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kernal (AR) = 0S ABBARAR RAE AAR E resident (REE) in memory W 05 2 BS (roQes) (MER User £2 Hardware APS 6 RT, HEB AB ASR BAS (FRR - ADEE users progroms BREAD REY (3) ¥S/E~{1B resources SHOSE ABR EEE A BIBK, BZD) AR’? BA wRe ae Process % SVE IR, BRIE Pr cvesses fi) BoE LIBIE PIERRE KR System types Maktiprag roming system (REMOE Resny OA Mulupegiey) EBs EBB Processes oH system ty E044 2BBG9= LRCPU utilization aie ) Me As ARRCPU S. iA BB CUA M10 Fla AS tn RAN, a al Boyt bevels can ay idRe (FAB) 6958S FPR 24> Process EMA, fe woit for 1/0 ~ complete BS BACPU APL AS Bt Process ABR Mul tiprngramning Degiee = = KAR SB fe SA 64 Process RE ALHE Mulsiprosrannin Jeayee &e CPU utidizotion (che t Thochng PSV) : : —4 IB Process “ie "SA5 2% D Concurrent execution 9 Parole execution 0 Concur (-BRCPU) @Pavadheh (BRE CPV ) soe AAR O8--® ® aan Process SM5,E SK es i Ts ~FRDAPRL AS a AB Proce #443 | -] __ wv ow ( db yD Q) Ol xp4200 SSpe4ss Si Tine Shoring, system (TERK) by wal Be Re RAB Maltltasdny sfsten! RARBE Multi pogeanmiy, XH ‘elit (Bets) oma 4s a Dogieal extension of Malt pogeanning) uth programms he Oeeyinateake & 34% (user) jnteractlve Comput environment, (@ ah) (#48) AURA T : response PARES (< 1 se) > BSR CREEK (Road Rabo) OE RR CPU Scodubling, SBCPV IRE, THE AP bers tn RSM] ou virtwod hen ‘ ee Menara — 1/0-Devices TEP (2-J. probing) Us) (vase iS OM Re states Ha RR RSCRRERS Os oov0o - AMidtipracessors system (BRREBE) TH Rs LH Multiprocessing system Tight 2 ~ coupled system (Se 4) Poeit3h system teh: machine Crates board) RAB Phopus welaaeh Q@ SCPUS WeeRS be — ine 64 memory, L/O device, bus, power-supply SREER BU pers @ Ro -MOSKER Ee . © Proves APS SV AREATEA Shaved memory BA thodhine. [cebu ca == CPUn| memory QUESHARR Yoroec | dak | 0S. Benefits (#31) = Seon Aa ern Economy of scoke “(RB ARABIE) GLEBE ALM) Ona ) oe Processor & A $A 47 (Povo Computing) Notes Bm CDUABBE 4B BO HS 198 CPURBE XIVIE Ra DResmre. Catertion RATES) 9 cer Se Comanicotion See © 2aReR BB CPUEENE mek. HCP US ol BA, RRB ER ARBAB Note: Bia <> graceful degadotion Shit BRUCE BW. A} BIR ARAB Hordwore or Soft une Tle Sy BR (EEL DRA SE 64 AeA ool Reheat <=> Foult - Tolerant system (Beker) fe BA Groce Fuk degradation BARR xR BDRPTACPUS 294% inemory, Bus, 1/0 Device, Eis BA AEA Fates Bas oie RE Multiprocessors system ABSB A KBB types “OSMP CSymmetrle Muliprocessing) BRR RR _GASMP (Asymmetric Mukiprocessing) AP AIABTESE O2R& 518 CPUL Tit BEN EAR (identical) B(R COVED AAR oot BE Bc resources BAS: OSLER RE OBE resources RE RRRERT (abs CREAR OYE, Ox Pe Cpu xuiehe ht RE, pee ‘Mog Soe" (Boss ete) + Master Processor S115 ROR ABE eeey Bsn soe slave, Serie ARs OS BEBE simple CoE Singhe -CPUA 05 4 2RBPA) gas OF RABE €, (e4.Mocter CPV, a RES - FA PSEA at) QL Pet formance BRE (~ Nese ABE 5 ) 2) W Distributed System (neni eh) Wht LEB" Lovsely - Coupled” Sustem 2BReh: : OB BRE machine YA Network (or Bus) SiS FAK 2 AST . 8 RBA ARSE 89CPU, Memory, Bus, I/0-Device'S (MREKE) @ BATACPU A Chock BEAKER F- RAB @ BAB machine % 0-5. t- TABI) © CPUs RAR Ga SH ABER e Passing” AUB 7 4 Ny ORR. 0.5. UNEX aoe fl AERO , OR BLLSho Elie anacts) . Breiabidty she fa ogee resqurce Sharing (cost Bat ) > $48 CRient ~ wmode OTE eben kaon Spacer Perter mode Server : FRRRAB sevice 148% : 24, Fike Server (FTP), Moi Server, Dinter, DNS (Host name <> LP Address), Computing Server Cfiont : TRUER £& Serer, Sener ERRATA IS 88 £5 CRient 3-58 “Peer ~to- Peer” moder FARE Client 42 Server eB DEP SEIKR BKE Abe A @ Remote Continunication (iin) 257m W Reak- tine system (BPbs) SERRA THard peak time system (SEW 2Po%) TSoft veal tine system (Halt apes) Hard read time system ES This system must ehsuve the sree nde Complete on line.” Wee ie eee moDeA EPRNN, © EER ALR DR EE Dae e4,s ok ARERR, LR BENCER Roh REBUT CAN Ss corse} 9 cae System aD eee ‘hy ORNS (EE ae Ec PME BARS eee @) RE CPUHEEERS (Chu) BATE scodst Line, of each job? RGSS eT KGunvecew on SSH, i bie SRR, VirtuR memory BBASER i prearhe why pene WRIA) 0.5. e4, widoirs, Appe, UNIX, Linux re Hod veok-tine Feoctures ass (5) wae Thee system gh. E Note :4& BRAT oy MOS. & 00:55 .00 SSoft-reoh tne system FE Ber “This system must, ensure the veak tine process hove the Wighest. priority than the others ond return this priovity anti it Finishes” (eet, MEEUE) PES) { OHS EP . 2.4.2 Muktinedio system — \ONACHYE ED Virtual Reaity system (REA) Stmwlotion system CAEL) BusS (1 RE CPU Scedullin LAE Rect priority 2.0 (THERA ) TL RAR Aging BE (Gee Ree 485) (7 eae Soo, cook A (2) FS PRG erme ATA FORE doputch Ratoncy Ch) (Bigeye (3) FRA 3 0.5 SHAK Sot vepd-tine features (i) TEES BB “virtual memary" SAE BRR = teak tine process k poges RAKE memory >, A # Swap, out Bi I BP AR Une. =charing system 95, SBE 05th, RelLtine Rocery Bik RR LSE ALL AB hero BASzaht (kernel mete) AB tenh tne REBBP OS BAL W Batch system (fe Reh) > YA SAPO M FSBER User interactive & Job BB eae ns Bed: TRiSPhekea on RIA 0j.* SAG, BE BRAK, RE ~ ete PIRSA sR teal-tine REBT/E S user-interactive application job. ® Hond Held system (mobile, computing) ARS AR, © Kis PDA, snort, phone, OS. software MBE BRS IRAE PRA 2 ALB Horduove Kit XPBR | Softuoye BRbtRAB/ By O Sewer processor BREA RE unraut = algorithm BASES GUE O Memory see AR =) AAAREAA @ Display screen 4R't ) WAR BERR sey See Ee B 1/0 Sktx © o32:00 ~ Polling I/0 (GRAN ) wee Le | Busy, waitin re x eared Lid. super © user process HA, SiN request” 5 © OS HELE ie aie (aBe) eek ah Pray AEB (LB ike Process Contexct ® kemal “1/0- schagten” HE Uk Io- “eye BRL RI real Vo operation (HBahFs8) EBB veal 1/0, keel *B Poss be VAAH Lo- Date Driver @ Then Vo- Device D river Bink yo - Command £4 1/0- Devieg Controbl @ ihe Deir Contraier | RES = 6 (ee Th Dae ore Bre Q Bt, be e& kernal (A8E) Ge chUtn 45 9 IB Proves @ CPU Fah Process BEES, ehaee. ee RBH ith Peltng {Q- ae Controfer, BE i. be Hof ALBEE BAR Lio - error COERBS. CPU ceskoe EIT I Provess KAMAL RABE ROSH PoMing L0-Device Contro Rin oR ch utilization R Throughput. le soft me g aan Subsycten-|/ FEY aq ~Devi Hari ORE PAM T/0-Device ControRer hee beat le FER Tio-toia | [8 * WQ Interruped I/o (% tir) TAY Steps On~ Osaki Qiguo BRR, Vo-Device oi q “Uo- complete” infer were Kern @ kaml hl > ahi, | a) meee A Prot xan (e4.Ph) SERIA the Process % Centex O kernal 5 +8" inte let "CE JAE S BA RET REA) cies mea, Ta Sid BH ARTA RE BLES (ig evvi gutine Afcik © © kensiaie FR ISR Cie. lunp 7 TSR Ahk SM a) @ ISR eres i: me aeRs kernoL, korn A. Bye - te & (24, Biko P. ® Hernal, ey Bis (rene) PRIA R69 Process (€4,Ph) )2 A BE kerr ALE CPU Scheduler BER the hat process to be executed 1 Disk veod PGS I-ws 9 TOR o ay to pec Devi. Controller| a sa [Bitter EE | a " = . ® Teal Pa Q. 4 ac: Yo-Devial | BBs CPU AYA ARRAS PAA BE Process execution B Y0-Device Blt %, FoB4, Poding 1/0-Device (C2 V0-Devig ControRer 2 $A ko Via Interrupt) CPU utiizetion & through put, BEET improves the system performance BABE: O Loewy Rea CPU fing C24, R6 Bit 2H Process Context SHA OBE, FAN SR), RBS Dverhend (BARRE RA BE Week. proces, 344, : cP R PHT RES AAR KL TOBE eee Zl beh te VR (Note: Polling 1/0 Ahi 28) SESH RAPMER, CH CPUting IAAL PHBE PAIRS Process HUG < CPU utilization, ‘through put Arete System performance is very poor. a . Note: 1/0 RAE eS Baik les, Block ASE ARH SE, cho tor - oriented Device fe) ® PU tine (PRABE 10- Device B Memory XFF1 65 Data Tonsfer AT BES, LEPGOSIEL PERIBE process execection age Tneervapt. Yo (P.3-6.5) PARKES 2 vgs. W DMA CDivect, Menon Access ) RR tema Controle eau O- Device 88 Menor F663 Date transfer & YB Cf oe CPY a a FARE Process Execution MR BE | : lek neste ofiented 1/0-Device (es, Disk) x= (Pb) 64 Steps in DMA Troncfer LIE =) Gis) (Bs) 8 wa [ale i ODevice Driver AE Re Bit Dick Dot 24 Memory * A Buffer (Ytk f xi 8 Re dhe Bek controler SABA C bytes 2B Dick. Congr oo Cinitiate) or SIEDMA ContmMlor BEAR 2 U0 Bit @ Disk Controller BHA) Disk 21/0 Bip, HME Disk 2 Data SEE DMA Controller for each Byte DNA Covet BING - Byte Data (RB) Memory Asx Th % Meng addres aaa CkeKH1) XCAR 1 (c#C-1) Ba ce kat © When C=® Cie, 1/0 Bree) DIMA Feik PRIOR CPU to Sepa 1/0 Completion BARES © Complicates the Hardware [esi (6B RE AUR) BB DIVA Conrlter EB CPUSIE Menor [Bus TR Q@ PR DMA Controfder TRER Memory / Bus ms 24 CPUS U2tkis wort, o 0 Proceg 2 TRE Bs KE BROFR (7) CARLA: Pry 6 ARAVA YE CPV 68 DUA PARA RE Memory Bus Le HAP FB UnterReouine, FEI (B04 Cycle StendIng "AMET ) 4 Fu dete 5 BBA TF \DE | Ex [FO [wm 08 8 @ ® OF: Instruction Fetch ODE: Decede EK: ALVENGEE @ FO: (aR)BL Mommy Fetch operands @ WM: Write result te memory (| FE) mr feSupsa | CPURE Blt Memory Aces | DMAde ts BMenory Bu oO Must ey ® No mi (Free) No sav ‘ ee Be Spe Moyhe es 5 y ® Mae ees nS i, § 1B - CPUSEDUAB MH Conthict # memory /Bus BEBE, Rl 4 TARE _ . RU: Ay ARSE ERIE /S TERE IELR trie > O one Avg, Whiting, Time, te Through Put O 0:56:30 WD Interrupt REE FE | (0) 0.5. (pRB Interrupt PERI IR, AS Biche OSE Ree EBV Toterrupt "1H Ko 0.5 from T0- Device oF Software (=) In komma SRA" Interrupt, Vector” & SFB AB 65° 1SR5" [hak Memory. Interrupt. Vector Iskthtk lvoo 3000 Woof 3000 TSR ¥a x TSRd 3 ck (=) Interrupt Rete, kernok ARB Steps tok: © OS URE PA Kote, (BE) EWE BB Proce, ABM, 4B Sove its context (BE State, pu, Feqister f& ,RC&, etc) 8 0.53 tbe Wh ID (or Device ID) $i9“Interrapt Vector” BURT RR bah BE HB BCS FAR 6g Tk Atha © Jump to ISREVA © BIRR Control return to kernal © kerma B resume * tit BX Process 69 aA oe ® Interrupt ARE (Ha: ctr Exception ) CPUAKED ttenupt) CRASS] (RRALRA) K © Externe interrupt > (CPUSAEY SAYER 7.14 / Device Wi ) {5 = Ilo - comphete”, “I/0-etror”, * machine ~ check!" (RL Bde UH Eo OS “Ton Ok”) © Tnternad interrupt = _ A 7 CPVES ERAT Process PR, RAR BA SGIS ft 3| {Bl “Devide~by sero”, “RUANE ARABS by user process” ® Softuore interrupt * BAR'S By Process ZB 0.5 TEAR KE ARTS TYE HERR PMH Ro 0.5, YEA FO RR % ARE VES (or system callls) MBs “Tlo-veqvest”, * Provess Creation” ete PENTA MRE. Felre SebO UR =e /7FRI RI STAR + Interrupt 48 Trop Thine wut” by, Tire | 8 |___‘Interrupt Trap | Hardware — generated Software ~ generated j chonye oF contra Low interrupt, Q | fey: Pe mt AR SAR 2 BBG: (BRAS) ian oa | oe can (1) Catch the arithematte en R | > vo~ error” (Process SMive RBS reed i®) : ~ machine check"! 24, Divide-by - Bere Wegal memory A625 » BU AAR ES En user mode (2) BB 0.5 EARS eg, Tlo-vequest CRSAE TRE? (SR ARCATA 2B) Ones Interrupt *EE eB FETS AW ignored BENG ae (ade 4a 1 interrupt, (9) Won = Modkebe interrupt » eth Ba te tte) ae 24.3 Bk esror BEX QB) ws 80 Ops: Resume WERE uak Mode (RR BARE ) Operation Ries system WHEEL ES BAAR E AY MEE fa kernek mode @ Vser mode. O KernaR mode WH + kernad BS Ash 63 SEH AER ER SS Bel CPUEV TAB RE 63 system prove’s lea, TSR, Syston Call Rolf: system moke, supervisor mode, privi. mode. moniter mode (REREBE) et Ke feirmole F, AVES RE HAHETEA (Drvileged structions) @ Veer mode Ris Veer process Bel CPU EMA RARE % Huser mode b, HRA RTH AA HES Note > Dua mode a Bhar FE Hordwove BRITE ABs mode Bree CRVLBR (I EE mode & Privileged Instructions GSHEES) TRE 101 ABE HA system BABE Ale HE, AR ES LEARIGA REE komad mode FAVA, Fal Te user mode F 849 SED, SE Trop Beko Kemal, keneh will kill this user proces, th: HARE, 24, L/D RE , Base/Limt register 4S Set/change , Tver fs setilchange,, Tum-of$ tnterrupt (Disohe interrupt), Chenge to kernal mode from wser mode, CReor af memory. .. eLe Sagat fH 2: R3-w @RRARA) 2 ERS (be) KU) Change to user mode, DS(5) Fecteh an Instruction V2) Change, to monter mode From Wronltor meh 203) Reed From monttor emo X(b) Tum Oh Tine interrupt. V (4) Write to monitor menery, V (1) Turn DSF Tine Interrupt, Qs) RSVR TBI OWE) Deere (5) CAB) BEAD= LYS) (S> FEE WB Pruvidoged TBR: LYLHOLS) ony OYH)G) GO(NG)(s) ® lex30 © PER Protection » Bae = ON user process] User ptrede oy setae “eS” Antet otected SB te HARTER | Oe | | Byte domge | Sats mi 4B Kornal mode, Hardware Resource Protection (1/0, Menory, CPU) W 1/0 Protection (-) Bey: BRB veers process “KER” thH!? T/p Devices VORRL L/0 BAR, BRE T/0-error, T/0 Device FER RSet TR E (=) Hest: BORE TART Wa L048 0 A ES EA Wer process REE VEE kerall 10 LIE 1/0 Devices 1 Memory Protection, (3) B92 PRE user process SEL BT Btt procenes Bkernell Pict Br memory, aren, ; A OREO t=) tes: (BRR Contignans Memory ARQocation & ) system BIBRA B Base OB Line vegister ea vegister = 324% Process #43 REEDS AL HE Limit register = bE Proces fils BProces BMS, BHF Be P| METAS = plete AMA" Menong Morgetort, Ui dere ooo No (000 Pens > el Fa YY |e epost, ws see ate wo ia oe ~F rrr Peeosth, MELEE ER = MA aes AriEebL, Bace/ Lint veaistors'th A Set /change RHR NR TBA WX CPU Protection (5 B69 = BRE wser process BA PB BRIS CPU AER (2) Mes» BYE Tier (BEAB), VPle 05 BRR Process RF CPU Mon The Queantwm ~B User Proves BAB CPV te BS ik Ther AMi& = Mox Tre uamtuin BEE Process X35 KEE CPU tne J, Thor tla ® Ded RRR Ther t= 0", Toor BIE LA “Stine - out” Iherupt VBR 0.5, OSLER ETA, BIBI Le user provess BREE CPU X UESh Tine th set/change RRR MRA @ A? |rov Reh Blocking 1/0, Non~ Bhocktng 1/0 UY Blocking U0 = Process. cuspend until 1/0 completed M ~ easy to we and understand synewvoncus 1 — OB RENEE WAAR (et BARA, BoP LUEEMUG, (RU UL tinelE,) ) reqpesting proves \@ RLV BIE <_Woitbng —S deve _driver { jwterupt handler] Hardware = Date, tomer —s || CPU ABI HANS 12 be Proce Block{%) (2) Non~ Blocking L'0 BA = pro es L/0- request 1K, Control return to user pros BI/0~ Doe HAVES 1/0 BIE es | FB) oe CPV ER Ld Dore mae Busy Kanenitiake ~ TIO CoRR veturins [cus wmweh as possible ~ 2a), User nterFace, dats copy (Buttered 2/0) ~ implemarted by muktithrend in = Yetum qui with come of Bytes read or written ASy iam ee | Process dae driver r {inte dee J Hardware Doctor tne — ae (Elin Bled EF) @ Aagnch : - synchronous 1/0 MoviBlac 30 $85 1 — process ruh whike I/o executes Ae hike (OA) = To subsystem signaks process when Tlo comleted (8 Non-blocking I/0 FHA) — ONE OO @ D)s0:07 Ch System calls ® System calh ye Sr Sustem Call HER BVMAY 6b Proves, (or Uber Process) is kena Ak RS * System Coll. RIA OS (KernoR) PIBAR 2 ARATE B BUsor Proves, MANOR RE 0S FEA ARTS BA Sypfom Coble 4G RIBS (Trop HAA) + OS MRE Rok, B SMA ATIE 69 System Calls LPR ARI SRS MER OUR 45 User Process Rs User AppRication fea Wo system coll 1d T RO ws System Cobh interface ‘vets 4h 5 implewertatlon BE pode S ot system call | CG) | ( Ragen IRONS Tapicollly ; © number assoctated with each system cok = system: col interface maintains a table indeved according to these numbers ~The system call interface invokes intended systen alk ’h OS Kertah ond fetum status of the system call and ang return values = The coer need know nothing about how the. system call is implement Tut need chew. and urderstand what 0S will do a result coll Application Programing Interface. go> i (=)EBEB + (P39 ~39) © Process Control | BD AEE Pes © Fie Management open, Felose, Freod, Furite ® Device. Monagement, BRAK, Printer © Cotmunt cotton, A ses APSIS AGA BC Message Posing SAB BASE © Protection Cheeta) rn 4 fH: R3-61@) @ 02:33sd Up)System call » Pay ile Bit, (3FR) abe LA-) 2 ER Register RAGA (OS: gReRE BRR AUR HEAR BAL AER (~ tegisters 42 BAIR) (A=) = (RFA Menon YB] table Cor block) FBR BA AEA ~(D repister bORR LEEK X RE PGADE Pa, Ss BEE RRR eee RR AIEEE CSince inemory access heeded ) (ALE) = (BR Stock (RA, ARE BAR Push Stock OS BB Stock PoP heen eS. AM Ke SOME PRE: ZB stock overHow «Stock size MEAN {R336 @) ® Oolod OS System Structare. (=) Simplest Structwe (simple ) 24, MS-Dos > HERARABIE (mode) + RLoyered Resident System Program | MS-Dos Device Drivers, ROM BIOS Daice Drivers (=) Non Simple Structure (move comphex than simple) 2.5, PHEABA Unix Ashish hie (&) Ki ee aT ae the Hardware functionaltt 4 and System Programs ¢ Tie Keroll Ae the use use interface { shel ond commands system programs i, oes ‘een call interface e al endl Chu hol ) Fike system ue eration , hoe maraggnant ak Interface to Hard wave Hw (=) Layered Aepraoch, Ne eh HY 6 fe AB BRT ae | ese a tun HY ‘ars RE TB wt oe B oF oY A he (A133 ACER, Spe Ca ERR, 72 TR FaleR | + AE “Bottom-up” BABEL ( tet thoPabeas ER =R | OE ‘Sa, HAL, mee FHL, BBS deg RAB EAS. ORE RSL R EIA © RARE it Jonge 84% ARSE ROL) progitam delay) j= er interface Layer & Hard wave B opwyso? (DB) Microkernad (2% ete ) : ‘ (eS CMU (RNBRBERRR) _,ctHbDRRA AD hate. nate Re atin: ES FIC UNL Fe ARB E X kernal AR Mach 05 (=) BR: tie eh 8 ee megs el ae services k ho. vi system Soft: Wore / Ribs Huser proess : UN ] i xbE ttt, AAR ENB | 69 kerrol FB = RB ADL, micro keroh sb FBR SESE RGE uaa O Process Management @ Memory Management (EAB Virtual memory, Process, Communicaiton (RARE ” Message 7 a) aw" Non -essontiak services en4, Wo, File Bae vbetua menory, G Ps user % trode. Proceas mabeoreg (Gee management hannsehrent (Gein kere R Iwo de, ([/eSs © easy to extend a mlovokernak © cover tuCport, the 05. te hel architecture (etaRie) O More reiahke (Ress code is Tuning in kernal mode ) @ moe secuve O+RUP s services 2 Frs¥8 Con MIR) BUBRER 69 BARRA services ave in user cite , < AR BzA(B) kernel. RRA, VEY RE ORR: B- MUI services foils, BRT wh in user mode S ERE RE AG user proces HARM pent ystems Bue proces, we RRR Ye AS, Fe ERR + Porformone overhead of user space (ofits) to ee. COmtmuntcortlon (RRR REO AR ) between user process and kernal. . . tan Linux, Windows THR = intra kernok 2AORLA * “wonctithic.” kernal > Sth 69 kernal services #9 Run itm kernal mode (Bek: FOR (B) Modules Land on-cof AESEEHAMIMEN, YABB OASHREN Men) ~ Mang, 0S implement “Loadablle”” kerhiak modules ~ user object —arlented a prea: | fea componart™'s sepemte, AB HHiliktes) (7 Sp BE. AN Pig) eoch talk to the others over known interfaces each_is Leadohbo os needed within the kernak Baar Overall $B foyer BRIX 12 Rx Tesi ve ea, Linux, »Salowis, ete BEY (K) Hybrid GB ) RA 05 ABER, Te RR BE OTIBE stra ctr, {fl\> Linux) and (Sofaris| kernels in, kernel aches space, $0 is mookithe plus modular for daar Reoding of Functi inality NBs [indowy hosthy monolithic, pus mtcrokerneR For different subsystem personalities — + Apple Mac OSX hybid eyered, Agua UI plas Cocom Pa gram ima environment kernal s- Mach microkerned L part of BSD UNIX Tot Yo kit, BR dypemtc Roadchde module (kere extension) GUL: Aqua Aprlication environment services Ga) CED Guich Tne BSD) Note + VE T7317 ios B Android hybrid AW SS Pky 2 mechanism (eRe (hn fi) (He8) (ORR): “ podtcy” Ga ~ mechanic m’ HEIR B separate (SBA) (SARL RAT wee system Flexibility, aa id (=) O° pobhey’ = RTE “whet to do” (whet to be provided ) ~ Hath = SERIE @ “ mechanisin’ : 22“ How to do that” ~ HAN RUG ia, Ban 5b to (=) Ay A= (in Tener 16%, CPU protection 2 thechaniom Max Quantum ALIVE > pobtey {8 >= . (= Priore, 1B, CPV HEB BX SD mechanism process BEAR Ad HE > poe: (or HE BIS TERES) $ oi 234.00 SI Virtaal Machine (BHR EY e) (-) Def SBA Software BURA, BH tH Abstroct machine, FRA 4 TBR Hordwore TOBE -tR-FR 20 fo FBX (=) NARs O Host = underlying Hordnare system oF 0.5. (BREA 67 BPR AEE) © Vir Machine Marager (Villa) SeoU Hapervisot » SAY" "Virdee FAVA 380 BEB FANT Virtwoh mechie 2 ARIE. @ buest = process provided with vital copy of the host Blt: a Gus lcation Neat are tuo In (Host) yeah 0.5. vi Hest) veoR Hardware Opr.vo:99 Tmplementation of VMMs (sed) Tt Type & Hypervisor = vn Z2IABtE Hardware — based solutions that provide suppor. of VIA Crection and management la Flrmnare ‘fl: IBM LPARs, oracle LDOMs To) Type L Hypavisor > ERROS nt kondh mole O operctng ~ system ~ Like softnove built to provide viruakization (B+ Vinwave ESX, Teyent. Smart 0S, citrix Kenserrey Q general-purpose 0.5 that provide standard Fimctlons a well as VMI Functions — ARE OS ETRE Via (REN) AB\: window Server with Huber V RedHat Linx with KUM 1311 Type 2 Hy pervisor > wank User rode. (applestto) Application that run on Standard OS but provide VIM Festues fo buest 0.5 ABS = Viner? workstation and Fuston, Purokleh Desktop, racke virtual box ae u 2 App2ication ey User ‘mode. | “fas. @|- a | Hw herneQ rode. ® M30 f . Tae PavoQReQ A508. TH Pad eee the guest OS ts lnedified] to work Un _copperstion with the VM to uptinize performance, a BORE Ror virtual Bp Present the Guest with system stn fer Machines (20874 but hot identical to Hardware AAG MLME ry) Ip buest mast be, modified to ran on Para virtualized Huy vin q [51 Programming - Environment virteaRtentlon VMs do not virtallee real Hardware but Instead Create an optimized virteeR system {B\: Teva, Microsoft Net [Tate] (tT Ly avial Taa Virtua Mechive’) a compiler ) Bute cole » CREE o Tove el % ge On > Gran oe] [anced ER ARISE only BIVM & by, code. [bl Emustors FAA CPU FRYER Y, BCDU 253 bund PSS Simalator| CPU Pe. [os | 7 Intel CPV . WR) L112 AppRication containment ee ee oe {5s sofaris Zones, BSD Taig. TBM ALx WPRAS Eee) by jv else vse @ wa] sy oStos| os os ollais 0. aoe” lk ; Son Ad © Re 00 mes duet PRLS E EL hod, © Host system proteted From VMS (viet Machines) Vins proteted from each otter (BEER) vidiib. 8 fee, feet reaming VIS fe| eee aa © Lent for 0S research, better system development eff (ciency. @ Run mobtipfe , different OSe on a shabe machine (cost 168) 9 Templating BRB © Live wlgtoton (eth pS 98 RAH RE) ® Consoicitlon 34% U8) laud ~ compan, “BH BE Arh @ BheA: RAPE BURAR 05.2 —-T Bag Tae: wane . as eo ee user mele) HAP users / Process (Bal EWR Ti BOAR GE, Hest OS | kemeb le(:t) BEER, B-sP4ER Bo 0.5. 2583 BRI VIA Host HW PRIA bs B Vser Process RASC. sabe He A [system MABE. PRA: VIALOS TAPP TILBGERIAK as they wish (vet = #28) Graves — (ctad Ray @ Vee: TORR LN | Gstte Hest sewers Vesources 44234 VMs BE BRE DO VARESE be veal machine = ® VM 2 Bethe Bi 2.4. Mode & PRRE BED, ar] & user nade (nat) ® Hw support needed (18,B84) [ess | VT honed mde Cane (Host) user mode | vy, lo n@ (Hat) kemel [OS (Hest) | eke Hw (Host ) e O38 Ch. Process Manegenent €@ Thread Manacrement B— Process Des Progam RB Si — Pe Reta Process STD a SFB scheduler (Ge, KE, PHA) fi Dispatcher, Dispatch Ratenay. 000 EMECPU HERE RUBE 2ST criferia foRO0|— CPU scedang algo (£F8) & T— Multi processors sys THERE DRT Did }— Rech time sys HEFIEILI oes Process ControR operations (YA UNIX BiB: forkl J), exeeLpc )---) — Thread Momagonent BS Process Ee ALE -BE (oe) areata FO, File bY Men (A Des: LBD A Progam th erection EAP FE) a Boutie) -RoS BBL Resources "2 Ak Bt ~ Process 98t4%, A & BABA» I+ code section Data Section \ Memory, spe Programmi Counter (ASSEU0FRR) cpu feqister Stack +. ete (=) Process v.5 Program Process, Prosram A Progam | tot o File in_execedton | Stared th storaye device pete” |” Pastve” OHA) At ans eh (a @ 060 PCB (Process Centre: Bhock ) AB © Def: ®) Pcew Sasser: OS (kerheR ) B32 BS Processes Ake kerneR aven t Stx4 A Process 920-4 Tobhe Cor Block ABE Process PHA ABABA WB PBR © Process number Cor LD) =) Process TD & unique © Process state + 24. ready, ruming , walt ete @ Programming, Counter» MBREDE “the nact instinction” % menor aress ® CPU rogeters ~ AER I oRBEE registers, BBS % (Accummfater, Stack, Top, .-- ete) @ CPV schedulling info + 4. process ® MB RHE, O Merary oregrot Sno > ead, Proven ABR Menny ie. "7 4B: Base (Bm register W prge He or seqnent Table ® Accauxth Fo (OR RAS ID) me, 2-4, process (BR 3 DABEE resources? — OUREEAL (RED) B85) RASTA ® AAsRAdninigerator ® Wo statu into > Le Process WY oRBEE Tp — reqpest. EY RAE? BBR Process 4A % T/p BsK7 Example > Puy-Te Gy) R4-75 6 S Pracess 2 State Tramition Disgom (STD re RCRD ) (+) Bays Hat Process 2 Rifecycle (=) ABA. C1) FBI 51 states > [stalling] 7'T States, (J) (3) Tstellmg 1 UNIX STD Oz 5-0 § GEIS states 2 STD Rusming * Py Patieabib Romig Ph | Ready »Pi,PP, = Reedy? PsPs ae watt Wott Py R Ne @ Treoct RerdigsPa — 1/oZAC—Raalngs | GO 9 6 S RealyshP =) Ready s POPPY | ee walt + Py wot + State Proces, #8322. New Cerne Bit PeBPERA) @t create) {BE HSBE wero BA Elbe) Process Stags in Reedy. ead Quove , BE Memry Lt | _ ABE 423 CPU nenorg. * Ruwntng Proves et CPU RMA tee WR Process 16 Watt Wart For Yo ~- Complete (Blocked) | or event _occhrs AGN CDD Process S2RR3 14 Exit wy 7 Termite) Fh Aborted EVRNE) Transition o (Batch sys) EuASEAR, Wb Lohy ~ Ter daker ( Fiat Rak the 24 FA obs WABI Memory, (Tob Sdedaler’) x Monong space Is available jee Pd\249 and Load it into memory [oul lh TIT woh EE AT crude) $LT Procers Ab CPU 468 HATS 69 Proces Mile BE CPV, © BY Ready Quene, 24, Hide ont » interrupt KE EFAS ete. eh Process, V0 thay Cor Blocking system al) 2A ® waits for Yo- Complete wy event occlrrs © T/o BA BW Evert. occurs © Pro cess RAKE Be AR Aborted FRBL CPU, Moder , H/o HSIR, fA Labo sdella © oregros ® 7 T states STD Qe eit WS ADK w@ Oo) ane meh 7O-5 Tne ot selene Dispatsh sol\ 0 a . oceuts, welt a = . ® Block /suspend * Process Bleck in Disk Saga, ; transition = Blocked process #& “midiam - term. scedniar Swap out 2 Disk , YATE memory space, © transitions Event occurs Ready / suspends Ready tn Disk, @ tersttions theners 6Poce. FEB) PA, Th tnedium torn ecedular HR process swap tw ( memsre ® transitlon: process Hr My , Sere M Spece FR AAA be process Bie teods /susperd Quare to © transitions LES de trasition ABH ER: Zi> OR BAA [rade] proceses swop out By Disk A -AHGAR RB mesory space o& ££ 42> BE Blocked process XING S BBE randy proveses B.0s believes thove Blodced proves will be tedy Spon. Se ae arene eee ee ener rimcitlon > ER— poor design, AE ZK Bleck /suaperd process 2B SERBS tenly suspend BB 0.5.AB 1G SIPS AABN BAK rondy Q transitions to RB BABAR Process YA Block. /suspard BAK Rewdy/susped o& (per) aA yR3 rae Hoa CPUER Wenony shop ot #3 Dik Ae 2 ® VNIx STD { fc 28% tebe Greempted Gee ais STIR oe oer 38 sie Run in Men] nm, cal G Sal , 3 Tntempt A sheep cwop vat (Seep vetun (Zombie) (Gas) 8 wages GyZomble * Ai Paces RE WNE, BRRBL CPU, Menor SBE. (ERR states, AG A parent process K co Mects (Motes PBIB ASE PR) kere KEHSMUBIR ford anf 8 Pag STR EY Deel \ keerneh yun (Cretmto User) se me BA User vino Fen (micy Owminri BS Scedoh FER (1) Long ~ Tern seeduler ©) Short-Term sceduker i (3) Medium Tern seeder ti Loong ~ Term echedulor (Def? SAR Tob scheduler BBs HE Tob Quenes AFR ~€ Seb, BAR manana >, Yeoda for execution (5) Has © SH ER REL > He (Plow) © WABFE MaLeiprogrming Degree BRAS te, BY ) ® AVALR To-Bowd AB CPU-Bownd Tobe 2288 eth! © RRB Betch system TEA AB teak The , Theda AGRA (ree xD) aise (5 KDA: — 23 BAM Rea, ent =) Beth Reda hiw OT/0-Bound + : Det: te lob HBG 62 VARILAR E To - operation 34 Cpu competion (cpu the) 2 RE ERS de Wh RAR BE RAB RUPSPRBE To Devices 2 FL (B\= Bi epee YE (30004), DBMS (Ea HIB Lae) OCPU- Bound Tob Def = De$h jcbs 28% £8 69 CPU compution (CPV tine) AB 4 To - operation » BES AB $2 job DARE AGM SE BE CPURE (A DRAB Ba DR, Laren etc o-Devied Ex: (CPU Bound), SiR Bo a) ae so Nob. bee GD Ta) short-term sceduer (5 Deg: 2#H CPU sceckler, proves scoduler Bess tt Feedy Quone Hew -T process B45 the CPU SG bt Process (EFA (>) Hate: © ai EERE © Hii Mubtiprogramnteg Degree @ SIA VRB Blo Bomd EB CPY Bound Toh SRALCABY @ PHA systen A [3] Medium term seeder Swoprry teh, (D Def + BE The-sharkg system (virtua memong) Bes = Brerory Spnce AB RBH process BRBB6 momen space. Al be scedule Rexap, B09 BF yey -& proceses (4+ Blocked process fowest ~ priority process ) GATCAPA siuap oot. 3) Dick % HR proves tmage WR hhemora, Spe Sake weary space ere (se BAvelease) be scoder AYRE proves Fi swap in B mony aH (= FRM © HA RAKE ERY (one Nelliprgey Doyer AWB TE Multiprogcmmig Degree) sutp mt Mer Ifitipiy Days o Wine ao && Cpy- ae . nee Q Tne shoving F¥F IR b> Tcb swap ot. herd we (2 Yahav menor) Qe: 2130 | DS Context Switching (Xt 4B) (~) De$ + BCPUAE tuming Process tm FREI) RM process nt 2 By kernel (28 8445 Do (RA, (Store) running Process 2 YE BE Cor Context) (BP HR 69 P.C)"CPU tegisterMB, Stick, ete, Fr® its PCB) B (eth, (restore) BN process & Context, (BP ERA PC, CRU vegister , Stack (i From Hts PCB) be - TRH sik © Context, switch, BFE overhad , FoSPA BRE KABRLA BE How BA (CRUEL SG Roce 4419) eq. register TBR , merory BRAM, etc HDB lealtme hem, (=) fol BRR (6s Context. suttehing AB 2 (4-) Ay oH register (RENTER) Hed: EF rogsters 2B49% BAT BRB process BABE registers set ®% coy tn46 2-1 process BS / kernel R588 tn 4B FE vegster set! 2 TEAL APA RAR Conterk switching without memory access ore MMi Ve) oh ey User prowess Ab ba vey'ster get Tse ) (tt HAR) User process @ system process tnt ok ee be kernoh 2 REBEL FB To renters sot APEAREPA User proces Ao User proves BARB seep ttn ea gre (242) FOB Mal Crthearding AVA PRK Content, “suiltehing overhond 3B) O svspivo oo Dispatcher (Fe %) , Dispatch Rereney (Sita ) © Def Be patcher BBR CPU TRIS 45 CPU cheer PIB, 649 Process ESUTAz: O Context. surtching (3% 3URVEN) Boer twode From kernel mode ty user mode BEHWOG) Tump to the exectitlon entra of the sellected process LRU 2 ARS eB “Dispatch Lecen oy" = PBA E , Disputch Daterey RE Falk AEB Process Ty APR HS A132 0A PE Be RAR By BOB Pros €93 Paces AM @ Ols 05:4 Process ControR operation (DBR: ° press Creation (le) Termnete (Rt) Suspend Cor Bloc’) (Et) ene Set process otttes , Ott (Seas) ex ti Le (Ri BEER kernel 69 sytem oll (ib BCE HRA. U)AEAA Process Cor Parent) 24 41 322269 child processes (3) $211 child process 2 BBY = BH hdd process Spirit, PRIME : © 4 BB, Pavent, AB ZIFF Tab, Crete CARL EES © Me BR Pavert AA) 23% (or HAR Ut) 4, Rent — MR, AS'ARUE (e.4, she) REGIST MN leakaibt oD HaBOMY (3) chiDS porocess 2 BSAA a HR > OME 0.5. FR CABBIE chld Pres SBYARS RH 6 Are Parent. Process FAR Gr HB Wshefrvas nowy Crs wate) , ZORA ALL (0%) p. child 2 Bad FRB (4) Porent 62 ThTRRA eo tiny O Parent waits For chs wtih child terminate ieee ies) © ACER On t ethan (REL MoS iB rte B40" ae or eaten Caran Same (5) © Parent process sd. BY child [4k process Htto(a> gee Gh): ARE (Cascading Terminatlon ) (Ae) APR SMUG TO th 05.1886 © we BER Q ol:>%:00 § UNIX Bthl TAR B system col® CBM Process Contiol ) OD) fork¢ = te system cal) PyXzeuchiLd Pegs HDi (hs eR eR (HDIAR A MAM KBR = 17,© BIE Cee) so kernel, then pass (rvtlfy) parent (e4,.B2hF4) process Rips 1h BABS child proces, Aan) 2818 % parent Fede4& B child process 21D n Four APLOBER LE Kerhek Qforel ) (s) exit) = Ee systen col PY HE process| Bo kernel Sut) { exit (a) » ERE exit (A) = Bee Q) wart CY * bt systera call BY BB process 2445 Bd) PSR Cchitd HE) AMET AAA (4) execlp t)s tee system coll RAVER ABR 6a binary code (Er $05 ) REE memory & 394 2-4. exechp (BER" HER’, Ft) [Note] :12] Ava CR exec ft, (5) getpid © )= BAS process TD P69 cystem coll ( + System col > ARAL User (ER 65 BYOB, FATE Kernel node + functin > OS proguner FER, F147 user mode FRI Re gue SEEVA Ieoky {Ls ZBL ~A child process $415 Ls GOAED parent 26'S child RAAR AG WS child completes” a” 2 af Void mainC ) Sean { we v3 g 2 Fok) a if (ck) Pretf ("fork foiled”) Rxit 43 Yes eke 4 (L==&) I bacode cect & 7 FABRE KOE sect) anit exectp (“Toin/e", “LY, NULL) , \— Ah exe) 3 else If L>& kernel RoR SHAR, K { | Paver. wert) peace conplesel) ges ; SQLS 5 K(f ext) LHR RED) © atter_forkl) Duta see | Dats sec ® Lakh isk code sec code sec | rain ) rane J \ | initials, @o Data / code see { MERE B® 2 cop REO@OlEDAM AS menor. space @ mover RE BE parent % child Sala Rt 63 ABB / BSA, @ Pas chid Ase (BR execpt ) ee - System callh HAA Det see exechpe HA BHESS code NE 4 child 2 code sec. 4a code sec. Ku ® 03409 (BID, (P4-53) BED iwt vahee 255 Void main C) int. pid pide Fork (5 is (pid>=4) value +=155 Feturn &) 17 exle( )5 qe if Cpid2&) watt ¢ ) printé U “Values od") valve) 5 exit} Wine A \ 3 Kea PY? 2 Lime ey 5 (orvalue , FE child AWW ) ® ® Data see Dita sec. vale = velue 320} pid? pe & Orbe See ole sec q O24 00 {BY 3.(P.4-52) FSR = ABRURMID = 2b00 FLD = 3603 int main) pid_t pid pills pide Fork C) it (pid co) Fyprint t (stderr, “Pork Failed”) 5 return | 5 ose if Cpid == 0) { pid l= getpid (95 pratt Cchifd spid = ged" pid 15 A pre (chitd=pidt= %d" pel) 5 /B ese { pd l= getpid O) prt £ Cares pd = %d", pid )s ic prot (“pared pidl=%d") pidl)s D Wott (NuLL) return 0 5 8 T2200 @ Ip+2bos Date see Det, 58 Pid = 2603 re pid = 0 2A pid [226° po D pid | 22603 -7> B Code ee Code see AOd:44:4O {oy 4 (L) votd mein) { wt Ly Le Fork OD if (t=2&) { pecans ge if (Loe) walt ) pris (B\n”) 5 5 Ry Rint LAR 04a > Ans: 8 B (LE) void main) f int L5 Ls Pork OL if Usb) { prince (“Atn!) 3 ele is (b2® ) { fee Cpsn’) 3 $y Bhs ase a. B Ans: A Bar & (HE @ea B Concurrent, execution) Gio) Votd maind ) int Ly Le Fork O03 if (Lee &) { prise # CAH) 3 ete i$ (L>&) pref CB vn’) } prietf(“cthn") 5 Dd Bik edof 2 & Concurrent. exec Ans= owo> co p> CoD coe (11) Void main c ) wey Le Forked) if Ue &) f —— (SA\n") Obse if (Lok) { Pet (aun) wait C ) prise Fhe ln") Dy Bhs 109 dota ® ® Ange eerw cow qvo>

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