Want To Learn How To Improve Yourself and Feel Better

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Want to learn how to improve yourself and feel better?

Here are 15 tips you can

implement in your life right away to become your best self.

1. Make time for rest

Before you learn how to be better, it’s important to start with the basics. You need to
have your basic needs met before you move on to self-improvement. Part of that is
to make time for rest and self-care.

There are many different types of rest . Are there moments in your schedule where
you have the opportunity to do nothing and take a break? Those quiet moments of
rest can help you decompress and process what happened in your day.

That’s why making time for rest can do wonders for your well-being. Plus, when
you’re well-rested, you’ll have more bandwidth to work on the other ways you can
better yourself.

2. Read more books

There are books on virtually everything. So, reading more books can help you
explore your current interests, but also develop new ones. You can even learn a
new skill with a book.

Some books are written specifically to help you start working on self-
improvement and personal growth . You can also read to improve your leadership

But even getting deeply engrossed in a fiction novel can do wonders for you. The
bottom line is that whatever passions you may have (or be curious about), carve out
some time to read about them.

3. Start a gratitude practice

One way to learn how to be a better person is by being grateful for what you have.

Practicing gratitude for your current situation can help you avoid feeling bitter about
what you don’t have.

You don’t have to feel grateful about huge things, either. Try to notice the small
things that make you happy and make you feel grateful.
You can fine-tune your gratitude practice over time . With practice, it gets easier to
naturally think of what you’re grateful for. This new perception can change your life
for the better.

4. Learn a new language

It’s never too late to learn a new language. Learning how to speak another language
helps you think differently and see things around you in a new light. It can also open
up doors for you.

You’ll get to immerse yourself in another culture as you learn how another language
operates differently from English. Plus, you can travel to places where people speak
the language you’re learning.

Learning a second language can do more than help you out during your travels
abroad. It can even help you with your career opportunities.

More and more employers in the US are looking for bilingual talent. Currently,
surveys show that US employers are struggling to find enough employees who
speak languages other than English .

56% of employers report that their needs for foreign languages in the workplace
have increased over the past five years. And 1/3 of employers currently don’t meet
those needs with their current workforce.

Some of the languages that are high in demand include Spanish, Chinese, and

5. Try meditation
Meditation provides you with a great way to slow down in a fast-paced world. Even
just a few minutes a day of meditation can help you better yourself and improve
your mental health.

A recent study has shown that meditation can improve anxiety, depression, and pain
scores, especially during times of crisis.

You’ll also become more aware of your thought patterns. This mindfulness means
you can learn more about yourself over time. It can help you spot bad habits that
are making a negative impact on your mood and your life.

Meditation can also help you practice mindful breathing and improve your self-
6. Write in a journal
Journaling is a great way to complement your meditation and gratitude practices. It
also makes a great new hobby.

You can write about the things you’re grateful for in your journal. You can also
practice how to become more aware of your own thoughts.

Plus, research shows that journaling can improve your well-being and reduce
mental distress . The same research shows that participants had increased their
resilience after the first two months of continuous journaling.

When you start writing in your journal , do your best not to censor yourself. Write
what comes to mind, and don’t judge what comes out.

7. Nourish yourself with healthy foods

It’s easier to live your best life when you feel energized and well-fueled. What you
eat has a huge influence on how you feel .

Start watching what you put in your body. Eat a variety of different foods in different
colors across all food groups.

Try to eat fresh foods whenever you can. If you don’t have time to cook healthy
meals at home, look for other alternatives, like meal kit subscriptions or healthy
catering services.

8. Add more movement to your life

While nutrition plays a huge part in how you feel, movement and exercise also have
a role to play .

There’s a variety of ways to start moving more. For instance, you can start a new
sport and even have a friend join you to spend quality time with them.

If you’re not interested in picking up a sport or joining a gym, you can still find other
ways to add movement to your life. For example, you can start taking daily walks.

You can also start an exercise routine from the comfort of your own home. Many
free workout routines are available online , which means there’s always something
new for you to do if you get bored.
9. Practice kindness toward others
Kindness is one of the best ways to become a better you.

First, it’s free. It doesn’t require much effort to be kind instead of indifferent or

Second, it can help you feel much better about yourself.

Third, it can improve other people’s lives as well. Showing kindness requires you to
become more aware of those around you. By doing so, you’ll notice more of what
people need, even when they don’t say it.
For example, you may notice a work colleague is struggling with something you can
help with. Or you may see a stranger struggling to open a door with a baby stroller.

Make it a goal to do one random act of kindness every day. If you’ve started
journaling, note how it made you feel and how the other person reacted.

10. Spend more time outdoors

If you work in an office (and even if you work remotely ), chances are you don’t get
to spend a lot of time outside during the day.

Find opportunities in your schedule to spend more time outdoors. If you have
access to areas of nature, consider spending time there.

A recent study shows that even a short 15-minute walk in the forest can decrease
negative moods like anxiety, fatigue, anger, and depression . In the study, forest
walks were more effective than city walks.

They were also more effective in participants who had higher anxiety levels.

With the right clothing, you can take advantage of the outdoors even when the
weather isn’t perfect. Consider saving some money to invest in robust outdoor
clothing that can protect you in any weather.

If you take up an outdoor activity, make sure you’re well equipped for it. For
example, make sure you have good hiking shoes if you begin hiking.

11. Develop a list of goals

If you want to better yourself over time, it’s important to start setting goals .

When you write down specific goals, you can start tracking your progress over time.
This is another thing you can journal about.

For example, you can set a goal to walk every day for 30 minutes by the end of the
year. You can work up to your goal incrementally.

For instance, if you currently take no walks, you can start with short 10-minute
walks three times a week. Every week, you can increase the length of your walks.

And every few weeks, you can add a new walk to your schedule until you reach your
daily walking goal.

12. Work to improve your fear of failure

Fear of failure can stop you from taking steps forward to achieve your goals and
working on your self-development.

To better yourself, it’s important to find ways to do the difficult things, even when
fear is holding you back. That’s why it’s important to work on your fear of failure and
ease out of your comfort zone.

To improve this fear, you can start with small things and work your way up to bigger
fears. This means you don’t have to start by conquering your fear of public
speaking by signing up to give a seminar at work.

Instead, you can work up to that in small increments.

For example, practice public speaking in a private setting to people close to you
whom you trust, like your family or spouse.

Over time, you can start practicing in front of more and more people. Every time you
speak in front of someone new, you’ll prove to yourself that you can conquer your
fear of failure.

Remember that failure will still happen, and that’s okay. Resist the urge to beat
yourself up when you fail. Embrace the failure and see it as a necessary stepping
stone toward reaching your goals.

13. Limit activities that drain you

Are you noticing that spending too much time scrolling through social media
is sapping away at your good mood ?

Have you found that spending too much time around negative people chips away at
your energy?

Try to notice what fulfills you and what drains you throughout the day. Some
activities that drain you may be unavoidable, like updating your budget or grocery

But there are other factors that you have much more control over.

For example, try deleting social media apps on your phone if you find yourself in a
sour mood after too much scrolling. Or try to limit how much time you spend with
people who are constantly negative around you.

14. Practice saying no to assert your boundaries

It can be easy to say yes to everyone and everything, even when you don’t feel
comfortable. This can be true at work and in your personal life.

Some family members invite you to their home the day you set aside for you-time?
You’re allowed to say no and keep that day to yourself.

Your manager asks you to take a look at something while you’re on vacation? You
can also choose to say no.

15. Inner work®

Inner work happens when you explore your inner experiences.

It involves all of the processes, values, and mental models that you use to navigate
the world. Some examples include decision-making , spiritual wellness , and self-
awareness .

Inner work can be even more effective when you combine it with support from a
coach and trusted inner circle who can help you reflect and take action.

Bonus tip: Work with a coach

One of the best ways to grow and improve is to get support. By working with a
coach, you get someone who can help you see yourself more clearly and who is
there to help you succeed. You deserve to have someone in your corner.

Coaches at BetterUp know how to help you unlock your personal and professional
growth. They can also help you develop the practice of inner work so that you never
stop growing.

A coach can give you a new perspective on self-improvement that you wouldn’t
have on your own.

They can also help you with other specific aspects of improvement that can help
you thrive in life, like improving your diet and increasing your resilience.

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