting (2). Consideration should be
normal anorectal function during testing; this can be performed given for the use of a footstool to enhance defecation, which has
with radiopaque markers, colon scintigraphy, or the wireless little if any risk, although studies are needed to evaluate this
motility capsule after (optimally) discontinuing medications that technique. Patients should be advised to consume meals of 500
can affect colonic transit. Radio-opaque marker studies (Sitz- Kcal or more to induce the gastrocolonic response, to heed the call
Mark; Konsyl Pharmaceuticals, Ft Worth, TX) are inexpensive, to defecate, and to avoid straining and spending excessive time
easily available, easy to perform, and entail modest radiation during defecation. Anorectal conditions (e.g., anal fissure or
exposure (74). Although up to 50% of patients with DD exhibit symptomatic hemorrhoids) should be treated concurrently.
slow colonic transit if tested, such patients should be treated If these measures are insufficient, oral osmotic or stimulant
initially with pelvic biofeedback therapy because slow transit laxatives, secretory agents, or serotonin 5HT4 agonists may be
often normalizes with successful biofeedback to correct pelvic considered (2). Administered on an as-needed basis (e.g., if pa-
floor abnormalities. Assessments of colonic transit are tients do not have a bowel movement for 2 days), enemas and
reproducible in patients with simple constipation (74) but less so suppositories provide some predictability over bowel habits. In
in patients with DD or slow transit constipation (75). Contrary to contrast to biofeedback therapy, pelvic floor therapy does not
older studies, a recent multicenter study concluded that the provide feedback from pelvic floor muscles, is not specific for
distribution of markers in the rectosigmoid colon is not disorders of defecation, and is not effective for managing DD.
associated with DD (76). Radionuclide gamma scintigraphy
(77,78) or a wireless pH-pressure capsule may be used when it is Anorectal biofeedback therapy. The aim is to improve symp-
also desirable to measure gastric emptying and small intestinal toms by teaching patients to appropriately coordinate abdom-
transit (79). If patients can only discontinue medications for a few inal and pelvic floor muscles during defecation. Through 1 or
days, scintigraphy is preferred. more techniques (ARM, abdominal and anal EMG, assessment
of rectal sensation, and ability to expel a rectal balloon), patients
Differential diagnosis. DDs may be associated with IBS (47) and
conditions that are associated with rectal bleeding (e.g., hemor-
rhoids or solitary rectal ulcer). Abdominal imaging and/or a Table 2. Summary of treatment recommendations for DD
colonoscopy should be considered when clinically indicated.
Some patients with severe symptoms have anxiety, depression, or 1 We recommend that instrumented anorectal biofeedback therapy
generalized somatoform disorders that need to be addressed should be used to manage symptoms in DD (strong
concurrently (5,32). In patients with DD and excessive perineal recommendation; minimal risk of harm; quality of evidence:
descent, with or without pelvic organs prolapse, it can be moderate). Consensus score: 29
challenging to determine the contributions of structural and 2 We suggest that full-thickness rectal prolapse often requires
functional disturbances to DD. Slow transit constipation may surgical treatment with abdominal rectopexy or in selected cases a
occur in isolation or coexist with DD (2). In up to two-thirds of perineal procedure (conditional recommendation; moderate risk of
patients with the latter, slow colonic transit is probably secondary harm; quality of evidence: very low). Consensus score: 30
to outlet dysfunction rather than an independent, comorbid
DD, defecation disorder.
condition (80).

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 116 | OCTOBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders 1991

Table 3. Suggested treatment protocol for anorectal biofeedback Table 4. Summary of key concepts in DD

1. Symptoms suggestive of DD include excessive straining during defecation,

Component Details
sense of anorectal blockage during defecation, use of manual maneuvers to
Education Use diagrams to teach anatomy,
facilitate evacuation, and a sense of incomplete evacuation after defecation.
explain what dyssynergia is, and
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2. We strongly recommend DRE as part of the assessment to identify

explain rectoanal gradient
structural abnormalities (i.e., anal fissures, hemorrhoids, fecal impaction,
Correct toileting position and Use of foot stool with knees higher
descending perineum syndrome, or anorectal cancer) and assess anal
behavior than hips, lean forward, consider
sphincter function.
limiting time spent in the toilet per
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3. DD may result from inadequate rectal propulsive forces and/or impaired

visit, and number of visits
relaxation or paradoxical contraction of the external anal sphincter and/or
Abdominal breathing technique Detail and teach this, patients to
puborectalis muscle.
practice at home
4. ARM and balloon expulsion are required to diagnose DD.
Manometric-based BF guiding During biofeedback, rectal pressure
5. Important initial approaches include normalizing of stool form, advice on
how to generate sufficient rectal on push recorded with the rectal port
toileting position, and behavior.
pressure and shown to patients; patients taught
to tighten abdominal muscles and 6. Biofeedback should involve 4–6 sessions with well-trained therapists
lower diaphragm to increase pressure aimed at normalizing rectoanal coordination, ensuring good rectal pressure
appropriately on strain, sensory retraining, and balloon expulsion retraining.
Manometric-based BF guiding anal Patients receive visual feedback of 7. Baseline ARM and balloon expulsion is useful to predict the outcome and
relaxation—and make it anal manometry or EMG on guide biofeedback therapy.
simultaneous with rectal pressure performing push maneuver to teach 8. Defecography (MR or barium) may be indicated in patients with DD who
rise (rectoanal the skill to relax, rather than fail conservative therapy and biofeedback.
coordination)—initially anal paradoxically contract the anal
9. The decision to treat a structural abnormality with surgery should be based
sphincter pressure relax sphincter and pelvic floor muscles.
on overall clinical assessment including symptoms, ancillary testing, and
Subsequently, patients view rectal
psychological assessment where appropriate.
and anal tracing and are taught to
simultaneously increase rectal 10. Most patients with structural abnormalities do not need surgical therapy
pressure and reduce anal pressure on given the high prevalence of these findings in asymptomatic patients, the low-
command. level evidence of efficacy for and the moderate risks of surgery.

Balloon expulsion retraining Practice of simulated defecation 11. Patients with DD should be carefully counseled on benefits vs risk before
using a rectal balloon during sessions any surgery for defecatory disorders, as often potential risks outweigh the
potential benefits.
Sensory retraining When hyposensitivity is present, the
rectal balloon is inflated, and patients 12. Selection of patients for surgery for rectocele repair should depend on
are informed of the volume in symptoms. Size and degree of nonemptying of the rectocele and/or a vaginal
milliliters and are encouraged to be bulge or prolapse in conjunction with defecatory symptoms is a stronger
able to detect smaller volumes of indication than for symptoms alone
inflation 13. The evidence to support use of botulinum toxin for patients with DD is
poor; in addition, results are short lived, and the procedure is unlikely to be a
BF, biofeedback; EMG, electromyography.
practical long-term solution.
ARM, anorectal manometry; DD, defecation disorder; DRE, digital rectal
examination; MR, magnetic resonance.
receive visual and verbal feedback of their anorectal distur-
bances and are taught corrective approaches. With additional
practice at home, the appropriate behaviors can be learned and diet, exercise, and laxatives, polyethylene glycol, diazepam, or
maintained. placebo, balloon defecation training, and sham biofeedback
Biofeedback therapy includes (i) teaching patients ab- therapy. Most studies show efficacy for short-term outcomes,
dominal breathing and a method to generate adequate pro- although evidence for longer-term efficacy is of low quality
pulsive force during defecation; (ii) teaching patients to relax (11,13,87–89). Patients with solitary rectal ulcer syndrome may
the anal sphincter and synchronize this with increased rectal also respond to biofeedback therapy if there is evidence of DD on
pressure, which reflects intra-abdominal pressure; (iii) rectal manometry (90).
sensory retraining to enhance rectal perception in patients Anorectal biofeedback therapy is very safe but is labor in-
with hyposensitivity, when required; and (iv) balloon expul- tensive, involves considerable specialized expertise, and is not
sion retraining to shorten the time to balloon expulsion widely available. Baseline ARM and balloon expulsion and a
(Table 1). Four to 6 sessions, each several weeks apart, are history suggestive of abnormal toileting behavior such as dig-
recommended (86). itation may possibly predict response to biofeedback; however,
Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) suggest that further studies are required (91,92). Strategies to better triage
anorectal biofeedback therapy improves symptoms in DD patients according to their likelihood of success or modifying the
(Tables 2 and 3) (11–13,73,82–85). Comparators have included treatment such as using home-based therapies or abbreviating the

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1992 Wald et al.

Table 5. Surgical options for DD with associated structural abnormality

Category of Specific procedural Outcomes

Structural disorder procedure options Effect on constipation Global improvement/QOL Harm
Rectal prolapse Rectal Open or laparoscopic Variable, often not 73%–91% “some benefit” 5%–15% serious: 0%–4%
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suspension posterior or ventral measured, up to 86% from (97) mesh erosion

procedures rectopexy ventral mesh rectopexy (97) 2%–7% anatomic
recurrence (97)
Perineal E.g., Altemeier Not reported “All reported improvement 26.7% recurrence
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procedures in QOL” (98) 9.1% early complication

rate (98)
Rectocele Rectovaginal Posterior vaginal repair and 30%–50% improvement 67%–78% satisfactory or 7%–17% occ serious (e.g.,
reinforcement perineal or transanal repair (99) good global outcome (99) rectovaginal fistula); 17%
anatomic recurrence (99)
Rectal excision STARR; first-generation 68%–76% moderate 73%–80% “good or 4% recurrence, overall
procedure and second-generation reduction in obstructed satisfactory outcome” (100) morbidity 16.9% 223%,
staplers (better outcome) defecation syndrome (100) especially urgency; rarely
serious complications:
bleeding, perforation, and
stenosis (100,101)
Sigmoidocele/ Sacrocolpopexy 75% recurrence of DD Not reported (102) 9% minor complications;
enterocele (102) 23% recurrent pelvic
discomfort; 9% recurrence
rate (102)
No significant Minimally invasive Botulinum toxin A injection Not reliably assessed (103) 29.2%–100% (104) 14.2% (104)
structural procedures
SNS Shown to be not efficacious Shown to be not efficacious 61% device-related
in RCT in RCT adverse outcome at 60 mo

DD, defecation disorder; RCT, randomized controlled trial; QOL, quality of life; SNS, sacral nerve stimulation; STARR, stapled transanal rectal resection.

program are needed (93–95). If conservative management and significant morbidity. If prolapse is suspected, but not demonstrated
biofeedback fail, further investigations and consideration of surgery on rectal examination in the left lateral position, the examination
or minimally invasive procedures may be considered (Table 4). should be repeated with the patient squatting or sitting on a toilet
or commode to potentially demonstrate the prolapse. Full-thickness
Surgery and minimally invasive procedures. Conservative mea- rectal prolapse should be distinguished from mucosal prolapse or
sures and biofeedback therapy for defecatory disorders may not internal intussusception, which have a more benign course and may
always provide adequate relief of symptoms. In such patients, it be found in asymptomatic patients. For most patients with full-
may be appropriate to perform investigations such as MR or thickness prolapse, a laparoscopic rectopexy (either posterior or
barium defecography to look for structural disorders to explain ventral) is the most appropriate operation as it is associated with a
symptoms. However, structural abnormalities of the pelvic floor substantially lower recurrence rate than perineal procedures such as
occur commonly in asymptomatic subjects and usually do not the Altemeier procedure (27% recurrence rate) (98,108). Perineal
require surgical correction (18,96). Accordingly, surgical resto- procedures such as the Altemeier or Delorme procedure are, however,
ration of structure to the pelvic floor often does not result in a reasonable option for patients who are elderly or frail (109). The
restoration of function. Exceptions include overt rectal prolapse effect of these procedures on constipation is variable but is best
and a sizeable, nonemptying rectocele when defecatory symp- substantiated with ventral mesh rectopexy, which leads to 66%–86%
toms are associated with typical symptoms of vaginal bulge or improvement in preoperative constipation (97,110). Perioperative
prolapse (Table 5) (103,106). The utility of repairing enteroceles complication rates for rectal suspension procedures are generally in
or sigmoidoceles is unclear (107). the order of 5%–15% and are occasionally severe (103). There should
be added caution in the following groups who have worse outcomes:
Rectal prolapse. Patients who present with overt full-thickness psychiatric disorders, chronic pain or IBS, morbid obesity, joint
rectal prolapse, with or without defecatory symptoms and/or hypermobility, connective tissue disorders, women who are planning
progressive FI, should be considered for surgical correction given pregnancy or those at high risk for pelvic surgery due to previous
the effectiveness of surgery in relieving symptoms and improving surgery, infection, or radiotherapy (103). Surgery (e.g., laparoscopic
continence (107). Although the evidence is only of low level, the ventral mesh rectopexy) may also be considered when biofeedback
alternative of leaving overt rectal prolapse untreated leads to very and behavioral interventions are not effective in patients with solitary

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Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders 1993
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Figure 1. Suggested evaluation of patient with chronic constipation and symptoms suggestive of dyssynergic defecation. IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.

rectal ulcer syndrome, especially in patients with ulceration at the lead procedure that is predominantly performed in Europe (Italy).
point of an internal rectal intussusception. In 2 articles with 75 Small RCTs (118,119), a large observational study (120), and a
patients, the ulcer healed in 78% of cases (97). systematic review (121) have shown efficacy for treating con-
stipation, but others have expressed concerns about these reports
Rectocele. Rectoceles are often identified on clinical examination or and the outcomes of this procedure. For example, in 1 study (118),
defecography in asymptomatic women and usually do not require characterization of a defecatory disorder at baseline was in-
surgery (18,96). Rectocele surgery should be considered for patients sufficient, as BET was not performed and anal pressures were not
with bothersome gynecological symptoms such as bulging in the per- reported. In addition, the quality of biofeedback performed as a
ineum or protrusion through the vaginal introitus (103,106). In the comparator was inadequate according to current guidelines (86).
absence of these symptoms, women who present with defecatory Newer versions of the stapling device might ameliorate concerns
dysfunction and a coexistent rectocele should be initially managed about reported complications (100,122). Currently, the pro-
conservatively, including biofeedback therapy (111). When patients do cedure is not widely performed in other countries (e.g., never in
not respond to these measures, determining whether to proceed with Australia and seldom in the United States) (103).
surgery can be challenging. Two features that have been suggested to be
Sigmoidocele and enterocele. Sigmoidoceles and enteroceles are
useful to select patients for surgery include (i) significant size of rectocele
components of pelvic organ prolapse that often include uterine/
based on clinical assessment and/or imaging (e.g., .5 cm) and
vaginal vault prolapse, cystoceles, and rectoceles (123,124). When
(ii) evidence of trapping or nonemptying on dynamic assessment such
thought to be symptomatic, enteroceles and sigmoidoceles may be
as defecography (103,112). However, others have suggested that size
treated with surgical repair (e.g., sacrocolpopexy) after careful
alone is not a criterion for surgery (113). Rectocele surgery mainly
radiological testing using MRI, defecating proctogram, and/or
involves reinforcement of the rectovaginal wall and may be performed
transperineal ultrasound (107,125,126). This procedure is usually
vaginally or transanally. The vaginal approach seems more favorable for
performed by urogynecologists with concurrent treatment of the
treatment of pelvic organ prolapse syndromes (114), and a recent small
associated pelvic organ prolapse, although a multidisciplinary
RCT showed that it might be more favorable to treat constipation (115).
approach is clearly required. Sacrocolpopexy seems to result in
Transvaginal repairs using native tissue are preferred (116), and the use
acceptable reduction of the anatomical defect (102) but has a very high
of a vaginal mesh repair has been discontinued by the US Food and
recurrence of defecatory symptoms (75% of patients in the long term
Drug Administration (117). Short-term success rates for surgery are
[85 months] (102,127)) and 23% have recurrent pelvic discomfort.
reported to be in the order of 73% (103); however, most studies to
date have lacked uniform validated outcome measures, particularly Surgical approaches for defecatory disorders in the absence of a
for the symptom of constipation, and it is difficult to separate structural abnormality. In patients who have failed medical
patients presenting with defecatory disorders alone from those management and biofeedback and have proven dyssynergia due
presenting with coexistent gynecological symptoms. In addition, to dysfunction of the puborectalis muscle, injections of botulinum
many series report only short-term follow-up, and symptoms often toxin A into the anal sphincter complex have been used. Botuli-
progressively deteriorate over time with longer follow-up (112), num toxin A has a reversible paralytic effect on the nerve endings
again emphasizing that a significant degree of caution should be of muscles with growth of new nerve fibrils in 2–3 months (128).
given when selecting patients for rectocele surgery. A recent systematic review of botulinum toxin A was based on 3
An alternative approach to rectovaginal reinforcement sur- small RCTs and 8 small uncontrolled studies. Study design,
gery for rectocele is the stapled transanal rectal resection techniques for administering botulinum toxin, and outcome

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1994 Wald et al.

Table 6. Key concepts of proctalgia syndromes Table 7. Treatment recommendations for proctalgia syndromes

1 Chronic proctalgia syndrome is characterized by a history 1 We recommend biofeedback to teach pelvic floor muscle
of recurring episodes of anorectal pain lasting at least 20 reconditioning for levator syndrome with abnormal ARM (strong
min and the exclusion of other causes of pain by history and recommendation; quality of evidence: very low). Consensus score: 26
diagnostic testing. The diagnosis is strengthened by the
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2 We suggest that electrical (galvanic) stimulation may be attempted to

finding of tenderness on palpation of the levator ani manage levator syndrome with abnormal ARM if biofeedback is not
muscles. available (conditional recommendation; quality of evidence: very low).
2 The duration rather the frequency of proctalgia episodes is Consensus score: 25
used to diagnose chronic proctalgia in the general
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3 There is no evidence to support the use of Botox or digital massage in

population. chronic proctalgia syndromes. Consensus score: 28
3 The presence of levator tenderness and the absence of
ARM, anorectal manometry.
other potential causes are sufficient for the diagnosis of
levator syndrome in a patient with chronic proctalgia
4 The absence of levator tenderness in a patient with chronic pain by history and diagnostic testing (132). The most common
proctalgia defines idiopathic chronic proctalgia syndrome. theory rests on the assumption that there is excessive tension of the
pelvic floor muscles, specifically the puborectalis or levator ani
5 ARM and BET should be performed in patients with levator
muscles. This is reinforced by the demonstration of tenderness of the
syndrome to identify patients eligible for biofeedback
levator ani muscle on DRE, most often on one side or the other. In
such cases, the diagnosis of levator ani syndrome, levator syndrome,
6 The clinical history and a normal DRE alone is sufficient to or puborectalis syndrome may be applied. In the absence of such a
diagnose PF. finding, the term chronic idiopathic proctalgia syndrome should be
7 The presence of prolapsed hemorrhoids, chronic anal used. This is potentially important in terms of treatment (see below).
fissure, or other anorectal pathology does not invalidate a There is often an overlap of symptoms between chronic
diagnosis of PF. proctalgia and other conditions centered in the pelvic area such as
8 The preferred approach to patients with PF is an chronic prostatitis in men and chronic pelvic pain syndrome in
explanation of the disorder and reassurance. women. We continue to endorse excluding such conditions with
appropriate testing before proceeding with a trial of conservative
9 Given the brevity of episodes of PF, there is no evidence to
treatment (133).
support treatment intervention or to prevent attacks.
In the previous guidelines, we advocated performing ARM
ARM, anorectal manometry; BET, balloon expulsion test; DRE, digital rectal and balloon expulsion testing in patients with levator syndrome
examination; PF, proctalgia fugax. but not idiopathic chronic proctalgia syndrome to identify pa-
tients who might benefit from biofeedback therapy. This rec-
assessments varied considerably between studies. Only 3 ommendation was based on a single well-designed study that
studies used validated constipation questionnaires in their demonstrated that failure to evacuate a 50 mL water filled balloon
assessment (104). The authors concluded that “the evidence and manometric demonstration of inability to relax pelvic floor
to support using BTX for DD is poor.” Combined adverse muscles during simulated defecation in patients with levator
effects in this review were 14.2% and included flatus and FI tenderness were often improved with biofeedback to normalize
and occasionally, more serious side effects (104). the defecation response vs conservative therapy (134). We con-
Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) involves peripheral nerve stimu- tinue to strongly recommend this despite a GRADE rating of low
lation of the S3 or S4 nerve roots in the sacral foramina and is most evidence strength and the fact that there has been no independent
often used to treat FI. Three RCTs (129–131) have shown no benefit confirmation of this finding since its publication 10 years ago.
of SNS in constipation (regardless of type). In addition, the long- Our reasoning is that biofeedback has no significant risks, and
term complication rate is considerable, with 61% reporting device- there are no effective alternative therapies. This is also the rea-
related adverse events in a long-term (60 months) follow-up study soning behind our recommendation for electrogalvanic stimu-
(105). Therefore, this procedure cannot be recommended in patients lation, which was less effective than biofeedback but was superior
with constipation of any type. Figure 1 illustrates a suggested algo- to conservative treatment. These recommendations are based on
rithm for the evaluation and management of DDs. availability of either treatment with biofeedback remaining as a
preferred option. As previously concluded, there is no evidence to
PROCTALGIA SYNDROMES support the use of botulinum toxin or digital rectal massage to
Proctalgia syndromes may be defined as a history of recurrent treat either levator syndrome or chronic idiopathic proctalgia
episodes of anorectal pain in the absence of other known causes of syndrome (135,136).
pain on the basis of history and diagnostic testing. They are di-
vided into chronic and acute syndromes based on the duration of Proctalgia fugax
painful episodes (Table 6). Proctalgia fugax (PF) is characterized by intense sensations of
rectal or anal pain lasting only a few seconds to less than 20
Chronic proctalgia minutes (132). Although there are many causes of chronic
Chronic proctalgia syndrome is characterized by a history of re- proctalgia, these do not apply to PF, which is a diagnosis based on
curring episodes of anorectal pain lasting at least 20 minutes (often a characteristic history and a normal DRE. The presence of
hours or even days) and the exclusion of other causes of anorectal anorectal conditions such as prolapsed hemorrhoids, chronic

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 116 | OCTOBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders 1995

Table 8. Current concepts for chronic anal fissures Table 9. Treatment recommendations for chronic anal fissures

1 Chronic anal fissures are defined as lasting more than 8–12 wk and 1 We recommend that local application of a calcium channel blocker
are characterized by edema and fibrosis. should be the initial medical treatment of chronic anal fissure (strong
2 Chronic anal fissures persist as nonhealing ulcers by anal sphincter recommendation; quality of evidence: low). Consensus score: 27
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spasm and consequent ischemia. Treatment is typically directed 2 We suggest that botulinum toxin A injections may be attempted in
toward softening stool and reducing spasm to improve perfusion to patients in whom CCB fails or as an alternative option to CCB
this area. (conditional recommendation; quality of evidence: low). Consensus
score: 27
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3 We recommend that LIS is the surgical treatment of choice for chronic

anal fissure, or other conditions does not invalidate the diagnosis anal fissures that do not heal with nonsurgical measures (strong
of PF. recommendation; quality of evidence: high). Consensus score: 29
The pathophysiology of the disorder remains unknown, and
CCB, calcium channel blocker; LIS, lateral internal sphincterotomy.
no trigger events are consistently identified. A rare congenital
form of this disorder has been identified as have patients with
thickening of the internal anal sphincter associated with elevated
resting pressure. frequent and occurs during or after defecation and is usually
The recommended approach to patients with PF is an expla- limited to minimal bright red blood on toilet tissue (134).
nation of the disorder and reassurance. Given the brevity of ep-
isodes of PF, there is no evidence to support treatment Medical management
intervention or to prevent attacks. The potential efficacy of sal- Almost half of all patients with acute anal fissure will heal with sitz
butamol inhalation is based on a study published 25 years ago, baths (135) and fiber supplements such a psyllium as the first step
was effective only in patients in whom the duration of pain was in therapy, with or without the addition of topical anesthetics or
greater than 20 minutes, and has not been duplicated (137). anti-inflammatory ointments. In addition to fissure healing,
Therefore, we do not endorse treatment of any kind (Table 7). symptomatic relief of pain and bleeding can be achieved with
virtually no side effects (Table 10).
ANAL FISSURES A chronic anal fissure is often treated with topical pharma-
Definition cologic agents such as calcium channel blockers or nitrates.
An anal fissure is an ulcer-like longitudinal tear in the midline of Treatment with topical nitrates is marginally superior to placebo
the anal canal, distal to the dentate line. In almost 90% of cases, an in healing of a chronic anal fissure with a short-term decrease in
idiopathic fissure is located in the posterior midline (138), but it anal pressures (136). In a study using 3 doses of topical nitro-
can also occur in the anterior midline (132). Fissures in lateral glycerine vs placebo, 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.4% nitroglycerin oint-
positions should raise suspicion for disease processes such as ments were applied twice daily for 8 weeks. Healing was reported
Crohn’s disease (137), tuberculosis (133), syphilis, human im- in 50%, 36%, and 57% of patients, respectively, compared with
munodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, 26% in the placebo group. The most common side effect was
dermatologic conditions (e.g., psoriasis), and anal carcinoma headache, which was dose related (140). However, extending
(Table 8). treatment for a longer time is not associated with increased
healing rates (139). A Cochrane review of medical treatment of
chronic anal fissure concluded that topical nitroglycerin remains
Pathophysiology only marginally better 48.9% vs 35.5% than placebo in healing
Often, there is the history of a tearing sensation during passage of chronic anal fissures (149).
a hard stool or diarrhea. Rectal bleeding is frequent and occurs Chronic anal fissures may also be treated with topical calcium
during or after defecation and is usually limited to minimal bright channel blockers such as nifedipine. There are few studies
red blood on toilet tissue (134). Chronicity of an anal fissure reporting calcium channel blockers and none reporting a dose
results in a nonhealing ulcer due to spasm of the internal anal escalation. The healing rate reported with a topical calcium
sphincter muscle and consequent ischemia (Table 9). channel blocker approximates 67% (141) to 90% (150), with long-
term healing reported in 70% of patients; side effects consisted
Clinical features mainly of headache in 20%, and about 10% of patients stopped
An acute anal fissure looks like a simple tear in the endoderm. A treatment due to this side effect in an uncontrolled study (151).
chronic fissure is a nonhealing anal fissure and is defined as Although impressive, the absence of a placebo control makes it
lasting more than 8–12 weeks. It is further characterized by impossible to compare to the controlled trials of topical nitrates.
overhanging edges, edema, and fibrosis with fibers of the internal Another study reported a healing rate of 91.7% with topical dil-
anal sphincter, which may be visible in the floor of the fissure tiazem (2%) vs 60% with topical nitroglycerine (0.2%). The in-
(134). Typical accompanying features of chronic fissures include cidence of headache was lower with topical diltiazem (0%) than
a sentinel pile (skin tag) at the distal fissure margin and a hy- with nitroglycerine (100%) (152). The absence of any side effects
pertrophied anal papilla in the anal canal proximal to the fissure. with diltiazem seems implausible, but the study does suggest the
The former is often described by patients as a painful hemorrhoid, efficacy of both agents. There are very few studies comparing
and the latter may be seen on anoscopy or endoscopic retro- topical nitroglycerine and nifedipine. One compared nifedipine
flexion. The clinical hallmark of an anal fissure is pain during with topical nitrate medications. This showed a healing rate of
defecation and often persisting after defecation. Rectal bleeding is 80% with nifedipine, 73% with 0.2% nitroglycerine, and 33% with

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1996 Wald et al.

have trialed different formulations of nifedipine. One small study

Table 10. Summary of treatment options for chronic anal fissures of 27 patients tested nifedipine 0.5% and reported 85% healing
with a recurrence rate of 16% and a 7.4% occurrence of moderate
headaches (155); another study reported 83% healing and better
Management References Efficacy effects
compliance when compared with nitroglycerine (156). Topical
Nitroglycerine Gagliardi 58% Not reported diltiazem 2% had a lower incidence of adverse effects than did
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et al. (139) topical nitroglycerin and was preferred to nitroglycerin (152,157).

Scholefield 50% with 0.1% GTN Headaches
et al. (140) group, 36% with 0.2% 6%–20% Minimally invasive procedures
group, and 57% with Botulinum toxin A injection for chronic anal fissures in doses of
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0.4% GTN group 5–100 units (158) has been reported to have superior healing rates
Diltiazem Nash et al. 68% Mild headache
compared with placebo, although with the disadvantage of re-
(141) in 20%
quiring a needle injection in a sensitive area. There is no con-
sensus on dosage, precise site of administration, number of
Botulinum toxin A Arroyo et al. Recurrence Incontinence
injections, or efficacy (159). In 1 study, injection of botulinum
(142) 2 mo 12% at 2 mo 6%
toxin into the internal anal sphincter reported healing in
25 units 6 mo 16%
60%–80% of fissures and at a higher rate than placebo (160). The
1 yr 24%
most common side effect is temporary incontinence of flatus in up
2 yr 1%
to 18% and of stool in 5% (161). Recurrence may occur in up to
3 yr 0%
42%, but patients may be retreated with similar results to initial
Pilkington Healing 53% 3% hematoma treatment (162). There is little evidence that efficacy is dose re-
et al. (143) and fistula lated or of any relationship of dose to the incidence of FI (161). On
Barnes et al. Healing 67% Temporary the other hand, a Cochrane review concluded that botulinum
(144) incontinence toxin A has only marginal improvement over placebo (10).
7% Topical nitrate medications may potentiate the effects of
botulinum toxin in patients with refractory anal fissure (163).
Gandomkar Healing 65% Ecchymosis
Predictors of efficacy may include female sex, satisfaction with the
et al. (145) and itching
first procedure, and a lower body mass index (164). Patients in
Barbeiro 47% None reported whom medical treatment or botulinum toxin A injection fail
et al. (146) should be recommended for lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS)
Lateral internal Liang and Healing 98% Minor (165). On the basis of available evidence and despite the limita-
sphincterotomy Church incontinence tions of the quality of reports, our consensus is that noninvasive
(147) 4% treatment with topical calcium channel blockers should be first-
Gandomkar Healing 94% Urinary line therapy for chronic anal fissures, whereas the role of more
et al. (145) retention 44% invasive botulinum A toxin remains uncertain, perhaps as an
Incontinence attempt to avoid sphincterotomy if CCFB fails.
Surgical interventions
Gupta et al. Healing 96% Delayed
LIS is a procedure that involves cutting fibers of the internal anal
(148) wound healing
sphincter muscle up to the apex of the fissure or the dentate line
(158); it may be performed under general, spinal, or local anes-
GTN, glyceryl trinitrate. thesia. It remains the surgical treatment of choice for chronic anal
fissures that are refractory to medical treatment (166,167).
Healing rates have been reported between 94% and 98%
(147,148,168) and are clearly superior to uncontrolled manual
placebo, with recurrence rates of 12%, 32%, and 50% with ni- anal dilation, with better healing rates and less incontinence
fedipine, nitroglycerine, and placebo, respectively (153). (167). It is also more efficacious than any topical (169) or in-
Overall, because of the paucity of RCTs, there are insufficient jectable treatment (170). There is no outcome difference between
data to conclude whether calcium channel blockers are superior open and closed sphincterotomy, and thus, a minimal-incision
to placebo in healing anal fissures. Side effects such as headache approach is probably preferred (148,168,171). However, there is a
occur less frequently than with topical nitrates. low but real incidence of FI from LIS (172), and hence, surgeons
Oral calcium channel blockers may be as efficacious as topical continue to explore alternative interventions (173,174).
calcium channel blockers, suggesting that it is the drug rather Controlled pneumatic balloon dilation has shown promise as
than the route of administration that is important; healing rates an alternative to LIS in 1 small series (175), suggesting that an
were 90% for topical vs 76% for oral. Side effects included head- interested gastroenterologist, using the tools at their disposal,
ache most frequently and ankle edema (154) and were not sig- may treat even medically refractory anal fissures without resort to
nificantly increased with the oral route. However, there are no surgical consultation. However, surgical referral remains prudent
long-term studies to suggest low recurrence rates (149). Another for most cases of medical treatment failure in chronic anal fissure
report evaluated 4 studies with oral and topical nifedipine and because LIS is a safe and effective operation. LIS should be used
found no difference in recurrence rates, slightly better healing with caution in patients when anal pressures are not high, but
rates with topical use and fewer side effects (150). Few studies these determinations are usually made by digital examination

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 116 | OCTOBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders 1997
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Figure 2. Illustration of the origins and location of internal and external hemorrhoids.

only. In such cases, anal advancement flap repair (176) or a V-Y of time are thought to predispose to their development and
plasty (158) would be recommended. symptoms.
In patients with Crohn’s disease, medical management is
recommended (177,178), and LIS should be used with great Clinical features
caution (179). Refractory chronic anal fissures should be treated The cardinal signs of internal hemorrhoids are hemorrhoid-
first with calcium channel blocker; the role of botulinum toxin A pattern bleeding—defined as painless bleeding with bowel
is uncertain. LIS may be considered in patients with rectal sparing movements—and intermittent, reducible protrusion. It is often
disease with good resting and squeeze pressures. the role of the gastroenterologist to provide the diagnosis of ex-
clusion of symptomatic internal hemorrhoids by ruling out other
HEMORRHOIDS sources of bleeding and protrusion. External hemorrhoids pre-
Definitions sent with painful swelling. Anal skin tags represent residual re-
Vascular tissue covered with anal mucosa is normally present in dundant skin from previous episodes of inflammation and
the anal canal and is termed anal cushions and is an integral part thrombosis and are painless.
of the mechanism for anal sensation and preservation of conti-
nence. These anal cushions are termed internal hemorrhoids Medical management
when they bleed or enlarge and protrude into the anal canal from Symptomatic internal hemorrhoids may be treated with conser-
above the dentate line. Symptomatic hemorrhoids cause painless vative management that include bowel management with advice
bleeding or protrude through the anal verge during or after the on increasing fluid (6–8 glasses of fluids daily) and dietary fiber
process of defecation. Internal hemorrhoids are graded based on intake (20–30 g daily), discouraging sitting on the toilet for a
the degree of protrusion (Figure 2). Grade 1 hemorrhoids are not prolonged time, which includes reading and use of cell phone. For
associated with prolapse, Grade 2 hemorrhoids prolapse with patients unable to increase their dietary fiber, polyethylene glycol
straining and spontaneously reduce after a bowel movement, 3,350 or docusate may be given. The evidence for conservative
Grade 3 hemorrhoids prolapse and need manual reduction, and management is moderate (180–182), but the recommendation is
Grade 4 hemorrhoids prolapse and are not manually reducible. strong based on correction of the presumed pathogenesis and
External hemorrhoids are located distal to the dentate line and are minimal risk of complications when compared with office pro-
covered by squamous epithelium. They are painful only when cedures (183).
they develop an acute thrombosis but are otherwise painless Symptomatic first- and second-degree hemorrhoids not
(Figure 2; Table 11). responding to conservative management may be treated in the
office with rubber band ligation. Rubber band ligation (banding)
Pathophysiology is the most popular and effective office treatment for internal
Internal hemorrhoids are thought to occur because of loss of hemorrhoids. The evidence is low due to the paucity of data on
connective tissue support and prolapse making them more sus- Grade 1 hemorrhoids (184,185); however, the recommendation is
ceptible to trauma from straining and/or the passage of hard strong as the procedure is relatively simple, the complications are
stools. Thus, constipation and sitting on the toilet for long periods low, and it may be easily repeated if symptoms recur (186).

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1998 Wald et al.

Table 11. Current concepts of hemorrhoids Table 12. Treatment recommendations for hemorrhoids

1 The cardinal signs of internal hemorrhoids are painless bleeding 1 We recommend that dietary modification consisting of adequate
and intermittent protrusion. The diagnosis generally requires the fluid and fiber intake and counseling to minimize straining at
exclusion of other conditions that can produce similar symptoms. defecation should be first-line therapy for symptomatic
hemorrhoids (strong recommendation; quality of evidence:
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2 Internal hemorrhoids are assigned a functional grade based on

their history: First-degree hemorrhoids do not prolapse; second- moderate). Consensus score: 29
degree hemorrhoids prolapse but spontaneously reduce; third- 2 We recommend that patients with acutely thrombosed external
degree hemorrhoids prolapse and require manual reduction; and hemorrhoids may benefit from either surgical excision or incision
fourth-degree hemorrhoids protrude and cannot be reduced. and evacuation of the thrombus when seen within the first 4
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3 External hemorrhoids may become thrombosed by developing a d (strong recommendation; quality of evidence: low). Consensus
clot in a vein under the squamous epithelium of the anal verge. score: 30
3 We recommend that symptomatic grade 1 and 2 internal
hemorrhoids that fail medical therapy can be effectively treated
Ligation of hemorrhoids can be accomplished through a rigid with office-based procedures such as a rubber band ligation.
anoscope or using a retroflexed flexible endoscope with a ligation Alternative procedures include infrared coagulation, sclerotherapy,
attachment. In a meta-analysis of 18 randomized prospective and bipolar coagulation (strong recommendation; quality of
studies of office treatments, banding had a lower need for re- evidence: moderatea). Consensus score: 28
peated treatment, compared with injection sclerotherapy and 4 We suggest that Doppler-guided procedures such as hemorrhoidal
infrared coagulation, in the treatment of first- to third-degree artery ligations have similar outcomes to hemorrhoidectomy for
hemorrhoids (150). The most common complications of banding symptomatic grade 3 hemorrhoids (conditional recommendation;
are anorectal pain, bleeding, thrombosis of external hemorrhoids, quality of evidence: very low). Consensus score: 29
and vasovagal symptoms that occur in 1%–3% of patients (156). a
Moderate on the basis of grade II hemorrhoids; no evidence for grade l
Life-threatening septic complications have been reported, but are hemorrhoids.
vanishingly rare. Rubber band ligation should be used with cau-
tion in patients on anticoagulant therapy.
Other treatment options are infrared coagulation (187), scle-
rotherapy, or bipolar coagulation (185). Sclerotherapy is suc- and may be performed with a variety of surgical devices, none of
cessful in treating 75%–90% of patients with first- to third-degree which displays a clear advantage over the others (159). Tradi-
hemorrhoids (188) Recurrence is frequent, but retreatment is tional hemorrhoidectomy remains the recommended treatment
considered safe, with complications similar to ligation. Rarely, for Grade 4 hemorrhoids (191).
serious complications have resulted from erroneous injection of External hemorrhoids that develop a clot are termed thrombosed
the sclerosant or systemic effects (153,154). Sclerotherapy has external hemorrhoids. They present with sudden onset of pain and
been found to be effective in patients with acute bleeding who are swelling that may be external to the anal verge or just inside the anal
on anticoagulants (189) or are immunocompromised (190). In- verge. They may be treated surgically if seen within 4 days (188). The
frared coagulation involves the contact application of infrared procedure is excision of the clot with removal of overlying skin to
heat via a device inserted under vision through an anoscope, prevent recurrence. The recommendation is strong for this based on
essentially cauterizing around the base of the hemorrhoid. This is small cohort of studies; however, the level of evidence is low for the
most commonly used for first- and second-degree hemorrhoids. same reason. Conservative treatment involves softening the stool
Randomized trials have demonstrated outcomes similar to with docusate, sitz baths, and pain control, which is effective but may
banding (155). Both infrared coagulation and sclerotherapy can be associated with longer time taken for symptom relief and a higher
treat bleeding hemorrhoids that are too small to ligate. recurrence rate (188) (Table 12).
Symptomatic grade 3 hemorrhoids may be treated with
Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal ligation with a hemorrhoidopexy,
mucopexy, or a stapled hemorrhoidectomy. The recommenda-
tion for the Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal ligation is moderate, Definition and pathophysiology
although the quality of evidence is low, as it is relatively non- FI is the involuntary loss of solid or liquid feces (Table 13). The
invasive. However, it may not successfully treat the external com- more general term, anal incontinence, also includes involuntary
ponent of fourth-degree hemorrhoids as does the stapled loss of flatus (4,192). Although incontinence for flatus can be
hemorrhoidectomy. Doppler-assisted hemorrhoidal artery ligation embarrassing, a threshold to discriminate inadvertent expulsion
uses a Doppler-equipped anoscope to identify and ligate the ar- of gas from incontinence is not available (193). One survey sug-
teries supplying internal hemorrhoids. This is followed by a gests that some patients prefer accidental bowel leakage or other
hemorrhoidopexy or a rectoanal repair. A potential benefit is that terms to fecal incontinence (194).
no tissue is excised. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy has been shown to The prevalence of FI in the community increases with age and
have higher complication and long-term recurrence rates; it has varies from 2.2% to 25% (192,195). In community surveys, the
been less frequently used as a treatment alternative in recent years. age-adjusted prevalence is approximately 9% in the United States
When compared with office procedures, traditional hemor- (196) but lower in global surveys (197). Prevalence rates are re-
rhoidectomy was more effective for grade III hemorrhoids, but lated to the frequency of FI that is required for case definition: in a
more painful, and had a higher complication rate in 1 study (150). survey of the United States, Canada, and England, the overall
Standard hemorrhoidectomy leaves open or closed wounds (157) prevalence of FI in the last 3 months was 16%, but in only 2.1% of

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 116 | OCTOBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders 1999

Table 13. Summary of key concepts in FI

Clinical features
FI is the involuntary loss of solid or liquid feces including staining of underwear.
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The clinical assessment should identify conditions that predispose to FI and gauge symptom severity by asking patients about the type, frequency, and amount
of leakage and the presence of urgency to defecate. The severity of FI predicts the need for consultation with a clinician.
Diagnostic tests provide useful functional and structural information that can guide the treatment. There is no single test that can be considered as a gold
standard. Functional (ARM, balloon evacuation testing, and sensory evaluation) tests and imaging tests (endoanal ultrasound and MRI) are complimentary.
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Conservative measures (i.e., education, measures to prevent diarrhea, and pelvic floor exercises) are safe, inexpensive, and often effective.
Children and older patients who have FI associated with constipation may benefit from laxatives but the evidence in younger adults is insufficient.
For some invasive procedures (e.g., SphinKeeper™), the safety and efficacy data are insufficient.

ARM, anorectal manometry; FI, fecal incontinence.

these cases did it occur twice a month and last at least 6 months better predictors of colonic transit than self-reported stool fre-
(198). FI often consisted of staining under clothes. quency (74,215).
FI impacts daily quality of life (199) and may predispose to Bowel diaries may provide additional information on stool
institutionalization (200): up to 50% of nursing home residents in frequency, although they are not standardized. Specific questions
1 survey had FI (201). Despite these potentially devastating about the frequency, amount (i.e., small, medium, or large
consequences, only a small proportion of incontinent patients amount), type of leakage, and presence of urgency can be added to
discuss the symptom with a physician (202–204). Therefore, provide an index of symptom severity, which strongly correlates
physicians should ask patients with predisposing risk factors with the impact of FI on quality of life (199,204) and medical
when they have FI. consultation. Semiformed or liquid stools pose a greater threat to
In community-based epidemiological studies, older age, di- pelvic floor continence mechanisms than do hard stools.
arrhea (frequent stools or loose stools), rectal urgency, constipation An awareness of the desire to defecate before defecation pro-
(infrequent stools, hard stools), and urinary incontinence are as- vides a clue to pathophysiology. Patients with urge incontinence
sociated with FI (205–210). Women are more likely than men to experience the desire to defecate, but cannot reach the toilet in time.
report FI, but the differences are small (1%–2%). Obstetric anal Patients with passive incontinence are not aware of the need to
sphincter injury during child birth may cause FI, although more defecate before the incontinent episode. Patients with urge in-
typically, FI begins 2-3 decades after vaginal delivery (204,211). continence generally have reduced squeeze pressures (217),
Other medical disorders that cause changes in stool consistency squeeze duration (218), or reduced rectal capacity with rectal hy-
and/or anorectal weakness also predispose to FI (212). Specific persensitivity (204). Squeeze pressure usually is a manifestation of
diseases of the central nervous system (dementia and stroke), pe- external anal sphincter function, whereas resting pressure is largely
ripheral nervous system (diabetic peripheral neuropathy, spinal a manifestation of the internal anal sphincter. Patients with passive
cord injury, and pelvic anomalies), and inflammatory bowel dis- incontinence have lower resting pressures (217). Incontinence
ease are associated with FI. during sleep is uncommon; it occurs in patients with diabetes
mellitus, isolated internal anal sphincter weakness, or scleroderma.
Diagnostic assessment
There is no biomarker for FI. There are multiple demographic, Physical examination
physiological, medical, and psychiatric comorbidities that are The physical examination should exclude diseases in which FI is
strongly associated with FI (195,213,214), but there is no single secondary. A meticulous anorectal examination is mandatory in
factor that is always present in a patient with FI (if there was a every patient with FI, not only to identify rectal masses but also to
primary factor, the other factors could be seen as moderator gauge anal sphincter tone and pelvic floor motion at rest, during
variables). The data suggest that the higher the number of risk voluntary contraction of the anal sphincter and pelvic floor
factors present, the greater the likelihood that FI will occur. These muscles, and during simulated evacuation (219). Digital exami-
risk factors interact so that treatment of 1 risk factor may lower nation should be performed before referral for ARM.
the overall prevalence of FI and restore continence. For example, a Perianal pinprick sensation and the anal wink reflex evaluate
weak external anal sphincter may increase the likelihood of FI, but the integrity of the sacral lower motor neuron reflex arc. For
if combined with hard stools, no FI may occur. The aim of di- experienced observers, there is good agreement between digital
agnostic assessment is to identify all factors that contribute to FI assessment of anal sphincter function when at rest and during
and to order them in terms of which ones are easiest to modify. squeeze (49,50). Other abnormalities in patients with FI include
The Bristol Stool Form Scale is a validated set of pictures of abnormal (i.e., increased or reduced) pelvic floor motion during
bowel movements (74,215,216). Pictorial representations of stool evacuation, impacted stool in the rectal vault, and perianal soiling
form (e.g., by the Bristol Stool Form Scale) and bowel diaries are with feces. Reduced anal resting tone or weak squeeze responses
efficient and reliable methods to characterize bowel habits and are are common features in FI.

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2000 Wald et al.

(204). Rectal sensory and rectal evacuation dynamics may change

Table 14. Summary of treatment recommendations in fecal with biofeedback therapy.
incontinence Further testing is guided by the results of initial tests and
1 We recommend antidiarrheal drugs (e.g., loperamide, diphenoxylate therapy. Anal imaging with endoanal ultrasound or MRI should
with atropine, bile salt binding agents, anticholinergic agents, and be considered in patients with weak pressures especially if surgery
clonidine) when FI is accompanied by diarrhea (strong is being considered. Although the findings of endoanal ultra-
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recommendation; quality of evidence: low). Consensus score: 30 sound and MRI are generally congruent, each of these modalities
has unique strengths (204). The internal sphincter is visualized
2 We recommend that patients with FI who do not respond to education
clearly by endoanal ultrasound, whereas MRI is superior for
and conservative measures should undergo biofeedback (i.e., pelvic
discriminating between an external anal sphincter tear or a scar
floor rehabilitative techniques with visual or auditory feedback) (strong
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and for identifying external sphincter atrophy. Internal sphincter

recommendation; quality of evidence: moderate). Consensus score: 30
defects probably reflect more severe anorectal injury than do
3 We suggest that anal plugs, vaginal balloons, and other devices to external sphincter injuries alone (223,224). Interpreting the
impede defecation be considered in selected patients who do not clinical significance of anal sphincter injury is challenging even
respond to conservative measures and biofeedback (conditional for experienced radiologists. Moreover, even asymptomatic
recommendation; quality of evidence: very low). Consensus score: 26 women can have postpartum sphincter defects. A 2D ultrasound
4 We suggest injecting bulking agents such as dextranomer sodium in identifies anal sphincter defects after vaginal delivery in up to
selected patients with FI who do not respond to conservative therapy or one-third of women (225), but with 3D ultrasound or MRI, the
biofeedback (conditional recommendation; quality of evidence: low). prevalence is approximately 10% (210,226).
Consensus score: 26 Further testing (e.g., assessment of rectal compliance and sen-
5 We recommend SNS for patients with moderate to severe FI who have
sation with a barostat, needle EMG of the anal sphincter, and
failed conservative measures, biofeedback, and other low-cost, low-
assessment of pelvic floor motion by dynamic MRI or barium
risk techniques (strong recommendation; quality of evidence: low).
proctography) may be considered for patients who have refractory
Consensus score: 29
symptoms, especially if surgery is being considered. However, these
tests are not widely available. Needle EMG of the anal sphincter
6 We suggest anal sphincteroplasty for acute injuries to the anal
should be considered in patients with clinically suspected neuro-
sphincters (conditional recommendation; quality of evidence: low).
genic sphincter weakness, particularly if there are features sug-
Consensus score: 30
gestive of proximal (i.e., sacral root) involvement (227). Although
7 We suggest offering an end stoma to patients with severe FI who have pudendal nerve terminal motor latency may be significantly pro-
not responded to other treatments (conditional recommendation; longed in some patients with idiopathic FI, this test has low clinical
quality of evidence: low). Consensus score: 30 significance because of its low reliability.
FI, fecal incontinence; SNS, sacral nerve stimulation.
Treatment of fecal incontinence
FI impairs quality of life (198). However, most individuals have it
less than once a month or it consists only of staining of un-
derclothes. These individuals might benefit from less costly in-
The next steps are guided by the clinical assessment. For pa-
terventions. Choices of therapy depend on the severity of the FI
tients with mild symptoms, conservative measures may suffice
and the presence of other comorbid conditions such as dementia
(220) (see beginning of the Therapy section). If symptoms im-
that may moderate other treatments such as biofeedback (228).
prove and there are no features to suggest an organic disorder,
Conservative treatment for FI is relatively low in cost and has
further testing may not be necessary. If symptoms do not im-
few adverse events. Most conservative treatments include 3
prove, diagnostic testing can guide management (221,222).
components: (i) educating the patient about diarrhea and con-
stipation as causes of FI; (ii) use of drugs such as loperamide or
Diagnostic tests diphenoxylate for diarrhea and fiber supplements and/or laxa-
These tests are tailored to the patient’s age, probable etiological tives for constipation and (iii) daily pelvic floor exercises to
factors, symptom severity, impact on quality of life, response to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. A bowel diary may be added to
conservative medical management, and availability of tests. ARM, monitor progress. These simple measures are often inconsistently
rectal BET, and rectal sensation should be performed in patients implemented. However, when properly taught and followed up
who fail to respond to conservative measures. Additional di- by a health care professional, up to 20% of patients may not need
agnostic tests such as pelvic floor and anal canal imaging and anal further treatment (229).
EMG should be considered for patients with anal weakness. In a controlled trial (230), 171 patients with FI were randomly
Although widely available, diagnostic tests should be per- allocated to 4 groups: standard medical/nursing care (i.e., advice
formed optimally by laboratories with more training and expe- only), advice plus verbal instruction on sphincter exercises,
rience. Testing should begin with an ARM. In ARM, anal hospital-based computer-assisted sphincter pressure bio-
sphincter resting and squeeze pressures are the key parameters. feedback, or hospital biofeedback plus use of a home EMG bio-
Because anal sphincter pressures decline with age and are lower in feedback device. Symptoms improved in 55% and resolved in 5%
women, age and sex should be taken into consideration when with no differences between treatment groups, and improvement
interpreting anal canal pressure (28). The anal cough reflex is also was sustained at 1 year. In another RCT of 108 patients (73,229),
useful, in a qualitative sense, for evaluating the integrity of the 22% reported adequate relief of FI after 4 weeks of conservative
lower motor neuron innervation of the external anal sphincter. therapy. However, instructions to defecate at specific times were
Rectal sensation in FI may be normal, increased, or decreased not effective for FI (231–233) (Table 14).

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 116 | OCTOBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Management of Benign Anorectal Disorders 2001

FI with diarrhea the patients in these trials were not initially treated with other
Several drugs to manage diarrhea (e.g., loperamide, diphenox- conservative measures for FI before they received biofeedback
ylate with atropine, bile salt binding agents such as cholestyr- therapy. Indeed, among patients who did not adequately re-
amine and colesevelam, anticholinergic agents, and clonidine) are spond to medications, education, and behavioral therapy, 76%
available. A Cochrane review identified 13 randomized studies of patients treated with treated with biofeedback versus 41%
with 473 participants (234). Nine trials included only persons with pelvic floor exercises alone reported adequate relief at 3
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with FI related to liquid stool, and 7 tested antidiarrheal drugs months (229). In summary, biofeedback therapy benefits many
(loperamide, diphenoxylate plus atropine, and codeine). In 4 patients and does not cause harm. Hence, biofeedback is
trials, symptoms were better with active treatment compared with regarded by many as a mainstay of treatment for FI (228).
placebo, with improved and/or restored fecal continence
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(235–238), improved fecal urgency (236), more formed stools

Anal plugs
(236,238), and reduced use of pads (237). In 2 of these 4 trials,
Anal plugs are mechanical barrier devices. Renew is a silicone anal
more persons reported adverse effects such as constipation,
insert that is disposable. In 1 study of 30 patients with FI, 20%
abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, and nausea (236,238).
disliked the device, 23% showed no change, and 12% reported
There were no adverse effects in either arm in 1 trial (237), and
worse symptoms of FI; however, 57% of patients wished to con-
adverse effects were not reported in another (235). Among
tinue using the device (248). In a second study, the Renew device
women with FI, clonidine did not improve fecal continence in all
was used in 15 patients with an ileoanal pouch (249): 8 of 15 (53%)
comers, but tended to improve continence in women with di-
found the Renew device to be acceptable, and 6 of 15 (40%)
arrhea (239).
reported it to be effective. The Peristeen anal plug is available in
Diet education and advice on the relationship between foods
Europe. One review (250) concluded that plugs are difficult to
containing incompletely digested sugars (e.g., fructose and
tolerate but may be useful in a select group of patients and may be
lactose) and caffeine for loose stools and urgency may also be
used as an adjunct to other treatments.
helpful, but the evidence is limited. For example, 65% of 65
The Eclipse vaginal bowel control device (251) is a balloon that
patients reported improved improved fecal continence on a low
is inserted into the vagina and acts as a mechanical barrier,
FODMAP diet in an uncontrolled, retrospective audit of pa-
compressing the anterior wall of the rectum. The correct-sized
tients seen in clinical practice (240). However, prospective RCTs
balloon has to be selected for each patient, and manual dexterity is
are required to determine the efficacy of such diets for patients
required to deflate, inflate, insert, and remove the device. Two
with FI.
case series were published: In the first series, 61 patients were
evaluated for 1 month (252). A 50% reduction in FI was reported
Fecal incontinence with constipation
by 86%, and quality of life improved. Adverse events such as
Laxative regimens sometimes benefit children (241) and older
cramping and abdominal pain were reported during the fitting
patients with FI associated with constipation (242), but the benefits
period. Another study showed reductions in urgency, frequency,
in younger adults are not supported by objective evidence.
and incomplete evacuations in more than 50% of the pa-
Anorectal biofeedback for FI. Biofeedback training was pre-
tients (253).
viously described for the treatment of dyssynergic defecation and
Patients with passive incontinence for small amounts of stool
is also appropriate for FI, but with minor differences in focus. FI is
may benefit from perianal cotton plugs to absorb moisture and to
often accompanied by diarrhea and constipation and weakness of
reduce the uncontrolled passage of gas. However, there are no
the external anal sphincter. Biofeedback therapy for FI seeks to
formal studies with this intervention.
increase the strength and coordination of the external anal
sphincter without contracting the abdominal wall muscles and to
improve rectal sensation where necessary. In those patients with Injectable bulking agents
hypersensitivity to rectal distention who cannot delay defecation, Injectable bulking agents, which are used to augment the ure-
biofeedback seeks to reduce rectal sensation so that patients can thral sphincter and treat urinary incontinence, were approved
postpone defecation until more stool fills the rectum. Hence, by the US Food and Drug Administration for managing FI
biofeedback for FI should be tailored to the symptoms and spe- (254,255). In a multicenter, placebo-controlled randomized
cific anorectal dysfunctions (244) (Table 3). trial of a perianal bulking agent (dextranomer in stabilized
There are known limitations to the use of biofeedback training hyaluronic acid [NASHA Dx]) in 206 patients with FI (254), a
(1). It is much less effective in patients who have short-term $50% reduction in incontinence episodes was reported
memory loss related to dementia (228) or depression. Bio- more frequently for NASHA Dx (52% patients) than placebo
feedback training requires a motivated patient and reinforcement (31% patients). The number of patients who became completely
over time. (243–246). Patients with central nervous system eti- continent was not provided. Two serious adverse events oc-
ologies for their FI such as spinal cord injury or head injury may curred (i.e., rectal abscess and prostatic abscess), but most
be less amenable to biofeedback training. The skill of the therapist adverse events were minor. Treatment did not affect embar-
may also influence the outcome. rassment scores related to FI. Anorectal physiological tests and
In a controlled study, biofeedback therapy was more effec- imaging were not performed; hence, patient characteristics
tive than attention control therapy; both groups were also and mechanisms of action were unknown.
treated with other conservative approaches (247). However, A prospective multicenter trial in 136 FI patients found that
biofeedback therapy was not superior to conservative measures fecal continence improved in 52% of patients in 6 months, and
or pelvic floor exercises alone (230) or to education (244). Also, this was sustained after 36 months (255). Further studies to
biofeedback plus loperamide was not more effective than bio- compare the effects of bulking agents to biofeedback therapy in FI
feedback plus placebo (244). One possible explanation is that are ongoing (256).

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2002 Wald et al.

Radiofrequency stimulation (SECCA procedure) It may also be reserved when medical, noninvasive therapies and SNS
The SECCA procedure involves radiofrequency stimulation of have failed or a device is not recommended.
the muscles in the anal canal to increase muscle connective tissue
ratio and scarring (257) via a probe with needles in the anal canal Dynamic graciloplasty
performed under local anesthesia and sedation. Despite initial This procedure involved bringing a segment of gracilis muscle up
positive studies including a multi-center trial from 2003 (258), to the anal canal to wrap around the anal sphincter, often with
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more recent reports suggest poor long-term results (259). electrical stimulation. There was significant associated morbidity
Sacral nerve electrical stimulation. SNS is approved for treating FI and even mortality with only modest benefits (267–270). Because
in Europe and the United States. Patients whose symptoms respond of this, the procedure is not currently recommended.
to temporary SNS for 2–3 weeks have the device implanted in their
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abdomen. Between 2002 and 2008, the pivotal North American

multicenter controlled study enrolled 133 patients with FI charac- Miscellaneous devices
terized as having more than 2 incontinent episodes per week for more Numerous attempts have been made to artificially enhance the anal
than 6 months or for more than 12 months after childbirth and who sphincter to improve continence. Most of these devices have shown
had failed or were not candidates for conservative therapy (260,261). unacceptable complication rates or explant rates (271–273) and are
Patients with chronic diarrhea, large sphincter defects, chronic in- not currently available. The newest of these devices, which is a thin
flammatory bowel disease, visible sequelae of pelvic radiation, active expandable prosthesis that is implanted in the intersphincteric
anal inflammation, and neurologic diseases such as clinically signif- space, has only been evaluated in very few patients (274).
icant peripheral neuropathy or complete spinal cord injury were
excluded. The success rate for temporary SNS was 90%. At follow-up Colostomy or ileostomy with an end stoma
3 years later, 86% of those with an implanted device achieved a $50% An end stoma (i.e., end ileostomy or colostomy) is considered a last
reduction in the number of incontinent episodes per week (thera- resort in the algorithm of treatment for FI. During the evaluation and
peutic success), and 40% achieved complete continence. Incontinent management of patients with severe FI, this option should be dis-
episodes decreased from a mean of 9.4 per week at baseline to 1.7 at 12 cussed early so that patients are aware of the same. Even in very frail
months. There was significant improvement in all 4 scales of the FI patients, the post-procedure morbidity is low. The procedure may
Quality of Life instrument at 12, 24, and 36 months of follow-up. The markedly improve the quality of life. In 1 study, the median score
most common device-related adverse events were implant site pain (scale of 0–10) for ability to live with a stoma was 8, and satisfaction
(28%), paresthesias (15%), change in the sensation of stimulation with the stoma was rated as a median of 9 (275). Most (83%) felt that
(12%), and infection (10%). Despite marked improvement in the stoma restricted their life a little or not at all, which was signifi-
symptoms in this uncontrolled study, SNS has had no significant cantly improved from the perceived former restriction due to in-
effects on measured anorectal functions (262). Based on these and continence. Eighty-four percent would probably or definitely choose
other studies, SNS is recommended for patients with FI whose to have the stoma again. Quality of life (36-Item Short Form Health
symptoms are refractory to medical therapy. Survey) was poor, but neither depression nor anxiety was a prom-
Less invasive methods have also been investigated including inent feature. An end stoma may also be an option for patients with a
percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS) and transcutaneous spinal cord injury (276). Patients have a wide variety of reactions to
tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS). PTNS stimulates the tibial nerve the prospect of an end stoma, viewing it as anything from a welcome
through a needle inserted above the ankle of 1 leg, and TTNS necessity to an unacceptable option. Understanding the patient’s
stimulates between pads attached to the sole of 1 foot. Both ap- informed views toward the possibility of an end stoma helps the
proaches reduced the frequency of FI in uncontrolled case series gastroenterologist to navigate the various options.
(263). A small study comparing PTNS with TTNS and sham
stimulation showed PTNS to be more effective than TTNS or sham
(82%, 48%, and 13% for reducing the frequency of FI by at least 50%;
Guarantor of the article: Arnold Wald, MD, MACG.
P 5 0.035). In contrast, a large multicenter European study (264)
Specific author contributions: All authors participated in planning,
compared 12 weekly sessions of PTNS to sham stimulation. There
researching, meeting, interpreting data, drafting, and editing the
were over 100 patients per arm. Outcomes at the end of treatment
showed no significant difference between the 2 techniques (38% for
Financial support: None.
PTNS and 31% for sham). However, patients with urge-related FI
Potential competing interests: A.W., B.L., A.M., M.Z.: None. A.E.B.:
did better than those with passive FI (265). Future studies are needed
Patents and royalties: Medspira, Minnesota Medical Technologies.
to resolve the efficacy of PTNS in subpopulations of patients with FI.
Patients: Medtronic. Research support to Mayo Clinic: Cairn
Diagnostics. NIH NIDDK Grant: RO1 DK 78924. J.M.R.-T.:
Advisory Boards-Takeda, Asofarma, Biocodex, Speakers bureaus-
Anal sphincteroplasty
Takeda, Asofarma, Medtronic, Carnot, Alfasigma, W.E.W.: NIH
Sphincteroplasty is a surgical repair of a separated internal and/or
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