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Do You Want To Be Happy?

“If only I have more money,” said the businessman while looking at the brand-new Mercedes
at the car show.

Outside the car show, there is a homeless man goes, “If only I have more money,”
while looking at the burger stall beside the street.

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honourable judges, teachers, parents and
my fellow friends. Today, we're going to take a few minutes and think of something or
someone you are grateful for, because taking the time for gratitude is so important for our
peace of mind and our happiness. It's a great way to remind ourselves how lucky we are for
what we have and who we have in our life.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to be happy? If you do, here’s the secret; be
grateful. Now, who would like to share what you're grateful for? Hmm? Hmm? Well, I guess
I’ll be first. I'm thankful that I can learn English because without learning it, I wouldn’t even
be here. I love bananas too, so I’m grateful for bananas. I’m grateful for my family. I’m
thankful for babies, sneezes, deodorant, and silent farts. I am thankful that I grow up in a
place without cockroaches. I hate cockroaches!

So, how to be grateful, you ask? Well, let’s look at this way. A teacher announces the
students that they will have a pop quiz on that day. The students wait anxiously for the quiz
to begin. The teacher then distributes the question papers and asks the students to start
answering. To everyone’s surprise, there are no questions, just a black spot at the middle of
the page. The teacher then instructs, “I want you to write what you see there.” The students
who are still confused begin to write.

At the end of the class, the teacher collects the papers and started reading each one of
them aloud in front of all the students. All of them, without any exception, describe the spot,
explaining its position and meaning on the paper. No one writes about the white part of the
paper. Everyone is just focusing on the black spot and the same thing happens in our life.

Our life is a special gift of God, and we always have reasons to celebrate. Yet, we
focus too much on the dark points in our life. We tend to focus on the health issues, financial
issues, relationship issues, and disappointments in social life. The dark spots are very small
compared to everything we have, but they are the ones that spoil our mind.


Look away from the dark spots in our life. Enjoy each one of our blessings, and each
moment that life gives you. We all have so many things in life to be grateful for. So, be
grateful, and enjoy life!

In other words, be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you
concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough. Well, I arrived at the end of
my speech, and thus I would like to thank all for lending your ears. Therefore, I end my
speech with thank you very much and goodbye.

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