Working Things Out

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Working things out

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandoms: Trolls: TrollsTopia (Cartoon), Trolls (DreamWorks Movies), Trolls: The
Beat Goes On (Cartoon)
Relationships: Branch & Bruce & Clay & Floyd & John Dory (Trolls), Branch &
Grandma Rosiepuff (Trolls), Branch & The Snack Pack (Trolls), Branch
& Kismet (Trolls), Ablaze & Boom & Branch & Hype & Trickee
(Trolls), Ablaze/Boom/Hype/Trickee/Branch
Characters: Branch (Trolls), Ablaze (Trolls), Hype (Trolls), Trickee (Trolls), Boom
(Trolls), Grandma Rosiepuff (Trolls), BroZone (Trolls), The Snack Pack
(Trolls), Poppy (Trolls), King Peppy (Trolls), King Trollex, Queen Barb
(Trolls), Queen Essence (Trolls), King Quincy (Trolls), Bridget (Trolls),
King Gristle Jr. (Trolls)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Fights, Sexuality Crisis,
Explicit Sexual Content, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Domestic
Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Confusion, Omega Verse, Omega Branch
(Trolls), Polyamory
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-07 Completed: 2024-03-09 Words: 3,355 Chapters:
Working things out
by Whiplash_thunderstorm


Since very few see this as a ship yet a lot of people are interested in it here we go here's me
playing on the idea of them as a couple and alpha and Omega dynamics.

Grandma Rosiepuff survives and is here to help try to guide Branch. Branch is stuck between
work, school, and getting involved in a band.
Chapter 1

Branch was digging out the new room against the soil. Careful of the surrounding soil,
thankful it's not making any sign it's gonna collapse. All good. Next he'll get the frames and
support beams to get some electrical work done and a bit more he'll have a new pantry. He
looked back into the kitchen. That was cluttered with various things he's foraged and cutlery.
He needs to wash dishes and get this damn pantry built soon before the winter. He's sweating
bullets as he gets the wood ready.

He heard slow footsteps coming from behind him with a tsk tsk.

“Branch sweetie you need to go take a break.” Grandma came over propping herself onto the

Her youngest grandson wiped his brow looking back up at her. He was gonna argue but she
had that look on her face. The stern and stubborn gaze she gave him when he had no choice.

He got up and headed for the bathroom.

He was 5 when they made their escape from the Bergen's. It was scary but exciting to be out
free with his grandmother. He was excited thinking it would be like one of Captain Rangers
wilderness adventures! He didn't know yet what was lost in the tunnels.

It was a rough trip with many scary encounters…

Grandma would plant red flags around hidden areas. Just Incase one of her older grandsons
returns home. Branch helped by making arrows out of rocks pointing where they went. When
they got to their new home Grandma made a… horrifying realization. She wasn't strong
enough to climb and build a new pod. Many others of seniority couldn't either. It wasn't till
her grandson started to tug her to tell her they could bell his hide out and live in it.

It took a few tries and learning but they got there eventually. Branch had showered and
dressed again coming to see his grandma. She was making and sealing jars of jams and jellies
of picked berries and fruit. The two were stocking up for the winter to be comfortable.
Especially if this winter Branch presents what secondary gender he is.

There's knocks on the door and Branch opened it up. He looked around confused before
sighing. The ghost knocker got him again. Ever since he and Grandma moved into their
hiding home there's been someone knocking and disappearing every time they opened the

He walked up the steps from his home to be surprised seeing old Man William and Thomas
coming over.

“Afternoon Branch. Is your Grandma home?” William asked, smiling happily to see him.
Branch nodded and told him she was in the kitchen. He watched them head on down, turning
his attention to Thomas. Thomas needed help after a fall that hurt his hip in the river. They
needed a new bridge and hoped Branch could build one. Branch nodded but he'd need to go
get some rope and wood. Branch walked quietly to the river to see the snack pack. They're
playing away in the summer heat in the cool cold water.

He waved, getting to work measuring out the bridge length as Poppy ran up to come say hi.

“What are ya doing?” The young princess asked curiously as the older blue boy chuckled.

“Measuring. Getting a bridge built here to help get across the river. This winter if it holds
well you and your friends can go sledding in the clearing over yonder.” Branch explained
before pulling out rope.. he's gonna use it to outline where the bridge is gonna be.

As he works the princess and her friends don't hesitate to talk to him.

The older boy surrounded by the elders of the village was just so wise and cool. He also
could help them with almost anything they needed.

“Did you hear about the Band Kimset? Their lead singer got kicked!” Satin cried distraught
over her favorite band.

Well second to Brozone. Regardless Chenille pet her sister's back rolling her eyes. The band
wasn't even that popular.

Branch clearly wasn't sure who the hell they were talking about but pet Satin's head.

“I'm sure the band will be ok. Do you know why they got kicked?” Branch asked as he
started to cross the river.

“No.” Satin sighed as Poppy swam along with Branch.

She still used water wings because she's too scared to go into deeper water without them.
Branch thinks it's silly but he didn't learn to swim till he was 8 so he had no room to talk.

Branch got the ropes laid out and started to mark and plan out where he'd set the posts. All
while the snack pack ran around talking to him or making him watch the new tricks they
learned. He'd clap and tell them good work or remind them to be careful.

He doesn't understand why the younger kids think he's so cool but he's not complaining. They
let him work and keep him company. Branch was getting ready to head back home to gather
the supplies needed when he saw Meadow. Guy saw Meadow as well and hurried to go say hi
to her. Meadow smiled before inviting Branch and Guy Diamond to go gather mushrooms
with her. Branch smiled, chuckling as Guy eagerly said yes.

Branch had done foresting with her yesterday but she's always eager to go out and look for
anything new! Guy diamond really likes exploring with Meadow and looking for pretty
flowers. Branch nodded as well; he needed to gather wood for this bridge anyway.
Now manually making planks and gathering logs takes hours. However there's plants in a
certain part of the forest that already, if harvested correctly, have wood planks and log-like
stems that are the equivalent of wood. They just look green till you treat or paint it. Branch
was gathering these as Meadow and Guy ate some blueberries from nearby.

There was a bell ringing faintly heard from the village. Branch gathered the other two and
headed back home seeing his grandma by the Bell. The bell centered the neighborhood the
elderly and disabled had made at the base of the tree in the canopy of bushes or shade from
rocks. Ms Thistle had a few bells collecting dust in her home for years and when the idea
came she offered them. The small silver bell his grandma was ringing was to call the kids
back. Branch and meadow quickly came over. Branch by his Grandma and meadow went to
her grandpa.

“There you are sugar plum… Come inside with me baby we need to talk. You're soaking wet
Hun you need to go change!” Rosiepuff started to fuss as Branch chuckled apologetically.

After another bath and new clothes Branch plopped on the couch beside his grandma.

“Branch.. you know how me and William were talking earlier today?” Rosiepuff said gently
getting a nod from Branch.

Branch was currently starting to sweat now that he's actually reading the room. Was he in
trouble for something? Did they find the horn worm he was feeding? Did someone have an
accident and he can't go out past a certain point again? Was there something they had to
prepare for this winter?

“William has this grandson who's presented last year and they've been…having some trouble
and could use a friend.” Rosie said softly.

There was something else he could see it.

“You're sugar coating it.” Branch pointed out the little twitch under his grandma's eyes.

He learned through the many game nights grandma has a nervous twitch when she's not
saying something.

She smiled a bit, sighing.

“You got me…. Alright. William came because…Well his grandson's an alpha. He wanted to
know if you presented as an omega, maybe if we'd pair you two together. I said no of course
but I figured we could help try to get him to calm down and settle.” Rosiepuff said softly as
Branch tensed.

William tried to have an arranged courtship? He never understood why people would do that
and is thankful Rosiepuff would never. But he's not sure if he liked the idea of an alpha out of
control running around. Rosie's a beta and a lot of newly presented alpha's or just asshole
alpha's don't see a beta worth respecting.
If he remembers correctly William's grandson was named Trickee. Trickee lived with his
mom Jinx and his dad Will.

He thinks they went to elementary together but he can't really recall them. William lives
alone and he doesn't really interact with Will.

He wonders what Trickee is like..?

Chapter 2

A hand full, he should have figured Trickee was a handful.

He came after Breakfast with a friend. A boy named Boom had come along too. Their other
friends advised Boom to go to try and help make sure Branch wasn't overwhelmed.

Now Branch didn't remember much of his older brother's. But John Dory was an alpha too
when he left. He thinks he remembers how Rosie dealt with them. He planned to get them out
of the house and go outside. Maybe wear him out before sending him home. Before he could
go Rosie stopped him and gave him spare changes of clothes. And a few towels.

“If you're gonna go diving into the river at least don't come back drenched and caked in
mud.” Rosiepuff said with a sigh.

Branch sheepishly nodded assuring her he wouldn't. The entire way trying to get to the river
Trickee would run off! Boom would drag them back from an omega. Trickee of course would
be upset and start snarling at Boom and Branch. In fact most of the time he just kept doing

“Dude that omega was twice your age.” Boom groaned as Trickee clawed at his arms to be

At first Branch was concerned but Boom was a glitter troll. His thick glitter skin protected
him greatly from any scratches or bites. That's right Trickee also bites. Branch hit him one
good time with a plank when he tried to bite him.

Trickee was so stunned he didn't even know what the fuck to do. Boom was getting ready to
get in-between them but Branch just kept going along to the river.

Trickee was now trying to challenge Branch. But being a first time alpha and Branch not
even presenting it was….kinda wrong? Trickee technically couldn't challenge him but he
wanted to! But he didn't even know how to challenge? Branch was just wondering why
Trickee was just growling at him. Ok well maybe he shouldn't have broken a two by four
over Trickee's head.

“Are you just gonna keep staring and moping around or are you gonna help?” Branch was
digging up the holes for the post.

Trickee only growled audibly at him before he bared his fangs. Branch just grabbed another
piece of wood and held it up. They stood off silently till Trickee relented. He didn't have that
Alpha strength just yet and he didn't wanna get hit over the head by another plank.

Branch hammered in the post as Trickee was off sulking. Boom was surprised and a little
concerned. He was never like that no matter what they did. He was constantly only getting
louder. He wanted to go run off and talk to any omega he could find. He kept getting hyped
up about small things and kept going between hugging and playing with them to fighting for
some omega. They had no clue what was happening really other than warnings from his
mom. First years for alphas or omegas are just rough. It's a big hormonal imbalance
confusion and a bunch of stuff. The first day of spring and after Trickee's transitioning
segment to an alpha he just went around sniffing things and people because of the now
heightened sense of smell.

It was just odd to watch..

“If you ever get an omega I'll be shocked.” Branch muttered frustrated and agitated.

Trickee sat up in disbelief. What the fuck did he just say?!

“What do you mean if?!” Trickee exclaimed, getting up.

Boom and Branch jumped a bit looking at him.

“You're loud as fuck. You try to talk to every omega you smell. You have no impressive
skills. And….you kinda smell.” Branch said, making Boom stifle a laugh.

It's true. Trickee has been sweating a lot more and it's causing him to be a bit musty. Boom
and the other's couldn't tell if he's just nose blind or thinks it's his alpha scent. They've heard
it's a common misunderstanding for new alpha's.

Trickee looks even more like a kicked puppy hearing Branch list off his problems.

“Those are just small things! And I have impressive skills! Heck I'm in a rising band too!”
Trickee argued in his defense.

“....what band?” Branch raised his brow.

That was a stab and a twist to both Boom and Trickee's gut.

They were both in Kimset. Branch recognized the name and remembered what Satin was
talking about.

“What happened to your lead singer?” Branch asked once more, pouring a bit of salt on the

That happened fairly recently and everyone knew. The fact that Branch didn't just reminded
them they ain't all that. The fact Branch didn't even recognize them was another thing.

“He's also an alpha… me and him squared up.” Trickee said quietly.

Branch started blinking before tilting his head. Right Branch didn't do new slang. It was one
of the things that made him kinda weird from the kids in his age group.

“We fought. We got into a fist fight cause they just wanted to. But we both got into trouble
for it now we're here.” Trickee grumbled bitterly recalling it.

Branch only nodded making a hum.

Trickee watched before he just decided to help. He'd show this little granny's boy what an
alpha could do!

… wasn't great.

Branch grimmanced watching him insist he could do it. He watched the post be hammered in
unleveled in the wrong spots.
One was even crooked. He didn't thread the rope through the holes in the post he drilled out
first he tied it then couldn't get the rope untied and just tied it around the post.

Branch came home hurt to his soul but Trickee atleast was tired and calmed for once.
Chapter 3

Branch had started a routine with Trickee now. He'd get up and plan out what he needed to
do. Trickee comes over. He takes Trickee to work with him on whatever it was he was doing.

It was late mid summer and Trickee seemed to be calming down.. almost.

Branch was sitting on an old stump eating some berries one at a time. Branch had met each of
the Kimset members by now.

Currently all of them and the snack pack were out here with him. During the first or maybe
second year of moving here they planted this little orchard of small fruit trees and various
berry bushes. With time and a bit of magic with trial and error the community had a pretty
garden. There was a water pump too and a basin to clean any picked fruit or berry's in.
Branch, Meadow and a few more senior residents took care of the orchard together.

Branch was enjoying some cherries from a filled basket spitting out the pits as he watched.

Ablaze and Trickee were eating super sour lemon drop berries. Yellow and green berries that
were indeed naturally very sour. Ablaze was struggling but tactfully eating each berry
carefully avoiding the seeds and juice. He liked to call himself the leader but truthfully he's a
goofball to heart. He was very competitive and liked to tease.

Trickee was shoveling as much as he could into his mouth without choking. A fast yet very
brutal way to rack up how many he's eaten. Branch had to hand it to Trickee. He had
commitment and an iron will. However he knows the alpha will regret that decision later.

Hype lived to his name. He was a hyper and energetic guy. Everytime he looks away from the
very sparkly troll he's done something. Trying a new skill or dancing to every song he heard.
He certainly would get any party or activity started off with a bang.

Boom was a sweetheart and the biggest of his band. He was a bit more hesitant than his
friends when it came to adventure's. He sometimes needed a nudge or a helping hand with his
confusion sometimes.

Boom, Hype, and the snack pack were cheering them on while they kept score.
Branch got up and picked a certain type of Melon from its bed.

The match ended in a draw as the two boys relieved their pain with the sweet melon

“Congrats on being stupid I guess. Y'all gonna be alright tomorrow?” Branch teased poking

It was the red heads' idea to see who could eat more. He only grimmanced not thinking that
far ahead. Trickee was already doubled over taking deep breaths. Branch rubbed Trickee's
back as Poppy got him some water.
“Let's get ya home big guy.” Boom said going to help Trickee up.

Trickee only groaned but let. Ablaze started to get sick too and Hype rushed him to the trash
for him to vomit.

“Ok then! That's enough. You guys head on home!” Branch urged blocking the sight from the
younger kids.

They all asked if they were ok with Branch nodding before sending them home with their
small basket's. They were reluctant but Branch promised pie tomorrow if they go on and play.
He stored the rest away in his hair coming to help Hype and Ablaze.

Ablaze was regretting being alive as Hype and Branch got him home. His dad was less than
impressed hearing what had gotten his son sick. Ablaze flopped onto his bed with a groan
and grabbed Hype's hand.

“If I die.. blow up Trickee.” Ablaze said dramatically as he looked at Hype.

Hype laughed at the absurdity as Branch shook his head.

“Why?” Branch asked with a chuckle, curious of what Ablaze would say.

“Cause. He's a bitch. Ack.” Ablaze pretended to die making Hype laugh louder.

Branch chuckled, rolling his eyes as he stepped over bits of the mess that made up Ablaze's
room. He grabbed a blanket and a Gameboy and put it over him.

Snug as a bug in a rug Ablaze was already feeling better with an electric blanket on his
stomach. Hype eagerly joined Ablaze in the game before he shot up when Branch was
leaving after tidying up Ablaze's room.

“We have practice tomorrow! Branch if you're leaving can you make sure Boom and Trickee
know?” Hype asked him.

Branch nodded with a thumbs up.

“Mhm. Imma make sure those two are all good. Remember warm drinks help better than cold
drinks.” Branch reminded Hype as he left him in charge of Ablaze.

He had meant to leave sooner but ugh that room horrifies him. Ablaze only teases him for
how bothered he is and calls him mommy for how much he nags or his habit to start cleaning.

Branch got to the house remembering Trickee's parents would be out late. However….
something felt off from the outside.

Regardless, Branch knocked on the pod's door. He looked back towards Ablaze's pod just a
branch over. He's not hearing anyono or anything inside. The doors unlocked as usual and he
goes in to see it's dark.
The lights are not working. He looks into the living room and sees vomit when he registers
the sound of heavy breathing. Boom is breathless with his shirt torn to pieces and clawed up.
Trickee was on the floor roughed up and sick. Branch froze on shock confused and scared.
He pieced it together when Boom looked at him.

Boom has presented himself.

Boom was an alpha.

Branch screamed for help as Boom tackled him to the floor. In exhaustion however Boom
passed out on top of him instead of an attack. Trickee's neighbor was quick to send her
husband for Trickee's folks and help the three boys.
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