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1. When was the first permanent photograph captured, and who was the photographer?

The first permanent photograph was captured in 1826 (some sources say 1827) by Joseph
Nicéphore Niépce in France.

2. What is the impact of Louis Daguerr´s invention, the Daguerreotype, on photography?

Louis Daguerre's invention, the Daguerreotype, had a significant impact on photography

by making it practical and commercially viable. It marked a major advancement by fixing
images directly onto a highly polished silver-plated copper sheet.
3. Who is Alfred Stieglitz, and what is his contribution to photography?

Alfred Stieglitz was a photographer in the late 19th to mid-20th century. His significant
contribution was being one of the first influential members of the art community to take
photography seriously as a creative medium. His belief that photographs could express
the artist’s vision influenced today's perception of photography as an art form.
4. What genre of photography is Dorothea Lange known for, and what impact did she have on

the field?

Dorothea Lange is known for documentary photography, especially her work during the
Great Depression. Her impactful images, like "Migrant Mother," shaped the field of
documentary photography and demonstrated the camera's potential for telling powerful
5. Who is considered one of the most famous photographers in history, and what genre is

Ansel Adams known for?

Ansel Adams is considered one of the most famous photographers in history, known for
landscape photography. His work capturing the beauty of the American West and
advocating for the environment and preservation has had a lasting impact.
6. Why does the article suggest that phones are sufficient for most people´s photography


The article suggests that phones are sufficient for most people's photography needs due
to their convenience, ease of use, and continuous improvement in phone camera quality.
For casual or everyday photography, phones offer a practical and accessible solution.

7. According to the article, what are the three fundamental camera settings that every

photographer should know?

According to the article, the three fundamental camera settings that every photographer
should know are shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. These settings control the brightness
of a photo in different ways and are crucial for achieving the desired exposure.
8. What is the purpose of post-processing software in photography?

The purpose of post-processing software in photography is to edit and enhance photos

after capture. It allows adjustments to elements like exposure, color balance, and
sharpness, ensuring the final image aligns with the photographer's creative vision.
9. What equipment is considered the bare minimum gear needed for photography?

The considered bare minimum gear for photography includes a camera (preferably with
interchangeable lenses), lenses (standard zoom and possibly prime lenses for specific
genres), and post-processing software.

10. How does the article describe the relationship between technical and creative aspects in


The article emphasizes that in photography, the technical and creative aspects go hand in
hand. While a strong idea is crucial for a great photo, understanding and mastering
technical aspects, such as camera settings, significantly contribute to artistic expression
and the quality of the final image.

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