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Reza Akbar Pahlevi, S.

Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang No. 5
Malang, East Java, Indonesia 65145

Dr. Cahyo Aji Hapsoro, M.Si.

Editor in Chief of JPSE (Journal of Physical Science and Engineering)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Malang

November 21, 2021

Dear Dr. Cahyo Aji Hapsoro, M.Si. :

I am pleased to submit an original research article entitled “Effect of PbS Thin Film Thickness
with Cu Doping On Thermoelectric Properties Using Spin Coating Method” by for consideration
for publication in the JPSE (Journal of Physical Science and Engineering). This manuscript
focused on This research focuses on material physics by applying thermoelectric material using
Cu material doped with PbS material. A Thermoelectric is a device that can convert temperature
into electrical energy. By utilizing a semiconductor material that is given a temperature
difference at both ends.
In this manuscript, we show that The effect of thin layer thickness on thermoelectric PbS with
Cu doping on crystal size is known that variations of 1,2, and 3 layers respectively are 43.65
nm, 43.54nm, 43.60 nm. The lattice parameter of PbS thermoelectric with Cu doping has a
value of a=b=c = 5,93 Å for each thickness variation has the same lattice parameter value. The
grain size of each variation of 1,2,3 Layer has a size of 227.9 nm, 397.8 nm, and 269.6 nm.
Based on the results of SEM PbS with Cu doping has a round and oval grain shape. While the
thickness of the Cu-doped PbS layer has a directly proportional relationship with the electrical
conductivity value. The electrical conductivity values for the variation of 1,2,3 layer in a row are
27.4 S/m, 53.6 S/m, and 106.8 S/m by multiplying 102

We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by the JPSE (Journal of Physical
Science and Engineering) because it the scope of our research is material physics, therefore
with the existence of research on thermoelectric, it is hoped that thermoelectricity will become a
promising research topic in the future. Our manuscript on the topic of thermoelectric can be a
solution to the lack of renewable energy. When compared to other renewable energies,
thermoelectric is more efficient with a working principle that only uses a temperature difference
to convert it into electrical energy, this is a solution to the problems experienced today.

This manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication

Thank you for your consideration.


Reza Akbar Pahlevi, S.Si

Bachelor, Department of Physics
Universitas Negeri Malang

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