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‫نموذج مزاولة بكالوريوس مختبرات صنعاء ‪2022-12-29‬‬

‫للمزيد تابعو قناة الطالب بالتلجرام رابط القناة اضغط عليه‬

Choose the most correct answer of the following questions.

1. AFB is, except:

A- Mycobacterium spp.
B- Mycoplasma spp.✓
C- Nocardia spp.
E- None of the above

2. The final result of blood culture give after:

A-1 week.
B-2 weeks.
C-3 weeks.✓
D-4 weeks.
E- None of the above.

3. ASO test is done to diagnose of:

A-Rheumatoid arthritis. B- Acute Rheumatic fever.

D-A+B. ✓
E-None of the above.

4. specific gravity of urine > 1.020 indicates: A- Water restriction.

B- Dehydration.
C- Diarrhea.
D-All of the above.

5. Infection on the urinary tract infections (UTI) is most frequently

associated with:

A-Gram positive Respiratory normal flora.

B-Gram negative Nasal normal flora.
C-Gram negative Intestinal normal flora.✓
D-All of the above.
6. Eosinophilia is found in,:
a) Food Allergy.
b) Atopic dermatitis c) drug hypertensive
d) all of the above ✓

7. First collected tubes of CSF fluid, The first collected tube of CSF
fluid is used for:
A- Microbiology.
C- Microscopy.
E-None of the above

8. The most common type of anemia:

A-Vitamin B12 deficiency.
B- Hemolytic anemia.
C- G6PD deficiency. D-Iron deficiency anemia.✓

9. Common cause of proteinuria is:

A-Fasting 18 hours.
B- Diabetes mullites.✓
C-Bence-Jence protein.
D-A and b.

10. G6PD enzyme found in:

A- Leukocytes.
B- Erythrocytes.
D-B+C. ✓

11. Decrease reticulocytes count in:

A-Acute post-hemorrhagic anemia.
B-Iron deficiency anemia ✓.
C-Vitamin B12 deficiency.
D-Hemolytic anemia

12. Ferritin used for:

A- Hemolytic anemia.
B-Iron deficiency anemia.✓ C-Vitamin B12 deficiency.
D-a and c
13. urine output < 400 ml/24 hours is:

1. polyuria
2. anuria
3. oligouria✓
4. non of the above

14. Beta hemolysis on blood agar indicates for except:

A- Partial hemolysis.
B-Complete hemolysis.
C- No hemolysis
D-A and C.✓
E- None of above.

15. The good hand disinfectant used against viruses is:

A-Medical soap.
B-Ethanol (85%) ✓.
C-diluted hypochlorite (clorex).
E- All of above

16. Sickling anemia is caused by the following, except:

A-Point mutation in codon No.6 on Beta chain.

B-Best diagnosed by Hb electrophoresis. mmates replaced by valine.
C- The amino acid
E-all of the above

17. Bence-Jence protein found in case of:

A-Chronic myeloid myeloma.

B- Acute myeloid myeloma.
C- Multiple myeloma.✓
D-Al of the above.
E- None of the above.
18. One of the following has highest affinity to oxygin:

a) Hemoglobin
b) Myoglobin✓
c) methemoglobin
d) All of the above
e) None of the above.

19. CA19.9 marker used for ecept:

A- pancreatic cancer
B-hepatocellular cancer
C- Colorectal
D-Al of the above.
E- None of the above. ✓

20. laboratory equipment could be disinfected with:

a) Hypochlorite (Clorox).✓
b) Formaldehyde (Formalin).
c) glutaraldehyde.
d) all of the above.

21.. An enterovirus mainly infects:

a) kidney
b) Liver
c) colon✓
d) None of the above.

22. A harmful cholesterol is carried except:

a) HDI
b) LDL
c) Chylomicrons d) A & C ✓

23. According to its gas requirements Mycobacterium leprae is: a)

A microaerophilic bacterium
b) An obligate aerobic bacterium
c) A facultative anaerobic bacterium
d) An obligate anaerobic bacterium
24. marker CA15.3 used for:

A- Breast cancer ✓
B- Ovaries cancer
C- Colon cancer
D-Pancreas cancer

25. Treponema palladium is the causative agent of:

a) Gonorrhea.
b) Syphilis ✓
c) T.B.

26. Gonorrhea is diagnosed by:

C- Wasserman
D- All of the above.
E- None of the above ✓

27. The reservoir host of toxoplasma:

A- Rats
B- Dogs
C- Pigs
E- None of the above..

28. ASO test is done to diagnose of:

A- Rheumatoid arthritis.
B- Acute Rheumatic fever.
E-None of the above.

29. The reservoir host for visceral leishmaniasis is :

A- Rats
B- Dogs ✓
C- Pigs
D- Cow
E- None of the above

30. The following are liver function test, except: YOUS

D-Total albumin
E- None of the above ✓

31. Na Fluoride is used to prepare sample except:

A - Blood sugar.
C- Coagulation tests.
D-B+C. ✓
E- None of the above

32. An increased level in Gamma-GT gives an indication for :

A- Obstructive jaundice.
B- Hepatoma.
D-All of the above ✓.
E- None of the above

33. Hot air oven is used for sterilization of except:

A- Glass ware.
C- metal utensils. D-A+C ✓
E- All of above.

34.. A direct diagnostic assay for virus identification is, except:

a) ELISA. b) IF
c) PCR
d) western blot ✓
e) None of the above
35. The following statements are true about viruses, except:

a) Contain DNA and RNA.

b) Their size range from 10 nm to 300 nm.
c) They are metabolically inactive.
d) all of the above
e) None of the above ✓ YOUS

36. Acute leukemia is characterized by:

A-All is most common found in young children.

B-AML is found in adult more than young children.
C- Presence of immature cells more than mature.
D- All of the above. ✓
E- None of the above

37. Which of the following is gram. negative bacilli capsulated


A-Salmonela spp.
B- Neisseria meningitis.
C- Klebsela pneumoniae.
D-B and C. ✓
E- None of the above

38. HbA1C in patient with Diabetes mullites is important for:

a) Short term follow up.

b) Normal term follow up.
c) Long term follow up.✓
d) None of the above.

39. Semen contains a sugar source for the spermatozoa energy that is

B- Maltose.
C- Dextrose.
D- Sucrose.
E- None of the above ✓.

40. H. ducrey agent causes :

A- Gonorrhea
B- Syphilis (Hard chancer).
C- Chancroid (Soft chancer). ✓
D- All of the above.
E- None of the above

41. The following is of the following is hook worm

A- Ascaris lumbricids.
B- Ancylostoma duodenum.
C- Enterobius vermicularis.
D- Al of the above.
E- None of the above

42. In emergency safely: what is the best. blood group that is


B-Group O Rh- negative. ✓
C-Group AB Rh-positive.
D-Group AB Rh-negative.
E- None of the above.

43. The ANA test is used for detection of:

D- Al of the above
E- None of the above.

44. Schilling test is done to diagnose of:

B- B12 deficiency.✓
C- Aplastic anemia.
D- All of the above.
E- None of the above
45. In a major cross matching, the fol owing is applied:

a) Donor's cell + patient serum ✓

b) Donor's serum + patient cell
c) Donor's cell donor's serum
d) Patient's cell + patient serum

46. Fecal occult blood is used for:

A-hook worms.
B-iron deficiency anemia.
C-rectal carcinoma.
D- All of the above.
E- None of the above

47. which of the following is used to measure the function of thyroid


A-T3 and T4
D- A+B ✓
E- None of the above.

48. stem cell defined

a) Self-renewal
c) Proliferation
d) All of the above ✓
e) None of the above.
‫لتحميل أي نماذج لكافة التخصصا ت أضغط ضغطه واحدة على‬
‫الرابط األزرق لدخول الى القناة بالتلجرام‬


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