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‫نموذج مزاولة بكالوريوس تمريض صنعاء ‪2023-3-15‬‬

‫للمزيد تابعو قناة الطالب بالتلجرام رابط القناة اضغط عليه‬

Choose the most correct answer of the following questions.

1-The morning vital signs of 38-year old patients are auxiliary temperature 37.6
˚C, pulse rate 88, and the respiratory rate 30. Which findings should be
a-Respiratory rate only
b-Temperature only
c-Pulse rate and temperature
d-Temperature and respiratory rate✅

2-Sputum is obtained for:

a-Analysis to identify pathogenic organisms
b-Determine whether malignant cells are present
c-Assess for hypersensitivity states
d- All of the above ✅
e- None of

3- For a client with a major burn, which of the following evaluation criteria
indicate that fluid resuscitation is effective during the first 24 hours of care?
A-urine output of 30 to 50 mL/h✅
B-central venous pressure of 18
C-heart rate of 130 beats per minute
D-blood pressure 96/70

4-A must important nursing measure in the prevention of DVT for postoperative
pt is:
a-Elastic stocking.
b-Early ambulation✅
d-Isometric exercise

5- Pain associated with underlying condition (e.g. Fracture) is frequently

controlled by:
a-high dose of analgesic.
b- elevation of the affected part
c-immobilization of the affected part ✅
d- none of the above

6-In an compound fracture, there is a risk for:

a-Osteomyelitis ✅
c-Gas gangrene
d- all of the above
e-none of the above

7- Arthroscopy provides:
a-visual observation of the heart and catheterization.
b-assessment of unusual cardiac contours.
c- a and b.
d-all of the above
e- none of the above✅

8- The overall goals of fracture treatment are:

a- Anatomical realignment of bone fracture fragments
b- Immobilization to maintain realignment
c- Restoration of function of the part
d- All of the above ✅
e- None of the above

9-Patrick who is hospitalized following a myocardial infarction asks the nurse

why he is taking
morphine.The nurse explains that morphine:
a-Decrease anxiety and restlessness
b-Prevents shock and relieves pain✅
c-Dilates coronary blood vessels
d-Helps prevent fibrillation of the heart

10-Which of the following should the nurse teach the client about the signs of
digital is toxicity?
a-Increased appetite
b-Elevated blood pressure
c-Skin rash over the chest and back
d-Visual disturbances such as seeing yellow spots✅

11-Dr.Marquez orders acontinuous intravenous nitroglycerin infusion for the

client suffering
from myocardial infarction.Which of the following is the most essential nursing
a-Monitoring urine output frequently
b-Monitoring blood pressure every 4 hours
c-Obtaining serum potassium levels daily
d-Obtaining infusion pump for the medication✅.

12-During the first several hours after a cardiac catheterization, it would be most
essential for
nurse Cherry to:
a-Elevate clients bed at 45
b-Instruct the client to cough and deep breathe every 2 hours
c-Frequently monitor client apical pulse and blood pressure✅
d-Monitor clients temperature every hour.

13-Nurse Donna is aware that the shift of body fluids associated with
administration of albumin occurs in the process of:
14-Myrnaa 52 year old client with afractured left tibia has a long leg cast and she
is using
crutches to ambulate. Nurse Joy assesses for which sign and symptom that
complication associated with crutch walking?
a-Left leg discomfort
b-Weak biceps brachii
c-Triceps muscle spasm
d-Forearm weakness ✅.

15-Which nursing intervention ensures adequate ventilating exchange after

a-Remove the airway only when client is fully conscious
b-Assess for hypoventilation by auscultating the lungs
c-Position client laterally with the neck extended ✅
d-Maintain humidified oxygen via nasal cannula.

16-George who has undergone thoracic surgery has chest tube connected to a
water-seal drainage system attached to suction. Presence of excessive bubbling is
identified in water-seal chamber, the nurse should
A-Strip the chest tube catheter
B- Check the system for air leak✅
C- Recognize the system is functioning correctly
D- Decrease the amount of suction pressure.

17-A male client with a history of cirrhosis and alcoholism is admitted with
severe dyspnea resulted to ascites. The nurse should be aware that the ascites is
most likely the result of increased:
a. Pressure in the portal vein✅
b. Production of serum albumin
c. Secretion of bile salts
d. Interstitial osmotic pressure.

18-The client asks Nurse Annie the causes of peptic ulcer. Nurse Annie responds that
recent research indicates that peptic ulcers are the result of which of the following:
a-Genetic defect in gastric mucosa
c-Diet high in fat
d-Helicobacter pylori infection✅.

19_discharge planing Start form:

A- during admission planing.✅
B_after surgery
C-In a day discharge.
D-after a day discharge
20-A patient who took a large dose of acetaminophen what should the nurse monitor:
B_kidney function
C_Liver functions.✅

21-Health history it is considered Form:

A-phyical examination
B- data collection
C-objective data
D-subjective data✅.

22-which the following is specific cardiac

enzyme in acute coronary
A-troponin ✅
D-non of the above

23-The term dementia means:

A-Alzheimer disease✅
B-Psychological disease
C-Neurological Disease
D-physlogical disease.

24-Nurse Perry is evaluating the renal function of a male client. After documenting
urine volume and characteristics, Nurse Perry assesses which signs as the best
indicator of renal function:
a. Blood pressure✅
b. Consciousness
c. Distension of the bladder
d. Pulse rate
‫االسئلة ليست كاملة هذا فقط ماتذكرة الطالب‬

‫لتحميل أي نماذج لكافة التخصصا ت أضغط ضغطه واحدة على‬

‫الرابط األزرق لدخول الى القناة بالتلجرام‬


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