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The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

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Original article

A framework for measuring the maturity of real-time information

management systems (RTIMS) in the mining industry
Mulundumina Shimaponda-Nawa a, *, Glen T. Nwaila a, Steven E. Zhang b, Julie E. Bourdeau b
Wits Mining Institute (WMI), University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, 2050, Wits, South Africa
39 Kiewiet Street, Helikon Park, Randfontein, 1759, South Africa


Keywords: Real-time information management systems (RTIMS) are emerging for the mining industry. RTIMS are created to
Real-time information management systems enable minimal-latency (real-time) of information delivery and usage to enable dynamic and smart decision
Mining industry making. However, being an emerging concept, it is unclear what the target readiness of RTIMS should be. As a
Maturity assessment
result, system owners may face challenges identifying appropriate RTIMS performance models. In this study,
Business optimisation
RTIMS is treated as an integration of information, as a resource and as the systems for managing this resource, in
real-time, across all phases of the mining value chain. Consequently, the capability maturity assessment tool for
RTIMS must consider: information as the critical resource; the management systems for the critical resource; and
the access to the resource in real-time. Thus, a hybridised maturity model is proposed for the RTIMS maturity
target, which can be further optimised through stakeholder engagement. In our proposed framework, three el­
ements namely, people, the environment, and technology, have been identified as key enablers for RTIMS in the
minerals sector. In addition, we propose a six-level capability maturity model, with levels ranging from 0 to 5,
signifying the state of no recognition of the processes to an optimised state, where prevention and maintenance
are the norm.

1. Introduction renders many of the shallower depth solutions less efficacious (Ghor­
bani et al., 2023a). There is a sustained desire to continue making
The mining industry is constantly under pressure to improve and mining safer, more environmentally- and human-friendly, as well as
maintain a safe environment, throughout the lifetime of the mine. In scalable (Brisbois et al., 2019; Foster and Hoult, 2013; Ghorbani et al.,
addition to mine safety, a clear business motivation, given the nature of 2023a; Global Mining Guidelines Group, 2019). Some of the emerging
private companies and competition of the market, is operational effi­ and evolving solutions to address these desires include: automation,
ciency, which drives profitability, business sustainability and investor remote operation, digital technologies, and smart workforce manage­
interest. However, for maturing mines, finding a profitable balance be­ ment. Associated with these solutions is the awareness of the need to
tween operational expenditures and revenue can be challenging due to incorporate workforce education (or training) to maximise business
declining ore grades and greater haul distances from the excavation site continuity, realise the value of modern solutions and essentially manage
(Jacobs, 2017). These issues invariably result in increased operating and change. A concomitant solution to existing challenges, but itself also a
development costs, as well as health and safety risks. significant driver, is the need for steady flows of modernised data (e.g.,
There continues to be a global drive in the areas of safety, efficiency, Zhang et al., 2023) from mining operations to dry laboratories, which
productivity and gender inclusivity in the mining industry, particularly are dedicated entities that focuses on data-centric innovation and
outside of artisanal mining (Coulson and Christofides, 2020; Kansake experimentation (Ghorbani et al., 2022, 2023b). Any dry laboratory
et al., 2021; Paschal and Kauangal, 2023; PricewaterhouseCoopers, serving the mining industry would be predicated on the existence of data
2021; Sasikala and Sankaranarayanan, 2022). Despite improvements, and information systems that are appropriate for modern uses.
there are still several challenges that remain within the mining industry, Mining is a large global community with a long history that predates
especially regarding underground mines. In addition, the tendency to modernity. As such, mining as an industry, exhibits strong cultural
move towards deeper depths exacerbates existing challenges and inertia and is often viewed as conservative. Existing mining cultural and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mulundumina.shimaponda@wits.ac.za (M. Shimaponda-Nawa).

Received 23 February 2023; Received in revised form 18 October 2023; Accepted 18 October 2023
Available online 28 October 2023
2214-790X/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

technical practices are potentially incompatible with, or hindersome to goals. This assumed influence is linked to the understanding from the
the adoption of modern information and data systems, including sen­ work by Gomes & Romão (2018), where they state that: “the basic
sors, information systems and the use of data. For example, a lack of concept underlying maturity is that mature organisations do things system­
modern data management and the existence of process-driven data silos atically, while immature organisations achieve their outcomes because of the
result in difficulties to realise value in data and information because heroic efforts of individuals using approaches that they create and use
such practices hinder access to data and information in a timely and spontaneously”.
accurate manner. This throttles the proliferation and widespread success Mining is a multi-faceted business that contains a real-time compo­
of fully modernised and connected mines, and prevents existing mines nent, primarily its operational aspect. However, some business functions
from becoming modernised (Jacobs, 2017; PricewaterhouseCoopers, that are sometimes optional, such as stockpiling, dynamic extraction
2021). Accurate, timely and appropriate access to information is crucial sequencing and environmental monitoring, are increasingly moving
for management, but particularly management systems with a rapid away from static IMS into real-time. There is further awareness that even
response rate. It is for these reasons that Ghorbani et al. (2022) observed the more fundamental scientific, engineering and geostatistical aspects
a need to break through existing silos that are gated by stages of the could become more online and therefore real-time, to deal with chal­
mineral value chain, and use data in an integrated manner, both in the lenges associated with the present and anticipated future conditions (e.
sense of geometallurgy and data-driven practices. g., Ghorbani et al., 2022, 2023; Nwaila et al., 2021). For example, vis­
Consequently, there is a growing emphasis that minimal-latency or ualisation of business processes and metrics, as well as market condi­
real-time information management systems (RTIMS) should become a tions and projected company finances may be very useful, as data for
crucial component of modernised mines (Global Mining Guidelines such visualisations would inevitably be available anyway.
Group, 2019). The desire for RTIMS essentially stipulates a modern, and As strategies to implement RTIMS in underground mines are devel­
perhaps one of the most technically onerous purpose, for which data and oped, it is assumed that a component of the targeted RTIMS maturity,
information are generated. The purpose of data and information against which the implemented systems will be evaluated, is included. A
consequently provides a basis for generating business requirements of further assumption is that RTIMS implementation strategies would have
data, information, infrastructure, sensors and their usage, and man­ included specific tools for assessing the performance of the implemented
agement. For example, a business definition of the real-time nature of RTIMS, in a particular mining company. While the assumptions of the
information provides a necessary constraint on the timeliness of data presence of an RTIMS maturity target and its assessment tool are made,
generation, management and storage, usage including information it is important to appreciate that RTIMS are an emerging concept,
derivation through data analytics, and presentation. For this reason, especially in the mining sector whose digital maturity is about <40 %, in
mining companies have and continue to develop strategies on how to comparison to sectors like automotive and chemicals (Ganeriwalla et al.,
effectively implement RTIMS across the value chain (Ganeriwalla et al., 2021). It is also important to appreciate that the mining environment
2021). Uniquely to underground mines, the Global Mining Guidelines contains unique physical challenges (e.g., underground-specific tele­
Group (2019) identified five challenge topics, namely: communications infrastructure, complex operating environments such
as deep underground-specific challenges, see Ghorbani et al., 2023a)
• Communications and network infrastructure. that other industries may not be prone to. As such, many solutions from
• Operational efficiency and process improvement. other industries are not readily adaptable into the mining industry
• Asset visibility and management. without significant fundamental research and development.
• Health and safety. A maturity model is one of the tools that has been used over the years
• Digitalisation and adapting to new technologies. to evaluate an organisation’s performance in terms of processes, people
and culture, systems, as well as software (de Bruin et al., 2005; Gomes
A key missing topic, as explicitly presented by the Global Mining and Romão, 2018; Proença and Borbinha, 2018). Maturity models bring
Guidelines Group (2019), is the notion of modern data, information value to an organisation when they adequately identify weaknesses and
management and governance, which outside of the mining industry, is a provide a definitive and implementable pathway to help an organisation
fully recognised business function that is essential in the modern context progress to the next maturity level (Pöppelbuß and Röglinger, 2011).
(e.g., data management-data management body of knowledge (Hen­ Despite literature containing thousands of articles on maturity
derson et al., 2017; Sharma et al., 2021). This is because issues around, models in diverse domains, there is a notable lack of maturity models
specifically, data and its derived information, from the translation of addressing IMS and apparently none in the case of RTIMS in mining.
business requirements into specifications of quality and standardisation, Nevertheless, similar approaches in literature, whose fundamental
to their usage and security, are not traditional information and tech­ principles have greatly influenced our work, have been presented in data
nology (IT) topics and in fact, are closely aligned with systems engi­ management and software engineering domains. Some of these ap­
neering (e.g., data engineering and quality management systems). This proaches presented in detail under Section 4 of this work, include but are
study considers both information and data as part of RTIMS as it would not limited to:
be impossible to derive information in a modern context without mod­
ern data. Hereon, when we refer to information, we also assume that the (a) Maturity models for software development: The capability
data component is implied (e.g., transport of information necessitates maturity model (CMM) was developed in the 1980s with the aim
transport of data). of improving the software development processes from concep­
Ladley (2010) stated that information management maturity1,2 in­ tion to optimisation (Capability Maturity Model SM for Software,
fluences the nature of ongoing governance, the size and characteristics Version 1.1, 1993). The CMM provides a framework for contin­
of projects, including the types of technology to be acquired. Similarly, uous process software development by defining progressive
we submit that the maturity of an organisation’s information manage­ capability levels with specific capability features.
ment systems (IMS) influences decision-making, affects efficiency, im­ (b) The data management-data management body of knowledge
pacts service delivery and ultimately is an enabler in achieving business (DMBOK): This is a framework that was created to advance the
concepts and practices of data management (Henderson et al.,
2017) to guide various data professionals in principles processes,
Maturity being defined as “the state of being complete, perfect or ready” and best practices.
(Lasrado et al., 2015; Mettler et al., 2010; Simpson et al., 1989). (c) The data management capability assessment model (DCAM v2.2):
Maturity is “a state in which, given certain conditions, it is agreed not to This framework is developed by the Enterprise Data Management
continue any further action” (Proença & Borbinha, 2018). Council and mainly aims at providing a tool for examining

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

capability of the data management processes including the tools

used to analyse the data acquired data (Ge et al., 2020). The use
of this framework helps build confidence in the capabilities of
several data management features such as the data management
strategy, funding model, governance, architecture, technology
employed, as well as the resulting quality.
(d) Content management systems maturity model (CMSMM): To
ensure a single source of truth, content management systems
have been proposed to enable multiple users to create, edit and
share content. The CMSMM by TechWhirl (https://techwhirl.co
m/content-management-system-maturity-model/), was created
to guide and assist organisations improve their content manage­
ment practices.
(e) Information management maturity (IMM): Ladley (2010) states
that the IMM is not a scorecard but a relative measurement of
ability. Thus, The IMM model proposed by Ladley (2010) pro­
vides a guide of assessment areas and the factors affecting them.
Some of the outlined assessment areas include information and
content usage, leadership, collaborative potential and technology
(f) The digital preservation capability maturity model (DPCMM): To
maintain accessibility to digital material, Charles & Lori (2015)
proposed a model that organises the digital preservation re­
quirements of the international organisation for standardisation
(ISO) standards into fifteen components with metrics to assess
maturity. Thus, providing organisation with insights on how to Fig. 1. Schematic overview of flow chart of this work.
track their performance from disorganised and electronic
information. 2. Drivers of RTIMS in mining

All the above highlighted maturity frameworks have specific links to The drivers of RTIMS in mining are either direct or indirect, but in
the RTIMS framework for the minerals industry proposed in this work. general can be divided into several categories: (a) physical, (b) market,
However, their industry-generalised approach poses a challenge of and (c) policy (Ghorbani et al., 2023a; Fig. 2). Physical drivers are those
implementation in industry such as the minerals industry that is in the that primarily relate to the physical world, such as resource availability,
early stages of modernisation. mineral deposit characteristics and technical capability. Market drivers
The absence of a defined RTIMS maturity target would render it are those that primarily relate to the evolving market conditions, such as
difficult for system owners to decide whether existing maturity models changing consumption patterns, global or local competition and supply
developed for information systems, engineering systems and other chain considerations. Policy drivers are those that primarily relate to
management functions, would adequately be applicable to RTIMS local or global policy conditions, such as the move towards renewable
implemented in the minerals and other extractive industries. Therefore, energy, or conditions of land use motivated by land stewardship.
to address the issue of a lack of RTIMS maturity frameworks and to assist Physical drivers for the use of RTIMS in mining include:
the minerals industry stakeholders, this work proposes a framework for
measuring the maturity of RTIMS, with a particular emphasis on the
mining environment.
To create a generic RTIMS maturity framework (scope, design,
populate, test, deploy and maintain), we adopted the suggestion by de
Bruin et al. (2005). This framework focuses on the first three phases of
the process (scope, design and populate), since the last three phases are
out of scope of this current work. We seek to provide critical base
knowledge in the RTIMS implementation strategies in the minerals in­
dustry. Accordingly, we consider the following research questions:
R1: What are the main drivers of mine modernisation necessitating
RTIMS implementation?
R2: What are the main enablers of mine modernisation related to
R3: What tools are available for assessing the maturity of IMS?
The remainder of the work is organised as follows (Fig. 1): Section 2
summarises the drivers of RTIMS in mining; Section 3 summarises the
enablers of RTIMS in mining; Section 4 provides a general overview of
maturity models and provides the situation regarding the availability of
maturity models for data and information management systems. In
Section 5, critical considerations for defining the RTIMS target and
maturity models are presented. This culminates into the proposed
RTIMS maturity target and consequently provides capability re­
quirements for preceding levels before the proposed target RTIMS
capability level. The concluding remarks are presented in Section 6.
Fig. 2. Drivers of RTIMS in the mining industry.

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

(a) Increasing depths of extraction for underground mines, which characteristics of a present state of an organisation that, if some condi­
necessitates better safety through rapid management response, tions are met, then the adoption of RTIMS would be facilitated. As such,
operational and geotechnical control, environmental and human identifying key categories of enablers allows the establishment of
health monitoring, more automation and more efficacious maturity models. Enablers can be categorised by their origin. The origins
extraction and material separation (Ghorbani et al., 2023a). of most innovations in various domains point to three fundamental
(b) Decreasing deposit grades. In the year 1900, for example, the components: people, environment, and technology. Specifically:
average grade of economically viable copper was approximately
4 % Cu, while currently, the grades are near 0.5 %, with some • People and culture: All innovation ideas, regardless of the domain,
cases reaching 0.26 % (Mudd and Jowitt, 2018). This creates a originate from people. The people component is organisational and
desirability for more granular and dynamic implementations of spans from the executive level to the in-mine workers. Ideally, or­
strategic and tactical business objectives. Additionally, online ganisations require people who understand the value of RTIMS,
material profiling and in-situ grade estimations are important to promote their adoption and usage, contribute to the maintenance
enhance extraction selectivity. and evolution of IMS systems. The management in a particular
environment will also influence the trajectory of an organisation.
Market drivers for the use of RTIMS in mining include: • Environment: The impact that business environment has on inno­
vation cannot be precisely quantified. Nevertheless, an environment
(a) The increasing overall demand for mining, which in turn in­ that enables appropriate collaboration and interaction among peo­
creases market competition for the mining industry overall ple, or between people and machines, will typically yield favourable
(Ganeriwalla et al., 2021; Ghorbani et al., 2023a; Phoke and innovation outputs. A favourable environment may include the
Khandelwal, 2021). This increases the desirability of more timely ability to seamlessly access a combination of capable telecommuni­
and granular control of production variables, such as extraction cations infrastructure and sensors, hardware and software, and the
sequencing, stockpiling, scheduling, and dynamic cut-off grades existence of innovation and analytics laboratories.
(Nwaila et al., 2021). • Technology: Technological advancement has been an enabler of
(b) Increasing desire to create transparent and trackable supply most innovations of the 21st century. Desirable organisational states
chains (Ghorbani et al., 2022; PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2021). include the deployment of current and appropriate technology for
This increases the need for real-time material tracking, supply RTIMS, and a management foresight capability to invest in emerging
chain monitoring and more capable telecommunications infra­ and potentially disruptive technology.
structure and information management in general.
(c) Increasing desire to leverage modern data analytics, artificial The impact of people and culture on RTIMS adoption or evolution is
intelligence and automation to optimise business performance controlled by the readiness of people and the culture of an organisation
and monitor the ambient environment (e.g., Ghorbani et al., to adopt and adapt to new technology, particularly pertaining to man­
2022). This necessitates modernised data generation (including agement capability, general staff skill level, change management, and
sensor deployment, infrastructure, and data engineering), trans­ recruitment and talent retention policies. For older organisations, the
port, management, and usage. people and culture component may be a limiting factor because organ­
isational staff behaviour, expectations and policies may have become
Policy drivers for the use of RTIMS in mining include: entrenched status quo, and major changes may be slow and iterative.
The impact of the environment component on the readiness of an
(a) Increasingly more stringent regulation at the local and interna­ organisation to adopt RTIMS depends on the organisation’s current
tional levels. This increases risk of business non-compliance, business structure and architecture of technical, operational and man­
which is mitigated by more sophisticated monitoring systems agement aspects. For example, an organisation that dedicates a certain
that could include deployment of more sensors (e.g., for percentage of its profit towards an experimental data analytics and
contamination or hazard detection), automation and remote innovation laboratory essentially creates a sandboxed environment to
monitoring, artificial intelligence and data management (e.g., for conduct risky activities. Compartmentalisation of risks would enable
data usage but also auditing). The integration of data and infor­ innovations that would otherwise not be possible in a mining business.
mation systems implies that RTIMS (e.g., the generation and The impact of the technology component on the readiness of an
usage of online sensor information) would be unavoidable. organisation to adopt RTIMS depends on the organisation’s current
(b) Alignment with non-legislative social, environmental and technological capability and the ability of the organisation to adequately
governance market requirements that require potentially addi­ plan for and implement technological changes. For smaller or less
tional commitments and reporting of mining operations, competitive mining companies, the technology component could be a
including supply chain and operational data (e.g., social license limiting factor because the existing technological state of the company is
to operate; Prno and Slocombe, 2012; Meesters et al., 2021). unlikely to be the state-of-the-art and pervasive changes in business
Tracking and monitoring of products, business operations and capability may be prohibitive cost-wise.
environmental conditions (e.g., around managed waste sites) Hence, assessments of the readiness of people and culture, technol­
requires sophisticated RTIMS. ogy and environment can be used to directly determine an organisa­
(c) Rapid current and potential future shifts in national policy di­ tion’s RTIMS maturity. Unlike other industries that conduct their
rections regarding criticality of minerals and metals (European operations in fully man-made structures, mining occurs in a confined
Commission, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020; Applegate, 2022). This can space that only exhibits some extent of human control through
cause mining companies to re-prioritise business resources and geotechnical engineering. Because of this, much of the operations of a
production to coincide with forecasted supply chain demands (e. mine from its conception to closure are fully planned, such as: extraction
g., Rachidi et al., 2021). Agility in the ability to analyse short sequencing, ventilation, and support structures. Therefore, mines are
term positions and resource allocation may require rapid not as conducive (or at all) to dynamic physical restructuring, revamp­
response IMS. ing of infrastructure and long hiatuses without impacting the function­
ality of core systems, operational risks and business outcome. In
3. Enablers of RTIMS in mining particular, the adaptability of mines toward RTIMS depends on their
age. For the mining sector, the three fundamental components will have
At the organisation level, enablers of RTIMS in mining are varying impact depending on the age of a mine, which can be measured

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

in the number of years that a mine has been in operation. For instance, improvement for teams, processes and systems. In addition, good tools
retrofitting existing, marginally profitable and old mines with RTIMS, also provide specific road maps on how to achieve the targeted perfor­
even if a business case is strong, may be challenging or impractical due mance and capability levels. As mentioned earlier, a maturity model is
to significant overhauls of infrastructure. one such tool that has been used over the years to evaluate organisa­
Therefore, at the RTIMS design stage, the prescriptive purpose of use tional performance and capability in terms of processes, people, culture
for the RTIMS maturity model would have to account for the age of a and systems (including software). More importantly, the designation of
mine. It is possible to divide ages of mines into: new mines (0–5 years), maturity uses one or more baselines that could be empirical, theoretical,
mature mines (5–10 years) and very mature mines, whose years of or pragmatic (but never ideological), providing a basis for business
operation exceed 10. Generally, to attain maturity of the implemented comparison and introspection.
RTIMS, mining companies would either have to focus on retrofitting One of the important functions of maturity models is that any
existing systems, system integration3 of the old and new, or focus on assessment of the current state of an organisation provides a framing of
systems restructuring; in some cases, both systems integration and the organisation’s maturity against an effective and realistic baseline.
restructuring will be inevitable. Here, system restructuring refers to Therefore, maturity assessments present opportunities for continuous
significant changes made to systems, processes, and operational struc­ improvements with regards to a team’s performance, processes and
tures in a quest to achieve set goals. systems (Becker et al., 2009). However, it should be noted that maturity
In Table 1, we present key general factors relating to people and models alone, without actions from the organisation, do not fix the
culture, environment and technology that generally influence the digital identified issues. As such, management decisions including planning for
transformation success and will have an impact on the attainment of action are key to deriving value from maturity models. To effectively
RTIMS maturity. We link these factors with a digital pre-start checklist benefit from maturity models, an organisation must be able to measure
proposed by Ernst & Young (2018), since the list applies to all mining the maturity of the domain under consideration by conducting assess­
categories as well as all digital enablers. ments with respect to the selected maturity model. Thereafter, between
the current and a future desirable maturity level, there must be an
4. Overview of maturity models implementable pathway. Unfortunately, RTIMS is narrow in focus in
terms of overall systems engineering and real-time systems. Despite the
All areas and functions of a business require performance and abundance of existing literature on the maturity in domains such as data
capability evaluation tools that permit an identification of areas of management and software engineering, literature that solely focuses on
the maturity of RTIMS does not yet exist.

Table 1 4.1. Maturity models for software engineering

Key components and consideration factors for digital transformation relating to
RTIMS maturity. In engineering, iterative cycles of the application of engineering
Enabling Key consideration factors Digital pre-start applying to principles, techniques and processes improve the desirability of solu­
components all enablers (Ernst and tions. The concept of engineering is based on the premise that there exist
Young, 2018)
non-unique solutions to practical problems and a complex balance of
People and Skills and training required for Have a clear vision consistent constraints is necessary to iteratively arrive at an efficacious and effec­
culture connected mines. with business strategy. tive solution. This concept equally applies to systems that enable engi­
Availability and retainment of Understand business levers
future work force. and how they drive
neering, such as quality management systems. Maturity models for
Cultural change to embrace productivity. engineering are intended to gauge the maturity of engineering firms in
connectivity. Match digital opportunities to their practice. Earlier maturity models have been in existence in the
Management and leadership high priority areas. form of human needs, economic growth and information technology
support. Complete a digital maturity
progression (Röglinger et al., 2012). It is worth noting that prominent
Environment Accessibility, usability, assessment to understand
capability of existing data and organisational capability and engineering-related maturity models are usually traced back to the
systems. Cyber security. complete a gap analysis Software Engineering Institute (SEI), founded by the U.S. Department of
Health and safety. against requirements. Defence, in the 1980′s (Capability Maturity Model SM for Software,
Sustainability and market Establish transformation Version 1.1, 1993). The maturity framework by the SEI, from 1987 to
demand. governance covering
1997, was referred to as the capability maturity model (CMM). Its main
Regulatory compliance. elements such as project
Raw material location. management, innovation and goal was to provide guidance for software development process,
Technology Digital twin. experimentation pilots, including capability evaluations of the developed programs (Capability
Non-contact sensors, virtual or organisational accountability, Maturity Model SM for Software, Version 1.1, 1993). The SE-CMM
soft sensors, portable data architecture and
model exhibits six levels (Level 0–5); namely: not performed, ad hoc/­
instrumentation. business case development.
Automation, and remote Have an appropriate performed informally, planned and tracked, well defined, quantitatively
operations and monitoring. cybersecurity strategy in controlled, and continuously improving. At Level 0, there is a general
Interconnected machinery. place to keep pace with your failure to perform the base practices in the process. There are no easily
Effective and optimised transformation. identifiable work products or outputs of the process. While at Level 1,
telecommunications systems and Evolution of the digital
base practices of the process are generally performed, and work products
networks, enabling accessible strategy
and timely flow of critical data of the process testify to its performance. Quantitative process effec­
and information. tiveness and efficiency goals (targets) for performance are established,
Efficacious deployment of based on the business goals of the organisation. Continuous process
artificial intelligence (AI).
improvement against these goals is enabled by quantitative feedback
from performing the defined processes and from piloting innovative
ideas and technologies. Based on the principles of the CMM, several
maturity models were developed and are now used in different in­
dustries and domains such as: health, manufacturing, engineering and
System integration is the process of connecting different sub-systems technology (de Bruin et al., 2005).
(components) into a single larger system that functions as one. (https://www.

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

4.2. Maturity models for data and information management warehousing and business intelligence, metadata, and data quality. All
of the knowledge areas related to data are either directly supportive of a
Maturity models pertaining to data management and governance greater RTIMS implementation or are essentially the same as what may
(Charles and Lori, 2015; Firmani et al., 2016; Taleb et al., 2021) are be required for RTIMS. As with other data-focused models, consider­
relevant to RTIMS maturity models, because data is a product that is ations regarding sensors and sensor-specific infrastructure (e.g., mostly
engineered for a purpose. Therefore, data management maturity models in-mine) is weak, implicit at best (e.g., subsumed under data generation
overlap with engineering maturity models. However, the overlap is not aspects of the data lifecycle in DAMA), or non-existent (e.g., hardware
complete and because there is also significant overlap between data and engineering for sensors). However, it is a flexible sketch of a feasible
information management concepts, data management maturity models model that could be extended to incorporate unique RTIMS components
must be considered independently. RTIMS necessitates concepts like big by more explicitly defining the data generation portion, as well as
data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, IoT and sensors. For environmental and operational challenges associated with infrastruc­
pre-big data firms, the distinction between information and data man­ ture and data transport in a mining setting. Nevertheless, for our pur­
agement is implicit and could be vernacular. For big data-enabled firms, pose, the progression of maturity levels are the most relevant. Formal
the distinction is practical and important. Nonetheless, in the and organised data management processes do not exist at Level 0,
data-driven scenario, information is derived from data. Hence, for the whereas, little or no governance processes are defined at Level 1. On the
purpose of an RTIMS-specific maturity model, we assume that any contrary, at the highest maturity level, processes are highly predictable
practical modern (e.g., big data-enabled) information management and data quality is prioritised. This leads to reduced risks since decisions
system must contain a robust data management system. are made based on data.
There is substantial literature centred around the concepts of data
management, governance and the tools, standards and business pro­ 4.2.2. The data management capability assessment model (DCAM v2.2)
cesses required for these functions (Charles and Lori, 2015; Henderson DCAM was developed to provide a practical assessment model that
et al., 2017). Particularly relevant to the minerals industry, RTIMS topic upholds core principles of data management that would be used by
are big data management and digital assets preservation (Charles and practitioners, but also easily understood by non-specialists. Among
Lori, 2015; Firmani et al., 2016; Taleb et al., 2021). In this case, big data other things, DCAM intends to propel organisation maturity forward,
refers to data that exhibits several characteristics and one specific such that an organisation’s data can support digital transformation and
definition requires the 4Vs to be satisfied: volume, variety, velocity, and advanced analytics such as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.
veracity (Sharma et al., 2021). Essentially, big data is different from These goals are largely similar to those of our conception of RTIMS,
pre-big data in the sense that data that is big cannot be handled using which makes the DCAM model highly relevant. DCAM also addresses
pre-big data methods. For example, data that has high volume and ve­ critical factors of data management such as strategies, technology and
locity cannot be stored, in the sense that pre-big data is likened to a finite organisational structures. It has six levels (Level 0–5) that address these
volume of water, whereas big data is like a continuous stream. Variety of critical factors; namely: not initiated, conceptual, developmental,
data refers to the internal structure of data, and for example, combined defined, achieved, and enhanced. Data management is ad hoc at Level 0,
ambient sensor and video stream data has two different internal struc­ while at Level 1 initial planning session activities dominate. At the
tures, which complicates its usage. However, these concepts are key highest maturity level, there is continuous improvement of data man­
components of the real-time aspect of IMS, because RTIMS makes use of agement capabilities, and the operations in an organisation are data-
a copious amount of highly variable data across sensors, systems and centric.
infrastructure to relay information in the pursuit of low-latency decision
making or monitoring. On the other hand, digital preservation refers to 4.2.3. TechWhirl content management systems maturity model (CMSMM)
long-term information assets managed in digitally encoded formats and (https://techwhirl.com/content-management-system-maturity-mo
systems (Charles and Lori, 2015). Data curation of key snippets or del/)
snapshots of big data, such that they are related to important events, The model focuses on Content Management Systems (CMS). It was
such as a hazard event, a loss of life, significant reconciliation issues or developed to assist organisations to determine their level of content
environmental contamination is important to enable investigation, management, in terms of the flexibility and efficiency of their processes
reporting and auditing. This may be important for environmental, social and tools. Similar to information and data, content is a broad category
and governance (ESG) or regulatory compliance, as well as for scientific that is intended to provide some usability into either the data or infor­
and engineering reasons. mation domains (or both). It has four levels (Level 1–4); namely: very
A general missing component in data management-specific maturity low, low, medium, and high. The model has three main dimensions
models as they pertain to RTIMS is that, by design, they do not account (storage, efficiency and flexibility) and each dimension has three spe­
the origin of data generation. This means that all aspects related to how cific criteria. At the lowest level, there are no defined process for content
a mine might deploy sensors, what to monitor, and where and how to storage. Audits and reporting are non-existent, most processes are
relay that data to the surface are unconsidered, as data management pre- manual or semi-automated and inconsistently applied. Business rules for
supposes the existence of data generation or else there would be little to creating, updating or producing content are not identified. However, at
manage. Implicitly, expectations placed on data (e.g., of the timeliness the highest maturity level, well-defined storage, reporting and auditing
of data) are considered at the data-level only. Below, we summarise process exist and are adhered to. Processes are also automated, and
some notable models that measure the maturity of data and information content is easily located. Business rules are integrated into the CMS and
management. can be modified as needed. A caveat with the CMS model is that the
storage of big data is not technically suitable and in the context of
4.2.1. Data management-data management body of knowledge (DAMA- RTIMS, we assume that the stored data would be snapshots of a data
DMBOK v2) (Henderson et al., 2017) stream and not attempts to capture the stream entirely.
The DAMA model is designed for the data management domain, with
an emphasis on information technology and high-level considerations. It 4.2.4. Information management maturity (IMM) (Ladley, 2010)
has six levels (Level 0–5); namely: no capability, initial/ad hoc, The IMM has five levels (Level 1–5), namely: initial, repeatable,
repeatable, defined, managed, and optimised. It has 11 knowledge areas defined, managed, and optimised. The model considers several maturity
namely: data governance, data architecture, data modelling and design, aspects including content, usage and management capability. The model
data storage & operations, data security, data integration and interop­ also provides assessment instruments to assist organisations determine
erability, documents and content, reference and master data, data their maturity level. At the lowest maturity level, individuals have

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

authority over data, so processing is fragmented. There are few users and design, and application purpose (Table 2).
any business rules or criteria for behaviour are non-existent; hence, it is Both the model application purpose and design are equally impor­
also chaotic. Data quality is far from being integrated, making data tant. This is because model purpose steers model design and all other
handling costly. At the highest maturity level, there is no need to details of the model, such that resulting models are fit for purpose. For
determine if information assets are managed effectively because they are example, the concept of maturity and model composition are influenced
woven into the fabric of the organisation. Real-time innovative use of and driven by the application purpose. Descriptive application purpose
content is ubiquitous. There are effective measures in place, to allow emphasises model design and focuses on clearly defining the criteria for
information management to be continuously improved to support each maturity level with a detailed description that is then adapted to
business innovation. Knowledge bases exist, and the distinction between the organisation during model application. For the prescriptive appli­
structured and unstructured data handling are no longer an issue. cation purpose, the focus is on prescribing improvement measures to
achieve the next maturity level, given the current state of the organi­
4.2.5. Digital preservation capability maturity model (DPCMM) (Charles sation (Pöppelbuß and Röglinger, 2011). The comparative purpose is
and Lori, 2015) more inclined to certification for benchmarking purposes (e.g., ISO
This model was designed to help practitioners identify at a high level standards) with similar organisations and more strongly invokes the
the capabilities of their organisation relative to optimal digital preser­ concept of performance baselines and standardisation.
vation capabilities; and to focus attention on digital continuity as a Generally, any maturity model is segmented into N number of
discipline for proactively addressing digital preservation issues at or maturity levels. These levels are a series of typically three to six steps of
near the time of the capture/creation of electronic records of long-term increasing sophistication, as presented in Fig. 3. Each level is a defined
value. The model has five levels (Level 0–4); namely: nominal, minimal, evolutionary plateau of improvement that indicates the presence of the
intermediate, advanced, and optimal. The DPCMM consists of three capability of a subset of processes, technology and people skills. The
interdependent domains, which are: infrastructure, digital preservation general idea of dividing models into levels is facilitated by the ease of
repositories, and services. At the lowest maturity level, most electronic acceptance of discrete categories, which psychologically facilitate con­
records that merit long-term preservation are at risk, whereas this is textualisation and comprehension relative to continuous categories. The
eliminated at the highest maturity level. In addition, at the highest division of levels is based on the idea of punctuated equilibrium in
maturity level, information is held in file formats which are and will evolutionary biology. This idea is equally applicable to RTIMS. Hence,
remain relevant to the applications that use this information. Therefore, separation of levels should also occur along typical evolutionary punc­
information can be used at any required instant. tuations of IMS components. Iterative or cumulative improvements
occur within individual levels and where substantial organisational
4.3. Characteristics of applicable maturity models changes must occur (e.g., transformative change), the levels change. The
maturation or capability are measured by the achievement of specific
Generalisation of both data management and engineering-related and generic goals associated with each predefined set of focus areas
maturity models needs to occur at a sufficiently high level, such that (Akdil et al., 2018; de Bruin et al., 2005; Röglinger et al., 2012). The
structure and terminology are distilled and the idiosyncratic differences adaptation of the generic goals to organisations occur at the time of
between models are discarded. Based on our analysis of existing matu­ model deployment (e.g., an assessment). Each level of a maturity model
rity models that could be relevant to the building of a RTIMS maturity consists of descriptors that will differentiate one level from the other.
model for the minerals industry, we standardise the component struc­ Under each descriptor, a summary of what characterises the whole level
ture of existing maturity models and also the terminology. In general, is outlined, in terms of pre-defined processes and capabilities. Several
maturity models seem contain at the least the following components: 1) activities under each process or capability, are defined in a particular
systems engineering – improvements to organisational operations at the level.
system level, including processes, infrastructure and environment; 2)
performance assessment – auditing and benchmarking techniques; and
3) organisational introspection - reflection exercise to strengths, weak­
nesses and opportunities (Capability Maturity Model SM for Software,
Version 1.1, n.d.; Goksen et al., 2015; Henderson et al., 2017; Mettler,
2010; Mettler et al., 2010; Pöppelbuß and Röglinger, 2011; Proença and
Borbinha, 2018). In a review paper, Lasrado et al. (2015) provided a
vocabulary that could be used to standardise the basic parameters upon
which of maturity models are based. Additionally, Mettler et al. (2010)
provided a high-level summary of maturity models that can be adapted
to our identified components. The basic components of maturity models
can be divided into three, namely: general model attributes, model

Table 2
General maturity model components. Adapted from Mettler et al. (2010).
Model composition Model design Application

• Name • Concept of maturity • Descriptive

• Acronym (process-oriented) • Prescriptive
• Primary and secondary sources • Composition (CMM- • Comparative
• Addressed domain like)
• Origin (academic or • Reliability (verified)
practitioners) • Mutability (form of
• Audience (internal or external to maturity model)
organisation of development or
• Year of publication
• Access (free or charged)
Fig. 3. Maturity model structure and capabilities drivers.

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

5. Considerations for an RTIMS maturity target and model for outcome of IMS sub-systems, namely: (a) data and information as a
the mining sector resource; (b) adequacy of management systems for managing informa­
tion and data; and (c) the real-time factor of information and data
5.1. RTIMS basic sub-systems provisioning. Therefore, the RTIMS maturity model needs to address the
capability of its systems in terms of three element depicted in Fig. 5; i.e.,
An excellent management system allows data and information to be capability maturity in terms of management of the data and derived
accessed in a timely and accurate fashion, thus enabling stakeholders information; capability maturity in terms of the technology and the
make informed and data-driven decisions. To facilitate access to such defined processes, classified under the systems element; and finally, the
data and information, we propose that the RTIMS must have six base capability maturity of all time-based key performance indicators that
sub-systems. These sub-systems, presented in Fig. 4, are selected based ensure real-time access to all data and information. Each of these ele­
on the data and information value chain and data lifecycle. They are ments are further detailed below.
namely: (a) data collection or generation; (b) data transfer; (c) data and
information management (storage, security, distribution, archiving, 5.2.1. Data and information as a resource
etc.); (d) data analytics (insight and information generation); (e) data Access to information about mine operation and safety status is
and information visualisation; and (f) people. It is obvious that RTIMS critical in decision making and strategy formulation. Hence, to enable
are complicated since these systems are integrated to ultimately achieve mine digitalisation, access to information and data pertaining to the
the goal of providing information at all levels in real-time. However, in mining value chain is critical. The real-time component places addi­
general, these components invariably contain a full data pipeline from tional velocity constraints on the capability of the data pipeline, as well
generation to consumption, specific and modern consumption patterns as the response rate of its use and derivation of insights (to provide in­
(e.g., analytics) and presentation of derived insight and information. formation). Data-driven decision-making (DDDM) has been defined as
The requirement of real-time information at all phases of the value chain the process of using data to inform the decision-making process and
is the desired goal in a mining operation. Thus, in Fig. 4, all phases are validate a course of action before committing to it (Stobierski, 2019).
placed around RTIMS to show their common dependence on techno­ Andrieiev (2022) and Stobierski (2019) reported that organisations
logical advancements. The implication in terms of capability maturity whose senior executives make data-driven decisions, are three times
assessment is that, each phase of the mining value chain contributes to more likely to report significant improvements of their organisations’
the assessment score of each sub-system. While the proposed sub- performance as compared to those who rely less on data. In this sense,
systems may not be exhaustive, they represent the basics for a mini­ DDDM is a data-version of a rapid business process-feedback and
mally capable RTIMS. Mining organisations may add to the architecture correction mechanism that provides businesses with more granular and
according to their respective business strategies. timely control over their activities in the achievement of a common
objective. As a result, data and its derived information is considered a
5.2. Target RTIMS capability maturity critical resource to achieving business goals. For effective DDDM, there
are requirements on the characteristics of the organisation and its data.
An effective and minimally adequate RTIMS maturity model must For example, Ladley (2010) emphasises the need to assess organisational
address three most important areas by summarising the functional culture towards the use of data, business environment in which the data

Fig. 4. Mining phases in relation to RTIMS elements.

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

Fig. 5. RTIMS capability consideration elements. KPI = Key performance indicator.

is generated, capability of information technology infrastructure, use­ occur according to prior management decision. Because of the desir­
fulness of the collected data, leadership’s attitude towards data, ability of DDDM, the low cost of IIoT sensors (including virtual and soft
organisational collaborative potential by available data and communi­ sensors), the availability of real-time technology, traditional IMS is
cation within the organisation. It should be stated that DDDM, by its becoming less attractive, even without the drivers specifically for
data-driven nature, is not sufficient to independently meet regulatory or RTIMS. Having the capability to access real-time information transforms
scientific needs, because there is no a-priori guidance (e.g., a regulation periodic oversight into a much more dynamic one. This benefits not just
or scientific hypothesis) on what type of data to gather. The impact is business management but also other areas, such as environment and
that data that was gathered through DDDM may not support regulatory safety (e.g., of hazards). Thus, real-time capability needs to be consid­
compliance or scientific usage, if data was not engineered to meet those ered in the maturity model. Process in some sections of the value chain
needs. may change from being designed around queued activities to real-time
and the organisation’s capability to evolve in this direction is a desir­
5.2.2. Management systems able target of RTIMS maturity.
Mastery of processes in terms of procedural and guidance docu­ With the above, we propose the base definition of the target capa­
mentation, data integration, data specifications, data usage (e.g., to bility maturity of RTIMS outlined as Level 5 in Table 3. The defined
derive information) and storage, is another critical component for the target RTIMS capability maturity considers a maturity in information,
adoption and evolution of RTIMS. These aspects of any IMS will influ­ management systems and processes employed to manage the informa­
ence the pace at which organisations achieve their goals. Furthermore, it tion, and the real-time aspect of providing the said information. We
is likely to enable an innovative work culture among front-line em­ submit that the target RTIMS maturity is a state of effective integration
ployees because reactive tendencies to resolve issues would be elimi­ of processes, technologies and capabilities of the constituent sub-
nated through utilising well-defined processes. Standardisation of data systems to enable provision of information in real-time. The ultimate
and information is a key role of management to ensure that these re­ goal is met when the organisation has effectively adopted the use of the
sources are maximally usable. In the data aspect alone, there is a strong system to provide information for decision-making. The final outcome is
desire to standardise metadata, reference data, data schema, etc. when skilled individuals at different levels and sections of the mine can
(Henderson et al., 2017). Another key functionality of management make decisions based on the output from data analysits and tools, which
systems is to ensure that resulting data and information are of high is then projected on visualisation dashbords.
quality (Henderson et al., 2017). This requires some form of formalised
quality control and assurance (or QA/QC). The assurance aspect pro­
actively ensures that all managed processes and outputs (e.g., data) are 5.3. Proposed RTIMS capability maturity model
engineered to specifications that are suitable to downstream usage. The
control aspect is reactive and allows for issues to be detected and miti­ The proposed framework for measuring the maturity of RTIMS for
gated before they propagate undesirable effects through DDDM. the mining industry is presented in Table 3. The scoping was based on
Other areas of consideration for RTIMS capability include the tech­ three main areas namely: (a) the business need for RTIMS; (b) the
nological capability and the skills of each stakeholder using information composition of RTIMS in terms of constituent subsystems; and (c) the
enabled through RTIMS. Evident from modern technologies and con­ ultimate goal of RTIMS, which is to enable dynamic and smart decision-
cepts like industrial internet of things (IIoT), cloud computing, open- making. The design is based on three main target considerations for
source platforms and virtual reality, there is no debate that the RTIMS achieving the RTIMS goal, which are: (a) data and information as a
maturity target would need to account for the technological aspect of resource; (b) management systems; and (c) the real-time aspect. Thus,
maturity. In addition to well-defined processes and state-of-the-art the design revolves around the maturity of these considerations. The
technologies, skills possessed by personnel at all stages of the mining design of our maturity model harmonises existing.
value chain are a function of the RTIMS capability. Thus, the RTIMS The RTIMS maturity assessment can be conducted at multiple scales,
assessment must equally account for personnel and technological including per department or division, with, for example, the load and
capability across the value chain. haul division of the operations sections of the value chain. The effective
scale of assessment is important to ensure that the results are repre­
5.2.3. Real-time access to data and information sentative of a system under assessment and not of an individual or loose
Enabling access to real-time information for real-time operations, collection of related individuals or hardware. Other assessments can
analytics and visualisation is a key requirement to evolve from IMS to­ consider an entire section of the mine or even a combined assessment
ward RTIMS. Mining operations occur continuously even though man­ considering all the phases of the value chain. Fig. 6 provides a high-level
agement decisions occur discretely. This situation implies that between assessment scenario where each section of the value chain is assessed for
management decisions, there is a period during which, information is each sub-system of the RTIMS.
gathered and synthesised to guide management and business processes While the decision on the level of assessment lies with the mining
industry according to their priority, it is important that each assessment

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

Table 3 Table 3 (continued )

RTIMS capability maturity model. Systems capability Information
Systems capability Information maturity levels management maturity
maturity levels management maturity levels, with real-time
levels, with real-time aspect
either globally the silos of data and
Level Not performed At this stage, the organisation has not recognised the acceptable standards or information that exit
0 need for data-based decisions. organisation-wide within individual
There are no recognisable processes followed to enable standards. functions.
provision and access to information on which teams at Process documentation is The technology function
various levels can base their decisions. evident throughout the is strategically tasked to
Level Initial The organisation has Data resources are in data and information align data across the
1 realised the need and silos. management functions value chain.
value for data and Organisational processes across the value chain. Organisation-wide
information on data are non-existent, Unlike the preceding standards are developed.
management systems hence individuals have level, here the Data becomes less
and the required authority over the data. organisation is proactive, specialised, hence is
processes for enabling Completely no evidence then reactive. shared and reused across
data-based decisions. of data integration, a the value chain.
There is evidence of this case of several different Emphasis on data quality
recognition, but truths. is formalised and
processes are poorly Intra and inter function accountability is
controlled, decision-making is not demanded. As such, tools
unpredictable, and coordinated. to track data usage and
reactive. interpretation across
As such, some decisions functions are used.
are made based on some At this stage, the
available data and organisation realises the
information, regardless value of real-time access
of its quality and to data and information;
reliability. Hence, the technology
Nonetheless, there is no and processes to avail
commitment to making some critical data in real-
data-based decisions. time as opposed to
Hence, risks and weekly or monthly, are
inefficiencies are high. in place.
Experience is mostly Level Measurably and Performance is ’Real-time information’
used; hence results are 4 proactively measured, controlled becomes an
not repeatable. managed and analysed through organisation’s
Level Responsively Some issues are detected Sections/departments available processes. catchphrase.
2 managed before KPIs are across the value chain There is an organisation- The organisation
negatively impacted, recognise the impact of wide use of data to strategies and action
although failures are making decisions based predict and quantify align to enable access to
experienced at times. on the same data, single performance in all information in real-time,
First-line workers are source of truth. sections of the value at all levels.
trained and skilled to However, data usage is chain. Use of data, especially
prevent issues. Although still reactive. Issues are proactively real-time data,
information is still not Standardisation is mostly detected and resolved documentation and data
adequately and timely within each department/ before end users are management are
accessed. function; hence data is aware or priority KPIs integrated in the
Specified procedures are specialised. and areas are affected. organisation’s culture.
planned, tracked, and Results within a Past issues and There is intra and inter
verified. Therefore, department are resolutions are functional collaborations
results are repeatable. repeatable. automatically on content and data.
There is commitment to documented as To enable cross function
making decisions based learnings. collaboration, data
on data trends and The distinction from the quality is built into
critical decisions are preceding level is that defined processes.
tracked to establish their now defined processes Data security, storage
base. are quantitatively and backup processes are
Unlike the preceding understood. in place and
level, here the accountability is
performance of the demanded.
RTIMS is planned and Level Preventive & Computing and network There are effective
managed. 5 optimised communication systems and processes to
Though planned and infrastructure are enable smart and
managed, the processes flexible to manage and dynamic decisions
are not strictly based on transfer all data types. including remote mining.
standardised Non-contact sensors are Tools for blending
organisation-wide optimally used especially structured and
processes, but within for mine environments unstructured data are in
functions/departments. prone to safety risks. place.
As such, the organisation The use of common Real-time big data
is reactive. open-source tools and analytics and content
Level Well defined Processes are well At this level, the components is integrated visualisation are the
3 understood, defined and organisation is into all projects. organisation’s strength.
characterised based on determined to integrate Automation is achieved
in almost all operations
(continued on next page)

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

Table 3 (continued ) 6. Conclusion

Systems capability Information
maturity levels management maturity In this paper, we established from literature that there are strong
levels, with real-time drivers toward low-latency, or real-time generation, transportation,
aspect analysis and management of data and its derived information, which
across the value chain. necessitates the RTIMS concept. RTIMS in mining would potentially
Almost all issues, improve: worker health and safety, operations efficiency, productivity,
including avoidable
environmental and social responsibility. Natural progression towards
potential disasters are
resolved and mitigated more challenging mineral deposits, harsher or deeper mining environ­
before affecting the ments, additional market competition, greater awareness of the envi­
priority KPIs and areas. ronment and social license to operate are some of the top drivers of mine
Stakeholders at all mine modernisation. In addition, three key enabling components of mine
operation levels are
skilled and fully
modernisation directly impacting the success of RTIMS implementation
empowered to resolve and maturity were identified as people and culture, environment and
current issues, prevent technology. We further found and highlighted the general lack of
future problems by maturity models that are precisely tailored for IMS, with particular in­
effective escalation
terest in RTIMS domain and even more so in mining, where challenges
Processes are stable and are numerous pertaining to the generation and transportation of data.
flexible in terms of This is due to mining-specific environmental and operational con­
improvement based on straints. Hence, it is important to create a mining-suitable RTIMS
measured performance maturity model, to enable business and sub-system maturity to be
against goals and values
of the organisation.
evaluated. Six sub-systems are proposed in our model that include: data
Innovative ideas collection; transmission; management; analytics; visualisation; and
encouraged and people. An integrated approach to measuring RTIMS maturity has been
attractively rewarded. proposed where input from multiple maturity models is required. Here,
Continuous ’process
the focus was placed on the RTIMS capability in terms of three assess­
refinement and
improvement’ is the ment areas namely, information maturity, process maturity and real-
main theme. time operations maturity. Precisely, six capability levels ranging from
level 0 to level 5, were proposed; where for example, level 0 is the lowest
stage, such that organisations manage RTIMS and the associated pro­
within a chosen section considers the maturity of each RTIMS sub- cesses through the heroic efforts of individuals, with undefined and ad
system, after which an overall score is obtained. To ensure that all hoc strategies. In addition, an assessment that considers RTIMS maturity
phases in the mining value chain are considered in the RTIMS maturity for each phase of the mining value chain was suggested to ensure that all
assessment process, a holistic assessment approach is advised. This stages of the chain can leverage accurate and timely information as a
approach considers the final maturity level of RTIMS based on scores critical resource.
from all mine phases per applicable RTIMS sub-systems. It is important
to score each sub-system independently with the scores across sub- Funding
systems not composited or aggregated, because technically, the sub-
systems are maximally-independent dimensions of RTIMS and a com­ Funding for this research was provided by the Minerals Council of
bined score of any type would disguise issues in sub-systems. The au­ South Africa and Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) through
thors acknowledge how complex and costly a holistic assessment can be, Mandela Mining Precinct’s Real-Time Information Management Sys­
especially if it is conducted by an external partner. As a result, devel­ tems (RTIMS) hosted at the Wits Mining Institute, University of the
opment of assessment tools that mining organisations can internally use Witwatersrand. Additional funding is from the DSI-National Research
are proposed as future recommended work to complement this frame­ Foundation (NRF) Thuthuka Grant (Grant UID: 121973) and DSI-NRF
work proposal. CIMERA.

Fig. 6. Example of an RTIMS assessment model. Each stage of the value chain is assessed for each applicable RTIMS sub-system.

M. Shimaponda-Nawa et al. The Extractive Industries and Society 16 (2023) 101368

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International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

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Evaluation on power information data asset management system based on

BP neural network
Yue Tian , Qingbo Kong *, Xinping Miao , Xun Li , Fangquan Wu
Information Center of Guizhou Power Grid Co. LTD., Guizhou 550000, China


Keywords: With the popularization and development of the current power system, power information data asset manage­
Data asset management system ment plays a crucial role in modern power systems. However, traditional management methods have some
Back propagation neural network problems, such as low information processing efficiency, low prediction accuracy, and insufficient decision
Power information
support. In order to better promote its development and achieve efficient management of power information data
System design
Data processing
assets, this article aimed to use BP neural network (Back Propagation Neural Network) to design a power in­
formation data asset management system, achieving efficient processing and accurate analysis of power infor­
mation data. In the article, data preprocessing was achieved through data separation, data cleaning, and data
normalization processing. Compared with the traditional power asset management system, it has better man­
agement efficiency, lightens the difficulty of asset management and reduces the error rate. In this paper, the
power information data is modeled and trained by BP neural network modeling, and the performance index is
minimized by error back propagation, and the optimized BP neural network model is integrated into the power
information data asset management system to realize data processing and decision support. In order to verify the
performance of the power information data asset management system based on BP neural network, this paper
tested its system performance. The research results showed that the average processing accuracy of the system
under this method for basic data in 10 test cases reached 91.467 %, and the average rationality of decision
support reached 89.6 %. The average processing accuracy of real-time data reached 91.625 %, and the average
rationality of decision support reached 90.25 %. The average processing accuracy of application data reached
90.675 %, and the average rationality of decision support reached 90.2 %. The results showed that the system
under this method has higher accuracy in data processing and can better achieve decision support. This study
highlighted the important impact of BP neural networks on data processing, data prediction, decision support,
and data security in power information data asset management systems, providing more possibilities for
achieving efficient processing and accurate analysis of power information data.

Introduction comprehensively and from multiple perspectives, it can improve the

direct economic benefits and external social benefits of power enter­
With the rapid development of emerging power systems and the prises. To achieve scientific management and rational use of power in­
improvement of information technology, it is of great significance to formation data, it is necessary to use power information data asset
enhance the value of power information data assets through efficient management systems. However, traditional systems have problems such
management, analysis, and utilization of continuously generated as low data processing accuracy, low prediction accuracy, and high data
massive business data [1]. At the same time, with the wider application risks, which are difficult to effectively promote the better development
of artificial intelligence and other technologies, a large amount of het­ of power enterprises. Therefore, in order to better promote the devel­
erogeneous power information data would be generated in the engi­ opment of power enterprises and better implement their requirements
neering construction, equipment operation, and risk control of power for power information data asset management, this article introduces
enterprises. If the scientific management and rational use of power in­ the BP neural network into the design of power information data asset
formation data can be carried out, and the deep internal value can be management system. It is hoped that the optimization of the BP neural

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: kqb2603@163.com (Q. Kong).


Available online 11 September 2023

2666-2027/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

network model can improve the system’s data processing ability and data asset management systems, resulting in a relatively blank theo­
prediction accuracy, and make the system performance more perfect retical research.
[2]. At the same time, it can also provide more theoretical basis for the In order to better improve the effectiveness of the power information
wider application of BP neural networks.The optimization model of BP data asset management system, this article constructs the latest power
neural network can help more systems to analyze data accurately, information data asset management system based on the modeling and
manage data accurately, judge and screen accurately, and improve data optimization analysis of BP neural network, combined with traditional
accuracy. information data asset management systems. Through empirical
As an important intangible asset in enterprises, data and information research, it is found that the system constructed in this article has higher
resources need to be managed reasonably in order to achieve sustainable accuracy in data processing, more accurate prediction results, and
ecological circulation. On this basis, managers should also use system­ higher data security. Compared with traditional systems, the innovation
atic methods to effectively evaluate their actual value. With the of this system lies in its focus on the effectiveness of BP neural network
increasing emphasis on data asset management, more and more scholars in data processing, modeling, and prediction, and its application in
are exploring it. Yufei et al. believed that data is increasingly becoming system optimization design. This helps to improve the management
an important strategic asset for enterprises. She elaborated on the design effectiveness of power information data asset management systems,
ideas and main contents of a value realization oriented data asset ultimately achieving efficient processing and accurate analysis of power
management system, showcased a complete data asset management data.
system, emphasized the important role of data operations, and con­
structed a practical path for data asset management system, summari­ Design and implementation of power information data asset
zing the development trends of data asset management [3]. Guohe et al. management system based on BP neural network
believed that building a data asset management system has become an
inevitable choice for enterprises to respond to the needs of the big data System evaluation
era. He has conducted in-depth research on the data asset management
system from the organizational system, control system and system System functional requirement
platform, thus laying a solid foundation for the subsequent construction In constructing the electric power information data asset manage­
of the data asset management system [4]. Aremu et al. introduced the ment system, its primary goal is to promote the effective management of
practice standard of using asset data to develop machine learning electric power information data assets by electric power enterprises,
analysis tools for predictive maintenance, and said that it can provide a which can organically combine advanced technical methods with data
standard method to ensure the form of asset data and retain the asset analysis content to better manage data, design and implement a com­
information required for optimal predictive maintenance during data plete synergistic and pervasive data asset management body system, and
conversion [5]. Karim et al. used link data to transfer information data provide support for the effective operation of electric power enterprise
from building information modeling to traditional or advanced asset data assets. The main framework structure of the power information
management platform in the context of asset management, and indi­ data asset management system is shown in Fig. 1.
cated that this method can ensure effective data integration between Logically speaking, the power information data asset management
different fields [6]. These scholars’ research on data asset management system can be divided into three levels. The first layer is a data access
can enrich its theoretical content and provide certain support for the layer (or persistence layer), which is responsible for receiving data ac­
establishment of data asset management systems or system platforms, cess; the second layer is the business logic layer, which performs specific
but there are also some shortcomings. It does not point out the short­ operations on data and processes data business through specific logic;
comings of the data asset management system, such as insufficient in­ the third layer provides users with a human-computer interaction
ternal driving force, the existence of data islands that hinder internal interface and a display layer for displaying and receiving information.
data sharing, and the low efficiency and agility of data development. Therefore, the power information data asset management system can be
With the increasing attention paid to power information data, some designed as data access layer, business logic layer and human-computer
scholars have also paid attention to the importance of power informa­ interface. The data access layer is responsible for receiving data access,
tion data asset management. From the perspective of power data asset and the business logic layer performs specific operations on data and
management, they have explored the importance of their research and handles data business through specific logic.
analyzed the value of power data asset management. Centering on the The design and implementation of the power information data asset
core concept of information ecology of electric power enterprises, Feifei management system has brought an efficient and collaborative data
et al. proposed an ecological model of data asset control in electric asset management platform to power enterprises, which can better meet
power enterprises and applied it to the management process of data the actual needs of data asset realization. According to the business
assets in power supply enterprises, pointing out that the model can process, realization mode of the power enterprise and the demand
effectively evaluate and explore the deep application value of data assets analysis of the demander, the system should have the requirements of
in power supply enterprises [7]. Zhi et al. believed that the data asset data storage, data security control, data processing, data application
management of electric power enterprises is the basis for the construc­ management, business process management, data and information
tion of enterprise data midrange architecture. He put forward the idea of visualization management, etc. Due to the large amount of power in­
“data management”, and used it as a guide to build a “standardized” and formation data, a data storage platform needs to be established for data
“refined” electric power data system, improving the overall competi­ management and storage. However, before storing the data, the data
tiveness of enterprises in the context of “big data interconnection” [8]. should be processed, and after that, the data interface should be pro­
Scholars’ research on power data asset management can not only serve vided for the outside world. It should be ensured that it is consistent with
as a basis for building a power information data asset management the outside world before it can be used by the users.
system, but also provide more possibilities for optimizing power infor­ However, due to the high and more complex demand for power data
mation data. However, due to the lack of integration with the current nowadays, its data asset management services are mainly applied to data
popular BP neural network and detailed explanation of the design mining in data asset management systems. In order to better complete
method of power information data asset management system, the data mining, based on the principle of safety and reliability, this article
research cannot be well applied. Based on the research of the above would combine BP neural network to study the power information data
scholars, it can be seen that the current research on power information asset management system.
data asset management systems is relatively shallow, and few scholars
have applied BP neural networks to the design of power information

Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

Business module

Presentation layer Platform


Data application

Business process

Business logic layer Platform visualization


Data application

Data access layer

Fig. 1. The main framework structure of the power information data asset management system.

Power information data asset management process management system and a relatively independent database is estab­
In the power data information asset management system, informa­ lished. The collected power information data is used as an input to the
tion organizers need to store external data of the enterprise in the en­ BP neural network, as the power information data signal is inevitably
terprise’s data warehouse, and store real-time data generated by affected by a variety of noise and causes fluctuations and jumps in the
producers in the production and operation of the enterprise in the real- measured current and voltage. To ensure the authenticity of measure­
time collection data storage area [9]. After converting some of the ment results, relevant methods can be used for data cleaning [13].
real-time collected data in the data storage system, it is stored in the Data cleaning is a very important step in data preprocessing [14]. At
enterprise data warehouse. However, data with high retrieval fre­ the judgment point, in order to filter out noise interference at the
quency, good data structure, and high application value in enterprise determined point, a recursive average filtering algorithm can be used for
data warehouses would be stored in hot data storage areas after filtering [15]. The formula is:
collection. In the data analysis stage, the organizer needs to conduct
offline and real-time analysis of data from various department control 1∑ i
A(m) = A(m − j + 1) (1)
systems. In the data application stage, users need to pay attention to the i j=1
efficiency, quality, and value of data assets, hoping to achieve the
Among them: i is the average filtered data length, which is the
maximum value of work results with the highest efficiency. Data
number of measurements;
dissemination can build a data product system, and continue to improve
A(m) is the preprocessing result of sampled data;
it iteratively, so as to realize data ecological openness, orderly compe­
A(m − j + 1) is the (m − j + 1) sampling data.
tition, division of labor and cooperation, and mutual benefit. The pro­
After the above preprocessing, the obtained data would be more
cess of managing power information data assets is shown in Fig. 2.
stable, laying the foundation for obtaining real and reliable network
training data.
Design of power information data asset management system Afterwards, there is data normalization processing. Because the
neural network is adjusting the weights, and the training samples
Data preprocessing change by a large margin, its error increases, and the change in weights
Electric power enterprises have a long history of development and gradually increases, making it difficult to adjust. Certain methods can be
store a variety of data. Therefore, electric power enterprises must pay used to obtain a compressed representation of the data set with the
close attention to data quality, identify clear data information visuali­ certainty that the same analytical results can be produced. To facilitate
zation, and reduce the time of managers in data interpretation, so that the training of the BP neural network, this article quantifies the input
they can play a more important role in monitoring data sources [10]. sample data and trains the neural network, resulting in high accuracy.
There are four methods of data cleaning: dealing with incomplete data
values, detecting and calculating erroneous values, checking and elim­ Feature extraction
inating duplicate records and detecting inconsistencies (within data Electric power information data is extremely important, and it is
sources and between different sources).Data and information visuali­ necessary to have strict requirements for the data and give sufficient
zation management requirement objects also include many data sources, attention. Data can be deprivileged to achieve depriviletization before
which need to be monitored comprehensively, such as data quality. Data being used by the outside world. The de-privatized data assets can be
preprocessing is an important step in ensuring data quality [11,12]. better realized and are of great significance to the power information
Therefore, when designing the system, it is first necessary to preprocess data asset management system. Due to the uncertainty and universality
the data. The data preprocessing process is shown in Fig. 3. of data, it is necessary to have an interface that can modify rules. At the
First, the data are separated from the traditional data asset

Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

data replication Data cleaning

Data feature
Data statistics normalization

Development and
Power information data involved
construction department

Power dispatching
BP modeling Data training
Finance department

Offline On-line
Data analysis analysis analysis Asset management

Marketing department

Data Data Data

application application application
sharing viewing review

Application and management application
of data in the system management

Fig. 2. Flowchart of power information data asset management.

same time, due to the diversity of data sources, feature extraction is

1 ∑
necessary to ensure a unified interface for the data. This article adopts a q= q (3)
Mq q ∈Mq n
dual threshold detection feature extraction method to extract key fea­ n

tures from existing power data for subsequent data analysis and decision
The normal angle feature weight value eφ(qn,g) of the power infor­
support [16].
mation data sampling point in its g-neighborhood is defined as threshold
Assuming the obtained power dataset is Q = {qn = (bn,cn,dn) ∈ T3|n
1, which is the average normal angle in the power data sampling point
= 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, M}, then for each power data sampling point q, it is defined as
domain. The formula is as follows:
Mq = {qn|q ∈ Q|qn − q| < s, n = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅, g} in the g neighborhood with a
radius of s. 1∑
eφ (qn , g) = φ (4)
Accurate normal vector information is essential in power informa­ g o=1 no
tion data preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction and surface
reconstruction. This paper estimates the scattered power data through If the mean curvature at qn is Kn, then in the adjacent area near the
the normal vector information, and constructs the covariance matrix: sample point g, the local characteristic weight value eK(qn,g) of its mean
curvature can be defined by the formula:
⎡ q1 − q ⎤S ⎡ q1 − q ⎤ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
1 ∑ ( ⃒⃒ ⃒⃒ )2 √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
⎢ q2 − q ⎥ ⎢ q2 − q ⎥ eK (qn , g) = Kqn − K + (Kn − K) (5)
V=⎢ ⎥ ⎢
⎣ ⋮ ⎦ ⎣ ⋮ ⎦
⎥ (2) g n

qg − q qg − q Among them: K is the mean curvature in the neighborhood of sam­

pling point qn.
The degree of deviation of the neighboring points of power data The above method is used to obtain the feature weight value of the
sampling point bn from the center of gravity can be expressed by the normal included angle of the power information data samples and the

Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

Fig. 3. Data preprocessing process.

local feature weight value of the mean curvature at the sample points, ∑
which realizes the effective extraction of the key features of the power a=
̂ φs Zs (10)
information data and provides a basis for subsequent data analysis and

decision-making. Among them: ̂ a is the output variable of the neural network system;
φs is the weight coefficient.
BP neural network modeling The criterion function is:
BP neural network uses a large amount of historical data as the basis
[a − ̂a ]2 e 2
for calculation, which can mine deeper data information and undergo F= − (11)
repeated training to ultimately obtain predicted evaluation results [17]. 2 2
Therefore, the power information database can serve as the basis for Through the error BP, the performance index can be minimized to
training and verifying historical data. This article uses the BP neural the maximum extent. In order to ensure the stability of the system, the
network model to model and train a large amount of power information actual output a of the power information data asset management system
data in power enterprises, in order to achieve its prediction and decision is used as the feedback signal, and it is compared with the output a of the
support. neural network identifier, so that F < σ, of which σ is a small number. If
As the most commonly used neural network, the proportion of BP the demand cannot be met, the weight coefficient would be continuously
neural network in the entire neural network application is approxi­ adjusted to meet the demand. According to the backpropagation
mately 80 %. The BP neural network model is a multilayer feedforward calculation formula, the weight coefficient correction law can be ob­
neural network that uses the error BP to conduct supervised learning on tained, and the formulas are:
the neural network [18].
Assuming the input layer of the BP network is as follows: Δφs = − τ = τ[a − ̂
a ]Zs (12)
Q = {q(1), ⋯q(x)} (6)
a ]h′(nets )φs Q
Δast = τ[a − ̂ (13)
Among them: q is power information data.
The hidden layers of the BP network are: Among them: τ is the correction rate (0 ≤ τ ≤ 1).
∑ After the training is completed, the training model needs to be
nets = ast Q (7) stored, and the power information data that needs to be predicted and
analyzed needs to be substituted into the model. Then, the optimized BP
Zs = p(nets ) (8) neural network model is integrated into the power information data
asset management system to achieve data processing and decision sup­
1 − e− q port functions. Finally, the testing interface of the power information
p(q) = q
(9) data asset management system based on BP neural network is shown in
1 + e−
Fig. 4.
Among them: ast is the weight coefficient;
This paper starts from the functional requirement of the system, and
p(q) is the system excitation function or transfer function.
designs the power information data asset management system into
The output layer of the BP network is:
business process management, platform visual management, application
management, data storage, data processing, and data asset security

Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

Fig. 4. Test interface diagram of the power information data asset management system.

control modules. According to its functional requirement, the data

application management module is divided into four sub modules: data Table 1
System test environment.
application sharing, viewing, auditing and management. The main
functions of the data application management module are to analyze Serial Environmental Detailed information Model
Number types
and view the system data, audit the data, and classify and manage the
system data. When a user applies information filtering to data that has 1 Operating Web server running Nginx Mainline
not passed the review, the system would judge whether the user has the environment version
2 Programming Python
permission to review the data. The final result shows that the user has language
this permission, and the user can review the data and apply it to the data 3 Database Structured query
list. Before users browse the data application, the system first verifies language
their identity and confirms it before users can browse information about 4 Development tool Visual studio
5 Running the operating Windows 10
the data application.
6 Client Environment System memory 8Gigabyte
Evaluation of power information data asset management system 7 Display resolution 1920×1080
based on BP neural network 8 System browser Chrome
9 Cluster Storage space 1Terabyte
10 Configuration Network Fast Ethernet
Experimental design and data sources

This article applies the optimized BP neural network model to the management test cases are shown in Table 2.
system, thus forming the latest power information data asset manage­ Among them, “yes” is represented by 1, and “no” is represented by 0.
ment system. To better demonstrate the role of this model in power From Table 2, it can be seen that the results of the system role
information data asset management systems, this article also needs to management test case were basically in line with expectations, with only
compare and test the accuracy of data processing, prediction results, a few results not meeting expectations.
decision support effectiveness, and data security of systems using BP The table of test case results for system data is shown in Table 3.
neural networks and traditional methods, in order to better verify the From Table 3, it can be seen that the results of the system’s data test
superiority of power information data asset management systems based
on BP neural networks. The system testing environment is shown in
Table 1. Table 2
To test the performance of the power information data asset man­ System role management test case results.
agement system based on BP neural network, this paper divided the Test Can a complete list of Can successful prompt Is it consistent with
power information data into three types: basic data, real-time data, and case roles be displayed information be set actual expectations
application data. A local power enterprise was selected as the research 1 1 1 1
object, and 10 sets of power information data from the enterprise were 2 0 1 1
randomly selected as test cases. The accuracy, prediction accuracy, de­ 3 1 1 1
4 1 0 0
cision support effect, and security of the system in this paper were
5 1 1 1
compared with the traditional system for the processing of basic data, 6 1 0 1
real-time data, and application data in 10 sets of test cases to draw 7 1 1 1
relevant conclusions. However, before testing the system, this article 8 0 1 1
still needs to analyze 10 sets of test cases from two aspects: system role 9 0 1 1
10 1 1 1
management and system data application. The results of system role

Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

Table 3 indicating that the system still had many shortcomings. As shown in
System data application test case results table. Fig. 5(B), the system’s processing accuracy for the basic data in Test Case
Test Can data Can data Can data application Is it consistent 1 under the proposed method was 90.75 %; the processing accuracy for
case application be management be with the actual real-time data was 91.77 %; the processing accuracy for application data
sharing be edited carried out results was 90.52 %. The processing accuracy of basic data in Test Case 10 was
94.25 %; real-time data processing accuracy was 94.22 %; application
1 1 1 1 1 data processing accuracy was 92.08 %. The average processing accuracy
2 1 1 1 1 of basic data in 10 test cases was 91.467 %; the average processing ac­
3 0 1 1 1
4 1 1 1 1
curacy of real-time data was 91.625 %; the average processing accuracy
5 1 0 1 1 of application data was 90.675 %. From it, it can be seen that the overall
6 0 1 1 1 processing accuracy of the system under the method proposed in this
7 1 1 1 1 article was relatively high, mostly around 90 %. The average processing
8 1 1 1 1
accuracy of the three types of data in 10 test cases was also above 90 %,
9 1 1 1 1
10 1 1 1 1 which meant that the data processing performance of the system in this
article was good and can better meet the actual needs of the current
power information data asset management system for data processing.
cases were consistent with expectations, indicating that the selected test
cases can be used as system test samples. Comparison of prediction accuracy
After comparing the accuracy of the two systems, this article also
Evaluation of experimental results needs to test the prediction accuracy of the two systems. Prediction
accuracy is also an important manifestation of system performance. The
Comparison of data processing accuracy higher the prediction accuracy of a system, the stronger its ability to
Accuracy is the most direct manifestation of measuring the perfor­ manage power information data and provide better support for subse­
mance of power information data asset management systems. The quent decision-making. Generally speaking, prediction accuracy is
higher the accuracy, the stronger the data processing ability of the usually represented by errors. Therefore, this article compared the
system and the more superior the system. This article compared the relative errors of two systems for three different power information data
processing accuracy of the power information data asset management in 10 sets of test cases, as shown in Fig. 6.
system for basic data, real-time data, and application data in 10 sets of The horizontal coordinates in Fig. 6(A) and (B) are test cases and the
test cases using two different methods. The results are shown in Fig. 5. vertical coordinates are relative errors.
The horizontal coordinates in Fig. 5(A) and (B) are test cases and the From Fig. 6(A) and (B), it can be seen that the relative error of the
vertical coordinates are accuracy results. traditional method system for predicting the basic data in Test Case 1
From Fig. 5(A), it can be seen that the system under traditional was 9.88 %; the relative error of real-time data prediction was 9.37 %;
methods had an accuracy of 81.21 % for processing basic data in Test the relative error of application data prediction was 8.41 %. The system
Case 1, 77.65 % for real-time data, and 80.23 % for application data. The under this method had a relative error of 3.15 % for basic data predic­
processing accuracy of basic data in Test Case 10 was 80.29 %; the tion in Test Case 1, 2.94 % for real-time data prediction, and 3.23 % for
processing accuracy of real-time data was 78.98 %; the processing ac­ application data prediction. Compared to the system under traditional
curacy of application data was 79.57 %. The average processing accu­ methods, the relative error of the system under this method for basic
racy of basic data in 10 test cases was 80.17 %; the average processing data prediction in Test Case 1 was 6.73 % lower; the relative error of
accuracy of real-time data was 77.78 %; the average processing accuracy real-time data prediction was 6.43 % lower; the relative error of appli­
of application data was 79.018 %. Overall, under traditional methods, cation data prediction was 5.18 % lower. In Test Case 10, under tradi­
the system’s processing accuracy for all three types of data was not high, tional methods, the relative error of the system in predicting the basic
and its accuracy was basically controlled to fluctuate around 80 %, data in Test Case 10 was 8.22 %; the relative error of real-time data

Fig. 5. Comparison of data processing accuracy between two systems.

(A): The processing accuracy of the system under traditional methods for basic data, real-time data, and application data. (B): The processing accuracy of the system
under the method of this article for basic data, real-time data, and application data.

Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

Fig. 6. Comparison of prediction accuracy between two systems.

Fig. 6(A). The prediction accuracy of the system under traditional methods for basic data, real-time data, and application data.
Fig. 6(B). The prediction accuracy of the system under this method for basic data, real-time data, and application data.

prediction was 9.21 %; the relative error of application data prediction Comparison of decision support effectiveness
was 7.27 %. The system under this method had a relative error of 2.15 % The effectiveness of decision support is the most important role of
for basic data prediction in Test Case 10, 2.89 % for real-time data power information data asset management systems. Generally speaking,
prediction, and 3.05 % for application data prediction. Compared to the the effectiveness of decision support was evaluated based on rationality.
system under traditional methods, the relative error of the system in this This article compared the rationality of two systems for three different
article for basic data prediction in Test Case 10 has been reduced by types of power information data decision support in 10 sets of test cases,
6.07 %; the relative error of real-time data prediction has been reduced and the results are shown in Fig. 7.
by 6.32 %; the relative error of application data prediction has been The horizontal coordinates in Fig. 7(A) and (B) are both test cases,
reduced by 4.22 %. From it, it can be seen that the relative error of the and the vertical coordinates are both decision support rationalizations.
system under this method for data prediction was much lower than that From Fig. 7(A) and (B), it can be seen that the average rationality of
under traditional methods. This means that the prediction accuracy of decision support for basic data in 10 sets of test cases using traditional
this system is higher, and its ability to manage power information data is methods was 79.44 %, 76.51 % for real-time data decision support, and
stronger, which can better provide support for subsequent decision- 78.59 % for application data decision support. The average rationality of
making. Compared to traditional systems, the use value of the system the decision support for the basic data in 10 sets of test cases in the
in this article is higher. The reason is that the system in this article ap­ system under this method was 89.6 %; the average rationality of real-
plies the BP neural network model during system optimization. By time data decision support was 90.25 %; the average rationality of de­
modeling and optimizing the BP neural network model, it improves its cision support for application data was 90.2 %. Compared to the system
prediction accuracy and achieves better data prediction. under traditional methods, the decision support rationality of this

Fig. 7. Comparison of decision support rationality between two systems.

Fig. 7(A). The rationality of decision support for basic data, real-time data, and application data in the traditional method system.
Fig. 7(B). The rationality of decision support for basic data, real-time data, and application data in the system under the method proposed in this article.

Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

system for basic data, real-time data, and application data was higher, %. This indicated that the power information data security in the system
and the decision support rationality of this system for all three types of under this method is higher, which can better achieve the management
data was basically controlled at over 87 %. Overall, the decision support of power information data assets and help store enterprises make better
rationality of the system in this paper is higher, which means that the decisions.
decision support effect of the system under this method is better, and can
provide more assistance for power enterprises to make correct decisions. Conclusions

Safety comparison Due to the more comprehensive development of the current power
There is a large amount of data stored in the power information data system, power information data asset management has attracted more
asset management system, so special attention should be paid to system attention from people. The focus of this article is on the power infor­
data security. High security data is not only conducive to protecting the mation data asset management system based on BP neural network.
normal operation of the power system, but also helps power companies Firstly, the relevant background of the research was introduced, and the
make decisions. Usually, the security of data is reflected through its strengths and weaknesses of previous scholars’ research on power data
ability to resist attacks. This article compared the anti attack perfor­ asset management were comprehensively analyzed. Afterwards, the
mance of two systems against three different types of power information design and implementation of the power information data asset man­
data in 10 sets of test cases, and the results are shown in Fig. 8. agement system were mainly discussed. In the process of designing the
The horizontal coordinates in both Fig. 8(A) and (B) are the test cases system, this article introduced the currently widely used BP neural
and the vertical coordinates are the attack resistance of the data. network. By modeling and optimizing the BP neural network, it was
In Fig. 8(A), the basic data in Test Case 8 had the highest attack integrated into the power information data asset management system to
resistance at 86.6 %, while the basic data in Test Case 5 and Test Case 6 achieve functional optimization of the system. Finally, in order to verify
had the lowest attack resistance at 79.6 % and 78.3 %, respectively. The the performance of the power information data asset management sys­
Test Case 6 had the highest real-time data attack resistance, with an tem constructed by introducing BP neural network, this paper compared
attack resistance of 85.2 %. The Test Cases 4 and 5 had the lowest attack it with the system under traditional methods. The research results
resistance, with an attack resistance of 78.5 % and 79.7 %, respectively. showed that the system in this paper has higher accuracy in data pro­
In terms of application data security, Test Case 4 had the highest resis­ cessing, better prediction accuracy, better decision-making support ef­
tance to attack, with a resistance of 85.6 %. The Test Case 7 had the fect, and higher data security, which can better meet the actual needs of
lowest resistance to attack, with a resistance of 79.4 %. Overall, the data power information data asset management in today’s power enterprises.
in traditional methods’ systems is not highly resistant to attacks, and It has a wide range of application value. However, there are also some
there are significant security issues with their data. In Fig. 8(B), the basic shortcomings in this study, and further research is needed in the future.
data in Test Case 3 and Test Case 10 had the highest attack resistance,
with 95.4 % and 95.5 %, respectively. The basic data in Test Case 4 and CRediT authorship contribution statement
Test Case 8 had the lowest attack resistance, with 89.7 % and 89.9 %,
respectively. The Test Case 6 had the highest real-time data attack Yue Tian: Writing – review & editing. Qingbo Kong: Writing – re­
resistance, with an attack resistance of 95.3 %. The Test Case 1 had the view & editing. Xinping Miao: Writing – review & editing. Xun Li:
lowest attack resistance, with an attack resistance of 87.9 %. In terms of Writing – review & editing. Fangquan Wu: Writing – review & editing.
application data security, Test Case 2 had the highest attack resistance,
with an attack resistance of 94.1 %. The Test Case 5 had the lowest
Declaration of Competing Interest
attack resistance, with an attack resistance of 88.2 %. Compared with
traditional methods, the overall anti attack performance of the data in
The authors confirm that the content of the manuscript has not been
the system under this method was higher, with a basic level of over 87
published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The authors declared

Fig. 8. Comparison of data security between two systems.

Fig. 8(A). Security of basic data, real-time data, and application data in the system under traditional methods.
Fig. 8(B). Basic data, real-time data, and application data security in the system under the method proposed in this article.

Y. Tian et al. International Journal of Thermofluids 20 (2023) 100458

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International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

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An enriched decision-making satisfaction model for student information

management systems
Cannur Gürkut a, *, Alev Elçi b, Müesser Nat a
Management Information Systems, Cyprus International University, Mersin 10, Haspolat, Lefkoşa, Türkiye
YÖMEGA Higher Education Professional Development Network, Çanakkale, Türkiye


Keywords: Managers in every organization are responsible for making prompt and precise decisions to achieve organiza­
Information Systems tional goals. Similar to other institutions, higher education institutions use student information management
IS success systems to collect and organize various data at the student, faculty, and institutional level. These data are used to
Higher education institutions
obtain meaningful information that supports the Decision-Making Process. Furthermore, integration and sharing
Tactical decision-making
Strategic decision-making
of this information promote creativity and learning within the institution, which has a positive influence on the
institution’s performance. This research aims to develop an enriched decision-making satisfaction model for
student information management systems that supports the tactical and strategic Decision-Making Processes of a
higher institution in Northern Cyprus. The results obtained by analyzing the data from 263 academic and
administrative managers show that System Quality, Information Quality, and System Intelligence factors; Un­
certainty, Risk, and Complexity have a positive influence on decision-making satisfaction. Findings also show
that Internal Factors and External Factors have a significant direct impact on decision-making satisfaction. This
research is expected to set a broad framework for the research needed to improve SIMS for future applications
from the decision-making satisfaction perspective with an artificial intelligence add-on towards the System In­
telligence with technological innovations.

Introduction displacement of machines but also the human workforce. AI can be

leveraged to augment, rather than substitute for, the teams as they come
As businesses face the ever-evolving landscape of competition, it together to make business decisions better (Metcalf et al., 2019) While
becomes increasingly important to stay ahead of the curve and embrace AI-powered tools can provide valuable insights and analysis, human
new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI). With more dynamic judgement and collaboration can utilize the strengths of both humans
and collaborative business processes, efficient information management and technology to achieve the best possible outcomes.
is critical for making informed decisions that drive success. Today, supplying fast and valuable information to the management
Managers in all organizations have the responsibility to make for better decisions creates pressure in organizations. Evolutions of the
informed decisions to attain the established objectives (Abubakar et al., decision support systems with the advancements in Information and
2019). Today, with the use of advanced digital technologies like AI, Communication Technologies (ICTs) are being widely researched. Dur­
organizations can utilize a vast amount of data to improve their DMP ing and after the Covid-19 epidemic, the importance of technology in
(Musti, 2020). education is inevitable (Al-Mamary, 2022a, 2022b). Negash (2004)
According to Soni et al. (2020), the development of AI which is states that enhancement of the timing and excellence of input in the
currently at advanced levels in some regions of the world, leads “AI DMP facilitate management work. Similarly, information integration
divide” comparable to the digital divide. This divide will aggravate and exchange support learning within the organization which has a
inequality in social, economic, and cultural areas, creating a big gap positive influence on organizational performance (Abubakar et al.,
between those with access and those without. For this reason, organi­ 2019). Similarly, Inusah et al. (2023) report the necessity of data mining
zations must keep up to date with the latest technologies to remain techniques in an Expert System to make easier predictions for
competitive. Also, concerns about AI includes not only the potential decision-making accuracy of management.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: conoral@ciu.edu.tr (C. Gürkut).


Available online 29 August 2023

2667-0968/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

Like all other organizations, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) use research model. The methodology part describes the method, context of
student information management systems (SIMS) to manage educa­ the study, sampling, data collection, tools and measures, analysis, and
tional and student data to obtain meaningful information that impacts modelling method used in this research. Finally, the findings, discussion,
the DMP (Iyengar et al., 2016). Continuously increasing the number of and conclusion will continue.
students, departments, faculty members, and administrative staff also
increases the amount of data to be kept and processed by the system. Literature review
However, there are some challenges that managers face when they need
to analyze these data. Goldstain (2005, (p.1)) states that “producing Although being in too many innovations may cause techno-stress
meaningful, accessible, and timely management information has long Information Systems (IS) are an essential component of both personal
been the holy grail of higher education administrative technology”. and professional life, and technology is involved in every aspect of
Whether HEIs acquire the information they require, or not, and whether people’s lives (Asad et al. 2023). IS acquires a strategic place in all kinds
the collected data is sufficient to prepare a report for decision-makers or of organizations for data processing to help businesses to gain a
not, are the vital questions. competitive advantage (Gürkut & Nat, 2017). IS have interconnected
As a result of global competition, most HEIs are now under great mechanisms that work together to gather, process, store, and circulate
pressure to improve student retention rates and help students to com­ information to support coordination, analysis, control, visualization,
plete their degrees in less time. Therefore, they are increasingly using and DMP in an organization (Laudon & Laudon, 2014).
Information Systems to gain insights about their students’ performance.
This is also done in the interest of national and international accredi­ Use of Information Systems in HEIs
tation bodies and government agencies that are constantly looking for
ways to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of HEIs. Given these The HEIs which are the core learning institutions are also moving
facts, according to Goldstein and Katz (2005) the quality of the provision away from their traditional structures towards transformation. “Ad­
of successful information for the measurement and evaluation becomes vances in technology have paved the way for higher education in­
critical to decision-making. The quality of information and the system, stitutions to incorporate innovative methods into their learning system.”
and how it is presented have all been examined as factors affecting the (Alfalah, 2023). The complexity and size of HEIs alert for efficient and
decision-making satisfaction on web-based decision support systems. fast methods of planning, analysis, and communication of their man­
The results indicate that while the presentation of information does not agement tasks since the demand for university enrolment increases day
significantly affect DMP, the quality of the system and information do by day Sanyal (1995). Frackmann (2007) emphasizes the essentiality of
positively affect users’ DMP. (Bharati & Chaudhury, 2004). The de­ IS for HEIs since they have to follow up a vast number of academic
cisions made by HEIs are very critical since they directly affect various programs with a given curriculum, and the specific qualifications of the
stakeholders. However, it is widely known that the majority of organi­ graduates are stated in educational outcomes. Sanyal (1995) also pro­
zational decisions involve some level of conflict or dissatisfaction. poses the idea that the data should be kept in the central system in in­
Therefore, SIMS play a significant role in HEIs to support short and tegrated files where data is entered only once and accessible from any
long-term managerial decisions by providing real-time data about stu­ part of the university. It would provide a suitable amount of
dents’ academic activities. Considering this, factors that influence user well-organized, detailed information where the authorities have the
satisfaction with the Decision-Making Process need to be investigated to right to make fundamental organizations and decisions. Kutten’s (2014)
support the continuous improvement of the SIMS. Similar studies in the study Management Information System in Higher Education, introduces
literature include environmental factors, and Internal and External e-Management Portal in Higher Education. The portal is mainly created
Factors (ElBanna & Child, 2007a, 2007b; Krishnan & Singh, 2004; to support the management processes, utilizes a data warehouse, and
Papadakis, Lioukas, & Chambers, 1998; Rajagopalan et al. 1993; Soe­ transfers the implementation of the strategy throughout the institution.
tanto & Dainty, 2009) and it is widely accepted that External Factors The portal also provides information about courses, curricula, and ac­
have more power on DMP than Internal Factors (Elbanna & Fold, 2016). ademic departments/programs offered by the faculties/schools. Simi­
In the literature, perceptions of academic and administrative man­ larly, Siddiqui et al. (2018) developed a web-based group decision
agement satisfaction with the DMP in SIMS have not been investigated support system to support the academic term preparation work which
in depth. Moreover, Risk, Uncertainty, and Complexity factors which are includes course offerings, instructor assignments, and the preparation of
considered External Factors, and their impact on DMP are not consid­ the relevant timetables.
ered in previous studies. Previous researches have investigated students’ SIMS is used by academics, administrative staff, and students. For
or customers’ satisfaction on either a web page or an Information Sys­ example, the number of students registered in each department and the
tem. Therefore, this research attempts to fulfil this gap by developing an number of sections for each course are reported on by coordinators.
enriched model with External Factors to investigate their impact on Similar reports are used by the Registrar’s Office to determine the total
DMP in SIMS based on prior IS success and satisfaction models. Since the number of students as well as any departmental or overall changes in
reports produced by SIMS support administrators’ Decision-Making enrolment. This information can then be utilized to decide about closing
Processes, this research aims to understand their needs during the a program or improving the needs of the department. Similarly, de­
DMP. The findings will lead the researchers to develop new models by partments use statistical information for accreditation issues, such as the
following the technological innovations considering the needs of the percentage of domestic and international students, to understand cul­
administrators. tural differences. Course advisors use SIMS to decide which courses
Therefore, this study aims to answer the following research question. students need to register based on their past performance or the total
Research questions: number of students in each group. Finally, students use SIMS to register
for courses online, view their class schedule, exam schedules and results,
1 How do System Quality, Information Quality, System Intelligence, and access their transcripts (Gürkut & Nat, 2017). As it can be seen,
Risk, Uncertainty, and Complexity factors influence DMS? SIMS plays a significant role for the effectiveness of daily tasks and
2 How do Internal Factors and External Factors influence DMS? institutional tactical and strategic decision-making.

The structure of the article starts with a literature review of the In­ Decision-Making Process
formation Systems (IS), the use of IS in HEIs, the Decision-Making Nooraie (2012) claims that DMP is a process that involves the
Process, IS Success and Satisfaction Models, and a comparison of IS decision-maker choosing from the available options, comparing the
Models based on factors. Then the hypotheses define the proposed chosen options amongst themselves and finally evaluating those choices

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

with the derived outcomes. The author also adds that people’s activities it is claimed that contextual factors affect DMP, the number of re­
are formed by their decisions and each activity involves decisions. High searches that have been conducted to explain how contextual factors
quality information and its management are imperative for successful affect DMP in HEIs is very rare.
operations and decision making finally (Price & Shanks, 2004). It fol­
lows that the required sophisticated skills and general data quality un­ Information System success and satisfaction models
derstanding skills are essential to understand how the decisions are DeLone and McLean (1992) describe the success model as an IS in­
made to collect the required data. They also claim that these skills are fluence at the organizational and individual level. As a result, six basic
used to develop strategies needed to improve data quality. In order to dimensions of IS success model have been revealed; system quality, in­
better the timing and quality of decisions, decision-makers need data to formation quality, usage, user satisfaction, individual impact and
support their actions. Negash (2004) created a framework and high­ organizational impact (DeLone & McLean, 1992). The model has been
lighted a promising topic of research in this regard. Organizations need updated with the new variables in 2003 as: Information Quality, System
to collect data and ensure the quality of their knowledge since strategic Quality, Service Quality, Intention to Use, Use, User Satisfaction, and
and tactical DM depend on reliable data. A growth in the usage of data Net Benefits after ten years (Delone & McLean, 2003). One of the most
warehouses to gather and combine data from diverse sources to enhance popular constructs used to assess the success of IS is user satisfaction and
data mining to its utmost level highlights an organization’s vulnerability it establishes the user’s responsiveness to the efficient usage of IS
to poor data quality (Bharati & Chaudhury, 2004). (Al-Hattami, 2022). It is inevitable to use IS for better performance when
The effectiveness of daily tasks and organizational DM is critical for considering the rapid changes and complexities in the environment or­
every organization (Begam, 2015). Not only day-to-day decisions, but ganizations operate. In parallel with the rapid advancement of infor­
Hambrick and Snow (1977) also claim the importance of strategic de­ mation and communication technologies, DSSs are widely being
cisions; either through their long-term implications and/or through the invented and investigated by various researchers. Fig. 1 shows the In­
scope of their impact. In their research, they specify and discuss the main formation System success and satisfaction models including factors
contextual factors that affect strategic DM in organizations. The context considered which are developed by various researchers. The most
for the next "cycle" of managerial perceptions and decisions is the result commonly used factors highlighted in red.
of the future organizational performance of the previous cycle. Their According to the literature, contextual factors have an impact on
model shows that “Past and Current Strategy and Performance”, “The DMP. It is observed that internal and External Factors that affect DMP
Environment” and “Power and Influence Patterns” have effectiveness on are defined as environmental factors (Hannan & Freeman, 1977; Jemi­
“Managerial Perceptions” which has effectiveness on “The Strategic son, 1981; Bagheri, 2016; Elbanna & Child, 2007a, 2007b; Elbanna &
Decision-making” and end with “Future Organizational Performance”. Fadol, 2016). Many researchers placed uncertainty under the umbrella
Future organizational performance of the previous cycle with the cur­ of External Factors which have a valuable impact on DMP in different
rent strategy and performance becomes feedback to the managerial forms of organizations. Besides, since complexity and financial situation
perceptions of the next cycle, which means that the strategic have impact on businesses, they are also categorized under External
decision-making output of the first step becomes an input to the next Factors when DMP is considered. Considering the previous studies and
step. Sometimes the knowledge and information available to make an models, Internal Factors affect DMP include technological factors,
effective decision may be incomplete, uncertain, or even distorted mission objectives, management support, flexibility, and project team
(Yurtseven & Buchanan, 2016). They also state that the personality and skills. These factors include system quality, information quality, and
characteristics of authority such as perspective, aims, preferences and information presentation in the models proposed by Bharati and
culture might be influencing the DMP. There is increasing pressure on Chaudhury (2004). Also, Hawking and Sellitto (2010), documented
HEIs to justify the DMP besides ensuring better distribution of resources, various studies from 1998 to 2010 and listed Critical Success Factors of
increasing accountability, evaluating objectives, and operating trans­ Business Intelligence to show which factors are defined as critical by
parency (Sanyal, 1995). other researchers.
DMP takes a variety of time and energy without an IS. Quality DM Furthermore, today, innovative technologies are arising almost every
and strategic planning are the way to the success of any organization. day. “Tools are improving and becoming more sophisticated in collect­
Today, the use of IS, whether in organizations or HEIs, has a significant ing and storing (real time) data, and in visualizing and analyzing these
role in supporting the DMP. Such systems are used within the entire data (e.g., data warehouses, dashboards, data lockers, data analytics,
organization by all departments that supports managerial DMP. There­ data mining tools, machine learning), moving beyond the stop light
fore, the success and satisfaction of the IS need to be measured. Although categories” (Mandinach & Schildkamp, 2021). Considering the recent

Fig. 1. Timeline of IS success and satisfaction models.

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

developments in artificial intelligence, the use of artificial intelligence H2. Information Quality has positive influence on DMS.
can liberate educational leaders from the daily grind of busily accu­
System Intelligence (SI) is a measurement of information analyzed,
mulating data (Wang, 2021). Therefore, business intelligence or artifi­
displayed and integrated with other systems. Correll and Gleicher
cial intelligence can be considered as Internal Factor since today it is
(2014) believe that knowledge visualization becomes meaningful. Ac­
commonly used to resolve problems of modern organizations (Kissi, Nat
cording to Bresfelean and Ghisoiu (2009), developing suitable analytic
& Idowu, 2017) and enhance the applicability and problem-solving
tools to collect, analyze and assess related data and present information
capacity of the system for real-world decision support (Kim, Park, Suh,
for effective decision-making is one of the major aims at the beginning of
2020). As it can be observed from the literature, there is insufficient
creating a DSS in higher education. According to Gorgan (2015, p.2),
research on how factors such as organizational and environmental affect
“The success of a data-driven model relies on straightforward and rapid
access to a large volume of accurate, well-organized multidimensional
data.” Dwivediet et al. (2021) states that significant development of
technological innovation has made it possible to transform many
According to the literature, some of the biggest obstacles to making
manual tasks and processes that existed for decades. Adding that for
data-driven decisions are a lack of training, a lack of data analysis
many workers who had reached the limits of their physical capacity,
expertise amongst administrators, and a lack of user-friendly tools for
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now offering this same transformative po­
assessing test results at the institutional level. Also, visualization (in­
tential for replacement of human workforce tasks. Advances in AI
formation presentation), analytical capabilities of the system, and its
technology such as algorithmic machine learning and autonomous
integration with other systems affect the satisfaction level of users.
decision-making have generated new possibilities for innovation.
Managers need to get accurate and complete reports through the system
Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed.
for successful DMP to achieve organizational goals. The capability of
integration with other systems to share data and having the capability to H3. System Intelligence has a positive influence on DMS.
analyze the big amount of data and visualize the required report/in­
Risk (R) is a measurement of financial situation, lack of user expe­
formation is considered as the System Intelligence part. Thus, the pro­
rience, and nature of the task. Yuniningsih et al. (2017) underline that
posed Student Information Management Systems Decision-Making
investors must take into consideration many factors for decision-making
Satisfaction (SIMS-DMS) Model, shown in Fig. 2, includes the System
in investment both the short and long term, also with the nature of in­
Intelligence factor with the items of analytics, visualization for infor­
vestment assets as well as financial investment. Therefore, the following
mation presentation and integration with other systems.
hypothesis is proposed.
In addition, considering the related literature all of the variables that
have impact on DMP are organized under two factors, Internal and H4. Risk has a positive influence on DMS.
External. The Internal Factors include System Quality, Information
Uncertainty is a measurement of technical innovation, technical se­
Quality, and System Satisfaction; the External Factors include Risk,
curity, and unexpected problems. Multifaceted difficulties can also be
Uncertainty, and Complexity with their corresponding items measured
categorized under uncertainty that need be noted in the Decision-
which are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 2.
Making Process (Ascough II et al., 2008; Durbach & Stewart, 2012;
Considering the literature, six hypotheses are developed to analyze
Podinovski, 2014). It is stated in “The higher the uncertainty, the higher
the effectiveness of each factor on Decision-making Satisfaction (DMS):
the risk of supporting mistaken, or at least ill-suited decisions” (van der
System Quality (SQ) is one of the measurements for the information
Kleijet al, 2003). Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed.
processing system itself (DeLone & McLean, 2003) and it is a manifes­
tation of system software and hardware (Bharati & Chaudhury, 2004). H5. Uncertainty has a positive influence on DMS.
Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed.
Complexity is a measurement of problem/task complexity and in­
H1. : System Quality has a positive influence on DMS. formation complexity. According to Beers et al. (2006), dealing with
complex problems is a growing organizational challenge. Therefore, the
The quality of the information (IQ) is a measurement of the value of
following hypothesis is proposed.
the information offered to the user. The user perception of the value of
Gallagher’s (1974) Information System was used to determine the H6. Complexity has a positive influence on DMS.
quality of information in the system. Therefore, the following hypothesis
The following two hypotheses are developed to capture the full view
is proposed.
of the model.
H7. Internal Factors have a positive influence on DMS.

H8. External Factors have a positive influence on DMS.


This section explains the methodology used in this study including

sampling procedure, research instruments, data collection process, and
analysis of data.

Preliminary study

As a preliminary study, Bharati and Chaudhury’s (2004) model was

used to propose a Decision-making Satisfaction Model for SIMS,
considering the factors reported in the literature that have an impact on
the Decision-Making Process. In order to capture the full view of this
model, it is tested at an HEI with 32 faculty coordinators. The results
obtained from this study were in line with Bharati and Chaudhury’s
Fig. 2. Proposed SIMS decision-making satisfaction model. study, which shows system quality and information quality have a

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

Table 1
List of utilized items of SIS-DMS proposed model.
Factors Variable Variable name Item Items measured Reference
type no.

INTERNAL Independent System Quality 1 System reliability (Srinivasan, 1985)

FACTORS 2 Convenient to access (Bailey & Pearson, 1983)
3 System ease of use (Belardo, Karwan & Wallace, 1982)
4 System flexibility (Srinivasan, 1985)
Independent Information Quality 5 Information accuracy (Bailey & Pearson, 1983), (Mahmood, 1987), (Miller & Doyle, 1987), (
Srinivasan, 1985), (Ge & Helfert, December 2015)
6 Information completeness (Bailey & Pearson, 1983), (Miller & Doyle, 1987)
7 Information relevance (Bailey & Pearson, 1983), (King & Epstein, 1983), (Miller & Doyle, 1987),
(Srinivasan, 1985)
8 Information content needs (Doll & Torkzadeh, 1988)
9 Information timeliness (Bailey & Pearson, 1983), (King & Epstein, 1983), (Mahmood, 1987), (
Miller & Doyle, 1987), (Srinivasan, 1985)
Independent System Intelligence 10 Analytics Al-ma’itah (2013), Berneveld (2012); Zeng et al. (2006)
11 Visualization (Information Valdez et al. (2016), (Swanson, 1985), (Vessey, 1994)
12 Integration with other Işık et al. (2013), Al-ma’itah (2013)
EXTERNAL Independent Risk 13 Financial Impact Cleland and King (1983), Kim et al. (2008)
FACTORS 14 Lack of user experience (Barki et al. 1994; Ewusi-Mensah, 1997
15 Nature of tasks Morris and Hough (1987)
Independent Uncertainty 16 Technical Innovation Morris and Hough (1987)
17 Technical Security Feng et al. (2014)
18 Unexpected problems Pinto and Slevin (1989)
Independent Complexity 19 Problem Complexity / Task Beers et al. / Pinto and Slevin (1989); Barki et al. (1994)
20 Information Complexity Valdez et al. (2016)
Dependent Decision-making 21 Decision confidence (Goslar, Green & Hughes, 1986), (Gueutal, Surprenant & Bubeck, 1984), (
Satisfaction Zmud, Blocher, & Moffle, 1983)
22 Decision effectiveness (Chervany, Dickson & Kozar, 1972)

positive effect on decision-making satisfaction when the items are use an automated student Information System, the survey instrument
considered within themselves. Although Bharati and Chaudhury (2004) has been submitted to 8 of 21 HEIs. The number of academics and
reveal that information presentation does not affect decision-making administrative staff who participated in the survey was 263 out of 320.
satisfaction, the preliminary study results show that information pre­ Eleven of the responses were excluded because of the incomplete sur­
sentation has a positive effect on decision-making satisfaction when the veys. After this exclusion process, a total of 252 surveys were accepted
item is considered by itself. In today’s global and highly competitive giving a response rate of 82.1%. The questionnaire was distributed and
environment organizations need to respond to users’ needs as fast as collected during the 2020–2021 academic year spring semester. The
possible in order to survive. Therefore, any technology that supports and distribution of participants’ demographic data which is based on their
improves decision-making is crucial for organizations (Gürkut & Nat, position in the management structure, year of experience, gender, age,
2016). and faculty are presented in the next section.
After capturing the full view of the model, as a next step Gürkut and
Nat (2017) tested again by separating decision-making and satisfaction Data collection and analysis
to understand the direct and indirect effect of factors on system satis­
faction in general. These models are tested with 96 instructors’ data Data collection
from an HEI. Results show that all variables, system quality, information
quality, and information presentation have significant direct effects on The main data are collected through a questionnaire adopted from
satisfaction. It is assumed that academic and administrative staff are Bharati and Chaudhury (2004) and inspired by various studies (i.e.
satisfied with the complete implementation of the system when all Bailey and Pearson (1983); Belardo et al. (1982); Chervany et al. (1972);
variables work together. Goslar et al. (1986); King and Epstein (1983); Srinivasan (1985); Zmud,
Blocher, & Moffle (1983); Vessey (1994)) as shown in Table 1. In this
Context and sampling study, Baharati and Chaudhury’s (2004) DMS model is used as a basis
and updated considering the latest technologies used by organizations
The sample of the study consists of the academic and administrative for DM.
staff of HEIs in Northern Cyprus. According to the Higher Education The questionnaire had two main sections; the first section included
Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation, and Coordination Council demographic data related to participants and their position in the
(YÖDAK, 2023), there are 23 active HEIs in Northern Cyprus. These HEIs management structure, such as year of experience, gender, age, and
have more than 100,000 students from more than 100 different coun­ faculty distribution. The second section is grouped into two: Internal
tries. The convenience sampling method is used considering the char­ Factors and External Factors. Internal factors are system quality, Infor­
acteristics of the population and the objectives of this study. This mation Quality, and System Intelligence, External Factors are risk, un­
method is a non-probability sampling technique that is used to choose certainty, and complexity. Internal and External Factors are
the sample of subjects from a population that applies to both qualitative independent variables. The dependent variable of the model is decision-
and quantitative studies. The method puts the main importance on making satisfaction. The questionnaire included 66 questions using 1 to
generalizability to confirm that the knowledge increased is representa­ 5 Likert-type scale (5-Strongly Agree, 4-Agree, 3-Neutral, 2-Disagree, 1-
tive of the population. Strongly Disagree). A preliminary study which is mentioned earlier was
Since a great number of HEIs in the Northern Cyprus context are conducted with 32 faculty coordinators who are dealing with the course
newly established and may not have a sufficient number of students to scheduling of their faculty. The results of preliminary study helped to

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

make the final changes and finalized the survey and model. After the Factor Analysis was applied to test whether all measured items
revision of the questionnaire, 18 questions have been removed to avoid represented their corresponding variable to test the SIMS-DMS proposed
overlap between questions that included similar meanings, and the model. Bartlett’s test and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test are applied to
wording of a few explanations was changed to help to clarify under­ the variables of System Quality, Approx. Chi-Square is 1017.673 with a
standing. The final number of questions in the second section of the significance of 0.0 with the 0.609 KMO value for system quality, which
survey was 48. A set of questionnaires is prepared to be distributed to the is between 0.5 and 1.0 and it is considered adequate for correlation.
participants of this study. These results show that the data can be used for Factor Analysis. Bar­
The survey instruments are prepared as both pencil-and-paper sur­ tlett’s test is also applied to other variables. The chi-square is 1718.139
veys and online surveys by using Google Forms. 300 pencil-and-paper with a significance of 0.0 with 0.935 the KMO value for Information
surveys were distributed and 202 were collected and 61 participants Quality variables. The approximate chi-square is 617.665 with a sig­
filled out the online survey. Shannon, Johnson, Searcy, & Lott (2002) nificance of 0.0 with the 0.844 KMO value for System Intelligence.
claimed that pencil-and-paper surveys have a higher response rate than System Quality, Information Quality and System Intelligence are cate­
electronic surveys. The pencil-and-paper surveys have been distributed gorized as Internal Factors. Chi-square is 3914.397 with a significance of
by the researcher personally to all key staff of the faculties and de­ 0.0 with the 0.902 KMO value for Internal Factors. The results of the
partments. Some of the faculties were visited more than 3 times to reach Reliability Test for System Quality are 0.704, for Information Quality is
faculty members who were not present at their offices. In order to 0.934, for System Intelligence is 0.786 and for Overall Reliability of
overcome this problem, the researcher tried to get in contact with the Internal Factors is 0.883 which indicates a high reliability of the survey
faculty members by phone or e-mail. In some cases, the researcher instrument.
handled the survey to the research assistant of the faculty member to be
able to reach the faculty members. Although this was a difficult process, 2) External Factors
more than 20% of the data was collected in these ways.
The Bartlett test and KMO are applied to all variables of the External
Data analysis Factors, which include Risk, Uncertainty, and Complexity. The Chi-
Square is 388.265 with a significance of 0.0 where the results show
Exploratory Factor Analysis, Reliability and Regression Modelling that KMO for Risk is 0.777. Approx. Chi-Square gives 645.849 with a
Tests were used and applied in SPSS V24. Besides, Confirmatory Factor significance of 0.0 and KMO is 0.807 for Uncertainty. The approximate
Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling are used and applied in Chi-Square is 215.815 with a significance of 0.0 with the 0.602 KMO
AMOS V24. The application and results of the analysis are described and value for Complexity. The results show that the Chi-square is 3282.716
explained in the following section. with a significance of 0.0 and the KMO value is 0.926 for Complexity.
The Reliability Test results of Risk are 0.827, Uncertainty is 0.867, and
Complexity is 0.665. The overall Reliability result of Internal Factors is
Demographic data 0.888 which shows the high reliability of the survey instrument.

The participants’ distribution according to the position in the man­ 3) Decision-Making satisfaction
agement revealed that academic staff is 157 (62.3%), the academic
manager is 59 (23.4%), the administrative staff is 26 (10.3%) and the Finally, KMO and Bartlett’s test is applied for DMP and satisfaction
administrative manager is 10 (4%). Their experiences in years are which has the result of Approx. Chi-Square 1243.337 with a significance
distributed as 131 (52%) is 5 years and below, 47 (18.7%) is between 6 of 0.0 and KMO is 0.910. These results show that the data were sufficient
and 10 years range and 74 (29.4%) is over 10 years. There is an even for factor analysis. The Reliability Test result of DMS is 0.886, which
distribution of the genders with 139 (55.2%) female and 113 (44.8%) shows the high reliability of the survey instrument.
male respondents. The faculty distribution is as follows; 56 (22.2%) in
Faculty of Engineering, 31 (12.3) in Faculty / School of Health Sciences, Exploratory Factor Analysis
28 (11.1%) in Faculty of Education, 17 (in 6.7%) Faculty of Communi­
cation, 13 (5.2%) in School of Applied Sciences, 22 (8.7%) in Faculty of Exploratory Factor Analysis is conducted to determine if the
Economics and Administrative Sciences, 18 (7.1%) in Faculty of Arts and measured items are divided into the number of variables that are shown
Sciences, 24 (9.5%) in Faculty of Fine Arts, 17 (6.7%) in School of in the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model. The rotated component matrices are
Foreign Languages, 17 (6%) in Faculty of Law, 4 (1.6%) in School of shown in Table 2 and Table 3 for both Internal and External Factors.
Tourism and Hotel Management, 1 (0.4%) in School of Physical Edu­ Items that have Factor Loadings under 0.40 are excluded from the model
cation and 1 (0.4%) in Vocational School. fit statistics. The items were sorted by the highest value of Chi-square.
The Scree Plot is a diagram drawn with the identical eigenvalues of
Reliability and factor analysis items measured, which is used for determining the number of items to
extract (Hinton et al., 2004). Scree Plot charts below (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4)
A Reliability Test is conducted to define the Cronbach Alpha values show the discrimination of the Internal and External variables.
of the variables. Each variable is analyzed one by one to ensure a
satisfactory level of alpha value. Nunnally (1978) indicated that Cron­ 1. Internal Factors
bach Alpha value is acceptable at the level of 0.60. The estimation of
Exploratory Factor Analysis is based on a chain of Chi-Square (χ2) dif­ The measured items are divided into 3 groups as they are defined in
ference tests exploiting items for each dimension. Items that represent Table 1. Items that have Factor Loadings under 0.40 are excluded from
each variable were then forced into a single factor solution following the model fit statistics. The final view of the Internal Factors before
this fit. Results from the Chi-Square test were significant for each of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis is shown in Table 1 and the Proposed
measurement items. A Chi-Square difference test has one degree of SIMS-DMS Model (Fig. 2).
freedom for all purposes. The significance level for chi-square is 0.001. After excluding the questions that have low Factor Loading less than
Parameter estimations that are equal to or greater than 0.40 are 0.4, the Exploratory Factor Analysis conducted for the Internal Factors
acceptable (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). of the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model. The Internal Factors are divided into
three parts as it is proposed in the model.
1) Internal Factors Scree Plot is obtained by combining the eigenvalues of graphical

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

Table 2
Rotated component matrix of Internal Factors.

Information Quality System Quality System Intelligence

P2Q16 .819
P2Q14 .808
P2Q9 .755
P2Q15 .750
P2Q10 .713
P2Q11 .710
P2Q17 .690
P2Q12 .677
P2Q13 .676
P2Q18 .515
P1Q7 .789
P1Q3 .725
P1Q6 .723
P1Q2 .699
P1Q5 .695
P1Q1 .488
P1Q8 .413
P3Q23 .834
P3Q20 .773
P3Q21 .765
P3Q22 .707
P3Q24 .700 Fig. 3. Scree plot of Internal Factors.
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.

Table 3
Rotated component matrix of External Factors.


P5Q35 .826
P5Q32 .777
P5Q34 .767
P5Q33 .750
P4Q26 .728
P5Q31 .724
P4Q27 .719
P4Q28 .712
P4Q29 .559
P6Q40 .850
P6Q37 .813

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Fig. 4. Scree plot of External Factors.
a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis is shown in Table 3 and Fig. 4.

items and high acceleration in the graph. Vertical breakpoints on the After excluding the questions that have a low Factor Loading of less
line chart determine the factor numbers. These points with high accel­ than 0.4, the Exploratory Factor Analysis is conducted for the External
eration and rapid decline indicate the differentiation and effectiveness Factors of the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model. The External Factors are
of the factors. Values that are below 1 and more horizontal are not divided into two parts with the combination of two proposed variables:
considered to be a factor (Bryman & Cramer, 1999). Risk and Uncertainty. These variables are combined and created as one
The Scree Plot of Internal Factors shows that 3 variables are sepa­ variable together, and the other variable is the same as the Proposed
rated at the Internal Factors of the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model. SIMS-DMS Model. Two items of Complexity are kept due to the high
Factor Loading value.
2. External Factors The Scree Plot of External Factors shows that 2 variables are sepa­
rated at the External Factors of the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model.
The measured items are not divided into three groups as they are
defined in Table 1. Items that have Factor Loadings under 0.40 are 3. Decision-Making satisfaction
excluded from the model fit statistics. Risk and Uncertainty measured
items are combined and become one variable with the name of “Ris­ The measured items are divided into 2 groups as they are defined in
k_Uncertainty”. Two questions of Complexity are excluded since of the Table 1. The final view of the External Factors before Confirmatory
lower level of Factor Loading. The rest of the two questions are retained Factor Analysis is shown in Table 4 and Fig. 5.
to check at Confirmatory Factor Analysis since they have a strong Factor The Exploratory Factor Analysis is conducted for DMS which is a
Loading value of over 0.7. The final view of the External Factors before dependent variable of the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model. Table 4 shows

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

Table 4 have a positive influence on DMS (H5), so an improvement of these

Rotated component matrix of decision-making satisfaction. measured items will cause a decrease in Uncertainty and this result will
Component lead to an increase in DMS. H5 is accepted. Complexity (Single Test-7),
with problem/task complexity, and information complexity, has a pos­
1 2
itive influence on DMS (H6), so an improvement of problem complexity
P7Q44 .899 and information complexity will cause to decrease the complexity, and
P7Q46 .861
P7Q42 .845
this will guide to increase in DMS. H6 is accepted. External Factors
P7Q45 .843 (Single Test-8) altogether have positive influence on DMS (H8), so an
P7Q41 .822 increase in External Factors guide to an increase in DMS. H8 is accepted.
P7Q43 .795 After the single Regression Modelling test, multiple Regression test
P7Q48 .896
has been conducted to analyze the relationship amongst dependent and
P7Q47 .712
more than one independent variable. Multiple Test-1 includes both
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. System Quality and Information Quality together, and it shows that
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. System Quality and Information Quality both have a positive influence
a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.
on DMS. System Quality and Information Quality together have a higher
impact on DMS with the 37%. Multiple Test-2 includes System Quality,
Information Quality, and System Intelligence together. System Quality
becomes insignificant when Information Quality and System Intelli­
gence are added to the analysis however the impact on DMS increase to
41%. Information Quality is the most effective variable amongst Internal
Factors. Multiple Test-3 includes Risk and Uncertainty together, and the
analysis result shows that Risk and Uncertainty both have a positive
influence on DMS. Both have 50% impact on DMS. Multiple Test-4 in­
cludes Risk, Uncertainty, and Complexity together, and analysis results
show that all variables have a positive influence on DMS. Altogether
they have 55% impact on DMS. A comparison of Internal and External
Factors’ impact confirms that External Factors have a higher impact on
DMS which is in line with the related literature.
The Proposed SIMS-DMS Model includes Internal and External Fac­
tors, and Regression Test is applied for the Internal and External vari­
ables together (Multiple Test-5) to find out the effectiveness to the DMS.
Results show that Internal and External Factors both have a positive
influence on DMS.

Fig. 5. Scree plot of decision-making satisfaction. Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Confirmatory Factor Analysis has been conducted to peruse the

that items are divided into two parts as is proposed in the Model. model fit statistics by using AMOS 24 and GFI, NFI, CFI, AGFI, NNFI,
The Scree Plot of DMS shows that 2 items are separated in the model. RMSEA values are analyzed.
According to ECU (1988) and Jackson et al. (2005) “NFI” and “CFI”
Single and multiple Regression tests values of over 0.9, preferably 0.95, represents a well-fitting model. “The
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)” presented by Steiger
Single Regression Modelling test is conducted to accept or reject the and Lind in 1980 (Albright & Park, 2009) which is another popular
hypotheses and declare the relationship between a dependent variable measure, is mentioned to be 0.05 or lower than 0.05 (Kyle, 1999) or
and one independent variable. even 0.06 or lower (Kahn, 2006) to be accepted as a good fit. PCLOSE is
System Quality (Single Test-1) has a positive influence on DMS (H1), expected to have a P-value greater than 0.50 (Hiers et al., 2007). Ac­
i.e., an increase in system quality leads to an increase in DMS. H1 is cording to Hu and Bentler (1999) and the above-mentioned studies, the
accepted. Information Quality (Single Test-2) has a positive influence on cut-off criteria of the stated statistics are shown below in Table 5.
DMS (H2), i.e., an increase in Information Quality leads to an increase in
DMS. H2 is accepted. System Intelligence (Single Test-3) has a positive Table 5
influence on DMS (H3), so an increase in the System Intelligence guides Cut-off criteria.
to an increase in DMS. H3 is accepted. Internal Factors altogether (Single Measure Terrible Acceptable Excellent
Test-4) have a positive influence on DMS (H7), and so an increase in
CMIN/DF >5 >3 >1
Internal Factors guides to an increase in DMS. H7 is accepted. CFI <0.90 <0.95 >0.95
Risk (Single Test-5) has a positive influence on DMS (H4), so an in­ NFI <0.90 <0.95 >0.95
crease in risk guides to a decrease in DMS. Risk as a variable has a SRMR >0.10 >0.08 <0.08
financial impact, lack of user experience and nature of the task as an >0.08 >0.06 <0.06
PClose <0.01 <0.05 >0.05
item measured. Positive improvement will cause a decrease in Risk so
that DMS will increase. H4 is accepted. Uncertainty (Single Test-6), with
technological innovation, technical security, and unexpected problems

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

Table 6 Table 8
Confirmatory factor analysis result of Internal Factors. Structural Equation Modelling of the proposed SIMS-DMS model.
Measure Estimate Threshold Interpretation Measure Estimate Threshold Interpretation

CMIN 306.882 – – CMIN 866.895 – –

DF 193.000 – – DF 502.000 – –
CMIN/DF 1.590 Between 1 and 3 Excellent CMIN/DF 1.727 Between 1 and 3 Excellent
CFI 0.966 >0.95 Excellent CFI 0.929 >0.95 Acceptable
NFI 0.915 <0.95 Acceptable NFI 0.849 <0.9 Terrible
SRMR 0.050 <0.08 Excellent SRMR 0.176 <0.08 Excellent
RMSEA 0.048 <0.06 Excellent RMSEA 0.054 <0.06 Excellent
PClose 0.586 >0.05 Excellent PClose 0.148 >0.05 Excellent

1. Internal Factors

The goodness of fit indicates that the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model does
not fit the data well. Modification Indices indicated that the error vari­
ance between items should be corrected. Therefore, the error variance
between items is corrected. After the correction, the goodness of fit
statistics showed that the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model fixed the data well.
The Model Fit Summary (Table 6) of Internal Factors demonstrates that
the measured values of CFA, CMIN/DF, CFI and PCLOSE values are
considered as excellent fit since they are over the related cut-off value.
Besides, SRMR and RMSEA are considered excellent fit since they are
under the cut-off value, and NFI is considered an acceptable fit with a
value that is less than the cut-off acceptable value. The model fit is

2. External Factors

The Model Fit Summary (Table 7) of External Factors demonstrates

that the CMIN/DF, CFI, NFI, SRMR, RMSEA and PCLOSE values which Fig. 6. Structural Equation Modelling of SIMS-DMS.
are measurement values of CFA, are considered as the excellent fit since
they are at the range of related excellent cut-off value. values of measured items of variables which can be interpreted as high
impact on variables.
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Fig. 7 shows the final view of the SIMS-DMS Model after Confirma­
tory Factor Analysis results and Structural Equation Modelling. Risk and
According to the comparison table of “PLS-SEM” (Chin and; News­ Uncertainty showed as one variable as the External Factors reduced to
ted, 1999) and the recommendation of various researchers, the two factors with the Exploratory Factor Analysis. Other variables are the
“CB-SEM” analysis technique has been taken into consideration since the same as the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model shown in Fig. 2.
proposed specific model needs confirmation and has a high number of
participants (n = 263) (Bollen, 1990; Kelloway, 1998). Findings
The Structural Equation Modelling (Table 8) has been conducted
after the Confirmatory Factor Analysis results which show that both The main aim of this research is to propose a new DMS model for
Internal and External modelling are an excellent fit. The model fit HEIs by considering recent technological advancements and environ­
summary of the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model demonstrates that the mental factors. In terms of technological innovations, analytics, visual­
CMIN/DF, SRMR, RMSEA and PCLOSE values are considered an excel­ ization, and system integration have been added under System
lent fit since they are at the range of related excellent cut-off values. Intelligence with other variables (System Quality, and Information
Besides, CFI is considered acceptable since it is in the range of acceptable Quality) which are considered as Internal Factors. In terms of External
cut-off value. However, NFI is considered terrible within the range of Factors effectiveness on DM; Risk, Uncertainty, and Complexity were
related terrible cut-off value. Although some modification indices have considered. In general, the results reveal that individually all variables
been conducted, the model fit result did not change to excellent fit. The positively influence DMS.
model fit is acceptable. The following results of the analyses include the influence of each
The final view of SEM results of the SIMS-DMS model is shown in variable on DMS. The findings show that System Quality has a positive
Fig. 6 with the modification of error variance, and the Factor Loading influence on DMS, i.e., an increase in system quality leads to an increase
in Internal Factors and DMS. Information Quality has a positive influ­
ence on satisfaction, so an increase in Information Quality leads to an
Table 7
Confirmatory factor analysis result of External Factors. increase in Internal Factors and the DMS. Both Information Quality and
System Quality have a positive influence on satisfaction. System Intel­
Measure Estimate Threshold Interpretation
ligence has a positive influence on DMS as one of the measured items of
CMIN 57.896 – – Internal Factors, so an increase in the System Intelligence guides to an
DF 40.000 – –
increase in DMS. To extend the model, Information Presentation is
CMIN/DF 1.447 Between 1 and 3 Excellent
CFI 0.985 >0.95 Excellent included under System Intelligence and results reveal that System In­
NFI 0.954 >0.95 Excellent telligence has a positive influence on DMS at the 5% level with an impact
SRMR 0.033 <0.08 Excellent of 0.288. The “analytics” and “integration with other systems” parts of
RMSEA 0.042 <0.06 Excellent System Intelligence have a positive effect on System Intelligence and
PClose 0.688 Excellent
DMS. The Regression Test result shows that adding System Intelligence

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

system flexibility; it is widely accepted that good system performance

affects the willingness of use. Information Quality that includes relevance
of information, content of information, accuracy of information, timeliness of
information and completeness of information influenced DMS, which are
also considered by Bharati and Chaudhury (2004) for the DMS in a
web-based decision support system. Therefore, SIMS should provide
complete, relevant, timely and accurate information to enhance user
satisfaction. According to Zaineldeen and Hongbo (2021) and Çelik and
Ayaz (2022), Information Quality does not have effectiveness on satis­
faction. But in this study, Information Quality has a positive influence on
satisfaction, so an increase in Information Quality leads to an increase in
Internal Factors and the DMS. The finding of the positive influence of
Information Quality on satisfaction is consistent with previous studies
(Gürkut & Nat, 2016, 2017; Tian & Xu, 2017) whose results also show
that Information Quality and System Quality have a positive influence
on satisfaction. The latter finding is also in line with the findings of
another research (Bharati & Chaudhury, 2004; Dooley et al., 2018;
Ghobakhloo & Tang, 2015; Nelson et al., 2005). Information Quality is
the most effective variable on DMS as an Internal Factor which means
that users are more satisfied when they get accurate information from
the system since this is the main source for making the right decisions.
Also, an increase in the System Intelligence guides to an increase in
DMS. Dwivedi et al. (2021)’s claim that AI decisions made within the
next few years will impact the lives of all of us and the future genera­
tions, are in line with this finding. To extend the model, Information
Presentation is included under System Intelligence with analytics and
integration with other systems which have positive effect on System
Intelligence and DMS. According to Bharati and Chaudhury (2004),
Information Presentation is one of the factors that affect the DMS, and
the findings of the research revealed that Information Presentation
didn’t have a positive influence on DMS. These results are consistent
with Gürkut and Nat (2016; 2017), who report that System Quality,
Information Quality, and Information Presentation have a positive effect
on DMS in terms of visualization. The “analytics” and “integration with
other systems” parts of System Intelligence have a positive effect on
System Intelligence and DMS. The most effective questions of System
Intelligence were P3Q23- “The system provides a multidimensional
Fig. 7. Student information management system decision-making satisfaction
model (SIMS-DMS Model). view of information” and P3Q20- “The system provides an opportunity
to choose reporting style” which means that users are interested in the
reporting style and the view of the information provided by the system.
as a factor cause the System Quality to become insignificant, only In­
This result can be explained as Information Quality and System Intelli­
formation Quality and System Intelligence together are significant at the
gence is sufficient for users to be satisfied with the Information System.
5% level.
The result of adding System Intelligence factor cause the System Quality
The extended model of SIMS-DMS had Risk, Uncertainty, and
to become insignificant where only Information Quality and System
Complexity as External Factors before the Exploratory Factor Analysis
Intelligence together become significant. This can be explained as In­
test. However, Risk and Uncertainty become one variable at the Factor
formation Quality and System Intelligence is sufficient for users to be
Loading. The Regression Modelling test result shows that Risk has a
satisfied with the Information System. This shows that people request
positive influence on DMS. Also, Uncertainty has a positive influence on
information that meets their needs and understanding. They are not
DMS. So, a decrease in Uncertainty will cause an increase in DMS.
interested in System Quality if they cannot find what they need. Addi­
Finally, Complexity has a positive influence on DMS. Besides, full
tionally, according to Carnoy (2004), some of the main obstacles to the
implementation of the External Factors, the findings of the second
use of ICT-based management tools in educational management include
research, is expected to satisfy academic and administrative staff when
a lack of training, a lack of data analysis expertise amongst adminis­
all factors are considered together. The Regression Modelling test was
trators, and a lack of user-friendly software for analyzing test results at
conducted for the main factors of the Proposed SIMS-DMS Model. The
the university level. Nevertheless, the full implementation of Internal
result shows that both academic and administrative staff are satisfied
Factors which is the findings of the first research question, is expected to
when all the factors are interrelated. The Internal Factors are significant
satisfy academic and administrative staff when all factors considered
with an influence of 0.341 at the 5% level and the External Factors are
significant with an influence of 0.475 at the 5% level.
The External Factors of the SIMS- DMS Risk, Uncertainty, and
Complexity have positive influence on DMS. However, Risk and Un­
certainty become one variable at Factor Loading which means that un­
certainty create a risk for the organization. So, a decrease in Uncertainty
The result of System Quality positively influencing DMS is consistent
will cause an increase in DMS. Most of these factors cannot be directly
with the findings of substantial research (Bharati & Chaudhury, 2004;
controlled by organizations, however, can be eliminated by measuring
Dooley et al., 2018; Ghobakhloo & Tang, 2015; Mkinga & Mandari,
the risk factors which can be controlled. Besides, full implementation of
2020; Nelson et al., 2005). Considering the attributes of System Quality
the External Factors, the findings of the second research question, is
such as system reliability, convenience to access, system ease of use, and
expected to satisfy academic and administrative staff when all factors

C. Gürkut et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2023) 100195

considered together. users are interested in discovering current and comprehensive infor­
The result of proposed SIMS-DMS Model Regression Modelling test mation. This study demonstrates that, depending on whether they are
showing that all staff were satisfied with interrelated factors is consis­ directly or indirectly satisfied, individuals’ choices for data visualization
tent with the findings of Elbanna and Fold (2016) who found that and presentation may vary from their preferences for information. Thus,
External Factors have a greater impact than Internal Factors on DMP. some extra factors were taken into consideration to increase the DMS.
Theoretical and practical implications Considering these, this study suggests that systems that support DM
This study commits advancements in today’s technologies (i.e., should put emphasis on information visualization by incorporating
Artificial Intelligence, visualization) that facilitate Decision-Making various presentation styles considering user’s preferences. “The data
Process based on well-designed presentations with visuals. This study must be gathered, organized, made interpretable, and then analyzed and
contributes to literature by considering the perceptions of academic and acted on to provide any meaningful information. This is where
administrative managers about DMP on SIMS. Various critical factors data-visualization steps in and allows the organizational leaders to ac­
impacting the users’ perspective regarding the Artificial Decision- cess and interpret data in real-time so that they can make highly
Making Systems, which also affect their receptions (Kushwaha et al., informed decisions quickly” (Visualr, 2018, p.1).
2022). HEI Management can utilize the developed model to improve System Quality has a positive influence on satisfaction. System
their Decision-Making Process by considering the organizational needs Quality, Information Quality and System Intelligence are categorized
and users’ preferences. IS teams can design systems by considering the under Internal Factors. The result shows that Internal Factors have
items that have impact on DMP to support the preparations of the re­ effectiveness on DMS. Internal Factors can be controlled and enhanced
ports for managers to achieve organizational goals. by organizations so they should continuously monitor their systems and
Limitations and future work consider the needs of uses to get the full benefit from their system. This
The sample of the study is limited with a specific country and can be also highlights the importance of organizational support needed for such
applied to a wide range of area in the world. This research is expected to systems. Improvement of Information Quality will increase the satis­
set a broad framework for the research needed to improve SIMS for faction level of managers in terms of DM.
future applications. It also helps the developers of SIMS to design a Another extension was External Factors that have effectiveness on
system that takes into account the needs of the decision makers. DMS. Risk, Uncertainty, and Complexity are categorized under External
Alfalah (2023) discuss that AI and ChatGPT technologies can be Factors. However, Risk and Uncertainty became one variable at the
effective in decision support systems in light of advancing technological Factor Loading which means that uncertainty creates a Risk for the or­
developments. However, despite this, experimental research studies ganizations. Most of these factors cannot be directly controlled by or­
indicate that Chatbot is not yet adequate for this purpose. Therefore, as a ganizations, however, can be eliminated by measuring the Risk factors
future work, to improve the developed model, the impact of AI Divide which can be controlled.
and techno-stress on decision making process can be considered as Besides the directly involved stakeholders such as students and ac­
External Factors. Additionally, the developed model can be utilized to ademics, Decision Support Systems can also be used by government
evaluate other systems used for decision making since the considered offices, and accreditation committees who are indirectly impacted by
factors are common for Information Systems. the success of an educational system.

Conclusion Declaration of Competing Interest

HEIs use SIMS to collect, organize, and manage all student data, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
courses offered in each semester, faculty data, and classroom data to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
provide meaningful information that influence DMP and daily activities. the work reported in this paper.
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Empirical Research Paper

Linking information systems team resilience to project management success

João Varajão a, *, Gabriela Fernandes b, António Amaral c, d
University of Minho, ALGORITMI Research Centre/LASI, Campus de Azurém, 4804-533, Guimarães, Portugal
University of Coimbra, CEMMPRE, ARISE, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pólo II, Rua Luis Reis Santos, 3030-788, Coimbra, Portugal
INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology, and Science, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465, Porto, Portugal
Polytechnic Institute of Porto, School of Engineering, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431, 4249-015, Porto, Portugal


Keywords: Team resilience is a critically essential contributor to team effectiveness. However, the impact of team resilience
Team resilience on project management success has been little studied. This article aims to investigate the influence of team
Project management success resilience on project management success in the context of information system projects. Using a quantitative
Information systems
study, we show that there is a significant positive relationship between project team resilience and project
Unstable environments
Disruptive events
management success. As a result of this finding, we stress the importance of developing actions to promote team
COVID resilience to increase the likelihood of project management success, particularly in unstable environments.

1. Introduction resilience in teams (Duchek et al., 2021) and, in particular, little is

known about the impact of team resilience both on team performance
An Information Systems (IS) project is a temporary endeavor un­ (Naderpajouh et al., 2020) and on project management success. This gap
dertaken to improve an organization (e.g., a company) through the use is particularly noticeable in the IS arena.
of Information Technology (IT) (Varajão, 2018; Varajão et al., 2022). A Moreover, the magnitude and degree of environmental instability
major attribute of IS projects is their socio-technical nature, and they can affect the likelihood of major disruption events that might affect the
take on many forms, such as digital transformation endeavors (Escobar projects’ lifecycle execution, project management performance, and the
et al., 2023), IT/IS custom development (Cadle and Yeates, 2008), IS attainment of the project’s predefined outputs, outcomes, and benefits
consulting (Cadle and Yeates, 2008), or commercial off-the-shelf appli­ (Blay, 2017). Disruption can be seen as a large-scale event that can
cation deployment (Meneses and Varajão, 2022). profoundly affect the organization’s or endeavor’s performance (Fasey
Effective teams are one of the most influential success factors of IS et al., 2021). Those events pose increasing challenges to organizations’
projects (Rehman et al., 2020), and in recent years there has been a lasting prosperity and development over time (Chen et al., 2021a,b), and
growing interest in studying team resilience contributors (Chapman teams are typically charged with creating and enacting organizational
et al., 2020). Team resilience is defined here as a project team’s ability to responses to them (Kaplan and Waller, 2018). One example of a
recover from and adapt to shocks and potentially improve performance large-scale global disruptive event was the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020,
(Linkov and Trump, 2019). whose multifaceted impacts we are still experiencing today. Thus, if it is
Different tiers of resilience analysis have been developed based on important to understand the relationship between team resilience and
empirical studies (Aldrich, 2012). For example, recently, Pavez et al. project management success under the so-called “normal” or “stable”
(2021) have shown that affect-based trust and group potency positively environmental conditions, it is then critically vital in the context of
relate to project team resilience, and Linkov et al. (2018) propose an “high clock speed” environments (Pinsonneault and Choi, 2022) and
approach for resilience assessment that can be integrated into the disruptive times like the one we are currently experiencing, where
existing regulatory processes. events such as pandemics are constantly challenging project teams’
Despite the growing interest in studying resilience, there is still a resilience (Floetgen et al., 2021).
limited understanding regarding project team resilience (Alliger et al., This article aims to fill the literature gap by presenting a study on the
2015; Chen and Zhang, 2021; Hartmann et al., 2020a,b; Naderpajouh influence of team resilience on project management success. The un­
et al., 2020; Thomé et al., 2016); in fact, little attention has been paid to derlying research question is: Does team resilience influence project

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: varajao@dsi.uminho.pt (J. Varajão), gabriela.fernandes@dem.uc.pt (G. Fernandes), sal@isep.ipp.pt (A. Amaral).

Received 26 February 2023; Received in revised form 9 August 2023; Accepted 23 August 2023
Available online 25 August 2023
2666-7215/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
J. Varajão et al. Project Leadership and Society 4 (2023) 100094

management success in information systems projects? We hypothesize situations (e.g., the loss of a team member) without collapsing (Leng­
that project team resilience is correlated to project management success nick-Hall and Beck, 2009); this capacity allows the team to successfully
(i.e., to the degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the management adjust to a new set of tasks and increase reliability, longevity, and
process), and the effect size varies according to the project’s environ­ overall performance (Bandura, 1997). Resilience can be improved
mental stability. through a set of actions that make the team more or less resilient
The research approach is quantitative within a cross-sectional study (Amaral et al., 2015), protecting it from the potential adverse effects of
(Neuman, 2014; Saunders et al., 2019). Three questionnaire-based sur­ stressors or disruptive events it may encounter throughout the project
veys were administered to collect data for the theoretical model’s lifecycle (Morgan et al., 2015).
empirical validation in stable and unstable project environments. Team Team resilience can also be defined as an emergent state reflecting a
members from IS projects carried out in an academic setting between team’s capacity to bounce back from adversities or setbacks (Brykman
February 2019 and May 2021 were contacted (at the end of their pro­ and King, 2021; Stoverink et al., 2020). Bowers et al. (2017) conclude
jects) to invite them to participate in the survey. Despite the context’s that resilience is the result of a dynamic process that affects and is
specificities, since projects were carried out by teams of students affected by other salient team variables. The level of team bonding can
enrolled in a master’s program, the projects shared the same charac­ empower teams to overcome issues that might impact the project’s
teristics as other professional projects: they have a context and the goals; these bonds can also improve learning possibilities and provide
objective of improving real organizations (i.e., they were not a mere insights to boost adaptability when experiencing disruptions or setbacks
assignment which a professor then marked), with project management (Morgan et al., 2015; van der Beek and Schraagen, 2015).
success being indexed to stakeholder satisfaction (primarily client Some authors propose theoretical models and scales suitable for
satisfaction). The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential measuring team resilience. van der Beek and Schraagen (2015) present
statistics. ADAPTER, a questionnaire driven by four essential abilities of resilience
Organizations are increasingly geared toward implementing their (responding, monitoring, anticipating, and learning). Stoverink et al.
strategic objectives through projects. However, the incidence of (2020) propose a theoretical model of team resilience that aims to clarify
disruptive events limits organizations’ ability to implement their pro­ the meaning of the work team resilience construct and illustrates how it
jects. In fact, these events can profoundly affect project technical emerges in an interdependent fashion via critical team-level resources
feasibility, budget execution, planned time to market, and even, in some and how it unfolds over time through team processes. Sharma and
cases, the need to abort the project. The absence of a resilience-oriented Sharma (2016) present a scale to assess the team resilience capacity via
organizational culture for the project team can greatly hamper the or­ four major constructs: mastery approaches, group structure, social
ganization’s ability to achieve success and, at the same time, constrain capital, and collective efficacy. Varajão et al. (2021) propose a theo­
the project’s contribution to creating value and generating benefits retical model for explaining team resilience and a scale that includes the
(Rahi, 2019). Therefore, it is of utmost importance to understand the factors of trust and solidarity, focus on results, commitment, manage­
influence of team resilience on project management success in both ment and accountability, embracing conflicts, work conditions, and
stable and disruptive contexts. Our results contribute to a better un­ skills and behaviors. In our study, we adopted the scale by Varajão et al.
derstanding of this phenomenon. (2021) since it was empirically tested with IS projects data, as is the case
The remaining content of the paper proceeds as follows. We first of our research.
review the relevant literature and develop the hypotheses of the impact
of team resilience on project management success. After outlining the 2.2. Project success and project management success
research method, we describe and discuss the empirical findings from
the statistical tests performed. Finally, the article concludes by pre­ Dvir et al. (2003) emphasize three main points for measuring a
senting the main implications of these findings on theory and practice, project’s success (or failure): the implementation process, the project’s
its limitations, and future work. perceived value, and the client/customer satisfaction level with the
project’s outputs. Moreover, according to Shenhar et al. (1997), there
2. Background are four dimensions of success: project efficiency, impact on cli­
ent/customer, business success, and preparation for the future.
2.1. Team resilience The project efficiency dimension is a short-term metric that focuses
on how efficiently each project process was managed. It highlights
The personal ability to properly overcome setbacks and deal with projects that were completed on time and within budget. While this is a
unexpected events by focusing on a set of actions to compensate for the mark of quality in project management, it does not ensure enhanced
effects of damaging circumstances requires a specific set of compe­ benefits, which are vital to achieving long-term project success (Slevin
tencies, experience, and attitudes (Furniss et al., 2011), which can be and Pinto, 1987; Varajão et al., 2022).
designated as individual resilience (Zautra et al., 2010). Resilience The impact on clients/customers and/or end-users is deeply related
shortens the recovery period for individuals and ensures a strengthened to the perceived value obtained by ensuring fulfillment of the needs and
will, as well as an increased repository of resources for future situations requirements defined by them (Pereira et al., 2022). Client/customer
(Carmeli et al., 2013). satisfaction can also be related to follow-up approaches to facilitate
Individual resilience is related to team resilience (Hartwig et al., feedback on projects or even new versions of the same product or out­
2020), and some mechanisms of team resilience are similar to those puts that can improve the organization’s success.
pointed out at the individual level. To successfully overcome disruptive According to the Project Management Methodology (EU, 2018), the
situations, teams need to develop resilience capabilities (Duchek et al., success of a project is achieved when objectives are realized, and all
2019). However, the dimension of teamwork and the interactions deliverables are produced and accepted by the project client. Turner and
among its members raise new aspects that need to be adequately Xue (2018) consider that a project is successful when there are relevant
considered to measure their dependency and impact on the team per­ benefits, based on deliverables and schedule and budget compliance.
formance (Mathieu et al., 2008; Varajão et al., 2021). Other authors include the quality (in addition to schedule and budget) to
Resilience has been recognized as an important phenomenon for measure project success (Collins and Baccarini, 2004; Yeong and Lim,
understanding how individuals and teams overcome difficult situations 2010).
(Bowers et al., 2017). Team resilience can be defined as the team’s Baccarini (1999) bases success on two components: product success
intrinsic ability to deal with problems (Carmeli and Markman, 2011), and project management success. On the one hand, project management
overcome obstacles, or resist excessive pressure caused by adverse success focuses on the management process and mainly on the successful

J. Varajão et al. Project Leadership and Society 4 (2023) 100094

execution of the project in the three dimensions of scope, time, and cost, outcomes before and after a crisis (Trijp et al., 2018), we hypothesize
which indicates its degree of efficiency and effectiveness. On the other that the effect of the positive influence of team resilience on project
hand, product success mainly focuses on the effects of the project results management success is greater in such unstable contexts (e.g., projects
in the post-project stage. This article focuses on project management carried out in person, forced to move to remote work due to a disruptive
success following Baccarini (1999)’s perspective by considering the event such as COVID-19 that brings uncertainty to the project execu­
triple constraint and stakeholder satisfaction in evaluating success. tion). Thus, the following hypotheses:
H2a. The relationship between Team Resilience and Project Manage­
3. Research model and hypotheses
ment Success is stronger when working in unstable environments.
Our research addresses the influence of team resilience on the suc­ H2b. The relationship between Team Resilience and Project Manage­
cess of IS project management. As shown in Fig. 1, the conceptual model ment Success is weaker when working in stable environments.
is composed of two main variables: Project Management Success – the
dependent variable – regards scope, time, and cost compliance, as well 4. Method
as deliverables quality and stakeholder satisfaction (mainly client
satisfaction) (Baccarini, 1999; Pereira et al., 2022); the independent 4.1. Measurement
variable, Team Resilience, relates to team resilience in relation to trust
and solidarity, focus on results, commitment, management and The measurement items used in our research are based on relevant
accountability, embracing conflicts, work conditions, and skills and literature. We adopted items identified in previous studies to enhance
behaviors (Varajão et al., 2021). In Fig. 1, the effect of environmental validity (by using tested and proven measures). Team resilience was
stability on the relationship between team resilience and project man­ measured using the scale proposed by Varajão et al. (2021) to calculate a
agement success is also considered. The arrows in the figure represent Team Resilience index for each surveyed project. A Project Management
the hypotheses to be tested empirically. success index was also calculated, taking as criteria scope, time, and cost
Projects are becoming more complex, which gives rise to a context of compliance, as well as the quality of deliverables and stakeholder
adversity (Morcov et al., 2020). Being resilient in such an environment satisfaction (including sponsor and client satisfaction), following the
entails having the necessary skills to deal with the unknown trans­ work of Baccarini (1999) and Pereira et al. (2022). The measuring items
formation and adjust processes (Klein et al., 2015). To maintain progress presented in Table 1 were taken and adapted from the original sources to
and achieve success in project management, project teams must be able create the research instrument (questionnaire). For instance, the item
to recover from setbacks, i.e., they need to be resilient (Karlsen and Berg, “Ensuring adequate working conditions” was presented in the ques­
2020). Hence the following hypothesis: tionnaire as “Adequate working conditions were ensured in your proj­
ect.” The items used in this study were measured using a seven-point
H1. Team Resilience is positively related to Project Management
Likert-type scale (1 = “I strongly disagree” to 7 = “I strongly agree”).
Problems in a project are common and often affect performance,
4.2. Measurement assessment
primarily due to unforeseen scenarios and situations that increase un­
certainty (Huemann and Martinsuo, 2016). Thus, the influence of team
Although our study used identical items to those in Varajão et al.
resilience on project management success is expected to be positive even
(2021), Baccarini (1999), and Pereira et al. (2022), thus taking advan­
in the case of projects carried out in (more) stable environments, such as
tage of previous validation, we examined the context validity of the
the pre-pandemic context. On the other hand, considering that team
questionnaire before the survey was conducted. Four IS and project
resilience is a key attribute when organizations are faced with emer­
management professors and five IS project managers pilot-tested the
gencies and need to implement suitable responses to ensure desired
surveys. Considering the feedback obtained, we concluded that no

Trust &

Focus on

Commitment Time

Management &
Accountability Team Resilience Cost

conflicts Quality

conditions Satisfaction

Skills &

Fig. 1. Conceptual model.

J. Varajão et al. Project Leadership and Society 4 (2023) 100094

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Measuring items. Constructs Items Adapted from
Constructs Items Adapted from
Reinforcing the need for team
Team Resilience Team Resilience index (calculated) Varajão et al. members to always give the benefit of
Trust & Solidarity Minimizing individualistic behavior in (2021) the doubt before drawing negative
favor of teamwork results conclusions
Empowering project team (give Work conditions Ensuring redundancy of non-human
decision-making power to team resources (e.g., equipment)
members) Establishing a flexible work schedule
Promoting solidarity between project to address the needs of each team
team members during work member
development Providing opportunities for project
Encouraging project team members’ team continuous learning
autonomy and versatility Stimulating a positive and loyal
Promoting collaboration among project team environment
project team members Ensuring adequate working conditions
Developing project team building Skills & Behaviors Setting up teams with the necessary
Focus on results Establishing specific indicators competencies to perform project
regarding project results activities
Ensuring systematic feedback on Providing training to develop the
project results necessary competencies for the project
Focusing team effort on project results Developing individual resilience of
Seeking to minimize project project team members
ambiguities Identifying the most important
Commitment Helping each team member to behavioral characteristics of each
perceive the usefulness of their work team member to “strengthen” the
Ensuring that low-performing team project team
members feel the need to improve Identifying the most important
Involving the project team in project behavioral characteristics of each
plan development team member that can “weaken” the
Encouraging all project team members project team
to put forward their ideas and making Promoting the ability of project team
them feel that their ideas are taken members to learn from mistakes
into account Encouraging assertiveness among
Aligning all project team members team members (e.g., “talk about what
with the project’s objectives should be said”)
Implementing a philosophy of Promoting recognition, appreciation,
participatory project management and use of the talents and
Implementing proper motivation competencies of each team member
systems Project Project Management Success index (Baccarini, 1999;
Management & Minimizing disturbances during the Management (calculated) Pereira et al.,
Accountability project lifecycle (e.g., lack of Success 2022)
information, rumors, etc.) Scope
Reporting priority activities to each Time
team member Cost
Controlling project progress and Quality
highlighting any default by the team Satisfaction (stakeholders)
Performing project control in close
proximity to the project team
Avoiding bureaucracy in project refinements to the questionnaire were needed.
management Cronbach’s Alpha was computed to test the reliability and internal
Identifying the best strategy for project
consistency of the responses. Cronbach’s Alpha ranged from 0.756
Implementing project risk (Team Resilience – Focus on results) to 0.930 (Team Resilience –
management processes Commitment), which is considered a good value since all constructs
Helping the team to manage change scored above 0.7 (Cohen, 1988), indicating a high degree of internal
properly consistency of responses.
Implementing effective
communication processes
Embracing Identifying and clarifying acceptable
conflicts and unacceptable behaviors of team 4.3. Data
members (e.g., sarcasm, bias, etc.)
Identifying and eliminating barriers to Hypotheses testing is based on a cross-sectional sample of informa­
project execution (e.g., physical
environment conditions such as
tion systems projects. This data was collected at three different points in
temperature, noise level; interpersonal time over three years. The project teams of 71 IS projects developed in
relationships; unsolved issues from the an academic setting were contacted to participate in the survey in 2019
past; antisocial behavior, etc.) (dataset 1: pre-pandemic projects carried out 100% in-person), 2020
Promoting active listening by all
(dataset 2: projects carried out in-person in the first month during the
project team members
Placing team interest always before pandemic, and then conducted via remote working due to the Corona­
personal interest virus outbreak, facing high uncertainty in the wake of this disruptive
Encouraging project team members to event), and 2021 (dataset 3: “post”-pandemic projects carried out 100%
recognize their weaknesses and via remote working).
Promoting requests and acceptance of
Despite the context’s specificities, since projects were carried out by
excuses among project team members teams of students enrolled in the project management course of a mas­
ter’s program on information systems engineering and management, the
projects shared the same characteristics as other professional projects,

J. Varajão et al. Project Leadership and Society 4 (2023) 100094

with project management success being indexed to stakeholder satis­ years) to test hypothesis H1. Then, it was calculated using each year’s
faction (primarily client satisfaction). Projects were carried out in a project data separately to verify if environmental stability influences the
“real” environment: all the projects had a client, which could be internal effect size of the correlation (to test hypotheses H2a and H2b). The data
(from the university) or external (e.g., a company); and the main collected were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics software package.
objective was to contribute to improving an organization. In each team,
one student assumed the role of project manager, following project 5. Results
management best practices (including classical, agile, and hybrid ap­
proaches, depending on the project characteristics). The project teams 5.1. Descriptive findings
ranged from five to six members (for a total of 376 members), all having
a degree in IS engineering and IT proficiency. Descriptive statistics were computed to summarize and describe the
The completion of this project management course in the master’s data collected. The most relevant statistics used included the mean,
program not only facilitates student mobility beyond the university but median, mode, and standard deviation. For a given variable, the mean is
also exposes them to an environment conducive to honing skills that the average score assigned by respondents (the sum of responses/scores
extend beyond academia (Benson and Chau, 2019). Moreover, it en­ given divided by the number of responses), which can be affected by
hances the likelihood of students securing employment as project extremely high and low values. So, in general, this is complemented by
managers upon course completion (Hurn, 2016). other measures of central tendency, such as the median. The median is
Participants were asked to fill out an online questionnaire regarding not sensitive to outlying or abnormal values and represents the score for
team resilience in their projects, and strict confidentiality of individual a variable above and below which half of the responses fall. The mode
responses was assured. As in many other studies, this data-gathering represents the score for a variable’s most frequently occurring score
method can be a source of bias, mainly response bias (in this case). (when multiple modes exist, the SPSS software package only reports the
This occurs when participants do not answer the questionnaire accu­ smallest mode). Data analysis is enriched if all three measures are used.
rately due to factors such as social desirability. For instance, respondents Finally, standard deviation measures dispersion around the mean
may lie or omit information to avoid judgment. This was minimized by (Varajão et al., 2020). Table 3 presents the descriptive statistics of the
clearly communicating the research objective and clarifying that it does surveyed projects.
not influence the project evaluation. The mean values of the team resilience index vary between 5.8945
The project management success index for all projects was reported (2019) and 6.3253 (2021). The standard deviations show values ranging
by the project evaluators (two professors responsible for the projects), between 0.32094 (2021) and 0.46496 (2020), indicating the answers’
who were the same for all the projects. Note also that the used criteria variability. Overall, it is noted that the project teams seem more resilient
and evaluation procedures were the same in all reported years after the pandemic. Regarding the project management success
(including listening to the client).
A total of 373 team members completed the questionnaire. Thirteen
of these questionnaires were not used in the analysis due to incomplete Table 3
responses or outliers (resulting in removing three projects), thus Projects – descriptive statistics.
yielding a final response rate of 95.75% (corresponding to 360 valid Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3 Total
questionnaires and 68 projects). Table 2 presents the demographics of (2019) (2020) (2021) data
participants and projects. Valid 25 19 24 68
Most of the respondents are male (68.9%). The respondents partici­ Team Resilience index
pated in projects classified into three types: IT/IS custom development Minimum 4.90 4.90 5.63 4.90
(50.0%); IS analysis (27.9%); IS consulting (22.1%). The project’s Maximum 6.73 6.80 6.85 6.85
Mean 5.8945 5.9674 6.3253 6.0669
average duration was three months.
Median 5.8667 6.0083 6.4083 6.0646
Mode 4.90a 4.90a 5.63a 4.90a
4.4. Data analysis Std. 0.44012 0.46496 0.32094 0.44795
Project Management Success index
The unit of analysis in our study is the project team. After collecting Minimum 13.27 16.49 12.35 12.35
data, the team resilience index was calculated for each project as an Maximum 18.89 18.75 18.98 18.98
average of all project team members’ responses (to improve reliability). Mean 16.0508 17.6482 17.0850 16.8621
Median 16.2100 17.8100 17.5300 17.2100
Correlations were computed to investigate if there was any statistically
Mode 16.33 16.49a 12.35a 16.33a
significant association between team resilience and project management Std. 1.61029 0.73568 1.53777 1.52468
success. Since the assumption of normality of the variables was violated, deviation
the nonparametric Spearman rho statistic was calculated (Cohen, 1988).
a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown.
The Spearman rho was first calculated using all the data (from the three

Table 2
Demographics of participants and projects.
Dataset 1 (2019) Dataset 2 (2020) Dataset 3 (2021) Total data

Number % Number % Number % Number %

Number of projects/teams 25 36.8 19 27.9 24 35.3 68 -
Team elements 129 35.8 97 26.9 134 37.2 360 -
Participant gender
Male 91 70.5 69 71.1 88 65.7 248 68.9
Female 38 29.5 28 28.9 46 34.3 112 31.1
Project type
IT/IS custom development 12 48.0 10 52.6 12 50.0 34 50.0
IS analysis 7 28.0 5 26.3 7 29.2 19 27.9
IS consulting 6 24.0 4 21.1 5 29.8 15 22.1

J. Varajão et al. Project Leadership and Society 4 (2023) 100094

normalized index, the mean values range from 16.0508 (2019) to towards enhancing resilience and thus improving performance. Another
17.6482 (2020). The standard deviations range from 0.73568 (2020) to study by Meneghel et al. (2016)a,b shows that job social resources are
1.61029 (2019). It is worth mentioning that project management suc­ related to team performance, and team resilience is a significant medi­
cess reached slightly higher levels in the 2020 projects, which were ator. The results suggest that organizations should develop social re­
impacted by a major disruption (the coronavirus outbreak). However, it sources of work to enhance team resilience and, consequently, team
should also be noted that in 2020 the number of projects was also lower performance. Chen and Zhang (2021)’ research also shows a strong link
than the other years surveyed. between team resilience and team performance in the context of new
venture teams. Qamari et al. (2020) present a conceptual model of
transformative interaction capability. Along with the quality of work life
5.2. Hypotheses testing
and transformative interaction capability constructs, the conceptual
model links team resilience to teamwork performance; it was found a
To find if there is a significant association between team resilience
positive relation between team resilience and teamwork performance.
and project management success in information systems projects, as well
Duchek et al. (2021)’ research shows that training focused on team
as any effect on the relationship with environmental stability, the
building and resilience achieves the best results concerning group dy­
Spearman rho statistic was computed. The results are presented in
namics and resilience behavior. Oh and Teo (2006) also conclude that
Table 4.
more resilient organizations exhibited better organizational
The results indicate a statistically significant positive correlation
between the team resilience index and the project management success
Although none of the mentioned studies directly address the rela­
index r(68) = 0.510, p<0.01. According to the guidelines by Cohen
tionship between team resilience and project management success or are
(1988), the effect size is large. Moreover, as expected, the effect size of
focused on the context of IS projects, the overall results align with our
team resilience is larger when disruptive events occur, such as the
findings since, in all cases, resilience directly or indirectly influences
Coronavirus outbreak, which mainly affected the surveyed 2020’s pro­
performance. Our study expands previous research by discussing team
jects. The correlation coefficient during this period has a large effect size
resilience as an influencer of project management success and proposing
r(19) = 0.591, p<0.01, while in the surveyed 2019’s projects (the first
and examining a conceptual model tested under different conditions
dataset), the correlation coefficient has a medium effect size r(25) =
(stable and unstable environments) within the context of IS projects.
0.400, p<0.01. According to Cohen (1988), the r coefficient between 0.3
Note that projects carried out in a more stable environment occurred
and 0.5 is a medium or typical correlation, while the r coefficient be­
in teams working 100% in-person (2019 projects) and working 100%
tween 0.5 and 0.7 is large or larger than typical. Therefore, we can
remotely (2021 projects). In both cases, the effect size is medium, which
conclude that developing team resilience in IS projects is even more
shows that the work regime may not significantly affect the influence of
important in unstable environments, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
team resilience on project management success. Our results are aligned
with Neirotti et al. (2012)’ study since they did not find differences in
6. Discussion labor productivity in the case of home-based telework practices. On the
one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic brought new challenges and de­
6.1. Theoretical contributions mands to individuals and organizations since it was necessary to adapt
quickly to unique circumstances, such as intensively carrying out work
In an increasingly dynamic and unexpected business environment, from home using IT/IS (Soares et al., 2021). On the other hand, Schoch
studying resilience is fundamental to understanding how individuals (2023) states that remote working self-efficacy generally increases
and teams successfully handle adversity (Hartmann et al., 2020a,b). performance for remote work. This may explain our results (at least
However, despite the vital role of teamwork in organizations, the con­ partially) since all the surveyed team members have a degree in IS en­
ceptual development of team resilience is still in its infancy (Hartmann gineering and IT proficiency.
et al., 2020a,b; Hartmann et al., 2020a,b). Our research brings impor­
tant theoretical contributions to the body of knowledge. On the one
6.2. Managerial implications
hand, it contributes to increasing the knowledge of resilience and project
management by showing a positive correlation between project team
The research has practical management implications relevant to
resilience and the success of project management in IS projects; on the
temporary organizations, highlighting the need to focus more on pro­
other hand, it shows that the effect size of team resilience is larger in
jects’ social and human elements rather than technical ones, which
unstable environments when major disruptive events impact projects.
aligns with Hernes (2014). This research also provides new evidence to
Some previous studies have linked resilience with performance. For
practitioners on the importance of developing systematic actions to
instance, Meneghel et al. (2016)a,b investigated the relationship be­
promote project team resilience, as other authors advocate (e.g., Varajão
tween collective positive emotions at work, team resilience, and in-role
et al. (2021); Zemba et al. (2019).
and extra-role team performance. The results emphasize the importance
Team resilience is a multilevel phenomenon (Linkov and Trump,
of developing positive emotions within teams to support their evolution
2019) that requires clear identification of key factors and appropriate
stimulus to enable its emergence and systemic development in in­
Table 4 dividuals, teams, and organizational culture (Gucciardi et al., 2018).
Hypotheses testing. Therefore, organizations should promote a better work-life balance
Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3 All data quality to enhance project team members’ transformative interaction
(2019) (2020) (2021) capabilities, thus positively affecting team resilience and overall per­
Correlation r = 0.400* r = 0.591** r = 0.455* r= formance (Qamari et al., 2020). Dimas et al. (2018) highlight the
Coefficient 0.510** importance of adopting transformative leadership behaviors to increase
Sig. (2-tailed) p = 0.048 p = 0.008 p = 0.026 P<0.001
the viability and overall effectiveness of the team. Leaders need to know
(<0.05) (<0.01) (<0.05)
N (projects/ 25 19 24 68 their signature strengths and use them wisely and assertively to increase
teams) the resilience level of teams (Karlsen and Berg, 2020).
Hypotheses Supported Supported Supported Supported Organizations should develop strong values (Coutu, 2003), a strong
Effect size Medium Large Medium Large sense of purpose, a clear vision, and assertive and strategic communi­
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). cation (Lengnick-Hall and Beck, 2009). Increasing team resilience in­
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). volves strengthening the group structure, supporting the incorporation

J. Varajão et al. Project Leadership and Society 4 (2023) 100094

of common rules and values, adopting shared transformational leader­ extent of disruptions experienced, combined with the maturity of project
ship, and creating meaningful interactions amongst team members, management and the expertise level of team members, will allow early
particularly during unexpected events, as well as promoting proactive detection of potential risks and enhance the capability to create ad­
awareness focused on team improvement (Morgan et al., 2015; van der justments rapidly, thus avoiding impacting project execution and value
Beek and Schraagen, 2015). creation.
Finally, digital transformation and the tendency to adopt IT towards
7. Conclusion increasing the data available to support decision-making will continue
influencing project management in the future. Creating augmented and
Instability and uncertainty in business environments are rising, virtual reality simulations (supported by artificial intelligence) may help
forcing organizations to adopt new working strategies to sustain their prepare teams to overcome unpleasant situations and their impacts. This
ability to thrive and compete globally and enhance their resilience to can be combined with the adoption of transformational leadership and
deal with sudden disruptions that may affect their strategic efforts team engagement to gain greater awareness and accelerate quality
(Fridgeirsson et al., 2021). According to Chen et al. (2021)a,b, empirical response time to unstable events or situations. Being prepared to deal
studies suggest that resilient organizations are much more flexible and with challenging scenarios and prepare responses in advance could
able to adapt to change, even if the business environment is complex and enhance team resilience and the ability to overcome difficulties, thus
disruptive (Sakurai and Chughtai, 2020). achieving higher success levels.
Project teams are fundamental in this context. However, work teams
frequently face various adverse conditions and, as a result, can experi­ Declaration of competing interest
ence process breakdowns and performance declines, even leading to
team failure (Stoverink et al., 2020). Our research shows that project The authors have no interests to declare.
team resilience has an important role as a main contributor to the suc­
cess of project management in IS projects. This is even more evident in Data availability
the case of major disruptive events that impact projects.
The main limitation of this research concerns the data sample. The The data that has been used is confidential.
data was collected in the context of IS projects carried out by teams of
master’s students. For this reason, the generalizability of these results to
other project contexts is somewhat limited. Gordon et al. (1986) discuss
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This work was been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e
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Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope (UIDB/00319/2020).
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Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management 29 (2022) 101587

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Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques

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Case Reports & Case Series

Awake craniotomy with intraoperative open magnetic resonance imaging

under anesthesia management using an anesthesia information
management system via a wireless local area network: Case report
Tsuyoshi Ikeda a, Shima Taguchi b, *, Michiyoshi Sanuki c, Toshiaki Haraki d, Takahiro Kato b,
Yasuo M. Tsutsumi b
Department of Anesthesiology, Hiroshima Prefectural Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan
Department of Anesthesiology, Hiroshima University Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan
Department of Anesthesiology, Kure Medical Center and Chugoku Cancer Center, Hiroshima, Japan
Department of Anesthesiology, JA Hiroshima General Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan


Keywords Awake craniotomy with intraoperative open magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) requires special anesthesia
Anesthesia information management system management, wherein the use of an anesthesia information management system (AIMS) is important. However,
Open MRI automatic recording using AIMS is generally difficult because of potential noise from electronic devices affecting
Awake craniotomy
magnetic resonance images and device malfunction due to magnetic fields emitted during MRI. At our hospital,
we have confirmed that wireless local area network (LAN) radio waves do not cause noise during MRI, and have
designed a shielded box to house the wireless transmitter and electronic devices that allow a wireless LAN to pass
through but shield the electronic devices from noise, thus enabling AIMS recording via a wireless LAN, even
during MRI. We demonstrated the usefulness of this system with a wireless LAN connection in three cases of
awake craniotomy with open MRI.

1. Introduction established in 2016. Currently, we are working towards utilizing AIMS

[10]. Herein, we report three cases of anesthesia management for awake
In surgery for malignant brain tumors, various measures have been craniotomy with open MRI, with written consent from the patients.
adopted to excise the tumor to the maximum extent while minimizing
neurological complications. Awake craniotomy with intraoperative 2. Case description
open magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one such technique. Intra­
operative open MRI confirms tumor localization and maximizes tumor Awake craniotomy with OPEN-MRI was performed on three patients
resection. An anesthesia information management system (AIMS) with brain tumors near the language area.
constantly records the patient’s vital signs and predicted drug blood
levels, which is advantageous for preventing complications, early 2.1. Equipment
detection of complications when they occur, intraoperative response,
and verification of equipment operation after surgery. Awake crani­ At our hospital, we adopted a 0.4-T open MRI system manufactured
otomy with intraoperative open MRI requires special anesthesia man­ by Hitachi (Tokyo, Japan). If the device is not brought close to the 5-
agement [1–7], and AIMS [8] is benefit. However, automatic AIMS gauss line, it can be operated even if it is not an MRI-compatible de­
recording is generally challenging owing to the potential noise from vice. However, even outside the 5-gauss line, noise from non-MRI-
electronic devices affecting the images and device malfunction due to compatible devices is mixed into the image and affects the diagnosis.
the magnetic fields emitted. Electronic devices, such as biological Conversely, even with an MRI-compatible device, noise is generated in
monitors and syringe pumps, are limited to MRI-compatible devices [9]. the image if a metal wire is used for the external transmission of data
At our hospital, an operating room with an open MRI system was from the device. Therefore, before surgery with open MRI, we created an

* Corresponding author at: Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.
E-mail address: yohtamam@hiroshima-u.ac.jp (S. Taguchi).

Received 5 March 2022; Received in revised form 27 April 2022; Accepted 14 May 2022
Available online 17 May 2022
2214-7519/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
T. Ikeda et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management 29 (2022) 101587

environment in which images could be automatically recorded on AIMS

without causing noise [10]. We confirmed that the 2.4-GHz band
wireless local area network (LAN) (IEEE802.11 g) does not become a
noise source for the images and decided to use the wireless LAN to ac­
quire information from non-MRI-compatible devices. In addition, to
shield the noise of non-MRI-compatible devices, we created a shielded
box (sBOX) composed of non-magnetic stainless steel and confirmed that
it allows wireless LAN radio waves to pass through. In the sBOX, the
Telfusion® infusion pump LM type, SS type, target-controlled infusion
(TCI) pump TE-371 (Terumo, Tokyo, Japan), wireless LAN transmitter,
and battery were stored in advance. Fabius MRI® (Drager, Lubeck,
Germany), supporting MRI, was used as the main body of the anesthesia
machine. However, because the data communication of the anesthesia
machine does not support MRI, a second sBOX for storing the wireless
LAN transmitter was installed next to the anesthesia machine. Through
the wireless LAN transmitters in these two sBOXes, the electronic device
and anesthesia machine information in the sBOXes were automatically
recorded in the AIMS via the wireless LAN. Additionally, two biological
monitors were used. When MRI was not performed, data were acquired Fig. 2. (a) Open-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), anesthesia machine, and
shielded box (sBOX) during MRI imaging. All equipment is placed outside the 5-
via a wired connection using B850 (GE, Boston, MA, USA), which was
gauss line; however, the intravenous line and snake tube from the anesthesia
not compatible with MRI, and data were acquired via wireless LAN using
machine are placed with sufficient space to reach the patient. The door of the
In vivo Expression® (PHILIPS, Amsterdam, Netherlands), compatible
sBOX is closed and the MRI-compatible monitor is hidden behind the anesthesia
with MRI. Furthermore, the AIMS terminal of the notebook PC (FMV machine. (b) The sBOX when MRI is not performed. Four infusion pumps and
NN6H3E2® [Fujitsu, Tokyo, Japan]) was put to sleep and wrapped in a syringe pumps are stored in the sBOX, and a wireless local area network (LAN)
shield cloth (Ixol Mesh® [Toyama Denki Building, Toyama, Japan]). transmitter and uninterruptible power supply are stored at the bottom of
Because of these measures, keyboard input to electronic recording was the box.
not possible; however, information on the syringe pump, monitor, and
anesthesia machine was automatically recorded and integrated into the was removed while awakening. After tumor resection, while awake, the
AIMS in real-time, even during MRI (Figs. 1 and 2). The predicted blood patient’s head was closed under spontaneous breathing, airway man­
concentration (Cp) of propofol and dexmedetomidine was calculated agement, and controlled ventilation.
and recorded using AIMS over time based on the drug administration MRI was performed before and, if necessary, after the tumor resec­
rate of the syringe pump. The Marsh and Dyck models were used for the tion. The blood concentration of the drugs was predicted based on the
Cp calculation of propofol [11] and dexmedetomidine [12], information integrated into the AIMS, and anesthesia management was
respectively. performed while using such parameters as a reference when starting
arousal and extubation.
2.2. Anesthesia procedure
2.3. Case 1
After propofol, remifentanil, and rocuronium administration, the
airway was secured using a supraglottic device (i-gel® [NIHON KODEN,
A 68-year-old man (height, 162 cm; weight, 72 kg) presented with
Tokyo, Japan]). Dexmedetomidine administration was initiated at the
symptomatic epilepsy and obstructive ventilatory impairment preoper­
start of the surgery. After MRI before tumor resection, propofol and
atively. Anesthesia was introduced with TCI of propofol and remi­
remifentanil were discontinued, and dexmedetomidine was continu­
fentanil at target blood concentrations of 3.0 and 0.23 µg/kg/min, which
ously administered or discontinued, depending on the case. The i-gel
were maintained at 3.0 µg/mL and 0.13–0.23 µg/kg/min, respectively.
Dexmedetomidine administration was initiated at 0.30 µg/kg/h from
the start of surgery; the dose was reduced to 0.11 µg/kg/h after MRI, and
propofol and remifentanil were discontinued for awakening. The Cp at
extubation was 0.66 µg/mL for propofol and 0.17 µg/mL for dexmede­
tomidine; dexmedetomidine was continued during tumor resection.
From MRI after tumor resection to the end of craniotomy, sedation was
performed at target blood concentrations of 0.4–0.8 µg/mL for propofol
and 0.30 µg/kg/h for dexmedetomidine; spontaneous breathing was
induced without reinsertion of the i-gel (Fig. 3).

2.4. Case 2

A 48-year-old woman (height, 153 cm; weight, 50 kg) presented with

symptomatic epilepsy preoperatively. Anesthesia was induced and
maintained in the same manner as in Case 1. After MRI, administration
of all three drugs was discontinued, and the patient was awakened. The
Cp at extubation was 0.87 µg/mL for propofol and 0.20 µg/mL for
dexmedetomidine. After tumor excision, propofol and remifentanil were
administered, and i-gel was inserted close to the head.
A 29-year-old man (height, 170 cm; weight, 93 kg) presented with
Fig. 1. Position of open- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), anesthesia ma­ preoperative obesity and liver dysfunction. Anesthesia was induced and
chine, and non-magnetic stainless-steel shielded box (sBOX) during MRI. maintained in the same manner as previously described. After MRI,

T. Ikeda et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management 29 (2022) 101587

Fig. 3. Anesthesia record from an anesthesia information management system (AIMS) in Case 1. First stage: Automatic recording from the biological information
monitor when MRI is not taken. Second stage: Automatic recording from the biological information monitor during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is displayed
on an MRI-compatible monitor (In vivo Expression® [PHILIPS]) and transferred to an AIMS via a wireless local area network (LAN) for recording. The bottom two
steps: Propofol target controlled infusion (TCI) and dexmedetomidine drug-predicted blood levels are constantly calculated and displayed from syringe pump in­
formation during and without MRI imaging.

propofol and remifentanil were discontinued, and the dexmedetomidine immediate action when complications occur by immediately awakening
dose was reduced to 0.07 µg/kg/h for awakening. Cp at extubation was the patient and adjusting the depth of anesthesia to a level that permits
1.02 µg/mL for propofol and 0.12 µg/mL for dexmedetomidine. Dex­ reliable brain function monitoring [1,3–5]. Therefore, AIMS, which
medetomidine was continued at a dose of 0.06–0.07 µg/kg/h during integrate information, such as biological monitors and the Cp of drugs,
tumor resection. Anesthesia was reintroduced, the i-gel was inserted, and allow automatic recording, are considered particularly useful for
and the head was closed. anesthesia management in awake craniotomy [8]. Conversely, the
In all cases, awakening and extubation were rapid, and language boundary between malignant brain tumors and normal tissues is un­
tasks during tumor resection were performed promptly. No untoward clear, and the excision range is difficult to confirm using only preoper­
events or complications occurred such as body movements, seizures, ative MRI owing to brain shift after craniotomy; therefore, the number of
nausea and vomiting, or respiratory depression. facilities using intraoperative MRI is increasing [1,2,9,14]. Recently,
operating rooms equipped with open MRI systems with narrow magnetic
3. Discussion field leakage ranges have been introduced. In open MRI operating
rooms, normal monitors and pumps can be used when MRI is not per­
In malignant brain tumor surgery, the higher the resection rate, the formed, and the data can be automatically recorded from the device to
longer is the survival time [13,14]. Therefore, measures are undertaken the AIMS. However, during MRI, automatically recording information
to maximize tumor resection using a navigation system and MRI while from non-MRI-compatible devices is challenging in existing AIMS. At
minimizing the neurological complications via electrophysiological our open MRI operating room, biomonitoring information can be
monitoring and awake craniotomy. Awake craniotomy identifies the automatically recorded in the AIMS via a wireless LAN, even during
localization of motor, language [1,2,4–7], and higher brain functions in MRI, facilitating the integration of information on biomonitoring and
real-time; its use is particularly widespread for tumors approximating the prediction of blood drug concentrations before and after MRI. This is
the language field. In Japan, guidelines for awake craniotomy anesthesia particularly useful in awake craniotomy, which requires rapid awak­
management were published in 2012 [3]. Propofol should be adminis­ ening and reliable brain function monitoring. Additionally, constant
tered via TCI. Continuous dexmedetomidine administration during automatic AIMS recording is considered useful for complication pre­
awakening has also been reported [6,7]. In any case, it is important to vention, early complication detection, intraoperative response, and de­
control complications or untoward events, such as body movements, vice operation verification after surgery. However, during MRI, it is not
convulsions, nausea and vomiting, and respiratory depression, and take possible to monitor electroencephalogram signals, input surgical

T. Ikeda et al. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management 29 (2022) 101587

information from the keyboard, or change the electronic device settings agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
in the sBOX, which are issues associated with this system, which must be
addressed in future research. References

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the work reported in this paper. [3] T. Kayama, The guidelines for awake craniotomy guidelines committee of the
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We would like to thank Editage (www.editage.com) for English [5] L. Meng, D.L. McDonagh, M.S. Berger, et al., Anesthesia for awake craniotomy: a
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volume on survival and recurrence, World Neurosurg. 98 (2017) 73–80.
final manuscript.


This research did not receive any specific grants from funding

Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

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Integration of TLS-derived Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) with a

Decision Support System (DSS) for digital twinning and asset management
of bridge infrastructures
Masoud Mohammadi, Maria Rashidi, Yang Yu, Bijan Samali *
Centre for Infrastructure Engineering, Western Sydney University, Penrith, Australia


Keywords: In the current modern era of information and technology, the concept of Building Information Modeling (BIM),
Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) has made revolutionary changes in different aspects of engineering design, construction, monitoring, and
Bridge Management System (BMS) management of infrastructure assets, especially bridges. In the field of bridge engineering, Bridge Information
Decision Support System (DSS)
Modeling (BrIM), as a specific form of BIM, includes digital twinning of bridge assets associated with geometrical
Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
Digital twinning
information and non-geometrical inspection data. BrIM has demonstrated tremendous potential in substituting
Digital infrastructure traditional paper-based documentation and hand-written reports with digital bridge documentation/trans­
formation, allowing professionals and managers to execute bridge management more efficiently and effectively.
However, concerns remain about the quality of the acquired data in BrIM development, as well as lack of
research on utilizing these information for remedial actions/decisions in a reliable Bridge Management System
(BMS), which are mainly reliant on the knowledge and experience of the involved inspectors, or asset managers,
and are susceptible to a certain degree of subjectivity. To address these concerns, this research paper presents a
comprehensive methodology as an advanced asset management system that employs BrIM data to improve and
facilitate the BMS. This innovative BMS is comprised of a precise Terrestrial Laser Scan (TLS)-derived BrIM as a
qualitative digital replica of the existing bridge, incorporating geometrical and non-geometrical information of
the bridge elements, and equipped with a requirement-driven framework in a redeveloped condition assessment
model for priority ranking of bridge elements based on their health condition. In another step ahead, the pro­
posed BMS integrates a Decision Support System (DSS) to score the feasible remedial strategies and provide more
objective decisions for optimal budget allocation and remedial planning. This methodology was further imple­
mented via a developed BrIM-oriented BMS plugin and validated through a real case study on the Werrington
Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge in New South Wales, Australia. The finding of this research confirms the reliability
of BrIM-oriented BMS implementation and the integration of proposed DSS for priority ranking of bridge ele­
ments that require more attention based on their structural importance and material vulnerability, as well as
optimizing remedial actions in a practical way while preserving the bridge in a safe and healthy condition.

1. Introduction infrastructure. Therefore, negligence in proper maintenance and man­

agement or delayed action, particularly for bridge infrastructure, may
Bridge infrastructures are among the vital component of the built result in high future expenditures, degraded assets, and, in the worst-
environment and road network. Over time, during bridge operation and case scenario, lead to catastrophes such as the Morandi bridge (Calvi
exposure to the environment and service loads, the health of infra­ et al., 2019) and Taiwan’s Nanfang’ao bridge (Horgan, 2019) collapses.
structure deteriorates. If the process of deterioration is not controlled or As the number, and age of these infrastructures increase, so does the
managed, a situation can arise where the infrastructure ceases to serve need to monitor the health, management, and maintenance of these
its purpose or becomes obsolete. In this case, the bridge infrastructure important structures. Just as bridges are an integral part of society, it is
may be decommissioned, repurposed/degraded, or replaced with a new important that new technology is given consideration towards

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: Masoud.Mohammadi@westernsydney.edu.au (M. Mohammadi), M.Rashidi@westernsydney.edu.au (M. Rashidi), Yang.Yu@westernsydney.edu.
au (Y. Yu), B.Samali@westernsydney.edu.au (B. Samali).

Received 9 January 2023; Received in revised form 17 February 2023; Accepted 19 February 2023
Available online 25 February 2023
0166-3615/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

improving the way in which these infrastructures become inspected, all in a short time frame. Many thousands of these points, each one
managed, and maintained (Elfgren et al., 2007). corresponding to a different location on the physical object, can be
For many years, bridge management approaches and condition as­ amassed to form a file named point cloud. This file may subsequently be
sessments have been based on long-established manual paperwork and utilized for a variety of applications, after post-processing and optimi­
information retained from on-site inspectors and engineers (Rashidi zation, including bridge inspection and assessment (Fuchs et al., 2004;
et al., 2020). These approaches have been primarily paper-based and Tang et al., 2007; Chen, 2012; Mizoguchi et al., 2013; Teza et al., 2009;
significantly limit the ability to be readily transferred to asset managers Kim et al., 2015; Conde-Carnero et al., 2016), and Bridge Information
or be referred after a few years. However, the development of Building Model (BrIM) development (Barazzetti, 2016; Xiong et al., 2013;
Information Modeling (BIM) in recent years, has led to a transformation Mohammadi et al., 2022).
in the digitalization of structural assets and their information in form of In terms of bridge inspection, Fuchs et al. (2004) were among the key
a digital twin, which in the field of bridge engineering pertains to the researchers who employed a laser-based instrument for bridge assess­
Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) (Kaewunruen et al., 2020; Perno ments of several highway bridges in the United States of America in
et al., 2022; Semeraro et al., 2021). Chan et al. (2016) were among the 2004. In their research study, they employed the former technology of
researchers who emphasized that it is currently essential for bridge laser scanning to measure the deflections of bridge girders under static
owners to make use of BrIM as a database to store various sources and loading. In a similar strategy, Tang et al. (2007) employed this approach
types of information such as bridge drawings, inspection records, to expedite the collection of bridge geometrical information, such as
rehabilitation activities, condition state of elements, records of remote vertical clearance, which was required for assessing bridge functional
sensors, and history of decisions with a timestamp and reference. In efficacy as specified by the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) program
general, BrIM is a shared database/platform, that often consists of the developed by American transportation authorities. In a research study,
bridge geometrical 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) models, as digital Mizoguchi et al. (2013) proposed a practical approach for using TLS data
representation of the physical characteristic of the bridge asset, as well in quantifying surface damages such as mass loss and scaling. They
as non-geometrical information as digital documentation such as visual utilized this approach to calculate the depth and area of damages caused
inspection reports, damage locations and maintenance histories, remote by freeze–thaw cycles on an ancient concrete bridge. Similar method­
sensors’ records, diagnostic test results, element’s material, and other ologies were also explored for different damage detections in studies by
specifications (Mohammadi et al., 2022; Wenner et al., 2021). With a Kim et al. (2015) and Teza et al. (2009) for structural elements’ damage
BrIM, this information can then be widely shared/disseminated amongst quantification, however, research remains fairly lacking a comprehen­
the stakeholders involved, assisting bridge manager, and assessors, as a sive methodology for estimating the overall condition state of the bridge
reference for their future decisions. Despite the fact that BrIM is an structure using these valuable data.
innovative method for storing varied information, two concerns remain In respect to bridge assessment, Conde-Carnero et al. (2016) utilized
in terms of: 1) creating an accurate digital representation and collecting the acquired TLS-based point cloud to create a Finite Element (FE)
remote and reliable information, 2) utilizing BrIM data for management model of a pedestrian bridge and assess its load-bearing capability
purposes in a reliable Bridge Management System (BMS). following additional upgrades. In an interdisciplinary bridge assess­
To address the first concern, BrIM development extracted from ment, Pérez et al. (2018) combined TLS technology for detailed
remote data collection was initiated as a reliable and qualitative concept geometrical identification and Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) to
in studies conducted by Lubowiecka et al. (2009), Tang and Akinci determine composition of fillers and structurally examine/analyze an
(2012), and over time, this concept has seen exponential growth in its ancient Roman bridge. Despite significant research efforts that resulted
application, and scope (Sacks et al., 2018; Mohammadi et al., 2022). In in empirical testing of more efficient models, most TLS-based bridge
general, determining changes in geometry, detection of defects, and the inspections were not utilized to develop a management system.
overall condition assessment of bridges were carried out through visual In terms of BrIM development using TLS point cloud, known as TLS-
inspections, which were reinforced by inspection procedure manuals derived BrIM, Tang et al. (2007), Hinks et al. (2013), Riveiro and Lin­
and guidelines developed by roads and traffic authorities (Tfnsw, 2007). denbergh (2019), Mohammadi et al. (2022) proposed methodologies
However, these inspections were prone to subjectivity, impacted by the that have meaningfully improved the efficiency of automated data
experience and knowledge of the inspectors engaged, labour-intensive, extraction, accelerated the creation of bridge 3D CAD models, and
time-consuming, and in most cases were not traceable (Riveiro and resulted in a better means of both recording detailed bridge information,
Lindenbergh, 2019). These inspections also require special tools and as well as serving as a reliable source of information for future reference
equipment, such as lifting units, scaffolding, or rope climbing, with its and decisions.
associated risks, to get access to areas that would otherwise be inac­ However, in response to the second concern, research remains rela­
cessible. In recent years, in order to tackle this risk and ease the data tively limited to the development of BrIMs, and current Bridge Man­
capture process, emerging technologies such as Terrestrial Laser Scan­ agement Systems (BMSs) as well as designed software rely on
ning (TLS) and Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry have frameworks that lack an optimized management planning endorsed by a
been utilized, and have made a significant impact on remote data decision support system, which this process was originally vulnerable to
collection and qualitative inspection of the bridges (Dorafshan and subjectivity due to the varying experience and expertise of the engineers
Maguire, 2018; Mohammadi et al., 2021b; Mohammadi et al., 2021a). involved (Rashidi et al., 2016a; Li et al., 2021). Although there are
These technologies have eliminated the inefficiencies and risks of site several BMSs available on the market, the majority of them are in­
inspections in favor of detailed office inspections based on high-quality ventory asset management platforms with insufficient and subjective
data obtained. Although these technologies have the capability of procedures, resulting in limited decision-making and asset management
remote data collection and inspection, each has strengths and weak­ outputs.
nesses in terms of flexibility, geometrical accuracy, and data quality, Therefore, this research paper provides a thorough methodology to
which may need to be varied based on the requirements of a bridge not only use valuable benefits of having a detailed TLS-derived BrIM but
project to the next (Mohammadi et al., 2021b). When compared to other also present an innovative BMS integrated with a multi-criteria Decision
technologies, TLS, being the ground-based and most prevalent form of Support System (DSS), targeting a powerful bridge asset management
laser scanning technology, delivers benefits through rapid and qualita­ system with more reliable bridge management decisions in remediation
tive capture of an object’s surface topography via the reflection of the strategy planning using BrIM data. During this study, a redeveloped
emitted laser beams (Mohammadi et al., 2021b; Chen et al., 2019). In approach for calculating Priority Rating Condition Index (PRCI) of
the process of scanning, a TLS captures and stores three-dimensional bridge elements is elaborated. This approach is then expanded to a DSS
(3D) data points, namely the x, y, and z coordinates of object’s points, for optimizing major bridge maintenance plans within acceptable safety,

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

functionality, and sustainability boundaries. This methodology is management purposes. In another step ahead, the proposed BMS of this
further implemented in a designed BMS plugin and validated using a real research is designed to be based on a requirement-driven framework in a
bridge case study, Werrington Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge in New redeveloped Priority Ranking Condition Index, PRCI, for evaluating
South Wales, Australia. bridge elements. This index is a supplement ranking system that in­
corporates not only the general condition state of bridge elements but
2. Research methodology also takes additional variables such as their structural importance, and
material vulnerability into consideration. In addition, PRCI reduces the
With the growth in the number of bridge inventory worldwide, subjective nature of personal inspections in terms of safety and
bridge monitoring, condition assessment and management have become serviceability, while also improving the consistency of management
increasingly essential and challenging. Although many BMSs have been decision and remedial actions for each element. As shown in Fig. 1, using
developed to date, the most recent update is the approach of BrIM- this ranking system, bridge element types with greater PRCI will be
oriented BMS (Saback de Freitas Bello et al., 2022; Nguyen et al., given more attention in terms of bridge structural efficiency, and will be
2022; Shim et al., 2019). This approach utilizes a virtual bridge repre­ subjected to a risk assessment procedure in a decision-making system to
sentation that includes lifetime and updated non-geometrical data, also evaluate the possible remedial actions and their costs. In general,
known as the BrIM, that is linked to a management system, resulting in management decisions are based on the experience of bridge managers
the digital transformation of structural assets to form a digital twin or established rules of thumb achieved over the years. These decisions
(Boyes and Watson, 2022). BrIM itself is often formed of a 3D geomet­ may also be prone to potential inaccuracy and lack adequate reliability
rical representation of the bridge linked to non-geometrical data such as or compulsion that may aggravate dilemmas related to funding and
elements’ condition states, maintenance records, monitoring data, and infrastructure needs. Therefore, bridge asset manager needs to get more
reports. As bridge condition constantly changes over time, it is necessary reliable supports that can assist them in identifying suitable actions and
to update the BrIM to replicate the ‘as-is’ condition of its physical strengthening their credibility with prospective stakeholders. Therein,
counterpart. Given the time and effort involved in updating the BrIM, this research study proposed the integration of a DSS, thereby evaluating
amassing accurate and reliable information, can be a time-consuming the risks and criteria involved and then devising alternative remedial
task, especially if data collection is performed manually. Therein, this strategies and budget-based planning.
research study employs laser scanning as an efficient means of
measuring the geometry within the bridges as well as reliable and ac­ 2.2. Designed BrIM-oriented BMS plugin
curate data for bridge condition assessment in a TLS-derived BrIM
development. This information model is indeed a fundamental source in The designed BrIM-oriented BMS plugin of this research study,
supplying proper inputs to any management system. Following this, a consists of three main layers of 3D CAD model generation, application
collaborative management system is introduced to utilize the advan­ development, and report compilation. The first layer is 3D CAD model
tages of the TLS-derived BrIM and provide better services for bridge generation of the bridge using the captured TLS point cloud and the
maintenance and management planning. This system introduces a proposed novel sliced based algorithm described in the study conducted
concept of element-based Priority Rating Condition Index (PRCI) com­ by Mohammadi et al. (2022). Using this algorithm in Python language,
bined with a DSS to not only bring additional holism to current condi­ the bridge point cloud is divided into several point cloud slices, which
tion assessment techniques, but also provide more objective decisions were then imported into Tekla Structures (Trimble Solutions Corpora­
for remedial planning. The concept of employing this system/­ tion, 2021) CAD software for 3D solid modelling using general plane
methodology is then explored in the development of a BrIM-oriented fitting and extrusion techniques. The extracted bridge model is then
BMS plugin. The workflow of this methodology is depicted in Fig. 1 segmented based on their element types and exported to an exchange­
and is divided into two main subsections: the first comprises an over­ able 3D format such as Industry Foundation Class, IFC. The second layer,
view of TLS-derived BrIM development and the second is its incorpo­ application development, consists of user interface design and the
ration with novel BMS workflow as the focus of this research study, implementation of functional modules in Microsoft Visual Studio using
which is detailed in the following sections. TLS-derived BrIM develop­ Tekla open API (Application Programming Interface). These functional
ment is divided into two phases of CAD model creation, and data modules are meant to be completed based on expert user input for each
assignment, as outlined in another study of our research team conducted bridge element before performing BMS assessment tasks in the evalua­
by Mohammadi et al. (2022). To further describe the entire process and tion module. The evaluation module is based on the redeveloped con­
demonstrate the reliability of the proposed methodology, and developed dition rating system and integrated DSS, which are explained in Section
plugin, the research is extended to an actual bridge case study after 3. This plugin is a cloud-based data storage system/platform that allows
TLSing the Werrington Bridge located in Penrith, New South Wales bridge users, inspectors, and managers to reach documents at various
(NSW), Australia. levels of access. In the last layer, report compilation, the output of the
BMS plugin assessment is imported back into the Tekla Structures soft­
2.1. Integration of BrIM into BMS ware and visually presented as well as a paper report produced. Fig. 2
illustrates the workflow of the BrIM-oriented BMS plugin.
Nowadays, bridge health assessments are determined using a long-
established inspection manual report developed by road authorities 3. Key points of novel BMS
worldwide (TfNSW, 2007; Fhwa, 2018; Ri-Ebw-Prüf, 2017; Chase et al.,
2016). The two key operations in the proposed BMS of this research study
During the progress that has been made in recent years, these reports are based on a redeveloped condition rating system followed by a DSS
have also been converted to electronic documents and are now stored in evaluation, which is elaborated in this section.
existing management systems. However, concerns remained on the
quality of inspections and applicability of the acquired information in an 3.1. Redevelopment of bridge condition assessment concept
effective bridge management system which requires reliable data for
making reasonable and correct decisions to determine the best remedi­ The bridge condition or health index is a valuable means of deter­
ation strategy or budget allocation. Therefore, the proposed approach of mining a bridge’s structural or functional health. This index is generally
TLS-derived BrIM integration into BMS can not only provide a unique determined using the structural conditions of the bridge elements and
solution for a quick, intelligent, and reliable bridge inspection over the bridge service supplied, identifying the most deteriorated elements,
traditional methods, but it can also provide a rich database for and determining the necessary repairs in bridge remedial actions (Chase

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

Fig. 1. TLS-derived BrIM and BMS integration workflow.

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

Fig. 2. The workflow of BMS plugin.

et al., 2016). To be consistent with current trends in both Australian and ∑

(CI e × IF e × MV e × CF e )
global bridge inspection standards, as well as bridge inspection pro­
CI = e ∑ (3)
cedure manuals established by road authorities such as Transport for IF e × MV e × CF e
NSW (TfNSW) (TfNSW, 2007), the proposed Priority Ranking Condition e

Index (PRCI) of this research study attempts to use not only the four
where i is defined as the number of condition states, qi is the quantity of
general qualitative Condition Indices (CI), provided in Table 1, but also
the elements in ith condition state, and CIi is the condition state index
to tackle the subjective nature of this process and reduce the uncertainty
corresponding to the ith condition state.
using a set of weighting factors for ranking bridge elements. This
approach not only provides a detailed picture of how degradation IF e MV e CF e
We = × × (4)
spreads across bridge elements, but it also serves as an effective index to IF MV CF
assist bridge engineers to prioritize maintenance and planning rehabil­
As determining the weighting factor and its parameters often re­
itation for bridge assets.
quires special knowledge and field testing, particularly for material
In this research study, three factors are considered to be used in the
vulnerability and structural assessments, the inspector can rely on the
procedure for evaluating the influence of technical indicators and
proposed systematic approach of this research investigated through a
determining a much more reliable bridge maintenance plan. Therefore,
semi-structured field interview/survey with experts and engineers in the
the element weighting factor (We ) is defined, consisting of element
field of bridge engineering and management. In the following sub­
Importance Factor (IFe ), multiplying by element Material Vulnerability
sections, these factors are elaborated.
(MV e ), and Casual Factor (CFe ) scaled by their overall weighted average.
The PRCIe incorporates all the factors/parameters mentioned that in­
3.1.1. Importance Factor (IF)
fluence structural performance and is calculated by following formula:
As previously indicated, the current condition state evaluation alone
CI e may cause some distortion in evaluating the overall bridge health con­
PRCI e = × We (1)
CI dition. A minor element with worse condition may unreasonably raise
the values and jeopardize the judgments (Dabous and Alkass, 2010;
where CIe is the element condition state and CI is the overall bridge Gorji Azandariani et al., 2022). Therefore, this problem is resolved using
health index, which can be calculated using Eq. (2) (Jiang and Rens, the quantified element’s structural Importance Factor (IF), which is not
2010) and 3, respectively. Eq. (4) also computes the weighting factor, dependent on the current condition of bridge components. Based on the
We , where e is the number of elements, and IF, MV, CFare their overall above-mentioned expert survey, the bridge components are classified
weighted averages. into four categories of primary, secondary, tertiary, and other elements.
∑ As shown in Table 2, the higher the value, the greater the influence of
(qi × CI i )
the elements on the load-bearing behavior and safety of the bridge
CI e = i ∑ (2)
qi structure.

3.1.2. Material Vulnerability (MV)

Understanding the vulnerability of various materials can contribute
to the durability of the elements under varying hazards throughout time.
Table 1 Although this parameter deserves comprehensive research for various
General qualitative conduction indices (TfNSW, 2007).
CI Descriptions Table 2
1 The element shows no deterioration. As-new condition or defects has no Structural Importance Factor (IF) (Dabous and Alkass, 2010).
significant structural and functional effects.
IF Bridge elements
2 Minor defects and early signs of deterioration with no reduction in element
functionality. 1 Other elements; including but not limited to barriers, kerbs, footway, joints
3 Moderate defects and deterioration with some loss of expected functionality. 2 Tertiary elements; including but not limited to foundation, abutment, wingwall
4 Severe defects with significant loss of functionality or element on the verge of 3 Secondary elements; including but not limited to deck, bearings, cables
failure. 4 Primary elements; including but not limited to beams, girders, piers, pylons

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

hazards, especially for bridge elements, in general an element made of Table 4

steel is more prone to deterioration than a precast reinforced concrete Causal Factor (CF) index (Rashidi and Gibson, 2011).
element in terms of durability in a harsh environmental condition. CF Causal factors
Following the studies conducted by Valenzuela et al. (2010), as well as
Environmental Age factor Road type & loading Inspection
validating the expert surveys conducted, Table 3 shows the vulnerability Aggression (A) (R) level (I)
of common materials used in bridge construction. (EA)

1 Mild Recently Minor Initial

3.1.3. Casual Factors (CF) and calibration built ( AADT ≤ 150)
Over time, as the infrastructure used, and is exposed to loading and (0–25
environmental mechanisms, the health of bridge and its components years)
2 Moderate New Local access Routine
deteriorates. If this process of deterioration is not well managed, the
(25–50 (150 < AADT ≤ 1000)
situation can arise where the bridge ceases to serve its purpose. Besides years)
pre-existing factors, such as design and construction, several post- 3 Harsh Old Collectors Detailed
existing factors such as the environment where the bridge is located, (50–75 (1000 < AADT ≤ 3000)
the length of time the bridge has been in service (age), the functional years)
4 Very Harsh Very old Arterials Special
performance that the bridge supports (road type), and the quality of (75–100 (AADT > 3000)
inspection can all have an impact on the bridge’s structural efficacy. years)
Although these factors may be comparable for a bridge and its elements,
the bridge elements may have different experiences in some circum­
stances. A bridge element can be upgraded over time, or it can be sub­ engineers specialists rating the importance intensity of the casual fac­
jected to harsher environment than others. These factors can tors. This rating process was based on the Saaty’s nine relative impor­
subsequently be used to evaluate overall bridge priority rankings when tance scales and development of a pairwise matrix (Saaty, 1990), part of
combined with overall functional efficiency factors, political consider­ the Analytical Hierarchy Model (AHM), provided in our research team
ations, and other relevant variables. Table 4 lists four categories of these study conducted by Rashidi et al. (Rashidi and Gibson, 2011; Rashidi
factors, each of which is introduced by certain terms introduced in the et al., 2016a), which is not the main concern of this study. Based on the
following paragraphs. rating process and the importance scales, the mathematical formulation
Environmental aggression factor includes but is not limited to the for predicting the CF was developed as presented in Eq. (5).
natural environmental mechanisms that trigger chemical or physical CF e = 0.12EA + 0.41A + 0.11R + 0.36I (5)
deterioration to structural elements (Rashidi et al., 2016a). The level of
these damages and the time frame for paying them off may vary
depending on the severity of the environmental aggression. Sometimes a 3.2. Integration of a Decision Support System (DSS)
trace of the aggression or damage might be imperceptible at times,
requiring a lab test to identify. Climate change, air, soil, or water Multi-criteria decision-making approaches are among the most
pollution, chemical reactions, and human causes are all instances that robust and reliable analytic systems that have the potential to be inte­
may be classified at different levels and affect the overall structure’s grated into a BrIM-oriented BMS. These approaches frequently use a
remaining lifetime (Byun et al., 2021). Moreover, other deterioration qualitative relative comparison, to provide a systematic mechanism for
triggers, such as fatigue induced by repeated load applied to a structural weighting the multiple criteria, such as several risks involved, to eval­
element over the course of a bridge’s lifetime, can promote cracks and uate and rank feasible alternatives (Wang et al., 2008; Grabot and
fracture expansions. Therefore, the age factor and Annual Average Daily Letouzey, 2000). In this regard, the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating
Traffic (AADT) associated with road type, as well as the road importance Technique (SMART) and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are two
in network are generally recognized as key considerations not only for approaches that are widely utilized in many aspects of engineering and
bridge design but also for evaluating element durability and bridge have the potential to be integrated into bridge infrastructure manage­
remaining lifetime. Besides, bridge inspection and its frequency are ment (Abu Dabous and Alkass, 2008; Abu Dabous and Alkass, 2010;
critical factors that must not be neglected. In this regard, four different Rashidi et al., 2018). In this research study, a reasonable balance has
levels of bridge inspection including initial, routine, detailed, and spe­ been made between the simplicity of SMART and complexity of the AHP.
cial inspection are defined in this research study. Initial inspection refers In this case, a combined method of AHP-SMART with the capability of
to the first inventory inspection following construction for data-driven AHP’s pairwise comparison of criteria and SMART’s cardinal rating of
preparation; however, routine inspection is typically focused on visual each alternative has been utilized. Using this combined method, the
observations for general condition assessments. Aside from on-site vi­ limitation of restarting all calculations after adding a new alternative
sual observation, detailed inspection reinforced with non-destructive has been eliminated. During this process, bridge elements with the
testing, and special inspection is supplemented with additional struc­ highest PRCI scores, outlined in Section 3.1, are subjected to
tural analysis when a serious incident occurs. It is worth noting that, AHP-SMART analysis after a risk assessment to evaluate the possible
regardless of the level of inspection, TLS application presented in this remedial alternatives.
research study may be utilized for all different levels of inspection. Through the AHP-SMART process, the problem is subdivided into a
Following the implementation of the research studies conducted by hierarchy which includes three main levels of an overall goal, a group of
Valenzuela et al. (2010), Rashidi and Gibson (2011), the CF index is alternatives for accomplishing the goal, and a set of criteria that tie the
calibrated using the results of the aforementioned survey of bridge alternatives to the goal. In general, a criterion may not to be equally
defined throughout this process, and thus may be graded/weighted
based on several aspects of importance in terms of bridge engineering,
Table 3 management, and clients’ constraints (Abu Dabous and Alkass, 2008).
Material Vulnerability (MV) (Valenzuela et al., 2010).
These weights can vary between projects and must be established by the
MV Element Material individual involved in decision-making using the relative pairwise
1 Precast concrete, non-structural elements comparison embedded in Saaty’s AHP method (Saaty, 1990). Moreover,
2 Reinforced concrete alternative selection, which in the case of bridge rehabilitation refers to
3 Steel, iron, and other materials remediation alternatives/actions, entails a case-by-case risk assessment
4 Timber
of alternatives and is tied to their associated course of actions. Therefore,

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

bridge maintenance planners require to establish a balance between the alternatives, and solutions out of various possible choices which require
relevance of the project’s criteria and feasible alternatives. a careful evaluation of their pros and cons, the costs involved in making
each choice, and the relative benefits (or disadvantages) of each option.
3.2.1. Criteria, remedial strategies, and budget optimization Therefore, in terms of bridge rehabilitation, a range of satisfaction al­
The primary concept of employing criteria is to evaluate the per­ ternatives or remedial strategies has to be implemented to make it more
formance of each alternative in relation to the main goal based on a feasible to ensure the functional, rational, effective and safe environ­
numerical scale. In the case of bridge rehabilitation, these criteria can be ment for people to travel across the bridges. In this regard, a potential
bounded into inclusion of subjective constraints such as functionality, remedial strategy can be classified into three levels (i) major alterna­
sustainability, and reliability of the structural elements. In this case, the tives, (ii) intermediate alternatives, and (iii) sub-alternatives. Major
functionality can be extended through the operational efficiency of the alternatives refer to the fundamental operational functions (including
elements that can affect the service life of the bridge, or the level of regular maintenance, minor rehabilitation, major rehabilitation, and
maintenance necessary to avoid the closure of a strategic route. How­ replacement of the bridge elements), intermediate and sub-alternatives
ever, the sustainability refers to the extension of such a service beyond may refer to supplementary (including sub-structure redesign or specific
having an effective work operation with a reasonable cost. Besides, el­ engineering services) or provisional actions. The provisional actions of
ement’s reliability or safety depends on structural compliance with the the sub-alternatives can be evaluated based on a fit to purpose classifi­
applicable standards while causing less damage to the infrastructure and cation after the fundamental/major alternatives have been carried out
improving the structural capacity in return. and endorsed in the form of a technical specification framework. This
The majority of real-world decisions involve a combination of framework acts as a basis to evaluate various structural problems that

Fig. 3. Werrington Bridge case study.

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

may arise or can be found in bridges of different types, as detailed in generate a CAD model extraction of the bridge. Using this algorithm, the
research studies conducted by Rashidi et al., (2016b, 2017, 2021), and bridge point cloud is divided into several point cloud slices, which were
Byun et al. (2021). then imported into Tekla Structures (Trimble Solutions Corporation,
Road authorities across the world are dealing with an increasing 2021) CAD software for 3D solid modelling using general plane fitting
number of deficient bridges, while their budgets for maintenance are and extrusion techniques. Details of the Werrington bridge 3D CAD
generally limited, making necessary greater investigation and detailed model extraction is beyond the scope of this paper, and are reported
risk assessment. In this respect, identifying vulnerable bridge elements, thoroughly in a research study by Mohammadi et al. (2022). The Wer­
and providing a reliable maintenance plan with a number of prioritized rington bridge CAD model is illustrated in Fig. 5(b).
alternatives can allow for not only a better knowledge of the bridge
condition but also budget optimization and prioritization to preserve 4.2. Werrington BrIM development
bridge safety in a secure state.
In this stage as illustrated in Fig. 2, the extracted 3D CAD model (IFC
4. Werrington bridge case study model) serves as the core of the BrIM, and different non-geometrical
information, such as the parameters described in Section 3, were allo­
In order to further evaluate and demonstrate the procedures dis­ cated to the bridge and its elements to create an information model of
cussed, a real case study was conducted to collect the point cloud of a the Werrington Bridge. It is worth noting that data assignment was
bridge named Werrington bridge which links the north and south performed in the designed plugin, after a thorough review of the bridge,
campuses of the Western Sydney University (WSU), Werrington campus, employing either the clash detections algorithm (Trimble Solutions
built in 1992. The bridge, shown in Fig. 3, serves as a passageway for Corporation, 2021; Javidan and Kim, 2022; Dorafshan and Azari, 2020)
motor vehicles and pedestrians across the Great Western Highway, in or off-site measurements and observations using TLS-based data, or
Werrington, west of Sydney, Australia. existing reports from an expert engineer. The clash detection and
The Werrington bridge is an award-winning architectural structure progress tracking algorithms enable bridge engineers to discover
with an asymmetric cable-stayed system designed out of an A-frame changes in the bridge model or TLSed data over time, and the results
steel pylon with two legs and a composite deck with a reinforced con­ could be a reliable source of information for bridge assessment at
crete slab and an underlying steel frame. The composite deck is sup­ different levels of inspection. For instance, considering the concrete
ported by two abutment walls, the pylon’s beam, and a set of eight stay bridge deck of the bridge as the reference, the deviation of the 3D CAD
cables connected to the pylon’s top end. In this research study, Wer­ model and point cloud was analyzed using Tekla Structures’ built-in
rington bridge case study is defined as a part of an asset management clash detection algorithm, resulting in the vertical deformation of the
project for development of a TLS-derived BrIM, as well as assigning and bridge illustrated by color counters in Fig. 6(a). In the case of the
assessing the soundness of the proposed methodology and implementing Werrington Bridge, the designed BrIM-oriented BMS plugin was then
the designed BrIM-oriented BMS plugin for future bridge maintenance utilized to assign these sorts of engineering team’s TLS data assessments
and management planning. and existing manual inspection reports to support digital transformation
(digital twinning) of the bridge as a record. Overall distribution of
allocated data into various bridge element types is shown in Table 5 and
4.1. TLS survey and CAD model extraction illustrated in Fig. 6(b). In this regard, the element codes, descriptions,
units, and condition state interpretations were considered based on the
The scanning of the Werrington Bridge took place using Z + F Australian bridge inspection procedure manual developed by Transport
IMAGER 5016 terrestrial laser scanner, shown in Fig. 4, following an for NSW (TfNSW, 2007).
initial site survey and investigation to identify the appropriate scan In this procedure manual, the units rely on the exposed surface area
positions and parameters for the scan day strategy plan. Following that, or the number of exposed elements. The elements condition index, CIe ,
the acquired data points from multiple scan positions have undergone was derived using Eq. 2, and the IFe and MV e were specified using their
filtration, registration, and colorization processes using the Z + F Laser element codes, respectively. Moreover, the CFe was defined based on
Control V9 software (ZOLLER + FRÖHLICH GMBH, 2019). previous maintenance records, exposed environmental condition, and
The outcome of these procedures was an optimized point cloud with level of inspection performed, as this factor was identical to all elements
around 525 million discrete points, requiring approximately 15 GB of of this case study.
computer storage space, shown in Fig. 5(a). In the following, using the
approaches presented by Mohammadi et al. (2021b), the quality of the 5. Result of BMS plugin Implementation
point cloud data was checked with the as-designed drawings and as-is
measurements conducted on different bridge elements that showed a In this section, in order to further investigate the applicability of the
millimeter-level of relative geometrical accuracy for the captured Wer­ proposed BrIM-oriented BMS plugin and DSS integration, the procedures
rington bridge point cloud. In the next step, the automatic slice-based from priority ranking of elements to rehabilitation strategy planning of
algorithm introduced by Mohammadi et al. (2022), was utilized to the Werrington bridge are described.

5.1. PRCI-based priority ranking

In the case of the Werrington Bridge, the priority ranking of element

types was carried out while calculating the PRCI. Table 6 demonstrates
the element types in descending order of PRCI. As indicated in Table 6,
the steel beams, bearing pads, and steel cables have the greatest PRCI
among all other types of bridge elements, with 2.60, 2.00, and 1.80,
respectively. Hence, those elements require specific attention in terms of
budget allocation and remedial actions.

5.2. Scoring the remedial alternatives and budget-based prioritization

Fig. 4. Werrington bridge data acquisition via TLS. Following the priority ranking of element types, the SMART-AHP

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

Fig. 5. Werrington bridge point cloud and CAD model.

Fig. 6. Werrington Bridge digital transformation.

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

Table 5
Distribution of allocated data for various bridge element types.
No. Element code (TfNSW, Element description (TfNSW, Total quantity, Unit Estimated quantity in each CIe IFe MVe CFe
2007) 2007) q condition index, CI

1 2 3 4 EA A R I

1 SBGI Steel Beam/Girder 332 m2 270 48 14 0 1.23 4 3 1 2 1 2

2 SCBT Steel Cables 16 ea 10 4 2 0 1.50 3 3 1 2 1 2
3 SPIR Steel Pier (Pylon) 198 m2 193 5 0 0 1.03 4 3 1 2 1 2
4 SCOD Steel Corrugated Deck 285 m2 243 18 24 0 1.23 3 3 1 2 1 2
5 SCGP Steel Connection Gusset 26 m2 18 3.5 4 0.5 1.50 3 3 1 2 1 2
6 CDSL Concrete Deck Slab 290 m2 243 18 24 5 1.28 3 2 1 2 1 2
7 CABW Concrete Abutment 81 m2 67.7 5 3.8 4.5 1.32 2 2 1 2 1 2
8 RCON Concrete Railing 92 m 82 0 5 5 1.27 1 1 1 2 1 2
9 RMET Metal Railing 92 m 45 25 12 10 1.86 1 1 1 2 1 2
10 JASS Assembly Joint/Seal 12 m 4 0 0 4 1.67 1 1 1 2 1 2
11 BELA Elastomeric Bearing Pad 12 ea 8 0 4 0 1.67 3 3 1 2 1 2
12 WY Waterway 5 ea 5 0 0 0 1.00 1 1 1 2 1 2
Weighted Average 1.38 2.83 2.66 1.77

Table 6
PRCI-based ranking of Werrington bridge element types.
No. Element Code Element description CIe CIe /CI IFe /IF MVe /MV CFe /CF PRCIe
(TfNSW, 2007) (TfNSW, 2007)

1 SBGI Steel Beam/Girder 1.23 0.89 1.65 1.77 1 2.60

11 BELA Elastomeric Bearing Pad 1.67 1.21 1.24 1.33 1 2.00
2 SCBT Steel Cables 1.50 1.09 1.24 1.33 1 1.80
5 SCGP Steel Connection Gusset Plates 1.50 1.09 1.24 1.33 1 1.80
3 SPIR Steel Pier (Pylon) 1.03 0.74 1.65 1.33 1 1.62
4 SCOD Steel Corrugated Deck 1.23 0.89 1.06 1.33 1 1.25
6 CDSL Concrete Deck Slab 1.28 0.93 1.24 0.89 1 1.03
7 CABW Concrete Abutment 1.32 0.96 0.82 0.89 1 0.70
9 RMET Metal Railing 1.86 1.35 0.41 0.45 1 0.25
10 JASS Assembly Joint/Seal 1.67 1.21 0.41 0.45 1 0.22
8 RCON Concrete Railing 1.27 0.92 0.41 0.45 1 0.17
12 WY Waterway 1.00 0.73 0.41 0.45 1 0.13

was employed to evaluate the major remediation alternatives/strategies

for each bridge element type. Considering the goal of Werrington Bridge
rehabilitation, these alternatives were considered to be evaluated using
a set of criteria, based on client preferences, which were defined and
weighted to maximize safety and service life while minimizing traffic
disruption and costs. Throughout this procedure, as explained in Section
3.2, these constraints/criteria were articulated quantitatively by the
experts in this area using Saaty’s nine relative importance scales (Saaty,
1990). In this respect, Table 7 displays the generated pairwise com­
parison matrix, which includes the main client criteria identified as well
as the relative importance scales of pairs assessed by experts’ judgments
in relation to the overall bridge rehabilitation objective. In the case of
Werrington bridge, this matrix shows the strong importance of safety in
the rehabilitation process, over the service life criteria. Moreover, Fig. 7
depicts the procedure’s hierarchical structure used.
Following this procedure, the criterion weights are determined, as
shown in Table 8, which reveals that safety and cost have the greatest
contributions. Moreover, the consistency check resulted in a Consistency
Fig. 7. Three-level hierarchical framework for remedial planning of Werring­
Ratio (CR) of 0.0043, which is less than 0.1, indicating that the
ton Bridge.
completed judgement is consistent. With respect to each criterion,
expert judgments were also used to compare the major alternatives for
each element type using Saaty’s nine relative importance scales (Saaty, 1990). This evaluation needs to be conducted for the element types with
the highest PRCI, generally for elements with greater than two scores,
which may be varied based on client preferences between projects. For
Table 7
the Werrington bridge, two element types of steel beam/girder, SBGI,
Pairwise matrix of main criteria in respect to Werrington Bridge remediation.
and elastomeric bearing pad, BELA, were candidates to be examined.
Service Life Safety Cost Traffic disruption Table 8 shows the score of the major remedial alternatives for these two
Service Life 1 1/5 1/3 3 element types. During this procedure, the Overall Alternative Score
Safety 5 1 3 7 (OAS) of each activity for specific element types was determined to be
Cost 3 1/3 1 5
utilized for optimized remediation planning after the budget allocation.
Traffic disruption 1/3 1/7 1/5 1

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

Table 8
Scoring the major remedial alternatives for element types with the highest PRCI.
Criteria Criteria Weights SBGI, Major remedial alternatives BELA, Major remedial alternatives

Regular Minor Major Repl. Regular Minor Major Repl.

Maintenance Rehab. Rehab. Maintenance Rehab. Rehab.

Service Life 12.19 1 2 5 5 1 1 1 6

Safety 55.79 1 2 3 5 1 2 2 5
Cost 26.33 3 4 5 2 2 4 4 3
Traffic 5.69 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 2
OAS 175.4 269.7 388.4 403.9 149.1 257.5 257.5 442.5

As shown in Table 8, OAS for SBGI and BELA replacement were higher 6. Discussion and future directions
than for other activities; nevertheless, for the BELA, similar scores were
obtained for minor and major rehabilitation, indicating that BELA major This research study established a comprehensive methodology and a
or minor rehabilitation was in same level of effectiveness in terms of pathway for addressing two concerns of having a reliable digital replica
Werrington bridge rehabilitation. of the bridge with geometrical and non-geometrical information and
Following that, budget optimization was accomplished by estab­ employing these data in a reliable and objective management system for
lishing possible action combinations, calculating the cumulative OAS remedial planning. In these regards, this study introduced the valuable
and actual cost of each combination, and then comparing it to the annual use of state-of-the-art TLS technology in capturing precise geometrical
bridge budget. Therefore, the final optimal remedial plan would be a information of the bridges that can be utilised for 3D CAD model
combination of actions with the highest OAS, which can result in more extraction, and digital inspections. Unlike paper-based information,
improvement, and a cost within the annual budget range. If the budget these can be stored in a digital format as a reference for future in­
was unlimited and sustainability was not a priority, the combination of vestigations and are particularly valuable in the development of inno­
remedial actions with the highest OAS would be chosen. In this respect, vative solutions in detecting damages and identifying risks using clash
and in the case of the Werrington Bridge, the combination of major SBGI detection algorithms, which can assist bridge engineers or managers in
rehabilitation and BELA replacement resulted in a total OAS of 830.9, gaining a better understanding of how the bridge interacts.
met the annual bridge budget request. This information can be trans­ The study also made an effort to systematize the bridge management
ferred directly to the project’s asset manager for future remedial plan­ in a practical way, further providing a management system that can be
ning and management. linked to the proposed BrIM and offers asset managers with the ability to
use the assigned data to more effectively and objectively evaluate the
5.3. Visual condition report and remedial plan bridge’s health condition. In this system, three supplementary factors
were taken into consideration to form a Priority Ranking Condition
During all these procedures, the designed plugin is utilized to assess Index (PRCI), which was used to select those bridge element types that
all the aforementioned information and update the Werrington BrIM by may require more attention in terms of their structural importance,
assigning the analyzed information to each component of the digital material vulnerability, or other causal factors such as their age or
model. The system has the ability to colorize the bridge element types interaction environment.
with respect to overall maximum interpreted PRCI, shown in Fig. 8, as Besides, a Decision Support System (DSS) was developed to accom­
well as CI values individually, shown in Fig. 6(b). Using this plugin, not pany this management system conducting the risk assessment and
only can help with identification of the locality and severity of defects verifying that the bridge rehabilitation is properly managed. In this re­
through assignment of geometrical and non-geometrical information of gard, a SMART-AHP analysis tool was introduced that integrates asset
the model, but also can generate a reliable report containing several management system with dynamic risk analysis and strategy mapping
combinations of remedial actions that can be chosen while keeping the for bridge elements, in order to provide a more accurate and objective
allocated budget optimized. measure of bridge maintenance plan.
In a subsequent step, the proposed methodology of this research
study was then implemented into a software plugin to make this pro­
cedure more applicable in terms of Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) and digitalization. Eventually, this methodology was
further evaluated and validated in a real bridge case study on a cable-
stayed bridge named Werrington Bridge in New South Wales,
Australia. In this case study, the process from bridge survey through TLS
application was covered, and then the general procedure of BrIM
development, as well as setting up an asset management plan using DSS
was described.
Considering the proposed methodology and findings of this research
study, future research could potentially target the incorporation of
sustainability into the strategic remedial planning, as well as integration
of different methods of real-time data extraction and analysis leveraging
Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Liu et al., 2021; Truong-Hong and Linden­
bergh, 2022; Yu et al., 2022; Zhen et al., 2022; Yu et al., 2021) to form
dynamic bridge digital twins, as well as digital platforms to enable
network level asset management and boost capabilities for smart cities
and intelligent urban transformation. Implementation of Internet of
Things (IoT) in bridge asset management system (Scianna et al., 2022;
Fig. 8. Visual condition report of Werrington Bridge, PRCI of element types. Wu et al., 2022; El Kadiri et al., 2016), through using remote sensors as a

M. Mohammadi et al. Computers in Industry 147 (2023) 103881

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Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 2835–2844

27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering

Systems (KES 2023)
27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering
Systems (KES 2023)
Revolutionizing Management Information Systems with Natural
LanguageManagement Information
Processing for Systems with Natural
Digital Transformation
Language Processing for Digital Transformation
Muhammad Arslana*, Zainab Riazb, Christophe Cruza
Muhammad Arslana*, Zainab Riazb, Christophe Cruza
Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB), Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France

Marketing, Operations
a and Information
Laboratoire Systems
Interdisciplinaire department,
Carnot Abu Dhabi
de Bourgogne University,
(ICB), UniversitéZayed City, Abu Dhabi,
de Bourgogne, United Arab Emirates
Dijon, France
Marketing, Operations and Information Systems department, Abu Dhabi University, Zayed City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a rapidly growing field with immense potential to transform Management Information
Systems (MIS) andProcessing
Natural Language drive digital transformation
(NLP) is a rapidly ingrowing
field To
immense the potential
possible applications
to transform of NLP for MIS,
Management we first
Systems current
(MIS) and state-of-the-art research by examining
drive digital transformation the top-tier
in businesses. journals
To explore theinpossible
the field.applications
Our analysisofrevealed
NLP forthat while
MIS, wethere
has been some
investigated research
current exploring theresearch
state-of-the-art benefitsbyofexamining
NLP for MIS, the full journals
the top-tier potentialinofthe
powerful technology
Our analysis has not
revealed yetwhile
that been there
has beenin the research
some literature.exploring
Therefore,thethis studyofaims
benefits NLPtoforfillMIS,
this the
by potential
technology of hasNLP for been
not yet MIS.fully
cover several
realized scenarios, Therefore,
in the literature. including this
boosting marketing
study aims to fill campaigns, enhancing the
this gap by discussing supplier
applications management,
of NLP for MIS.detecting
cover using competitive
several scenarios, includinganalysis
boosting to gain insights,campaigns,
marketing identifyingenhancing
related contextual
supplierterms, and enhancing
relationship BI systems.
management, The
main goal of presenting
misinformation, various scenarios
using competitive analysisistotogain
insights, the vast potential
identifying relatedofcontextual
NLP in transforming MIS and supporting
terms, and enhancing BI systems. digital
main Throughvarious
goal of presenting this exploration
scenariosof is various scenarios,
to demonstrate thewe hope
vast to inspire
potential researchers
of NLP and practitioners
in transforming to further explore
MIS and supporting digital
the potential of Through
transformation. NLP for MIS applicationsofand
this exploration unlock
various new possibilities
scenarios, we hope to forinspire
enhancing businessand
researchers operations, decision-making,
practitioners to further exploreand
the development
potential of NLP for in the
MIS context of digital
applications andtransformation.
unlock new possibilities for enhancing business operations, decision-making, and
strategy development in the context of digital transformation.
© 2023
© 2023 TheThe Authors.
Authors. Published
Published byby ELSEVIER
Elsevier B.V.B.V.
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is an open
open access article
accessPublished under
article under the CC
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license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
© 2023 The
Peer-review Authors.
under responsibility by of
ELSEVIER B.V.committee
the scientific of the 27th International Conference on Knowledge Based and
This is an under
open responsibility
access article of
under the scientific
CC committee
license International
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
Peer-review Competitor Profiling; Digital
under responsibility Transformation;
of the Management
scientific committee Information
of KES Systems; Natural Language Processing
Keywords: Competitor Profiling; Digital Transformation; Management Information Systems; Natural Language Processing

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 6 28 43 08 01

* Corresponding muhammad.arslan@u-bourgogne.fr
E-mail address:author. Tel.: +33 6 28 43 08 01
E-mail address: muhammad.arslan@u-bourgogne.fr
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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th International Conference on Knowledge Based
and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
2836 Muhammad Arslan et al. / Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 2835–2844
2 M. Arslan et al./ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2023) 000–000

1. Introduction

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technology to fundamentally change how an organization
operates and delivers value to customers [1]. This transformation may involve automating processes, leveraging data
analytics, and implementing new digital tools and platforms [1]. Digital transformation has become an increasingly
important aspect of modern business operations, as companies seek to adapt to the ever-changing technological
landscape. NLP can play a crucial role in this transformation by providing businesses with the tools they need to
analyze and leverage the vast amounts of unstructured data that are generated every day [2]. NLP is a subfield of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) that focuses on enabling machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language
[2]. It involves the use of computational algorithms and techniques to process and analyze large volumes of natural
language data (e.g., text).
With NLP, businesses can automate certain processes, such as data analysis for other critical tasks [3]. By
integrating NLP into their MIS, businesses can gain a competitive edge by improving their ability to collect, process,
and analyze data for decision-making and strategic planning [3]. MIS refers to a set of tools, technologies, and
processes used by businesses to optimize their operations, improve performance, and gain a competitive edge in the
market [4]. MIS includes various technologies and systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems,
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, Business Intelligence (BI) systems, Supplier Change
Management systems and Knowledge Management systems [4].
Exploring the benefits of NLP for MIS aiming at the digital transformation of business operations is a critical area
of research that has gained increasing attention in recent years. There is immense potential for NLP to supplement
MIS with valuable data analysis [5]. There are numerous use cases where NLP can provide unique insights into
customer preferences, supplier performance, and other critical aspects of business operations. This article highlights
six specific scenarios where NLP can enhance MIS. By leveraging the power of NLP, businesses can gain a
competitive advantage by unlocking previously untapped sources of data and gaining new insights into their operations
and customers.
Section 2 of the paper provides an overview of the study's background, while Section 3 introduces the proposed
scenarios. A detailed discussion is presented in Section 4, and the conclusion is provided in Section 5.

2. Background

2.1. Recent research statistics of studies on NLP for MIS

We conducted a targeted search to identify recent developments in NLP for MIS. We focused on research articles
published in the last six years in three top-tier MIS journals. Using a set of carefully selected keywords related to NLP
including computational linguistics, text analytics, natural language generation, textual analysis, sentiment analysis,
speech recognition, Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging, Named Entity Recognition (NER), and Information Retrieval, we
searched for relevant keywords in titles and abstracts, and reviewed their abstracts and keywords to ensure their
relevance. The number of identified articles related to NLP is presented in Table 1, providing valuable insights for
future research in this area.

Table 1. Number of publications related to NLP for MIS.

No. Journal Name - ISSN Impact Factor 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1 Management Information Systems Quarterly - 0276-7783 12.803 2 0 4 0 3 1
2 Information Systems Research - 1047-7047 7.83 2 2 6 2 7 0
3 Journal of the Association for Information Systems - 1536-9323 7.79 1 2 1 2 4 0

Upon examining Table 1, it becomes apparent that there is a lack of research related to NLP in the context of MIS
for digital transformation. This may be attributed to the fact that the selected journals primarily focus on research
related to MIS systems from a business and management perspective, which may not necessarily encompass the latest
developments in NLP. Although there are instances where NLP is being adopted in MIS systems, the current number
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of research publications in this area is not substantial, which may indicate a need for further exploration and
investigation of the potential of NLP in enhancing digital transformation.
While a significant amount of research has been published on NLP for different information management case
studies, which can be found in interdisciplinary journals (e.g., Information Technology and People, Journal of
Information Technology, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, etc.) that showcase
technological advancements. But there is still a gap in the literature when it comes to exploring NLP from a business
perspective. Specifically, the literature lacks studies that investigate the potential of NLP in enhancing business
processes and boosting overall organizational performance. Addressing this gap can help to enhance the understanding
of how NLP can be leveraged to drive digital transformation and improve business outcomes.

2.2. Existing relevant literature

NLP technologies are used to analyse and understand human language [3]. Some key NLP technologies include
named entity recognition (NER) (i.e., identifying proper nouns in text), sentiment analysis (i.e., determining the overall
emotional tone), topic modelling (i.e., identifying the main themes), and contextual keywords extraction.
NER is a technique in NLP that can be performed using various methods, including gazetteer-based, rule-based,
and deep learning-based techniques such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) [6].
NER has proven useful in a variety of domains. For example, researchers have proposed an NER-based approach to
extract key information related to bank accidents, using a BERT-based model [7]. Similarly, NER has been
investigated as a means of information extraction from drone flight logs for forensic analysis [8]. Additionally, an
NER system has been developed to identify entities mentioned in English business telephone conversations [9].
Sentiment analysis is another area where NLP techniques have been applied. For example, researchers have
proposed using sentiment analysis for production prediction based on news [10]. Another study proposed customer
review analytics for BI by classifying review sentences as praise or complaint [11]. Yet another study analyzed the
emotions and real reactions in Twitter data to gain business insights [12].
When it comes to topic modeling, BERT-based and LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) are both popular approaches.
For instance, researchers have used LDA topic modeling to cluster business organizations based on textual data [13].
However, BERT-based [14] is often preferred over LDA because it is a more advanced and powerful language model
capable of understanding context and meaning to a greater degree. One study even proposed extracting business
insights through dynamic topic modeling and NER [15].
In the field of textual keyword extraction, researchers have explored various techniques [16] for identifying
keywords. The most used method is the term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) approach [16].
Another popular technique is the TextRank algorithm [17], which has found application in text processing. In recent
years, many researchers have combined TF-IDF with TextRank to enhance the effectiveness of keyword extraction
[17]. Additionally, an approach called KeyBERT has been proposed [18], which leverages BERT embeddings to
generate keywords that are contextually relevant to the document. This minimal and user-friendly technique has
several advantages over previous methods, including a greater focus on contextual relevance [18].

3. Showcasing the potential of NLP in MIS through scenario-based presentations

To demonstrate the diverse advantages of NLP in MIS and its potential to support the digital transformation of
business operations, we present a comprehensive exploration of six distinct scenarios. These scenarios have been
carefully selected after doing an extensive relevant literature review to showcase the varied capabilities of NLP in
different aspects of MIS, and to highlight its potential to revolutionize traditional approaches to data processing and
analysis. We will study these scenarios as mentioned below.

3.1. Scenario 1: Boosting marketing campaigns through competitor profiling with news data insights.

Imagine a scenario where a company wants to gain an edge over its competitors in the market. By leveraging NLP
techniques to extract insights from news data, the company can better understand its rivals' marketing strategies. For
example, they could use NLP to extract information about the types of content their competitors are promoting, the
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channels they are using to distribute this content, and the target audience they are reaching. By performing competitor
profiling with news data insights, the company can identify trends and gaps in the market, allowing them to tailor their
marketing campaigns accordingly.

Fig. 1. Using NER for competitor profiling

To conduct competitor profiling for businesses (see Fig. 1), the first step is to gather news data, which can be done
using web scraping techniques. Next, NER [19] can be performed to identify key entities such as locations,
organizations, and persons (see Fig. 2). By extracting these entities, we can gain insight into the latest contextual
information concerning a company. For example, we can see that Puma is partnering with French manufacturers to
launch a new collection.

Fig. 2. Identifying named entities using NER

One advantage of using NER is that data analysts do not need to read the entire content of news articles, allowing
large collections of articles to be processed efficiently to extract essential information. The results of this analysis can
be integrated into the organization's MIS, specifically the ERP system used by marketing and sales teams. This
integration provides a comprehensive view of competitors' data, enabling companies to optimize their marketing
campaigns and stay ahead of the competition in today's dynamic business landscape.

3.2. Scenario 2: Enhancing supplier relationship management through the collection of updated suppliers’ data.

A company manufacturing fire safety equipment that relies on a network of suppliers to provide the raw materials,
components, and services required for its operations. However, the procurement department has been struggling to
manage the supplier relationships effectively due to the lack of updated information related to the suppliers' business
practices, financial stability, and other important factors.
To address this challenge, the company decided to implement a supplier relationship management program that
includes the use of news data sources such as industry publications, press releases, and social media posts. By
leveraging NLP techniques such as NER and topic detection, the organization can automatically identify and extract
relevant information from these sources, including the names of suppliers, their products or services, and any recent
news or events related to them (see Fig. 3).
One way to find relevant articles for a company's area of interest is to use topic modeling [5]. This technique can
identify key themes within news articles, allowing the latest news to be categorized under the most relevant topics.
For example, a news article about FireSafety Inc.'s reputation could be categorized under Topic 4 (see [14] to
implement topic modeling) (see Fig. 4). To extract more information, NLP techniques such as NER [19] can be used
to validate details such as the company's existence and offered services from the news text (see Fig. 5).
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Using this data, the company creates real-time supplier profiles that are accessible to the procurement department
and other stakeholders. These profiles provide valuable insights into the suppliers' business practices, financial
stability, and any potential risks or opportunities. For example, if a supplier is facing financial difficulties or has been
involved in a scandal, the procurement department can quickly identify the potential risks and take appropriate action,
such as diversifying its supplier network or renegotiating contracts.
By leveraging these insights, the company can make more informed decisions regarding its supplier relationships,
ultimately improving its procurement processes and driving better business outcomes. In addition, the supplier
relationship management program can help build stronger partnerships with suppliers by promoting transparency,
trust, and collaboration.

Fig. 3. Collecting updated suppliers’ data using NLP

Fig. 4. Identifying the topic of a news article based on the company's existing areas of interest.

Fig. 5. Identifying named entities using NER

3.3. Scenario 3: Detecting misinformation to prevent reputational harm.

A company that manufactures fire safety equipment (as discussed in Scenario 2) is concerned about potential
misinformation being spread about their products. They have been receiving reports of negative news articles and
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social media posts that criticize their products and damage their brand reputation. To address this issue, the company
decides to leverage NLP techniques (see Fig. 6) to detect and respond to misinformation in news articles.
To start, the company's data science team collects news data from various sources and uses news classification
algorithms [20] to categorize the articles as positive (in-favor) or negative (against) towards the organization's products
or brand (see Fig. 7). This step helps the team quickly identify articles that may contain misinformation and require
further analysis. Next, the team applies topic detection techniques [14] and NER [19] (see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) to identify
the main topics associated with the organization's products and track any changes that may indicate the spread of
misinformation. For instance, if a company's new product is receiving negative feedback in the news, the topic
detection algorithms and NER can help identify the specific aspects of the product that are causing the negative
Identifying misinformation in news articles is crucial for several teams within the organization. The public relations
(PR) and communications teams can use this information to craft messaging that addresses any inaccuracies and
clarifies the organization's stance on the issues raised in the news. Marketing teams can also use the insights gained
from NLP techniques to adjust their campaigns and messaging to counter any negative perceptions in the market. The
legal team can leverage the data collected from NLP techniques to identify and respond to any false claims made in
the news that could potentially harm the organization's reputation. Additionally, the executive team can use this data
to make data-driven decisions and implement strategies to address any issues that may arise. By detecting and
addressing misinformation early on, organizations can protect their brand reputation and make informed decisions to
respond appropriately.

Fig. 6. Identifying misinformation for business

Fig. 7. News text classification

3.4. Scenario 4: Using competitive analysis to gain insights and improve market positioning.

Imagine a business analyst working for a company that sells office equipment. His job is to help the company
improve its market position by conducting a competitive analysis. To do this (see Fig. 7), he starts by collecting online
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annual reports of the competitors and uses NER [19] (see Fig. 8) to identify key entities such as company names,
financial metrics, products, services, and industry terms.
Once he has collected and analyzed the data, he will be able to gain valuable insights into the competitors'
performance and market positioning. He discovers that one of your competitors is growing rapidly and has introduced
a new line of products that are gaining popularity among customers. Another competitor is struggling to keep up and
has experienced a decline in revenue over the past year.
By comparing the company's performance metrics with those of your competitors, he identifies areas of
improvement and develops a strategic plan to stay ahead of the competition. To ensure that this information is easily
accessible and actionable, he suggest that the company integrates a business dashboard into its MIS, providing a
centralized location for competitive analysis, industry trend monitoring, and real-time strategic planning. With these
tools at their disposal, the company can make data-driven decisions that lead to continued growth and success, staying
ahead of the competition.

Fig. 8. Implementing competitive analysis on annual reports of companies

Fig. 9. Using NER to detect relevant entities from a report.

3.5. Scenario 5: Identifying related contextual terms to enrich business taxonomies for MIS Systems.

A large organization that collects vast amounts of data from various sources. However, they are struggling to extract
useful insights from their data due to the ever-increasing amount of data being generated. They realize that they need
to enrich their business taxonomy with related terms and keywords to create a more comprehensive and accurate
understanding of their data by catering to the needs of dynamic business markets.
To achieve this, the organization has decided to leverage NLP methods (see Fig. 9) such as word embedding
analysis. For instance, they used Sense2Vec [21] and GloVe [22], which are both popular algorithms used for NLP.
Sense2Vec allows you to capture multiple senses of a word [21]. Whereas GloVe stands for Global Vectors for Word
Representation and is designed to capture the meaning of words based on their context [22]. These algorithms help to
automatically identify and extract key terms from large volumes of text-based data.
By semantically enriching their business taxonomies (see Table 2) with related terms and keywords, the
organization gains a better understanding of how their products and services are related to each other [23]. This
information can be used to optimize their products and services offerings, improve marketing strategies, and ultimately
improve sales.
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Fig. 10. Finding relevant business terms.

Table 2. Semantic enrichments of business concepts.

No. Business concept Semantic enrichment
1 Health insurance Medical insurance, health coverage, medical coverage
2 Renewable energy Biofuels, biomass renewables, clean energy, green energy, sustainable energy, fossil fuels
3 Foreign affairs Foreign relations, foreign policy, international affairs

3.6. Scenario 6: Enhancing BI systems with relevant information retrieval.

This is a large organization that collects vast amounts of data from multiple sources to support their business
operations. They are searching for ways to identify similarities and patterns across disparate data. One approach they
take is to enrich their MIS systems by identifying the relevance of different texts to each other.
The organization uses NLP techniques to identify shared characteristics between different texts (see Fig. 10). For
example, if two texts cover similar context, they may be considered relevant to each other. The organization uses this
information to create a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand. Similarly, if two texts relate to the
same geographic location or occurred within a similar time frame, they may be considered relevant to each other. The
organization uses this information to identify patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed. Additionally, if two texts
are related to the same organization or written by the same author or group of authors, they may be considered relevant
to each other. The organization uses this information to track the performance of different business units, identify
potential opportunities for collaboration, or gain deeper insights into the thought processes of key stakeholders.

Fig. 11. Finding relevant business terms.

- Industrial machinery
-Agricultural applications

-Healthcare company
-Wellness products
-Dietary supplements

Fig. 12. (a) Identifying named entities (e.g., organizations and locations) [19] in business text (left); (b) Identifying the context using keywords
[18] of business texts.
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For instance, both texts (in Fig. 11) are about different products from companies with similar names and are in the
same city. The first text is about industrial machinery, specifically tractors for agricultural use, while the second text
is about dietary supplements for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By identifying the relevance of different texts to each
other, the organization gains a more comprehensive understanding of their operations and can make better-informed

4. Discussion

With the exponential growth of digital data, businesses are finding it more challenging to extract meaningful
insights from the vast amounts of unstructured data available. This is where NLP comes in, allowing businesses to
analyze and interpret large volumes of text data in real-time, providing valuable insights that can be used to drive
business decisions.
By supplementing MIS with NLP, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers, suppliers, and
competitors, which can help them make more informed decisions. For example, by analyzing news data, businesses
can gain insights into market trends, enabling them to adjust their marketing campaigns and improve their market
positioning. In addition, NLP can help businesses manage their supplier relationships more effectively by analyzing
data from multiple sources. This data can provide insights into supplier performance, potential risks, and other factors
that can impact a business's supply chain. Moreover, NLP can help businesses prevent reputational harm by identifying
and addressing misinformation before it can damage their brand reputation.
Another way NLP can enhance MIS is by identifying related contextual terms that can enrich business taxonomies.
By analyzing text data, NLP can identify related terms and concepts, improving the accuracy and relevance of business
taxonomies. Finally, by enhancing BI systems with NLP, businesses can gain more accurate insights from unstructured
data. This can help them make more informed decisions and improve their overall business performance.
To demonstrate the proof-of-concept demonstration of different business scenarios, the article mentions the use of
NER, topic modeling, and word embeddings techniques. While the implementation of NLP techniques is not
discussed, an overview is provided to showcase the utility of NLP for MIS in digital transformation. The researchers
and practitioners are open to use any technology if they serve the same purpose of information extraction.

5. Conclusion

Digital transformation is crucial for businesses to remain competitive in today's fast-paced technological landscape.
NLP can be a game-changer in this transformation by providing businesses with powerful tools to analyze and leverage
the vast amounts of unstructured data generated every day. By integrating NLP into MIS, businesses can gain a
competitive advantage by improving their ability to collect, process, and analyze data for decision-making and
strategic planning. NLP can enable MIS to process and analyze unstructured data, leading to better decision-making
and more effective strategy development. The potential use cases of NLP for MIS are numerous, including boosting
marketing campaigns, enhancing supplier relationship management, detecting misinformation, using competitive
analysis to gain insights, identifying related contextual terms, and enhancing BI systems. By leveraging NLP,
businesses can unlock previously untapped sources of data and gain new insights into their operations and customers,
ultimately leading to improved performance and a better competitive edge in the market.


The authors thank the French government for the plan France Relance funding.


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