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The Economist May 20th 2023 Britain 25

Industrial policy out of ten bosses believe that Britain

should do more to subsidise green indus­
Green with envy tries, according to a poll of executives by
the Institute of Directors, a lobby group.
So far, Britain’s response has been mut­
ed. The country’s experience of national­
isations and industrial subsidies has not
been a happy one; the government says it
wants to steer clear of protectionism. It is
The Inflation Reduction Act is turning heads among British businesses
being dragged into the arms race anyway,

T he phone hasn’t stopped ringing for

Asher Bennett, the founder of Tevva, a
manufacturer of hydrogen­ and battery­
On the charge
United States, investment in electric-vehicle
according to Raoul Ruparel of Boston Con­
sulting Group, a consultancy. “The land­
scape has shifted,” he says.
powered trucks near Tilbury, a run­down and battery plants, $bn If Britain is forced to spray more cash
port town in Essex. For months he has been August 2022 80 around, it will have to do so in a targeted
fielding calls from officials across America Inflation Reduction Act signed into law way: it cannot compete with the deep
competing to lure clean­energy businesses pockets of the world’s largest economic
across the Atlantic. Armed with hundreds powers. That means it will have to rely on
of billions in subsidies and tax breaks non­financial attractions, too. According
courtesy of Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction 40 to a poll by MakeUK, a trade group, seven in
Act (IRA), many states are wooing entre­ ten manufacturers are in favour of an in­
preneurs over lunches or arranging visits 20 dustrial strategy that focuses on skills; ov­
to potential sites. By next year, Mr Bennett er half want the government to focus on
hopes to start production of Tevva’s zero­ 0 boosting research and development.
emission trucks in America as well. 2015 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23*
There are other, simpler fixes. More
He is not alone. Manufacturers of Source: Atlas Public Policy *To May 16th
continuity in Whitehall would help. The
everything from electric­car batteries to department in charge of industrial policy
wind turbines are lining up for cash hand­ has been reorganised five times in the past
outs available under the IRA. Goodies are 2019 (see chart). Tata Motors, the owner of 15 years. In that time, more than a dozen
also on offer in the EU, where countries are Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), a luxury carmaker, different secretaries of state responsible
using the bloc’s loosened state­aid rules to is demanding more than £500m of govern­ for business and industrial strategy have
lure investment in green tech. For each ment support for a new battery factory in taken the mantle.
truck it builds, Tevva says it could receive Britain. AMTE Power, one of Britain’s few Regulatory clarity is another way to en­
up to £90,000 ($113,000) more in subsidies surviving battery­makers, is considering courage investment. Mr Ruparel reckons
in Germany than in Britain. Andy Palmer, shifting manufacturing to America. extra detail on policies such as a proposed
the chairman of InoBat, a Slovakian battery Steelmaking is also under strain. The ban on the sale of internal­combustion­
firm, says it is deciding between Britain government has offered Tata Steel, an Indi­ engine cars by 2030 would jump­start priv­
and Spain for its next plant. Europe’s coun­ an producer behind Britain’s biggest steel­ ate­sector activity. There are too many un­
ter to Mr Biden’s green push makes it hard­ works at Port Talbot in Wales, and British answered questions—about the timings,
er to justify a move to Britain, he adds. Steel, another industry giant, about £300m about which charging technologies will be
This subsidy war is putting a strain on each to shift to cleaner technologies. But the gold standard for electric vehicles and
several cornerstones of Britain’s green Tata Steel estimates it needs up to £3bn; it who will pay for the infrastructure. The up­
economy. Energy is one. Ørsted, a Danish says the absence of government funding heavals of Brexit add to uncertainty: Stel­
energy company hoping to build the could force it to shut its plant. Nearly eight lantis, a carmaker, this week warned that it
world’s largest wind farm off Britain’s would close its Ellesmere Port plant unless
coast, says it might place some plans on tougher rules­of­origin requirements in
hold without more government support. the EU withdrawal deal are delayed.
Johnson Matthey, an industrial group Removing permit bottlenecks is anoth­
which manufactures hydrogen fuel­cell er good idea. It takes far longer to approve a
components, has said it may shift more in­ wind farm than to build it. Fast­tracking
vestment to America. Drax, a power com­ renewable­energy projects, or automati­
pany which is planning to build the world’s cally approving permit applications if
biggest carbon­capture power station in planning authorities take too long to reach
Yorkshire, has been issuing warnings that a decision, could drastically speed up pro­
the project is at risk because of incentives jects, according to the Energy Transition
on offer across the Atlantic. Commission, a think­tank.
Britain’s car industry is another pres­ Even then, the incentive of hard cash is
sure­point. Britain is home to just one pretty hard to beat. Tevva’s 7.5­tonne elec­
large battery plant, or gigafactory, a facility tric lorry is eligible for the British govern­
in Sunderland run by China’s Envision. ment’s plug­in truck grant, which removes
There are more than 100 planned gigafac­ up to £16,000 from the vehicle’s purchase
tories in China and around 40 either alrea­ price. But under Mr Biden’s green bonanza,
dy running or in the works in Europe. In heavy­duty trucks like Tevva’s qualify for
America, which is offering subsidies worth tax credits of up to $40,000 (£31,928) per
up to half of a battery plant’s operating ex­ vehicle if they are made locally. The IRA is a
penses, investment into electric­vehicle game­changer, says Mr Bennett. “It means
and battery plants surged to more than that [America] is going to be the world
$73bn in 2022 alone, up from $6.2bn in Cleaned tech leader in these technologies.” n

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