(PILOT TEST) Non Governmental Organisations Survey

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Non-Governmental Organisation Survey



This pilot test is being carried out to mainly determine the clarity
and flow of the survey below.

Should this pilot test survey not apply to your organisation, do

check the right box in question A (2) or A (6) of the survey.
Subsequently insert the time completed in the scorecard.

Regardless of whether the survey does apply to your organisation

or otherwise, please do go through all the questions in order to fill
up the scorecard.

Scope Score Additional remarks
(out of 10)
1 Are the instructions in the questionnaire
clear? /10

2 Do you understand the terms used? (eg

R&D, FTE, SEO, FOR, etc) /10

3 Does the sequence of the question flow

well and clearly? /10

4 How long did it take for you to complete

the questions?

Is this survey applicable to you/your

organisation? (Yes/No)

5 Is the format used (e.g. Microsoft Excel,

Microsoft Word, etc) convenient to you? /10

6 Are the guidelines provided useful?


Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Survey document
Frequently asked questions
Opening statement: The knowledge-based economy has been a part of government policies since the
1980s. KBE is seen as the catalyst for innovation and the fourth industrial revolution.

I. Survey Coverage
This survey covers all R&D activities including projects funded by Federal and State Governments, the private
sector, your organisation’s internal funds and foreign funds. This survey also covers research projects that your
organisation may have outsourced to others outside of your organisation.

II. Financial Year of Survey – 2020

Please report your R&D data for the 2020 portion of the project(s):
January-December 2020

III. Reporting Numerical Data

Numerical data shall be reported, such as full-time equivalent (FTE), funds received, expenditure, salaries and
percentage breakdowns. Data should be based on a best estimate basis,based on best available data. The
purpose of this National Survey of R&D is to obtain indicators on R&D developments in the country based on
these estimates, and using such an estimation process is a practice adopted by other countries.

IV. Definition of R&D

This survey follows the Frascati Manual (2015) for conducting surveys on the inputs to R&D. R&D refers to
research and development activities that comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to
increase the stock of knowledge, which could then be used to devise new applications. These activities should
have the following characteristics: Aimed at new findings (Novel); Based on original concepts (Creative);
Uncertainty about final outcomes; To be planned and budgeted (Systematic); Leads to results that could be
possibly reproduced (Transferable and/or Reproducible).

Innovation activities should not be included in this survey. According to Oslo Manual (2018), an innovation is
putting new or significantly improved products on the market or finding better ways of getting products to the
market. R&D may or may not be part of the activity of innovation, but is one among a number of innovation
activities. Innovation activities such as patent application and licensing activity, market research, manufacturing
start-up or tooling up, such as process development, design and prototype construction are appreciable elements
of R&D may not fulfil the criteria of R&D, and thus cannot with certainty be classified as R&D.

V. Definition of type of R&D

Basic Research: Basic Research refers to experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new
knowledge without a specific application in mind. It is carried out without looking for any long-term economic or
social benefits other than for the advancement of knowledge.

Applied Research: Applied Research involves the performance of original work in the acquisition of new
knowledge, with a specific application in view. It also involves research to determine possible uses from the
findings of the basic research conducted. Activities under this type of R&D can also to determine new methods or
ways in achieving some specific or pre-determined objectives.

Experimental Development: Experimental Development refers to systematic work using existing knowledge
gained from other research and/or practical experiences for the purpose of creating new or improved materials,
equipment, products, systems or processes of services. An example is the adoption of existing technologies for
use in a prototype in development. This is considered experimental as (i) it will lead to new results as it is a new
application, (ii) it will be uncertain if the application would give negative results (iii) it is creative because it adapts
some technologies for new use (iv) it is systematic work as it needs the commitment of a specialised workforce
and (v) findings can be reproduced.

VI. Examples of R&D

Field Possible R&D activities

Natural sciences and Looking for new composite materials
engineering Basic research: The study of how the properties of carbon fibres change according to their
position and orientation within a structure
Applied research: Conceptualising a method to allow for processing of carbon fibres at
industrial level with nano-scale precision

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Experimental development: Testing new composite materials for different purposes

Alternative methods of computation

Basic research: Searching for alternative methods of computation such as quantum
computation and quantum information theory
Applied research: Investigation into the application of information processing in new fields or
in new ways (eg. Developing a new programming language or new programme generators)
Experimental research: Development of new applications software and substantial
improvements to operating systems and application programmes
Agricultural sciences Basic research: Investigate genome changes and mutagenic factors in plants to understand
and forestry their effects
Applied research: Researchers investigate wild potato genomes to locate the genes
responsible for resistance to potato blight in an effort to improve the disease resistance in
Experimental development: Researchers create a tool for gene editing by using knowledge
of how enzymes edit DNA
Economics and From theory to operational models
business Basic research: A review of theories on the factors determining regional disparities in
economic growth or conducting abstract research in economic theory
Applied research: The analysis of a specific regional case for the purpose of developing
government policies.
Experimental development: The development of operational models, based upon statistical
evidence, to design economic policy tools to allow a region to catch up in terms of growth.

Telecommunications spectrum
Applied research: Investigating the properties of auction mechanism that could be relevant
to auctioning the telecommunications spectrum
Experimental development: Developing a national telecommunications authority method for
auctioning the telecommunications spectrum

History Historical lessons and climate change

Basic research: Historians study the history and impact of glacial outburst floods in a country
Applied research: Historians examine past societies’ responses to catastrophic natural
events (eg floods, droughts, epidemics) in order to understand how contemporary society
might better respond to global climate change
Experimental development: Using previous research findings, historians design a new
museum exhibit on the adaptations of past human societies to environmental changes that
serves as a prototype for other museums and educational installations
Music Bringing extinct musical instruments back to life
Applied research: Researchers use historical records and the techniques of experimental
archaeology to recreate an ancient and long-disappeared musical instrument and to
determine how it would have to be constructed, how it was played and the types of sounds it
would have produced

Pedagogical breakthroughs for music

Basic research: Researchers develop a transformational theory that provides a framework
for understanding musical events not as a collection of objects that have particular
relationships to each other but as a series of transformational operations applied to the basic
material of the work
Experimental development: Music educators and theorists work to produce new pedagogical
materials based on new discoveries in neuroscience that change our understanding of how
humans process new sounds and information.

VII. R&D includes the following area of activities

· The design, construction and operation of prototypes, with the main objective of conducting technical
testing or to make further improvements
· The construction and operation of pilot plants that are not operated or intended to be operated as
commercial units
· The implementation of research and original development (or substantial modification) of computer
software, such as new programming languages and new operating systems
· Feedback directed at solving problems, occurring beyond the R&D phase, for instance, technical
problems arising during initial production rounds
· Research work in the biological, physical and social sciences, and the humanities
· Social science research, including economic cultural, education and sociological research
· If the primary objective of the activity is to make further technical improvements, then the work comes
within the definition of R&D

VIII. R&D excludes the following areas of activities

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

· Scientific and technical information services

· Pre-production activities such as demonstration of commercial viability, tooling up and trial production
· General purpose or routine data collection
· Commercial, legal and administrative aspects of patenting, copyrighting or licensing activities
· Policy related studies, management studies and efficiency studies. Consumer surveys, advertising and
market research
· Prospecting, exploring or drilling for minerals, petroleum or natural gas
· Routine computer programming, systems maintenance or software application
· Activities associated with standards compliance
· Routine quality control and testing
· Cosmetic modifications or style changes to existing products
· Operations research and mathematical or statistical analysis
· Specialised routine medical care, for example routine pathology services

IX. R&D ends when

· The work is no longer experimental, and pre-production begins

· The material, product, process, devices and services have been substantially developed
· Pre-production planning is done to establish markets for a product
· Pre-production runs or tests are conducted to ensure smooth functioning of the production systems or
control systems

X. Research Activity Classification Based on Field of Research (FOR) and Socio-Economics

Objective (SEO)

Please classify your research activity(ies) based on the category code with the most appropriate FIELD OF
RESEARCH (FOR) and SOCIO-ECONOMIC OBJECTIVE as listed in the Malaysian Research & Development
Classification System (MRDCS) guidebook accessible at mastic.mestecc.gov.my/mrdcs

Field of research (FOR): Percentage or R&D expenditure (RM) by field of research. This can be estimated from
the title of the project, if it is not already stated by the researchers

Socio-economic objective (SEO): Percentage of R&D expenditure (RM) by socio-economic objective. This can be
estimated from the title of the project; the percentage of projects reported under a certain FOR should not differ
significantly from that reported under a certain SEO

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Non-governmental organisation

Background details

Office telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Fax number
Postal Address
Signature and Company

Organization Profile
A(1) Main activity of the organisation:



A(2) Ownership Structure

a)Held Directly by Malaysian
If 100% Malaysian please respond to the

Non Bumiputera

b) Held Directly by Non-Malaysian

Please Specify

Total (must equal 100%)

A(3) Please specify the total number of full-time employees in 2020

A(4) What is the organisation’s paid up capital


Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

A(5) Gross Sales for 2020


What is Research and Development (R&D)?

Research and development comprise creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to
increase the stock of knowledge. Any activity classified as R&D is characterised by originality.
Investigation is a primary objective.

R&D: All activities which involve the creation of new scientific knowledge or the development of
existing scientific knowledge

1. Subcontractors working on R&D projects carried out by your organization
2. R&D projects funded by your organisation, but totally carried out by other
organisations, or a subsidiary of this

Do not include:
1. Policy related studies, management studies, or efficiency studies
2. General purpose or routine data collection

A(6) Did your organization engage in any R&D activity in 2020?

Please mark (X) where applicable

Yes, conducted, and funded R&D activities (please complete the entire survey)
Yes, only funded R&D activity (please complete the survey but skip Section 2)
No (see question below)

If no, did you have R&D in previous years? What has changed between 2019-2020?

Section 1: R&D Expenditure & Activities Conducted

Q1. Please provide a breakdown of the total R&D expenditure for 2020

Current Expenditure (RM)

Labour cost
Sum of the basic annual salary and other emoluments (such as EPF
contributions, medical benefits, performance bonuses, special allowances,
housing and car loans of each personnel involved directly in R&D).
Operating costs
Such as consumables, repairs, maintenance, purchasing of materials,
prototypes, subscription to reference databases and commissioned work.
Other recurrent cost
Payment for the salary and wages for Graduate Research Assistants (GRA)
who are either studying MSc (by research mode) or PhD programs (can be
obtained from VOTE11000) + total cost of other external R&D personnel

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey


Capital Expenditure (RM)

Land, building & other structures
Note: If the land and buildings purchased are also used for production, please
include only the portion used for R&D.
Vehicles, plants, software, machinery & equipment
If the assets purchased are also used for production, please include only the
portion used for R&D.

Grand total (Expenditure: Current + Capital) (in RM)

Q2. How much is the value of the R&D spent in 2019?

2.Please choose your R&D activities based on the Field of Research (FOR)
(The sum of all expenditure must be 100%)

Q3. Please choose your R&D activities based on the Field of Research (FOR)
Note: The sum of all expenditure must be 100%

Please refer to the Malaysian Research & Development Classification System (MRDCS) guidebook
accessible at mastic.mosti.gov.my for extensive list of fields of research and sub-fields of research

a. Formal Sciences
Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)
· Mathematics Sciences
· Computation Mathematics
o Computation Theory and Mathematics (Inclusive of
Analysis of Algorithms and Complexity, Sequential
and Parallel Algorithms, Mathematical Logic and
Formal Language, Computational Simulation and
Modelling, Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation
and Experimental Mathematics)
· Statistical Studies
· Specialist Topics in Mathematics
o Financial Mathematics
o Actuarial Sciences
o Mathematics and Statistics for Science and
o Mathematics and Statistics for ICT
o Mathematics and Statistics for Business and

Subtotal (%)

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

b. Physical sciences

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Physics
o Theoretical and Computational Physics (Inclusive
of Quantum Physics, Magnetohydridynamics and
Physical Field Theory)
o Acoustics and Optical Physics (Inclusive of
Acoustical and Optical Signal Processing Physics,
Fibre Optics and Waveguides Physics, as well as
Optics, Non-Linear Optics and Quantum Optics
o Condensed Matter Physics (Inclusive of Electronic,
Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties Physics,
Semiconductor Materials and Devices Physics and
Superconductivity Physics)
· Chemistry
o Physical Chemistry
o Organic Chemistry (Inclusive of Bioorganic
Chemistry, Organic Chemical Synthesis, Organic
Green Chemistry and Petrochemical Chemistry)
o Analytical Chemistry (Inclusive of Electroanalytical
Chemistry (Including Sensor Technology (Chemical
o Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry (Inclusive
of Functional Macromolecules, Nanochemistry and
Supramolecular Chemistry, Polymerisation
Mechanisms and Liquid Crystal)
o Environmental Chemistry (Inclusive of Aquatic
Chemistry (Including Seawater Chemistry, Pollution
Chemistry) and Land, Soil and Geochemistry
(Including Pollution Chemistry))
o Applied Chemical Sciences (Inclusive of Forensic
Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry and
· Nuclear Sciences
o Nuclear Sciences Fundamental (Inclusive of
Radioactivity and Electromagnetic Emission)
o Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Including Security,
Emergency and Protection)
o Nuclear Analytics
o International Treaty and Obligation (Including Non-
Proliferation of nuclear weapon, Nuclear Liability,
Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Terrorism, Nuclear Waste,
Physical Protection of Nuclear Material)
o Nuclear Policy and Management
o Nuclear Law (Including Authorisation Process,
Enforcement Process, Nuclear Legislation, Public

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Acceptance, Regulatory Development Process)

Subtotal (%)

c. Life sciences

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Biological Sciences
o Microbiology (Inclusive of Immunology, Food
Microbiology and Agricultural Microbiology)
o Botany
o Plant and Tree Physiology, Genetics and
o Biochemistry (Inclusive of Animal and Plant
Immunology, Biopolymers and Biodegradables, and
Small Molecule and Peptides (Including Electrolytes
and Neurochemistry))
o Biometrics
o Genetics
o Ecology
o Biodiversity and Bio-conservation
· Agriculture Sciences
o Plant and crop production sciences
o Livestock breeding and management
o Plantation and Estate Crop Production Sciences
o Farmer's Education and Agricultural Extension
(Including Agricultural Education and Extension,
Agricultural Education Engineering, Agricultural
Extension Research, Horticulture Extension
Education, Rural Farmer's Developmental
Extension Education, and Rural Women Farmer's
Extension Education)
o Plantation and Estate Crop Production Sciences
(Inclusive of Rubber Crop Production, Palm Oil
Crop Production, Coffee Crop Production and
Cocoa Crop Production)
o Plant Pest, Disease Management and Control
o Agricultural and Food Policies
o Agricultural Economy
o Agriculture Entrepreneurship
o Agricultural Marketing
· Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences
o Fisheries Sciences (Inclusive of Fish Stock
Assessment (Including Mapping, Monitoring and
Modelling), Fisheries Ecology and Conservation,
Economics and Livelihood and Fisheries
o Aquaculture Sciences
o Aquatic Ecosystem and Management

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

· Food and Nutrition Sciences

o Food Sciences (Inclusive of Food Sensory
Evaluation, Food Toxicology, Halal Food, Next-
Generation Food and Food Enzymes)
o Nutrition Sciences
· Phytochemicals, Nutraceuticals and Cosmetics
· Veterinary Sciences
· Forestry Sciences
· Marine Sciences
o Marine Agriculture
o Marine Ecology
o Marine Laws and Policies (Inclusive of Exclusive
Economic Zone and Law of the High Seas)
o Maritime Management (Inclusive of Fishing Port
Management and Shipping Management)

Subtotal (%)

d. Medical and Health Sciences

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Medical Sciences
o Immunology
o Anatomy
o Medical Physiology
o Neurosciences
o Speech and language pathology
o Radiotherapy
o Medical rehabilitation
· Clinical Sciences
o Clinical practice
o Surgical practice
o Lifestyle medicine
· Community and Public Healthcare Sciences
o Disease Control and Prevention System
· Dietitian and Food Nutritionist
· Pharmacy
· Nursing
o Nursing practices
· Dentistry
· Optometry
· Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
o Physiotherapy and occupational therapy sciences
o Physiotherapy and occupational therapy practices
· Sport Sciences
o Sport Sciences Practice
o Sport Recreation
o Sports Marketing

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

o Sport Journalism
· Health Sciences
o Cancer Cell Biology
o Biomedical metabolomics
· Specialist Topics in Medical and Health Sciences
o Health Philosophy, Education and Extension
o Medical Law and Ethics
o Health Research, Policy and Management
o Traditional and Complementary Medicine

Subtotal (%)

e. Earth Sciences

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Geosciences
· Hydrology
· Atmospheric Sciences
o Climatology
o Climate System
· Environmental Sciences and Management
o Natural Ecosystem
o Water Resource Study
o Environmental Issues
o Environmental Assessment and Management
o Environmental Conservation and Remediation
o Greenspace and Quality of Life

Subtotal (%)

f. Space Sciences

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Astrology
· Cosmology
· Planetary Sciences

Subtotal (%)

g. Engineering

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Engineering Principles
· Mechanical Engineering
o Industry Revolution 4.0
· Chemical Engineering
· Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

· Civil Engineering
· Electrical and Electronic Engineering
o Electrical Power Engineering
o Electronics Engineering
o Control and Instrumentation Engineering
o Communication Engineering (inclusive of
communication services, high speed network, radio
frequency and wireless systems as well as next
generation communication technology)
o Signal Processing
· Environmental Engineering
o Environmental Technology
o Environmental Water Technology
o Sustainable Environmental Engineering
o Environmental Inequities and Injustice
o Global Environmental Change
· Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
o Manufacturing Engineering (inclusive of reverse
o Industrial Engineering (inclusive of artificial
intelligence and optimisation methods)
o Technology for Manufacturing and Industry
o E-Manufacturing
o Industrial Computing
· Automotive Engineering
· Aerospace, Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering
· Health Sciences
· Specialist Topics in Medical and Health Sciences
· Biomedical Engineering
· Petroleum and Gas Engineering
· Computer Engineering
o Input, Output and Data Devices
o Memory Structures
o Quantum Computer
o Wearable Computer
o 3D, 4D Printing
o Software for Computer Engineering
o Quantum Computer Engineering
· Nuclear Technology and Engineering
· Energy Resources and Engineering
o Renewable Energy Resources
o Non-renewable Energy Resources
o Energy Resources Engineering
o Energy Law
o Energy Policy
· Interdisciplinary Engineering
o Robotics, Automations and Cyber Physical Systems
(inclusive of autonomous transportation, hyper-

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

automation and artificial intelligence and robotic

o Engineering Business Management
o Biomimetics Engineering (inclusive of Biomimetic
nanoparticles and biomimetic design and
o Gerontechnology and Engineering (inclusive of
technological environments such as health,
housing, mobility, communication, leisure and work
of older people)

Subtotal (%)

h. Applied Sciences and Technology

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Information and Communication Technology
o Information systems
o ICT Planning and Management
o Computer System and Organisation (inclusive of
cloud computing, human-machine interfacing,
mobile computing and ubiquitous computing)
o Next Generation Networking and Internet of Things
o Software Technology
o Software Development and Engineering (inclusive
of Shariah – Compliant Applications)
o Virtual and Extended Reality
o Digital and Cyber Security
o Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
o Data and Information Management and Analytics
o Data Storage and Database Technology
o Web Technology
o Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Multimedia
and e-Games
o ICT Education and Extension
o ICT Policy (Including Digital Economy Policy,
Telecommunication Policy)
o ICT Ethics and Management
o ICT Law
o Social Impact of ICT
o Telecommunications Law
· Library and Information Sciences
· Nanotechnology
· Bioinformatics
· Biotechnology
· Medical Technology

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

o Medical Diagnostic Imaging

o Medical Device, Equipment and System
o Nuclear Medical Technology
o Digital Health Technology
· Material Sciences and Technology
· Geomatics
o Composite Materials
o Electronics and Photonics Materials
o Energy Materials
o Sensor Materials
· Geoinformation
· Real Estate
o Technology in Real Estate (Including Property Data
Analytics, Blockchain and Property Technology,
Artificial Intelligence for Property and Facilities
Management as well as GIS for Property and
Facilities Management and Computerised Property)
o Housing Economics
o International Real Estate and Property Business
o Green Issues in Real Estate
· Urban and Regional Planning
· Urbanism and Urban Mobility
· Urban Environment
o Technology for Urban and Regional Planning
o Urban and Regional Analytics (Including Big Data,
Modelling and Simulation and GIS and Spatial
o Urban Economics (Including Urban Resource,
Tourism, Employment and Finance)
o Green Urban Environment (Including Clean Energy
for Urban Environment, Low Carbon Cities and
Urban Waste Management)
· Architecture
o Architectural History and Heritage
o Architecture and Building Science
o Sustainable and Green Architecture (Including
Building and Energy Performance, Green Building,
Building Integration of Renewable Energy Sources,
Environmental Behaviour, Environmental Narrative,
Social and Cultural Sustainability, Climate Change
and Resiliency, Sustainable Architectural Design,
Smart Cities, Eco-Cities, Resilient Cities and Future
o Architectural Creativity and Innovation Studies
o Digital Technology in Architecture (Including
Augmented Reality in Architecture and Architectural
Animation, Computing and Visualisation in
Architecture, Computational Design, Building
Information and Management, Building Information
Modelling, Digital Architecture and Fabrication,

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Parametric Modelling in Architecture, Architectural

Design Informatics and Analytics, Architectural
Digital Design Generation)
o Architectural Material and Building Components
(Including Smart Materials)
o Urbanism in Architecture (Including Public Space,
Placemaking, Space Syntax, Human Geography,
Responsive Architecture, Urban Tourism, Urban
Villages, Urban Housing, Media Architecture and
Urban Management)
· Landscape Architecture
o Fundamentals in Landscape Architecture (Inclusive
of Resilient Open Spaces and Landscape
o People-Place Relationship (Inclusive of Green
Infrastructure and Sense of Well-being, Public Arts
as Identity of Place, Teenager Socialisation and
Third Place as well as Green Infrastructure and
o Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem
o Heritage Landscape and Conservation
o Landscape Architectural Practice and Management
o Park Landscape Architecture and Management
o Technology in Landscape Architecture (Including
Thermal Comfort Mapping, Public Participatory in
GIS (PPGIS), Passive Thermal Performances,
Landscape Green Systems, Landscape
Visualization and Landscape Construction
· Quantity Surveying
· Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE)
· Food Technology
o Food Processing Technology
o Food Preservation and Storage Technology
o Food Handling and Packaging Technology
o Food Safety Technologies
o Food Processing Control and Automation
o E-Food Traceability
o Food Traceability and Halal Processing
o Halal Informatics
· Forest and Wood Technology
· Marine, Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology
o Fisheries Technology (Inclusive of Advanced
Fishing Technologies such as drones and satellite
tags as well as fish processing and distribution
o Aquaculture Technology (Inclusive of IoT
technology for Aquaculture, precision fish farming
technology and the usage of sensors and artificial
intelligence for aquaculture)
o Marine Technology

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

· Textile Technology

Subtotal (%)

i. Social Sciences

Subtotal (%)

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Political Science, Defense and International Studies
o Malaysian Politics (Inclusive of Federalism in
Malaysia, Malaysian Political System, Malaysian
Political Institution and Identity Politics)
o International Studies (Inclusive of Geopolitics,
Human Rights Issues and Democracy, International
Terrorism, Global Trade, Diplomacy and Peace,
Security and Conflict Resolution)
o Defense Studies (Inclusive of Conventional Warfare,
Electronic Warfare and Cyber Warfare)
o Islamic Political System
o E-Government
· Policy Studies
o Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
o National and Public Policy (Inclusive of National
Development Policy, National Defence and Security
Policy, National Energy Policy, National Finance
Policy and National Industry Policy)
o International Policy (Inclusive of Foreign Policy and
International Trade Policy)
· Development Studies
o Community Development (Inclusive of Social
Enterprise in Community Development and
Immigrants and Coastal Communities Development)
o Population and Demography Studies in
o Socioeconomic Development Policies
o Gender Studies
o Queer Studies
o Ethics and Philosophical Aspects of Sustainable
· Sociology
o Social Studies (Inclusive of Islamisation of
Sociology, Deviance, Crime and Social Justice,
Gender Studies and Digital Sociology)
o Sociology of Development
o Sociology of Politics
o Social Work, Issues and Problems (Inclusive of
Juvenile and Youth, Single Parenthood and Mental
Health Issues)

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

· Archaeology and Museology

· Historical and Civilisational Studies
o Malay Archipelago and Modern Malaysian History
o History of Medicine Science, Science, Technology
and Innovation (Inclusive of History of Indigenisation
and Islamisation of Mathematics as well as Science,
Technology Innovation and Civilisation)
· Geography
· Law
· Psychological Studies
· Education
· Media and Communication
· Anthropological Studies
· Cognitive Sciences
o Artificial Intelligence for Cognition
o Psycholinguistics

Subtotal (%)

j. Humanities

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Linguistics
o Linguistics and Applied Linguistic (Inclusive of
Discourse Studies, Feminism, Malay Language,
Language of the Disabled and Language, Media and
o Clinical Linguistics
o Language Learning and Technology
· Literary Studies
· Philosophical Studies
· Cultural and Heritage Studies
o Culture and Heritage (Inclusive of Design Studies in
Culture and Heritage, E-Culture, Screen and Media
Culture as well as Heritage and Heritage
o Malaysian Culture and Heritage
o Cultural Policy Studies
o Cultural and Heritage Law
· Religious Studies
· Islamic Studies
· Arts
o Creative Arts
o Performing Arts
o Visual Arts and Crafts

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Subtotal (%)

k. Applied Social Sciences and Humanities

Sub-field of research Expenditure (%)

· Accounting
· Economics
o Macroeconomy
o Microeconomy
o Applied Economics (Inclusive of Socioeconomic
Development, Globalisation, International Finance,
International Trade and Economics, Digital
Economy, Gig Economy as well as Circular
o Econometrics
· Management
o Science, Technology and Innovation Management
(Inclusive of Technology Forensic, Technology
Adoption and Acceptance, Technology
Benchmarking and Technology Innovation)
o Public Sector Management
o Human Resource Management
o Human Resource Development
· Advertising and Marketing
· Entrepreneurship
o Entrepreneurial Studies
o Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
o Social Entrepreneurship
o Technopreneurs
· Banking, Finance and Wealth Management
o Venture Capital
· Logistics, Transport and Transportation Management
· Tourism and Hospitality
o Tourism Studies
o Hospitality Studies
o Education and Training in Tourism and Hospitality
o Social Cultural Issues in Tourism and Hospitality
(Including Impact Studies and Support Services)
o Leisure Studies in Tourism and Hospitality
o e-Tourism
· Business
o International Business (Inclusive of Criss-Cultural
Management, Expatriate Adjustment and
International, Transnational and Multinational
o E-Commerce
o International, Transnational and Multinational Policy

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

and Regulation
· Standardisation, Quality Assurance and Calibration

Subtotal (%)

Grand total (total of a + b + c … + k)

Note: Total must equal to 100%

Q4. Please choose your R&D activities based on the following Socio-Economic
Objectives (SEO)
Note: The sum of expenditure breakdown must be 100%

Socio-Economic Objective Expenditure (%)

 Economic Growth
o Digital Economy
o ASEAN Commercial Hub
o Fourth Industrial Revolution (Inclusive of Smart
technology and systems (next generation engineering
and manufacturing)
o Content Industry
o Tourism and Hospitality
o Logistic and Transportation Infrastructure for
Economic Growth (Inclusive of Smart Cities and
 Economic Equity
o Education
o Resilient Rural and Urban Development
o Employment and Employability
o Health Equity inclusive of access to Medical and
o Poverty and Economic Equality
 Economic Stability
o Energy Market Reform
o Stability of Income, Consumption and Assets
o Economic Resiliency
Environmental Sustainability
 Sustainable Consumption and Production (Inclusive of
Government Green Procurement, Circular Economy, Low
Carbon Mobility, Sustainable, Safe and Nutritious Food and
Sustainable Consumption and Production in Tourism)
 Conservation and Replacement (Inclusive of Green
Technology and Sustainable Design, Climate Change,
Renewable Resources and Environmental Disaster Risk
Governance and National Sovereignty

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

 Better Governance (Inclusive of Federal-State-Local

Government Relationship, Strengthening the Political System
and Integrity and Accountability)
 External Deterrence (Inclusive of Military Preparedness,
Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare Preparedness and
Electronic Warfare Preparedness)
 Internal Defense Resiliency (Inclusive of Civil Preparedness
such as Civil Defence, Security Preparedness such as
Policing and Public-Private-Community Partnership)
 Partnership for National Sovereignty (Inclusive of Regional
Cooperation, Diplomacy and Diplomatic Relations and Global
Partnership for National Sovereignty)
Human and Societal Resiliency
 Basic Human and Social Needs (Inclusive of Adequate Food,
Water and Energy, Quality and Accessible Health System as
well as Safe and Secure Community)
 Psychological Needs (Inclusive of Community Development
and Social Cohesion and National Unity)
 Human and Societal Actualisation (Inclusive of Social
Enterprises, Resilient Bumiputera, Indigenous and Local
Society and Social Equality and Equity)
Advancement of Knowledge and Learning
 Knowledge Generation and Expansion
 Knowledge Networks and Ecosystem (Inclusive of Network
Enabler for Knowledge and Innovation and Open Innovation)
 Knowledge Flows and Exploitation
 Knowledge About and For the Future (Inclusive of Future
Studies and Foresighting and Prospecting studies)
Total (must equal to 100%)

Q5. Please choose your R&D activities based on National Priority Area
(The sum of expenditure breakdown must be 100%)

National Priority Area Expenditure(%)

Food Security
Improvement of food crops, live stock, fisheries & animal feedstock; focusing on post harvest
physiology & technology to reduce dependency of import on staple food and increase the level
of self sufficiency
Energy Security
Harnessing alternative resources and improving the efficient use of energy especially in the
areas of renewable energy to reduce dependency on fossil fuel
Cyber Security
Development of national autonomous and secure systems to reduce the dependency on
foreign for systems of strategic importance
Water Security
Ensuring sustainable water supply & optimizing water usage focusing on creating sustainable
sources and improving the processing, treatment & distribution of water
Sustainable exploitation of Malaysian biodiversity to address issues identified or anticipated
Environment and Climate Change
Supporting ecosystem management, protection and improvement to mitigate flood, drought &
air pollution as well as promotion of ecotourism for sustainable development
Medical and Healthcatre
Improving health, wellbeing & longevity through the diagnostic, prevention & treatment of
lifestyle diseases as well as new and emerging diseases

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Transportation and Urbanisation

Reduce dependency of fossil fuel & enhance energy efficiency by focusing on the use of
alternative energy & design engineering. Ensuring sustainable urbanisation via efficient urban
waste management
Plantation Crops and Commodities
Creating sustainable plantation crops and commodities sector by increasing the productivity
and utilisation, focusing on Oil Palm, Timber, Rubber, Cocoa & Pepper
Total (must equal to 100%)

Q6. Which of the following types of R&D activities were carried out?

R&D activities Expenditure(%)

Basic Research
Pursue a planned search for knowledge with either a broad
underpinning reference, or no reference to a likely
Applied Research
(a) New work undertaken to acquire knowledge for a specific
practical aim
(b) Work to determine possible uses of basic research
(c) Work to determine new ways of achieving a
predetermined objective
Experimental Development
Systematic work undertaken using existing knowledge for
the purpose of creating new or improved materials,
products, processes, and/or services

Section 2: R&D Personnel

Q7. Please provide the headcount and number of full-time equivalent (FTE) personnel
working on R&D in 2020

Headcount (HC) data are data on the total number of persons who are mainly or partially employed in R&D.

Type of Employee Internal R&D Personnel External R&D Personnel

Permanent, temporary and casual employees Included Not included

Full-time and part-time employees Included Not included

Contract staff on the payroll Included Not included

Postgraduate research students not on the payroll Not included Included

Self-employed persons, such as contractors, not on the payroll Not included Included

Full-time equivalent (FTE)

R&D may be carried out by persons who work solely on R&D projects or by persons who devote only part of their time to R&D, and the
balance to other activities; such as testing, quality control, and production engineering. To arrive at the total effort devoted to R&D, it is
necessary to estimate the FTE of people working in R&D, in terms of the hours spent on R&D.

FTE = Number of persons who work solely on R&D projects + the estimate of time spent by persons working part-time on R&D.

FTE can be calculated either by percentage or by month:

(Please refer the example below for an estimated FTE of a organisation)

By Percentage Effort (%)


Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

20 0.2 Effort (month) FTE

30 0.3 1 0.08
40 0.4 2 0.17
50 0.5 3 0.25
60 0.6 4 0.33
70 0.7 5 0.42
80 0.8 6 0.5
90 0.9 7 0.58
100 1 8 0.67
9 0.75
10 0.83
11 0.92
12 1

By Month

Example 1 (by percentage):

If four employees are engaged in R&D work, but one works solely on R&D projects, one works 50% of his working time, one works 30%
of his working time and the remaining one devotes only 20% of his working time, then the FTE is estimated as follows:
FTE = 1 + 0.5 + 0.3 + 0.2 = 2

Example 2 (by month):

If four employees are engaged in R&D work, but one works solely on R&D projects, one works 6 months of his working time and the
remaining two devote only 3 months of their working time, then the FTE is estimated as follows:
FTE = 1 + 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 2

i) Internal R&D Personnel – persons who are involved in R&D and under the
organisation’s payroll

Researchers are professionals engaged in the conceptualisation or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and
systems, and in the management of the projects concerned. Postgraduate students at the PhD level engaged in R&D should be
considered as researchers.

i) Internal R&D Personnel – persons who are involved in R&D and under the
organisation’s payroll

Researchers are professionals engaged in the conceptualisation or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and
systems, and in the management of the projects concerned. Postgraduate students at the PhD level engaged in R&D should be
considered as researchers.

Researchers Headcount
Malaysian Non-Malaysian Total Estimated
Highest Male Female Male Female Headcount Total FTE

Technicians and equivalent staff are persons whose main tasks require technical knowledge and experience in one or more fields of
engineering, physical and life sciences (Technicians) or social science and humanities (Equivalent staff). They participate in R&D by
performing scientific and technical tasks involving the application of concepts and operational methods, normally under the supervision
of researchers.

Other supporting staff include consultants, skilled and unskilled craftsmen, secretarial and clerical staff who participate by supporting
R&D projects or are directly associated with such projects. Also included in this category are managers and administrators dealing
mainly in financial and personnel matters, and in general administration, insofar as their activities are a direct service to R&D. Do not
include staff outside the R&D performing unit providing indirect support.

Headcount Total Estimated Total FTE

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Technicians & Male Female Headcount

equivalent staff


a) Please provide the breakdown of total yearly salary & emoluments for researchers,
technicians and equivalent staff, and other supporting staff in percentage (%). The total
yearly salary & emoluments are based on the labour cost reported in Section 1 (Q1(i))

Total labour cost as stated in Section 1 (Q1): RM

Internal R&D Personnel Percentage of Total Salary & Emoluments (%)

Technicians & equivalent staff
Other supporting

(ii) External R&D Personnel (or contributors) - independent (self-employed) or dependent

(employee) workers fully integrated into a statistical unit’s R&D projects without formally being persons employed
by the unit.

Headcount Total Estimated Total

Type of personnel
Male Female Headcount FTE

R&D grant holder


Prof. Emeritus



Section 3: R&D Source of Funds

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Q8. What were the sources of R&D funds for 2020?

Total R&D Expenditure 2020 as stated in Q1:
Note: Sources should be the original sources providing funds

Source of Funds (Percentage %)

Institution-owned fund(s)
Include: equity, reserves, borrowing, and retained earnings

Business Enterprises

i)Federal Government R&D Funds
ii)State or local government funds
iii)Other government funds

Other Funds – including government incentives (please specify)

Foreign Funds (please specify)

Total(must equal 100%)

Q9. Location of R&D Projects in Percentage of Activities (%)

Negeri Sembilan
Pulau Pinang

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

WP Labuan
WP Putrajaya
Other Countries:

Total (must equal 100%)

Section 4: R&D Outsourced

Q10. In 2020, did your organization fund any R&D that was carried out at other
organisations or outsourced R&D projects to other organisations/individuals?
Include: Funding to a subsidiary of the organisation
Don't include: Subcontractors working on R&D projects carried out by the organisation

Yes, Please proceed to Q10

No, Please proceed to Q14

Q11. Please mark (X) the reason(s) for outsourcing the R&D projects(s)
Lack of skilled R&D personnel with requisite
Lack of facilities and equipment to conduct
R&D activities
Others (please specify):

Q12. R&D projects being outsourced by your organization

Amount (RM)

Outsourced Projects From Business From Higher From Government

Enterprise and Learning Research Institute
NGO Institution (public / and Agency
Within Malaysia

Outside Malaysia


Q13. Projects collaborated between your organization and others (within or outside of
Collaborated Projects Total Number

Within Malaysia

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Outside Malaysia


Section 5: R&D Output

Q14.(i) Publications
Type of Publications Total Number
B.Chapter in Book
i.Indexed by Wos/Scopus
D. Conference Proceedings
A collection of academic papers presented at
local or international conferences
E. Other Publications
Publications that have created an impact to
the government/society/policy (abstracts,
articles in magazines, newsletters, etc- not
including unpublished reports)

ii)Intellectual Property (IP)

Types of Research Output Total Number
a. Patents Applied (Filed)
b. Patents Awarded (Granted in 2020)
c. Copyright
d. Trademark
e. Industrial Design
f. Patents licensing and technology know-
how licensing
g. Total Number of commercialized product

iii) Commercialisation
Please skip this section if not applicable

Revenue RM
Licensing Revenue from Patents and New Technologies Developed
Commercialised product revenue

No Commercialisation sectors Total number

a What was the total number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) research
commercialisation staff employed in, or engaged by your
b How many dedicated Full Time Equivalent (FTE) research
commercialisation were employed in, or engaged by your
c How many of the research commercialised is funded by the

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

d How many Material Transfer Agreements did your institution enter

into where your institution provided the materials?
e How many Material Transfer Agreements executed in Q 14 (iii) (d)
yielded income?
f How many Licences, Options and Assignments did your institution
g How many active Licenses, Options and Assignments did your
institution hold?
h How many active Licences, Options and Assignments yielded
i What was the total income received from your active Licences,
Options and Assignments?
j How much of the income reported in Q 14 (III) (i) was paid to other
institutions or commercial entities?

k. How many research consultancies, contracts, collaborations and direct sales

transactions did your institution enter into?
K (1) Consultancies
K (2) Contracts
K (3) Collaborations
K (4) Direct sales

l. What was the total gross contracted value of Research Consultancies, Contracts,
Collaborations and Direct Sales your institution entered into?
L (1) Consultancies
L (2) Contracts
L (3) Collaborations
L (4) Direct sales

Section 6: R&D Incentives

Q15. Has your organization benefited from any R&D incentives provided by the
Yes, please proceed to Q15
No, pleased proceed to Q18

Q16. Please mark (X) the types of R&D incentives that your organization benefited
Investment Tax Allowance
R&D Grant/Matching Grant
Industrial Building Allowance for R&D activities
Exemption on import duty, excise duty and sales
tax on machinery/equipment, materials, raw
materials and components parts and samples used
for R&D
Pioneer Status
Tax Exemption
Double deduction on revenue expenditure / cash
Others (please specify):

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Q17. Please mark (X) the problems faced by your organization when applying for R&D
Mark all that apply

The application procedures are not clear

Decision by the Interview Panel is slow
Information on R&D incentives is not easily
The definition of R&D incentives is not clear
Other problems (please specify):

Q18. Please mark (X) the benefits your organization has obtained from carrying out
R&D activities
Mark all that apply

Improved organisation’s sales revenue

Increased technology transfer
Acquisition of new market(s) for goods and
Procurement of external funding
Reduced cost/energy consumption
Improved quality of goods and services
Other benefits (please specify):

Q19. Please mark (X) the reasons as to why your organization is not taking up R&D
incentives offered by the Government

Sufficient internal financial resources

Obtained external R&D funding
R&D incentives are not suitable for our needs
Other reasons (please specify):

Section 7:Factors Limiting the R&D activities in your organization

Q20. Please mark (X) the factor(s) that prevent or limit your organisations involvement
in R&D

Internal factors To mark with an (X)

Lack of R&D strategy/policy
Limited financial resources
Lack of skilled R&D personnel
Lack of infrastructure for R&D
To specify: (eg Internet connectivity, technology, space,
equipment etc)
Lack of commitment by top management
Delay/Red tape in fund management
Poor management of R&D process
Lack of knowledge about scientific research
Poor reward system for R&D

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

External factors To mark with an (X)

Insufficient government funding
Increasing capital costs
Lack of R&D personnel with the requisite expertise
Lack of support services in R&D
Poor physical infrastructure to support R&D
To specify: (eg telecommunication networks, roadways,
energy, governmental systems)

Poor enforcement of intellectual property rights

Difficulty in collaborating with other public institutions
Difficulty in collaborating with other private agencies
Others (please specify)

Section 8: How Has Covid Impacted R&D Activities

Q21. How much of an impact has Covid had, if any, on your organisation’s R&D
Mark (X) in one of the columns

No impact
Very Minimal
Very Significant


Please estimate what the reduction in R&D expenditure has been over this past year relative
to projections or plans for R&D under a BAU scenario? Mark (X) in one of the columns.


22. Which of the following factors would you consider to have had the largest impact
on your company or organisation’s ability to conduct research over the course of the
Covid-19 pandemic?
Please mark (X) where applicable

Impact To mark with an (x)

Operational difficulties to carry out research
Internal funding cuts for R&D
External funding cuts for R&D

Non-Governmental Organisation Survey

Reduced Personnel
Increase in papers
Decrease in papers

Q23. How will the pandemic likely influence your research focus and directions?

Q24. Should Covid have had impacted R&D in your organisation, what measures
should the government take to assist your organisation and/or sector with R&D
moving forward?

Section 9: Suggestion to Enhance R&D Activities in Malaysia

Q25. In order to enhance the effectives of R&D activities in Malaysia, particularly in

your sector, what measures should the government take?


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