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EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045

Volume 12, Issue 1, January-June, 2023, Available online at:

Future of AI & Generation Alpha: ChatGPT beyond

Dr. Bharati Rathore
School of Fashion & Textiles Birmingham City University, United Kingdom


Open AI has the potential to drastically improve many aspects of our lives, including through the use of
chatbots. Chatbots are able to automate many tasks and processes, thus streamlining communication,
increasing efficiency, and providing a more user-friendly experience. OpenAI's Chat Generative Pre-trained
Transformer (ChatGPT) has revolutionized the way artificial intelligence can interact and communicate
with humans.ChatGPT enables natural language processing and automated text generation, and has the
potential to significantly improve the way we interact, communicate and engage with machines. The
development of AI tools such as ChatGPT is poised to have a major impact on how scientific articles are
written and reviewed, as AI continues to rapidly advance.AI tools have the potential to streamline the
academic writing process by automating tasks, intelligently analyzing data and providing better
recommendations, resulting in more efficient, time saving and accurate writingby providing automation,
intelligent analysis and better recommendations. This research aims to explore user expectations AI, and
gain insight into their use and impact in near future. In order to alter and understand the content of these AI
tools, we also used ChatGPT and other previous studies to collect qualitative data. This research also focuses
on predictive “MESN Model” for forecasting through ChatGPT.

Keywords: ChatGPT, Open AI, Chatbots, AI Tools, MESN Model, Prediction, Academic Writing


AI tools are being used in many different areas and are helping to automate and streamline tasks, as well as make
more intelligent decisions. AI is revolutionizing and transforming many aspects of life in areas such as healthcare,
finance, entertainment, education, and beyond. AI is increasingly being used in day to day life to simplify and
improve processes [1]. AI tools can automate mundane and repetitive tasks, make intelligent decisions, generate
insights from data and be used as personal assistants. AI can also be used to enhance and accelerate many areas of
life.AI is an integral part of many of our everyday technologies.AI is being used to automate many everyday tasks.
AI-based technology is able to identify patterns, process large amounts of data, and automate processes with
unprecedented accuracy and speed. AI tools are now being used in almost all industries, from healthcare and
finance to manufacturing and retail. AI-based tools are being used to improve customer experience, increase
efficiency in supply chains, and generate insights from big data. In addition, AI is being used to develop intelligent
assistants that can have conversations with people and help them make decisions [2].

Figure 1. Processing of ChatGPT

EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 12, Issue 1, January-June, 2023, Available online at:

AI is becoming increasingly popular and important in many industries as companies and organizations have come
to realize the potential of harnessing the power of algorithms and machines for faster and more accurate results [3].
As a result, the market for AI technology is expected to reach an estimated value of US$450 billion by 2025. This
growth will be driven by the increased application of AI in domains such as law, finance, medicine, and education,
where AI can be used to automate tedious tasks, process large datasets, and suggest more accurate and cost-
effective solutions. AI technology is also being used in many industries to improve customer experiences and
provide better insights into data [4].

Therefore, AI can be seen as a driving force of innovation, which can assist humans in multiple tasks and enable us
to reach amazing levels of efficiency and productivity.ChatGPT is a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence (AI).
It was developed by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based non-profit artificial intelligence research company. This
chatbot is capable of generating natural language responses from questions posed in natural language, as well as
make predictions on the direction of current conversations [5] . The technology has generated considerable
excitement in the AI space, as its potential for being used in customer service and other communication
applications is huge. It has the ability to provide personalized conversations and language responses, based on the
individual user‘s different conversational styles [6].

AI in the media has a manyfold impact. AI-based technologies can be used to provide more personalised
experiences and engagement with media, by automatically analysing user behaviour to deliver more relevant
content [7]. AI-powered technology can be used to automate processes from content creation to delivery, making
the production of media faster and more efficient, as well as simplifying complex tasks for media professionals [8].
AI can also be used to analyse large datasets to provide useful insights and predictions into user behaviour, enabling
content creators and marketers to better engage, target, and understand their audience. AI can also be used to
identify trends and patterns in media consumption, helping content creators and marketers make decisions on the
best way to deliver their content [9].

Various Types of „Chatbots‟

Chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate intelligent conversations with human users. There are four
main types of chatbots, each designed for a specific purpose:

1. Rule-based Chatbots: These bots rely on a predetermined set of rules to respond to queries and provide
predetermined answers. These chatbots are the simplest type and are built to offer help to users with simple queries
such as product prices.An example of a rule-based chatbot is a chatbot used in a customer service situation. This
chatbot may have a set of predetermined questions and answers based on the customer‘s inquiry, such as ―What can
I help you with?‖ and providing a list of available products and services [10].

2. AI-based Chatbots: These bots use artificial intelligence algorithms to learn from and interpret user language
and provide responses accordingly. They are also capable of understanding natural language processing and can
offer more complex responses than rule-based chatbots [11].An AI-based chatbot can be used to provide advice or
support to its users. Such chatbots use AI algorithms to interpret user language and provide relevant answers, just
like a human customer service assistant would do. An example of an AI chatbot is Microsoft‘s ―XiaoIce‖, which
offers support and advice to its users based on their conversations [12].

3. Voice Chatbots: These chatbots use voice recognition software for a more natural conversation. They are able to
detect spoken language, intonation and emotions.An example of a voice chatbot is Amazon‘s Alexa, which can play
music, set reminders, and answer questions. Alexa has the ability to detect the user‘s voice, intonation and emotion
to provide the best response [13].

4. Conversation Flow Chatbots: This type of chatbot uses a flow-chart of predetermined actions that the user
needs to take in order to get the desired result. They offer a guided approach to conversations, giving the user
options and prompting them when they need to provide more details or information.An example of a conversation
flow chatbot is a chatbot used in a restaurant for ordering food. The chatbot will present different options for
ordering and prompting the user to select the food items they desire. The chatbot then uses this data to compile an
order and provide payment instructions [14].

ChatGPT & Higher Education

The GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) AI platform was created by Open AI. The autoregressive
language model GPT-3 can produce text that resembles human speech in response to a stimulus.The system can be
used to develop human-like conversations, summarise text, and to write content such as news articles and stories. It
can also be used for tasks such as image captioning, question-answering and summarisation of text [15].

EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 12, Issue 1, January-June, 2023, Available online at:

The potential of AI in the media is exciting, with the power to transform how content is produced and consumed.
AI can make media production faster, cheaper and of a higher quality, while creating smarter, more personalised
experiences for consumers [16] . However, as with any new technology, there are concerns around the potential
implications. These include questions around privacy and data security, as well as ethical considerations around the
use of AI in creative roles, and the potential for automation to replace human jobs. As the industry continues to
develop, it is important to consider the implications carefully and develop policy measures to ensure AI is used

ChatGPT allows users to chat with machines in natural language. It is fundamentally a language model from
OpenAI‘s GPT-3. 5 which was trained on a vast dataset of books, articles, blog posts, and more [18]. What is more
amazing about ChatGPT is its ability to generate context-sensitive responses to follow-up questions. This means
that it is able to understand and remember what its human partner is talking about. The official site of ChatGPT
claims that the trained AI can take conversations to a whole new level, offering an experience as close to a real
human conversation as possible [19].

The use of AI chatbot technology has been around since the 1960s when ELIZA, the first AI chatbot, was created
by Professor Joseph Weizenbaum. Since then, the technology has advanced significantly, with more sophisticated
AI-based chatbots appearing in recent years [20]. In 2011, Apple introduced Siri, a voice-activated AI chatbot that
uses natural language processing (NLP) to interact with its users [21].

In recent years, AI chatbot technology has become increasingly popular and accessible as advances in NLP and
artificial intelligence (AI) allow developers to build more conversational and human-like bots. Facebook launched
its Messenger chatbot platform in 2016 to help businesses create AI-powered chatbots for their customers.
Microsoft launched its Cognitive Services initiative in 2016, a set of machine learning services that enable
developers to easily build and customize chatbot applications. Google has also been integrating AI chatbot
technology into its products, such as its Google Assistant virtual assistant [22].
In early 2020, OpenAI launched its GPT-3 AI dialogue platform, a language system that has the potential to
generate highly conversational and human-like dialogue. GPT-3 is able to generate conversational responses that
are indistinguishable from those produced by a human and is the most powerful AI-based chatbot platform to date

ChatGPT is an AI-based, natural language processing (NLP) chatbot platform powered by OpenAI‘s GPT-3
language system. It is the most powerful AI-based chatbot platform on the market and is capable of generating
conversation indistinguishable from that produced by humans. ChatGPT‘s AI is also highly customizable, allowing
users to personalize the conversation flow and content themselves. As a result, ChatGPT‘s AI-driven content is
more persuasive and engaging than ever before [24].

ChatGPT is the only platform of its kind to offer a full customer-centric conversational experience.ChatGPT
delivers a conversational customer experience, with customizable AI-driven content that is unique to each
customer‘s needs. After users input their conversation tree and conversation topics, ChatGPT automatically
responds and generates relevant conversations [25]. This makes the customer experience much more engaging and
enjoyable, as the conversations are tailored to the customer‘s individual interests.

The platform is also simple to use and understand, so users can quickly get up and running. After entering
conversation inputs, users can choose from a variety of conversation flows, customize the conversation flow and
content to their liking, and the platform will automatically generate the desired conversation [26].

The AI powering ChatGPT is also incredibly reliable and secure. OpenAI‘s GPT-3 language system allows for safe,
secure conversations that are not only natural language driven, but also intelligent, accurate and context-aware. This
allows ChatGPT to always provide reliable and trusted customer conversations [27].

ChatGPT, combined with GPT-3.5, is capable of producing high quality text in all structured languages, including
poetry, essays, blog posts, marketing materials, and all code languages [28]. The AI platform has natural language
processing capabilities, allowing for quick and precise generation of content. Additionally, the platform has features
that can improve the accuracy and fluency of generated content through natural language understanding. This
makes GPT-3.5 a powerful tool for businesses and individuals looking to quickly create engaging, accurate and
personalized content [29].

Overall, ChatGPT is the perfect platform to make customer conversations personal, interactive and insightful. It is
an AI-driven platform that makes customer conversations natural and engaging, while ensuring security and
reliability [30].
EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 12, Issue 1, January-June, 2023, Available online at:

ChatGPT can be used in higher education as a powerful tool to help produce consistent, high-quality academic
content quickly, such as research papers, dissertations, and essays. Since the AI platform is designed to understand
natural language, it can help create content that is both accurate and tailored to the particular subject matter [31].
This can be especially useful for professors who have to meet tight deadlines when grading papers or providing
feedback. Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to help lecturers create more engaging and personalized teaching
materials in a shorter amount of time [32].

ChatGPT can be used in higher education to help students research, write and edit their academic assignments. By
using ChatGPT, students can ask questions in natural language, quickly get feedback on their work and access
content on a wide range of topics in one place. The AI platform is also useful for lecturers, providing them with
personalized teaching materials and helping them grade efficiently when deadlines are tight [33].

ChatGPT is the future of student learning because it offers an AI-powered platform that can help students research,
ask questions, get feedback on their work, access a wide range of content, and collaborate with other students in an
efficient manner. It empowers students to take ownership of their learning and develop skills that will serve them
well in their future studies and career [34].

ChatGPT &Plagiarism
Academics can prevent students from plagiarising using ChatGPT by requiring them to labour on unique material
for their assignments and instituting plagiarism checks. For instance, when a student submits their essay, academics
can use ChatGPT's natural language processing and plagiarism detection algorithms to ensure that the content is
original. Additionally, educators can monitor student writing and analytics to verify that the content has not been
copied or altered from other sources [35].

ChatGPT &Businesses
ChatGPT allows businesses to quickly create tailored conversations with customers that are personalized, relevant,
secure and accurate.

ChatGPT is an easy-to-use platform that businesses can leverage to analyze customer conversations and create
custom AI-driven interactions on the fly. This platform provides an efficient way to provide customers with the
information they need, while ensuring secure and accurate data transcription [36].

AI-driven conversations help create a more natural dialogue that can be engaging and proactive. This helps to form
effective relationships with customers and provides them with a more personalized experience. With ChatGPT,
businesses can also develop powerful tools for marketing, sales, customer service and analytics [37].

Overall, ChatGPT is a revolutionary tool that provides businesses the ability to develop tailored conversations and
campaigns for customers in the most comprehensive way. With open-ended AI capabilities, ChatGPT creates
dynamic conversations, allowing customers to see instant gratification from the data they receive. This helps to
form better relationships and provides a seamless customer experience that is sure to lead to increased customer
satisfaction and loyalty [38].

ChatGPT &Prediction through „MESN Model‟

ChatGPT can be useful for predictive analytics in two ways. First, it can be used to create models and algorithms
that can help predict the outcome of various outcomes. This could include predicting whether a student will pass a
test, predicting the stock market, predicting sports outcomes, and more. Second, ChatGPT's natural language
processing capabilities can be used to analyze user behaviours and extract meaning from large amounts of data,
leading to more accurate predictions [39].

It is a recurrent neural network able to process a sequence of words and generate a response accordingly. The
model takes the input keywords and splits them in a series of vectors or tokens [40]. It is then followed by the
prediction of the corresponding tokens according to the conversation so far. The model uses a memory enhanced
sequence to sequence model to enable it to remember past conversations and user preferences. The model then
synthesizes the conversation context and feeds it back into the conversation. It then produces a response based on
the input given. This enhanced chatbot is able to provide better and more personalized conversations.‗MESN
Model‘ can be used to leverage GPT-3's capabilities for forecasting and predicting outcomes. The MESN model
uses GPT-3's natural language processing to process the conversation history, generate tokens from the inputs, and
apply a memory-enhanced model to remember past conversations, user inputs and preferences. By applying this
model to forecasting, the system can learn to predict likely outcomes, generate more accurate recommendations and
produce better-personalized predictions [41].

EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 12, Issue 1, January-June, 2023, Available online at:


The research results have clearly demonstrated the potential benefits and opportunities provided by ChatGPT for
various sectors, including education, academic writing, and customer service. In the academic context, ChatGPT
can facilitate interactive learning, streamline collaborations between students and teachers, and offer a more
efficient way to store and access course material. For customer service, ChatGPT can help improve response times
and customer satisfaction. Additionally, it can help support cost savings and better user experience, making it an
attractive choice for any business looking to employ AI-driven automation.

Unlike GPT-3, ChatGPT was specifically designed to help humans have conversations with AI powered chatbots
and virtual agents. With its easy to understand design, ChatGPT can helps businesses have an edge with customer
support and sales. It also has the capacity to answer questions and mask the complexity of the business logics
embedded within the system. In addition, with its machine learning techniques, ChatGPT can improve its responses
and effectively anticipate customer requirements. Thus, businesses who are looking to stay competitive in the
customer engagement space can leverage ChatGPT as a way to enhance their customer engagement. A deeper
exploration of the potential applications of ChatGPT, such as in higher education or other related domains, can be
done to identify its impact and use cases in the industry. Various approaches, such as the use of reinforcement
learning can also be utilized to explore the potential of the technology. Furthermore, experiments with human-
machine interactions can be conducted to understand user perceptions and adapt the technology‘s capabilities to the
needs of the target users.

Future research on ChatGPT in the education domain would involve exploring the ways in which it can be used to
facilitate and support student learning. This could include investigating how it can be used to complement existing
instructional tools, such as computer-mediated learning activities and virtual classroom environments, as well as
implementing learning strategies with the system in order to support various learning objectives. Additionally,
social-AI approaches can be utilized for ChatGPT to help extend its capabilities, thus making it possible for
teachers and students to interact in more natural and personable ways. Evaluating the effectiveness of such
approaches will be important for gauging the utility of ChatGPT in educational contexts.


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