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Teacher: Fathalla Deyab

Thank you, Matt, for coming to my class and allowing me to reflect and share
with you. I'll answer your questions in the following lines. Please check, and your
feedback is greatly appreciated.

1- Could you describe in detail what you did in the period that I did not observe?
How did it go? How was the effect?

Teaching methods differ depending on the skill being taught. My lesson plans
are mainly focused on the PPP strategy (Present,Practice,Produce) because the major
goal of this course is to develop the students' listening and speaking skills. So we
began a new lesson (Unit 4 Lesson B: Extreme weather) in the second period. It was
fantastic, and the teaching process proceeded easily through the various stages as

Stage One: Lead-in ( 7 min)

This stage is to enage the students in the topic of extreme weather . The students
were encouraged to recall their prior knowledge about the topic .
The students were guided to look at the three types of extreme weather ,
Activity 1 page 18, and answer the following questions:
1- What extreme weather have you experienced? What happened ?
Method: Think-Pair-Share. The students would be given one minute to exchange their
views in pairs. Then they would share their experience with the teacher.

Feedback : To praise the students , confirm the answers and correct errors

Stage Two: Language Focus, New vocabulary

By matching the word to its definition, the students would work in pairs to guess
the right definition for the extreme weather conditions such as thunderstorms,
heatwaves,blizzard ,(Typhoon- cyclones, and hurricanes), frostbite,drought,and
floods. In this stage, the students will locate the typhoons, hurricanes, and cyclones on
a given map.

Feedback : To praise the students , confirm the answers and correct errors

Stage Three: Controlled Practice (15 min)

A) Exercise B page 18 in the student’s book. In groups the students worked

together to find the disasters that acompany with typhones,blizzards,and heatwave.

B) Listening task ,Exercise A page 19. This is more personalized task in which the
students were asked to guess firstly what advice on safety during a thunderstorm.
Then they listened to the audio to check their guesses.
C) The students looked to the three pictures in activity 1 on page 18. Then work
together to brainstorm the following question:
Which weather condition is the most dangerous: Blizzard,heat wave
or hurricane ? Why?

Method: Think-Pair-Share
Feedback : To praise the students , confirm the answers and correct errors

Stage four : Freer practice ( Productive stage)

Problem Solving. In groups, the students brainstormed solutions for the

following situation:

“There is a heat wave and your air conditioner is broken. How can you stay

Each group would present their solution.

Peer evaluation ( each group should give their opinion on the presented solution
supported with evidence ).

Teacher’s feedback ( While listening to the presentation,the teacher is taking notes for
any grammar, pronunciation or language mistake. Then show it on board and correct

Based on time,the teacher could invite the students to vote for the most creative

This final task was very interesting, and it demonstrated how creative the students
might be if given the opportunity. It is also lot more interactive when the students
have a higher level of English. As a result, I must devote more time to vocabulary and
sentence building in order to help students gain confidence in using appropriate
English terms to express themselves.

Assignment: It’s usually the self-study part in the book and a teamwork task. In this

2- In the period I did observe, what do you think you could have done better?

Most importantly, I'd like to explain how I teach the units in this course. Because
the students' level is low and the majority of them lack both intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation for English learning, I had to work on this point to increase intrensic
motivation by focusing on the future benefits of having the five Cs of 21st learning
skills in all subjects they study, especially in a second language. I showed them the
five Cs that we needed to work on throughout the year in the first class (critical
thinking, creativity, communication skills, cooperation and collaboration). Promoting
these abilities would enable them to be more effective members of their society. To
make things easier, I went through the following steps:
1. Grouping students into groups named after different countries (for each topic,
students must know relative information about the country they represent and
2. Each group chose one of its members to be a group leader.
3. Electing one student to serve as the class monitor.
4. Holding monitors meetings on a regular basis to reflect on what they have learned
and to identify the challenges they face.
5. Creating a Wechat group for each class to improve communication and
implement a flipped classroom strategy.
6. Regular Revision. The first period is typically used to review the previous lesson.

Therefore, the lesson you observed was a revision of lesson A unit 4. The
revision went through some stages that are very similar to the normal lesson, but it
allows for a greater number of students to participate. The main goal of that lesson
was to ensure that students could discuss the weather in a variety of contexts. And it
usually concludes with creating a story based on a given image. The students are
expected to use the vocabulary and new expressions they have learned throughout the

What do you think you could have done better?

I believe I should have allowed more time for the final stage to provide
adequate feedback. Peer evaluation should be encouraged after listening to the
creative story. To better manage my time, I should have reduced the time
allotted to the second and third activities on the PPT. Furthermore, the speech
about the favorite season should have been postponed. This is what I did in the
following classes (3-4 and 5-6). And I told the students that they should be
prepared for this question in the coming weeks, and that each student should be
able to speak fluently about their favorite season for both countries: the one they
represent in class and their homeland.

However, in the future, I should reduce the revision time in the first class to
only 25 minutes in order to save time for the new lesson. Thank you again for
reading this self evaluation


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