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- Ranked Talent

Total Career XP
The T’ux Rebellion - Passive Talent Spent:

Universal: Scholar
- Active Talent

Tier 1 Talents - 5xp

Linguist Researcher Researcher Well Educated

Choose 1 Language; the Remove 1 Setback per Remove 1 Setback per Any 2 Knowledge skills
character can now read, Rank from any become Career Skills.
Rank from any
write, and speak the Knowledge checks. Knowledge checks.
chosen Language Fluently.
Conducting research Conducting research
requires half the time. requires half the time.

Tier 2 Talents - 10xp

Unlocks at 5xp

Linguist Respected Knowledge Knowledge

Scholar Specialization Specialization
Choose 1 Language; the Choose 1 Knowledge Skill.
character can now read, Downgrade the Difficulty Choose 1 Knowledge Skill.
When making checks with the When making checks with the
write, and speak the of checks made when
chosen Skill, may spend 1 chosen Skill, may spend 1
chosen Language Fluently. interacting with
Triumph to gain additional Triumph to gain additional
institutions of learning successes equal to Ranks in
successes equal to Ranks in
once per Rank. that Skill. that Skill.

Tier 3 Talents - 15xp

Unlocks at 20xp

Mental Fortress Respected Assessment Intense Focus
Scholar Once per Session as an Action,
Spend 1 Story Point to Before making a Skill
may make a Hard Knowledge check, Suffer 1 Strain to
ignore the effects of any Downgrade the Difficulty
check. On a Success, add 1 Boost
Critical Injury on all of checks made when perform the Intense
to any check that a character
Intellect or Cunning checks interacting with makes that would benefit from
Focus Maneuver and
until the end of the institutions of learning this Knowledge for the Upgrade the ability of the
Encounter. once per Rank. remainder of the Encounter.. Skill check once.

Tier 4 Talents - 20xp

Unlocks at 45xp

Museum Worthy Unrelenting Natural Scholar Stroke of Genius

Once per Session as an Action,
Skeptic Once per Session, may Once per Session when
may make a Hard Education Add automatic Failures re-roll any one making a Skill check, may
check regarding a single relic, equal to Intellect to any Knowledge Skill check. choose to use Intellect
ruin, or piece of History. On a Deception check targeting instead of the
Success, the character gains Characteristic linked to
the character.
information on the subject
that Skill.
based on number of Successes.

Tier 5 Talents - 25xp

Unlocks at 80xp

Careful Planning Improved Knowledge Dedication

Researcher Specialization
Once per Session may Gain +1 to a chosen
introduce a Fact or After a Successful Knowledge
Choose 1 Knowledge Skill. Characteristic.
check, the character and their
additional context into the When making checks with
allies gain 1 Advantage per
narrative as if a Story Point the chosen Skill, may spend 1
Rank of Researcher on all
had been spent. checks make acting on that
Triumph to gain additional
successes equal to Ranks in
knowledge for the rest of the
that Skill.

Heroic Tree - 50xp

Unlocks at 200xp

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