Engl 3980 Research Project and Proposal Assignment

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ENGL 3980 Im/migrant Comics C.

Rifkind/Fall 2022

Research Project & Proposal Assignment

Self-directed research and critical analysis on a topic of your choosing in a platform or medium best suited to
your skills & the material. You may not work on The Magic Fish.

Nov. 21st Research Proposal (250-word Proposal & Annotated Bibliography with 5 entries) 10%*

Dec. 5 and 6th Individual Consultations (ON ZOOM, SIGN UP ON NEXUS) REQUIRED BUT NOT GRADED*

Dec. 9th Option 1 Research Essay or Option 2 Comic Script or Storyboard + Summary 25%

*Proposals must be submitted AND you must attend your Individual Consultation in order for the Research
Project to be evaluated. No Proposal and/or no Individual Consultation, no Final Project accepted.

Finding your Topic: Process

There are no pre-assigned questions for your research project. This kind of project can seem daunting in its
openness, so start breaking it down into stages at least two weeks before the proposal deadline:

 Decide which text you want to work on

 Ask yourself why you are interested in this text/cartoonist and brainstorm some questions you want to
try and answer through spending time reading and researching the work
 Re-read the text(s) carefully and take notes on things that interest you or you want to research (always
come back to the primary text and let it guide you to the research or theory rather than the other way
 Remember to write a comics studies essay and pay attention to how the text makes meaning as well as
what it says (always discuss visual + verbal narrative)
 Revise your brainstorming into 1-3 solid research questions about the text (strong research questions
usually begin with “how” to lead into answers that explore craft and content together). For instance:
“How does Weaver use photography to explore the immigrant experience?” or “How does “The Boat”
use digital comics technology to create empathy?”
 Now start researching at the UW Library website. Use the general search engine and also go into
Databases and search your text/writer/topic/key terms in Project Muse, ProQuest Central, and JStor, the
three main scholarly journal databases for the humanities I recommend you use. Pay attention to
whether sources are peer reviewed or not and filter for that option, if possible, in your searches. For
comics studies, there is an additional database (open access): The Bonn Online Bibliography of Comics
Research: https://www.bobc.uni-bonn.de/
 Decide if you and your topic are best suited to an academic essay or a creative project.
 Now you’re ready to work on the Research Essay Proposal, but read the Final Project instructions first.
 Remember that if you are interviewing anyone or using a real person’s story, you need to submit an
application to the UW Human Ethics committee and this takes some time

ENGL 3980 Im/migrant Comics C. Rifkind/Fall 2022

Final Project 30%


The essay should follow the general idea you developed for the Proposal and Annotated Bibliography, but may
move in another direction or add/delete sources as the research process unfolds. This is an argumentative essay
written for a scholarly audience already familiar with the course text. There is no need for too much
summarizing. Instead, focus on developing a logical argument proven through textual evidence and supported
by research. Make sure you include the following: title, clear introduction with thesis statement, body
paragraphs that include evidence from primary source and secondary sources, clear conclusion. You need to
include research through citing a minimum of 5 secondary sources, at least three of which must be scholarly
sources (non scholarly sources include those that are not peer reviewed: reviews, interviews, videos, etc).

Double space, use a readable typeface, and format any images from secondary texts according to the MLA rules
for Figures. You may attach them to the end of your paper in an Appendix (before the Works Cited) if it is easier
than inserting them into the body. You do not need to reproduce images from course texts, simply use the MLA
style for in-text parenthetical citations. If there are no page numbers, find ways to contextualize the sequences
in your sentences.

Essays will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

 Is the title clear, succinct, and interesting?
 Does the introduction set up the topic and thesis? Is there a strong conclusion?
 Is the thesis clear and argumentative? Did you select an interesting question/topic?
 Do the body paragraphs have clear topic sentences, references to the primary text, and support from
secondary sources?
 Does the argument balance close readings of the primary text with scholarly research?
 Does the author maintain their own voice and position throughout (ie. the essay is not a patchwork of
other people’s ideas)?
 Are all quotations and paraphrases relevant and appropriately acknowledged?
 Does the essay follow the MLA format?
 Is the essay well written and relatively free of stylistic errors?


 Prepare EITHER a short script (1500 words) or a short storyboard (6 pages minimum, 8 pages maximum) for
a comic that engages with the key course ideas about migration, immigration, and refugees. You may
choose to produce your work in any genre (auto/biography; documentary; graphic history; short fiction;
speculative fiction; fantasy, horror, gothic, YA, etc.) but it must be for a sequential comic (2+ panels per page
on most pages). You may incorporate non-comics elements (photographs, documents, objects, etc.) but the
whole project must be 2-D and scannable to upload to Nexus.

 If you are writing a script, follow the format used by Antony Johnston and posted at his website:

 If you are drawing a storyboard, you may use any form and format you like (stick figures, drawings,
photographs, documents, etc.) but the project does need to be a sequential graphic narrative rather than an
illustrated text or picture book (ie. it should have some panels and gutters).

ENGL 3980 Im/migrant Comics C. Rifkind/Fall 2022

In addition, you need to write a theoretically-informed, research-based Project Summary of 1000 words that
explains and analyzes your comic. You need to include research through citing a minimum of 5 secondary
sources, at least three of which must be scholarly sources. (non scholarly sources include those that are not
peer reviewed: reviews, interviews, videos, etc).

The project summary should include the following (write in the first person but use an academic tone):

 research: types of sources consulted, conflicts or differences between sources, which elements of the
research you have brought into the comic

 idea: what ideas are behind your graphic narrative (cite sources and influences from course readings)
and how does your work engage with ideas of monsters/monstrosity?

 story elements/breakdown: how are you dividing the story into narrative and visual units for panels?

 characters: invented or based on real people? types of characters you want to include?

 points of view: omniscient or limited? single protagonist or multiple? narrative boxes or speech balloons
or a combination?

 style: what style would you like for the text? Reference specific cartoonists from the course to explain
the visual style you would want to convey this story. Explain why.

 perspectives/layouts/pacing: discuss your breakdown and analyze the perspectives, layouts, and pacing
you have selected.

 themes: what are the larger themes of your monster comic? what is your “thesis” about monstrosity?
You don’t need to produce a highly educational or moralistic comic, so the thesis might be in the subtext
or the visuals rather than overtly stated, but as artist/author you should have a sense of your overall


ENGL 3980 Im/migrant Comics C. Rifkind/Fall 2022

Research Proposal 10%

Due November 21st by 10pm to Nexus Assignment Folder (Word files only).

Submit a 250-300 word proposal in which you establish your topic and approach, ask a research or creative
question, propose a tentative thesis (your answer to your research question), and indicate your theoretical
and/or aesthetic framework and references. Include a bibliography (min. 5 sources, 3 of which are scholarly),
along with annotations (2-3 sentences) for each source that explain why they are helpful to your project.

Proposals and Annotated Bibliographies will be evaluated on the following criteria:

• clear explanation of topic area, theoretical framework or creative approach, rich research or aesthetic
• relevance to course readings and discussions
• required number of sources, the relevance of which is clear from the annotations
• evidence of some thought, research, preparation, and planning for the project
• relevant title (may change for final assignment)

Remember that you are proposing an argumentative essay, not starting to write it. It is common to use “I” in
proposals but not required.

You must also include an Annotated Bibliography of at least FIVE sources above any course texts. You may
include author interviews and book reviews, but at least THREE of the sources must be peer-reviewed scholarly
sources from an academic journal or book. They do not have to be directly on your course text. Check the course
Reserves when starting your research.

The format for the Annotated Bibliography is to list the sources in alphabetical order according to the most
recent MLA style guide, double space, and then write 2-3 sentences that briefly summarize why the source is
useful for your essay. Submit typed, double-spaced, proofread Proposals and Annotated Bibliographies.

Proposals will be evaluated on how well they answer the following questions:
a. has the student clearly explained what they propose to do?
b. are they focusing concepts/questions/issues relevant to the course?
c. has the student put some thought and effort into their proposal to give it substance and depth? [ie.
should not be so obvious that it does not require research]

Annotated Bibliographies will be evaluated on whether they include:

a. appropriate number of sources, including at least two scholarly sources
b. proper MLA Works Cited formatting
c. clear annotations (descriptions) that justify the sources’ relevance to the proposal

There is a sample research proposal & annotated bibliography saved in the Assignments folder for you to

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