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Part I: Circle A, B, C or D to choose the best answer to fill in the blank

STT Câu hỏi A B C D

The study of the production and perception of
speech sounds is a branch of linguistics called: Accent Dialect Phonetics Phonology
……….. sounds are typically characterized as
sounds that have constricted or closed
configurations of the vocal tract Consonant Vowel Semi vowel Both a & b
International International International International
One of the most important tools of phonetics and Phonetics Phonetics Phonetics Phonetics
phonology is a special alphabet called the: Association Alignment Alphabet Acoustic
Where the tongue is raised as close as possible to Central Closed Cardinal
the roof of the mouth. For example, 'tea': vowels vowels vowels Both a & b
Where to How to Which to
consonant consonant consonant
Place of Articulation (POA) shows: produce produce produce Both a & b
Where to How to Which to
consonant consonant consonant
Manners of Articulation (MOA) shows: produce produce produce Both a & b
Bilabial, labiodental, dental, alveolar,
postalveolar, palatal, velar, glottal & doubly
articulated are: POA MOA COA Both a & b

……….. segments are produced with the lips held
together Labiodental Dental Alveolar Bilabial
/p/ & /b/ are examples of ……….. consonants Labiodental Dental Alveolar Bilabial
………..segments are produced by holding the
upper teeth to the lower lip Labiodental Dental Alveolar Bilabial
/f/ is an example of ……….. Consonants Labiodental Dental Alveolar Bilabial
……….. consonants have the tongue being
actually placed between the teeth Labiodental Dental Alveolar Bilabial
………..consonants have the tongue touching the
area of the mouth known as the alveolar ridge Labiodental Dental Alveolar Bilabial
[θ] and [ð] are examples of ……….. consonants. Labiodental Dental Alveolar Bilabial
[t] in tin and [s] in sin are examples of consonant Labiodental Dental Alveolar Bilabial
The [ʃ] of shin is an example of ………..
consonant Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
……….. consonants are similar to alveolars but
more retracted Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
……….. consonants are articulated at the hard
palate in the middle part of the roof of the mouth
area Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
In English the [j] sound appears in the word
young due to Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
20 ……….. consonants are articulated at the soft Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
palate (the back part of the roof of the mouth,
known also as the velum

In English [k] is ……….., like in the word kin Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
……….. consonants are articulated far back in the
throat, at the glottis Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
English [h] may be regarded as………..: Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
The hissing sounds in /s/ sip and /z/zip are referred
to Nasality Sonorancy Obstruency Voicing
Some sounds are produced with airflow through Affricative Fricative Nasal
the nasal cavity. These are known as consonants consonants consonants None of them
/m/, /n/ & [ŋ], these transcript phonetics are Affricative Fricative Nasal
examples of: consonants consonants consonants None of them
Consonants involving a total obstruction of Nasalconsona
airflow are known: Laterals Plosives nts Both a & b
[p, b, t, d, k, g] are examples of: Laterals Plosives nts Both a & b
Consonants with a steady stricture causing friction
are known as: Laterals Plosives Fricatives Affricates
[f, v, s, z, ʃ, ʒ ] are examples of: Laterals Plosives Fricatives Affricates
……….. begin with a stop-like closure followed
by frication: Laterals Plosives Fricatives Affricates
32 [tʃ, dʒ]are examples of: Laterals Plosives Fricatives Affricates
A group of consonants pronounced in immediate Consonants Consonants
succession as /str/ in strong: Digraph giants clusters None
……….. is the study of the distinctive sound units
(phoneme) of a language and their relationship to
one another. Phonetics Phonology Phoneme Morphology
……….. regarded as being the absence of any Primary Secondary
recognisable amount of prominence. Unstressed stress stress None
The difference between English and Vietnamese
language is that English is not a (an) ……..
language because it does not use tone to determine
the meanings of words international tone foreign key
Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech
sounds are produced using the …….... sound voice phoneme articulators
In English, there are …….. letters. 20 26 29 44
In English, there are ……... common rules of
stress placement in 3-syllable verbs. 1 2 3 4
[p] in ‘pet’ belongs to: Laterals Plosives Fricatives Affricates
…….. are sounds which begin as plosives and end
as fricatives. Laterals Plosives Fricatives Affricates
In terms of the direction of change, how many
kinds of assimilation can be classified? 2 3 4 5

A phonemic transcription is a transcription in
which every speech sound must be identified as
one of the ……... and written with the appropriate
symbol. phonemes words phrases sounds
……... is the relatively equal beat between
stressed syllables. Assimilation Elision Linkings Rhythm
According to the manner of articulation, there are
……………. plosives in English. 2 4 6 8
In English, there are …….. levels of stress. 2 3 4 5
A phonetic transcription is a transcription which
contains a lot of information about the exact
…….. of the sound. number quantity quality volume
If the stem consists of more than one syllable,
there will be a ………... stress on one of the
syllables of the stem. primary secondary zero none
Elision is disappearance of ……… in speech. sounds words voice phoneme
There are ………... common rules to put stress on
derived words in English. 2 3 4 5
………………. are consonants with the
characteristic that when they are produced, air
escapes through a small passage and makes a
hissing sound. Affricatives Stops Plosives Fricatives
52 ………………. is a glide from one vowel to A short A long vowel A dipthong A triphthong
another and then to a third, all produced rapidly
and without interruption. vowel

There are …………. diphthongs in English. 5 8 12 20

………………. is a glide from one vowel to
another, on the whole glide acts like one of the A short
long simple vowel. vowel A long vowel A dipthong A triphthong
…………...…...is usually regarded as more or less Falling- Rising-
neutral. It conveys an impression of “ finality”. Falling tone Rising tone Rising Falling
………………. is the smallest segment of sound
which can distinguish two words. Phonetics Phonology A phoneme A triphthong
If the …………... of the tongue is raised, we have
front vowels, for example /i:/, /æ/. back part neutral front part Both a & b
……………….. is used to convey rather strong Falling- Rising-
feelings of approval, disapproval or surprise. Falling tone Rising tone Rising Falling
……………..… is usually used to show “ limited Falling- Rising-
agreement” or response with reservations” . Falling tone Rising tone Rising Falling
When we are making sounds, the air stream from
the lungs comes up through the ……………….
and goes to the larynx. nasal cavity oral cavity nose wind-pipe
………….enables us to express emotions and
attitudes as we speak, and this adds a special kind
of meaning to spoken language. Information Intonation Phoneme Phonology
How many types of tones are there in English? 2 3 4 5

According to the manner of articulation, there are
…………. plosives in English. 2 4 6 8
A tone language is one in which the tone can
………. the meaning of a word. determine use have deteriorate
……………. conveys an impression that
something more is to follow or an invitation to Falling- Rising-
continue. Falling tone Rising tone Rising Falling
The syllable which carries the ………… in a tone
unit is called the “ tonic syllable”. sound voice phoneme tone
The structure of the tone-unit includes: the head the pre-head the tail all correct
…………… is a tone-unit that extends from the
first stressed syllable up to but not including the The post-
tonic syllable. The head The pre-head head The tail
…………… is composed of all the unstressed
syllables in a tone-unit preceding the first stressed The post-
syllable. The head The pre-head head The tail
……………. is any syllables between the tonic The post-
syllable and the end of the tone-unit. The head The pre-head head The tail
What function of intonation enables us to express
emotions and attitudes as we speak, and this adds
a special kind of meaning to spoken language? attitudinal accentual grammatical discourse
72 What function of intonation helps to produce the attitudinal accentual grammatical discourse
effect of prominence on syllables that need to be
perceived as stressed, and in particular the placing
of tonic stress on a particular syllable marks out
the word, to which it belongs as the most
important in the tone-unit?

What function of intonation helps the listener be

better at recognizing the grammar and syntactic
structure of what is being said? attitudinal accentual grammatical discourse
What function of intonation can signal to the
listener what is to be taken as “ new” information
and what is already given, what kind of response
is expected? attitudinal accentual grammatical discourse
Rhythm is the relatively …………. beat between
stressed syllables. equal unequal repeated uneven
Assimilation is the change in pronunciation of a
phoneme under the ……... of its surrounding
sounds. strength number amount influence
In English, there are …….. types of assimilation. 2 3 4 5
Regressive assimilation happens when the
phoneme that comes ………….. is affected by the
one that comes after it. first next after then
Progressive assimilation happens when the
phoneme that comes first …………. the one that
comes after it. is affected affects affecting affected
80 Sounds in which there is a …………… between construction obstruction constriction contribution
the back of the tongue and the velum are called

velar sounds.

Consonant sounds which are made with some

…………. to the airflow in the oral cavity construction obstruction constriction contribution
Vowel sounds which are made with a smooth,
continuous, ……….. airflow through the oral
cavity. stopped stop obstructed unobstructed
In English, there are ……….. phonemes. 12 20 26 44
………... is a part of a word that contains a single
vowel sound and that is pronounced as a unit. A syllable A phoneme An onset A coda
When we have two or more consonants together consonants consonant consonant
we call them …………. zero onset phoneme cluster segment
……………: strongest types of stress, marked by
a small vertical line high up before the syllable it Primary Secondary
relates to.(‘) stress stress Unstressed None
…………..: weaker, found in four or five syllables Primary Secondary
words, it represents with a low mark.(,) stress stress Unstressed None
…………… is the absence of any recognizable Primary Secondary
amount of prominence. stress stress Unstressed None
Unlike word stress, sentence stress has ……….. in
the placement of stress. rigidity fixation flexible flexibility
[d] in ‘day’ belongs to: Laterals Plosives Fricatives Affricates
91 Affricates are produced like …………., in which stops plosives fricatives approximant
they involve a closing stage, a closure stage and a
release stage.

Nasals are formed with complete closure in the

………... oral tract vocal tract nasal tract pharyn
[l] in ‘lion’ belongs to: fricatives plosives laterals affricates
According to the voicing, “ fortis” means
“…………..” , refers to voiceless sounds . For
example: /p/,/f/,/t/ weak strong normal none
According to the voicing, “lenis” means
‘…………...”, refers to voiced sounds/. For
example : /b/, /v/, d/ weak strong normal none
The …………... between English and Vietnamese
language is that English is not a tone language similarity difference same connection
Articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech
……….. are produced using the articulators. voices rhythm tones sounds
In 3-syllable verbs, if the last syllable contains 1
short vowel and ends with a consonant, the
…………. part is stressed. first second last none
In 3-syllable verbs, if the last syllable contains
either a long vowel, or a diphthong and ends more
than a consonant, the …………... is stressed. first second last none
Accent …….. be resembled dialect. must may can can’t
There are ……... monophthongs in English. 5 12 20 44

In compound words, if the first part functions as
Adjective, the …………. part is stressed first second both none
In compound words, if the first part functions as
Noun, the …………. part is stressed first second both none
isn’t always
The stress pattern …………. in English words fixed is unchanging is changing Both a & b
We can identify phonemes of a language by
looking for …………. pairs. maximal minimal small many
If the stem consists of more than one syllable,
there will be a …………….. on one of the primary secondary
syllables of the stem. stress stress unstressed none
When Fricatives are produced, air escapes through
a small passage and makes a ………….. sound. hissing hitting big small
There are ………….. triphthong in English. 5 8 12 20
There are …………. types of tones in English. 2 3 4 5
………... which are one-syllable words can be Complex
said with either a level tone or a moving tone. tones Simple tones both none
the fall-rise the rise-fall only the rise-
Complex tones include………… tone tone fall Both a & b
………… can occur at the beginning of a word
(initial position), between other sounds (medial Only 2 Only 3 Only 4 All six
position) and at the end of a word (final position). plosives plosives plosives plosives

/p, t, k/ are called …………… plosives fortis lenis Both a & b
/b, d, g/ are called ………….. plosives fortis lenis Both a & b
Fricatives are ……….. consonants, which means
that you can continue making them without
interruption as long as you have enough air in not
your lungs. complex not complex continuant continuant
Plosives are ………... consonants. complex not complex continuant continuant
Affricates are rather ……….. consonants. complex not complex continuant continuant
The basic characteristic of a ……... consonant is
that the air escapes through the nose. plosive nasal fricative afficative
The "l" phoneme (as in ‘long’, ‘hill’) is a lateral
………... plosive nasal fricative approximate
In quality, the most frequently occurring vowel in close and
English - ә is: mid central open Both a & b
Circle the palato-alveolar voiceless fricative: /ʧ/ /ʤ/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/
Circle the word that begins with a voiceless
alveolar fricative consonant. sky lateral kind word

Circle the word that the consonant in the middle is
a voiced velar nasal consonant. swimming thinner bigger longing
The phonemic transcription for the first sound of
"jeans" is………. /ʤ/ /j/ /ʧ/ /z/
The vowel sound in the second syllable of the
word "provocative" is ……… /Ɔ/ /ə/ / Ɔ: / / ə: /
The initial sound of the second syllable of the voiceless, alveolar,
word "acknowledge" is … plosive plosive voiced, nasal velar, plosive
The first consonant sound in the word voiceless, alveolar,
"provocative" is ……… plosive plosive voiced, nasal velar, plosive
The last sound of the word "acknowledge" is voiceless, alveolar, affricate, palato-
……… plosive plosive dental alveolar
(in an
I shan't be Time's nearly
The rising intonation is used in ……….. long. Don't worry! You did it? over
The word in which the consonant in the middle is
voiceless dental fricative is: within laughing nothing longing
The word in which the consonant in the middle is
voiced palato-alveolar fricative is: racing pleasure breathing pension
The stress pattern of the word afternoon is
………. / _' _ _ / /__'_/ /'___/ /, _ _ ' _ /
The word selectivity is pronounced as ……….. /si,lek'tiviti / / silik'tivəti / / sə,lek'tivəti / /,silek'tivəti /
The word presidential is pronounced as ……….. / /,presi'dentl/ /,prezi'den∫l/ /,prezi'dentl/
According to the English phonological rules, the
sound shown by “t” in “last week” can be: aspirated assimilated elided linked
According to the English phonological rules, the
sound shown by “n” in “ten keys” can be: aspirated assimilated elided linked
When someone says ‘”You are right?” that means
“Are you right?”, the ……… is used. glide down glide up take off dive
There may be elision and assimilation in saying: closed book cents ground cover chest nut
The weak form of a word is used when it is stressed, unstressed, unstressed,
……… and not ………. initial stressed, final final initial
The study of how speech ………… are formed in
the mouth (or 'articulated') is called articulatory
phonetics. sounds tract volumes parts
Circle the word that begins with a voiceless
labiodental fricative consonant. vat than feast shine
Circle the word that ends with a voiced alveolar
nasal consonant. picked known mining bat
Circle the word that ends with a voiced palato-
alveolar affricate consonant. speech manage clothe judged

The phonemic transcription for the first sound of
"physics" is…..… /p/ /f/ / ph /
The vowel sound in the second syllable of the
word "sedative" is ..……… /æ/ /ə/ / ei / /e/
The first consonant sound in the word "know" is
……… /s/ /k/ /m/ /n/
The last consonant sound in the second syllable of
the word "physics" is ……… /s/ /ʃ/ /z/ /k/
Did you see They did a
him leave the very good job Thank you Who on earth
The falling intonation is not used in……..… house? on it. very much! was that?
According to the English phonological rules, the
sound shown by “r” in “for Ann” can be: aspirated assimilated elided linked
It's a very hot Take it and Are you What a
The rising intonation is often used in ……….. today. go out ready? beautiful girl!
The word in which the consonant in the middle is
voiced alveolar fricative is: leisure ladder father razor
The word in which the consonant in the middle is
voiceless labio-dental fricative is: either loving coughing closing
/__'___ /, _ _ ' _ _ _ _ /, _ _ _ ' _ _
The stress pattern of the word indistinguishable is: _/ / /_ _ _ ' _ _ _ / _/
154 The word administrative is pronounced as: / / / / ,ædmi'nistrət
'ædministrəti ədmi'nistrətiv əd'ministrətiv

v/ / / iv /

/'sju:pəimpəu /,sju:pə'impəu /,sju:pə'rimpə /,sju:pərim'pə

The word superimpose is pronounced as: s/ s/ uz/ uz/
According to the English phonological rules, the
sound shown by “t” in “right answer” can be: unaspirated assimilated elided linked
For Tag-question, when you don’t want to force
the other person to agree with you, but to give
his/her opinion, use ………. glide down glide up take off dive
There may be elision and assimilation in saying: wind mill Saint George strictly left wing
If the ……...… content word of an utterance is a
repetition of one that has already occurred in the
utterance, the penultimate …….. word takes the last, final,
tonic. last, content final, content grammatical grammatical
Use ………. when wh-questions sound more
business-like and the speaker is only interested in
the subject, not the person spoken to. glide down glide up take off dive
The word that begins with a voiceless velar
consonant is: cot gnat got know
The word that begins with a voiced labio-dental
consonant is: fight chat that vine
The word that begins with a voiceless bilabial
consonant is: mate bat said pay
164 The word that begins with a voiced alveolar glad day sip keep

plosive consonant is:

Circle the word that begins with a voiced labio-

dental fricative consonant. vine thy sent sure
Circle the word that ends with a voiceless dental
fricative consonant. bombs wife with breathe
Circle the word that the consonant in the middle is
a voiced palato-alveolar fricative. wishing teaching vision judging
The phonemic transcription for the last sound of
"bleached" is………….. /d/ / id / /t/ / di /
The phonemic transcription for the first sound of
"psychology" is………….. /f/ /s/ /ð/ /q/
The phonemic transcription for the last sound of
"naked" is…………….. / d/ /t/ /q/ /k/
Don't be late.
How's your (strong You like
The falling intonation is used in……….. wife? command) Really? English?
This time we You went Where does Good
The rising intonation is not used in …………. say nothing. there? his live? morning!
The word narrative is pronounced as: / 'næreitiv/ / 'nærətiv/ / nə'reitiv/ / nə'rætiv/
The word dynamic is pronounced as: /di'neimik/ /'dainəmik/ /dai'næmik/ /di'næmik/
for hours and for one or for you and
/ r / may be pronounced in: hours two me our house
The phonemic transcription for the last sound of
"breath" is…………. /θ/ /h/ /ð/ /t/
The vowel in the third syllable of the word
"solidarity" is ……… low, central short, central low, front mid, central
When someone says “I don’t think so” as a the glide
grumble, he/she uses ………..… down the glide up the take off the dive
If you say “You’ll be late” as a warning, ………. the glide
is used. down the glide up the take off the dive
Thank you
You can take very much
Close your it if you for your I don’t want
The take off is used in ………….. book. really like it. advice! to go anyway.
The word that begins with a voiced bilabial
plosive is: beat kite meat guy
The word that begins with a voiceless alveolar
stop consonant is: sick time nine lead
The word that ends with a voiced velar nasal
consonant is: line handbag long kick
Circle the word that begins with a voiced velar
plosive consonant. gnat goggle could want
The word that contains low front unrounded vowel
is: ban balm born coin
186 Circle the word that ends with a voiceless labio- lines believe tough vests

dental fricative consonant.

Circle the word that the consonant in the middle is

a voiceless velar plosive cosonant. ladder telling passive talking
The phonemic transcription for the first sound of
"Thomas" is……...… /t/ /θ/ /ð/ /h/
The phonemic transcription for the first sound of
"ought" is…………… /Ɔ/ / Ɔ: / /o/ /ə/
The word that begins with a voiceless bilabial
plosive is: bean kite pet guy
The word that begins with a voiced alveolar
plosive consonant is: day time nine lead
The word that ends with a voiceless velar plosive
consonant is: line handbag long kick
Only when
the wind I’ll phone you
The falling intonation is not used in………. Wonderful! blows … Did you? tomorrow.
I need a Do mention
couple of my name if I didn't hurt
The dive is used in ……….. shirts. Really? you like you
The word reliable is pronounced as: /re'laiəbl/ /re'laieibl/ /'reliəbl/ /ri'laiəbl/
The word vacillate is pronounced as: /,væsi'leit/ /'væsilət/ /vəsi'leit/ /'væsileit/
197 / r / may be pronounced in: her English her young score one for years and

son years

When you say “Don’t be too long” as a pleading the glide

request, ……… is used. down the glide up the take off the dive
If someone says “Good day, sir!” unexpectedly, he the glide
uses ……… down the glide up the take off the dive
You want me
Can you help What a very to lend you
Which sentence the falling intonation is used? me? nice dress! Good night! it?


STT Câu hỏi A B C D

village /’viliʒ/ /’vilid/ /’vilidʒ/ /’viliz/

happy /’hapi/ /’hepi/ /’hʌpi/ /’hæpi/
pretty /’preti/ /’pritti/ /’pretti/ /’priti/
4 lead /led/ /lad/ /li:d/ /lid/
many /’mani/ /’meni/ /’mæni/ /’mʌni/
meet /mit/ /met/ /mæt/ /mi:t/
head /had/ /hed/ /hæd/ /hi:d/
saw /sɔ:/ /səʊ/ /sa:/ /sʌ/
land /land/ /lænd/ /læn/ /lʌnd/
talk /tɔ:k/ /ta:k/ /teik/ /tɔk/
wash /wɔʃ / /wɔs/ /wʌʃ / /wɔ:s /
broad /brɔd/ /bra:d/ /brəʊd/ /brɔ:d/
fought /fɔ:t/ /faʊt/ /fʌt/ /fɔt/
fork /fɔ:k/ /fəʊk/ /fa:k/ /fɔ:r/
tough /ta:f/ /tʌf/ /tɔ:f/ /təʊ/
task /ta:k/ /ta:sk/ /tɔ:sk/ /tʌsk/
some /sʌm/ /sɔm/ /səʊm/ /sʌmi/
blood /blʌd/ /blʊd/ /blu:d/ /bləʊd/
heart /ha:t/ /hз:t/ /hiət/ /heat/
await /ә’wait/ /a’weit/ /ә’weit/ /ә’wei/
frugal /’fru:gal/ /’frʊgәl/ /’frʌgәl/ /’fru:gәl/
heard /hiəd/ /ha:d/ /hз:d/ /he:d/
hurt /hu:t/ /hur:t/ /hз:t/ /həʊt/
word /wɔ:d/ /wз:d/ /wəʊ/ /wəʊd/
package /’pa:kidʒ/ /’peikidʒ/ /’pækidʒ/ /’pækiz/
represent /riprɪ'zent/ /reprɪ'zent/ /repre'zent/ /reprɪ'zənt/
little /’laitl/ /’litl/ /’littl/ /’litle/
easy /’i:zi/ /’esy/ /’i:sei/ /’i:si/
seaside /’si:said/ /’sesaid/ /’si:sid/ /’si:zaid/
any /’eni/ /’ani/ /’enai/ /’eini/
meaningful /’meniŋfʊl/ /’ma:niŋfʊl/ /’mi:niŋfʊl/ /’mai:niŋfʊl/
recommend /rikɔ’mend/ /,rekə’mend/ /rikə’mend/ /rikɔ’mənd/
manifold /’manifәʊld/ /’menaifәʊld/ /’menifɔ:d/ /’menifәʊld/
comprehend /kɔ:mpri’hend/ /kәmpre’hend/ /kәmpri’hənd/ /kәmpri’hend/
assemblage /ә’semblidʒ/ /a’semblidʒ/ /ә’si:mblidʒ/ /ә’sembleidʒ/
deliver /de’livә(r)/ /di’laivә(r)/ /di’livә(r)/ /di’liver/
conclude /kɔn’klu:d/ /kɔn’klәd/ /kәn’klu:d/ /kɔn’clu:d/
shoebill /’ʃu:bail/ /’ʃʊbil/ /’ʃu:bil/ /’su:bil/
potato /pɔ’teitәu/ /pә’ta:tәu/ /pә’teitәu/ /pә’teitɔ/
merchant /’mәtʃәnt/ /’mз:tʃa:nt/ /’mз:tʃәnt/ /’mәtʃa:nt/
further /’fu: ðә/ /’fз: ðз:/ /’fз: ðә/ /’fu: ðз:/
shoemaker /’ʃu:meikәr/ /’ʃu:ma:kәr/ /’ʃәumeikәr/ /’ʃu:meikз:/
tomorrow /tɔ:’mɔrәʊ/ /tә’mɔʊrә/ /tә’mɔrәʊ/ /tә’mәʊrәʊ/
machine /mә’ʃi:n/ /ma:’ʃi:n/ /mә’ʃai:n/ /ma:’ʃai:n/
cruiser /’krәʊsәr/ /’kru:zәr/ /’kraisәr/ /’kri:sәr/
translator /’trænsleitз:/ /’trænslatәr/ /’trænsleitәr/ /’tra:nsleitәr/
merciful /’mз:sifjʊ/ /’mз:saifʊl/ /’mз:sifʊl/ /’mesifʊl/
furnish /fз:nis/ /fu:nis/ /’fз:niʃ/ /fu:niʃ/
earthen /’з:θәn/ /’з:ðәn/ /’eθәn/ /’з:θen/
employ /em’plɔi/ /im’plɔi/ /im’plɔy/ /im’plɔ:/
there / ðeә(r)/ / θeә(r)/ / ðiә(r)/ / θiә(r)/
sugary /’ʃʊga:ri/ /’ʃu:gәri/ /’ʃʊgәri/ /’sʊgәri/
physician /fi’zikʃn/ /pi’zikʃn/ /fi’ziksn/ /fi’sikʃn/
formal /’fɔ:mal/ /’fɔ:mәl/ /’fәʊmәl/ /’fɔ:meil/
concert /kɔn’sз:t/ /kәʊn’sз:t/ /kɔn’set/ /kәʊn’set/
enough /i’nʌf/ /e’nʌf/ /i’nәʊf/ /e'nәʊ/
temple /’ti:mfәl/ /’temfәl/ /’ti:mpәl/ /’tempәl/
thunder /’θu:ndә(r)/ /’θʌndә(r)/ /’ðʌndә(r)/ /’ðu:ndә(r)/
sandy /’sændi/ /’sa:ndi/ /’seindi/ /’ʃændi/
century /’sentʊri/ /’sentʃʊri/ /’senʃʊri/ /’centʃʊri/
chaise /ʃeiz/ /tʃeiz/ /tʃaiz/ /ʃaiz/
chemist /’chemist/ /’kemist/ /’tʃemist/ /’kemaist/
family /’famili/ /’fæmili/ /’fæmaili/ /’femili/
sample /’seimpәl/ /’sæmfәl/ /’sæmpәl/ /’sampәl/
chimney /’ʃimni/ /’chimni/ /’tʃimnei/ /’tʃimni/
question / 'kestʃn/ / 'westʃn/ / 'kwestʃn/ / 'kwesʃn/
comedy /’kʌmedi/ /’kamedi/ /’kʌmidi/ /’kʌmәdi/
spume /spjʊ:m/ /sfjʊ:m/ /spu:m/ /spjʊ:mi/
zebra /’zi:brә/ /’zebrә/ /’zi:bra/ /’zebra/
germ /ʒз:m/ /gз:m/ /dʒз:m/ /dʒem/
vision /’visn/ /’vaiʒn/ /’viʒn/ /’vidʒn/
jam /dʒæm/ /dʒem/ /dʒam/ /ʒæm/
little /’litәl/ /’liʃәl/ /’li:tәl/ /’laitәl/
monk /mɔnk/ /mɔŋk/ /mʌnk/ /mʌŋk/
rural /’rʊәrәl/ /’rjʊrәl/ /’rәrәl/ /’rәʊrәl/
young /yʌŋ/ /jʌŋ/ /jәʊŋ/ /jәʊŋ/
music /’mju:zik/ /’mju:sik/ /’mu:sik/ /’mu:zik/
bamboo /bæm’bu:/ /bam’bu:/ /bæm’bә/ /bam’bә/
visual /’vaizjʊl/ /’vaizjʊәl/ /’vizjʊәl/ /’vizʊәl/
mammal /’mamәʊl/ /’mæmal/ /’mamәl/ /’mæmәl/
furiously /’fjʊriәsli/ /’fʊriәsli/ /’fjʊrisli/ /’fjʊriәli/
whistle /’wistәl/ /’witәl/ /’wisәl/ /’waisәl/
though /ðәʊ/ /ðәʊf/ /ðәf/ /θәʊ/
victory /’viktәri/ /’vaiktәri/ /’viktɔri/ /’vaiktɔri/
dancer /’dansә(r)/ /’dænsә(r)/ /’dænse(r)/ /’danse(r)/
zealot /’zealәt/ /’zelәt/ /’ziәlәt/ /’zelɔt/
teachers /ti:tʃәz/ /tetʃәz/ /ti:ʃәz/ /teatʃәz/
joyful /dʒɔifʊl/ /dʒɔfʊl/ /ʒɔifʊl/ /dʒɔifjʊl/
Monday /’mandei/ /’mʌndei/ /’mɔndei/ /’mʌndai/
whisper /’waispә/ /’wisper/ /’wiʃpә/ /’wispә/
university /ju:ni’vз:siti/ /u:ni’vз:siti/ /ju:ni’vәsiti/ /ju:nai’vз:siti/
splashy /'splæʃi/ /'splaʃi/ /'splæʃai/ /'splæsi/
ceiling /’si:laiŋ/ /’sei:liŋ/ /’si:liŋ/ /’sai:liŋ/
twice /tais/ /twais/ /twai/ /twis/
class /klæs/ /kleis/ /kla:ʃ/ /kla:s/
proud /prәʊd/ /praʊd/ /prʊәd/ /pru:d/
super /'sjʊpә/ /'sʊpә/ /'sjʊpe/ /'sʊpe/
beauty /’bjʊti/ /’bʊti/ /’beʊti/ /’baʊti/
spheral /’sfiәrәl/ /’sferәl/ /’sfiәral/ /’sferal/
propose /’prɔpәs/ /’prәpәʊz/ /’prɔpәʊs/ /’prәpәs/


STT Câu hỏi A B C D

Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words explored named travelled separated
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words party sky lovely empty
3 Choose the word of which the parts in bold organization application suggestion communication

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as round
those in other words bound ground cough
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words figure geography magazine grammar
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as women
those in other words employment secondary eliminate
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as sustainable
those in other words current consumption upgrade
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words pens books markers rulers
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as theatre
those in other words health mathematics another
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words repeat great east cheat
11 Choose the word of which the parts in bold enroll suppose only provide
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words method bathroom bathing width
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as food
those in other words good foot look
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as crush
those in other words brush push rush
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words sesame hyperbole ridicule catastrophe
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words talked naked liked asked
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words model modal modest modern
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words heat break mean weave
19 Choose the word of which the parts in bold greeting teeth engineer street
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words cartoon factory station after
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words preserve detect electronic remedy
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words cuisine disease diversity preserve
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words whole white which why
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words considerate associate candidate adequate
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words fat barn harm charm
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words study bury cut young
27 Choose the word of which the parts in bold dedicated experience enthusiast result
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as ear
those in other words tear (n) heal fear
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words warranty wallop wander wasabi
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words sanctuary redundant manky sanguine
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words preface predatory premature prejudice
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as exhale
those in other words exaggerate exhort exhilaration
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words apparatus comparable canasta parabola
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words beer feet sheep fee
35 Choose the word of which the parts in bold download growth blow shadow
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words all call want tall
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words discrimination eliminate primary employment
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words mended objected faced waited
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words accountant amount founding country
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words both bath birthday brother
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words dietitian structure distinctive heritage
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words cater star half departure
43 Choose the word of which the parts in bold full plus stuff skull
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words crown shown flown grown
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words headache coach teach such
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words bar charter back car
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words given ridden kitchen widen
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words activities watches dishes boxes
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words century comfortable centimetre cigarette
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words because auditory aunt automobile
51 Choose the word of which the parts in bold funny student rubbish upper
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as lamps
those in other words closets sweets pens
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words chain architecture channel chicken
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words laird afraid nail sail
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words send term member November
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words become decide member remind
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words father back map bank
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words doll toll roll hole
59 Choose the word of which the parts in bold presidents handsome sweets busy
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words spear breakfast fear dear
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words stopped packed parked played
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words bit sit mine twin
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words get met remind debt
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words against martial mature above
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words appointment choice choir point
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words great real steak break
67 Choose the word of which the parts in bold student result lunch subject
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words arrange arrive area arise
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as effort
those in other words event preserve effect
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words nights days years weekends
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words dolls trucks cars vans
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words middle mile kind time
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as hotel
those in other words post prominent local
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words childhood written silent write
75 Choose the word of which the parts in bold mind while sister island
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words total pole fortunately most
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words fair straight explain tail
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words parent translation Canadian Australian
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words beautiful vegetable vacation understand
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words danger landscape debate nature
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words bowl snow slow crown
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words coarsen road coal load
83 Choose the word of which the parts in bold customer secretary century alcohol
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words picked worked booked naked
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words slowly allow tomorrow below
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words fame baby plane many
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as company
those in other words castle cycling carrot
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words moved carried decided believed
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words bound poultry sound ground
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words academic grade behave examination
91 Choose the word of which the parts in bold stadium accident animal finally
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words flower shower knowledge coward
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as ask
those in other words always also August
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words cooking noodle food toothpaste
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as poultry
those in other words dough around mould
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words wild driven alive sign
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words relative motivate image appreciate
Choose the word of which the parts in bold
type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words cinema course conversation computer
99 Choose the word of which the parts in bold punish supper success multiple
type is not pronounced in the same way as

those in other words

Choose the word of which the parts in bold

type is not pronounced in the same way as
those in other words flew few crew chew


STT Câu hỏi A B C D

Choose the word in each group which

donate impair mental support
1 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

campaign hearing slogan talent
2 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

article maximum recycle generous
3 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

detective discover encourage primary
4 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

5 does not have the same stress pattern classically mechanical behaviour millimetre

Choose the word in each group which

luggage increase benefit argument
6 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

certain couple decide equal
7 does not have the same stress pattern

8 Choose the word in each group which government destruction contribute depression
does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which consumption

9 does not have the same stress pattern specific powerful

Choose the word in each group which

10 does not have the same stress pattern reliable responsible decisiveness independent

Choose the word in each group which

contain contract concept
11 does not have the same stress pattern constant

Choose the word in each group which

concern worksheet comment
12 does not have the same stress pattern sculpture

Choose the word in each group which

hospital inflation policy constantly
13 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

develop commitment overall investment
14 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

15 does not have the same stress pattern carefully correctly seriously personally

Choose the word in each group which treatment

distant balance concern
16 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which aspect

action endless acquire
17 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which electric

animal different hospital
18 does not have the same stress pattern

19 Choose the word in each group which capital badminton terrible amazing

does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which initiate

20 does not have the same stress pattern inhabitant engineering ingenious

Choose the word in each group which

relate major forceful focus
21 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

nervous cheerful tasty regret
22 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

solution powerful whenever unselfish
23 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

personal interview collection forester
24 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

25 does not have the same stress pattern community energetic enthusiast participate

Choose the word in each group which

manage shortage target provide
26 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

suspicious confidence apartment effective
27 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

grocery scenery defensive championship
28 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

convenient profession pollution attitude
29 does not have the same stress pattern

30 Choose the word in each group which disrespectful independent physically understanding

does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

ocean submit region issue
31 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

fiction expert instance secure
32 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

promise instance oblige knowledge
33 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

seventeen anything cucumber mountainous
34 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

35 does not have the same stress pattern apology quarterfinal academic transportation

Choose the word in each group which

exciting important remember Pyramid
36 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

commerce reserve burden southern
37 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

suitable religion develop romantic
38 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

character kangaroo butterfly celebrate
39 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

40 does not have the same stress pattern material triangular photographic ability

41 Choose the word in each group which central hardly option announce

does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

succeed total anxious product
42 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

document classical national pagoda
43 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

beautiful September November December
44 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

45 does not have the same stress pattern information television dictionary watermelon

Choose the word in each group which

camel create defend permit
46 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

series wildlife cosy result
47 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

domestic investment substantial undergo
48 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which computer

confident influence remember
49 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

50 does not have the same stress pattern nationally political Canadian unluckily

Choose the word in each group which

event hero mostly shooting
51 does not have the same stress pattern

52 Choose the word in each group which marry involve system boxing

does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

Vietnamese lemonade important Japanese
53 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

seventy telephone benefit engineer
54 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

55 does not have the same stress pattern monetary paralysis protagonist analogous

Choose the word in each group which

advance fireworks follow offer
56 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

dedicate impressive reminder descendant
57 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which technical parallel

government understand
58 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

holiday semester family interest
59 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

60 does not have the same stress pattern wonderfully American supermarket secondary

Choose the word in each group which

maintain market social company
61 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

perform income protect understand
62 does not have the same stress pattern

63 Choose the word in each group which century horrible adventure office

does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

64 does not have the same stress pattern holiday colourful logically

Choose the word in each group which

65 does not have the same stress pattern wonderfully mechanical beautifully secondary

Choose the word in each group which

entrance arrive rubber actor
66 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

graphics limit parcel increase
67 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

decorate arrival employer historical
68 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

employee interrupt recover politely
69 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

70 does not have the same stress pattern developing deliciously regularly ecosystem

Choose the word in each group which

excited interested confident memorable
71 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

compete maintain swallow install
72 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

museum opera uniform memory
73 does not have the same stress pattern

74 Choose the word in each group which attractive volleyball correctly semester

does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

75 does not have the same stress pattern experience certificate interviewer enthusiasm

Choose the word in each group which

therefore casual certain approve
76 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

belief whether maintain control
77 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

computer domestic hamburger September
78 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

apartment wonderful battery thunderstorm
79 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

80 does not have the same stress pattern stability accelerate renovation eliminate

Choose the word in each group which

private amount result suppose
81 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

window receive problem only
82 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

whenever mischievous hospital separate
83 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

knowledge maximum athletics marathon
84 does not have the same stress pattern

85 Choose the word in each group which helicopter comfortable mountaineering beautifully

does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

shower flower dinner return
86 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

reply appear protect kindness
87 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

whenever secondary separate
88 does not have the same stress pattern wonderful

Choose the word in each group which measurement romantic

89 does not have the same stress pattern parallel

Choose the word in each group which

90 does not have the same stress pattern technology photography entertainment diversity

Choose the word in each group which

unless cancel refuse attend
91 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

modern subject middle between
92 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which decorate

organise divorce promise
93 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which horrible

refreshment exciting intention
94 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

95 does not have the same stress pattern education remembering avocado semifinal

96 Choose the word in each group which really into tonight heavy

does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which partnership

develop conduction majority
97 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

permission qualified processing government
98 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which fascinate

electric computer fantastic
99 does not have the same stress pattern

Choose the word in each group which

100 does not have the same stress pattern anybody interesting temperature activity


T Câu hỏi A B C D

It's good but /ɪts gu:d bʌt ɪks /ɪts gʊd bət ɪks /ɪts gʊd bʌt ɪgz /ɪts gʊd bʌt ɪks
1 expensive. ˈpɛnsɪv./ ˈpɛnsɪv./ ˈpɛnsɪv./ ˈpɛnsɪv./

The price is the thing /ðə praɪs ɪs ðə θɪŋ ðæ /ðə praɪz ɪs ðə θɪŋ ðæ /ðə praɪs ɪz ðə θɪŋ ðæ /ði: praɪs ɪz ðə θɪŋ ða
2 that annoys me. t æˈnɔɪz miː./ t əˈnɔɪz miː./ t əˈnɔɪz miː./ :t əˈnɔɪz miː./

3 Which did he choose? /wɪʧ dɪd hiː ʧuːz?/ /wɪʧ dɪd iː ʧuːz?/ /wɪʧ dɪd iː ʧuːs?/ /wɪch dɪd iː ʧuːz?/

He was late, wasn't /hiː wɛz leɪt, wɒznt /hiː wəznt leɪt, wɒznt /hiː wɛz leɪt, wɒznt /hiː wəz leɪt, wɒznt
4 he? iː?/ iː?/ hiː?/ iː?/

How can we get /haʊ kæn wiː gɛt ðeə /həʊ kæn wiː gɛt ðeə /haʊ kən wiː gɛt ðeə? /haʊ kæn wiː gɛt ðiə
5 there? ?/ ?/ / ?/

/ðeɪ ɪnˈvaɪtɪd ɔːl əv ʌ /ðeɪ ɪnˈvaɪtɪd ɔːl ɒv ʌ /ðeɪ ɪnˈvaɪt ɔːl ɒv ʌs. /ðeɪ ɪnˈvaɪtɪd ɔːl əv ə
6 They invited all of us. s./ s./ / s./

7 I’ll see you at lunch. /aɪl siː juː æt lʌnʧ/ /aɪl siː juː ət lʌn/ /aɪl siː juː ət lʌnʧ/ /aɪ siː juː ət lʌnʧ/

What’s he shooting
8 at? /wa:ts iː ˈʃuːtɪŋ æt?/ /wɒts iː ˈʃuːtɪŋ ət?/ /wɒts iː ˈʃuːtɪŋ æt?/ /wɒts hiː ˈsuːtɪŋ æt?/

The word he said was /ði: wɜːd iː sɛd wɒz r /ðə wɜːd hiː sɛd wɒz /ðə wɜːd iː seid wɒz /ðə wɜːd iː sɛd wɒz r
9 right. aɪt./ raɪt./ raɪt./ aɪt./

10 They didn’t suit him. /ðaɪ dɪdnt sjuːt hɪm./ /ðeɪ dɪdnt sjuːt hɪm./ /ðeɪ dɪdnt sjuːt ɪm./ /ðeɪ dɪdn suːt hɪm./

/aɪ uːzd təː hæv ə pɛt. /aɪ juːzd təː hæv ə pɛ /aɪ juːzd tuː ha:v ə pɛ /aɪ juːz təː ha:v ə pɛt.
11 I used to have a pet. / t./ t./ /

I would like some fish /ɑi wəd laɪk səm fɪʃ /ɑ wəd laɪk səm fɪʃ /ɑ wəd laɪk səm fɪʃ /ɑ wəd lɪk səm fɪʃ ən
12 and chips. ən tʃɪps./ ən tʃɪps./ æn tʃɪps./ tʃɪp./

There’re 30 people in /ðeəra: ˈθɜːti ˈpiːpl ɪn /ðeərə ˈθɜːti ˈpiːpl ɪn /ðeərə ˈθɜːti ˈpeopl ɪ /ðeərə ˈθɜːti ˈpiːpl ɪn
13 our class. ˈaʊə klɑːs./ ˈaʊə klɑːs./ n ˈaʊə klɑːs./ ˈaʊ klɑːs./

am ˈæbsəluːtli ˈsɜːtn. /aɪm ˈæbsəluːtli ˈsɜːt /aɪm ˈabsəluːtli ˈsɜːtn /aɪm ˈæbsəluːtli ˈcɜːt
14 I’m absolutely certain. / n./ ./ n./

/məʊst həd gɒn həʊ /məʊst əd gɒn həʊm. /məʊst æd gɒn həʊm /məʊst əd gɒn haʊm.
15 Most had gone home. m./ / ./ /

16 There should be a /ðe ʃʊd biː ə ruːl./ /ðə ʃu:d biː ə ruːl./ /ðə ʃʊd biː ei ruːl./ /ðə ʃʊd biː ə ruːl./


That’s what it was /ðəts wɒt ɪt wɒz səʊl /ðæt wɒt ɪt wɒz səʊl /ðæts wɒt ɪt wɒz səʊl /ðæts wat ɪt wɒz səʊl
17 sold as. d əz./ d æz./ d æz./ d æz./

18 The cot’s too small. /ðə kɒts tu ː smaːl./ /ðə kɒts tu ː smɔː./ /ðə kəʊts tu ː smɔːl./ /ðə kɒts tu ː smɔːl./

Here’s where it come /hɪəz weər ɪt keɪm fr /hɪəs weər ɪt keɪm fr /hɪəz weər ɪt kɒm frɒ /hɪəz we ɪt keɪm frɒ
19 from. ɒm./ ɒm./ m./ m./

20 Which has been best? /wɪʧ həz biːn bɛst?/ /wɪʧ əz biːn bɛst?/ /wɪʧ hæz biːn bɛst?/ /whɪʧ həz biːn bɛst?/

21 What’s that for? /wa:ts ðæt fɔː?/ /wɒts ða:t fɔː?/ /wɒts ðæt fə?/ /wɒts ðæt fɔː?/

Someone I’ve heard /səmwʌn aɪv hɜːd ɒv /sʌmwʌn aɪv hɜːd ɒv /sʌmwən aɪv hɜːd ɒv /sʌmwʌn aɪv həd ɒv.
22 of. ./ ./ ./ /

I learnt driving last /aɪ lɜːnt ˈdraɪvɪŋ lʌst /aɪ lɜːnt ˈdraɪvɪŋ lɑːst /aɪ lɜːnt ˈdraɪvɪŋ lɑːst /aɪ lɜːn ˈdraɪvɪŋ lɑːst
23 year. jɪə./ ɪə./ jɪə./ jɪə./

Was your girlfriend /wəz jɔː ˈgɜːlˌfrɛnd ˈ /wəz yɔː ˈgɜːlˌfrɛnd ˈ /wəz jɔː ˈgəlˌfrɛnd ˈ /wəz jɔː ˈgɜːlˌfrɛnd ˈ
24 angry? æŋgri?/ æŋgri?/ æŋgri?/ əŋgri?/

Did you hear that

25 noise? /dɪd ʊ hɪə ðət nɔɪz?/ /dɪd jʊ hɪə ðət nɔɪz?/ /dɪd jʊ hɪə ðæt nɔɪz?/ /dɪd jʊ hɪə ðət nɔɪ?/

The food here’s very /ðə fuːd hɪə ˈvɛri ˈteɪ /ðə fuːd hɪə s ˈvɛri ˈt /ðə fuːd hɪə s ˈvɛri ˈt /ðə fʊd hɪə s ˈvɛri ˈte
26 tasty. sti./ esti./ eɪsti./ ɪsti./

Do you find the job /də jʊ faɪnd ðə ʤɒb ˈ /dʊ jʊ faɪnd ðə ʤɒb /dʊ jʊ faɪn ðə ʤɒb ˈɪ /dʊ jʊ faɪnd ðə
27 interesting? ɪntrɪstɪŋ?/ ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ?/ ntrɪstɪŋ?/ zɒb ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ?/

28 What exactly do you /wɒt ɪgˈzæktli də jʊ /wɒt ɪkˈzæktli də jʊ /wɒt ɪgˈzæktli dʊ jʊ /wa:t ɪgˈzæktli dʊ jʊ

mean? miːn?/ miːn?/ miːn?/ miːn?/

There isn’t any, is /ðer ˈɪznt ˈɛni, ɪz ðeə /ðər ˈɪznt ˈani, ɪz ðeə /ðər ˈɪznt ˈɛni, ɪz ðeə /ðər ˈɪznt ˈɛni, ɪz ðə?
29 there? ?/ ?/ ?/ /

30 You must try harder. /jʊ mʌst traɪ ˈhɑːdə./ /jʊ məst traɪ ˈhɑːdə./ /jʊ məst traɪ ˈhʌdə./ /jʊ məst tʃaɪ ˈhɑːdə./

31 Why do they like it? /waɪ də ðeɪ laɪk ɪt?/ /waɪ d ðeɪ laɪk ɪt?/ /waɪ du: ðeɪ laɪk ɪt?/ /waɪ də ðeɪ lɪke ɪt?/

He was here a minute /hi: wəz hɪər ə ˈmɪnɪt /hi wəz hɪər a ˈmɪnɪt /hi wəs hɪər ə ˈmɪnɪt /hi wəz hɪər ə ˈmɪnɪt
32 ago. əˈgəʊ./ əˈgəʊ./ əˈgəʊ./ aˈgəʊ./

33 All the cars stop. /ɔːl ðə kɑːs stɒp./ /ɔːl ðə kɑːs stɒp./ /ɔːl ðə kɑːz stɒp./ /ɔːl ði kɑːz stɒp./

They weren't as cold /ðeɪ wənt əz kəʊld əz /ðeɪ wɜːnt əz kəʊld ə /ðeɪ wɜːnt əz kəʊld ə /ðeɪ wɜːnt əz kɔːld əz
34 as we were. wi wɜ./ z wi wɜ./ z wi wə./ wi wɜ./

35 I should forget it. /aɪ ʃʊd fəˈgɛt ɪt./ /aɪ ʃəd fəˈgɛt ɪt./ /aɪ ʃəd fɔːˈgɛt ɪt./ /aɪ ʃəd fəˈgət ɪt./

I really need to get /aɪ ˈrɪəli niːd tə gɛt /aɪ ˈrɪli niːd tə gɛt /aɪ ˈrɪəli niːd tə gɛt /aɪ ˈrɪəli niːd tə gɛt
36 some money. səm ˈmɒni./ səm ˈmʌni./ səm ˈmʌni./ səm ˈma:ni./

We don’t smoke, but /wi dɔːnt sməʊk, bət /wi dəʊnt smɔːk, bət /wi dəʊnt sməʊk, bət /wi dəʊnt sməʊk, bət
37 some people do. səm ˈpiːpl duː./ səm ˈpiːpl duː./ səm ˈpiːpl duː./ səm ˈpeopl duː./

38 The coats are in there. /ðə kəʊts ar ɪn ðeə./ /ðə kəʊts ər ɪn ðeə./ /ðə kəts ər ɪn ðeə./ /ðə kəʊts ər ɪn ðe./

I didn’t use to like /aɪ dɪdnt uːz tə laɪk ˈ /aɪ dɪdnt juːz tə laɪk ˈ /aɪ dɪdnt juːz tə laɪk ˈ /aɪ dɪdnt juːz tə laɪk ˈ
39 classic music. klæsɪk ˈmjuːzɪk./ klæsɪk ˈmjuːzɪk./ kla:sɪk ˈmjuːzɪk./ klæsɪk ˈmuːzɪk./

I suggest we focus on /aɪ su:ˈʤɛst wi ˈfəʊk /aɪ səˈʤɛst wi ˈfəkəs /aɪ səˈʤɛst wi ˈfəʊkə /aɪ səˈʤɛst wi ˈfəʊkə
40 the products. əs ɒn ðə ˈprɒdʌkts./ ɒn ðə ˈprɒdʌkts./ s ən ðə ˈprɒdʌkts./ s ɒn ðə ˈprɒdukts./

41 I can’t find the key. /aɪ kænt faɪnd ðə kiː./ /aɪ kɑːnt fɪnd ðə kiː./ /aɪ kɑːnt faɪnd ðə kiː. /aɪ kɑːnt faɪnd ðə key
/ ./

He meets the website /hi miːts ðə ˈwɛbˌsaɪt /hi miːts ðə ˈwɛbˌsaɪt /hi miːts ðə ˈwɛbˌsɪt /hi miːts ðə ˈwɛbˌsaɪt
42 manager. ˈma:nɪʤə./ ˈmænɪʤə./ ˈmænɪʤə./ ˈmænɪzə./

You are a doctor, /jʊər a: ˈdɒktə, ɑːnt j /jʊər ə ˈdɒktə, ɑːnt ju /jʊar ə ˈdɒktə, ɑːnt ju /jʊər ə ˈdɒktə, ænt ju
43 aren’t you? uː?/ ː?/ ː?/ ː?/

I’d rather eat our than /aɪd ˈrɑːðər iːt aʊt ðə /aɪd ˈræðər iːt aʊt ðə /aɪd ˈrɑːðər iːt əʊt ðə /aɪd ˈrɑːðər iːt aʊt ðə
44 at home. n ət həʊm./ n ət həʊm./ n ət həʊm./ n ət hɔːm./

I’m single at the /aɪm ˈsɪŋgl ət ðə ˈmə am ˈsɪŋgl ət ðə ˈməʊ /aɪm ˈsɪŋgl ət ðə ˈmə /aɪm ˈsɪŋgl ət ðə ˈmʊ
45 moment. ʊmənt./ mənt./ mənt./ mənt./

Bear with me a /beə wɪð mi: ə ˈmɪnɪt /beə wɪð mi ə ˈmɪnut /beə wɪð mɪ ə ˈmɪnɪt.
46 minute. /be wɪð mi ə ˈmɪnɪt./ ./ ./ /

I’d really appreciate /aɪd ˈrɪli əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt j /aɪd ˈrɪəli əˈpriː.si.eɪt /aɪd ˈrɪəli əˈpreʃi.eɪt j /aɪd ˈrɪəli əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt
47 your help. ə hɛlp./ jə hɛlp./ ə hɛlp./ jə hɛlp./

48 Leave him alone. /liːv ɪm əˈləʊn./ /liːv hɪm əˈləʊn./ /lɪv ɪm əˈləʊn./ /liːv ɪm aˈləʊn./

Did you say /dɪd jə seɪ " ˈɛvrɪdeɪ" /dɪd jʊ saɪ " ˈɛvrɪdeɪ" /dɪd jʊ seɪ " ˈɛvrɪdeɪ" /dɪd jʊ seɪ " ˈɛvrɪdaɪ"
49 “everyday”? ?/ ?/ ?/ ?/

It’s hotter than I /ɪts ˈhɒtə ðæn aɪ ɪks /ɪts ˈhɒtə ðən aɪ ɪks /ɪts ˈhɒtə ðən aɪ ɪgz /ɪts ˈhɒtə ðən aɪ eks
50 expected. ˈpɛkt./ ˈpɛkt./ ˈpɛkt./ ˈpɛkt./

Can you hold on a /kæn jʊ həʊld ɒn ə ˈ /kən jʊ həld ɒn ə ˈmɪ /kən jʊ həʊld ɒn ə ˈ /kən jʊ həʊld ɒn ə ˈ
51 minute. mɪnɪt?/ nɪt?/ mɪnu:t?/ mɪnɪt?/

52 The food is cheaper /ðə fuːd s ˈʧiːpə ðən /ðə fuːd z ˈʧiːpə ðən /ðə fuːd z ˈtriːpə ðən /ðə fuːd z ˈʧiːpə ðən

than at home. ət həʊm./ ət həʊm./ ət həʊm./ ət həm./

53 Do you sell pens? /dʊ jʊ sɛl pɛns?/ /dʊ jʊ sɛo pɛnz?/ /də jʊ sɛl pɛnz?/ /dʊ jʊ sɛl pɛnz?/

Perhaps they can /pəˈha:ps ðeɪ kən sm /pəˈhæps ðeɪ kən sm /pəˈhæps ðeɪ kæn sm /pəˈhæps ðeɪ kən sm
54 smell drug. ɛl drʌg./ ɛl drʌg./ ɛl drʌg./ ɛl drug./

How long did your /haʊ lɒŋ dɪd jə ˈʤɜːn /haʊ lɒŋ dɪd jə ˈʤəni /həʊ lɒŋ dɪd jə ˈʤɜːn /haʊ lɒŋ dɪd jə ˈjɜːni
55 journey take? i teɪk?/ teɪk?/ i teɪk?/ teɪk?/

It’s more dangerous /ɪts mə ˈdeɪnʤrəs ðə /ɪts mɔː ˈdeɪnʤrəs ðə /ɪts mɔː ˈdeɪnʤrəs ðə /ɪts mɔː ˈdanʤrəs ðə
56 than I thought. n aɪ θɔːt./ n aɪ θɔːt./ n aɪ θət./ n aɪ θɔːt./

Would you like to go /wəd jʊ laɪk tə gəʊ b /wud jʊ laɪk tə gəʊ b /wəd jʊ laɪk tə gaʊ b /wəd jʊ laɪk tə gəʊ b
57 back? æk?/ æk?/ æk?/ ack?/

58 Write us a letter. /wraɪt əs ə ˈlɛtə./ /raɪt əs ə ˈlɛtə./ /raɪt əs ə ˈli:tə./ /raɪt əz ə ˈlɛtə./

59 When does it arrive? /whɛn dəz ɪt əˈraɪv?/ /wɛn dəs ɪt əˈraɪv?/ /wɛn dəz ɪt əˈrɪv?/ /wɛn dəz ɪt əˈraɪv?/

She’s not as old as I /ʃɪz nɒt əz əʊld əz aɪ /ʃiːz nɒt əz əʊld əz aɪ /ʃiːz nɒt əz ɔːld əz aɪ /ʃiːz nɒt əz əʊld əz aɪ
60 am. æm./ am./ æm./ æm./

It’s the most beautiful /ɪts ðə məst ˈbjuːtəfʊ /ɪts ðə məʊst ˈbuːtəf /ɪts ðə məʊst ˈbjuːtəf /ɪts ðə məʊst ˈbjuːtəf
61 place. l pleɪs./ ʊl pleɪs./ ʊl pleɪ./ ʊl pleɪs./

62 Have some more tea. /hæv səm mɔː tiː./ /həv səm mɔː tiː./ /həv sæm mɔː tiː./ /hæv səm mɔː tea./

It has clean, safe /ɪt hæz kliːn, seɪf striː /ɪt həz kliːn, seɪf striː /ɪt həz kliːn, seɪf stre /ɪt hæz kliːn, saɪf striː
63 streets. ts./ ts./ ets./ ts./

The people are /ðə ˈpiːpl ə ˈfrɛndli ə /ðə ˈpiːpl a: ˈfrɛndli ə /ðə ˈpiːpl ə ˈfrɛndli ə /ðə ˈpiːpl ə ˈfrɛndli ə
64 friendly and polite. nd pəˈlaɪt./ nd pəˈlaɪt./ nd pɔːˈlaɪt./ nd pɔːˈlɪt./

The public /ðə ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspɔː /ðə ˈpʌblɪk ˌtra:nspɔː /ðə ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspɔː /ðə ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspɔː
transportation system ˈteɪʃən ˈsɪstɪm z ˈtɛrə ˈteɪʃən ˈsɪstɪm z ˈtɛrə ˈteɪʃən ˈsystɪm z ˈtɛr ˈteɪʃən ˈsɪstɪm z ˈtɛre
65 is terrible. bl./ bl./ əbl./ ibl./

There’re a lot of /ˈðerə ə lɒt əv kraɪm. /ˈðeərə ə lɒt əv kraɪ /ˈðeərə ə lɒt əv krɪm. /ˈðeərə ə lɒt əv kram
66 crime. / m./ / ./

Is it expensive to live /ɪz ɪt eksˈpɛnsɪv tə lɪ /ɪz ɪt ɪksˈpɛnsɪv tə lɪv /ɪz ɪt ɪksˈpɛnsɪv tə lɪv /ɪz ɪt ɪksˈpɛnsɪv tə li:
67 there? v ðeə?/ ðeə?/ ðe?/ v ðeə?/

Could I speak to the /kəd aɪ spiːk tə ðə ˈm /ku:d aɪ spiːk tə ðə ˈ /kəd aɪ spɪk tə ðə ˈm /kəd aɪ spiːk tə ðə ˈm
68 manager? ænɪʤə?/ mænɪʤə?/ ænɪʤə?/ a:nɪʤə?/

I’m afraid I have a /aɪ,ɛm əˈfreɪd aɪ həv /aɪ,ɛm həˈfreɪd aɪ həv /aɪ,am əˈfreɪd aɪ həv /aɪ,ɛm əˈfreɪd aɪ həv
69 complaint. ə kəmˈpleɪnt./ ə kəmˈpleɪnt./ ə kəmˈpleɪnt./ ə kəmˈplaɪnt./

I ordered room service /aɪ ˈəʊdəd ruːm ˈsɜːv /aɪ ˈɔːdəd ruːm ˈsɜːvɪ /aɪ ˈɔːdəd rʊm ˈsɜːvɪs /aɪ ˈɔːdəd ruːm ˈsevɪs
70 over an hour. ɪs ˈəʊvər ən ˈaʊə./ s ˈəʊvər ən ˈaʊə./ ˈəʊvər ən ˈaʊə./ ˈəʊvər ən ˈaʊə./

There’re nice parks /ðərə naɪs pɑːks ənd /ðer ə naɪs pɑːks ənd /ðər ə naɪs pæks ənd /ðər ə naɪs pɑːks ənd
71 and green spaces. griːn ˈspeɪsɪz./ griːn ˈspeɪsɪz./ griːn ˈspeɪsɪz./ griːn ˈspæsɪz./

It has a good shopping /ɪt hæz ə gʊd ˈʃɒpɪŋ /ɪt həz ə gʊd ˈʃɒpɪŋ /ɪt həz ə gu:d ˈʃɒpɪŋ /ɪt həz ə gʊd ˈsɒpɪŋ
72 center. sentə./ sentə./ sentə./ sentə./

I’ll take it back to the /aɪl teɪk ɪt bæk tə ðə ˈ /aɪl teɪk ɪt ba:k tə ðə /aɪl teɪk ɪt bæk tə ðə ˈ /aɪ teɪk ɪt bæk tə ðə ˈ
73 kitchen. kaɪʧɪn./ ˈkɪʧɪn./ kɪʧɪn./ kɪʧɪn./

It’s not a waste of /ɪts nɒt ə waɪst əv ta /ɪts nɒt ə weɪst əv taɪ /ɪts nɒt ə weɪst əv tɪ /ɪtz nɒt ə weɪst əv taɪ
74 time. m./ m./ m./ m./

75 A bath is more /ə bɑːθ s mɔː rɪ /ə bɑːθ z mɔː rɪ /ə bɑːθ s mɔː rɪ /ə bɑːθ z mɔː rɪ
relaxing than a

shower. ˈla:ksɪŋ ðən ə ˈʃaʊə./ ˈlæksɪŋ ðən ə ˈsaʊə./ ˈlæksɪŋ ðən ə ˈsaʊə./ ˈlæksɪŋ ðən ə ˈʃaʊə./

It’s more dangerous /ɪts mɔː ˈdeɪnʤrəs ðə /ɪts mɔː ˈdeɪnzrəs ðə /ɪtz mɔː ˈdeɪnʤrəs ðə /ɪts mɔː ˈdeɪnʤrəs ðə
76 than I thought. n aɪ θɔːt./ n aɪ θɔːt./ n aɪ θɔːt./ n aɪ θəʊt./

Why do all the cars /waɪ dʊ ɔːl ðə kɑːz st /waɪ dʊ əʊl ðə kɑːz s /waɪ dʊ ɔːl ðə kɑːz st /waɪ dʊ ɔːl ðə kɑːs st
77 stop? əʊp?'/ tɒp?'/ ɒp?'/ ɒp?'/

/məʊst həd gɒn həʊ /məʊst əd gɒn həʊm.

78 Most had gone home. m./ / /məst əd gɒn həʊm./ /məʊst əd gɒn həm./

You must be cruel to /juː mʌst biː krʊəl tuː /juː məst biː krʊəl tuː /juː mʌst biː krʊəl tə /juː mʌst biː krʊəl tuː
79 be kind. biː kɪnd. / biː kaɪnd. / biː kaɪnd./ biː kaɪnd. /

I’m so pleased for /aɪ am səʊ pliːzd fə

80 you. juː/ /aɪm səʊ pliːz fə juː/ /aɪm sə pliːzd fə juː/ /aɪm səʊ pliːzd fə juː/

Do you have any /dʊ jʊ həv ˈɛni ˈkwɛs /də jʊ həv ˈɛni ˈkwɛs /dʊ jʊ həv ˈani ˈkwɛs /dʊ jʊ həv ˈɛni ˈwɛsʧ
81 questions? ʧənz?/ ʧənz?/ ʧənz?/ ənz?/

What type of thing did /wa:t taɪp əv θɪŋz dɪd /wɒt taɪp əv θɪŋs dɪd /wɒt taɪp əv θɪŋz dɪd /wɒt typ əv θɪŋz dɪd j
82 you do? jʊ duː?/ jʊ duː?/ jʊ duː?/ ʊ duː?/

You need a thick coat /jʊ niːd ə θɪk kət ɪn ˈ /jʊ niːd ə θɪk kəʊt ɪn /jʊ nɪd ə θɪk kəʊt ɪn ˈ /jʊ niːd ə θɪk kəʊt ɪn
83 in winter. wɪntə./ ˈwɪntə./ wɪntə./ ˈwɪnter./

There’s nothing till /ðəs ˈnʌθɪŋ tɪl tə /ðəz ˈnɒθɪŋ tɪl tə /ðəz ˈnʌθɪŋ tɪl tɒ /ðəz ˈnʌθɪŋ tɪl tə
84 tomorrow. ˈmɒrəʊ./ ˈmɒrəʊ./ ˈmɒrəʊ./ ˈmɒrəʊ./

/aɪ kɑːnt faɪnd ðə key /aɪ kɑːnt faɪnd ðə kiː.

85 I can’t find the key. /aɪ kænt faɪnd ðə kiː./ ./ /aɪ kɑːnt fɪnd ðə kiː./ /

86 What exactly does he /wa:t ɪgˈzæktli dʌz hi /wɒt ɪgˈza:ktli dəz /wɒt ɪgˈzæktli dəz i: /wat ɪkˈsæktli dəz he

mean? : miːn?/ i: miːn?/ miːn?/ miːn?/

The boss wants to see /ðə bɒs wɒnts tə siː j /ðə bɒz wɒnts tə siː j /ði bɒs wɒnts tə siː j /ðə bɒs wɒnts tə sɪ ju
87 you. uː./ uː./ uː./ ː./

Could you give me a /kəd jʊ gɪv mi ə ˈriːf /kəd jʊ gɪv mi ə ˈriːf /kəd jʊ gɪv mi a ˈriːf /ku:d jʊ gɪv mi ə ˈriːf
88 refund? ʊnd?/ ʌnd?/ ʌnd?/ ʌnd?/

/aɪ kænt ˈkɒnsəntreɪt. /aɪ kɑːnt ˈkɒnsəntreɪt /aɪ kɑːnt ˈkɒnsəntræt /aɪ kɑːnt ˈkɒnsentreɪt
89 I can’t concentrate. / ./ ./ ./

Do you want me to /dʊ jʊ wa:nt mi tə ʧɛ /dʊ jʊ want mi tə ʧɛk /dʊ jʊ wɒnt mi tə trɛ /dʊ jʊ wɒnt mi tə ʧɛ
90 check? k?/ ?/ k?/ k?/

We asked if it had /wi ɑːskt ɪf ɪt həd /wi æskt ɪf ɪt həd /wi ɑːsk ɪf ɪt həd /wi ɑːskt ɪf ɪt həd
91 come. kʌm./ kʌm./ kʌm./ kəʊm./

92 We’re getting married. /wɪə ˈgɛtɪŋ ˈmærɪd./ /wɪa ˈgɛtɪŋ ˈmærɪd./ /wɪə ˈgɛtɪŋ ˈma:rɪd./ /wɪə ˈgɛtɪŋ ˈmærɪ./

My computer has /maɪ kəmˈpuːtə həz ˈ /maɪ kəmˈpjuːtə həz /maɪ kəmˈpjuːtə hæz /maɪ kəmˈpjuːtə həz
93 frozen. frəʊzn./ ˈfrəzn./ ˈfrəʊzn./ ˈfrəʊzn./

94 Let me have a look. /lɛt mi həv ə lʊk./ /lɛt mi hæv ə lʊk./ /lɛt mi həv ə lɒk./ /li:t mi həv ə lɒk./

Could you hold the /kəd jʊ həʊld ðə laɪn, /kəd jʊ həld ðə laɪn, /kəd jʊ həʊld ðə laɪn, /ku:d jʊ həʊld ðə laɪ
95 line, please! plɪz?/ pliːz?/ pliːz?/ n, pliːz?/

What’s he like /wɒts hi laɪk /wɒts hi laɪk /wats hi laɪk

96 socially? ˈsəʊsəli?/ /wɒts hi laɪk ˈsəʃəli?/ ˈsəʊʃəli?/ ˈsəʊʃəli?/

It keeps making a /ɪt kiːps ˈmeɪkɪŋ ə ˈfʌ /ɪt kiːpz ˈmeɪkɪŋ ə ˈfʌ /ɪt kiːps ˈmakɪŋ ə ˈfʌ /ɪt kiːps ˈmeɪkɪŋ ə ˈfʌ
97 funny noise. ni nɔɪz./ ni nɔɪz./ ni nɔɪz./ ni nɔɪ./

98 I don’t know how to /aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ haʊ tə t /aɪ dənt nəʊ haʊ tə tɜ /aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ həʊ tə t /aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ haʊ tə t
turn it on. ɜːn ɪt ɒn./ ːn ɪt ɒn./ ɜːn ɪt ɒn./ ən ɪt ɒn./

Would you mind /wəd jʊ mɪnd ˈhɛlpɪŋ /wəd jʊ maɪnd ˈhɛlpɪ /wu:d jʊ maɪnd ˈhɛlp /wəd jʊ maɪnd ˈhɛlpɪ
99 helping me? miː?/ ŋ miː?/ ɪŋ miː?/ ŋ me?/

They’ve won
100 separately. /ðeɪ wʌn ˈsɛprɪtli./ /ðeɪv wa:n ˈsɛprɪtli./ /ðeɪv wʌn ˈsɛparɪtli./ /ðeɪv wʌn ˈsɛprɪtli./


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