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TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi



Question A1: Read the story and answer the questions below (Reading 3.2.2).

There are many countries and nationalities in the world. If you’re from Malaysia, you’re

Malaysian. Based on the story, Carlos is from ____________ (1) and he’s _____________

(2). Sandy, who sits beside Anna, is ___________ (3).

TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi


Question B1: Identify the pictures with the correct description (Reading 3.2.3). Circle the
right answer.

4. This is a

ABadminton player
B Figure skater
C Football player

5. The kids are _____________.

A Playing
B Doing their homework
C Ice-skating

6. They are ice-skating in the


TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi

A Park
B Football field
C Ice-skating rink

Question B2: Read the text below and answer the following questions (Reading 3.2.2).


TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi

Does Megan go to school at twenty to eight?

No, she doesn’t.

7. Does Pablo always go home after school?


8. Does Pablo go to school at a quarter past eight?


9. Does Megan usually ice-skate in the morning?


10. Does Pablo watch TV after dinner?


11. Does Megan do her homework after school?


Question B3: Next, you must write about your own day, that highlights the frequency of
your activities using the terms ‘always, usually, sometimes, and never’ (Writing 4.2.3).

Example: I sometimes watch TV after dinner.

12. Always: _________________________________________________.

13. Usually: __________________________________________________.

TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi

14. Sometimes: __________________________________________________.

15. Never: __________________________________________________.

Question B4: Now, you must listen to an audio of four short dialogues (CD1 – Track 12 Get
Smart plus 4) and identify the words ‘always, usually, sometimes, and never’ that occur in
each dialogue so you can fill in the blanks according to what the dialogues say (Writing
4.1.2). Please use cursive writing to write the words.

16. Ryan and Harry ______________________ play chess on Thursdays.

17. Jane _____________________ plays computer games after school.

18. Fay ______________________ ice-skates at half past four.

19. Rob __________________ goes skateboarding in the park.


Question C1: Read the email and complete the details (Reading 3.2.1 & Reading 3.2.2).

TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi

Answer based on Kumar’s email:

20. Name: __________________

21. Age: ___________________

22. He’s from: __________________

23. He lives in: ___________________

24. He likes: ___________________

Question C2: Finally, you must write your own email to a pen pal (Writing 4.3.1). Write

about yourself, your family, and your hobbies. Begin your email with ‘Hi!’ or ‘Hello!’ and

end your email with your name.

25. To: _____________________________________

TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi

From: _____________________________________












Question A1

1. Mexico

2. Mexican

3. Korean

(Answers beside these considered wrong because they are direct questions. 2 marks if

students answer correctly with the correct spelling. 1 mark if he/she answers correctly but

spells inaccurately).

Question B1

4. B

TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi

5. A

6. C

(MCQs that prepares only 1 correct answer for each item, also straightforward. 1 mark for

each item).

Question B2

7. No, he doesn’t.

8. Yes, he does.

9. Yes, she does.

10. No, he doesn’t.

11. Yes, she does.

(1 mark if student answers, “Yes or No,” another 1 mark if student answers he/she does/

doesn’t, bringing a total of 2 marks for a perfect answer).

Question B3 Item No. 12 – 15

For this part, students must create their own sentences based on the frequency of their daily

activities. Their answers must comprehend to the following rubrics.

2 marks = Their sentences are grammatically correct and consist the word

(Accomplished) ‘always, usually, sometimes, or never.’

1 mark = Consist of the frequency words but sentences are grammatically

(Capable) incorrect with some punctuation errors.

0 mark = Many grammatical and punctuation errors without any frequency

(Beginner) without any frequency words provided.

TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi

Question B4 (Audio Test)

16. usually

17. never

18. always

19. sometimes

(2 marks for correct answer with cursive writing. 1 mark for correct answer without cursive

writing. 0 mark for wrong answer).

Question C1

20. Kumar

21. ten years old

22. Malaysia

23. Melaka

24. Playing football.

(1 mark for each item. Incorrect answer equals to 0 mark)

Question C2 Item No. 25 (Email Writing)

7.5 - 10 marks = Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and commas

(Expert) appropriately. Very informative and organized. Virtually no

grammatical errors.

5 – 7.4 marks = Few spellings and punctuation errors but piece was written in

(Accomplished) somewhat organized and well-informed manner.

TSLB2082R Khairul Fahmi

2.5 – 4.9 marks = Poorly organized but still providing information. Several

(Capable) grammatical errors.

1 – 2.4 marks = A lot of punctuation and grammatical errors that interferes with

(Beginner) the meaning of the information.

Purpose of Assessment Kit

The assessment is purposely designed to test the student’s understanding and capabilities for

the whole learning standard of Unit 1 Year 4: ‘Where are you from?’ Thus, it is considered as

an assessment of learning because I can identify the evidence of student learning through

assessing student achievement against learning goals and standards. Hence, summative test

format is used. The language skills that are being tested are solely on reading and writing

which is why a lot of comprehension questions are used because such test design can evaluate

both students’ reading skill and writing skill. Students are also being tested with grammar and

vocabulary skill when they need to guess the pictures and when they need to do the writing

tasks including creating an email. All the test items are justified to go right along with the

purpose of the assessment.



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