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HISTORY 101 / MONDAY&WEDNESDAY (9:00 - 10:30 AM)

Adrian Alforque

Zechar Tugonon

Mark Bayon

Ian Ponce

Regie Mabanag

World War II

World War II had a profound impact on the lives of the Filipino people. The Philippines, U.S. colony
at the time, became a significant battleground in the Pacific theater of the war.

The lives of the Filipino people were impacted by World War II in the following ways:

Occupation by Japanese Forces:

 The Philippines was occupied by Japanese forces from 1942 to 1945. The occupation was
marked by harsh conditions, forced labor, and atrocities committed against the local
population. Filipinos experienced widespread hunger, as the Japanese prioritized resources
for their military needs, leading to food shortages and economic difficulties.

Resistance Movement:

 Despite the challenges, Filipinos organized a resistance movement against Japanese

occupation. Guerrilla warfare and underground resistance networks played a crucial role in
opposing the invaders. The Hukbalahap, a communist-led guerrilla group, was one of the
prominent resistance movements during this period.

Battle of Manila:

 The Battle of Manila in 1945, fought between Japanese and American forces, resulted in
widespread destruction of the city. The civilian population suffered immensely, with many
losing their homes and livelihoods.

Loss of Lives and Displacement:

 The war led to a significant loss of Filipino lives, both military and civilian. Many families
were displaced, and communities were disrupted as a result of the conflict. The Battle of
Manila, in particular, resulted in a high civilian death toll and extensive damage to

Economic Impact:

 The war took a toll on the Philippine economy. Infrastructure was damaged, and the country
faced challenges in rebuilding after the conflict. The wartime economy also disrupted
traditional livelihoods, leading to economic hardships for many Filipinos.
Post-War Independence:

 After the war, the Philippines gained independence from U.S. rule in 1946. The experience
of Japanese occupation and the war contributed to a strong desire for self-determination
among Filipinos. The war experience influenced the shaping of the Philippine identity and its
commitment to building a nation that would be resilient in the face of adversity.

Legacy of Trauma:

 The war left a lasting impact on the collective memory of the Filipino people. The trauma of
the Japanese occupation and the Battle of Manila continued to shape the narratives and
perspectives of subsequent generations.

There are several reasons why the Second World War deeply affected the Filipino people, leading to
significant socio-economic challenges, loss of lives, and a strong sense of resilience and
determination to rebuild and establish a free and independent nation. The war experience played a
crucial role in shaping the modern history and identity of the Philippines.

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